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Blasphemy?? What do Sy say to such a thing?

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, " v_koa " <v_koa>



> Dear all,


> sometimes i come across articles like these and wonder what they

> are all about or why such people feel the need to write such things

> or outright disbelieve everything, especially not knowing the

> people who wrote them and their involvement very well.


> I stumbled across an article i would like to post below and then i

> would like to pose a question to all.


> How do Sy reply to such things when they come up in conversation

> with people and in general? Has anyone seen this article before and

> have any comments on it.


> I always seem to feel bad or worried when i read articles like this

> and i don't know why people want to write such things without their

> own involvement , but on other peoples words.


> If i could get a reply from any and all, especially Jagbir and

> Violet, that would be great.


> The article is below.


> Take care


> ky



Dear Kyyan,

The answers you seek about Shri Mataji are also related to answers

humanity seeks to a myriad of pressing problems that sooner or later

will impact all humanity, if not already. Earth is facing

environmental disasters, social decay and crisis of conscience:



'Thousands' dying in DR Congo war

BBC Friday, 6 January 2006


Congolese hope elections due this year will end their misery

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is killing 38,000 people

each month, says the Lancet medical journal.


Most of the deaths are not caused by violence but by malnutrition and

preventable diseases after the collapse of health services, the study



Since the war began in 1998, some 4m people have died, making it the

world's most deadly war since 1945, it said.


A peace deal has ended most of the fighting but armed gangs continue

to roam the east, killing and looting.


" Congo is the deadliest crisis anywhere in the world over the past 60

years, " said Richard Brennan, health director of the New York-based

International Rescue Committee and the study's lead author.


" Ignorance about its scale and impact is almost universal and

international engagement remains completely out of proportion to

humanitarian need, "




Glitter charged with obscene acts

BBC Friday, 6 January 2006


British former rock star Gary Glitter has been formally charged with

committing obscene acts with two girls in Vietnam, a prosecutor has


The prosecutor in the southern province of Ba Ria Vung Tau, where 61-

year-old Glitter lives, said the charges carry prison terms of three

to seven years.

Glitter, real name Paul Gadd, has been held since November as he

tried to flee the country over child sex allegations.





Bank robberies 'every 90 minutes'

BBC Friday, 6 January 2006


Banks across the European Union (EU) are being robbed at a rate of

one every 90 minutes, according to the European Banking Federation

trade body.

Its report also highlighted the growing use of violence in the raids,

such as the kidnapping of staff during the 2004 Northern Bank robbery

in Belfast.

The organisation also found increased use of explosives or heavy


During 2004 there were 5,864 bank robberies across the EU,

Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, it found.




Bringing down the Colombian connection

BBC Friday, 6 January 2006


A Colombian gang which ran one of the biggest cocaine distribution

networks in Britain has been jailed. The two masterminds, Jesus

Anibal Ruiz Henao and Mario Tascon, were sentenced to 19 and 17


The convictions, which can only be revealed now after reporting

restrictions were finally lifted, are the culmination of a four-year

investigation by the National Crime Squad and Scotland Yard, who were

assisted by Colombian police.

Those who encountered Jesus Ruiz Henao and his brother-in-law Mario

Tascon in their everyday London jobs - driving buses and cleaning -

could never have guessed they were sitting on millions in drug money.






Biodiversity: The sixth great wave

Alex Kirby considers the current increase in extinction rates.

All the creatures we share the Earth with are important in some way,

however unprepossessing or insignificant they may appear. They and we

are all part of the web of life.

From the dawn of time, extinction has usually progressed at what

scientists call a natural or background rate. Today the tempo is far


Many scientists believe this is the sixth great wave - the sixth mass

extinction to affect life on Earth.

We were not here for any of the previous mass extinctions, but this

time our sheer preponderance is driving the slide to oblivion.




Water scarcity: A looming crisis?

Alex Kirby explores fears of an impending global water crisis.


The world's water crisis is simple to understand, if not to solve.

The amount of water in the world is finite. The number of us is

growing fast and our water use is growing even faster.

A third of the world's population lives in water-stressed countries

now. By 2025, this is expected to rise to two-thirds.




Energy: Meeting soaring demand

Alex Kirby looks at the challenge of providing the world with energy

without damaging the environment


The first problem with energy is that we are running short of

traditional sources of supply.

The International Energy Agency says the world will need almost 60%

more energy in 2030 than in 2002, and fossil fuels will still meet

most of its needs.

We depend on oil for 90% of our transport, and for food,

pharmaceuticals, chemicals and the entire bedrock of modern life.

But oil industry experts estimate that current reserves will only

last for about 40 years.



Can the planet feed us?

Alex Kirby explores the challenge of feeding the world without

destroying the planet.


More of us are eating more and better than ever before.

World cereal consumption has more than doubled since 1970, and meat

consumption has tripled since 1961.

The global fish catch grew more than six times from 1950 to 1997.

None of this happened by magic, though, but only by giving Nature a

massive helping hand.

The World Resources Institute said in 1999 that half of all the

commercial fertiliser ever produced had been applied since 1984.

So one question is whether the world can go on increasing its

harvests at this rate - or even faster, to cater as well for the

extra 75 million people born annually.




Climate change: Uncharted waters?

Alex Kirby explores the implications of climate change.


Climate change is our biggest environmental challenge, says the UK

Prime Minister, Tony Blair. His chief scientific adviser, Sir David

King, calls it a far greater global threat than international


There is wide though not unanimous agreement from scientists that

they are right.

It is certainly possible that warming temperatures could take the

Earth into uncharted waters, even though nobody can say exactly how

fast it may happen and who will be most affected.

Life on Earth exists only because of the natural greenhouse effect,

the ability of the atmosphere to retain enough heat for species to

thrive (and no more).

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a consortium of

several thousand independent scientists, says rising levels of

industrial pollution are unnaturally enhancing this effect, with

increasing amounts of heat trapped near the Earth instead of escaping

into space.




Pollution: A life and death issue

Alex Kirby considers the Earth's growing pollution problem.


One of the main themes of Planet Under Pressure is the way many of

the Earth's environmental crises reinforce one another.

Pollution is an obvious example - we do not have the option of

growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky-clean planet, but

on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it

so far.

Cutting waste and clearing up pollution costs money. Yet time and

again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mess in

the first place.

Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but

it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-







> She's been hailed as a saint: a selfless distributor of goodness

> and light. But, on the eve of her appearance at the Royal Albert

> Hall, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is under attack.



All prophets and incarnations that came on Earth have always been

attacked. There is no religion that can say its messenger was not

subject to verbal threat or violent acts. It is the nature of humans

to fear the unknown, especially those who bring forth knowledge that

challenges their established ideas. It has been no different for Shri

Mataji. What exacebrates the problem is that management SYs have

decided that the best defense is to stop making any claims of

divinity and edit out of Her Divine Message. This has backfired

badly. After having barricaded themselves for more than two decades

it will take a long time to rid the collective of the siege mentality.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was under attack for years due to this siege

mentality. All Her generals and lietenants fled, together with the

calvary and foot-soldiers, when She came under attack. Even i was

told to withdraw late 1999 by Mark Mays, apparently at the behest of

leaders. i was so ashamed when he said that these negative people are

powerful and we should not engage them. This coward thought that i

will also flee like the rest, just because the leaders were leading

the retreat.


