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So how does one account for Cool Breeze blowing out of hands and head of SYs?

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Perhaps the desire to work collectively towards 21st. February

> 2013 has begun to clear the negativity in the first week itself.

> These are subtle signs for us to understand. i have something to

> say too.


> Last night my daughter Lalita came into my room to meditate after

> decorating the Christmas tree. (Earlier she and her eldest brother

> had pleaded with me to buy the tree right away from the nearby

> mall. BTW, we always celebrate the Christmas of Shri Jesus, not

> Santa Claus.)


> Lalita sat on the bed beside me and whispered in my ears that she

> has something to tell me. i asked her what it was. Lalita replied

> she had a wonderful experience where, while meditating, she

> requested Shri Mataji to pour all Her goodness into her. As soon

> as she made that request a tremendous amount of Cool Breeze began

> to flow out of her hands.


> But Lalita never expected the Cool Breeze to be " sooooo much " , to

> the extend that her hands became quite cold. That made her rub the

> hands all over her face, arms, legs and body as the torrent of

> Cool Breeze just kept on flowing. It was the only way to warm

> them, all the more since it is winter here. Her hands were indeed

> cold and she had to use her body heat to make them warm and

> comfortable again. That must indeed have been a lot of Cool Wind.


> " The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but

> don't know where it comes from and where it is going. So is

> everyone who is born of the Spirit. " John 3.8


> i know Lalita had a great experience because she almost never

> talks about them ............ unless (when) something extraordinary

> happens.


> i thanked her and told her to continue meditation, which she did.

> There was no image or altar to put external attention, just on the

> Divine Mother within.


> i lay in bed thinking of her experience which had moved me. Here

> was a child saying something that i had not experienced, perhaps

> because i still do not have the genuine innocence that children

> have despite years of meditating. That was when i thought of Chuck

> and felt in my heart that here is a few months-old SY who is

> capable of achieving a state that Shri Mataji wants us to attain:


> When asked who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God, Jesus

> answered, " Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like

> children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever

> becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of

> Heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes Me. "

> [Mt. 18:1-3] ...



> Jesus answered and said unto him,

> Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man born be born again,

> He cannot see the Kingdom of God.

> Nicodemus saith unto him,

> How can a man be born again when he is old?

> Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

> Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

> Except a man born of water and the Spirit,

> He cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

> That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of

> Spirit is spirit,

> Marvel not that I said unto thee: Ye must be born again.

> The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

> thereof,

> But cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

> So is every one that is born of the Spirit.


> John 3:3-8



> It is written both in the Qur'an and Bible that during Qiyamah

> (Resurrection) those who get their Self-Realization (Baptism of

> Allah) will have Cool Breeze or Wind coming out of their hands,

> head and other parts of the body. The " hands will speak " to inform

> the individual of any wrong-doing on a particular finger(s) which

> correspond to certain problems. This experience is part and parcel

> of the human subtle system which is activated after the Baptism of

> Allah (Self-Realization).


> Prophet Jesus also preached that those born again of the Spirit

> will experience the Wind, but will have no idea where it comes

> from or goes, i.e., this is not the normal wind which humans daily

> experience but a Divine Wind from within.


> The word Ruh comes from the same root as rahah. It is also related

> to rih, which means 'wind', mirwahah, meaning 'fan', and istirwah

> which means 'respiration'. The term " Spirit " translates the Hebrew

> word ruah, which, in its primary sense, means 'breath', 'air',

> 'wind'. Jesus indeed uses the sensory image of the wind to suggest

> to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of him who is personally

> God's breath, the divine Spirit. (Jn 3:3-8)


> So how does one account for Cool Breeze blowing out of hands and

> head, especially during meditation which is a daily experience of

> all Sahaja Yogis?



