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Christianity and Islam....

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Dear Jagbir,


Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of Christianity and Islam.

The actual title of the article is:


" Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "


Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and from your knowledge

and experience, give some understanding that might help Mr. Byrnes to see Islam,

which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to God'.... in a better light.


Can i just say here also that we must realize that all Incarnations and Prophets

come from God. The Christians against Muslims and vice versa scenario must stop,

if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and Goodwill Towards Men. This scenario

will not be accepted in the Golden Age of the Spirit to come.


It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims to forget about

externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit/the Ruh

of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with other Sahaja Yogis (Born of the

Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches come from the same Tree of Life. All

these Incarnations and Prophets have come at different Times, when needed in

various cultures to enlighten humanity according to their ability to receive the

Higher Truths.


Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling another branch of

that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such a concept comes from

the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human beings need to wake up and

realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-up's Class. In this class human

beings change their concepts because they realize that we all, regardless of

religious/spiritual background, just need to 'become the Spirit', by having our

Second Birth of the Spirit, which is the same as the Ruh of Allah. Also,

regardless of which religious tradition one comes from, it will be felt as a

Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool Breeze of Allah as a Sure Sign that one has

been Born into the Kingdom of God within.


Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly unite us all into

one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we are all connected....

and the connecting line is of love.... not of hatred'. And to get there, i

believe we are going to have to shed a lot of dogma, doctrine, and



i await your response, Jagbir.





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Dear Violet,


I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL that is really

needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.


As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is not as easy

as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and tomorrow. " You see

that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and was

resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out what they had

been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their ability. Jesus left

them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He seemed to think

they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew, the first

called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they all traveled to

spread the teachings.



Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are taught that

comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle to learn how

to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable than we would

never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent them out to

heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to KEEP THINGS

their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as they have

been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up Protestant, and if you

think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you misunderstand,

and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings, and prayer, are

fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it brings JOY

and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne which is lacking

in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church once a week and

the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such evil in the

world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long skirts, head

coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I had to take

MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me would laugh as

they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot LIVE without it

on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my spiritual

father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to think that he

would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and almost would

not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud it is true, as

I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am not so

beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD, so He thinks I

am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress anyone but HIm.

( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is disrespect and the

MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all, I am in my

50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me anyway,,,,,

the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels) luring women

to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having trouble in that

area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and especially

lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it anyway. Their

are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is ALL. Without it

we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I see in Orthodox

either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am willing to learn

and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer, study,

meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel called to

spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my place to

JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only road map I

have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from mayny years ago

as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day, etc, But they

do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH are ALL HERE

TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have vibrations, and you

can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend on Earth.

People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to be ever

mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together as one) They

have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and miracles

surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy Water and

believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc. Similarities....have

been noted, FOR SURE....


Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from there if you

want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and also i

agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or they will

fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I felt that

when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it like it was ( or

they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit, and that was

maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it was

deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person ( will not ever

name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for sure,,,,, She TOLD

me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the deception at the

public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I think) but

who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been brought up

right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But whatever.....Who

am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing the best I

can with the faith given me at this time.....




Blessings to you all,


in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and prophets,) But main

THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid liquid and gas,

forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different forms....


Carol Ann


> " Violet " <vtubb



> Christianity and Islam....

>Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000


>Dear Jagbir,


>Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of Christianity and

>Islam. The actual title of the article is:


> " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "


>Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and from your

>knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might help Mr.

>Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to God'.... in

>a better light.


>Can i just say here also that we must realize that all Incarnations and

>Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and vice versa

>scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and Goodwill

>Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden Age of the

>Spirit to come.


>It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims to forget

>about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of the Holy

>Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with other Sahaja

>Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches come from the

>same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have come at

>different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten humanity

>according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.


>Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling another branch

>of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such a concept

>comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human beings need to

>wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-up's Class. In

>this class human beings change their concepts because they realize that we

>all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need to 'become the

>Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is the same as the

>Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition one comes from,

>it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool Breeze of Allah as

>a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God within.


>Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly unite us all

>into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we are all

>connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of hatred'. And to

>get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of dogma, doctrine,

>and conditionings.


>i await your response, Jagbir.








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Dear Carol,


Thank you for your post. i understand that you are a deep spiritual person, and

i would like to share something with you about the external church (as defined

by churches), and the internal church (as defined by the Temple of God within

human beings.)


The definition of the world `orthodoxy' is:


" Orth (o) " – (is a word element in Greek, meaning 'straight', 'normal', or



" Doxy " - (again….Greek. `doxa' means " opinion " )


Therefore, according to the definition of the word, `orthodoxy' basically means

`a correct opinion'.


There are many religious opinions or orthodoxies. They are man-made opinions.


Absolute Truth is not a man-made opinion. The way a person can tell the

difference between an opinion and the Absolute Truth, is whether or not that

opinion/Truth changes or not. Opinions change, evolve, reverse themselves even….

But Absolute Truth stands.... and does not change.


If a particular doctrine or dogma is subject to change, then it is not the

Absolute Truth. However, God is Absolute Truth. He is not dogma or doctrine,

which do change. In Sahaja Yoga, for the first time, we can feel the Absolute

Truth on our fingertips as a Cool Breeze. This is Absolute Proof of the Baptism

of the Holy Spirit and the birthing of a person into the Kingdom of Heaven

within, and these Sure Signs do not change.


Jesus did not come to Earth to fill up physical churches with bodies. Jesus came

on Earth to fill up the Temples of God within human beings with the Living Water

of Life.


Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that He came to give Her a Gift of

God. It was a Gift of " Living " Water. Jesus also said…. " Whoever drinks of the

water that I shall give him shall never thirst. He also said…. " This water that

I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal

life. (Reference to John Chapter 4) ....Now Shri Mataji has come. She is also

offering this Living Water of Life, which is a well of water that will spring up

to eternal life.


When Peter said to Jesus that he recognized Jesus as the Spiritually Christened

One…. In other words, " the Christ " , Jesus told Peter that God…. and not man….had

revealed that to him. The truth is that man can never reveal the Truth. Only God

can reveal the Truth to a person. (And i know you agree with that too, Carol).

And the person has to be willing for the Truth to be revealed also. Sometimes

the Truth that is revealed from within a person…. Contradicts what is taught by

orthodoxy (man's opinions of what is correct).


Anyway…. Jesus then was pleased that God had revealed to Peter who Jesus really

was, so Jesus said:


17. " Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this

to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

18. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My

church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

19. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you shall

bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you shall loose on Earth

shall be loosed in Heaven " .

20. Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the

Christ. (Matthew 16:17-20)


Jesus was not talking about a church building. He was talking about the Kingdom

of Heaven within. When Jesus was referring to Peter as a 'rock', He was not

referring to him as a rock upon which he would build actual church buildings….

He was referring to Peter, the rock, upon which He would build his Spiritual



There are also many references to the word " rock " which show this:


" You neglected the Rock who begot you, and forgot the God who gave you birth. "

(Deuteronomy 32:18)


These are the words of David, the Psalmist (Song-Writer):


" The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…. My God, my rock, in whom

I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my

refuge…. And from His temple he heard my voice, and my cry for help came into

His ears " (II Samuel 22:2,3,7)


David wrote spiritually deep songs. He knew that God's Temple was actually

inside him, and not in a building.... " And from His Temple He heard my voice " .


