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Why are Christians still collectively lying about 'original sin' and Jesus'

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, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


I also wanted to talk about something I came across a couple of days ago by

Vernon Coleman and I quote:


Most people ( & that includes most doctors) still believe that the body is like a

machine. It isn't. Forget all those analogies about bodies being like motor cars

& needing nothing more than good fuel, regular servicing and expensive check

ups. Your body is much more complicated than any machine imagineable. And your

mind has an enormous influence over your health. I can illustrate the power of

the mind over the body most dramatically by referring to some research which was

done with patients who were suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. One

patient suffered from high blood pressure when one of his personalities was

dormant. But when another personality took over, his high blood pressure problem

disappeared. It was the same body, but the mind change had resulted in it

becoming a different, healthier body. Another patient suffered from diabetes

when one personality was dominant. But the diabetes vanished when a different

personality took over. We've only just begun to find out how powerful the human

mind can be. In the future the greatest breakthroughs in healing and health care

will not come from scientists working on new drugs but from those few doctors

who are investigating ways of harnessing the power of the human mind more

effectively. Sadly, most research is paid for by drug firms (who are only

interested in finding profitable new drugs) & gov'ts (who are controlled by drug

firms) so progress is slow. "


Jagbir, Violet, and others:


We talk a good deal about the Chakras and was wondering if multiple

personalities may have to do with people going from left to right (bouncing

around) the Chakras rather than being centered. The kundalini energy flows like

a river and Shri Mataji talks about being centered within the river of the flow.

I also do not know if somehow two people (spirits) are within one body? But this

does not make sense as the kundalini energy is located at the bottom of the

spine (I am still not familiar with the different Chakras) and Mother is

awakened within each of us when we (The Spirit) desire her and I do not see how

two Spirits could do this. I know this is a little complicated.



Dear Chuck and All,


Chuck, you mention about Multiple Personality Disorder.


Shri Mataji has plainly taught to Sahaja Yogis that if there is Multiple

Personality Disorder, it is clearly a case of deceased spirits using the

opportunity of a living person's body to express themselves.


We are not like machines, and that is why this is possible, because the real us

is not solid matter. In other words, we can be influenced for better or for

worse. Shri Mataji has stated that, for example, if a person has died who is an

alcoholic, and yearns for the alcohol, this deceased spirit may frequent areas

where people drink a lot of alcohol in order to satisfy their craving for the

alcohol. The deceased spirit who craves the alcohol, may influence a person who

drinks alcohol to drink even more.


All types of such scenarios actually exist. Human beings are subject to good and

bad influences. We are here on the Earth to work all these things out and to

become Masters of Our Selves. If an individual living on Earth continually

exposes themselves to unspiritual influences, this influence on the person can

turn into a conditioning, which in turn can turn into an obsession, which in

turn can turn into a " takeover " , a.k.a. a " possession " . That is, if the

individual does not turn away from the wrong influence, and become their own



If a living person has committed a crime against humanity…. even though they may

plead `temporary insanity', they are, however, ultimately responsible, because

they have made continual 'small' choices that have over the years resulted in

this so-called 'temporary insanity'. It is exactly every small step in the wrong

spiritual direction over time that can lead to spiritual disaster in one's life,

whereas every small step in the right spiritual direction can lead to spiritual



There is a spiritual law of life, which says that whatever a person sows, they

will reap in their lives. We may be on the path of the Lower Self at this time,

but at any second of the day we can turn our eyes upward to God, and ask for

His/Her help in order to start to walk on the path of the Higher Self, the path

of the Spirit, which is the Real Us. Step by step we will be guided. " One step

for yourself, is a giant leap for mankind " , and this may have been said when the

astronauts stepped on the moon, but in reality, whatever small step we make in

our spiritual journey, in turn, affects that Whole of Mankind.


We are not alone. As we aspire for the Higher Self, our Spirit, we join the

Collective Community of All Spiritual Beings. Our body is the Temple of the Holy

Spirit, and all these Deities or Spiritual Beings will awaken within our Temples

in the Kingdom of God.