Dear Carol, Violet and others,


i want to know what Christians think of John 3:3-8, especially that

of the Cool Wind. This is an extremely important, if not the most

important, requirement for salvation i.e., transformation or

evolution from a physical into a spirit being. It is clear that the

Cool Breeze/vibrations are experienced daily by almost all SYs, a

phenomena that has no comparison. In the first place, i have yet to

read similar experiences among the faithful anywhere - whether Jews,

Christian or Muslims - even though the Bible and Qur'an confirms

humans will experience the Cool Wind. By similar experiences i mean

they must be a daily and sustained occurrence.


i believe if we discuss these issues with honesty and constructive

criticism, sans religious conditionings, we may be able to make more

people understand what being born of the Spirit/kundalini awakening

really means. Shri Mataji has proven to all Her devotees that " every

one that is born of the Spirit " will feel the Cool Breeze daily, for

the rest of their lives. To usher Satya Yuga we have to prove, with

the backing of scriptural evidence and collective experiences, that

Shri Mataji is indeed the long-awaited Messiah that all the holy

scriptures promised will arrive to teach humanity. And the Adi

Shakti has requested that we must prove She is that. We SYs have to

assure, through our own experiences and knowledge, that seekers

believe She is indeed the Adi Shakti. Post by post, discussion by

discussion, and experience by experience we have to compile the

database of irrefutable evidence to present humanity before 21st.

February 2013.


with love and season's greetings,




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Dear Jagbir and All,


As a Fundamentalist Christian, i was brought up to believe that the Wind that

the Disciples of Jesus felt on the Day of Pentecost was a 'once-off' experience

that happened especially at Jesus's Time and that it does not happen today. When

i would anxiously ask my parents why it cannot happen today, they would say that

" it is a different dispensation today... this was special for Jesus's time only

and it does not happen in our Time " . When i asked " Why not? " they would say

that.... " this is what the Ministers of the Church have taught us and they know

because they are very educated in these matters, and have studied them

extensively. "


i was never happy with such explanations, however. Having read the Bible and

other spiritual books in the search for the Truth, and having prayed and

meditated and contemplated on Jesus, i was reassured and determined in my heart

that i could and would one day have this experience. My parents could not

convince me otherwise. Even then, i did not believe that this kind of knowledge

came from Ministers of the Church, who might be learned in book knowledge and

religious education, but did not reveal any evidence of that spiritual knowledge

that comes from within.


Through some spiritual friends that i met through an Interschool Christian

Fellowship (I.S.C.F), i found others who thought like myself. A number of us,

including my brother and myself started going to the Pentecostal Church at about

the age of 15-16 years of age. Although i never felt the Cool Breeze of the Holy

Ghost in the Pentecostal faith, i had a deep faith within and believed that all

things are possible with God.


Eventually, i found to my disappointment that the 'Pentecostal way' emotionally

drained me, and at times i became downright emotionally exhausted, and i left

the Pentecostal Church. (i realize now through Sahaja Yoga, that this

'exhaustion' is due to the need for a 'Pentecostal Person' to continually

maintain a sort of 'euphoric state' because they believe that if this euphoric

state is not maintained, it is the equivalent to not being 'in the Spirit'.


In 'Sahaj' terminology, i realize i was just swinging from left to right mood

swings (of the left and right sympathetic nervous system). In Sahaja Yoga, when

we have our connection or Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we are then connected and

centred in the central channel of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. These

emotional swings between euphoria and depression, then stop. A person then

becomes balanced between the two emotional ranges, and settles down to a steady

joyous and blissful life. This requires constant effort of meditation, of

course, and perseverance, however, it cannot happen without first having the

connection to the Divine in the form of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that Shri

Mataji the Holy Spirit gives.


Now.... many years later.... through the Advent of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

whom i know without any doubt at all to be the Comforter that Jesus promised

would come at this Last Judgment and Resurrection Time, i have and do experience

this same Wind that the Disciples of Jesus experienced on the Day of Pentecost,

and i do not experience it only 'one off'; i experience it regularly.


i very frequently meditate out-of-doors. It can be a still, calm day with no

wind around. Yet when i start to meditate, i feel a Wind come up and swirl

around me. It is a very beautiful Wind that breathes its Love, Playfulness, and

Protection around and within me. It just arises from.... i don't know where....

and encircles me and even blows around my back yard, rustling through the leaves

of trees, and flowers and shrubs around where i am.