Here is one more example (and there are many more):


`Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock. "

(Isaiah 26:4)


By following orthodoxy, which is OTHER PEOPLE'S CORRECT OPINION, a person will

have a hard time, as you yourself admit when you say.... " Yes, it is VERY hard,

as being Orthodox " .


This is because following other people's correct opinion (which you may not

agree with).... is not the same as having Absolute Truth....(which is the Truth

that comes from within you, which you can agree with, because it is the Truth

that comes from within).


When a person stops to follow other people's correct opinion, and follows the

Absolute Truth within them, this unnecessary " struggle " ceases. Everyone faces

challenges in life.... there are struggles in life, but they are nothing

compared to the struggle of following other people's correct opinion, when it is

not necessarily according to your own spiritual insight.


That is why Jesus said about the Orthodox Pharisees that they were piling weight

upon weight upon their followers. This is why it is my sincere opinion that

life's challenges are enough without having to follow other people's opinions






, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:



> Dear Violet,


> I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL that is


> needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.


> As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is not

as easy

> as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and tomorrow. "

You see

> that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and was

> resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out

what they had

> been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their ability.

Jesus left

> them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He seemed

to think

> they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew, the


> called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they all

traveled to

> spread the teachings.



> Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are

taught that

> comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle to

learn how

> to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable than

we would

> never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent them

out to

> heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to


> their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as

they have

> been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up Protestant,

and if you

> think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you


> and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings, and

prayer, are

> fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it

brings JOY

> and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne which

is lacking

> in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church once a

week and

> the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such evil

in the

> world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long

skirts, head

> coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I had

to take

> MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me would

laugh as

> they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot LIVE

without it

> on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my


> father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to think

that he

> would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and

almost would

> not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud it is

true, as

> I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am

not so

> beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD, so He

thinks I

> am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress

anyone but HIm.

> ( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is

disrespect and the

> MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all, I am

in my

> 50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me


> the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels)

luring women

> to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having trouble

in that

> area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and


> lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it

anyway. Their

> are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is ALL.

Without it

> we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I see

in Orthodox

> either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am

willing to learn

> and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer, study,

> meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel called


> spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my

place to

> JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only

road map I

> have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from mayny

years ago

> as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day,

etc, But they

> do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH are


> TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have

vibrations, and you

> can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend on


> People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to be


> mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together as

one) They

> have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and miracles

> surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy

Water and

> believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc.


> been noted, FOR SURE....


> Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from there

if you

> want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and

also i

> agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or

they will

> fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I

felt that

> when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it like

it was ( or

> they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit, and

that was

> maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it


> deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person ( will

not ever

> name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for sure,,,,,


> me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the deception

at the

> public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I

think) but

> who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been

brought up

> right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But


> am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing

the best I

> can with the faith given me at this time.....




> Blessings to you all,


> in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and prophets,)

But main

> THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid liquid

and gas,

> forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different forms....


> Carol Ann


> > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> >

> >

> > Christianity and Islam....

> >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000

> >

> >Dear Jagbir,

> >

> >Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of

Christianity and

> >Islam. The actual title of the article is:

> >

> > " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "

> >

> >Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and from


> >knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might help


> >Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to

God'.... in

> >a better light.

> >

> >Can i just say here also that we must realize that all

Incarnations and

> >Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and vice


> >scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and


> >Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden Age

of the

> >Spirit to come.

> >

> >It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims to


> >about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of the


> >Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with

other Sahaja

> >Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches come

from the

> >same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have come


> >different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten


> >according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.

> >

> >Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling

another branch

> >of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such a


> >comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human beings

need to

> >wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-up's

Class. In

> >this class human beings change their concepts because they

realize that we

> >all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need

to 'become the

> >Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is the

same as the

> >Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition one

comes from,

> >it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool Breeze

of Allah as

> >a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God within.

> >

> >Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly unite

us all

> >into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we are


> >connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of

hatred'. And to

> >get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of dogma,


> >and conditionings.

> >

> >i await your response, Jagbir.

> >

> >Violet

> >

> >(http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/JamesByrne30526.htm)

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Violet,


Thank you for answer, will ponder it.







> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: Christianity and Islam....

>Sat, 31 Dec 2005 05:46:38 -0000


>Dear Carol,


>Thank you for your post. i understand that you are a deep spiritual person,

>and i would like to share something with you about the external church (as

>defined by churches), and the internal church (as defined by the Temple in

>the Human Body).


>The definition of the world `orthodoxy' is:


> " Orth (o) " – (is a word element in Greek, meaning `straight', 'normal', or



> " Doxy " - (again….Greek. `doxa' means " opinion " )


>Therefore, according to the definition of the word, `orthodoxy' basically

>means `a correct opinion'.


>There are many religious opinions or orthodoxies. They are man-made



>Absolute Truth is not a man-made opinion. The way a person can tell the

>difference between an opinion and the Absolute Truth, is whether or not

>that opinion/Truth changes or not. Opinions change, evolve, reverse

>themselves even…. But Absolute Truth stands.... and does not change.


>If a particular doctrine or dogma is subject to change, then it is not the

>Absolute Truth. However, God is Absolute Truth. He is not dogma or

>doctrine, which do change. In Sahaja Yoga, for the first time, we can feel

>the Absolute Truth on our fingertips as a Cool Breeze. This is Absolute

>Proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the birthing of a person into

>the Kingdom of Heaven within, and it does not change.


>Jesus did not come to Earth to fill up physical churches with bodies. Jesus

>came on Earth to fill up the Temples of God within human beings with the

>Living Water of Life.


>Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that He came to give Her a Gift

>of God. It was a Gift of " Living " Water. Jesus also said…. " Whoever drinks

>of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. He also said…. " This

>water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing

>up to eternal life. (Reference to John Chapter 4) ....Now Shri Mataji has

>come. She is also offering this Living Water of Life, which is a well of

>water that will spring up to eternal life.


>When Peter said to Jesus that he recognized Jesus as the Spiritually

>Christened One…. In other words, " the Christ " , Jesus told Peter that God….

>and not man…. had revealed that to him. The truth is that man can never

>reveal the Truth. Only God can reveal the Truth to a person. And the person

>has to be willing for the Truth to be revealed also. Sometimes the Truth

>that is revealed from within a person…. Contradicts what is taught by

>orthodoxy (man's opinions of what is correct).


>Anyway…. Jesus then was pleased that God had revealed to Peter who Jesus

>really was, so Jesus said:


>17. " Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal

>this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

>18. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will

>build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

>19. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you

>shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you shall loose

>on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven " .

>20. Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was

>the Christ. (Matthew 16:17-20)


>All right…. Jesus was not talking about a church building. He was talking

>about the Kingdom of Heaven within.


>When Jesus was referring to Peter as a 'rock', He was not referring to him

>as a rock upon which he would build actual church buildings…. He was

>referring to Peter, the rock, upon which He would build his Spiritual



>There are also many references to the word " rock " which show this:


> " You neglected the Rock who begot you, and forgot the God who gave you

>birth. " (A rock for a church building does not beget a person).