In regards to Multiple Personality Disorder, Chuck, according to Shri Mataji, it

is not so much a 'swinging back and forth' between the left and right channels

that causes the major problems of this spiritual disorder, however it is a case

of a person going DEEP INTO the Left Channel of the Collective Sub-Conscious

within Human Beings, where they come in contact with the deceased persons (the

past) that exist there. The Left Channel of the Ida Nadi, or the Left Side of

the River of Life, is where all that is Past Resides. This is a Pandora's Box

that should not be opened and gone into, because a lot of unrest and

disturbances result from doing so. A person who does open this Pandora's Box

often will have bad dreams, or see ghosts, or things like that and become

frightened, or experience very negative thoughts that are definitely alien to

this person. Mediums delve into this Left Hand Channel or area when they try and

communicate with the deceased, which is a dangerous thing to do for them also.


The Bible gives strict warnings against all forms of spiritism, because it comes

from DEEP WITHIN the Left Channel where deceased entities exist in the

Collective Subconscious. This is not the Central Path of the River of Life,

where spiritual evolution is possible. In other words, it is only on the Central

Street of the River of Life that human spiritual evolution is possible. Here is

a very clear warning from the Christian Scriptures not to delve into all these

sorts of spiritism:


" Spiritism Forbidden "


9. " When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not

learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations.


10. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter

pass through the fire (firewalking), one who uses divination, one who practices

witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,


11. Or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up

the dead.


12. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of

these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you. "


(Deuteronomy 18:9-12)


This is what Shri Mataji has explained to Sahaja Yogis:


If a person goes DEEP INTO the Right Channel, this is the Collective

Supra-Conscious, where reside spirits who like to have control over people.

People who are in that same temperament, that is, 'controlling types' such as

Hitler and Stalin, according to Shri Mataji, therefore used the power of the

Supra-Conscious and the spirits who reside there to gain unbelievable power over

masses of people, because they could use other 'controlling spirits' like

themselves to gain control over masses of people. If you have ever heard a

speech of Hitler's, you can sense this hypnotic effect he had over people.


When Mother Kundalini (Holy Spirit) is awakened within us, Her Power 'sucks' us

in from the Left and Right Channels into the Central Street or Channel and She

takes us up to be born into the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara Centre according to

Hindu Cosmology). It is in the Central Channel or Central Street as John, the

Revelator stated, that Spiritual Liberation or Moksha is possible.


Let us be thankful this Christmas Season for the Power of the Divine to keep us

close to Her and to help us to become participants of the Kingdom of Heaven

Within, where there is Real Joy, Peace, and Love.



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Dear Violet,

The quote from Vernon Coleman is very interesting, and the power of

the human mind is very significant in affecting the body.

About Multiple Personality Disorder; I think that in medical studies

it has clearly been documented that in some patients facing in

childhood severe stress situations or abuses, the protective

mechanism of the mind enables the creation of separate

personalities. These personalities face and live through the event

that the 'real' personality needs to be protected from.

These personalities are created in response to extreme conditions in

the environment, and the 'real' person is consciously unaware of

this process.



The French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, taught that all desire is

the " desire of the Other. " [1] In plain language, this means that

most of our unconscious life is a product of a variety of external

social influences. The concept of personality, therefore, although a

common term in psychology, really doesn't mean much because any

person is really composed of many diverse, fragmentary—and generally

illusory—images of " self. " In the midst of such chaos, psychology

can't heal a personality so much as help a person recognize all

these illusions.


These normal fragments of personality are often called ego states, a

term derived from the clinical hypnosis work of John & Helen

Watkins. In contrast, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is an

abnormal condition in which the personality becomes so fragmented

that the various parts cannot even communicate with each other.