This Wind also sometimes gives me an awareness of things. These are things that

are understood by the Spirit only, and cannot be talked about. This Wind also

gives me an integrated feeling of Oneness with All That Is. A person has to

experience this for themselves in order to know what i am talking about. i know

many Sahaja Yogis have already experienced this. It is not uncommon anymore.


The great thing for me is that this is the same Wind that the Disciples

experienced on the Day of Pentecost! My spiritual quest has come true! And this

experience is also my very own personal proof of who Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

is. She is the One who has enabled me to experience this Baptism of the Holy

Spirit. She is the Comforter/Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come on Earth.


My wish for this Christmas of 2005.... is that those who desire it.... will also

receive this Gift of Spiritual Birth. As more and more of us on Earth have our

Spiritual Birth or Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we will truly have Peace on

Earth and Goodwill Towards All Men. This is the beginning of a new Age of the

Spirit, where Man again will walk with God and God will walk them Man and Man

will again experience the True Spiritual Reality.


So.... i am sorry to say, Jagbir, that Wind of the Holy Spirit, has been

downplayed in Christianity so as to make it virtually non-existent. However, we

can let everyone know that She is here and very existent and that everyone who

desires it, can drink from this Fountain of Life.


Love and best wishes to All for this Christmas Season of 2005,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Perhaps the desire to work collectively towards 21st. February

> > 2013 has begun to clear the negativity in the first week itself.

> > These are subtle signs for us to understand. i have something to

> > say too.

> >

> > Last night my daughter Lalita came into my room to meditate after

> > decorating the Christmas tree. (Earlier she and her eldest


> > had pleaded with me to buy the tree right away from the nearby

> > mall. BTW, we always celebrate the Christmas of Shri Jesus, not

> > Santa Claus.)

> >

> > Lalita sat on the bed beside me and whispered in my ears that she

> > has something to tell me. i asked her what it was. Lalita replied

> > she had a wonderful experience where, while meditating, she

> > requested Shri Mataji to pour all Her goodness into her. As soon

> > as she made that request a tremendous amount of Cool Breeze began

> > to flow out of her hands.

> >

> > But Lalita never expected the Cool Breeze to be " sooooo much " , to

> > the extend that her hands became quite cold. That made her rub


> > hands all over her face, arms, legs and body as the torrent of

> > Cool Breeze just kept on flowing. It was the only way to warm

> > them, all the more since it is winter here. Her hands were indeed

> > cold and she had to use her body heat to make them warm and

> > comfortable again. That must indeed have been a lot of Cool Wind.

> >

> > " The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but

> > don't know where it comes from and where it is going. So is

> > everyone who is born of the Spirit. " John 3.8

> >

> > i know Lalita had a great experience because she almost never

> > talks about them ............ unless (when) something


> > happens.

> >

> > i thanked her and told her to continue meditation, which she did.

> > There was no image or altar to put external attention, just on


> > Divine Mother within.

> >

> > i lay in bed thinking of her experience which had moved me. Here

> > was a child saying something that i had not experienced, perhaps

> > because i still do not have the genuine innocence that children

> > have despite years of meditating. That was when i thought of


> > and felt in my heart that here is a few months-old SY who is

> > capable of achieving a state that Shri Mataji wants us to attain:

> >

> > When asked who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God, Jesus

> > answered, " Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like

> > children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever

> > becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of

> > Heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes Me. "

> > [Mt. 18:1-3] ...

> >

> >

> > Jesus answered and said unto him,

> > Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man born be born again,

> > He cannot see the Kingdom of God.

> > Nicodemus saith unto him,

> > How can a man be born again when he is old?

> > Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

> > Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

> > Except a man born of water and the Spirit,

> > He cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

> > That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of

> > Spirit is spirit,

> > Marvel not that I said unto thee: Ye must be born again.