>(Deuteronomy 32:18)


>These are the words of David, the Psalmist (Song-Writer):


> " The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…. My God, my rock, in

>whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold

>and my refuge…. And from His temple he heard my voice, and my cry for help

>came into His ears " (II Samuel 22:2, 3, 7)


>David wrote spiritually deep songs. He knew that God's Temple was actually

>inside him, and not in a building.... " And from His Temple He heard my

>voice " .


>Here is one more example (and there are many more):


>`Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting

>Rock. " (Isaiah 26:4)


>By following orthodoxy, which is OTHER PEOPLE'S CORRECT OPINION, we will

>always have a hard time, as you yourself admit, Carol, when you say…. " Yes,

>it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox " .


>This is because following other people's correct opinion (which you may not

>agree with).... is not the same as having Absolute Truth....(which is the

>Truth that comes from within you, which you can agree with).


>If you stopped following other people's correct opinion, and followed the

>Absolute Truth within you, the " struggle " ( " We need to struggle " )....as you

>put it, would cease.


>Everyone faces challenges in life, which is a kind of struggle, but it is

>nothing like the struggle of following other people's correct opinion



>That is why Jesus said about the Orthodox Pharisees that they were piling

>weight upon weight upon their followers. Life's challenges are enough

>without having " Orthodox Pharisees " piling them on to a person.





>-- In , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL that is


> > needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.

> >

> > As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is not

>as easy

> > as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and tomorrow. "

>You see

> > that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and was

> > resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out

>what they had

> > been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their ability.

>Jesus left

> > them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He seemed

>to think

> > they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew, the


> > called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they all

>traveled to

> > spread the teachings.

> >

> >

> > Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are

>taught that

> > comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle to

>learn how

> > to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable than

>we would

> > never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent them

>out to

> > heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to


> > their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as

>they have

> > been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up Protestant,

>and if you

> > think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you


> > and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings, and

>prayer, are

> > fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it

>brings JOY

> > and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne which

>is lacking

> > in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church once a

>week and

> > the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such evil

>in the

> > world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long

>skirts, head

> > coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I had

>to take

> > MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me would

>laugh as

> > they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot LIVE

>without it

> > on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my


> > father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to think

>that he

> > would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and

>almost would

> > not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud it is

>true, as

> > I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am

>not so

> > beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD, so He

>thinks I

> > am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress

>anyone but HIm.

> > ( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is

>disrespect and the

> > MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all, I am

>in my

> > 50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me


> > the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels)

>luring women

> > to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having trouble

>in that

> > area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and


> > lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it

>anyway. Their

> > are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is ALL.

>Without it

> > we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I see

>in Orthodox

> > either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am

>willing to learn

> > and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer, study,

> > meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel called


> > spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my

>place to

> > JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only

>road map I

> > have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from mayny

>years ago

> > as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day,

>etc, But they

> > do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH are


> > TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have

>vibrations, and you

> > can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend on


> > People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to be


> > mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together as

>one) They

> > have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and miracles

> > surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy

>Water and

> > believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc.


> > been noted, FOR SURE....

> >

> > Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from there

>if you

> > want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and

>also i

> > agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or

>they will

> > fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I

>felt that

> > when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it like

>it was ( or

> > they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit, and

>that was

> > maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it


> > deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person ( will

>not ever

> > name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for sure,,,,,


> > me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the deception

>at the

> > public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I

>think) but

> > who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been

>brought up

> > right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But


> > am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing

>the best I

> > can with the faith given me at this time.....

> >

> >

> >

> > Blessings to you all,

> >

> > in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and prophets,)

>But main

> > THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid liquid

>and gas,

> > forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different forms....

> >

> > Carol Ann

> >

> > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Christianity and Islam....

> > >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > >Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of

>Christianity and

> > >Islam. The actual title of the article is:

> > >

> > > " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "

> > >

> > >Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and from


> > >knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might help


> > >Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to

>God'.... in

> > >a better light.

> > >

> > >Can i just say here also that we must realize that all

>Incarnations and

> > >Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and vice


> > >scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and


> > >Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden Age

>of the

> > >Spirit to come.

> > >

> > >It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims to


> > >about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of the


> > >Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with

>other Sahaja

> > >Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches come

>from the

> > >same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have come


> > >different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten


> > >according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.

> > >

> > >Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling

>another branch

> > >of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such a


> > >comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human beings

>need to

> > >wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-up's

>Class. In

> > >this class human beings change their concepts because they

>realize that we

> > >all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need

>to 'become the

> > >Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is the

>same as the

> > >Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition one

>comes from,

> > >it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool Breeze

>of Allah as

> > >a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God within.

> > >

> > >Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly unite

>us all

> > >into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we are


> > >connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of

>hatred'. And to

> > >get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of dogma,


> > >and conditionings.

> > >

> > >i await your response, Jagbir.

> > >

> > >Violet

> > >

> > >(http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/JamesByrne30526.htm)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >








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Dear Violet and all,


Please Read in the bible,


Mark Ch9 vs 38-50


" If not against us, for us " ( Jesus said) People casting out demons, in

His name, but not part of THEIR group.





> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: Christianity and Islam....

>Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:25:10 -0000


>Dear Carol,


>Thank you for your post. i understand that you are a deep spiritual person,

>and i would like to share something with you about the external church (as

>defined by churches), and the internal church (as defined by the Temple of

>God within human beings.)


>The definition of the world `orthodoxy' is:


> " Orth (o) " – (is a word element in Greek, meaning 'straight', 'normal', or



> " Doxy " - (again….Greek. `doxa' means " opinion " )


>Therefore, according to the definition of the word, `orthodoxy' basically

>means `a correct opinion'.


>There are many religious opinions or orthodoxies. They are man-made



>Absolute Truth is not a man-made opinion. The way a person can tell the

>difference between an opinion and the Absolute Truth, is whether or not

>that opinion/Truth changes or not. Opinions change, evolve, reverse

>themselves even…. But Absolute Truth stands.... and does not change.


>If a particular doctrine or dogma is subject to change, then it is not the

>Absolute Truth. However, God is Absolute Truth. He is not dogma or

>doctrine, which do change. In Sahaja Yoga, for the first time, we can feel

>the Absolute Truth on our fingertips as a Cool Breeze. This is Absolute

>Proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the birthing of a person into

>the Kingdom of Heaven within, and these Sure Signs do not change.


>Jesus did not come to Earth to fill up physical churches with bodies. Jesus

>came on Earth to fill up the Temples of God within human beings with the

>Living Water of Life.


>Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that He came to give Her a Gift

>of God. It was a Gift of " Living " Water. Jesus also said…. " Whoever drinks

>of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. He also said…. " This

>water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing

>up to eternal life. (Reference to John Chapter 4) ....Now Shri Mataji has

>come. She is also offering this Living Water of Life, which is a well of

>water that will spring up to eternal life.


>When Peter said to Jesus that he recognized Jesus as the Spiritually

>Christened One…. In other words, " the Christ " , Jesus told Peter that God….

>and not man….had revealed that to him. The truth is that man can never

>reveal the Truth. Only God can reveal the Truth to a person. (And i know

>you agree with that too, Carol). And the person has to be willing for the

>Truth to be revealed also. Sometimes the Truth that is revealed from within

>a person…. Contradicts what is taught by orthodoxy (man's opinions of what

>is correct).


