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I believe that this Spirit ... will come in time, to open this world to God

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, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else just

> because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without the

> Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more important than

> Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the comfortor

> that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I am a

> Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I am

> not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self realized, I

> was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then wanted

> to become my own master which I am doing this through knowledge.

> But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the Holy

> Spirit.



" So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this Jesus

will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition. Indeed, it

will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

startling but real insight into the future of worship.


I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call

this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .


Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward

virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to

process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore, the

primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None of

them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is inerrant

or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None of

them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to belief.

All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the ground of

their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who claim

to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to build

institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we can

speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

history. We are now exile people. "


John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p. 224-


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It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds, and yet

everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE ONE, and

think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say, ONLY WE (

this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I have been

in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and beliefs,

and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need anything just

relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main meeting place

to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country founded on

right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and become a

melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already happened. We

do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok to be a

homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal, children, it is

ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God speaking to

you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they may say

they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You will know them

by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and many others)

thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and many

others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know them by

their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and trying to

say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up to us to

decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for others,

how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That is what it

has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your brother/sister whom you

have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one at ANY time

has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit and truth "

Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the IMAGE of God.

But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by their FRUITS

and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as their are way

too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway they

please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought, anyone can open

a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even say, "

This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers, some

people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry around a

piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears are there,

and everyone would follow you around and you will have a following.


So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in the Heart "

and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things up as they

go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the name of

God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead people to think

EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow whoever

seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS, who made

things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief if I so

chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted many

religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered, and if you

are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to God " And

all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and better with

time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed Church for

two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7 people, I

preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps and bounds 50

came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in Randall NY I

was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with the

ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they had found

the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar across the

street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come, as I

cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord " They will

change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will meet them

where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never ONCE did I

lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have relationship with

Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two years,

decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at The Reformed

Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had found a

RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes on.... Greed.

The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we get to

paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the RIGHT, to do

such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit that will

be seen. "


( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are correct)

What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing the cool

breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But where does it

come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and the love of

the person....)



Carol Ann



> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> " I believe that this Spirit ... will come

>in time, to open this world to God "

>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000


> , " Chuck "

><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> >

> > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else just

> > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without the

> > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more important than

> > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the comfortor

> > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I am a

> > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I am

> > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self realized, I

> > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then wanted

> > to become my own master which I am doing this through knowledge.

> > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the Holy

> > Spirit.

> >


> " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this Jesus

>will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition. Indeed, it

>will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

>development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

>messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

>worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

>startling but real insight into the future of worship.


>I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

>life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

>Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

>him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call

>this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

>creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

>world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .


>Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

>Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

>truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward

>virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to

>process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

>and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore, the

>primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None of

>them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is inerrant

>or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None of

>them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to belief.

>All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

>heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

>superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

>only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

>possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the ground of

>their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

>holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

>life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who claim

>to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to build

>institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we can

>speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

>sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

>history. We are now exile people. "


>John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

>Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p. 224-








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Dear Carol,


Many words can be said Carol.... many arguments can be made to support any

view/s whatsoever. But that is not what Sahaja Yoga is about. Sahaja Yoga is not

an argument for or against any belief system.


Sahaja Yoga is about going within and experiencing the Silence Within and

learning the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that a person receives from Within....

rather than all of these external opinions that a person can receive from others

who are not even 'authorized' Christians, because they have never known that

Truth that comes from within.


Carol, i request that you please contemplate this fact very deeply and try and

understand what Sahaja Yoga is really all about.


Kind regards,





, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds,

and yet

> everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE

ONE, and

> think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say,


> this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I

have been

> in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and


> and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need anything


> relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main

meeting place

> to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country

founded on

> right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and

become a

> melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already

happened. We

> do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok to

be a

> homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal,

children, it is

> ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God

speaking to

> you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they

may say

> they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You will

know them

> by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and many


> thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and


> others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know

them by

> their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and

trying to

> say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up to

us to

> decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for


> how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That is

what it

> has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your

brother/sister whom you

> have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one at

ANY time

> has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit

and truth "

> Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the

IMAGE of God.

> But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by

their FRUITS

> and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as

their are way

> too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway


> please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought,

anyone can open

> a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even

say, "

> This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers,


> people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry

around a

> piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears

are there,

> and everyone would follow you around and you will have a following.


> So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in

the Heart "

> and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things

up as they

> go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the

name of

> God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead people

to think

> EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow


> seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS,

who made

> things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief

if I so

> chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted


> religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered, and

if you

> are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to

God " And

> all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and

better with

> time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed

Church for

> two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7

people, I

> preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps and

bounds 50

> came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in

Randall NY I

> was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with


> ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they

had found

> the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar

across the

> street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come,

as I

> cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord "

They will

> change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will

meet them

> where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never

ONCE did I

> lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have

relationship with

> Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two


> decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at

The Reformed

> Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had

found a

> RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes

on.... Greed.

> The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we

get to

> paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the

RIGHT, to do

> such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit

that will

> be seen. "


> ( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are


> What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing

the cool

> breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But where

does it

> come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and

the love of

> the person....)


> Love,

> Carol Ann



> > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> >

> >

> > " I believe that this Spirit ...

will come

> >in time, to open this world to God "

> >Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000

> >

> > , " Chuck "

> ><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > >

> > > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else


> > > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without the

> > > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more important


> > > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the


> > > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I

am a

> > > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I


> > > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self

realized, I

> > > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then


> > > to become my own master which I am doing this through


> > > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the


> > > Spirit.

> > >

> >

> > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this


> >will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

Indeed, it

> >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

> >development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> >messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> >worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> >startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> >

> >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> >life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God


> >Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

> >him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we


> >this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> >creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

> >world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> >

> >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> >Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of


> >truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to


> >virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt


> >process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

> >and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore,


> >primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None


> >them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is


> >or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None


> >them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to


> >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> >heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> >superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> >only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> >possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

ground of

> >their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

> >holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> >life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who


> >to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to


> >institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we


> >speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> >history. We are now exile people. "

> >

> >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.


> >26.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Carol,


i have to agree with Violet as i have come across many Christians who

jcan pick any page from the bible to tell you stories that carry

little spiritual weight. Despite hundreds of years no Christian

pastor or pose is able to follow Jesus when He said:



There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the


The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know

that thou art a teacher come from God:

For no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with


Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee,

Except a man born be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born again when he is old?

Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of

water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of

Spirit is spirit,

Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

So is every one that is born of the Spirit.


John 3:1-8


" The term " Spirit " translates the Hebrew word ruah, which, in its

primary sense, means breath, air, wind. Jesus indeed uses the sensory

image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of

him who is personally God's breath, the divine Spirit. " 7 (7. Jn 3:5-



Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Interdicasterial Commission),

Catechism of the Catholic Church



The common understanding and definition of rûah is that of an

independent, incorporeal entity with an existence separate from that

of the body, a definition customarily rendered with the English word

spirit. " Both of the major Hebrew and English dictionaries in use

today include this definition, or one that goes very far towards it,

among those appropriate for rûah. Gesenius's lexicon edited by Brown,

Driver, and Briggs lists this as the fourth meaning of rûah: " spirit

of the living, breathing being, dwelling in the flesh of men and

animals. " Under this entry, references are cited which more properly

ought to be listed under this lexicon's first meaning of

rûah, " breath, " including many that have been cited above: Isa 42:5;

Zech 12:1; Ps 104:29-30; Job 12:10, 27:3, 34:14-15; Qoh 11:5, 12:7.

(5) In their lexicon, Koehler and Baumgartner list this understanding

as the sixth meaning of rûah: " (breath, element of life, natural)

spirit of man. " " (Professor Theodore Hiebert)


Every individual must be born of the Spirit before he or she can

enter His Kingdom. That is the clear Message of Shri Jesus. There are

three absolute requirements for spiritual rebirth:


& #61531; One must be born of water, which means by the Kundalini;

& #61531; One must be born of the Spirit, which means by the Power of the

Holy Ghost or Adi Shakti;

& #61531; Every one that is born of the Spirit must feel the Ruah (breath of

GOD) flowing freely from their bodies, and not mentally self-certify

that they are born again as is common among the churches.


Any organization that does not meet all these three precise

conditions is assured of being far from Truth. Being born of the

Spirit in not a mental make-believe of blind faith. It is an

actualization, a genuine experience of Cool Breeze or Wind emanating

from within. This phenomena has been experienced by hundreds of

thousands all over the world during their very first Self-Realization

from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or Sahaja Yogis. Those who continue

have this Breath of God flowing from all parts of their body,

especially the hands and head.


Carol, all the theology and praying and arguements will not make you

born of the spirit. All the thunder from pastors and ministers

insisting you to believe or repent is not going to make you feel the

wind of those born of water (Kundalini) and the Spirit (Shakti). The

Christian intellectualization and brainwashing is frightening, making

such people weird. i have met them and take a wide berth when i see

them. You can now see how 'intellectualized' the christian teachings

are by your own arguements and sad experiences with fellow ministers.

So no matter how many sheets of the bible you can quote from memory

nothing is going to change the fact that Jesus explicitly warned:


Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of water and the

Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Period!






, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Carol,


> Many words can be said Carol.... many arguments can be made to

support any view/s whatsoever. But that is not what Sahaja Yoga is

about. Sahaja Yoga is not an argument for or against any belief



> Sahaja Yoga is about going within and experiencing the Silence

Within and learning the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that a person

receives from Within.... rather than all of these external opinions

that a person can receive from others who are not even 'authorized'

Christians, because they have never known that Truth that comes from



> Carol, i request that you please contemplate this fact very deeply

and try and understand what Sahaja Yoga is really all about.


> Kind regards,


> Violet



> , " danny weaver "

> <cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds,

> and yet

> > everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE

> ONE, and

> > think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say,


> > this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I

> have been

> > in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and

> beliefs,

> > and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need


> just

> > relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main

> meeting place

> > to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country

> founded on

> > right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and

> become a

> > melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already

> happened. We

> > do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok


> be a

> > homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal,

> children, it is

> > ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God

> speaking to

> > you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they

> may say

> > they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You


> know them

> > by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and


> others)

> > thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and

> many

> > others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know

> them by

> > their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and

> trying to

> > say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up


> us to

> > decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for

> others,

> > how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That


> what it

> > has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your

> brother/sister whom you

> > have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one


> ANY time

> > has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit

> and truth "

> > Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the

> IMAGE of God.

> > But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by

> their FRUITS

> > and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as

> their are way

> > too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway

> they

> > please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought,

> anyone can open

> > a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even

> say, "

> > This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers,

> some

> > people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry

> around a

> > piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears

> are there,

> > and everyone would follow you around and you will have a


> >

> > So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in

> the Heart "

> > and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things

> up as they

> > go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the

> name of

> > God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead


> to think

> > EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow

> whoever

> > seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS,

> who made

> > things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief

> if I so

> > chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted

> many

> > religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered,


> if you

> > are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to

> God " And

> > all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and

> better with

> > time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed

> Church for

> > two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7

> people, I

> > preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps


> bounds 50

> > came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in

> Randall NY I

> > was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with

> the

> > ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they

> had found

> > the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar

> across the

> > street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come,

> as I

> > cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord "

> They will

> > change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will

> meet them

> > where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never

> ONCE did I

> > lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have

> relationship with

> > Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two

> years,

> > decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at

> The Reformed

> > Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had

> found a

> > RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes

> on.... Greed.

> > The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we

> get to

> > paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the

> RIGHT, to do

> > such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit

> that will

> > be seen. "

> >

> > ( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are

> correct)

> > What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing

> the cool

> > breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But


> does it

> > come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and

> the love of

> > the person....)

> >

> > Love,

> > Carol Ann

> >

> >

> > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> > >

> > >

> > > " I believe that this Spirit ...

> will come

> > >in time, to open this world to God "

> > >Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000

> > >

> > > , " Chuck "

> > ><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > > > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else

> just

> > > > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without


> > > > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more


> than

> > > > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the

> comfortor

> > > > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > > > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I

> am a

> > > > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I

> am

> > > > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self

> realized, I

> > > > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then

> wanted

> > > > to become my own master which I am doing this through

> knowledge.

> > > > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the

> Holy

> > > > Spirit.