> > The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

> > thereof,

> > But cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

> > So is every one that is born of the Spirit.

> >

> > John 3:3-8

> >

> >

> > It is written both in the Qur'an and Bible that during Qiyamah

> > (Resurrection) those who get their Self-Realization (Baptism of

> > Allah) will have Cool Breeze or Wind coming out of their hands,

> > head and other parts of the body. The " hands will speak " to


> > the individual of any wrong-doing on a particular finger(s)


> > correspond to certain problems. This experience is part and


> > of the human subtle system which is activated after the Baptism


> > Allah (Self-Realization).

> >

> > Prophet Jesus also preached that those born again of the Spirit

> > will experience the Wind, but will have no idea where it comes

> > from or goes, i.e., this is not the normal wind which humans


> > experience but a Divine Wind from within.

> >

> > The word Ruh comes from the same root as rahah. It is also


> > to rih, which means 'wind', mirwahah, meaning 'fan', and


> > which means 'respiration'. The term " Spirit " translates the


> > word ruah, which, in its primary sense, means 'breath', 'air',

> > 'wind'. Jesus indeed uses the sensory image of the wind to


> > to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of him who is personally

> > God's breath, the divine Spirit. (Jn 3:3-8)

> >

> > So how does one account for Cool Breeze blowing out of hands and

> > head, especially during meditation which is a daily experience


> > all Sahaja Yogis?

> >


> Dear Carol, Violet and others,


> i want to know what Christians think of John 3:3-8, especially


> of the Cool Wind. This is an extremely important, if not the most

> important, requirement for salvation i.e., transformation or

> evolution from a physical into a spirit being. It is clear that


> Cool Breeze/vibrations are experienced daily by almost all SYs, a

> phenomena that has no comparison. In the first place, i have yet


> read similar experiences among the faithful anywhere - whether


> Christian or Muslims - even though the Bible and Qur'an confirms

> humans will experience the Cool Wind. By similar experiences i


> they must be a daily and sustained occurrence.


> i believe if we discuss these issues with honesty and constructive

> criticism, sans religious conditionings, we may be able to make


> people understand what being born of the Spirit/kundalini


> really means. Shri Mataji has proven to all Her devotees

that " every

> one that is born of the Spirit " will feel the Cool Breeze daily,


> the rest of their lives. To usher Satya Yuga we have to prove,


> the backing of scriptural evidence and collective experiences,


> Shri Mataji is indeed the long-awaited Messiah that all the holy

> scriptures promised will arrive to teach humanity. And the Adi

> Shakti has requested that we must prove She is that. We SYs have


> assure, through our own experiences and knowledge, that seekers

> believe She is indeed the Adi Shakti. Post by post, discussion by

> discussion, and experience by experience we have to compile the

> database of irrefutable evidence to present humanity before 21st.

> February 2013.


> with love and season's greetings,



> jagbir


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Dear Violet and All,


This is the first time i am looking at and understanding one of the

main pillars of Christianity. Such answers greatly help all, giving

us the confidence and ability to further penetrate and destroy the

conditionings imposed by religious institutions on their followers.

i can honestly say that in all my years i have never come across

such an explanation since to Christians " the Wind that the Disciples

of Jesus felt on the Day of Pentecost was a 'once-off' experience

that happened especially at Jesus's Time and that it does not happen

today. " This is just great news.


Since this Wind of the Disciples is indeed happening today in far

greater numbers, and sustained daily, we hardly can begin to

comprehend its implications. Such a collective experience involving

tens of thousands of SYs has an innate ability to eventually

overwhelm any doubt or opposition to Shri Mataji, who She really is,

and Her Message of Joy and Eternal Life.