>Anyway…. Jesus then was pleased that God had revealed to Peter who Jesus

>really was, so Jesus said:


>17. " Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal

>this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

>18. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will

>build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

>19. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you

>shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you shall loose

>on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven " .

>20. Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was

>the Christ. (Matthew 16:17-20)


>Jesus was not talking about a church building. He was talking about the

>Kingdom of Heaven within. When Jesus was referring to Peter as a 'rock', He

>was not referring to him as a rock upon which he would build actual church

>buildings…. He was referring to Peter, the rock, upon which He would build

>his Spiritual Kingdom.


>There are also many references to the word " rock " which show this:


> " You neglected the Rock who begot you, and forgot the God who gave you

>birth. " (Deuteronomy 32:18)


>These are the words of David, the Psalmist (Song-Writer):


> " The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…. My God, my rock, in

>whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold

>and my refuge…. And from His temple he heard my voice, and my cry for help

>came into His ears " (II Samuel 22:2,3,7)


>David wrote spiritually deep songs. He knew that God's Temple was actually

>inside him, and not in a building.... " And from His Temple He heard my

>voice " .


>Here is one more example (and there are many more):


>`Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting

>Rock. " (Isaiah 26:4)


>By following orthodoxy, which is OTHER PEOPLE'S CORRECT OPINION, a person

>will have a hard time, as you yourself admit when you say.... " Yes, it is

>VERY hard, as being Orthodox " .


>This is because following other people's correct opinion (which you may not

>agree with).... is not the same as having Absolute Truth....(which is the

>Truth that comes from within you, which you can agree with, because it is

>the Truth that comes from within).


>When a person stops to follow other people's correct opinion, and follows

>the Absolute Truth within them, this unnecessary " struggle " ceases.

>Everyone faces challenges in life.... there are struggles in life, but they

>are nothing compared to the struggle of following other people's correct

>opinion, when it is not necessarily according to your own spiritual



>That is why Jesus said about the Orthodox Pharisees that they were piling

>weight upon weight upon their followers. This is why it is my sincere

>opinion that life's challenges are enough without having to follow other

>people's opinions also.





> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL that is


> > needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.

> >

> > As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is not

>as easy

> > as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and tomorrow. "

>You see

> > that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and was

> > resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out

>what they had

> > been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their ability.

>Jesus left

> > them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He seemed

>to think

> > they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew, the


> > called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they all

>traveled to

> > spread the teachings.

> >

> >

> > Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are

>taught that

> > comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle to

>learn how

> > to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable than

>we would

> > never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent them

>out to

> > heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to


> > their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as

>they have

> > been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up Protestant,

>and if you

> > think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you


> > and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings, and

>prayer, are

> > fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it

>brings JOY

> > and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne which

>is lacking

> > in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church once a

>week and

> > the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such evil

>in the

> > world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long

>skirts, head

> > coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I had

>to take

> > MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me would

>laugh as

> > they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot LIVE

>without it

> > on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my


> > father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to think

>that he

> > would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and

>almost would

> > not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud it is

>true, as

> > I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am

>not so

> > beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD, so He

>thinks I

> > am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress

>anyone but HIm.

> > ( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is

>disrespect and the

> > MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all, I am

>in my

> > 50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me


> > the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels)

>luring women

> > to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having trouble

>in that

> > area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and


> > lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it

>anyway. Their

> > are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is ALL.

>Without it

> > we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I see

>in Orthodox

> > either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am

>willing to learn

> > and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer, study,

> > meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel called


> > spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my

>place to

> > JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only

>road map I

> > have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from mayny

>years ago

> > as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day,

>etc, But they

> > do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH are


> > TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have

>vibrations, and you

> > can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend on


> > People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to be


> > mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together as

>one) They

> > have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and miracles

> > surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy

>Water and

> > believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc.


> > been noted, FOR SURE....

> >

> > Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from there

>if you

> > want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and

>also i

> > agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or

>they will

> > fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I

>felt that

> > when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it like

>it was ( or

> > they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit, and

>that was

> > maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it


> > deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person ( will

>not ever

> > name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for sure,,,,,


> > me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the deception

>at the

> > public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I

>think) but

> > who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been

>brought up

> > right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But


> > am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing

>the best I

> > can with the faith given me at this time.....

> >

> >

> >

> > Blessings to you all,

> >

> > in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and prophets,)

>But main

> > THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid liquid

>and gas,

> > forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different forms....

> >

> > Carol Ann

> >

> > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Christianity and Islam....

> > >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > >Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of

>Christianity and

> > >Islam. The actual title of the article is:

> > >

> > > " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "

> > >

> > >Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and from


> > >knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might help


> > >Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to

>God'.... in

> > >a better light.

> > >

> > >Can i just say here also that we must realize that all

>Incarnations and

> > >Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and vice


> > >scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and


> > >Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden Age

>of the

> > >Spirit to come.

> > >

> > >It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims to


> > >about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of the


> > >Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with

>other Sahaja

> > >Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches come

>from the

> > >same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have come


> > >different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten


> > >according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.

> > >

> > >Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling

>another branch

> > >of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such a


> > >comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human beings

>need to

> > >wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-up's

>Class. In

> > >this class human beings change their concepts because they

>realize that we

> > >all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need

>to 'become the

> > >Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is the

>same as the

> > >Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition one

>comes from,

> > >it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool Breeze

>of Allah as

> > >a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God within.

> > >

> > >Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly unite

>us all

> > >into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we are


> > >connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of

>hatred'. And to

> > >get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of dogma,


> > >and conditionings.

> > >

> > >i await your response, Jagbir.

> > >

> > >Violet

> > >

> > >(http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/JamesByrne30526.htm)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >








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Dear Carol,


Please try and understand what Sahaja Yoga is about, Carol. It is not about

forming groups.... but about attaining Collective Consciousness.... in other

words.... becoming integrated with the Whole (God). It is not even about Local

Collective Consciousness.... whereby a person attends a Local Spiritual Centre,

though that is nice, too. However, it is about a 'collectivity whereby you are

connected and concerned about that person.... a connecting line of love'. Shri

Mataji explains it:


" Collectivity doesn't mean that we all should be stuck together with some glue

or something....it doesn't mean that. It means wherever you are, you are

connected; that is collectivity. But connected doesn't mean that you hate that

person, no. You're connected means you love that person; you're concerned about

that person. The connection, the connecting line is of love and not of hatred. "

(Kundalini Puja, Germany, 11/8/91)


In this very same reference, Shri Mataji also says that:


" This oneness with the whole gives you all the security that you want, all the

joy that you want. And that's why Kundalini awakening means collectivity. Unless

and until you want pure collectivity in your being, Kundalini won't rise. "

(Kundalini Puja, Germany, 11/8/91)


Carol, it also means that unless a person recognizes and accepts the Whole

Collectivity of God.... all the Branches on the Tree of Life.... which means all

the Prophets and Incarnations that He has sent to help and instruct and

enlighten mankind.... a person cannot really be " collective " , because they are

in fact, rejecting part of the All That Is.


As Shri Mataji Herself says.... " Unless and until you want pure collectivity in

your being, Kundalini won't rise " .