MPD, now known in diagnostic terminology as Dissociative Identity

Disorder (DID), has a fascination as well as a mystery about it. For

example, it's possible to recognize each different personality,

or " alter, " from just a few words—in the same way that it's possible

to recognize instantly the voice of a person calling on the

telephone. On the other hand, no one can understand the process by

which the human brain can create and hold separate and distinct each

different personality.


Nevertheless, in spite of the things we don't know, several things

can be said to help you understand something about normal and

abnormal " personality " phenomena.



Ego States:


The Illusion Of Identity



As I said before, we should first realize that no one has a truly

single, or unified, personality. For the most part, what

psychologists talk about as " identity, " although a useful construct,

is a complete illusion. Simply consider, for example, that the

scientist who works in the lab is a quite different " person " from

the parent who plays with the children, who is again a completely

different " person " from the romantic husband or wife late at night.

Still, this is all one and the same " person. " As I said above, these

different qualities of personality have been called ego states.


Sometimes, we notice this by saying something like, " I saw so-and-so

at the company picnic over the weekend, and when he was playing with

the children he showed a child-like side of himself that I had never

seen before. " There is nothing abnormal about this except the fact

that we don't notice such things more often.


Occasionally you might hear about a person who commits a crime or

is implicated in a scandal. Friends and family may rush to the

defense, saying " It couldn't be true! He is so religious and so

devoted to his family. " Well, sad to say, it could very well be that

a lewd or criminal ego state exists side-by-side with the pillar-of-

the-community ego state. Therefore, a person's behavior in one

situation does not " prove " anything about the rest of his or her



One point to remember here is that even though the motivation for

one's behavior may be unconscious, an ego state is not a

dissociative experience. Therefore, when acting from a particular

ego state one is still aware of the behavior itself.


This all goes to show that unless your values embrace all your ego

states you will always be vulnerable to the " snares " of corruption.

It takes considerable discipline to communicate with and heal all

the aspects of your personality so as to live a truly honest and

spiritual life.


Unfortunately, all too many people in this world don't want anything

to do with such discipline. And so we have the on-going problem of

apparently upstanding members of the community hiding—and denying—

their secrets. Secrets, for example, such as child abuse.




Specifically for MPD and DID, see the below link;










, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> , " Chuck "

> <chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> I also wanted to talk about something I came across a couple of

days ago by Vernon Coleman and I quote:


> Most people ( & that includes most doctors) still believe that the

body is like a machine. It isn't. Forget all those analogies about

bodies being like motor cars & needing nothing more than good fuel,

regular servicing and expensive check ups. Your body is much more

complicated than any machine imagineable. And your mind has an

enormous influence over your health. I can illustrate the power of

the mind over the body most dramatically by referring to some

research which was done with patients who were suffering from

Multiple Personality Disorder. One patient suffered from high blood

pressure when one of his personalities was dormant. But when another

personality took over, his high blood pressure problem disappeared.

It was the same body, but the mind change had resulted in it

becoming a different, healthier body. Another patient suffered from

diabetes when one personality was dominant. But the diabetes

vanished when a different personality took over. We've only just

begun to find out how powerful the human mind can be. In the future

the greatest breakthroughs in healing and health care will not come

from scientists working on new drugs but from those few doctors who

are investigating ways of harnessing the power of the human mind

more effectively. Sadly, most research is paid for by drug firms

(who are only interested in finding profitable new drugs) & gov'ts

(who are controlled by drug firms) so progress is slow. "


> Jagbir, Violet, and others:


> We talk a good deal about the Chakras and was wondering if

multiple personalities may have to do with people going from left to

right (bouncing around) the Chakras rather than being centered. The

kundalini energy flows like a river and Shri Mataji talks about

being centered within the river of the flow. I also do not know if

somehow two people (spirits) are within one body? But this does not

make sense as the kundalini energy is located at the bottom of the

spine (I am still not familiar with the different Chakras) and

Mother is awakened within each of us when we (The Spirit) desire her

and I do not see how two Spirits could do this. I know this is a

little complicated.