> > > >

> > >

> > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> Jesus

> > >will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

> Indeed, it

> > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

> > >development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> > >messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> > >worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> > >startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> > >

> > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> > >life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God

> the

> > >Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we


> > >him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we

> call

> > >this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> > >creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open


> > >world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> > >

> > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> > >Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of

> revealed

> > >truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to

> reward

> > >virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt

> to

> > >process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own


> > >and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore,

> the

> > >primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None

> of

> > >them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is

> inerrant

> > >or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None

> of

> > >them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to

> belief.

> > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> > >heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> > >superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> > >only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> > >possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

> ground of

> > >their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with


> > >holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> > >life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who

> claim

> > >to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to

> build

> > >institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we

> can

> > >speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> > >history. We are now exile people. "

> > >

> > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> 224-

> > >26.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Jagbir,


See they ( Orthodox) also feel that they are born of the Spirit and Water,

and that at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled the people there and they

received and the church began, and all received after baptism, and

confirmation ( which you receive the 'breath at that time'..)


Please read, 'Holy Trinity Orthodox School' on the web, and it will help you

to understand the beliefs better, and I will not say anymore, as this can

explain trh whole history from beginning till the end, of time. As you are

Gnostics, I know, you would be interested in studying all that you can, as I

do also. But salvation does not come from jsut 'knowing' yes you do need to

be 'filled with the Holy Spirit " and I know I have been also, as I also have

FELT the cool breeze and the cool on top the head has been noted by many.

The vibrations and the whole thing. Sahaja Yoga did not start until the

70's, and I know that Shri Mataji then realized she was the " Holy Spirit' or

Adi Shakti " after her daughters were older, she found the cool breeze,

herself. The awareness came at that time, so I understand. What wil happen

to all the people before that, after Pentecost, did they not have the

Comforter, so thus no chance of salvation UNTILL the second coming of

Christ? They, then would not have been filled as they did not know how, ( or

VERY FEW) as they needed to seek out a person who knew how and it could take

a lifetime or maybe never, even though they were trying to receive it. (

Working with a teacher or Guru) Am asking in earnest, and requesting that

being fair, I am listening, and if you will also read site mentioed above(

it would take time) but then see what you think, as we came from something

AFTER the resurrection , something was left a message from Jesus for people

to teach and spread to the world. They folowed what Jesus did and said. So

it was not just Biblical but traditional.


I agree that arguing is not the answer and a waste of time and goes no

where, and will not ask anything, anymore, after you read the web it can

explain better than I ,am sure. Would take too long here. Yes The Holy

Spirit filling is good, and agree with much, but any one can have a

following but directing people to the Christ, is the anser not to 'self' and

what people can offer. We are ALL equal in Gods kingdom, if we believe in

Christ and the Holy Spirit. God sees the 'heart' we cannot jsudge as we

cannot see the 'heart' I also had personal meeting with Shri Mataji, and she

and I had nice conversations and she said " she was sorry to keep me

waiting " and called me by name, and this was a humble person, I would say.

Am sure she would not have met with me, or wanted to talk to me, if I was

not filled with the Spirit, she would have stayed away. ( Being the Adi

Shakti I mean) So this is my last saying, I pray, but wanted to gfive you

chnace to read and understand from " the horses mouth ' you might say, by

reading the site.





> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 21:36:36 -0000



>Dear Carol,


>i have to agree with Violet as i have come across many Christians who

>jcan pick any page from the bible to tell you stories that carry

>little spiritual weight. Despite hundreds of years no Christian

>pastor or pose is able to follow Jesus when He said:



>There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the


>The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know

>that thou art a teacher come from God:

>For no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with


>Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee,

>Except a man born be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

>Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born again when he is old?

>Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

>Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of

>water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

>That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of

>Spirit is spirit,

>Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.

>The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

>thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

>So is every one that is born of the Spirit.


> John 3:1-8


> " The term " Spirit " translates the Hebrew word ruah, which, in its

>primary sense, means breath, air, wind. Jesus indeed uses the sensory

>image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of

>him who is personally God's breath, the divine Spirit. " 7 (7. Jn 3:5-



>Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Interdicasterial Commission),

>Catechism of the Catholic Church



>The common understanding and definition of rûah is that of an

>independent, incorporeal entity with an existence separate from that

>of the body, a definition customarily rendered with the English word

>spirit. " Both of the major Hebrew and English dictionaries in use

>today include this definition, or one that goes very far towards it,

>among those appropriate for rûah. Gesenius's lexicon edited by Brown,

>Driver, and Briggs lists this as the fourth meaning of rûah: " spirit

>of the living, breathing being, dwelling in the flesh of men and

>animals. " Under this entry, references are cited which more properly

>ought to be listed under this lexicon's first meaning of

>rûah, " breath, " including many that have been cited above: Isa 42:5;

>Zech 12:1; Ps 104:29-30; Job 12:10, 27:3, 34:14-15; Qoh 11:5, 12:7.

>(5) In their lexicon, Koehler and Baumgartner list this understanding

>as the sixth meaning of rûah: " (breath, element of life, natural)

>spirit of man. " " (Professor Theodore Hiebert)


>Every individual must be born of the Spirit before he or she can

>enter His Kingdom. That is the clear Message of Shri Jesus. There are

>three absolute requirements for spiritual rebirth:


> & #61531; One must be born of water, which means by the Kundalini;

> & #61531; One must be born of the Spirit, which means by the Power of the

>Holy Ghost or Adi Shakti;

> & #61531; Every one that is born of the Spirit must feel the Ruah (breath of

>GOD) flowing freely from their bodies, and not mentally self-certify

>that they are born again as is common among the churches.


>Any organization that does not meet all these three precise

>conditions is assured of being far from Truth. Being born of the

>Spirit in not a mental make-believe of blind faith. It is an

>actualization, a genuine experience of Cool Breeze or Wind emanating

>from within. This phenomena has been experienced by hundreds of

>thousands all over the world during their very first Self-Realization

>from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or Sahaja Yogis. Those who continue

>have this Breath of God flowing from all parts of their body,

>especially the hands and head.


>Carol, all the theology and praying and arguements will not make you

>born of the spirit. All the thunder from pastors and ministers

>insisting you to believe or repent is not going to make you feel the

>wind of those born of water (Kundalini) and the Spirit (Shakti). The

>Christian intellectualization and brainwashing is frightening, making

>such people weird. i have met them and take a wide berth when i see

>them. You can now see how 'intellectualized' the christian teachings

>are by your own arguements and sad experiences with fellow ministers.

>So no matter how many sheets of the bible you can quote from memory

>nothing is going to change the fact that Jesus explicitly warned:


>Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of water and the

>Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Period!






> , " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> >

> > Dear Carol,

> >

> > Many words can be said Carol.... many arguments can be made to

>support any view/s whatsoever. But that is not what Sahaja Yoga is

>about. Sahaja Yoga is not an argument for or against any belief


> >

> > Sahaja Yoga is about going within and experiencing the Silence

>Within and learning the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that a person

>receives from Within.... rather than all of these external opinions

>that a person can receive from others who are not even 'authorized'

>Christians, because they have never known that Truth that comes from


> >

> > Carol, i request that you please contemplate this fact very deeply

>and try and understand what Sahaja Yoga is really all about.

> >

> > Kind regards,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " danny weaver "

> > <cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > >

> > > It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds,

> > and yet

> > > everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE

> > ONE, and

> > > think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say,

> > ONLY WE (

> > > this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I

> > have been

> > > in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and

> > beliefs,

> > > and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need


> > just

> > > relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main

> > meeting place

> > > to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country

> > founded on

> > > right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and

> > become a

> > > melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already

> > happened. We

> > > do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok


> > be a

> > > homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal,

> > children, it is

> > > ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God

> > speaking to

> > > you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they

> > may say

> > > they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You


> > know them

> > > by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and


> > others)

> > > thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and

> > many

> > > others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know

> > them by

> > > their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and

> > trying to

> > > say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up


> > us to

> > > decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for

> > others,

> > > how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That


> > what it

> > > has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your

> > brother/sister whom you

> > > have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one


> > ANY time

> > > has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit

> > and truth "

> > > Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the

> > IMAGE of God.

> > > But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by

> > their FRUITS

> > > and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as

> > their are way

> > > too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway

> > they

> > > please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought,

> > anyone can open

> > > a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even

> > say, "

> > > This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers,

> > some

> > > people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry

> > around a

> > > piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears

> > are there,

> > > and everyone would follow you around and you will have a


> > >

> > > So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in

> > the Heart "

> > > and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things

> > up as they

> > > go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the

> > name of

> > > God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead


> > to think

> > > EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow

> > whoever

> > > seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS,

> > who made

> > > things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief

> > if I so

> > > chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted

> > many

> > > religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered,


> > if you

> > > are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to

> > God " And

> > > all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and

> > better with

> > > time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed

> > Church for

> > > two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7

> > people, I

> > > preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps


> > bounds 50

> > > came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in

> > Randall NY I

> > > was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with

> > the

> > > ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they

> > had found

> > > the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar

> > across the

> > > street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come,

> > as I

> > > cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord "

> > They will

> > > change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will

> > meet them

> > > where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never

> > ONCE did I

> > > lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have

> > relationship with

> > > Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two

> > years,

> > > decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at

> > The Reformed

> > > Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had

> > found a

> > > RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes

> > on.... Greed.

> > > The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we

> > get to

> > > paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the

> > RIGHT, to do

> > > such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit

> > that will

> > > be seen. "

> > >

> > > ( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are

> > correct)

> > > What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing

> > the cool

> > > breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But


> > does it

> > > come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and

> > the love of

> > > the person....)

> > >

> > > Love,

> > > Carol Ann

> > >

> > >

> > > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " I believe that this Spirit ...

> > will come

> > > >in time, to open this world to God "

> > > >Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000

> > > >

> > > > , " Chuck "

> > > ><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > > > > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else

> > just

> > > > > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without


> > > > > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more


> > than

> > > > > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the

> > comfortor

> > > > > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > > > > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I

> > am a

> > > > > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I

> > am

> > > > > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self

> > realized, I

> > > > > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then

> > wanted

> > > > > to become my own master which I am doing this through

> > knowledge.

> > > > > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the

> > Holy

> > > > > Spirit.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > Jesus

> > > >will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

> > Indeed, it

> > > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

> > > >development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> > > >messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> > > >worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> > > >startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> > > >

> > > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> > > >life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God

> > the

> > > >Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we


> > > >him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we

> > call

> > > >this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> > > >creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open


> > > >world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> > > >

> > > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> > > >Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of

> > revealed

> > > >truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to

> > reward

> > > >virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt

> > to

> > > >process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own


> > > >and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore,

> > the

> > > >primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None

> > of

> > > >them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is

> > inerrant

> > > >or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None

> > of

> > > >them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to

> > belief.

> > > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> > > >heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> > > >superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> > > >only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> > > >possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

> > ground of

> > > >their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with


> > > >holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> > > >life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who

> > claim

> > > >to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to

> > build

> > > >institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we

> > can

> > > >speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> > > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> > > >history. We are now exile people. "

> > > >

> > > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> > 224-

> > > >26.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >








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Dear Jagbir,


Also the word Pagan comes from Latin word meaning Paganus, and if anyone not

believing in Christianity and also rural dwelling person, or people.

Worshipping many gods, and even nature as god.

Pagans do predate Christians, actually as Jesus came 2000 yrs ago and died

to save us from our sins.


But they saw god in everything and many silly things and it cause 'fear' all



That is what pagan means. Not Christian, or no religion at all, atheism.


As mentioned in other writing I sent, American Indians had a belief in gods,

but one GREAT SPIRIT over all, AND they were believing as best they could

under the circumstances of their ability and education. People could not

read, back in history and only the priests and learned men could interpret

for the 'commom man' Everyone knows America was set up by forefathers for

Freedom of Religion, but it is good but can be bad too, when people kill in

the m name of their god, and their god is not the loving TRUE GOD, and

everyone suffers. Our Christianity and choice can be taken away, as

communism took it away in other countries, and we are to be lucky to be able

and free to worship in this country and to seek and find God, and not be

killed for our faith.


In love,



> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 21:36:36 -0000



>Dear Carol,


>i have to agree with Violet as i have come across many Christians who

>jcan pick any page from the bible to tell you stories that carry

>little spiritual weight. Despite hundreds of years no Christian

>pastor or pose is able to follow Jesus when He said:



>There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the


>The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know

>that thou art a teacher come from God:

>For no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with


>Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee,

>Except a man born be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

>Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born again when he is old?

>Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

>Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of

>water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

>That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of

>Spirit is spirit,

>Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.

>The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound

>thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

>So is every one that is born of the Spirit.


> John 3:1-8


> " The term " Spirit " translates the Hebrew word ruah, which, in its

>primary sense, means breath, air, wind. Jesus indeed uses the sensory

>image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the transcendent newness of

>him who is personally God's breath, the divine Spirit. " 7 (7. Jn 3:5-



>Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Interdicasterial Commission),

>Catechism of the Catholic Church



>The common understanding and definition of rûah is that of an

>independent, incorporeal entity with an existence separate from that

>of the body, a definition customarily rendered with the English word

>spirit. " Both of the major Hebrew and English dictionaries in use

>today include this definition, or one that goes very far towards it,

>among those appropriate for rûah. Gesenius's lexicon edited by Brown,

>Driver, and Briggs lists this as the fourth meaning of rûah: " spirit

>of the living, breathing being, dwelling in the flesh of men and

>animals. " Under this entry, references are cited which more properly

>ought to be listed under this lexicon's first meaning of

>rûah, " breath, " including many that have been cited above: Isa 42:5;

>Zech 12:1; Ps 104:29-30; Job 12:10, 27:3, 34:14-15; Qoh 11:5, 12:7.

>(5) In their lexicon, Koehler and Baumgartner list this understanding

>as the sixth meaning of rûah: " (breath, element of life, natural)

>spirit of man. " " (Professor Theodore Hiebert)


>Every individual must be born of the Spirit before he or she can

>enter His Kingdom. That is the clear Message of Shri Jesus. There are

>three absolute requirements for spiritual rebirth:


> & #61531; One must be born of water, which means by the Kundalini;

> & #61531; One must be born of the Spirit, which means by the Power of the

>Holy Ghost or Adi Shakti;

> & #61531; Every one that is born of the Spirit must feel the Ruah (breath of

>GOD) flowing freely from their bodies, and not mentally self-certify

>that they are born again as is common among the churches.


>Any organization that does not meet all these three precise

>conditions is assured of being far from Truth. Being born of the

>Spirit in not a mental make-believe of blind faith. It is an

>actualization, a genuine experience of Cool Breeze or Wind emanating

>from within. This phenomena has been experienced by hundreds of

>thousands all over the world during their very first Self-Realization

>from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or Sahaja Yogis. Those who continue

>have this Breath of God flowing from all parts of their body,

>especially the hands and head.


>Carol, all the theology and praying and arguements will not make you

>born of the spirit. All the thunder from pastors and ministers

>insisting you to believe or repent is not going to make you feel the

>wind of those born of water (Kundalini) and the Spirit (Shakti). The

>Christian intellectualization and brainwashing is frightening, making

>such people weird. i have met them and take a wide berth when i see

>them. You can now see how 'intellectualized' the christian teachings

>are by your own arguements and sad experiences with fellow ministers.

>So no matter how many sheets of the bible you can quote from memory

>nothing is going to change the fact that Jesus explicitly warned:


>Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of water and the

>Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Period!






> , " Violet " <vtubb@b...>


> >

> > Dear Carol,

> >

> > Many words can be said Carol.... many arguments can be made to

>support any view/s whatsoever. But that is not what Sahaja Yoga is

>about. Sahaja Yoga is not an argument for or against any belief


> >

> > Sahaja Yoga is about going within and experiencing the Silence

>Within and learning the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that a person

>receives from Within.... rather than all of these external opinions

>that a person can receive from others who are not even 'authorized'

>Christians, because they have never known that Truth that comes from


> >

> > Carol, i request that you please contemplate this fact very deeply

>and try and understand what Sahaja Yoga is really all about.

> >

> > Kind regards,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " danny weaver "

> > <cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > >

> > > It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds,

> > and yet

> > > everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE

> > ONE, and

> > > think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say,

> > ONLY WE (

> > > this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I

> > have been

> > > in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and

> > beliefs,

> > > and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need


> > just

> > > relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main

> > meeting place

> > > to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country

> > founded on

> > > right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and

> > become a

> > > melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already

> > happened. We

> > > do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok


> > be a

> > > homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal,

> > children, it is

> > > ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God

> > speaking to

> > > you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they

> > may say

> > > they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You


> > know them

> > > by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and


> > others)

> > > thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and

> > many

> > > others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know

> > them by

> > > their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and

> > trying to

> > > say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up


> > us to

> > > decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for

> > others,

> > > how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That


> > what it

> > > has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your

> > brother/sister whom you

> > > have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one


> > ANY time

> > > has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit

> > and truth "

> > > Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the

> > IMAGE of God.

> > > But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by

> > their FRUITS

> > > and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as

> > their are way

> > > too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway

> > they

> > > please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought,

> > anyone can open

> > > a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even

> > say, "

> > > This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers,

> > some

> > > people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry

> > around a

> > > piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears

> > are there,

> > > and everyone would follow you around and you will have a


> > >

> > > So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in

> > the Heart "

> > > and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things

> > up as they

> > > go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the

> > name of

> > > God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead


> > to think

> > > EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow

> > whoever

> > > seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS,

> > who made

> > > things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief

> > if I so

> > > chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted

> > many

> > > religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered,


> > if you

> > > are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to

> > God " And

> > > all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and

> > better with

> > > time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed

> > Church for

> > > two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7

> > people, I

> > > preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps


> > bounds 50

> > > came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in

> > Randall NY I

> > > was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with

> > the

> > > ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they

> > had found

> > > the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar

> > across the

> > > street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come,

> > as I

> > > cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord "

> > They will

> > > change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will

> > meet them

> > > where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never

> > ONCE did I

> > > lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have

> > relationship with

> > > Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two

> > years,

> > > decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at

> > The Reformed

> > > Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had

> > found a

> > > RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes

> > on.... Greed.

> > > The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we

> > get to

> > > paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the

> > RIGHT, to do

> > > such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit

> > that will

> > > be seen. "

> > >

> > > ( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are

> > correct)

> > > What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing

> > the cool

> > > breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But


> > does it

> > > come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and

> > the love of

> > > the person....)

> > >

> > > Love,

> > > Carol Ann

> > >

> > >

> > > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " I believe that this Spirit ...

> > will come

> > > >in time, to open this world to God "

> > > >Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000

> > > >

> > > > , " Chuck "

> > > ><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > > > > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else

> > just

> > > > > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without


> > > > > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more


> > than

> > > > > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the

> > comfortor

> > > > > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > > > > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I

> > am a

> > > > > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I

> > am

> > > > > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self

> > realized, I

> > > > > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then

> > wanted

> > > > > to become my own master which I am doing this through

> > knowledge.

> > > > > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the

> > Holy

> > > > > Spirit.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > Jesus

> > > >will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

> > Indeed, it

> > > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

> > > >development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> > > >messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> > > >worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> > > >startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> > > >

> > > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> > > >life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God

> > the

> > > >Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we


> > > >him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we

> > call

> > > >this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> > > >creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open


> > > >world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> > > >

> > > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> > > >Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of

> > revealed

> > > >truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to

> > reward

> > > >virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt

> > to

> > > >process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own


> > > >and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore,

> > the

> > > >primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None

> > of

> > > >them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is

> > inerrant

> > > >or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None

> > of

> > > >them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to

> > belief.

> > > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> > > >heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> > > >superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> > > >only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> > > >possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

> > ground of

> > > >their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with


> > > >holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> > > >life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who

> > claim

> > > >to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to

> > build

> > > >institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we

> > can

> > > >speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> > > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> > > >history. We are now exile people. "

> > > >

> > > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> > 224-

> > > >26.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >








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Dear Violet,


Thank you,


Will search within for answers, and see where it leads.







> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Mon, 02 Jan 2006 20:12:58 -0000


>Dear Carol,


>Many words can be said Carol.... many arguments can be made to support any

>view/s whatsoever. But that is not what Sahaja Yoga is about. Sahaja Yoga

>is not an argument for or against any belief system.


>Sahaja Yoga is about going within and experiencing the Silence Within and

>learning the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that a person receives from

>Within.... rather than all of these external opinions that a person can

>receive from others who are not even 'authorized' Christians, because they

>have never known that Truth that comes from within.


>Carol, i request that you please contemplate this fact very deeply and try

>and understand what Sahaja Yoga is really all about.


>Kind regards,





> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > It is so amazing to me how many different beliefs everyone holds,

>and yet

> > everyone thinks THEY have it RIGHT, and yet, they all want to BE

>ONE, and

> > think they are ALL RIGHT they say, on one hand, then they say,


> > this group or that group) are RIght. It is surprising to me, as I

>have been

> > in the Pal talk chat rooms, to listen to various religions, and


> > and some say , you do not need churches, you do not need anything


> > relationship with Jesus. That may be true, but we need a main

>meeting place

> > to join in fellowship, to grow. Hopefully in this FREE country

>founded on

> > right to allow faiths, that we do not loose our Christianity, and

>become a

> > melting pot of pagan beliefs, which to some extent has already

>happened. We

> > do not want to upset anyone, of course, so we all say, it is ok to

>be a

> > homosexual, it is ok to molest children, it is ok, to steal,

>children, it is

> > ok to do anything, you please, as long as you SAY you have God

>speaking to

> > you, and Jesus within you, and the 'cool Breeze' or whatever they

>may say

> > they have, they can do anything. Well that is not true. " You will

>know them

> > by their fruits " so we know that even manson ( the killer and many


> > thought God was talking to them and telling them, Jim Jones, and


> > others. We cannot dispute, what they think, but " You will know

>them by

> > their fruits " Their love for one another, and the NON judging and

>trying to

> > say WHO has the Jesus within and who does not as that is not up to

>us to

> > decide. " We will know them by their " fruits " What do they do for


> > how do they spend EACH waking moment? WHO are they REALLY? That is

>what it

> > has to do with. Jesus said " If you cannot live your

>brother/sister whom you

> > have seen, how can you love God who you have NOT seen? " " No one at

>ANY time

> > has SEEN God as God is Spirit and all must Worship Him in Spirit

>and truth "

> > Jesus yes, people have seen. as the FORM of God and we as the

>IMAGE of God.

> > But NOT God, at any time. We can ONLY know the true believer by

>their FRUITS

> > and how they LOVE others. But No, NO EVERYONE can be right, as

>their are way

> > too many people saying whatever they want and interpreting anyway


> > please. No, uniformity in the belief, if you have a thought,

>anyone can open

> > a chat room, or go on TV, or do anything and teach anything, even

>say, "

> > This stone is God " if they WANT to, and THEY will have followers,


> > people will believe if they are convincing enough. You can carry

>around a

> > piece of cotton and say God, came and cried on it, and His tears

>are there,

> > and everyone would follow you around and you will have a following.

> >

> > So we can only believe the " Fruits of the Spirit, and Love in

>the Heart "

> > and watch out for the riducoulous false prophets that make things

>up as they

> > go, and just quote, all they can find, from all religions, in the

>name of

> > God. It become a mix and match, thing and all we do is lead people

>to think

> > EVERYONE is right no matter WHAT they believe, so we will follow


> > seems right at the time. Then we start following FALSE PROPHETS,

>who made

> > things up as they went. I could even go around and start a belief

>if I so

> > chose ( and you too) and sure I could have followers if I quoted


> > religions and said ALL are welcome to partake what is offered, and

>if you

> > are hurting come, and I will help you find the TRUE path back to

>God " And

> > all such nonsense. Some would come, and I would get better and

>better with

> > time, at it. ( Placing focus on me) I once pastored a Reformed

>Church for

> > two years, and no minister wanted the church, they only had 7

>people, I

> > preached, started Sunday school etc, etc, and it grew by leaps and

>bounds 50

> > came, and that week I first saw so many in the little church in

>Randall NY I

> > was stunned, and said God what have you done? But I went on, with


> > ministry, and many loved Jesus even, many really felt that they

>had found

> > the truth of God ( and probably so) the drunken people in the bar

>across the

> > street found ther way to the church, and I said, " Let them come,

>as I

> > cannot go to them and they come and can learn and meet our Lord "

>They will

> > change as the Spirit moves inside them, little by little. We will

>meet them

> > where they are, HURTING, And they did, Thank God, for that, never

>ONCE did I

> > lead people to ME just to Our Lord, so they could have

>relationship with

> > Him, NOT ME. Well the church Synod, after accepting me for two


> > decided I did not SUFFER with the Masters Of Divinity School at

>The Reformed

> > Church level and could not any longer do it, and they now had

>found a

> > RETIRED pastor who wanted the church...... Such nonsense goes

>on.... Greed.