Having said that, i find no explanation or knowledge from any SY as

comparable to what you have posted, or at least in depth and

accuracy. From what i gather we SYs are dissuaded from explaining

Sahaja Yoga around religious themes, as if we will offend public

sensibilities. i believe this very cautious approach has come from

the fear that centuries of misinterpretation of the scriptures has

left a Doomsday mindset on faithful Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Management SYs, not Shri Mataji, continue to believe that the very

mention of Last Judgment will frighten seekers off.


But we are beginning to prove that is not the case, and that such

fears are unfounded. The writing is also on the wall that if such

ingrained attitudes are not overcome and we are not transparent,

Sahaja Yoga will continue to remain as snailpaced as it has always

been for decades. The vital mechanism to trigger the 100th Monkey

Effect is still not placed due to (unfounded) fear of repurcussions.


Thus, it is what you (and others too) bring forth from your

understanding and awareness that nourishes many, helping to slowly

overcome the deep religious conditionings and falsehoods that are

very difficult to neutralize unless sustained over a long period of

time with deep and diversified knowledge that truly sets us free. In

the end such seekers will realize that only they themselves, not the

employees of religious institutions, who can realize the Truth

within that is absolutely necessary to set them free. If i had

continued to listen to my temple priest i am sure i would never have

reached the spiritual level i am today. How can they teach anyone

about things that are beyond their comprehension or experience?


That is why Shri Mataji insists that we become our own masters.

There is much more to this simple statement than meets the mind's

eye. Only you can eventually find out what it really means but will

never be able to explain that enlightenment. Those daily feeling the

Wind that the Disciples of Jesus felt on the Day of Pentecost must

always seek protection and guidance from the Divine Mother within,

from whom this Wind flows through our hands, head and other parts of

the body. Eventually the whole world must become aware and

experience the Wind that Jesus talked two millennia ago.


with love and season's greetings,







, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Jagbir and All,


> As a Fundamentalist Christian, i was brought up to believe that

the Wind that the Disciples of Jesus felt on the Day of Pentecost

was a 'once-off' experience that happened especially at Jesus's Time

and that it does not happen today. When i would anxiously ask my

parents why it cannot happen today, they would say that " it is a

different dispensation today... this was special for Jesus's time

only and it does not happen in our Time " . When i asked " Why not? "

they would say that.... " this is what the Ministers of the Church

have taught us and they know because they are very educated in these

matters, and have studied them extensively. "


> i was never happy with such explanations, however. Having read the

Bible and other spiritual books in the search for the Truth, and

having prayed and meditated and contemplated on Jesus, i was

reassured and determined in my heart that i could and would one day

have this experience. My parents could not convince me otherwise.

Even then, i did not believe that this kind of knowledge came from

Ministers of the Church, who might be learned in book knowledge and

religious education, but did not reveal any evidence of that

spiritual knowledge that comes from within.


> Through some spiritual friends that i met through an Interschool

Christian Fellowship (I.S.C.F), i found others who thought like

myself. A number of us, including my brother and myself started

going to the Pentecostal Church at about the age of 15-16 years of

age. Although i never felt the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost in the

Pentecostal faith, i had a deep faith within and believed that all

things are possible with God.


> Eventually, i found to my disappointment that the 'Pentecostal

way' emotionally drained me, and at times i became downright

emotionally exhausted, and i left the Pentecostal Church. (i realize

now through Sahaja Yoga, that this 'exhaustion' is due to the need

for a 'Pentecostal Person' to continually maintain a sort

of 'euphoric state' because they believe that if this euphoric state

is not maintained, it is the equivalent to not being 'in the Spirit'.


> In 'Sahaj' terminology, i realize i was just swinging from left to

right mood swings (of the left and right sympathetic nervous

system). In Sahaja Yoga, when we have our connection or Baptism of

the Holy Spirit, we are then connected and centred in the central

channel of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. These emotional

swings between euphoria and depression, then stop. A person then

becomes balanced between the two emotional ranges, and settles down

to a steady joyous and blissful life. This requires constant effort

of meditation, of course, and perseverance, however, it cannot

happen without first having the connection to the Divine in the form

of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that Shri Mataji the Holy Spirit



> Now.... many years later.... through the Advent of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, whom i know without any doubt at all to be the

Comforter that Jesus promised would come at this Last Judgment and

Resurrection Time, i have and do experience this same Wind that the

Disciples of Jesus experienced on the Day of Pentecost, and i do not

experience it only 'one off'; i experience it regularly.