> Dear Chuck and All,


> Chuck, you mention about Multiple Personality Disorder.


> Shri Mataji has plainly taught to Sahaja Yogis that if there is

Multiple Personality Disorder, it is clearly a case of deceased

spirits using the opportunity of a living person's body to express



> We are not like machines, and that is why this is possible,

because the real us is not solid matter. In other words, we can be

influenced for better or for worse. Shri Mataji has stated that, for

example, if a person has died who is an alcoholic, and yearns for

the alcohol, this deceased spirit may frequent areas where people

drink a lot of alcohol in order to satisfy their craving for the

alcohol. The deceased spirit who craves the alcohol, may influence a

person who drinks alcohol to drink even more.


> All types of such scenarios actually exist. Human beings are

subject to good and bad influences. We are here on the Earth to work

all these things out and to become Masters of Our Selves. If an

individual living on Earth continually exposes themselves to

unspiritual influences, this influence on the person can turn into a

conditioning, which in turn can turn into an obsession, which in

turn can turn into a " takeover " , a.k.a. a " possession " . That is, if

the individual does not turn away from the wrong influence, and

become their own Master.


> If a living person has committed a crime against humanity…. even

though they may plead `temporary insanity', they are, however,

ultimately responsible, because they have made continual 'small'

choices that have over the years resulted in this so-

called 'temporary insanity'. It is exactly every small step in the

wrong spiritual direction over time that can lead to spiritual

disaster in one's life, whereas every small step in the right

spiritual direction can lead to spiritual liberation.


> There is a spiritual law of life, which says that whatever a

person sows, they will reap in their lives. We may be on the path of

the Lower Self at this time, but at any second of the day we can

turn our eyes upward to God, and ask for His/Her help in order to

start to walk on the path of the Higher Self, the path of the

Spirit, which is the Real Us. Step by step we will be guided. " One

step for yourself, is a giant leap for mankind " , and this may have

been said when the astronauts stepped on the moon, but in reality,

whatever small step we make in our spiritual journey, in turn,

affects that Whole of Mankind.


> We are not alone. As we aspire for the Higher Self, our Spirit, we

join the Collective Community of All Spiritual Beings. Our body is

the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and all these Deities or Spiritual

Beings will awaken within our Temples in the Kingdom of God.


> In regards to Multiple Personality Disorder, Chuck, according to

Shri Mataji, it is not so much a 'swinging back and forth' between

the left and right channels that causes the major problems of this

spiritual disorder, however it is a case of a person going DEEP INTO

the Left Channel of the Collective Sub-Conscious within Human

Beings, where they come in contact with the deceased persons (the

past) that exist there. The Left Channel of the Ida Nadi, or the

Left Side of the River of Life, is where all that is Past Resides.

This is a Pandora's Box that should not be opened and gone into,

because a lot of unrest and disturbances result from doing so. A

person who does open this Pandora's Box often will have bad dreams,

or see ghosts, or things like that and become frightened, or

experience very negative thoughts that are definitely alien to this

person. Mediums delve into this Left Hand Channel or area when they

try and communicate with the deceased, which is a dangerous thing to

do for them also.


> The Bible gives strict warnings against all forms of spiritism,

because it comes from DEEP WITHIN the Left Channel where deceased

entities exist in the Collective Subconscious. This is not the

Central Path of the River of Life, where spiritual evolution is

possible. In other words, it is only on the Central Street of the

River of Life that human spiritual evolution is possible. Here is a

very clear warning from the Christian Scriptures not to delve into

all these sorts of spiritism:


> " Spiritism Forbidden "


> 9. " When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you

shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations.


> 10. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or

his daughter pass through the fire (firewalking), one who uses

divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets

omens, or a sorcerer,


> 11. Or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one

who calls up the dead.