Over the years i know Shri Mataji cannot be attacked anymore. She is

sure too:


" Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about our

Work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to see for

ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or not, our

capabilities should be up to that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998



> Independent News/July 13, 2001

> By Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery


> The posters are appearing again, all over east London. They depict

> an elderly Indian grandmother, of comfortingly rotund proportions,

> her forehead stained with the traditional red tikka, her face

> radiant and serene. She will, we are told, be appearing at the

> Royal Albert Hall tomorrow night, where spectators will be able

> to " experience the living power that will change your life. "



First of all we should know that this article was written July 13,

2001. i doubt Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery knew about

www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org, and the Divine Message to

humanity. It is only during the Last Judgment and Resurrection will

humans " experience the living power that will change your life. " If

one does not informed about the former then the later makes little

sense and is subject to ridicule. For so long Shri Mataji has been

subject to such abuse because management SYs have so little evidence

to prove She is the Adi Shakti. Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery must

have read the contents of the official website too.



> This cuddly, sari-clad lady is called Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi; now

> 78, she founded the Sahaja Yoga movement in the early 1970s; she

> now has tens of thousands of devoted followers across the globe.



It is indeed true that She has tens of thousands of followers around

the globe, a number that will increase in future. The latest

WebTrends reports are better than expected and i am sure Her Divine

Message to human will usher Satya Yuga by 21 February 2013.



> Tomorrow, if all goes according to divine plan, Shri Mataji - whose

> full name means " Venerable Great Mother Immaculate Goddess " - will

> dispense to thousands, absolutely free, her gift of " self-

> realisation " . Those gathered around her should be able to feel a

> release of spiritual energy, or Kundalini, that will rise from the

> base of the spine until it bursts through the fontanelle area at

> the top of the head. Shri Mataji will then ask if they can feel a

> cool breeze on their head and " vibrations " on their palms and over

> their heads. If previous events are anything to go by, most hands

> will shoot up and the audience will have connected, en masse, with

> the divine. Thereafter, they will be able to make all the right

> decisions in life, to know the truth of things, and even to heal

> themselves of illnesses.



" When the Kundalini rises one can feel easily the Cool Breeze coming

out of one's fontanel bone area on top of one's head. One can feel it

oneself, and one has to certify oneself. One can also feel this Cool

Breeze all around oneself. This Cool Breeze is the one that is

manifested by the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. For the first

time in life one actualizes the experience of feeling this subtle

Divine Power.


Even after feeling this Power one has to understand that this

Kundalini is not fully established. In ordinary mechanical language

we can say that the connection is not established. One has to work it

out. Though sprouting in a seed is spontaneous, the gardener has to

now look after the tender sapling.


In the same way a seeker has to look after his Self-Realization in

the beginning. Some people achieve heights very easily, but some have

to work for six or seven months and are still not all right. Under

these circumstances it is important that one must know and understand

where the problem is by understanding the proper decoding system and

its practices in Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" In the ancient Jewish story of creation, God created life in the

man, Adam, when God " breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life

and this creature became a living being " (Gen. 2:7). So the mighty

wind, the ruach, we discover, was also sometimes understood to be the

very breath of God. Hence, God's breath, or the divine nephesh, came

to be thought of as the very source of all life, and nephesh or

breath was identified with the vitality and animation found in every

living being . . . That is how nephesh, the breath of God within us,

came to be identified with that nonmaterial part of our reality. Thus

nephesh would later be translated as " soul " or " spirit. " But at its

inception and at its heart, it referred to the breath of God dwelling

within us, calling us to life itself. "


John Shelby Spong

Why Christianity Must Change Or Die




" KUNDALINI — (Sanskrit kund, " to burn " ; kunda, " to coil or to

spiral " ) a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible energy

absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine as a man

or woman begins to evolve in their first incarnation; fed by the

chakras along the spine and by the cosmic energy entering through the

feet from the Earth; as wisdom is earned in each incarnation, this

electromagnetic, ultrapotent energy moves slowly upward through the

spine; it is directed by the speed of the soul mind as the soul-mind

meets the requirements of each chakra, according to the needs and

thinking of the individual; eventually this energy is unspiralled

through the medulla oblongata, pituary gland, pineal gland and

through the crown chakra to unite with the silver cord; one will

ascend to the higher realms to finish evolutionary cycle; kundalini

is feminine polarity in nature. Coiled Serpent, Cosmic Fire, Chi,

Bioplasma, Holy Spirit. "


June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., The Donning International Encyclopedic

Psychic Dictionary



" The Shekhinah (=dwelling, resting; from shakan = to dwell) first

appeared in early rabbinic literature, referring to the divine

presence among the people in Israel. It occurs for the first time in

Targum Onkelos, an Aramaic translation-paraphrase of the Hebrew Bible

(1st-4th century CE.) Here, " God " is replaced by " Shekhinah "

or " God's Shekhinah. " For instance, Numbers 5:3 which says: " in the

midst whereof I dwell " became: " in the midst whereof My Shekhinah

dwells. " Some sources of the Babylon Talmud (B.T.) wrote about the

intention of God to dwell in the universe since the first day of

creation; but that became possible only after the construction of the

Tabernacle where His Shekhinah came to rest, as well as on Mount

Sinai or, later, in the Jewish Temple.


Thus, Shekhinah appears as the manifestation of God, which it is

possible to know as men. That could be characterised through some

peculiarities which perfectly agree with those we have mentioned in

the present work.


First of all, the Shekhinah fits well with the Spirit of God. Like

it, She (it is obviously a female noun) bestowed the divine grace

upon the Prophets. The Talmud claims that Shekhinah is All Pervading

like God Himself (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a.) Nevertheless, She was

frequently associated with specific places and persons (B.T. Shabbat

92a) especially with the Prophets: Moses (B.T. Sotah 11a, 12b;

Sanhedrin 11a; Yev, 62a; Shabbat 87a) and other outstanding

personalities to whom She granted the gift of prophecy (B.T. Yoma'

9b; Sanhedrin 11a; 15b.) She is said to rest only upon the righteous

and depart from the unworthy ones (B.T. Sotah 3b; Yoma' 22b; Pesahim

117 a; Sanhedrin 103b.) She also grants protection (B.T. Yev 48;

shabbat 31a.) As in the case of the Holy Ghost, the Shekhinah

descends only when the believers are gathered. Thus, when a quorum of

ten men (Minyan) are assembled in prayer (B.T. Berakhot 6a.)

Its form of manifestation reminds us of the Holy Spirit: fire ( " fire

that eats fire " : B.T. Yoma 21b), light, more radiant than the sun,

shining upon the righteous in heaven (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a; Hul. 60 a;

B.B. 10a), or even the vibrations of the sound (B.T. Hag. 15b; also

Lamentations Rabbah.) In the Targum, as in the Talmud, Midrash and

many medieval mystical texts, Shekhinah was equated with Kavod

(=glory of God), heir to the biblical " cloud of glory " that dwelt in

the sanctuary as a visible manifestation of God (Numbers 9-10.)

In the Talmud She is clearly associated with Ruah ha-Qodesh (=Holy

Spirit) (Joshua Abelson, The Immanence of God in Rabbinical

Literature, London 1912.) The demiurge character of Shekhinah is also

connected with the 13th century kabbalistic text of Zohar. The

creation is described as occurring through a series of Sefirot

(=emanations) that emerge from the Hidden God, who is Ein Sof

(=endless, infinite.) Thus, the Shekhinah is identified with the

feminine Malkhut (=kingdom.)