> i very frequently meditate out-of-doors. It can be a still, calm

day with no wind around. Yet when i start to meditate, i feel a Wind

come up and swirl around me. It is a very beautiful Wind that

breathes its Love, Playfulness, and Protection around and within me.

It just arises from.... i don't know where.... and encircles me and

even blows around my back yard, rustling through the leaves of

trees, and flowers and shrubs around where i am.


> This Wind also sometimes gives me an awareness of things. These

are things that are understood by the Spirit only, and cannot be

talked about. This Wind also gives me an integrated feeling of

Oneness with All That Is. A person has to experience this for

themselves in order to know what i am talking about. i know many

Sahaja Yogis have already experienced this. It is not uncommon



> The great thing for me is that this is the same Wind that the

Disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost! My spiritual quest

has come true! And this experience is also my very own personal

proof of who Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is. She is the One who has

enabled me to experience this Baptism of the Holy Spirit. She is the

Comforter/Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come on Earth.


> My wish for this Christmas of 2005.... is that those who desire

it.... will also receive this Gift of Spiritual Birth. As more and

more of us on Earth have our Spiritual Birth or Real Baptism of the

Holy Spirit, we will truly have Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards

All Men. This is the beginning of a new Age of the Spirit, where Man

again will walk with God and God will walk them Man and Man will

again experience the True Spiritual Reality.


> So.... i am sorry to say, Jagbir, that Wind of the Holy Spirit,

has been downplayed in Christianity so as to make it virtually non-

existent. However, we can let everyone know that She is here and

very existent and that everyone who desires it, can drink from this

Fountain of Life.


> Love and best wishes to All for this Christmas Season of 2005,


> Violet



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > > Perhaps the desire to work collectively towards 21st. February

> > > 2013 has begun to clear the negativity in the first week


> > > These are subtle signs for us to understand. i have something


> > > say too.

> > >

> > > Last night my daughter Lalita came into my room to meditate


> > > decorating the Christmas tree. (Earlier she and her eldest

> brother

> > > had pleaded with me to buy the tree right away from the nearby

> > > mall. BTW, we always celebrate the Christmas of Shri Jesus, not

> > > Santa Claus.)

> > >

> > > Lalita sat on the bed beside me and whispered in my ears that


> > > has something to tell me. i asked her what it was. Lalita


> > > she had a wonderful experience where, while meditating, she

> > > requested Shri Mataji to pour all Her goodness into her. As


> > > as she made that request a tremendous amount of Cool Breeze


> > > to flow out of her hands.

> > >

> > > But Lalita never expected the Cool Breeze to be " sooooo much " ,


> > > the extend that her hands became quite cold. That made her rub

> the

> > > hands all over her face, arms, legs and body as the torrent of

> > > Cool Breeze just kept on flowing. It was the only way to warm

> > > them, all the more since it is winter here. Her hands were


> > > cold and she had to use her body heat to make them warm and

> > > comfortable again. That must indeed have been a lot of Cool


> > >

> > > " The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but

> > > don't know where it comes from and where it is going. So is

> > > everyone who is born of the Spirit. " John 3.8

> > >

> > > i know Lalita had a great experience because she almost never

> > > talks about them ............ unless (when) something

> extraordinary

> > > happens.

> > >

> > > i thanked her and told her to continue meditation, which she


> > > There was no image or altar to put external attention, just on

> the

> > > Divine Mother within.

> > >

> > > i lay in bed thinking of her experience which had moved me.