> 12. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and

because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them

out before you. "


> (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)


> This is what Shri Mataji has explained to Sahaja Yogis:


> If a person goes DEEP INTO the Right Channel, this is the

Collective Supra-Conscious, where reside spirits who like to have

control over people. People who are in that same temperament, that

is, 'controlling types' such as Hitler and Stalin, according to Shri

Mataji, therefore used the power of the Supra-Conscious and the

spirits who reside there to gain unbelievable power over masses of

people, because they could use other 'controlling spirits' like

themselves to gain control over masses of people. If you have ever

heard a speech of Hitler's, you can sense this hypnotic effect he

had over people.


> When Mother Kundalini (Holy Spirit) is awakened within us, Her

Power 'sucks' us in from the Left and Right Channels into the

Central Street or Channel and She takes us up to be born into the

Kingdom of God (Sahasrara Centre according to Hindu Cosmology). It

is in the Central Channel or Central Street as John, the Revelator

stated, that Spiritual Liberation or Moksha is possible.


> Let us be thankful this Christmas Season for the Power of the

Divine to keep us close to Her and to help us to become participants

of the Kingdom of Heaven Within, where there is Real Joy, Peace, and



> Violet


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Dear Chuck, Semira and Others,


In , " Chuck "

chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


" I also do not know if somehow two people (spirits) are within one body? "


Dear Chuck,


The real you is your Spirit and it remains Pure Spirit. It can never become

impure, because it is part of the Spirit of God Within.


Then there is your Soul or Psyche, your 'essential' personality. This is where

the spiritual battle takes place between the Higher Self and the Lower Self and

where we therefore encounter conflict and can also resolve this conflict. This

is where we can make the good or bad decisions in our life that lead us on a

spiritual path or a non-spiritual path.


The soul or personality can be be split and develop Multiple Personalities and

these things can happen through trauma, sickness, and accident which weaken the

psyche (and Semira has posted some information on that). In a similar way that

the body, when in a weakened state can be invaded, so can the psyche be invaded

when it is in a weakened state.


In Sahaja Yoga, when you have your self-realization, all your bodies or

'koshas'(physical, mental, emotional, spiritual elements) become integrated,

strengthened and healed through the Kundalini Mother Within Who does this work.

This is a wonderful thing. A person can become a truly integrated person,

whereby their Soul/Personality is connected to their Spirit, and they are fully

integrated and working in peace and harmony, whereby conflict ceases and the

Silence Within is experienced.


When personalities (psyches) are split, multiple, or 'psychically

invaded/possessed', they are in a 'disintegrated' state. It can be said that in

this disintegrated state, the Spirit of the person is neglected. However.... you

are now aware of your Spirit, Chuck, since you have had your Second Birth

(Self-Realization) and you now know that you are the Spirit. You must be feeling

this Spiritual Integration more and more all the time.


Evidence of the possibility of the psychic invasion of a person is shown in this

story, where Jesus heals a man from an unclean spirit.


Here is the story and I have noted (JESUS'S WORDS): -


1. And they (Jesus and His disciples) came to the other side of the sea, into

the country of the Gerasenes.

2. And when He (Jesus) had come out of the boat, immediately a man from the

tombs with an unclean spirit met Him,

3. and he had his dwelling among the tombs. And no one was able to bind him

anymore, even with a chain;

4. because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and the chains had

been torn apart by him, and the shackles broken in pieces, and no one was strong

enough to subdue him.

5. And constantly night and day, among the tombs and in the mountains, he was

crying out and gnashing himself with stones.

6. And seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him;

7. And crying out with a loud voice, he said, " What do I have to do with You,

Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me! "

8. For He had been saying to him (JESUS'S WORDS)…. " Come out of the man, you

unclean spirit! "

9. And He (Jesus) was asking him, (JESUS'S WORDS)…. " What is your name? " And he

said to Him, " My name is Legion; for we are many. "

10. And he began to entreat Him earnestly not to send them out of the country.

11. Now there was a big herd of swine feeding there on the mountain.

12. And the demons entreated Him saying, " Send us into the swine so that we may

enter them. "

13. And He gave them permission. And coming out, the unclean spirits entered the

swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand

of them; and they were drowned in the sea.