This means basically that all Christians who do not accept Mohammed, Krishna,

Buddha, and Shri Mataji.... cannot have their Second Birth of the Spirit,

because in order for the Kundalini to rise, they have to be collective, which

means they have to accept every prophet and Incarnation that God has sent to



Therefore, in Sahaja Yoga, it is taught that we must recognize all of these, as

they are all branches on the Tree of Life. And if we accept only one branch,

that is, take one branch only for ourselves.... we lose our connection with the

Whole Tree of Life.


The Main Message of Jesus was for human beings to enter the Kingdom of God. When

a person enters this Kingdom of God, the Profound Silence is experienced. A

" Knowingness " comes into their Whole Being. It is a very profound experience,

where all their arguments and doubts dissolve in the Light of Spirit.... where

they then KNOW as they are KNOWN... and where nobody's external opinions can

ever again sway them from what they know to be true.


However this 'Knowingness' can not be known from books, theological

dissertations, discussions, or arguments, and that is why " Knowers " refuse to

argue about these externals. To them is is really a maya.... an 'illusion'....

an outward appearance only, and not the Reality.


The Eternal Silence can only be known and experienced when all these 'external

so-called knowledges' are put aside for a while and this " Knowingness' is

actively and consciously entered. Then, and then only, will this Silence Within

even be heard/felt/experienced/possible.


And from Within This Silence emanates Love, Joy, Understanding, Bliss, Wisdom,

and all the other fruits of the Spirit. They just flow from the Kingdom of God

Itself, because a Sahaja Yogi (regardless of which spiritual/religious

background they come from) is a person who has connected with this " Living

Water " of Love.





, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> Dear Violet and all,


> Please Read in the bible,


> Mark Ch9 vs 38-50


> " If not against us, for us " ( Jesus said) People casting out

demons, in

> His name, but not part of THEIR group.


> Carol



> > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> >

> >

> > Re: Christianity and Islam....

> >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:25:10 -0000

> >

> >Dear Carol,

> >

> >Thank you for your post. i understand that you are a deep

spiritual person,

> >and i would like to share something with you about the external

church (as

> >defined by churches), and the internal church (as defined by the

Temple of

> >God within human beings.)

> >

> >The definition of the world `orthodoxy' is:

> >

> > " Orth (o) " – (is a word element in Greek,

meaning 'straight', 'normal', or

> >`correct')

> >

> > " Doxy " - (again….Greek. `doxa' means " opinion " )

> >

> >Therefore, according to the definition of the word, `orthodoxy'


> >means `a correct opinion'.

> >

> >There are many religious opinions or orthodoxies. They are man-


> >opinions.

> >

> >Absolute Truth is not a man-made opinion. The way a person can

tell the

> >difference between an opinion and the Absolute Truth, is whether

or not

> >that opinion/Truth changes or not. Opinions change, evolve,


> >themselves even…. But Absolute Truth stands.... and does not


> >

> >If a particular doctrine or dogma is subject to change, then it

is not the

> >Absolute Truth. However, God is Absolute Truth. He is not dogma


> >doctrine, which do change. In Sahaja Yoga, for the first time, we

can feel

> >the Absolute Truth on our fingertips as a Cool Breeze. This is


> >Proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the birthing of a

person into

> >the Kingdom of Heaven within, and these Sure Signs do not change.

> >

> >Jesus did not come to Earth to fill up physical churches with

bodies. Jesus

> >came on Earth to fill up the Temples of God within human beings

with the

> >Living Water of Life.

> >

> >Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that He came to give

Her a Gift

> >of God. It was a Gift of " Living " Water. Jesus also

said…. " Whoever drinks

> >of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. He also

said…. " This

> >water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water


> >up to eternal life. (Reference to John Chapter 4) ....Now Shri

Mataji has

> >come. She is also offering this Living Water of Life, which is a

well of

> >water that will spring up to eternal life.

> >

> >When Peter said to Jesus that he recognized Jesus as the


> >Christened One…. In other words, " the Christ " , Jesus told Peter

that God….

> >and not man….had revealed that to him. The truth is that man can


> >reveal the Truth. Only God can reveal the Truth to a person. (And

i know

> >you agree with that too, Carol). And the person has to be willing

for the

> >Truth to be revealed also. Sometimes the Truth that is revealed

from within

> >a person…. Contradicts what is taught by orthodoxy (man's

opinions of what

> >is correct).

> >

> >Anyway…. Jesus then was pleased that God had revealed to Peter

who Jesus

> >really was, so Jesus said:

> >

> >17. " Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did

not reveal

> >this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

> >18. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock

I will

> >build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

> >19. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and

whatever you

> >shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you

shall loose

> >on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven " .

> >20. Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one

that He was

> >the Christ. (Matthew 16:17-20)

> >

> >Jesus was not talking about a church building. He was talking

about the

> >Kingdom of Heaven within. When Jesus was referring to Peter as

a 'rock', He

> >was not referring to him as a rock upon which he would build

actual church

> >buildings…. He was referring to Peter, the rock, upon which He

would build

> >his Spiritual Kingdom.

> >

> >There are also many references to the word " rock " which show this:

> >

> > " You neglected the Rock who begot you, and forgot the God who

gave you

> >birth. " (Deuteronomy 32:18)

> >

> >These are the words of David, the Psalmist (Song-Writer):

> >

> > " The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…. My God,

my rock, in

> >whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my


> >and my refuge…. And from His temple he heard my voice, and my cry

for help

> >came into His ears " (II Samuel 22:2,3,7)

> >

> >David wrote spiritually deep songs. He knew that God's Temple was


> >inside him, and not in a building.... " And from His Temple He

heard my

> >voice " .

> >

> >Here is one more example (and there are many more):

> >

> >`Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an


> >Rock. " (Isaiah 26:4)

> >

> >By following orthodoxy, which is OTHER PEOPLE'S CORRECT OPINION,

a person

> >will have a hard time, as you yourself admit when you

say.... " Yes, it is

> >VERY hard, as being Orthodox " .

> >

> >This is because following other people's correct opinion (which

you may not

> >agree with).... is not the same as having Absolute Truth....

(which is the

> >Truth that comes from within you, which you can agree with,

because it is

> >the Truth that comes from within).

> >

> >When a person stops to follow other people's correct opinion, and


> >the Absolute Truth within them, this unnecessary " struggle "


> >Everyone faces challenges in life.... there are struggles in

life, but they

> >are nothing compared to the struggle of following other people's


> >opinion, when it is not necessarily according to your own


> >insight.

> >

> >That is why Jesus said about the Orthodox Pharisees that they

were piling

> >weight upon weight upon their followers. This is why it is my


> >opinion that life's challenges are enough without having to

follow other

> >people's opinions also.

> >

> >Violet

> >

> >

> > , " danny weaver "

> ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Violet,

> > >

> > > I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL

that is

> >really

> > > needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.

> > >

> > > As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is


> >as easy

> > > as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and

tomorrow. "

> >You see

> > > that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and


> > > resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out

> >what they had

> > > been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their


> >Jesus left

> > > them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He


> >to think

> > > they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew,


> >first

> > > called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they


> >traveled to

> > > spread the teachings.