> > The credential mean NOTHING to God, it is the FRUITS, and when we

>get to

> > paradise no one will ask to see our credentials giving us the

>RIGHT, to do

> > such and such, but it is the " Love and the Fruits of the spirit

>that will

> > be seen. "

> >

> > ( MY thougts on the subject, of All religions and ALL beliefs are


> > What is our RELATIONSHIP to the ONE TRUE LORD? ( Am not disputing

>the cool

> > breeze, as I have felt that too and the vibrations etc) But where

>does it

> > come from ? God, the Spirit of ALL. ( Watch for the fruits, and

>the love of

> > the person....)

> >

> > Love,

> > Carol Ann

> >

> >

> > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> > >

> > >

> > > " I believe that this Spirit ...

>will come

> > >in time, to open this world to God "

> > >Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:07:25 -0000

> > >

> > > , " Chuck "

> > ><chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > It really is hard for me to understand how someone can be so

> > > > judegmental and even harbor ill feelings toward someone else


> > > > because of religion. Christianity teaches Love, but without the

> > > > Holy Spirit, Carnal things of this world become more important


> > > > Divine Love. The cool breeze from the Holy Spirit is the


> > > > that Jesus promised all of us. Shri Mataji came here to give

> > > > everyone self realization and did this by teaching me that I

>am a

> > > > Spirit, that I am to forgive myself and everyone else, that I


> > > > not guilty, and I am my own master. Once I became self

>realized, I

> > > > was reborn of the Spirit, (realizing I am a Spirit). I then


> > > > to become my own master which I am doing this through


> > > > But none of this is possible without the Divine Love of the


> > > > Spirit.

> > > >

> > >

> > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this


> > >will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

>Indeed, it

> > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human

> > >development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> > >messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> > >worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> > >startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> > >

> > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> > >life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God


> > >Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

> > >him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we


> > >this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> > >creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

> > >world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> > >

> > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> > >Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of


> > >truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to


> > >virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt


> > >process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

> > >and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore,


> > >primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None


> > >them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is


> > >or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None


> > >them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to


> > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> > >heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> > >superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> > >only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> > >possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

>ground of

> > >their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

> > >holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> > >life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who


> > >to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to


> > >institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we


> > >speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> > >history. We are now exile people. "

> > >

> > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.


> > >26.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >







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Dear Jagbir and All,


Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who is a Christian

Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why Christianity Must Change Or

Die " .... is very profound.


In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual understanding and

perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on the Tree of Life,

rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree of Life as Shri Mataji

explains it.


I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to Christianity in

relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of Jesus and no one

else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in Christianity dying,

because…....in the same way as when you break a branch off of a tree and it will

die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting the one Incarnation of Jesus,

the Christ....they will be cut off from the source of nourishment of the Whole

Tree of Life Itself.


An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by one group or one

country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God Almighty has sent to Earth

to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a particular group in a

particular country, but their spiritual teachings are Universal, and when

studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in regards to the Absolute

Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be seen as a Sure Sign that they

are all from God Almighty.


It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and that these can

be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual understanding prevailing

at certain times in certain places....and that these are not in themselves....

the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the Absolute Spiritual Truths

themselves that must be sought, sifted out and gleaned for 'spiritual

consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.


This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally true in Sahaja

Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated at different times…. And

they reside in the Cosmic Being which is reflected in our human subtle

system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri Mary (Mother of Jesus)

are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra (psychosomatic centre) of

human beings.... similarly is Shri Krishna and His Power (Shri Radha) reflected

on the Visshuddhi Chakra (psychomatic centre) of human beings.


If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they quite literally

will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They may feel the Cool

Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree which indicates connection to the

Kingdom of God within, however, they will not be able to have the full awakening

of all the powers of all the spiritual centres (psychomatic centres) if they

refuse to accept/appreciate/acknowledge all these principles...which are no less

than all the Deities/Incarnations which are reflected on these Very Centres from

God Almighty Himself.


i hope this helps,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

Speaks To Believers In Exile)...


" So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition. Indeed, it will

lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human development whenever

our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of God with God. So the Ground

of Being will finally be worshipped apart from any system of religious thought.

It is a startling but real insight into the future of worship.


I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of life. " Once we

located God only externally, and called this God the Father Almighty. Next, we

located this God in Jesus, and we called him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate

God in every person, and we call this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this

Spirit inevitably creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open

this world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .


Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be. Religion is

not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed truth. It is not an

activity designed to control behavior, to reward virtue, and to punish vice.

Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process the God experience, which breaks

forth from our own depths and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down,

therefore, the primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None

of them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is inerrant or

infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None of them can be

used legitimately to coerce or compel another to belief.


All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the heathen are

base born. They are expressions of our sense of superiority and our hostility

toward those who are different. The only divine mission in life that the Church

of the future could possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the

ground of their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving life, love, and

being to others. That is the task of those who claim to be God bearers. The

Christians of the world are not here to build institutions, to convert other

people, or even to claim that we can speak for God. Those aspects of our

religious heritage must be sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our

primitive history. We are now exile people. "


John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.


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Dear Violet,


Thank you for this post. It clears a lot of misconceptions people may

have about clinging on to one incarnation and rejecting all the

others. This could apply not only to Christians but all religions

which brings devisiveness and not unity.


Thank you Violet and Jagbir,





, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Jagbir and All,


> Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who is

a Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why

Christianity Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.


> In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual

understanding and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the

Branches on the Tree of Life, rather than the taking of Only One

Branch from the Tree of Life as Shri Mataji explains it.


> I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

Christianity in relation to the fact that they only accept the

Incarnation of Jesus and no one else. Shri Mataji also says that this

will result in Christianity dying, because…....in the same way as

when you break a branch off of a tree and it will die.... likewise by

Christianity only accepting the one Incarnation of Jesus, the

Christ....they will be cut off from the source of nourishment of the

Whole Tree of Life Itself.


> An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by one

group or one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God

Almighty has sent to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have

come to a particular group in a particular country, but their

spiritual teachings are Universal, and when studied will be seen to

all agree with each other, in regards to the Absolute Spiritual

Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be seen as a Sure Sign that they

are all from God Almighty.


> It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and

that these can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of

spiritual understanding prevailing at certain times in certain

places....and that these are not in themselves.... the Absolute

Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the Absolute Spiritual Truths

themselves that must be sought, sifted out and gleaned for 'spiritual

consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.


> This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally

true in Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated

at different times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is

reflected in our human subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby

Jesus and Shri Mary (Mother of Jesus) are....for example....reflected

on the Agnya Chakra (psychosomatic centre) of human beings....

similarly is Shri Krishna and His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the

Visshuddhi Chakra (psychomatic centre) of human beings.


> If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they quite

literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

They may feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree

which indicates connection to the Kingdom of God within, however,

they will not be able to have the full awakening of all the powers of

all the spiritual centres (psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

accept/appreciate/acknowledge all these principles...which are no

less than all the Deities/Incarnations which are reflected on these

Very Centres from God Almighty Himself.


> i hope this helps,


> Violet



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> (John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> Speaks To Believers In Exile)...


> " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

Indeed, it will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to

human development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

startling but real insight into the future of worship.


> I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call

this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .


> Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward

virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to

process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore, the

primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None of

them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is inerrant

or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None of

them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to belief.


> All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the ground of

their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who claim

to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to build

institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we can

speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

history. We are now exile people. "


> John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> 224-26.


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Dear Chuck,


It is only after listening to Shri Mataji and checking Her teachings

with the scriptures have i realized that all prophets and

incarnations were sent to different parts of the world over different

periods to teach humanity the same universal truth i.e., humans must

aspire and seek the eternal spirit through self-realization (second

birth, baptism of Allah, opening of Dsam Dwar etc.) This fundamental

truth is entrenched in all scriptures but over centuries this

knowledge have been lost because those in charge organized and made

religions out of the teachings of these incarnations. (The SY

management is doing so right under the noses of SYs and no one seems

even aware that history is repeating itself. Thank God we have the

internet and emerging technologies to destroy this negativity and

project and protect the Truth for all times.)


But instead of finding similarities and harmony between the teachings

we have divisive and dogmatic religious organizations that want to be

as distinct and different as possible. All religious organizations

have sought to protect their numbers by using the time-tested and

overwhelmingly successful divide and rule policy. The faithful are

now just too conditioned by the bitter rivalries of passing centuries

to ever believe the harmony of the Divine. The fact that almost all

are externalized in their seeking leaves little room for compromise.


In the end the incarnations decided that it was time the Adi Shakti

Herself took birth on Earth, prior to the coming of Shri Kalki

(Second Coming for Christians). Shri Mataji has made this clear to

all who seek the Divine - all incarnations and holy scriptures MUST

be accepted because all are valid, despite editing and distortions.

SYs, unlike the religiously inclined, cannot pick and choose who they

want to believe. They must accept all because all incarnations are

together in the Spirit World. (i cannot emphasize how close and full

of love they are for each other.)


The Divine Message cannot be understood by those who want to follow

only their holy scriptures. Neither can those who choose only their

prophet participate in this Great Event. Only those able to embrace

all the messengers and scriptures of God Almighty will have the faith

and conviction that we are all in the Age of the Last Judgment. It

brings great joy and faith to be finally able to know the Truth that

sets us free to accept all religions, scriptures and prophets.


As the millennium dawns it will become increasingly difficult for

humans to cling to their religions. (Christian Europe is the best

example). Only those able to imbibe the collective strenght and

harmony of God Almighty's Plan for humanity will walk in the Valley

of Death without fear. We are all going home to the Spirit World

sooner or later. Earth is a beautiful place to stay but nothing can

describe the unfathomable wonders of the Spirit World.


It will take all eternity to know Brahman (God Almighty) from whom

all incarnations sprang forth. Deny any apsect of Him and you only

fool yourself. That is why it is time to stop listening to preachers,

priests and mullahs and learn to become your own master. Listen to

what Shri Mataji has revealed over the last three decades and you

will never go wrong. After all, She insists that all religions,

scriptures and incarnations must be respected. Don't allow religious

conditionings to shut your mind to self-illumination. i take this

subject strongly because i know the inherent dangers of being overtly

religious, and do not want the ignorant to be turned into submissive

captives of religious regimes. Seek the Kingdom of God within and not

in churches, temples, mosques, synangogues or gurdwaras. You can

never comprehend your own divine nature until and unless you seek Him

within, and no human ever comes between you and God. Until this

happens know for a surety that you were in Grade One all along, and

learnt little from your Grade Two preachers.


i know this Spirit has come to open this world to God,







, " Chuck "

<chuckhennigan@s...> wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> Thank you for this post. It clears a lot of misconceptions people


> have about clinging on to one incarnation and rejecting all the

> others. This could apply not only to Christians but all religions

> which brings devisiveness and not unity.


> Thank you Violet and Jagbir,


> Chuck



> , " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who


> a Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why

> Christianity Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.

> >

> > In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual

> understanding and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the

> Branches on the Tree of Life, rather than the taking of Only One

> Branch from the Tree of Life as Shri Mataji explains it.

> >

> > I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

> Christianity in relation to the fact that they only accept the

> Incarnation of Jesus and no one else. Shri Mataji also says that


> will result in Christianity dying, because…....in the same way as

> when you break a branch off of a tree and it will die.... likewise


> Christianity only accepting the one Incarnation of Jesus, the

> Christ....they will be cut off from the source of nourishment of


> Whole Tree of Life Itself.

> >

> > An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by


> group or one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God

> Almighty has sent to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may


> come to a particular group in a particular country, but their

> spiritual teachings are Universal, and when studied will be seen to

> all agree with each other, in regards to the Absolute Spiritual

> Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be seen as a Sure Sign that


> are all from God Almighty.

> >

> > It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and

> that these can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of

> spiritual understanding prevailing at certain times in certain

> places....and that these are not in themselves.... the Absolute

> Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the Absolute Spiritual Truths

> themselves that must be sought, sifted out and gleaned

for 'spiritual

> consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.

> >

> > This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally

> true in Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations


> at different times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is

> reflected in our human subtle system…. " as above, so below " ….


> Jesus and Shri Mary (Mother of Jesus) are....for


> on the Agnya Chakra (psychosomatic centre) of human beings....

> similarly is Shri Krishna and His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on


> Visshuddhi Chakra (psychomatic centre) of human beings.