> > > was a child saying something that i had not experienced,


> > > because i still do not have the genuine innocence that children

> > > have despite years of meditating. That was when i thought of

> Chuck

> > > and felt in my heart that here is a few months-old SY who is

> > > capable of achieving a state that Shri Mataji wants us to


> > >

> > > When asked who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God, Jesus

> > > answered, " Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like

> > > children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever

> > > becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom


> > > Heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes

Me. "

> > > [Mt. 18:1-3] ...

> > >

> > >

> > > Jesus answered and said unto him,

> > > Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man born be born


> > > He cannot see the Kingdom of God.

> > > Nicodemus saith unto him,

> > > How can a man be born again when he is old?

> > > Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be


> > > Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

> > > Except a man born of water and the Spirit,

> > > He cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

> > > That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of

> > > Spirit is spirit,

> > > Marvel not that I said unto thee: Ye must be born again.

> > > The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

> > > thereof,

> > > But cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

> > > So is every one that is born of the Spirit.

> > >

> > > John 3:3-8

> > >

> > >

> > > It is written both in the Qur'an and Bible that during Qiyamah

> > > (Resurrection) those who get their Self-Realization (Baptism


> > > Allah) will have Cool Breeze or Wind coming out of their


> > > head and other parts of the body. The " hands will speak " to

> inform

> > > the individual of any wrong-doing on a particular finger(s)

> which

> > > correspond to certain problems. This experience is part and

> parcel

> > > of the human subtle system which is activated after the


> of

> > > Allah (Self-Realization).

> > >

> > > Prophet Jesus also preached that those born again of the


> > > will experience the Wind, but will have no idea where it comes

> > > from or goes, i.e., this is not the normal wind which humans

> daily

> > > experience but a Divine Wind from within.

> > >

> > > The word Ruh comes from the same root as rahah. It is also

> related

> > > to rih, which means 'wind', mirwahah, meaning 'fan', and

> istirwah

> > > which means 'respiration'. The term " Spirit " translates the

> Hebrew

> > > word ruah, which, in its primary sense, means 'breath', 'air',

> > > 'wind'. Jesus indeed uses the sensory image of the wind to

> suggest

> > > to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of him who is personally

> > > God's breath, the divine Spirit. (Jn 3:3-8)

> > >

> > > So how does one account for Cool Breeze blowing out of hands


> > > head, especially during meditation which is a daily experience

> of

> > > all Sahaja Yogis?

> > >

> >

> > Dear Carol, Violet and others,

> >

> > i want to know what Christians think of John 3:3-8, especially

> that

> > of the Cool Wind. This is an extremely important, if not the


> > important, requirement for salvation i.e., transformation or

> > evolution from a physical into a spirit being. It is clear that

> the

> > Cool Breeze/vibrations are experienced daily by almost all SYs,


> > phenomena that has no comparison. In the first place, i have yet

> to

> > read similar experiences among the faithful anywhere - whether

> Jews,

> > Christian or Muslims - even though the Bible and Qur'an confirms

> > humans will experience the Cool Wind. By similar experiences i

> mean

> > they must be a daily and sustained occurrence.

> >

> > i believe if we discuss these issues with honesty and


> > criticism, sans religious conditionings, we may be able to make

> more

> > people understand what being born of the Spirit/kundalini

> awakening

> > really means. Shri Mataji has proven to all Her devotees

> that " every

> > one that is born of the Spirit " will feel the Cool Breeze daily,

> for

> > the rest of their lives. To usher Satya Yuga we have to prove,

> with

> > the backing of scriptural evidence and collective experiences,

> that

> > Shri Mataji is indeed the long-awaited Messiah that all the holy

> > scriptures promised will arrive to teach humanity. And the Adi

> > Shakti has requested that we must prove She is that. We SYs have

> to

> > assure, through our own experiences and knowledge, that seekers

> > believe She is indeed the Adi Shakti. Post by post, discussion


> > discussion, and experience by experience we have to compile the

> > database of irrefutable evidence to present humanity before


> > February 2013.