> > >

> > >

> > > Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are

> >taught that

> > > comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle


> >learn how

> > > to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable


> >we would

> > > never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent


> >out to

> > > heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to


> > > their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as

> >they have

> > > been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up


> >and if you

> > > think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you

> >misunderstand,

> > > and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings,


> >prayer, are

> > > fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it

> >brings JOY

> > > and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne


> >is lacking

> > > in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church

once a

> >week and

> > > the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such


> >in the

> > > world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long

> >skirts, head

> > > coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I


> >to take

> > > MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me


> >laugh as

> > > they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot


> >without it

> > > on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my

> >spiritual

> > > father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to


> >that he

> > > would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and

> >almost would

> > > not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud

it is

> >true, as

> > > I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am

> >not so

> > > beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD,

so He

> >thinks I

> > > am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress

> >anyone but HIm.

> > > ( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is

> >disrespect and the

> > > MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all,

I am

> >in my

> > > 50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me

> >anyway,,,,,

> > > the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels)

> >luring women

> > > to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having


> >in that

> > > area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and

> >especially

> > > lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it

> >anyway. Their

> > > are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is


> >Without it

> > > we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I


> >in Orthodox

> > > either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am

> >willing to learn

> > > and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer,


> > > meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel


> >to

> > > spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my

> >place to

> > > JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only

> >road map I

> > > have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from


> >years ago

> > > as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day,

> >etc, But they

> > > do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH



> > > TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have

> >vibrations, and you

> > > can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend


> >Earth.

> > > People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to


> >ever

> > > mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together


> >one) They

> > > have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and


> > > surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy

> >Water and

> > > believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc.

> >Similarities....have

> > > been noted, FOR SURE....

> > >

> > > Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from


> >if you

> > > want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and

> >also i

> > > agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or

> >they will

> > > fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I

> >felt that

> > > when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it


> >it was ( or

> > > they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit,


> >that was

> > > maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it

> >was

> > > deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person (


> >not ever

> > > name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for


> >She TOLD

> > > me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the


> >at the

> > > public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I

> >think) but

> > > who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been

> >brought up

> > > right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But

> >whatever.....Who

> > > am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing

> >the best I

> > > can with the faith given me at this time.....

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Blessings to you all,

> > >

> > > in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and


> >But main

> > > THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid


> >and gas,

> > > forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different


> > >

> > > Carol Ann

> > >

> > > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Christianity and Islam....

> > > >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000

> > > >

> > > >Dear Jagbir,

> > > >

> > > >Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of

> >Christianity and

> > > >Islam. The actual title of the article is:

> > > >

> > > > " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "

> > > >

> > > >Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and


> >your

> > > >knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might


> >Mr.

> > > >Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to

> >God'.... in

> > > >a better light.

> > > >

> > > >Can i just say here also that we must realize that all

> >Incarnations and

> > > >Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and


> >versa

> > > >scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and

> >Goodwill

> > > >Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden


> >of the

> > > >Spirit to come.

> > > >

> > > >It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims


> >forget

> > > >about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of


> >Holy

> > > >Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with

> >other Sahaja

> > > >Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches


> >from the

> > > >same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have


> >at

> > > >different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten

> >humanity

> > > >according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.

> > > >

> > > >Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling

> >another branch

> > > >of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such


> >concept

> > > >comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human


> >need to

> > > >wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-


> >Class. In

> > > >this class human beings change their concepts because they

> >realize that we

> > > >all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need

> >to 'become the

> > > >Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is


> >same as the

> > > >Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition


> >comes from,

> > > >it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool


> >of Allah as

> > > >a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God


> > > >

> > > >Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly


> >us all

> > > >into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we


> >all

> > > >connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of

> >hatred'. And to

> > > >get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of


> >doctrine,

> > > >and conditionings.

> > > >

> > > >i await your response, Jagbir.

> > > >

> > > >Violet

> > > >

> > > >(http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/JamesByrne30526.htm)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Violet,


Thank you,




> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: Christianity and Islam....

>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 20:33:06 -0000


>Dear Carol,


>Please try and understand what Sahaja Yoga is about, Carol. It is not about

>forming groups.... but about attaining Collective Consciousness.... in

>other words.... becoming integrated with the Whole (God). It is not even

>about Local Collective Consciousness.... whereby a person attends a Local

>Spiritual Centre, though that is nice, too. However, it is about a

>'collectivity whereby you are connected and concerned about that person....

>a connecting line of love'. Shri Mataji explains it:


> " Collectivity doesn't mean that we all should be stuck together with some

>glue or something....it doesn't mean that. It means wherever you are, you

>are connected; that is collectivity. But connected doesn't mean that you

>hate that person, no. You're connected means you love that person; you're

>concerned about that person. The connection, the connecting line is of love

>and not of hatred. " (Kundalini Puja, Germany, 11/8/91)


>In this very same reference, Shri Mataji also says that:


> " This oneness with the whole gives you all the security that you want, all

>the joy that you want. And that's why Kundalini awakening means

>collectivity. Unless and until you want pure collectivity in your being,

>Kundalini won't rise. " (Kundalini Puja, Germany, 11/8/91)


>Carol, it also means that unless a person recognizes and accepts the Whole

>Collectivity of God.... all the Branches on the Tree of Life.... which

>means all the Prophets and Incarnations that He has sent to help and

>instruct and enlighten mankind.... a person cannot really be " collective " ,

>because they are in fact, rejecting part of the All That Is.


>As Shri Mataji Herself says.... " Unless and until you want pure

>collectivity in your being, Kundalini won't rise " .


>This means basically that all Christians who do not accept Mohammed,

>Krishna, Buddha, and Shri Mataji.... cannot have their Second Birth of the

>Spirit, because in order for the Kundalini to rise, they have to be

>collective, which means they have to accept every prophet and Incarnation

>that God has sent to Mankind.


>Therefore, in Sahaja Yoga, it is taught that we must recognize all of

>these, as they are all branches on the Tree of Life. And if we accept only

>one branch, that is, take one branch only for ourselves.... we lose our

>connection with the Whole Tree of Life.


>The Main Message of Jesus was for human beings to enter the Kingdom of God.

>When a person enters this Kingdom of God, the Profound Silence is

>experienced. A " Knowingness " comes into their Whole Being. It is a very

>profound experience, where all their arguments and doubts dissolve in the

>Light of Spirit.... where they then KNOW as they are KNOWN... and where

>nobody's external opinions can ever again sway them from what they know to

>be true.


>However this 'Knowingness' can not be known from books, theological

>dissertations, discussions, or arguments, and that is why " Knowers " refuse

>to argue about these externals. To them is is really a maya.... an

>'illusion'.... an outward appearance only, and not the Reality.


>The Eternal Silence can only be known and experienced when all these

>'external so-called knowledges' are put aside for a while and this

> " Knowingness' is actively and consciously entered. Then, and then only,

>will this Silence Within even be heard/felt/experienced/possible.


>And from Within This Silence emanates Love, Joy, Understanding, Bliss,

>Wisdom, and all the other fruits of the Spirit. They just flow from the

>Kingdom of God Itself, because a Sahaja Yogi (regardless of which

>spiritual/religious background they come from) is a person who has

>connected with this " Living Water " of Love.





> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet and all,

> >

> > Please Read in the bible,

> >

> > Mark Ch9 vs 38-50

> >

> > " If not against us, for us " ( Jesus said) People casting out

>demons, in

> > His name, but not part of THEIR group.

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: Christianity and Islam....