14. And their herdsmen ran away and reported it in the city and out in the

country. And the people came to see what it was that had happened.

15. And they came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed

sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man who had had the

" legion " ; and they became frightened.

16. And those who had seen it described to them how it had happened to the

demon-possessed man, and all about the swine.

17. And they began to entreat Him to depart from their region.

18. And as He was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed

was entreating Him that he might accompany Him.

19. And He did not let him, but He said to him, (JESUS'S WORDS) " Go home to your

people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how

He had mercy on you. "

20. And he went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus

had done for him; and everyone marvelled. (Mark 5:1-20)


Chuck, maybe this answers your question as to whether it is possible for many

spirits to be in one man. It very clearly states in verse 9, " My name is Legion,

and we are many " . It is significant also that Jesus cleansed/cured this man in

one day.


I respect the medical profession and I know that they cannot cure such a man as

described in this story whom Jesus cleansed/cured. I know that the medical

profession can modify such behaviour with counselling and medication, however,

this does not always work either, and it definitely does not provide a cure.

That is why Jesus, who actually cleansed/cured this man, has to be the greatest

of Spiritual Healers.


By the way, the scribes from Jerusalem, upon observing Jesus, declared that

Jesus Himself must be `psychically possessed' to be able to do what He's doing.

So Jesus calls them over and explains some things to them. Here, then, is the

story of the scribes from Jerusalem who watched with consternation what Jesus

did…. their reactions…. and Jesus's Parable to try and help them understand: -




23. " How can Satan cast out Satan?

24. And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

25. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to


26. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand,

but he is finished!

27. But no one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless

he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.

28. Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever

blasphemies they utter;

29. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is

guilty of an eternal sin- " (END OF JESUS' WORDS)

30. Because they (the scribes) were saying that He (Jesus) has an unclean

spirit. "


(Mark 3:23-30)


This is what Jesus did and said in regards to this subject and that is as far as

i can go.



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Dear Violet,


You have written;

> " In Sahaja Yoga, when you have your self-realization, all your

bodies or 'koshas'(physical, mental, emotional, spiritual elements)

become integrated, strengthened and healed through the Kundalini

Mother Within Who does this work. This is a wonderful thing. A

person can become a truly integrated person, whereby their

Soul/Personality is connected to their Spirit, and they are fully

integrated and working in peace and harmony, whereby conflict ceases

and the Silence Within is experienced. "

Thank you for this post of yours, and it is true that only the

Kundalini within can heal the hurts and damage of the psyche.

Love and best wishes, Semira



, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Chuck, Semira and Others,


> In , " Chuck "

> chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> " I also do not know if somehow two people (spirits) are within one

body? "


> Dear Chuck,


> The real you is your Spirit and it remains Pure Spirit. It can

never become impure, because it is part of the Spirit of God Within.


> Then there is your Soul or Psyche, your 'essential' personality.

This is where the spiritual battle takes place between the Higher

Self and the Lower Self and where we therefore encounter conflict

and can also resolve this conflict. This is where we can make the

good or bad decisions in our life that lead us on a spiritual path

or a non-spiritual path.


> The soul or personality can be be split and develop Multiple

Personalities and these things can happen through trauma, sickness,

and accident which weaken the psyche (and Semira has posted some

information on that). In a similar way that the body, when in a

weakened state can be invaded, so can the psyche be invaded when it

is in a weakened state.


> In Sahaja Yoga, when you have your self-realization, all your

bodies or 'koshas'(physical, mental, emotional, spiritual elements)

become integrated, strengthened and healed through the Kundalini

Mother Within Who does this work. This is a wonderful thing. A

person can become a truly integrated person, whereby their

Soul/Personality is connected to their Spirit, and they are fully

integrated and working in peace and harmony, whereby conflict ceases

and the Silence Within is experienced.