As a divine hypostasis, the Shekhinah emerged (in the 13th cent.) as

a " quasi-independent feminine element " within God, envisioned as a

Queen, Princess, Bride and Matrona (=Lady.) She comes after the ninth

emanation of God named Yeshod (=Foundation) (Gershom Scholem, On The

Kabbalah and Its Symbolism, New York, 1965.) The reader will easily

recognize here: the Avatars (or Sefirots, i.e. emanations), and Jesus

as the ninth Avatar (Yeshod connected directly with Yeshoda/Yeshu —

Krishna/Christ; see chapter. XIX B), while the following Avatar had

to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit (Shekhinah), announcing the

tenth male Avatar of Vishnu as Kalki. At the same time Jesus is also

Ganesha who governs the Mooladhara (lit. " root of the support " , i.e.

the foundation.) According to Zohar, the Shekhinah is not only the

Daughter but also the Mother and thus She becomes a symbol

of " eternal womanhood. " As such She assumes countless images and

names (apud. Scholem.)


As in the case of the Virgin Mary from which originated a deep form

of popular worship, Scholem (Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 1941;

reprint New York 1961) has shown that the concept of Shekhinah was

not only the most significant and lasting innovation of medieval

kabbalastic literature, but also responded to a " deep-seated

religious need " among the Jewish people maintaining its widespread

popular recognition. In his turn Arthur Green (Heschel, 1993) credits

the fact that Shekhinah as the feminine element of God came out of

the conviction that both Man and Women were created in the image of

God. As far as the popular devotion towards Shekhinah is concerned,

it is to report here that the traditional blessings: " Barukh attah

Adonai " (Blessed are Thou, O Lord) comes to be altered into " Barukh

Yah Shakhinah " (Blessed are Thou, Shekhinah) (apud Response; A

Contemporary Jewish Review, 1982, nos. 41-42.)


The infant Moses is depicted in the arms of an unnamed woman on the

wall of a third century synagogue in Dura-Europos (south-eastern

Syria.) Contrary to the opinion of Erwin R. Goodenough (Jewish

Symbols of the Graeco-Roman Period, New York 1964) that woman was not

the Iranian Goddess Anahita but rather the Shekhinah (Raphael Patai,

The Hebrew Goddesses, New York 1967.) Thus it becomes the earliest

extant representation of Shekhinah in a feminine physical form.

Last but not the least, it is worth mentioning that Patai and others

have compared the Shekhinah to the Virgin Mary, since both appear as

feminine manifestations that created a link between God and the

material world. . . .


It should be pointed out from the very beginning the Scripture

distinguished between two kinds of baptism: the water baptism made by

John for repentance and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire

made by Jesus which is the real baptism. Jesus received His Power

through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after His

baptism He started working miracles.


While in the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus was asked by the chief

priests, the scribes and the elders: " By which authority doest Thou

these things and who gave Thee this authority, that Thou shouldest do

these things? " And Jesus answering said to them: " I also ask you one

thing . . . the baptism of John, was it of heaven or of men? " (Mark

11:27-30) The question received no reply.


The Saviour told His disciples: " Ye will receive power, the Holy

Spirit having come upon you " (Acts 1:8.) While waiting for the Day of

Pentecost, Jesus ordered them: " Do ye remain in the city till ye be

clothed with power from on high " (Luke 24:49.)


The ritual of the water baptism deviated from the Hebrew tradition of

the flesh sacrifice, in sign of the covenant made by Abraham with

God: " Every male among you be circumcised " (Genesis 17:10.)

The water immersion originated in India and it is still practised by

the Hindus as fervently as it was thousands of years ago. Manu's

second book of laws, dedicated to the sacraments, contained the

command of pouring holy water upon a new-born baby before cutting the

umbilical cord and of afterwards putting a mixture of honey,

clarified butter (ghee) and salt on his tongue with the help of a

golden spoon while mantras were being uttered. This practice is also

in use throughout India today. The Atharva-Veda says: " Whoever has

not been cleansed with the Ganges' water, will be subject to as many

wanderings as the number of years spent in the uncleanness " (the

wanderings refer to the punitive reincarnations of the spirit.)

The prophet Zechariah was known to baptize with water during the pre-

Christian period, when Darius ruled. During the same time, the water

baptism was also practised by the Essenes. But what made John's

baptism unique was that, beyond the immersion ritual, there was a

moral purification implied.


The water baptism performed by John was only " for repentance " : " He

came . . . preaching [the] baptism of repentance " (Luke 3:3; also

Matthew 3:1-2; Mark 1:4.) He said: " I indeed baptise you with water

to repentance, but He that comes after me shall baptise you with

[the] Holy Spirit and fire " (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16; also Mark 1:8;

John 1:33.)


Not only the Water element but also the Fire was known to have

cleansing powers. This is in current use with Hinduism and other

spiritual fields but also with the Old Testament. " I . . . will

thoroughly purge away thy dross and take away all thine alloy " (Isiah

1:25.) " I will bring the third part into the fire, and will refine

them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried "

(Zechariah 13:9.) The conception of Purgatory, typical for the

catholic dogma, was based on it. Beyond this primitive level of

understanding the Bible, which has usually stopped at the literal

text, still had the deeper meaning of the Scripture; here, the fire

symbolises the Kundalini energy that is the expression of the Holy



The term " fire baptism " that is commonly used nowadays, originally

referred to the martyrdom of the Christians sent to death for their

belief. It was a substitute of the water baptism that they had not

had time to receive.


The sprinkling with water was mentioned in the Old Testament where

God said: " I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be

clean; from all your uncleanness will I cleanse you " (Ezekiel 36:25.)

But not only that: " I will put My Spirit within you " (Ezekiel 36:27;

also Joel 2:28.) The position of Jesus towards baptism was strict

since it could not be devoid of the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus,

the Saviour clearly delimited it from the water baptism made by John

for repentance. " For John indeed baptised with water, but ye shall be

baptised with the Holy Spirit after now not many days " (Acts 1:5;



Through this Christ actually announced the day of Pentecost. From the

fact that baptism granted power, it was beyond any doubt that the

Holy Spirit descended upon the baptized person. Or the later was

called the twice-born (dvija, in Sanskrit) or enlightened one

(Buddha) in Yoga. The state of Yoga, Self-Realization or the

awakening (activation) of Kundalini was thus obtained.


The Gospel of Philip (11:3) was not far from the same

interpretation: " Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came

in types and images. The world will not receive the truth in other

way. There is a rebirth and an image of rebirth. It is certainly

necessary to be born again through the image. Which one?

Resurrection. The image must rise through the image. The bridal

chamber and the image must enter through the image into the truth;

this is the restoration . . . The Lord [did] everything in a mystery,

a baptism and a chrism and an eucharist and a redemption and a bridal

chamber " (16:9-30) To make the concepts more clear, the gospel

continued: " Baptism is the 'holy building'. Redemption is the 'holy

of the holy'. 'The holy of the Holies' is the bridal chamber. Baptism

includes the resurrection [and the] redemption: the redemption [takes

place] in the bridal chamber. But the bridal chamber is in that which

is superior to [ . . .] " (69:22-29.) " Those called 'the holy of the

hollies' [ . . .] veil was rent [ . . .] bridal chamber except the

image [ . . .] above. Because of this its veil was rent from the top

to bottom. For it was fitting for some from below to go upwards "

(6:34-37; 70:1-4.) As previously shown (chapt. XX C4), the Sahasrara

or the Kingdom of heavens is nothing else other than the bridal

chamber or the holy of the holies that lies above all the other

chakras; actually above the entire body (the image is the subtle

body; or sometimes Kundalini) because it is on the top of the head.

The rent of the veil is the awakening (resurrection) of Kundalini

(some from below — since it is at the bottom of the spinal cord) to

go upwards until it reaches the Sahasrara. This is the redemption

that occurs in the bridal chamber. Here is the significance of the

baptism that included the resurrection and the redemption.