> > >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:25:10 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Carol,

> > >

> > >Thank you for your post. i understand that you are a deep

>spiritual person,

> > >and i would like to share something with you about the external

>church (as

> > >defined by churches), and the internal church (as defined by the

>Temple of

> > >God within human beings.)

> > >

> > >The definition of the world `orthodoxy' is:

> > >

> > > " Orth (o) " – (is a word element in Greek,

>meaning 'straight', 'normal', or

> > >`correct')

> > >

> > > " Doxy " - (again….Greek. `doxa' means " opinion " )

> > >

> > >Therefore, according to the definition of the word, `orthodoxy'


> > >means `a correct opinion'.

> > >

> > >There are many religious opinions or orthodoxies. They are man-


> > >opinions.

> > >

> > >Absolute Truth is not a man-made opinion. The way a person can

>tell the

> > >difference between an opinion and the Absolute Truth, is whether

>or not

> > >that opinion/Truth changes or not. Opinions change, evolve,


> > >themselves even…. But Absolute Truth stands.... and does not


> > >

> > >If a particular doctrine or dogma is subject to change, then it

>is not the

> > >Absolute Truth. However, God is Absolute Truth. He is not dogma


> > >doctrine, which do change. In Sahaja Yoga, for the first time, we

>can feel

> > >the Absolute Truth on our fingertips as a Cool Breeze. This is


> > >Proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the birthing of a

>person into

> > >the Kingdom of Heaven within, and these Sure Signs do not change.

> > >

> > >Jesus did not come to Earth to fill up physical churches with

>bodies. Jesus

> > >came on Earth to fill up the Temples of God within human beings

>with the

> > >Living Water of Life.

> > >

> > >Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that He came to give

>Her a Gift

> > >of God. It was a Gift of " Living " Water. Jesus also

>said…. " Whoever drinks

> > >of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. He also

>said…. " This

> > >water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water


> > >up to eternal life. (Reference to John Chapter 4) ....Now Shri

>Mataji has

> > >come. She is also offering this Living Water of Life, which is a

>well of

> > >water that will spring up to eternal life.

> > >

> > >When Peter said to Jesus that he recognized Jesus as the


> > >Christened One…. In other words, " the Christ " , Jesus told Peter

>that God….

> > >and not man….had revealed that to him. The truth is that man can


> > >reveal the Truth. Only God can reveal the Truth to a person. (And

>i know

> > >you agree with that too, Carol). And the person has to be willing

>for the

> > >Truth to be revealed also. Sometimes the Truth that is revealed

>from within

> > >a person…. Contradicts what is taught by orthodoxy (man's

>opinions of what

> > >is correct).

> > >

> > >Anyway…. Jesus then was pleased that God had revealed to Peter

>who Jesus

> > >really was, so Jesus said:

> > >

> > >17. " Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did

>not reveal

> > >this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

> > >18. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock

>I will

> > >build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

> > >19. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and

>whatever you

> > >shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you

>shall loose

> > >on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven " .

> > >20. Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one

>that He was

> > >the Christ. (Matthew 16:17-20)

> > >

> > >Jesus was not talking about a church building. He was talking

>about the

> > >Kingdom of Heaven within. When Jesus was referring to Peter as

>a 'rock', He

> > >was not referring to him as a rock upon which he would build

>actual church

> > >buildings…. He was referring to Peter, the rock, upon which He

>would build

> > >his Spiritual Kingdom.

> > >

> > >There are also many references to the word " rock " which show this:

> > >

> > > " You neglected the Rock who begot you, and forgot the God who

>gave you

> > >birth. " (Deuteronomy 32:18)

> > >

> > >These are the words of David, the Psalmist (Song-Writer):

> > >

> > > " The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…. My God,

>my rock, in

> > >whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my


> > >and my refuge…. And from His temple he heard my voice, and my cry

>for help

> > >came into His ears " (II Samuel 22:2,3,7)

> > >

> > >David wrote spiritually deep songs. He knew that God's Temple was


> > >inside him, and not in a building.... " And from His Temple He

>heard my

> > >voice " .

> > >

> > >Here is one more example (and there are many more):

> > >

> > >`Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an


> > >Rock. " (Isaiah 26:4)

> > >

> > >By following orthodoxy, which is OTHER PEOPLE'S CORRECT OPINION,

>a person

> > >will have a hard time, as you yourself admit when you

>say.... " Yes, it is

> > >VERY hard, as being Orthodox " .

> > >

> > >This is because following other people's correct opinion (which

>you may not

> > >agree with).... is not the same as having Absolute Truth....

>(which is the

> > >Truth that comes from within you, which you can agree with,

>because it is

> > >the Truth that comes from within).

> > >

> > >When a person stops to follow other people's correct opinion, and


> > >the Absolute Truth within them, this unnecessary " struggle "


> > >Everyone faces challenges in life.... there are struggles in

>life, but they

> > >are nothing compared to the struggle of following other people's


> > >opinion, when it is not necessarily according to your own


> > >insight.

> > >

> > >That is why Jesus said about the Orthodox Pharisees that they

>were piling

> > >weight upon weight upon their followers. This is why it is my


> > >opinion that life's challenges are enough without having to

>follow other

> > >people's opinions also.

> > >

> > >Violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " danny weaver "

> > ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Violet,

> > > >

> > > > I also agree, love is the KEY....... Of course that is ALL

>that is

> > >really

> > > > needed as YES we came from one stock. One family of God.

> > > >

> > > > As for the dogmas ,doctrines, etc, that need to be 'shed', is


> > >as easy

> > > > as you think, as God is the SAME " yesterday, today and

>tomorrow. "

> > >You see

> > > > that is what was kept from the beginning when Jesus died and


> > > > resurrected, and the people congregated and TRIED to carry out

> > >what they had

> > > > been SHOWN by Jesus. They did this to the best of their


> > >Jesus left

> > > > them in charge especially Peter to start the churches, He


> > >to think

> > > > they were able, and He should know who can do it////// Andrew,


> > >first

> > > > called, fishermen, was the disciple who went to Russia, they


> > >traveled to

> > > > spread the teachings.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Yes, it is VERY hard, as being Orthodox, but joyful too, we are

> > >taught that

> > > > comfort is not what we need all the time, we need to struggle


> > >learn how

> > > > to grow, in this life closer to God, if all is so comfortable


> > >we would

> > > > never leave the nest and spread our wings to grow. JESUS sent


> > >out to

> > > > heal, witness and start His church..... and they are TRYING to


> > > > their doctrines etc, the SAME to the BEST of their ability, as

> > >they have

> > > > been changed way too much by too many now. I grew up


> > >and if you

> > > > think it is all easy for me to be Orthodox, then I feel you

> > >misunderstand,

> > > > and sometimes, I think I cannot handle it all, the readings,


> > >prayer, are

> > > > fine BUT RULES, can seem difficult at times,, BUT all in all it

> > >brings JOY

> > > > and growth in the end, and feel better after the discilpne


> > >is lacking

> > > > in many faiths. NO discipline, today, people go to church

>once a

> > >week and

> > > > the rest of week live like they grew up with atheists. Such


> > >in the

> > > > world, the dress etc. In the Orthodox you have to wear long

> > >skirts, head

> > > > coverings, and much like Sahaja Yoga. Respect in the church. I


> > >to take

> > > > MAKEUP OFF when going to church, ( NOW ANYONE who KNOWS me


> > >laugh as

> > > > they know I have worn eye liner since 16 yrs old and cannot


> > >without it

> > > > on,) and even put some on before an operation, ( PRIDE) and my

> > >spiritual

> > > > father let me know it and I cried for DAYS and DAYS,,,, to


> > >that he

> > > > would say that to me that I had 'pride' of all things,,,,, and

> > >almost would

> > > > not get baptised, but then thought How could I be this proud

>it is

> > >true, as

> > > > I did not want people to see me without it, and who am I ? I am

> > >not so

> > > > beautiful with it or without it, but I am the IMAGE of GOD,

>so He

> > >thinks I

> > > > am gorgeous with it or without it and should not try impress

> > >anyone but HIm.