> >

> > If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they


> literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

> They may feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree

> which indicates connection to the Kingdom of God within, however,

> they will not be able to have the full awakening of all the powers


> all the spiritual centres (psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

> accept/appreciate/acknowledge all these principles...which are no

> less than all the Deities/Incarnations which are reflected on these

> Very Centres from God Almighty Himself.

> >

> > i hope this helps,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > (John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > Speaks To Believers In Exile)...

> >

> > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

> Indeed, it will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential


> human development whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the

> messenger of God with God. So the Ground of Being will finally be

> worshipped apart from any system of religious thought. It is a

> startling but real insight into the future of worship.

> >

> > I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

> life. " Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

> Father Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called

> him the Son Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we


> this God the Holy Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably

> creates a community of faith that will come, in time, to open this

> world to God as the very Ground of its life and Being. . . .

> >

> > Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.

> Religion is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of


> truth. It is not an activity designed to control behavior, to


> virtue, and to punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to

> process the God experience, which breaks forth from our own depths

> and wells up constantly within us. We must lay down, therefore, the

> primitive claims we have made for our religious traditions. None of

> them is drawn from outworldly revelations. None of them is inerrant

> or infallible. None of them represents the only way to God. None of

> them can be used legitimately to coerce or compel another to


> >

> > All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the

> heathen are base born. They are expressions of our sense of

> superiority and our hostility toward those who are different. The

> only divine mission in life that the Church of the future could

> possibly have is to open people to the recognition that the ground


> their very being is holy and that when they are in touch with that

> holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's creation by giving

> life, love, and being to others. That is the task of those who


> to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here to


> institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we can

> speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> history. We are now exile people. "

> >

> > John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> > 224-26.

> >


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Dear All,


Christianity ( which means belief in Jesus and his death and life, for our

salvation) could die, if the New World Order is brought in too, as it will

bring a One World Religion. everyone wants to be correct, so it feeds into

them when we say, EVERYONE is right, no matter how you believe, do you not

think? It makes EVERYONE happy, no matter what. People do not like to be

wrong, you know. I wondered if all, could answer me, if you believe Shri

Matji IS God? Or is she a manifestation of part of God, or is she a great

prophet? How do you all actually See her? This may help me to understand.

I wonder if everyone in Sahaja Yoga sees her the same, or all a little

different? Some may see her as God ( Holy Spirit) some as a prophet and some

as a little speck of the divinity. Have heard different explations within

Sahaja Yoga, some say YES she is God, some say No, she is not and not all of

us see it a that way she is a Prophet, etc, I had that told to me while in

sahaja Yoga, so wondered if that is how it is? If everyone can see her as

they are led?






> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:24:53 -0000


>Dear Jagbir and All,


>Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who is a

>Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why Christianity

>Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.


>In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual understanding

>and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on the Tree of

>Life, rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree of Life as

>Shri Mataji explains it.


>I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to Christianity in

>relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of Jesus and no

>one else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in Christianity

>dying, because…....in the same way as when you break a branch off of a tree

>and it will die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting the one

>Incarnation of Jesus, the Christ....they will be cut off from the source of

>nourishment of the Whole Tree of Life Itself.


>An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by one group or

>one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God Almighty has sent

>to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a particular

>group in a particular country, but their spiritual teachings are Universal,

>and when studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in regards to

>the Absolute Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be seen as a

>Sure Sign that they are all from God Almighty.


>It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and that these

>can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual understanding

>prevailing at certain times in certain places....and that these are not in

>themselves.... the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the Absolute

>Spiritual Truths themselves that must be sought, sifted out and gleaned for

>'spiritual consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.


>This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally true in

>Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated at different

>times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is reflected in our human

>subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri Mary (Mother

>of Jesus) are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra

>(psychosomatic centre) of human beings.... similarly is Shri Krishna and

>His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the Visshuddhi Chakra (psychomatic

>centre) of human beings.


>If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they quite

>literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They may

>feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree which indicates

>connection to the Kingdom of God within, however, they will not be able to

>have the full awakening of all the powers of all the spiritual centres

>(psychomatic centres) if they refuse to accept/appreciate/acknowledge all

>these principles...which are no less than all the Deities/Incarnations

>which are reflected on these Very Centres from God Almighty Himself.


>i hope this helps,





> , " jagbir singh "

><adishakti_org> wrote:


>(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

>Speaks To Believers In Exile)...


> " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

>Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition. Indeed, it

>will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human development

>whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of God with God.

>So the Ground of Being will finally be worshipped apart from any system of

>religious thought. It is a startling but real insight into the future of



>I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of life. "

>Once we located God only externally, and called this God the Father

>Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called him the Son

>Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call this God the Holy

>Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably creates a community of faith

>that will come, in time, to open this world to God as the very Ground of

>its life and Being. . . .


>Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be. Religion

>is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed truth. It is

>not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward virtue, and to

>punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process the God

>experience, which breaks forth from our own depths and wells up constantly

>within us. We must lay down, therefore, the primitive claims we have made

>for our religious traditions. None of them is drawn from outworldly

>revelations. None of them is inerrant or infallible. None of them

>represents the only way to God. None of them can be used legitimately to

>coerce or compel another to belief.


>All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the heathen

>are base born. They are expressions of our sense of superiority and our

>hostility toward those who are different. The only divine mission in life

>that the Church of the future could possibly have is to open people to the

>recognition that the ground of their very being is holy and that when they

>are in touch with that holy Ground of Being, they can share in God's

>creation by giving life, love, and being to others. That is the task of

>those who claim to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are not here

>to build institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim that we

>can speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

>sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive history. We

>are now exile people. "


>John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

>Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.





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Dear Carol,


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti (Holy

Spirit), the creative power of God. One meditates on the Adi Shakti

within i.e., the Holy Spirit which is part and parcel of God.

Everything is done by the Adi Shakti as She is the creative power.

There is no difference between the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) and

Brahman (God Almighty) just as there is no difference between the sun

and sunlight i.e., you have sunlight because of the sun. You cannot

separate the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) from Brahman (God Almighty).

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the physical incarnation of the Adi

Shakti who has come on Earth to give second birth (self-realization)

to all humans. Only a physical incarnation in the form of a human can

teach us by living amongst us, just like all the other incarnations.


In the Spirit World all prophets, incarnations and liberated souls

meditate on the Adi Shakti. There is no higher power than the Adi

Shakti because She is the creative power of God Almighty. You just

cannot say i only want to pray/meditate on God and not His Shakti

(Spirit) because that will make no sense. It is just like saying that

i only want the sun and not its light. There is no difference between

God and His Spirit just as there is no difference between the sun and

its light. It is the creative power of the sun i.e., the sunlight

that nourishes just as it is the creative power of God i.e., His

Shakti (Spirit) that nourishes.


The Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty (Brahman) exists in the Kingdom

of God (Sahasrara) within. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the

incarnation of this Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty. You can either

meditate on Her within or without. i meditate on Her within because

that is Her purer spiritual form, absolutely without any flaw

whatsoever. Beyond the Shakti is the Sahasrara is Her unfathomable

form that even the incarnations are trying to understand. There is

yet another layer, perhaps even more, but no one knows.


So Carol, ants will one day evolve into humans and perhaps grasp the

nature of the universe. Right now we are like spiritual ants who will

one day evolve and grasp the nature of the Shakti (Spirit). Please

regard yourself as an ant and empty your mind of the tiniest bit of

knowledge you have about God. i have done so because i know my puny

ant-mind is incapable of grasping the Divine. This humbling

experience that i am ignorant is so comforting and allows the Shakti

(Spirit) to fill it with Her Nectar.


As i write my Sahasrara is opening up and the Cool Breeze is flowing

out. i know the Spirit has come to open this world to God, by giving

us spiritual rebirth first. That is why we can feel the Cool Breeze

everyday, irrefutable evidence that the Spirit within is also opening

us to God and revealing our own devine nature. That is why we

meditate on Shri Mataji within, the Spirit of God Almighty. On Earth

Shri Mataji is just a physical manifestation of a part of God. You

can never know She is divine no matter how many times you meet Her.

She is just as human as you and me. However, within, She is His

Spirit (Shakti) that gives self-realization (second birth), guides

and nourishes you. She is the same Spirit that all scriptures mention.


But ultimately She is Brahman (God Almighty) without any duality

whatsoever. That is why all the messengers of God - Jesus, Krishna,

Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak etc., -

meditate on Her at all times. This has beeen witnessed thousands of

times over the years. That is why i am meditating on Her too.






, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> Dear All,


> Christianity ( which means belief in Jesus and his death and life,

for our salvation) could die, if the New World Order is brought in too, as it

will bring a One World Religion. everyone wants to be correct, so it feeds into

them when we say, EVERYONE is right, no matter how you believe, do you not

think? It makes EVERYONE happy, no matter what. People do not like to be wrong,

you know. I wondered if all, could answer me, if you believe Shri Matji IS God?

Or is she a manifestation of part of God, or is she a great prophet? How do you

all actually See her? This may help me to understand.

> I wonder if everyone in Sahaja Yoga sees her the same, or all a

little different? Some may see her as God ( Holy Spirit) some as a prophet and

some as a little speck of the divinity. Have heard different explations within

Sahaja Yoga, some say YES she is God, some say No, she is not and not all of us

see it a that way she is a Prophet, etc, I had that told to me while in sahaja

Yoga, so wondered if that is how it is? If everyone can see her as they are led?



> Carol



> > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> >

> >

> > Re: " I believe that this

Spirit ... will

> >come in time, to open this world to God "

> >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:24:53 -0000

> >

> >Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> >Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who is


> >Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why


> >Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.

> >

> >In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual


> >and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on the

Tree of

> >Life, rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree of

Life as

> >Shri Mataji explains it.

> >

> >I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

Christianity in

> >relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of

Jesus and no

> >one else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in


> >dying, because…....in the same way as when you break a branch off

of a tree

> >and it will die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting the


> >Incarnation of Jesus, the Christ....they will be cut off from the

source of

> >nourishment of the Whole Tree of Life Itself.

> >

> >An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by one

group or

> >one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God Almighty

has sent

> >to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a


> >group in a particular country, but their spiritual teachings are


> >and when studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in

regards to

> >the Absolute Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be

seen as a

> >Sure Sign that they are all from God Almighty.

> >

> >It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and

that these

> >can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual


> >prevailing at certain times in certain places....and that these

are not in

> >themselves.... the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the


> >Spiritual Truths themselves that must be sought, sifted out and

gleaned for

> >'spiritual consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.

> >

> >This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally

true in

> >Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated at


> >times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is reflected in

our human

> >subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri Mary


> >of Jesus) are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra

> >(psychosomatic centre) of human beings.... similarly is Shri

Krishna and

> >His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the Visshuddhi Chakra


> >centre) of human beings.

> >

> >If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they


> >literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

They may

> >feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree which


> >connection to the Kingdom of God within, however, they will not be

able to

> >have the full awakening of all the powers of all the spiritual


> >(psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

accept/appreciate/acknowledge all

> >these principles...which are no less than all the


> >which are reflected on these Very Centres from God Almighty


> >

> >i hope this helps,

> >

> >Violet

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> ><adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> >(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> >Speaks To Believers In Exile)...

> >

> > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> >Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

Indeed, it

> >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human


> >whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of God

with God.

> >So the Ground of Being will finally be worshipped apart from any

system of

> >religious thought. It is a startling but real insight into the

future of

> >worship.

> >

> >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

life. "

> >Once we located God only externally, and called this God the


> >Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called him

the Son

> >Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call this God

the Holy

> >Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably creates a community

of faith

> >that will come, in time, to open this world to God as the very

Ground of

> >its life and Being. . . .

> >

> >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.


> >is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

truth. It is

> >not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward virtue,

and to

> >punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process the


> >experience, which breaks forth from our own depths and wells up


> >within us. We must lay down, therefore, the primitive claims we

have made

> >for our religious traditions. None of them is drawn from


> >revelations. None of them is inerrant or infallible. None of them

> >represents the only way to God. None of them can be used

legitimately to

> >coerce or compel another to belief.

> >

> >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the


> >are base born. They are expressions of our sense of superiority

and our

> >hostility toward those who are different. The only divine mission

in life

> >that the Church of the future could possibly have is to open

people to the

> >recognition that the ground of their very being is holy and that

when they

> >are in touch with that holy Ground of Being, they can share in


> >creation by giving life, love, and being to others. That is the

task of

> >those who claim to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are

not here

> >to build institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim

that we

> >can speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

history. We

> >are now exile people. "

> >

> >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> >224-26.