> >

> > with love and season's greetings,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Having said that, i find no explanation or knowledge from any SY


> comparable to what you have posted, or at least in depth and

> accuracy. From what i gather we SYs are dissuaded from explaining

> Sahaja Yoga around religious themes, as if we will offend public

> sensibilities. i believe this very cautious approach has come from

> the fear that centuries of misinterpretation of the scriptures has

> left a Doomsday mindset on faithful Jews, Christians and Muslims.

> Management SYs, not Shri Mataji, continue to believe that the very

> mention of Last Judgment will frighten seekers off.


Dear Jagbir,


I want to first thank you and your children for the brave work you

all are doing. Your children are very special in my heart. I mean

that in a very sincere manner.


I want to concur that we MUST not be afraid of offending public

sensibilities. I had a very nice girl come in my office yesterday

whom I had never met. I told her the truth, and explained Sahaja

Yoga to her in the only way I knew how. I told her of the cool

breeze and gave her the web site. She called me on the phone and

told me how fascinating the web site is. I told her how to go to the

forum and asked her to read Lalita's post. She e-mailed me back and

explained how touched she was and thanked me.


My point is, we must always be truthful when presenting Sahaja Yoga.

I came to the web site quite accidentally because someone had

mentioned that according to the Mayan Calendar, the world would end

in 2012. Well, being curious, I searched Mayan Calendar, searched

prophecy, and that is how I found your web site. I explained to her

that when I got into Yoga, I was not doing Yoga for health reasons.

It was strictly for spiritual reasons.


Thanks So much Jagbir and for your children and as I have said

before, you all are truly blessed by God.





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, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:



> I want to concur that we MUST not be afraid of offending public

> sensibilities. I had a very nice girl come in my office yesterday

> whom I had never met. I told her the truth, and explained Sahaja

> Yoga to her in the only way I knew how. I told her of the cool

> breeze and gave her the web site. She called me on the phone and

> told me how fascinating the web site is. I told her how to go to

> the forum and asked her to read Lalita's post. She e-mailed me

> back and explained how touched she was and thanked me.


> My point is, we must always be truthful when presenting Sahaja

> Yoga.



Dear Chuck,


Thank you again for your very comforting remarks. When i have such

beautiful people to buffer my children and myself against mean and

abusive SYs i know i am with great evolved souls. i am very sure of

this because only deep spiritual beings can see the Spiritual Forest

despite the trees, and inspire others to follow the path the most


only fear. It is not easy to reach the level of comprehension,

confidence and conviction that conquers such fears. Most SYs have

closed their minds to what we are openly saying.


Yes, Chuck, we MUST not be afraid of offending public sensibilities.

When the Truth is properly explained in detail with quotes of Shri

Mataji and backed by scriptures, and reinforced with our own

narration and experiences, few will be offended. On the contrary,

many will sooner or later explore it on their own. This may take

months or years but as we proceed towards 21st. December 2012 more

and more will remember what we are telling them today. All we need

is to collectively stand on the Truth and declare it. This great

work to uphold God Almighty's Plan for humanity requires many great

souls to accomplish. Most SYs have already fled the battlefield in

fear, attacking instead those who refuse to flee with them. So let's

forgive and forget such people and forge ahead as true spiritual

warriors worthy of the Shakti's grace.


" When sovereignty belongs to ruthless tyrants, when neither the

force of example nor words of instruction are heeded, those who

would maintain a righteous stand may have to fight. The battle

against evil is waged sometimes as a spiritual struggle and

sometimes as a physical war.... Buddhist and Hindu scriptures praise

the struggle against enemies of the Dharma.... Regardless, the

struggle against tyranny demands that we expose ourselves to

suffering and torment. In this sense it is said to be superior to a

sheltered life of seclusion and contemplation.


A righteous person does not go to war in search of glory or spoils.

Neither does he fight from a spirit of vindictiveness, revenge, or

to satisfy national honor. The only possible justification for such

war is when believers are confronted with manifest tyranny. " (World

Scripture, War against Evil)


with love and season's greetings,





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