> > > > ( Not even SELF) Now I wear it but not at church as it is

> > >disrespect and the

> > > > MONKS do not need enticed. well that was the funniest of all,

>I am

> > >in my

> > > > 50's how could I EVER entice anyone anymore, it is funny to me

> > >anyway,,,,,

> > > > the Lucifer ( Satan) brought that to Earth and Fallen Angels)

> > >luring women

> > > > to wear it, and I still do, it is wrong, but I am having


> > >in that

> > > > area. ( But they just do not want it worn at church, and

> > >especially

> > > > lipstick. someday I will be old and will need to get rid of it

> > >anyway. Their

> > > > are some others, like 'fasting' it is for DISCIPLNE that is


> > >Without it

> > > > we would all act like animals. No, I do not agree with all I


> > >in Orthodox

> > > > either, BUT they have not asked me to WORSHIP anyone, so am

> > >willing to learn

> > > > and get disciplned, and find my way to God trhough prayer,


> > > > meditation, and I hope with time Biblical counseling, feel


> > >to

> > > > spiritually counsel people. ( ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH) It is not my

> > >place to

> > > > JUDGE just POINT THE WAY< and use the BIBLE as that is the only

> > >road map I

> > > > have. Now they DO VENERATE ICONS ( Pictures that were from


> > >years ago

> > > > as people could NOT read and they tell the story of Jesus day,

> > >etc, But they

> > > > do not want us to WORSHIP, but VENERATE, as Heaven and EARTH



> > > > TOGETHER NOT SEPERATED> The pictures of the Saints have

> > >vibrations, and you

> > > > can ASK them to intercede in prayer as you would ask a friend


> > >Earth.

> > > > People have a 'Home Altar, or small church, you might say, (to


> > >ever

> > > > mindful to meditate pray and that Heaven and Earth IS together


> > >one) They

> > > > have Rituals like you, Holy Water, etc, the Olive oil and


> > > > surrounding some saints etc. They have Homes Blessed with Holy

> > >Water and

> > > > believe in negativity, and need to cleanse area etc.

> > >Similarities....have

> > > > been noted, FOR SURE....

> > > >

> > > > Meet people where you FIND them at their level, and go from


> > >if you

> > > > want them to come to Sahaja Yoga, and do not push too hard, and

> > >also i

> > > > agree they do need to know the TRUTH of the beliefs UP FRONT or

> > >they will

> > > > fel something is deceptive that you were HIDING the facts,,,, I

> > >felt that

> > > > when I was part of Public Programs, as NO ONE would tell it


> > >it was ( or

> > > > they see it) No one would say Shri Mataji IS the Holy Spirit,


> > >that was

> > > > maybe the main reason I found it easy to leave, then, I felt it

> > >was

> > > > deceptive, to much hiding things, till later.....One person (


> > >not ever

> > > > name neames) my DEAR DEAR sweet freind No.... SISTER for


> > >She TOLD

> > > > me the TRUTH right off........ and I am so glad, but the


> > >at the

> > > > public meetings not saying that part right off is not right ( I

> > >think) but

> > > > who am I???????If I were up there it certainly would have been

> > >brought up

> > > > right off, and brought into the teaching, as I went... But

> > >whatever.....Who

> > > > am I, again, to say anything, what do I know??? I am jsut doing

> > >the best I

> > > > can with the faith given me at this time.....

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Blessings to you all,

> > > >

> > > > in Love of God, Three in One. ( yes many gods too, and


> > >But main

> > > > THREE Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one, like water, solid


> > >and gas,

> > > > forms,,,, ( As I see it) many places at once,,,,different


> > > >

> > > > Carol Ann

> > > >

> > > > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Christianity and Islam....

> > > > >Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:35:53 -0000

> > > > >

> > > > >Dear Jagbir,

> > > > >

> > > > >Here is an article (URL given below) on the subject of

> > >Christianity and

> > > > >Islam. The actual title of the article is:

> > > > >

> > > > > " Sister Religions — but don't pick the ugly one. "

> > > > >

> > > > >Could you please comment on this article by James Byrne and


> > >your

> > > > >knowledge and experience, give some understanding that might


> > >Mr.

> > > > >Byrnes to see Islam, which means " surrender " .... 'surrender to

> > >God'.... in

> > > > >a better light.

> > > > >

> > > > >Can i just say here also that we must realize that all

> > >Incarnations and

> > > > >Prophets come from God. The Christians against Muslims and


> > >versa

> > > > >scenario must stop, if we are ever to have Peace On Earth and

> > >Goodwill

> > > > >Towards Men. This scenario will not be accepted in the Golden


> > >of the

> > > > >Spirit to come.

> > > > >

> > > > >It really must come from the hearts of Christians and Muslims


> > >forget

> > > > >about externals and each go within to receive the Baptism of


> > >Holy

> > > > >Spirit/the Ruh of Allah. Then they will realize and agree with

> > >other Sahaja

> > > > >Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) that indeed, all branches


> > >from the

> > > > >same Tree of Life. All these Incarnations and Prophets have


> > >at

> > > > >different Times, when needed in various cultures to enlighten

> > >humanity

> > > > >according to their ability to receive the Higher Truths.

> > > > >

> > > > >Alternatively, it is just like one branch of a tree telling

> > >another branch

> > > > >of that same tree, that it does not belong on that Tree. Such


> > >concept

> > > > >comes from the Kindergarten Class. At this time all human


> > >need to

> > > > >wake up and realize that it is time to graduate to the Grown-


> > >Class. In

> > > > >this class human beings change their concepts because they

> > >realize that we

> > > > >all, regardless of religious/spiritual background, just need

> > >to 'become the

> > > > >Spirit', by having our Second Birth of the Spirit, which is


> > >same as the

> > > > >Ruh of Allah. Also, regardless of which religious tradition


> > >comes from,

> > > > >it will be felt as a Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit/Cool


> > >of Allah as

> > > > >a Sure Sign that one has been Born into the Kingdom of God


> > > > >

> > > > >Therefore, it will only be the Spirit of God that can truly


> > >us all

> > > > >into one Human Spiritual Family. As Shri Mataji tells.... 'we


> > >all

> > > > >connected.... and the connecting line is of love.... not of

> > >hatred'. And to

> > > > >get there, i believe we are going to have to shed a lot of


> > >doctrine,

> > > > >and conditionings.

> > > > >

> > > > >i await your response, Jagbir.

> > > > >

> > > > >Violet

> > > > >

> > > > >(http://www.faithfreedom.org/oped/JamesByrne30526.htm)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >







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