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Jagbir,


Thank you for explaining and being truthful about your thoughts and beliefs.

As I read, I also am feeling a cool breeze ( some) and evidentley, to not

get it as strong as many of you, do not know.


When I met Shri Mataji, in person, it is true, she seemed very much like

family. That is what it was like. Maybe meeting her again would help. I did

not get healed though, and do not know why? As it should have been able to

happen, as She being the the Holy Spirit. Do not understand that. The other

ques is: Jesus was added as the other prophets or incarnations, so you see

Him as well as all the same, so anyone of them could have come in that

incarnation and died and shed their blood for our salvation? But think you

see it as His time and He was chosen to come then, instead of the others?


Now you see Shri Mataji as coming as the 'comforter' so spread the Holy

Spirit and give an awakening before the second coming of Christ? But

Christians of traditional faiths, have taught that at Pentecost the Holy

Spirit came and did that, so by believing and baptism you receive it, so you

can see the confusion that people can have wondering why the Holy Spirit

came before and needed to come now, or again, to spread the awakening and

rising of Kundalini... That is causing much confusion I really think. They

feel it was already done, at Pentecost,, this may help while giving Sahaja

Yoga to people or explaining, what they think but do not articulate.


It is quite interesting I found that you used the analogy, of the 'ant'

story representing man and God. When many years ago, Jahova Witnesses would

come to my home and try to tell me that Michael the Archangel was Jesus, I

would try to explain how God and Jesus could be one and the same. I used an

ant story to explain and did as such : ( Using the ants as people and man as

God) I told them how ants kept going across the bridge and eating the poison

and dying, and some learned that iit was killing them, but many saw the dead

ants but STILL woould not get the message, SO, the Man said, I know what I

will do, I wil go down there and become an ant, and try to tell them what

they are doing and how they are dying. So he did, and again some listened

some did not, but he did get MORE to hear what he said and stop dying, but

not all, some jsut kept right on going, and seeing the others dead, along

the bridge but ate the poison anyway. ( So that really surprised me that you

used that particuliar story to explain.)........( A little different, but








> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Wed, 04 Jan 2006 22:24:41 -0000


>Dear Carol,


>Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti (Holy

>Spirit), the creative power of God. One meditates on the Adi Shakti

>within i.e., the Holy Spirit which is part and parcel of God.

>Everything is done by the Adi Shakti as She is the creative power.

>There is no difference between the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) and

>Brahman (God Almighty) just as there is no difference between the sun

>and sunlight i.e., you have sunlight because of the sun. You cannot

>separate the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) from Brahman (God Almighty).

>Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the physical incarnation of the Adi

>Shakti who has come on Earth to give second birth (self-realization)

>to all humans. Only a physical incarnation in the form of a human can

>teach us by living amongst us, just like all the other incarnations.


>In the Spirit World all prophets, incarnations and liberated souls

>meditate on the Adi Shakti. There is no higher power than the Adi

>Shakti because She is the creative power of God Almighty. You just

>cannot say i only want to pray/meditate on God and not His Shakti

>(Spirit) because that will make no sense. It is just like saying that

>i only want the sun and not its light. There is no difference between

>God and His Spirit just as there is no difference between the sun and

>its light. It is the creative power of the sun i.e., the sunlight

>that nourishes just as it is the creative power of God i.e., His

>Shakti (Spirit) that nourishes.


>The Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty (Brahman) exists in the Kingdom

>of God (Sahasrara) within. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the

>incarnation of this Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty. You can either

>meditate on Her within or without. i meditate on Her within because

>that is Her purer spiritual form, absolutely without any flaw

>whatsoever. Beyond the Shakti is the Sahasrara is Her unfathomable

>form that even the incarnations are trying to understand. There is

>yet another layer, perhaps even more, but no one knows.


>So Carol, ants will one day evolve into humans and perhaps grasp the

>nature of the universe. Right now we are like spiritual ants who will

>one day evolve and grasp the nature of the Shakti (Spirit). Please

>regard yourself as an ant and empty your mind of the tiniest bit of

>knowledge you have about God. i have done so because i know my puny

>ant-mind is incapable of grasping the Divine. This humbling

>experience that i am ignorant is so comforting and allows the Shakti

>(Spirit) to fill it with Her Nectar.


>As i write my Sahasrara is opening up and the Cool Breeze is flowing

>out. i know the Spirit has come to open this world to God, by giving

>us spiritual rebirth first. That is why we can feel the Cool Breeze

>everyday, irrefutable evidence that the Spirit within is also opening

>us to God and revealing our own devine nature. That is why we

>meditate on Shri Mataji within, the Spirit of God Almighty. On Earth

>Shri Mataji is just a physical manifestation of a part of God. You

>can never know She is divine no matter how many times you meet Her.

>She is just as human as you and me. However, within, She is His

>Spirit (Shakti) that gives self-realization (second birth), guides

>and nourishes you. She is the same Spirit that all scriptures mention.


>But ultimately She is Brahman (God Almighty) without any duality

>whatsoever. That is why all the messengers of God - Jesus, Krishna,

>Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak etc., -

>meditate on Her at all times. This has beeen witnessed thousands of

>times over the years. That is why i am meditating on Her too.






> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Christianity ( which means belief in Jesus and his death and life,

>for our salvation) could die, if the New World Order is brought in too, as

>it will bring a One World Religion. everyone wants to be correct, so it

>feeds into them when we say, EVERYONE is right, no matter how you believe,

>do you not think? It makes EVERYONE happy, no matter what. People do not

>like to be wrong, you know. I wondered if all, could answer me, if you

>believe Shri Matji IS God? Or is she a manifestation of part of God, or is

>she a great prophet? How do you all actually See her? This may help me to


> > I wonder if everyone in Sahaja Yoga sees her the same, or all a

>little different? Some may see her as God ( Holy Spirit) some as a prophet

>and some as a little speck of the divinity. Have heard different explations

>within Sahaja Yoga, some say YES she is God, some say No, she is not and

>not all of us see it a that way she is a Prophet, etc, I had that told to

>me while in sahaja Yoga, so wondered if that is how it is? If everyone can

>see her as they are led?

> >

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: " I believe that this

>Spirit ... will

> > >come in time, to open this world to God "

> > >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:24:53 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > >Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong, who is


> > >Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why


> > >Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.

> > >

> > >In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual


> > >and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on the

>Tree of

> > >Life, rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree of

>Life as

> > >Shri Mataji explains it.

> > >

> > >I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

>Christianity in

> > >relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of

>Jesus and no

> > >one else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in


> > >dying, because…....in the same way as when you break a branch off

>of a tree

> > >and it will die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting the


> > >Incarnation of Jesus, the Christ....they will be cut off from the

>source of

> > >nourishment of the Whole Tree of Life Itself.

> > >

> > >An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed by one

>group or

> > >one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God Almighty

>has sent

> > >to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a


> > >group in a particular country, but their spiritual teachings are


> > >and when studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in

>regards to

> > >the Absolute Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be

>seen as a

> > >Sure Sign that they are all from God Almighty.

> > >

> > >It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though, and

>that these

> > >can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual


> > >prevailing at certain times in certain places....and that these

>are not in

> > >themselves.... the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the


> > >Spiritual Truths themselves that must be sought, sifted out and

>gleaned for

> > >'spiritual consumption' in order to have spiritual enlightenment.

> > >

> > >This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be literally

>true in

> > >Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated at


> > >times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is reflected in

>our human

> > >subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri Mary


> > >of Jesus) are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra

> > >(psychosomatic centre) of human beings.... similarly is Shri

>Krishna and

> > >His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the Visshuddhi Chakra


> > >centre) of human beings.

> > >

> > >If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they


> > >literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

>They may

> > >feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree which


> > >connection to the Kingdom of God within, however, they will not be

>able to

> > >have the full awakening of all the powers of all the spiritual


> > >(psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

>accept/appreciate/acknowledge all

> > >these principles...which are no less than all the


> > >which are reflected on these Very Centres from God Almighty


> > >

> > >i hope this helps,

> > >

> > >Violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " jagbir singh "

> > ><adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > >(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > >Speaks To Believers In Exile)...

> > >

> > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > >Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious definition.

>Indeed, it

> > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to human


> > >whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of God

>with God.

> > >So the Ground of Being will finally be worshipped apart from any

>system of

> > >religious thought. It is a startling but real insight into the

>future of

> > >worship.

> > >

> > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the giver of

>life. "

> > >Once we located God only externally, and called this God the


> > >Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called him

>the Son

> > >Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call this God

>the Holy

> > >Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably creates a community

>of faith

> > >that will come, in time, to open this world to God as the very

>Ground of

> > >its life and Being. . . .

> > >

> > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to be.


> > >is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

>truth. It is

> > >not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward virtue,

>and to

> > >punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process the


> > >experience, which breaks forth from our own depths and wells up


> > >within us. We must lay down, therefore, the primitive claims we

>have made

> > >for our religious traditions. None of them is drawn from


> > >revelations. None of them is inerrant or infallible. None of them

> > >represents the only way to God. None of them can be used

>legitimately to

> > >coerce or compel another to belief.

> > >

> > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert the


> > >are base born. They are expressions of our sense of superiority

>and our

> > >hostility toward those who are different. The only divine mission

>in life

> > >that the Church of the future could possibly have is to open

>people to the

> > >recognition that the ground of their very being is holy and that

>when they

> > >are in touch with that holy Ground of Being, they can share in


> > >creation by giving life, love, and being to others. That is the

>task of

> > >those who claim to be God bearers. The Christians of the world are

>not here

> > >to build institutions, to convert other people, or even to claim

>that we

> > >can speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage must be

> > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

>history. We

> > >are now exile people. "

> > >

> > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A Bishop

> > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, p.

> > >224-26.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >









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Dear Carol,


, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


" When I met Shri Mataji, in person, it is true, she seemed very much like

family. That is what it was like. Maybe meeting her again would help. I did not

get healed though, and do not know why? As it should have been able to happen,

as She being the the Holy Spirit. "


Dear Carol,


Shri Mataji's Main Purpose for coming to Earth was not one of going into the

Physical Healing Ministry, such as Jesus had done. Rather, Her Main Purpose for

which She had come to Earth, was the Self-Realization/Kundalini Awakening

Ministry (bestowing the Holy Spirit 'en-masse'), and Her Teaching Ministry. She

told us yogis that if She ever started healing like Jesus did, then She would

get such long queues for people only wanting physical healing, that She would

never be able to get the job done that She had come for.


In any case, SM has stated many times that when the Kundalini Mother awakens

within you, She will start to heal you from within yourself by cleansing and

healing the psychosomatic centres. She gave a lot of individual advice and

vibrations to people which resulted in healing of mind/body/spirit. Most of

these were deep Spiritual Seekers, like yourself, which Shri Mataji drew to Her,

and sought out, because She wanted them to have spiritual enlightenment and

spiritual liberation. She wanted them to become their own Masters.... who would

in turn....help others also, and carry on Her Work.


So....true to the fact that each individual Incarnation and Prophet, comes for a

Specific Purpose in Mind....this is the case with Shri Mataji also. It must be

remembered that each Incarnation also does things differently to the preceding

one, and has their own Unique Ministry.


i hope this helps.


Warm regards,





, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thank you for explaining and being truthful about your thoughts

and beliefs.

> As I read, I also am feeling a cool breeze ( some) and evidentley,

to not

> get it as strong as many of you, do not know.


> When I met Shri Mataji, in person, it is true, she seemed very

much like

> family. That is what it was like. Maybe meeting her again would

help. I did

> not get healed though, and do not know why? As it should have been

able to

> happen, as She being the the Holy Spirit. Do not understand that.

The other

> ques is: Jesus was added as the other prophets or incarnations, so

you see

> Him as well as all the same, so anyone of them could have come in


> incarnation and died and shed their blood for our salvation? But

think you

> see it as His time and He was chosen to come then, instead of the



> Now you see Shri Mataji as coming as the 'comforter' so spread the


> Spirit and give an awakening before the second coming of Christ?


> Christians of traditional faiths, have taught that at Pentecost

the Holy

> Spirit came and did that, so by believing and baptism you receive

it, so you

> can see the confusion that people can have wondering why the Holy


> came before and needed to come now, or again, to spread the

awakening and

> rising of Kundalini... That is causing much confusion I really

think. They

> feel it was already done, at Pentecost,, this may help while

giving Sahaja

> Yoga to people or explaining, what they think but do not



> It is quite interesting I found that you used the analogy, of

the 'ant'

> story representing man and God. When many years ago, Jahova

Witnesses would

> come to my home and try to tell me that Michael the Archangel was

Jesus, I

> would try to explain how God and Jesus could be one and the same.