As opposed to Indian custom, the baptism of new-born babies was a

relatively late ritual in Christianity. Initially, it was done once a

year, before Easter, when the catechumen (the one which was called

up), who was preparing for the baptism had already fasted (hence

purified) for forty days. The ritual itself included a number of

exorcizing techniques, making the cross sign on the forehead and

putting salt in the mouth (the same as in the Indian ritual; see

above.) The priest blew over the candidate's face, touched his lips

and ears with saliva and put an ointment on his chest and back. On

the day of the third exorcism, the candidate said the Creed or Our

Father and then was completely immersed into a special pool. Many of

those practices are already frequently done by Yogis, i.e. those who

have had their Kundalini energy activated. When, however, literally

taken from the Scripture without a proper understanding and

mechanically applied by persons in whom Kundalini is not yet active,

such techniques are devoid of any meaning and value, just as it

happens in the ordinary baptism that has become an empty ritual. The

breathing over the face showed that the awakening of Kundalini was

like breeze or a breath felt, however, on the top of the head and in

the centre of the palms! The Lord's prayer is a powerful mantra to

open the Agnya chakra and the touching on the chest and back (on the

chakras actually) have the same purpose. But, when all these are done

by a person in whom Kundalini is still inactive, they have no effect

at all. It was Evdokimov (quoted work) who rightfully said: " The way

will only be opened through the baptism ex Spiritu Sancto. "

The way is the Sushumna and the opening implies the awakening of all

the chakras through the rising of the Kundalini.


The emerging out from the water (original cosmic matrix) after

immersion symbolises the second birth from which resulted a purified

being, connected to the divine source of new life. It is the

liberation from all earthly conditionings and the rebirth of the

spirit in a pure body. The Kundalini is the living water that Jesus

and the Gnostics told about.


With some Native American tribes, the second birth was connected to

the cult of Mother Earth. Smohalka, a native American prophet from

the Umatilla tribe, described the ritual where it was said: " Shall I

ever enter Her body again to be born again? " (Bala, Chetan, pp. 34-



That was also the dilemma of Nicodemus, one of the leading Pharisees

who was told by Jesus: " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except any

one to be born anew he cannot see the Kingdom of God. " Nicodemus says

to Him: " How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second

time into the womb of his mother and be born? " (John 3:3-4) To which

Jesus replied: " Except any one be born of water and of Spirit, He

cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is

flesh; and that which is born of Spirit is spirit " (John 3:5-6.) The

Gospel of Philip says: " Spirit mingles with spirit, and thought

consorts with thoughts, and [light] shares [with light. If you

(sing.)] are born a human being, it is [the human being] who will

love you. If you become [a spirit], it is the spirit which will be

joined to you. If you become thought, it is thought which will mingle

with you. If you become light, it is light which will share with you.

(78:28-79:3.) Yogis become one with the Spirit (Atma), they become

the Spirit. This is only in this way that the Kundalini

(manifestation of the Holy Spirit) will encounter the Atma. The

rebirth is the birth of the Spirit, that is the enlightenment granted

by the Kundalini, the manifestation of the divine spirit. In order to

remove any trace of doubt about its significance, Jesus continued by

mentioning the breeze felt by everyone when the Kundalini has been

awakened: " The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest its voice,

but knowest not whence it comes and where it goes; thus is every one

that is born of the Spirit " (John 3:8.) After which He reminded us

that Moses lifted up the serpent, that was a symbol of the raising of

the Kundalini. . . .


L. Heart wrote: " Kundalini has been protected against the curiosity

of the masses through a strict esotericism along centuries.

Nevertheless, thousands of pages would be needed to quote the

initiary texts that glorified it or to present the symbols used by

art and architecture to render it. "


Let us, however, mention the notable orientalist, Theofil Simenschy

(Cultura si filosofia indiana in texte si studii/Indian culture and

philosophy in texts and studies, Bibliotheca orientalists, Bucharest

1978, vol. I, p. 40): One drastically needs to be initiated by a

proper master in order to grasp the mystical teachings. This is the

reason why, most of the time, a European does not understand almost

anything from its esoterical (secret) teaching as we find it, for

instance, in the Upanishads or in the philosophy called Yoga "

Closer to us in time and space, Aristotle reserved his more special

doctrine to a couple of chosen disciples, one of whom was Alexander

the Great. Jesus Himself, as the Bible says, imparted secret doctrine

to His disciples only:


" The disciples came up and said to Him: " Why speakest Thou to them in

parables? " And He answering them: " Because to you it is given to know

the mysteries of the kingdom of heavens, but to them it is not

given " " (Matthew 13:10-11; see also Mark 4:10-11; Luke 8:9-10.) " Many

other signs there fore also Jesus did before His disciples, which are

not written in this book " (John 20:30; see also 21:25.)


It was frequently said that Jesus' words were not even understood by

the apostles themselves: " Peter answering said to Him: " Expound to us

this parable. " But He said: " Are ye also still without

intelligence? " " (Matthew 15:15-16; see also 16:9; Mark 4:22-24; 6:52;

7:18; 8:17,21; 9:10,32; 10:38; Luke 2:50; 9:45; 18:34; 24:25,45; John

10:6; 12:16.) The New Testament epistles often mentioned the hidden

things revealed to the prophets, saints and apostles by the Holy

Spirit (Ephesians 3:3-5,9; see also 1:9; 6:19; Romans 16:25;

Corinthians 2:7; 4:1; Colossians 1:26; 2:2; 4:3.)


A strict protection of the spiritual secrets would later characterise

the Christian church. Irenaeus (a 130-202) showed that the tradition

had not been conveyed by the written but by the spoken word and

implied the " mysterious secrets preached by the apostles to the

perfect ones, without the others to know " (Adversus Haeresis III 2.1;

3.1.) This was not, however an exclusive privilege since, according

to Origen (A.D.185-254): " The fact that certain doctrines are kept

hidden from the masses in order to be revealed only after the

transmission of the exoterical teachings, is not specific to the

Christian religion only " (Contra Celsum.) And Cyrill of Jerusalem

(A.D. 315-380) mentioned: " We do not openly speak about mysteries

even in front of the catechumens; we do often talk, however, about

many things in a covered way, so that those believers who know,

should understand and those who do not know, should not be shocked "

(Catech. 6.29.) Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite wrote in the 5th

century: " See that none from the non-initiated should hear these

things " (Theologica mistica, 2.)


We can, by no means, guess at the mysteries preserved in the archives

of the famous and hardly accessible Vatican library. Very few people

have had the chance to reach them and even fewer have revealed what

they found. Many of them have taken these secrets to their graves. "


Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened

(Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened, 1995, p. 331.)



" " Saha " means " with " , " Ja " means " born. " " Yoga " means " union with the

All-pervading Power of Divine Love. " This is a very subtle subject,

absolutely valid and can be proved of our ascent into our higher

awareness. At the very outset one has to be a seeker of truth and

with a scientific attitude one should approach the subject. It should

be treated espectfully like a hypothesis and if found by experiments

as truth should be accepted by honest people in the spirit of

honesty. Because this is for one's total benevolence and for the

benevolence of all the world.


This knowledge is of very ancient times and mostly comes from India.

Of course, every religion has talked about our second birth and also

about the tree of life. As the knowledge of science comes from the

West, but is accepted by the East, why should such a knowledge of

reality be denied? Why not at least heed to it seriously, when it is

the knowledge of the roots of all our civilisation and evolution?


The nations have to think why the modern civilisation is killing all

human values. What we need is a careful introspection as to where we

have gone wrong. Where did we miss out on our path of progress? How

has this decadence crawled into our society ? Why are most of us s

ick with frustration and insecurity.? Why are some of the people of

the progressive countries succumbing to physical and mental



Science has no answer, so let us take to spirituality. Why not ask a

question? Is there any other power that controls the universe? As

described in all the scriptures there is an All-

pervading Power of God's love (Paramachaitanya). It is a subtle power

which does all living work and which cannot be felt at the level of

human awareness.