> When personalities (psyches) are split, multiple, or 'psychically

invaded/possessed', they are in a 'disintegrated' state. It can be

said that in this disintegrated state, the Spirit of the person is

neglected. However.... you are now aware of your Spirit, Chuck,

since you have had your Second Birth (Self-Realization) and you now

know that you are the Spirit. You must be feeling this Spiritual

Integration more and more all the time.


> Evidence of the possibility of the psychic invasion of a person is

shown in this story, where Jesus heals a man from an unclean spirit.


> Here is the story and I have noted (JESUS'S WORDS): -


> 1. And they (Jesus and His disciples) came to the other side of

the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes.

> 2. And when He (Jesus) had come out of the boat, immediately a man

from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him,

> 3. and he had his dwelling among the tombs. And no one was able to

bind him anymore, even with a chain;

> 4. because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and

the chains had been torn apart by him, and the shackles broken in

pieces, and no one was strong enough to subdue him.

> 5. And constantly night and day, among the tombs and in the

mountains, he was crying out and gnashing himself with stones.

> 6. And seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down

before Him;

> 7. And crying out with a loud voice, he said, " What do I have to

do with You,

> Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not

torment me! "

> 8. For He had been saying to him (JESUS'S WORDS)…. " Come out of

the man, you unclean spirit! "

> 9. And He (Jesus) was asking him, (JESUS'S WORDS)…. " What is your

name? " And he said to Him, " My name is Legion; for we are many. "

> 10. And he began to entreat Him earnestly not to send them out of

the country.

> 11. Now there was a big herd of swine feeding there on the


> 12. And the demons entreated Him saying, " Send us into the swine

so that we may enter them. "

> 13. And He gave them permission. And coming out, the unclean

spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank

into the sea, about two thousand of them; and they were drowned in

the sea.

> 14. And their herdsmen ran away and reported it in the city and

out in the country. And the people came to see what it was that had


> 15. And they came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-

possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man

who had had the " legion " ; and they became frightened.

> 16. And those who had seen it described to them how it had

happened to the demon-possessed man, and all about the swine.

> 17. And they began to entreat Him to depart from their region.

> 18. And as He was getting into the boat, the man who had been

demon-possessed was entreating Him that he might accompany Him.

> 19. And He did not let him, but He said to him, (JESUS'S

WORDS) " Go home to your people and report to them what great things

the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you. "

> 20. And he went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great

things Jesus had done for him; and everyone marvelled. (Mark 5:1-20)


> Chuck, maybe this answers your question as to whether it is

possible for many spirits to be in one man. It very clearly states

in verse 9, " My name is Legion, and we are many " . It is significant

also that Jesus cleansed/cured this man in one day.


> I respect the medical profession and I know that they cannot cure

such a man as described in this story whom Jesus cleansed/cured. I

know that the medical profession can modify such behaviour with

counselling and medication, however, this does not always work

either, and it definitely does not provide a cure. That is why

Jesus, who actually cleansed/cured this man, has to be the greatest

of Spiritual Healers.


> By the way, the scribes from Jerusalem, upon observing Jesus,

declared that Jesus Himself must be `psychically possessed' to be

able to do what He's doing. So Jesus calls them over and explains

some things to them. Here, then, is the story of the scribes from

Jerusalem who watched with consternation what Jesus did…. their

reactions…. and Jesus's Parable to try and help them understand: -




> 23. " How can Satan cast out Satan?

> 24. And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom

cannot stand.

> 25. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not

be able to stand.

> 26. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he

cannot stand, but he is finished!

> 27. But no one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his

property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will

plunder his house.

> 28. Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of

men, and whatever blasphemies they utter;

> 29. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has

forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin- " (END OF JESUS' WORDS)

> 30. Because they (the scribes) were saying that He (Jesus) has an

unclean spirit. "


> (Mark 3:23-30)


> This is what Jesus did and said in regards to this subject and

that is as far as i can go.