I used an

> ant story to explain and did as such : ( Using the ants as people

and man as

> God) I told them how ants kept going across the bridge and eating

the poison

> and dying, and some learned that iit was killing them, but many

saw the dead

> ants but STILL woould not get the message, SO, the Man said, I

know what I

> will do, I wil go down there and become an ant, and try to tell

them what

> they are doing and how they are dying. So he did, and again some


> some did not, but he did get MORE to hear what he said and stop

dying, but

> not all, some jsut kept right on going, and seeing the others

dead, along

> the bridge but ate the poison anyway. ( So that really surprised

me that you

> used that particuliar story to explain.)........( A little

different, but

> similiar)


> Blessings,


> Carol



> > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> >

> >

> > Re: " I believe that this

Spirit ... will

> >come in time, to open this world to God "

> >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 22:24:41 -0000

> >

> >Dear Carol,

> >

> >Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti


> >Spirit), the creative power of God. One meditates on the Adi


> >within i.e., the Holy Spirit which is part and parcel of God.

> >Everything is done by the Adi Shakti as She is the creative power.

> >There is no difference between the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) and

> >Brahman (God Almighty) just as there is no difference between the


> >and sunlight i.e., you have sunlight because of the sun. You


> >separate the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) from Brahman (God Almighty).

> >Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the physical incarnation of the Adi

> >Shakti who has come on Earth to give second birth (self-


> >to all humans. Only a physical incarnation in the form of a human


> >teach us by living amongst us, just like all the other


> >

> >In the Spirit World all prophets, incarnations and liberated souls

> >meditate on the Adi Shakti. There is no higher power than the Adi

> >Shakti because She is the creative power of God Almighty. You just

> >cannot say i only want to pray/meditate on God and not His Shakti

> >(Spirit) because that will make no sense. It is just like saying


> >i only want the sun and not its light. There is no difference


> >God and His Spirit just as there is no difference between the sun


> >its light. It is the creative power of the sun i.e., the sunlight

> >that nourishes just as it is the creative power of God i.e., His

> >Shakti (Spirit) that nourishes.

> >

> >The Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty (Brahman) exists in the


> >of God (Sahasrara) within. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the

> >incarnation of this Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty. You can


> >meditate on Her within or without. i meditate on Her within


> >that is Her purer spiritual form, absolutely without any flaw

> >whatsoever. Beyond the Shakti is the Sahasrara is Her unfathomable

> >form that even the incarnations are trying to understand. There is

> >yet another layer, perhaps even more, but no one knows.

> >

> >So Carol, ants will one day evolve into humans and perhaps grasp


> >nature of the universe. Right now we are like spiritual ants who


> >one day evolve and grasp the nature of the Shakti (Spirit). Please

> >regard yourself as an ant and empty your mind of the tiniest bit


> >knowledge you have about God. i have done so because i know my


> >ant-mind is incapable of grasping the Divine. This humbling

> >experience that i am ignorant is so comforting and allows the


> >(Spirit) to fill it with Her Nectar.

> >

> >As i write my Sahasrara is opening up and the Cool Breeze is


> >out. i know the Spirit has come to open this world to God, by


> >us spiritual rebirth first. That is why we can feel the Cool


> >everyday, irrefutable evidence that the Spirit within is also


> >us to God and revealing our own devine nature. That is why we

> >meditate on Shri Mataji within, the Spirit of God Almighty. On


> >Shri Mataji is just a physical manifestation of a part of God. You

> >can never know She is divine no matter how many times you meet


> >She is just as human as you and me. However, within, She is His

> >Spirit (Shakti) that gives self-realization (second birth), guides

> >and nourishes you. She is the same Spirit that all scriptures


> >

> >But ultimately She is Brahman (God Almighty) without any duality

> >whatsoever. That is why all the messengers of God - Jesus,


> >Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak

etc., -

> >meditate on Her at all times. This has beeen witnessed thousands


> >times over the years. That is why i am meditating on Her too.

> >

> >

> >jagbir

> >

> >

> > , " danny weaver "

> ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Christianity ( which means belief in Jesus and his death and


> >for our salvation) could die, if the New World Order is brought

in too, as

> >it will bring a One World Religion. everyone wants to be correct,

so it

> >feeds into them when we say, EVERYONE is right, no matter how you


> >do you not think? It makes EVERYONE happy, no matter what. People

do not

> >like to be wrong, you know. I wondered if all, could answer me,

if you

> >believe Shri Matji IS God? Or is she a manifestation of part of

God, or is

> >she a great prophet? How do you all actually See her? This may

help me to

> >understand.

> > > I wonder if everyone in Sahaja Yoga sees her the same, or all a

> >little different? Some may see her as God ( Holy Spirit) some as

a prophet

> >and some as a little speck of the divinity. Have heard different


> >within Sahaja Yoga, some say YES she is God, some say No, she is

not and

> >not all of us see it a that way she is a Prophet, etc, I had that

told to

> >me while in sahaja Yoga, so wondered if that is how it is? If

everyone can

> >see her as they are led?

> > >

> > >

> > > Carol

> > >

> > >

> > > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Re: " I believe that this

> >Spirit ... will

> > > >come in time, to open this world to God "

> > > >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:24:53 -0000

> > > >

> > > >Dear Jagbir and All,

> > > >

> > > >Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong,

who is

> >a

> > > >Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why

> >Christianity

> > > >Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.

> > > >

> > > >In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual

> >understanding

> > > >and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on


> >Tree of

> > > >Life, rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree


> >Life as

> > > >Shri Mataji explains it.

> > > >

> > > >I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

> >Christianity in

> > > >relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of

> >Jesus and no

> > > >one else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in

> >Christianity

> > > >dying, because…....in the same way as when you break a branch


> >of a tree

> > > >and it will die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting


> >one

> > > >Incarnation of Jesus, the Christ....they will be cut off from


> >source of

> > > >nourishment of the Whole Tree of Life Itself.

> > > >

> > > >An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed

by one

> >group or

> > > >one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God


> >has sent

> > > >to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a

> >particular

> > > >group in a particular country, but their spiritual teachings


> >Universal,

> > > >and when studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in

> >regards to

> > > >the Absolute Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be

> >seen as a

> > > >Sure Sign that they are all from God Almighty.

> > > >

> > > >It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though,


> >that these

> > > >can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual

> >understanding

> > > >prevailing at certain times in certain places....and that


> >are not in

> > > >themselves.... the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the

> >Absolute

> > > >Spiritual Truths themselves that must be sought, sifted out


> >gleaned for

> > > >'spiritual consumption' in order to have spiritual


> > > >

> > > >This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be


> >true in

> > > >Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated


> >different

> > > >times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is

reflected in

> >our human

> > > >subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri


> >(Mother

> > > >of Jesus) are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra

> > > >(psychosomatic centre) of human beings.... similarly is Shri

> >Krishna and

> > > >His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the Visshuddhi Chakra

> >(psychomatic

> > > >centre) of human beings.

> > > >

> > > >If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they

> >quite

> > > >literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy


> >They may

> > > >feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree


> >indicates

> > > >connection to the Kingdom of God within, however, they will

not be

> >able to

> > > >have the full awakening of all the powers of all the spiritual

> >centres

> > > >(psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

> >accept/appreciate/acknowledge all

> > > >these principles...which are no less than all the

> >Deities/Incarnations

> > > >which are reflected on these Very Centres from God Almighty

> >Himself.

> > > >

> > > >i hope this helps,

> > > >

> > > >Violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " jagbir singh "

> > > ><adishakti_org> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A


> > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile)...

> > > >

> > > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > > >Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious


> >Indeed, it

> > > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to


> >development

> > > >whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of


> >with God.

> > > >So the Ground of Being will finally be worshipped apart from


> >system of

> > > >religious thought. It is a startling but real insight into the

> >future of

> > > >worship.

> > > >

> > > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the

giver of

> >life. "

> > > >Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

> >Father

> > > >Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called


> >the Son

> > > >Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call

this God

> >the Holy

> > > >Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably creates a


> >of faith

> > > >that will come, in time, to open this world to God as the very

> >Ground of

> > > >its life and Being. . . .

> > > >

> > > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to


> >Religion

> > > >is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

> >truth. It is

> > > >not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward


> >and to

> > > >punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process


> >God

> > > >experience, which breaks forth from our own depths and wells


> >constantly

> > > >within us. We must lay down, therefore, the primitive claims


> >have made

> > > >for our religious traditions. None of them is drawn from

> >outworldly

> > > >revelations. None of them is inerrant or infallible. None of


> > > >represents the only way to God. None of them can be used

> >legitimately to

> > > >coerce or compel another to belief.

> > > >

> > > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert


> >heathen

> > > >are base born. They are expressions of our sense of


> >and our

> > > >hostility toward those who are different. The only divine


> >in life

> > > >that the Church of the future could possibly have is to open

> >people to the

> > > >recognition that the ground of their very being is holy and


> >when they

> > > >are in touch with that holy Ground of Being, they can share in

> >God's

> > > >creation by giving life, love, and being to others. That is


> >task of

> > > >those who claim to be God bearers. The Christians of the

world are

> >not here

> > > >to build institutions, to convert other people, or even to


> >that we

> > > >can speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage

must be

> > > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> >history. We

> > > >are now exile people. "

> > > >

> > > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A


> > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998,


> > > >224-26.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Violet,


Thank you.







> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: " I believe that this Spirit ... will

>come in time, to open this world to God "

>Thu, 05 Jan 2006 10:36:30 -0000


>Dear Carol,


> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> " When I met Shri Mataji, in person, it is true, she seemed very much like

>family. That is what it was like. Maybe meeting her again would help. I

>did not get healed though, and do not know why? As it should have been able

>to happen, as She being the the Holy Spirit. "


>Dear Carol,


>Shri Mataji's Main Purpose for coming to Earth was not one of going into

>the Physical Healing Ministry, such as that Jesus had done.

>Rather, Her Main Purpose for which She had come to Earth, was the

>Self-Realization/Kundalini Awakening Ministry (bestowing the Holy Spirit

>'en masse'), and Her Teaching Ministry. She told us yogis that if She ever

>started healing like Jesus did, then She would get such long queues for

>people only wanting physical healing, that She would never be able to get

>the job done that She had come for.


>In any case, the Kundalini Mother Within, the Adi Shakti within, does heal.

>Shri Mataji has also stressed many times that by our Kundalini Awakening,

>we can heal ourselves through that. So really, this is even a Greater Gift,

>that people will be able to heal themselves. She has also commented on that

>as well....that She has given us all the knowledge, so that we can do it

>all for ourselves.


>Also....She did say, that She did not come to Earth to give Physical

>Healing only....but to give Spiritual Healing First and Foremost. The

>physical healing, She said....would come from the Spiritual Healing.


>Having said that, though....She did give a lot of advice and vibrations

>which did result in people being healed in mind, body, emotions, and

>spirit. However, a lot of these people came for Spiritual Help first and



>Shri Mataji has also stressed many times that by our Kundalini Awakening,

>we can heal ourselves through that. So really, this is even a Greater Gift,

>that people will be able to heal themselves. She has also commented on that

>as well....that She has given us all the knowledge, so that we can do it

>all for ourselves.


>So, true to the fact that each individual Incarnation and Prophet, comes

>for a Specific and Primary Purpose, this is the case with Shri Mataji as



>i hope this helps.


>Warm regards,





> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Thank you for explaining and being truthful about your thoughts

>and beliefs.

> > As I read, I also am feeling a cool breeze ( some) and evidentley,

>to not

> > get it as strong as many of you, do not know.

> >

> > When I met Shri Mataji, in person, it is true, she seemed very

>much like

> > family. That is what it was like. Maybe meeting her again would

>help. I did

> > not get healed though, and do not know why? As it should have been

>able to

> > happen, as She being the the Holy Spirit. Do not understand that.

>The other

> > ques is: Jesus was added as the other prophets or incarnations, so

>you see

> > Him as well as all the same, so anyone of them could have come in


> > incarnation and died and shed their blood for our salvation? But

>think you

> > see it as His time and He was chosen to come then, instead of the


> >

> > Now you see Shri Mataji as coming as the 'comforter' so spread the


> > Spirit and give an awakening before the second coming of Christ?