Sahaja Yoga means that a seeker of truth (Sadhaka) has a birth-right

to get his Self-realisation (Atma Sakshatkar) spontaneously . Self-

realisation or Self-knowledge is the destination of human evolution

and also of all the religions. This is the last breakthrough a human

being has to achieve, for which there is a complete living machinery

placed in the human spinal cord and in the brain. This machinery is

being established step by step during our evolution . This living

machinery works out through its power manifesting the parasympathetic

and both sympathetic nervous systems. Whatever we achieve in

evolution is expressed by our conscious mind through the central

nervous system.


To connect us to this subtle energy which permeates into every atom

and molecule, there is also a power of pure desire which is placed in

the sacrum bone of human beings, which is called as

Kundalini. " Kundal " means coils . It exists . in three and a half

coils. There is a Divine mathematical coefficient about three and a

half coils. This triangular bone is called " sacrum " , that means that

the people in Greece in the ancient times knew about this divine

sacred power of Kundalini; that is why they called this bone sacred.

This sacrum bone is placed at the base of the spinal cord and it is

triangular in shape.


The Kundalini is like a connecting cord as in every piece of

electrical machinery, which connects the machinery to the main source

of electricity. In the same way, when this energy of Kundalini is

awakened, threads (some of them) rise and ultimately connect the

human being to the All-pervading Power (paramachaitanya).

It is a spontaneous happening, it is a living process. The whole

evolutionary process has been a living process, and now a stage has

come for human beings to have the last state of Spiritual existence

through Self-realisation. Human being can be compared to a seed which

is not active spiritually, and has not started its living process of

growth in Spirituality, but when it is embedded in the Mother Earth,

the Mother Earth has the power, (with the help of water) to sprout

the seed.


In the same way the Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously by the

power of Sahaja Yoga. When this Kundalini rises, a new life process

starts in the human awareness, resulting in the growth of

spirituality. This spiritual life growth is a new state into which a

human being starts growing in his innate Divinity. This nourishes and

enlightens his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.

This living process is very clearly described in Indian scriptures

since ancient times. There are 108 Upanishadas in the Sanskrit

language which have exposed the knowledge about Kundalini awakening

and the spiritual ascent. Also it is indicated in other scriptures of

other countries. In the Bible it is called the tree of life and it is

quoted that, " I will appear before you like tongues of flames. " When

the Kundalini rises, She passes through various centres which look

like tongues of flames when enlightened.


The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you

can feel in Sahaja Yoga. In the Gospel of St. Thomas, very clearly

describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious

life. Also it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini has

to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres which are placed in

the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the

actualisation of the baptism as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy

Ghost emitting out of one's fontanel bone area. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> Over the years, countless newcomers have been sufficiently

> impressed to find out more, joining one of the 44 Sahaja Yoga

> groups and seven ashrams across Britain. Worldwide, Shri Mataji is

> estimated to have between 30,000 and 100,000 followers. Official

> publicity material makes much of her standing in the international

> community. She is married to " one of India's top diplomats "

> (Chandrika Prasad Srivastava, who has an honorary British

> knighthood), comes from an aristocratic family, advised Gandhi on

> spiritual matters and has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace

> prize.



Shri Mataji managed to get that number despite Her Divine Message

being suppressed. Only in the last few years are seekers able to know

the Truth. Once there are sufficient numbers conscious of the Truth

far more will follow Her. i believe we are just starting to make

progress and the latest WebTrend figures give evidence to that.


Daily Visitors for December 2005 (Average were 2000 in October)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

2166 2087 1991 2270

2610 2554 2492 2534 2644 2331 2516

2974 3127 3348 3273 3006 3456 6523

6883 4735 4303 4250 3788 3355 3006

3375 3606 3553 3650 3489 3094 (Jan)3044

3475 4014 4105


If we continue at this rate Shri Mataji is definitely going to

succeed in reaching humanity. We have to always keep in mind that

WCASY and management Sys are also trying their best to suppress Her

Divine Message. Despite this severe handicap for years i think She

has overcome them too and things will continue to improve.



> But harmless as she looks, and sounds, Shri Mataji has her

> detractors. Ian Haworth, founder of the Cult Information Centre,

> has spent the past 20 years dealing with families who believe their

> children or siblings may have been " lost " to Shri Mataji. Former

> members who claim to have been " lost " themselves and

> subsequently " recovered " are becoming increasingly vociferous in

> their attacks on the organisation. Their message is that Sahaja

> Yoga is a cult which aims to control the minds of its members.



It is clear that Ian Haworth has no idea who Shri Mataji is Her

mission on Earth. Anyway, all these incidents took place before the

www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org websites were set up on 1-1-

2000. Since then no one has taken up the challenge to prove the 1000

plus pages false. i am sure Ian Haworth will not do so too.


But we have to thank leaders and management SYs for the attacks

against Her. They have failed for decades to declare that Shri Mataji

is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine Message to humanity. All

these years they have been paying the price of being dishonest and

hypocritical. They deserve being constantly attacked and ridiculed

for they are just reaping what they sowed.


> According to them, followers meditate in front of a photograph of

> Shri Mataji which they believe emits powerful vibrations. They

> regard her with both devotion and fear. While most Sahaja Yogis

> continue with their jobs, their spare time is spent in the worship

> of Shri Mataji, meditating, performing rituals, mixing with other

> Sahaja Yogis, recruiting newcomers at public meetings.



Yes, Shri Mataji's photograph does emit powerful vibrations. Only the

foolish fear Her while the wise check and correct themselves. Those

aware of the Last Judgment will make a conscious effort to become

better humans. It is also a blessing to be able to selflessly serve

humanity without any expectation of rewards or gains.


> Every year, thousands of her devotees travel from all over the

> world to India or Italy (where she lives), to perform mass pujas,

> worshipping her with mantras, offering sweetmeats, honey, incense

> and gifts. Shri Mataji, according to these ex-members, claims to

> be " Adi Shakti " , the Supreme Goddess or Primordial Power - or, more

> simply, God in the feminine form.



Just like the previous incarnations the faithful always follow Her

too. Shri Mataji definitely is the Adi Shakti. It is obvious that

little evidence is given by management SYs to back their muted claim

that She is the Adi Shakti. Looks like others are openly playing with

such fears, knowing that SYs will remain hopelessly helpless and

silent. But not on this forum and websites.


> One ex-disciple, Juan, from Switzerland, claims the organisation

> insisted he break off all family ties: " Once they told my Sahaja

> Yoga brother and I that we should slap our mother if she argued. As

> zealous disciples, we followed instructions and my brother slapped

> her. Next we were told to cease all communication with her. I loved

> my mother but I forced myself to obey. "



Juan is an idiot to follow others. Eastern cultures respect the

mother and will never resort to such abuse. Apparently Juan does not

have the innate qualities of these ancient cultures. For slapping his

own mother he deserves to become an ex-disciple. What type of brains

does he have? Who listens to anyone who tells him to slap his own



> Babies born of two Sahaja Yoga parents are considered realised

> souls, of high calibre with an extra responsibility. " Your children

> have to be the soldiers of Sahaja Yoga, not dainty darlings, " Shri

> Mataji announced at one puja. " You have to rough it, you have to

> make them sturdy. "



So this is one of the most dangerous speech Shri Mataji has made

amongst the hundreds over the decades. Perhaps some people cannot

stomach it and want to make a big deal about it.