> Violet


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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> This is what Jesus did and said in regards to this subject and

that is as far as i can go.


> Violet



Dear Violet, et al,


Appended below is what Shri Mataji has said about this subject, this

common affliction of the modern age, a serious left-side problem

called schizophrenia. According to Shri Mataji, people who are mad

or mentally unbalanced can cause ordinary people who come close to

them to get possessed; not only that, even children and pets can

also get similarly possessed. So mad people can make others mad -






" Schizophrenia, according to me, according to Sahaja Yoga, is a

disease in which you are permanently possessed by many of these dead

spirits. And in India they would be sent to lunatic asylums. But I'm

told that they have now cancelled all lunatic asylums everywhere and

the lunatics are moving on the streets. It's a very serious

situation; the government doesn't realise what they're doing.


Once I travelled by bus in Paris and I saw one after another - one

lady, then one gentleman, then one other gentleman - they walked in,

and they were talking to themselves loudly. They're all possessed

people and they'll possess you. They will possess you, they will

possess your children; they can possess your pets, anyone. Such

abnormal people should be kept away from the public. But Marie told

me that, 'You see, we French are very sympathetic towards them.'

Their bhoots are also, I must tell you, the left-sided people, they

try to do things to incur your sympathies. In the right-sided

people, as they are aggressive to attract your attention, the left-

sided people are aggressive to themselves to attract your

attention. "


Puja Address in Dourdan, France 18/5/86

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Dear my2pai,


Agree, about these left sided people being possessed and loose among us,

(have seen it too.) Not really good to associate, but stay in center, but

best to not allow that nature to infect, it would be hard to get rid of

catches, and problems of possession, especially if after possesed you do not

know you are, you may think it is normal. Sort of reminds me of what they

would call ' zombies " really no sense to what they do, so it becomes Non

sense. Very sad though, that it happened and they can attach to people

unaware and not in the center, and protected. Do not think you would want to

associate, but of course, many times cannot take your eyes off them and they

do attract attention, somehow, and that is exactly what the spirit wants. It

is not the person, themselves, but the spirit of the possession in them.

When I saw it have to admit, I looked twice, as could not think who un earth

they saw, I did not. Then I realized what was wrong...got away from them and

let them go in their, life, as I would not know HOW to help them. Must admit

things like that, sometimes.



Carol Ann


> " my2pai " <my2pai



> Re: Why are Christians still collectively

>lying about 'original sin' and Jesus'

>Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:36:02 -0000


> , " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> >

> > This is what Jesus did and said in regards to this subject and

>that is as far as i can go.

> >

> > Violet

> >


>Dear Violet, et al,


>Appended below is what Shri Mataji has said about this subject, this

>common affliction of the modern age, a serious left-side problem

>called schizophrenia. According to Shri Mataji, people who are mad

>or mentally unbalanced can cause ordinary people who come close to

>them to get possessed; not only that, even children and pets can

>also get similarly possessed. So mad people can make others mad -






> " Schizophrenia, according to me, according to Sahaja Yoga, is a

>disease in which you are permanently possessed by many of these dead

>spirits. And in India they would be sent to lunatic asylums. But I'm

>told that they have now cancelled all lunatic asylums everywhere and

>the lunatics are moving on the streets. It's a very serious

>situation; the government doesn't realise what they're doing.


>Once I travelled by bus in Paris and I saw one after another - one

>lady, then one gentleman, then one other gentleman - they walked in,

>and they were talking to themselves loudly. They're all possessed

>people and they'll possess you. They will possess you, they will

>possess your children; they can possess your pets, anyone. Such

>abnormal people should be kept away from the public. But Marie told

>me that, 'You see, we French are very sympathetic towards them.'

>Their bhoots are also, I must tell you, the left-sided people, they

>try to do things to incur your sympathies. In the right-sided

>people, as they are aggressive to attract your attention, the left-

>sided people are aggressive to themselves to attract your

>attention. "


>Puja Address in Dourdan, France 18/5/86







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