> > Christians of traditional faiths, have taught that at Pentecost

>the Holy

> > Spirit came and did that, so by believing and baptism you receive

>it, so you

> > can see the confusion that people can have wondering why the Holy


> > came before and needed to come now, or again, to spread the

>awakening and

> > rising of Kundalini... That is causing much confusion I really

>think. They

> > feel it was already done, at Pentecost,, this may help while

>giving Sahaja

> > Yoga to people or explaining, what they think but do not


> >

> > It is quite interesting I found that you used the analogy, of

>the 'ant'

> > story representing man and God. When many years ago, Jahova

>Witnesses would

> > come to my home and try to tell me that Michael the Archangel was

>Jesus, I

> > would try to explain how God and Jesus could be one and the same.

>I used an

> > ant story to explain and did as such : ( Using the ants as people

>and man as

> > God) I told them how ants kept going across the bridge and eating

>the poison

> > and dying, and some learned that iit was killing them, but many

>saw the dead

> > ants but STILL woould not get the message, SO, the Man said, I

>know what I

> > will do, I wil go down there and become an ant, and try to tell

>them what

> > they are doing and how they are dying. So he did, and again some


> > some did not, but he did get MORE to hear what he said and stop

>dying, but

> > not all, some jsut kept right on going, and seeing the others

>dead, along

> > the bridge but ate the poison anyway. ( So that really surprised

>me that you

> > used that particuliar story to explain.)........( A little

>different, but

> > similiar)

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: " I believe that this

>Spirit ... will

> > >come in time, to open this world to God "

> > >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 22:24:41 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Carol,

> > >

> > >Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti


> > >Spirit), the creative power of God. One meditates on the Adi


> > >within i.e., the Holy Spirit which is part and parcel of God.

> > >Everything is done by the Adi Shakti as She is the creative power.

> > >There is no difference between the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) and

> > >Brahman (God Almighty) just as there is no difference between the


> > >and sunlight i.e., you have sunlight because of the sun. You


> > >separate the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) from Brahman (God Almighty).

> > >Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the physical incarnation of the Adi

> > >Shakti who has come on Earth to give second birth (self-


> > >to all humans. Only a physical incarnation in the form of a human


> > >teach us by living amongst us, just like all the other


> > >

> > >In the Spirit World all prophets, incarnations and liberated souls

> > >meditate on the Adi Shakti. There is no higher power than the Adi

> > >Shakti because She is the creative power of God Almighty. You just

> > >cannot say i only want to pray/meditate on God and not His Shakti

> > >(Spirit) because that will make no sense. It is just like saying


> > >i only want the sun and not its light. There is no difference


> > >God and His Spirit just as there is no difference between the sun


> > >its light. It is the creative power of the sun i.e., the sunlight

> > >that nourishes just as it is the creative power of God i.e., His

> > >Shakti (Spirit) that nourishes.

> > >

> > >The Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty (Brahman) exists in the


> > >of God (Sahasrara) within. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the

> > >incarnation of this Shakti (Spirit) of God Almighty. You can


> > >meditate on Her within or without. i meditate on Her within


> > >that is Her purer spiritual form, absolutely without any flaw

> > >whatsoever. Beyond the Shakti is the Sahasrara is Her unfathomable

> > >form that even the incarnations are trying to understand. There is

> > >yet another layer, perhaps even more, but no one knows.

> > >

> > >So Carol, ants will one day evolve into humans and perhaps grasp


> > >nature of the universe. Right now we are like spiritual ants who


> > >one day evolve and grasp the nature of the Shakti (Spirit). Please

> > >regard yourself as an ant and empty your mind of the tiniest bit


> > >knowledge you have about God. i have done so because i know my


> > >ant-mind is incapable of grasping the Divine. This humbling

> > >experience that i am ignorant is so comforting and allows the


> > >(Spirit) to fill it with Her Nectar.

> > >

> > >As i write my Sahasrara is opening up and the Cool Breeze is


> > >out. i know the Spirit has come to open this world to God, by


> > >us spiritual rebirth first. That is why we can feel the Cool


> > >everyday, irrefutable evidence that the Spirit within is also


> > >us to God and revealing our own devine nature. That is why we

> > >meditate on Shri Mataji within, the Spirit of God Almighty. On


> > >Shri Mataji is just a physical manifestation of a part of God. You

> > >can never know She is divine no matter how many times you meet


> > >She is just as human as you and me. However, within, She is His

> > >Spirit (Shakti) that gives self-realization (second birth), guides

> > >and nourishes you. She is the same Spirit that all scriptures


> > >

> > >But ultimately She is Brahman (God Almighty) without any duality

> > >whatsoever. That is why all the messengers of God - Jesus,


> > >Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak

>etc., -

> > >meditate on Her at all times. This has beeen witnessed thousands


> > >times over the years. That is why i am meditating on Her too.

> > >

> > >

> > >jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > > , " danny weaver "

> > ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > Christianity ( which means belief in Jesus and his death and


> > >for our salvation) could die, if the New World Order is brought

>in too, as

> > >it will bring a One World Religion. everyone wants to be correct,

>so it

> > >feeds into them when we say, EVERYONE is right, no matter how you


> > >do you not think? It makes EVERYONE happy, no matter what. People

>do not

> > >like to be wrong, you know. I wondered if all, could answer me,

>if you

> > >believe Shri Matji IS God? Or is she a manifestation of part of

>God, or is

> > >she a great prophet? How do you all actually See her? This may

>help me to

> > >understand.

> > > > I wonder if everyone in Sahaja Yoga sees her the same, or all a

> > >little different? Some may see her as God ( Holy Spirit) some as

>a prophet

> > >and some as a little speck of the divinity. Have heard different


> > >within Sahaja Yoga, some say YES she is God, some say No, she is

>not and

> > >not all of us see it a that way she is a Prophet, etc, I had that

>told to

> > >me while in sahaja Yoga, so wondered if that is how it is? If

>everyone can

> > >see her as they are led?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Carol

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > " Violet " <vtubb@b...>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Re: " I believe that this

> > >Spirit ... will

> > > > >come in time, to open this world to God "

> > > > >Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:24:53 -0000

> > > > >

> > > > >Dear Jagbir and All,

> > > > >

> > > > >Thank you for this excellent article written by John Spong,

>who is

> > >a

> > > > >Christian Bishop. This excerpt from John Spong's book.... " Why

> > >Christianity

> > > > >Must Change Or Die " .... is very profound.

> > > > >

> > > > >In fact, it actually paves the way for a greater spiritual

> > >understanding

> > > > >and perhaps acceptance by Christianity of All the Branches on


> > >Tree of

> > > > >Life, rather than the taking of Only One Branch from the Tree


> > >Life as

> > > > >Shri Mataji explains it.

> > > > >

> > > > >I am referring to what Shri Mataji has said in regards to

> > >Christianity in

> > > > >relation to the fact that they only accept the Incarnation of

> > >Jesus and no

> > > > >one else. Shri Mataji also says that this will result in

> > >Christianity

> > > > >dying, because…....in the same way as when you break a branch


> > >of a tree

> > > > >and it will die.... likewise by Christianity only accepting


> > >one

> > > > >Incarnation of Jesus, the Christ....they will be cut off from


> > >source of

> > > > >nourishment of the Whole Tree of Life Itself.

> > > > >

> > > > >An Incarnation or a prophet can never ultimately be claimed

>by one

> > >group or

> > > > >one country. They are in fact, Universal Beings who God


> > >has sent

> > > > >to Earth to enlighten all of mankind. They may have come to a

> > >particular

> > > > >group in a particular country, but their spiritual teachings


> > >Universal,

> > > > >and when studied will be seen to all agree with each other, in

> > >regards to

> > > > >the Absolute Spiritual Truths. This Spiritual Agreement can be

> > >seen as a

> > > > >Sure Sign that they are all from God Almighty.

> > > > >

> > > > >It must be remembered that Culture and Customs vary though,


> > >that these

> > > > >can be imperfect and a reflection of the level of spiritual

> > >understanding

> > > > >prevailing at certain times in certain places....and that


> > >are not in

> > > > >themselves.... the Absolute Spiritual Truths. So.... it is the

> > >Absolute

> > > > >Spiritual Truths themselves that must be sought, sifted out


> > >gleaned for

> > > > >'spiritual consumption' in order to have spiritual


> > > > >

> > > > >This statement of Shri Mataji's can also be seen to be


> > >true in

> > > > >Sahaja Yoga, because all the Deities/Incarnations incarnated


> > >different

> > > > >times…. And they reside in the Cosmic Being which is

>reflected in

> > >our human

> > > > >subtle system…. " as above, so below " …. Whereby Jesus and Shri


> > >(Mother

> > > > >of Jesus) are....for example....reflected on the Agnya Chakra

> > > > >(psychosomatic centre) of human beings.... similarly is Shri

> > >Krishna and

> > > > >His Power (Shri Radha) reflected on the Visshuddhi Chakra

> > >(psychomatic

> > > > >centre) of human beings.

> > > > >

> > > > >If Christians do not accept other Incarnations/prophets, they

> > >quite

> > > > >literally will not be able to have the Baptism of the Holy


> > >They may

> > > > >feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to a small degree


> > >indicates

> > > > >connection to the Kingdom of God within, however, they will

>not be

> > >able to

> > > > >have the full awakening of all the powers of all the spiritual

> > >centres

> > > > >(psychomatic centres) if they refuse to

> > >accept/appreciate/acknowledge all

> > > > >these principles...which are no less than all the

> > >Deities/Incarnations

> > > > >which are reflected on these Very Centres from God Almighty

> > >Himself.

> > > > >

> > > > >i hope this helps,

> > > > >

> > > > >Violet

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " jagbir singh "

> > > > ><adishakti_org> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >(John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A


> > > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile)...

> > > > >

> > > > > " So it needs to be clearly said that the God presence of this

> > > > >Jesus will lead us ultimately beyond every religious


> > >Indeed, it

> > > > >will lead beyond Jesus himself. That becomes essential to


> > >development

> > > > >whenever our idolatrous convictions identify the messenger of


> > >with God.

> > > > >So the Ground of Being will finally be worshipped apart from


> > >system of

> > > > >religious thought. It is a startling but real insight into the

> > >future of

> > > > >worship.

> > > > >

> > > > >I believe in that gift of the Spirit who was called " the

>giver of

> > >life. "

> > > > >Once we located God only externally, and called this God the

> > >Father

> > > > >Almighty. Next, we located this God in Jesus, and we called


> > >the Son

> > > > >Incarnate. Now we locate God in every person, and we call

>this God

> > >the Holy

> > > > >Spirit. I believe that this Spirit inevitably creates a


> > >of faith

> > > > >that will come, in time, to open this world to God as the very

> > >Ground of

> > > > >its life and Being. . . .

> > > > >

> > > > >Religion is, therefore, not what we have always thought it to


> > >Religion

> > > > >is not a system of belief. It is not a catalogue of revealed

> > >truth. It is

> > > > >not an activity designed to control behavior, to reward


> > >and to

> > > > >punish vice. Religion is, rather, a human attempt to process


> > >God

> > > > >experience, which breaks forth from our own depths and wells


> > >constantly

> > > > >within us. We must lay down, therefore, the primitive claims


> > >have made

> > > > >for our religious traditions. None of them is drawn from

> > >outworldly

> > > > >revelations. None of them is inerrant or infallible. None of


> > > > >represents the only way to God. None of them can be used

> > >legitimately to

> > > > >coerce or compel another to belief.

> > > > >

> > > > >All evangelical and missionary activities designed to convert


> > >heathen

> > > > >are base born. They are expressions of our sense of


> > >and our

> > > > >hostility toward those who are different. The only divine


> > >in life

> > > > >that the Church of the future could possibly have is to open

> > >people to the

> > > > >recognition that the ground of their very being is holy and


> > >when they

> > > > >are in touch with that holy Ground of Being, they can share in

> > >God's

> > > > >creation by giving life, love, and being to others. That is


> > >task of

> > > > >those who claim to be God bearers. The Christians of the

>world are

> > >not here

> > > > >to build institutions, to convert other people, or even to


> > >that we

> > > > >can speak for God. Those aspects of our religious heritage

>must be

> > > > >sacrificed as the premodern misunderstandings of our primitive

> > >history. We

> > > > >are now exile people. "

> > > > >

> > > > >John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change Or Die: A


> > > > >Speaks To Believers In Exile, HarperCollins Publishers, 1998,


> > > > >224-26.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >









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