> Parents are encouraged to send their children to a Sahaja school in

> Rome from the age of four, and then on to the school in Dharamsala,

> India that accepts children from the age of eight. Extra-curricular

> activities there include learning to meditate in front of Shri

> Mataji's image and listening to her teachings.



This is a free choice. Some parents want to send their children to a

safe and spiritual environment.


> Shri Mataji's supporters deny that there is anything irregular

> about the movement's educational activities. But the Sahaja Yoga

> view of children certainly seems unconventional. Juan has a tape of

> a meeting in Canberra in 1991 at which Shri Mataji insisted that a

> child who was crying during her speech was " possessed. "



Spirit possession is real but can be overcome. Eastern cultures

especially have various methods of dealing with spirit possession.

Those who have spirits exorcized become their normal selves again.


> Another ex-member, Alistair, has never forgiven himself for sending

> his small daughter to the Sahaja Yoga schools. " I still can't

> believe I did it, " he says. " My heart would break when I put my

> young girl on a plane and sent her away for nine months. All the

> parents would say 'How are your children doing?' and we'd always

> reply 'Oh they're having a wonderful time,' since you can't

> criticise. But my daughter's grades were very poor in reading,

> writing and maths, and when we picked her up on her annual holiday,

> she had lice and her clothes were tattered and dirty. "



I had two of my sons there too and I agree things were not up to the

mark. Despite the shortcomings they had one of their most memorable

time of their lives. Till today they remember fondly of their

childhood spent at Dharamsala.


> Derek Lee, Sahaja Yoga's national co-ordinator in Britain, says the

> organisation " believes in strong families. We are not in the

> business of breaking up families. "



That is definitely very true.


> When the ex-members' group started to form, some of them had been

> Sahaja Yogis for two decades and were grieving for their " lost "

> years. Others were having trouble making decisions on their own in

> the world, without guidance from Mataji or vibrations. They claim

> it's not easy to leave the organisation. An ex-member called

> Christine, once Sahaja Yoga's US country leader, explains: " When I

> was in Sahaja Yoga, I thought that to go against Shri Mataji, to

> fall from grace, was a fate worse than death. After I left, I had

> nightmares for months. " For another, Anna, leaving meant

> confronting the fear that the outside world was evil, a result of

> the " us versus them " attitude encouraged in Sahaja Yoga. " Every

> morning, " she laughs, " I would perform a bandhan - a ritual to

> protect against negativity from other people. And I never looked at

> people straight - I always focused between their eyes. The fear of

> the outside world was deep in my system. " Christine cannot believe

> now that she allowed Shri Mataji to arrange three marriages for

> her to other followers.



These people never learnt to be their own masters. They also became

obsessed with catches and cleansing rituals. i have been calling for

change but management SYs seem intend to maintain the status quo as

it serves them. Shri Mataji never wanted Her followers to become

such. Instead of growing from within by learning to be their own

gurus we have SYs blindly following others. i too had senior SYs

trying to tell me such nonsense but i just ignored such foolish



> Simon Montford, a Londoner in his late-twenties who works in

> further education, went to his first Sahaja Yoga meeting in

> Brighton when he was 19. " In time, I began not only to feel the

> vibrations, " he recalls, " but to believe that others could feel my

> vibrations, how good or bad they were, and that Shri Mataji

> especially had that insight. This belief makes members

> fundamentally paranoid. " It also makes them slaves, Montford and

> other former members say, to Mataji.




Simon Dicon Montford is the self-proclaimed prophet who, along with a

handful of his followers, is carrying out a campaign to discredit the

Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. I call him a prophet

because of his past claims that he is one, and received divine

revelations about who he was in his past life and his mission on

Earth. This culminated into " a sect within a sect " and then, after

being told to leave, evolved into anti-Sahaja Yoga websites which are

all crafted and controlled by him.


Simon claims himself to be victim of Sahaja Yoga indoctrination, and

alleges Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a false guru.


According to him, " I was recruited into SYoga in Brighton in Jan 1985

and I left in Autumn 1990 - near on 6 years later. Actually I did

step outside SYoga for some short periods of time in that 6 years

because I felt unworthy to be in the collective. "


However, few know that he has a very dark side that has never been

exposed or why he self-exiled himself from the collective because of

so-called unworthiness.


But despite my pleas to him and his followers to stop as enough has

been said repeatedly over and over again, a few heeded and left this

forum. Now there are less than 10 who continue to look up at Simon to

lead them on.


Here are quotes of the insults by Cult SDM against HHSM and Sahaja

Yogis. Please DO NOT READ ANY of the following if you are easily

offended. These are all comments and terms used by Simon and his

followers against Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis:


" pigs "

" whore "

" fat old bags "

" rats "

" bastards "

" pricks "

" load of shit "

" sex with chickens "

" so full of shit "

" fucking guru of a CULT "

" mafuckjee "

" fucking cunt "

" satan (MoronJi) "

" fuck you all "

" this cunt "

" working for some KGB or CIA "

" mother fucker "

" donkeys belong to planet of krishna "

" i desperately need a good fuck "



" every fucking cunt "

" angry with dicks "


" The Big Fat primitive, uneducated so-called enlightened guru "

" Queer of the universe "

" she is pure evil "

" Pure unadulterated Evil "

" biggest crook on earth "

" I hope he bashes her up more "

" Ol' Nirmy on the turps "

" too boring and anal to manage humour "

" The man BADLY needs a good shag! "

" Viciously cruel "

" The old bitch "

" Fataji "

" Piggyji "

" SY bullshit "

" evil cult "

" horrible oafish "

" old ratbag "

" big, fat, ugly, fraudulent, ratbag, thieving, lying, low-life,

scumbag whom we would not urinate upon if her huge sari caught

ablaze. "

" cruel, thieving guru "

" big fat rich thieving guru "

" scumbag thieving fat guru "

" thieving ol' guru "

" thieving old woman "

" her ugly face with pasty makeup and all the fat rolls "

" The fat ratbag guru "

" call Nirmy a fat scumbag! "

" SomeFatTrollopji's $ahaja Yoga "

" Fataji's arse-kissers "

" The old parasite "

" slander the old bitch. She's not a mother's bootlace! She's nothing

more than a bloodsucking leach! May she rot in hell! "

" the old bitch "

" scumbag social-climber "

" Nirmala Shrivastava is a thieving fat ol' fraud!!! "

" the old hen "

" old witch "

" the unbelievably incompassionate guru bitch. "

" fat ugly frauds. "

" Mrs Pickpocket "

" the old bat "

" these disgusting little creatures are no more spiritual than sewer

rats! "

" the wealthy fraud a bitch "

" the nasty, lying fraud who runs the show, and nasty, spiteful small-

minded SY's like yourselves... "

" I hope you rot in hell "

" Fraudulentness Shri Nirmy "

" I call Mrs Moneybags a bitch "

" calling a thieving fraud " a bitch "







Since Simon has refused to heed my plea not to prolong his abuse

against Shri Mataji I will now explain to his remaining followers why

he is regarded as a rakshasa (demon) and a trusted lieutenant of the



On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:55:00 Simon D. Montford wrote about his

experiences in Sahaja Yoga:


" We started having 'revelations' about the leaders and a different

picture of SY emerged. Our new knowledge was confirmed by rushes

of 'vibrations' - sometimes overwhelming.


Gradually our view grew further apart from what mataji was saying and

it came to the point where we had to choose between following the

vibrations and following her words. We chose to follow

the 'vibrations' even though her words told us to follow the words.

Soon we saw SY as an illusion, a mere cover for mataji's real work.


We met a paranoid schizophrenic woman - for normal SYs she would have

just been condemned as possessed. But the first thing she said to us

summed up our revelations (I still feel that old sensation now). We

accepted her words because they had 'vibrations'.


By now we were really a cult within a cult with a secret teaching and

a direct line to divine truth down which revelations were flowing on

an almost daily basis. So many crazy things were happening in the

unseen (imaginary) realm around us. We had built a new superstructure

of delusion on the foundation of SY and the belief that the sensation

we felt coursing through our bodies was divine confirmation for

whatever crazy, wish-fulfilling imaginings we came up with.


But there was a revelation that there was one door that we hadn't yet

gone through. Later we found a key and it opened a floodgate of wild

ideas. We entered into a period that later became known as 'the

Madness'. I'd rather not go into details but on a collective level we

were at the extreme end of crazy. "


The Madness that Simon D. Montford would rather not talk is precisely

what I want to reveal so that his tiny band of misguided followers

will judge for themselves. This is necessary because only by knowing

his past will they know the man behind the mask. They can then decide

whether to hail him for saving them or flee from this active cell of

the Antichrist.



Simon Dicon Montford As The Prophet Joseph


He joined Sahaja Yoga in Brighton in January 1985. At that time Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi was establishing Sahaja Yoga in UK.


After some time Simon gathered together some of his SY friends, he

told them that he was a reincarnation of the biblical Joseph of

Arimathea, the uncle of Jesus. As far as Christians are concerned,

many believe that this Joseph, who was a high priest, brought the

Holy Grail to England.


" A common idea joins Joseph's New Testament (NT) and his medieval

legendary roles: his association with the body of Jesus. In the NT he

provided the burial sheet that enclosed Jesus's bloody corpse; and in

12th-13th c. romances he was the first guardian of the Holy Grail,

variously given out as a dish holding a communion wafer (i.e., body

of Jesus), as the cup that had contained the blood of Jesus

consecrated at the Last Supper or dripping from his crucified body,

finally as a Dysgl bearing a bleeding head. " 1


Simon used his knowledge of the scriptures to propagate his

reputation upon those who were easily impressed.


Although Simon claimed to feel vibrations for this, one may ask what

was his agenda? Wasn't he happy to be just a simple Sahaja Yogi, or

did he have to be someone far more important?


The reason was Simon and his friends wanted to start their own sect

within Sahaja Yoga, but a rebellious one, destroying the official

Sahaja Yoga from within.


Simon and his friends appointed themselves as the witch finder

generals of Sahaja Yoga, trying to overthrow leaders here, there, and

everywhere, with the evangelism of Biblical characters. They even

wanted to kill some of the leaders in SY, and thought they were

justified in wanting to do this.


Simon, the Biblical Joseph, armed with the background of his

religious studies, mostly controlled the minds of those around him,

and triggered their ambitions and hatred towards the Sahaja Yogis

they didn't like.


Many of the Sahaja Yogis were afraid of them, and found them very

threatening and hostile.


But when it all failed, and Shri Mataji threw him and his friends out

of Sahaja Yoga Simon turned his zealous campaign into a hate campaign

against Sahaja Yoga.


In his mind if Shri Mataji had rejected him, the great Biblical

Joseph, then She cannot be the Adi Shakti. Therefore he had to

concentrate all his efforts into bringing all of Sahaja Yoga down,

and destroying it for rejecting him even if that takes years of

internet campaigning.


Therefore as long as no one comes forward with the truth about him,

and reveals the foundations and platform he is standing on, his show

will go on. For this reason this website was created so that those

intending to join his forum know beforehand of his claims to

divinity, later so conveniently labeled as The Madness.


Simon Dicon Montford As The Incarnation Of Vishnu


However, the Biblical Joseph claims were just the beginning of Simons

megalomania. It wasn't enough for him, and he added to it a major

character from the Mahabharata.


Simon started to believe that he was a reincarnation of Vishnu, who

is regarded as a major god in Hinduism and Indian mythology. He is

thought as the preserver of the universe, while two other major Hindu

gods, Brahma and Shiva, are considered the creator and destroyer of

the universe. With such credentials Simon's divine mission within

Sahaja Yoga took on a new purpose.


With this believe Simon built a powerful sect within Sahaja Yoga and

his followers looked up at him for guidance. During what he terms The

Madness he was even prepared to kill in the name of God Almighty and

fulfill his destiny on Earth. Shri Mataji had no choice but to expel

him before he could proceed with any of his mad plans.


Before Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji called him.

When he went to see Her he was shaking in front of Her like a

possessed being, which he was by his behavior and delusion of

grandeur. Shri Mataji told him to leave Sahaja Yoga not only for the

safety of the collective but for his own as well as he wanted to kill

leaders who dare get in his way.


The request to leave Sahaja Yoga was a disastrous blow for him

because how could Shri Mataji be the Adi Shakti if She had thrown

him, an incarnation of Vishnu, out of Sahaja Yoga.



Simon Dicon Montford Orders Exorcism


After Simon asserted that he was a reincarnation of Shri Vishnu,

anything was possible for him.

There was another doubter in his group at this stage, although a few

others amongst them were also not convinced, but were too afraid of

Simon to cross him.

One young lady who was not going along with Simon's divinity beliefs

was isolated and her husband, who was brainwashed by Simon, was

forced to go along with the accusation that she must therefore be



Simon ordered her exorcism.


Simon sat on top of her, holding her down, while her husband was

ordered to slap the so-called demon out of her. She was slapped,

shouted at and humiliated, and the husband felt very guilty

afterwards that he had gone along with it.


Simon had no remorse or regret, and the marriage of the young couple

soon failed, mainly due to the irreparable damage that had been done.



Simon Dicon Montford Dispenses Divine Justice


Some members of his group also started to question his authority. One

of them was living in the same house as Simon, and was married with

two children, a baby and the other still a toddler, and they were

living there too. The children's names were Narayana and Radhika,

which Simon has acknowledged he knows them personally.


Simon demonized them all, including the little children, and tried to

convince the others in his sect that they were all bhoots. His witch

hunt style within Sahaja Yoga turned on those living with him, and he

convinced the owner of the house to turf them out onto the street.

They were made homeless, and all of this was justified by Simons

demonizing his two critics.


When his other critic within the group, who wasn't living with Simon,

tried to defend the young family, he was demonized too. In one

incident during an argument Simon smashed a door into his face.

They were both cast out from Simons sect, and the young family had to

find somewhere else to live very quickly. Simon was heartless and

didn't care at all for their welfare. He even told the young father

to go and hang himself.



Simon Dicon Montford The Tarot Reader


But even being the incarnation of Saint Joseph and Shri Vishnu wasn't

enough to satiate the demands of his expanding ego.

Simon and his sect started to play around with Tarot cards. " The

Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in

northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called

Triumphs, it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and

popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the

Golden Dawn. The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval

and Renaissance Europe, but over the centuries it has grown to

incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabbalah to Runes (which

predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I Ching (which predates the

Tarot by 2500 years). Today, the Tarot is far and away the most

popular tool for spiritual introspection in the West. " 2


These cards to some degree led Simon and his followers to believe

they must be something far more than great souls in their previous



Simon Dicon Montford Today


Only after being thrown out of Sahaja Yoga in autumn 1990, nearly 6

years later, did he drop these beliefs of divinity.


He has now become a devout hater of Shri Mataji for rejecting him,

the Biblical Joseph, and incarnation of Vishnu. Simon Dicon Montford

has now dedicated his life to getting revenge on Her for rejecting

him, but he has completely failed to admit his own disgraceful

behavior, and face up to himself.


When Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga he started to lie about it,

saying he had left of his own accord, and rejected it through mental

process. For ages on the Sahaja-Yoga forum he has said that he saw

through Sahaja Yoga, but actually he never did. It became convenient

for him to do so out of bitterness and hate, after he was rejected.

Shri Mataji threw him out and when he heard the news, he said he had

left anyway. That was the only way to save face.


What nearly all the Sahaja Yogis didn't know was how completely mad

he had been behaving. With his friends who are still on the forum,

who had also gone mad, he was trying to start his own sect. They

believed that they were some great characters from history, and they

were the chosen ones of Shri Mataji.


But Simon was controlling the whole thing, and he was driving his own

friends mad with his scriptural knowledge, and egging them on. He

still continues to do so till today. Just ask him if he indeed

claimed divinity before being asked to leave Sahaja Yoga.


You, the reader of this web page, have to decide if the Bible did

warn of false prophets like Simon Dicon Montford:



At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and

hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many


Matthew 24:10-11


But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there

will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce

destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-

--bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their

shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In

their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have

made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and

their destruction has not been sleeping.

2 Peter 2:1-3


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to

see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone into

the world. This is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: Every

spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in flesh is from

God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus is from

God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is

coming and even now is already in the world.

1 John 4: 1-3


Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing,

but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Matthew 7:15


For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.

Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a

great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to


2 Timothy 4:3-4


So Simon was, is, and will always be a false prophet. Those who

participate and support his anti-Sahaja Yoga activities on the

Internet are his followers who support his crusade against the Adi

Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. In the age of the Last Judgment

those who oppose Her will have to answer for their blasphemy.


" The Greek word 'blasphemeo' GSN 987 is used in the gospel accounts

of Mark and Luke. *The Greek word `blasphemia' GSN 988 is used in the

gospel of Matthew. According to the definitions, the word 'blasphemy'

means; to injure the work of God's Holy Spirit, by speaking evil of

something Holy and pure from God and falsely accusing the work of the

Holy Spirit, to be evil or Satanic. Blasphemy then is a sin or crime

against God, causing injury to Him or His Spirit by false

accusations. The spirit behind these types of accusations is from the

accuser himself, the devil, the chief adversary of God. " 3








WARNING: Simon operates websites under many false IDs and disguises,

sometimes even simultaneously asking and answering questions, to

prevent the culmination of God's plan for all humanity. So be





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Dear Jagbir and all,


Do you feel that the awakening of the Kundalini is the rapture? The rising

of spirit before the end?


I know the' WORD' rapture does not appear in th Bible " but wondered if that

is what is meant by the Holy Spirit lifitng people BEFORE the end? Think

that is How I understood it all. Just checking to swee if thought is








> " semirafields " <semirafields



> Re: Blasphemy?? What do Sy say to such a


>Sat, 07 Jan 2006 08:26:12 -0000



>Dear Jagbir and Friends,

>The awakening of the Kundalini is a life-changing event, and the

>inner spiritual journey can be frightening and difficult at times,

>and beautiful and blissful at others. What we have known

>as 'reality' is first challenged and then shattered, and all

>illusons are revealed. This is possibly too much to face for some

>people, and they may stop at this stage of their journey, choosing

>to proceed no further, or they may even abandon the spiritual

>journey altogether.


> " It is only during the Last Judgment and Resurrection will

> > humans " experience the living power that will change your life. "

>This is the culmination of all the religious paths, the place where

>they converge; it is the beginning of the spiritual evolution of

>mankind, the achievement of a new level of consciousness.


>The Kundalini will spontaneously reveal itself to everyone who seeks

>Her from their hearts; and She will safely guide and reveal all the

>truths to those who accept Her. Many people from all paths will be

>awakened, and they will see that we are all part of the same Spirit;

>the Divine will draw all these close together in Love.


>Love, Semira




> , " jagbir singh "

><adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > , " v_koa " <v_koa>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > sometimes i come across articles like these and wonder what they

> > > are all about or why such people feel the need to write such


> > > or outright disbelieve everything, especially not knowing the

> > > people who wrote them and their involvement very well.

> > >

> > > I stumbled across an article i would like to post below and then


> > > would like to pose a question to all.

> > >

> > > How do Sy reply to such things when they come up in conversation

> > > with people and in general? Has anyone seen this article before


> > > have any comments on it.

> > >

> > > I always seem to feel bad or worried when i read articles like


> > > and i don't know why people want to write such things without


> > > own involvement , but on other peoples words.

> > >

> > > If i could get a reply from any and all, especially Jagbir and

> > > Violet, that would be great.

> > >

> > > The article is below.

> > >

> > > Take care

> > >

> > > ky

> > >

> >

> > Dear Kyyan,

> > The answers you seek about Shri Mataji are also related to answers

> > humanity seeks to a myriad of pressing problems that sooner or


> > will impact all humanity, if not already. Earth is facing

> > environmental disasters, social decay and crisis of conscience:

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > She's been hailed as a saint: a selfless distributor of goodness

> > > and light. But, on the eve of her appearance at the Royal Albert

> > > Hall, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is under attack.

> > >

> >

> > All prophets and incarnations that came on Earth have always been

> > attacked. There is no religion that can say its messenger was not

> > subject to verbal threat or violent acts. It is the nature of


> > to fear the unknown, especially those who bring forth knowledge


> > challenges their established ideas. It has been no different for


> > Mataji. What exacebrates the problem is that management SYs have

> > decided that the best defense is to stop making any claims of

> > divinity and edit out of Her Divine Message. This has backfired

> > badly. After having barricaded themselves for more than two


> > it will take a long time to rid the collective of the siege


> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was under attack for years due to this


> > mentality. All Her generals and lietenants fled, together with the

> > calvary and foot-soldiers, when She came under attack. Even i was

> > told to withdraw late 1999 by Mark Mays, apparently at the behest


> > leaders. i was so ashamed when he said that these negative people


> > powerful and we should not engage them. This coward thought that i

> > will also flee like the rest, just because the leaders were


> > the retreat.

> >

> > Over the years i know Shri Mataji cannot be attacked anymore. She


> > sure too:

> >

> > " Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about


> > Work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to see


> > ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or not, our

> > capabilities should be up to that. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

> > Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998

> >

> >

> > > Independent News/July 13, 2001

> > > By Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery

> > >

> > > The posters are appearing again, all over east London. They


> > > an elderly Indian grandmother, of comfortingly rotund


> > > her forehead stained with the traditional red tikka, her face

> > > radiant and serene. She will, we are told, be appearing at the

> > > Royal Albert Hall tomorrow night, where spectators will be able

> > > to " experience the living power that will change your life. "

> > >

> >

> > First of all we should know that this article was written July 13,

> > 2001. i doubt Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery knew about

> > www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org, and the Divine Message


> > humanity. It is only during the Last Judgment and Resurrection


> > humans " experience the living power that will change your life. "


> > one does not informed about the former then the later makes little

> > sense and is subject to ridicule. For so long Shri Mataji has been

> > subject to such abuse because management SYs have so little


> > to prove She is the Adi Shakti. Mary Braid and Beatrice Newbery


> > have read the contents of the official website too.

> >

> >

> > > This cuddly, sari-clad lady is called Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi;


> > > 78, she founded the Sahaja Yoga movement in the early 1970s; she

> > > now has tens of thousands of devoted followers across the globe.

> > >

> >

> > It is indeed true that She has tens of thousands of followers


> > the globe, a number that will increase in future. The latest

> > WebTrends reports are better than expected and i am sure Her


> > Message to human will usher Satya Yuga by 21 February 2013.

> >

> >

> > > Tomorrow, if all goes according to divine plan, Shri Mataji -


> > > full name means " Venerable Great Mother Immaculate Goddess " -


> > > dispense to thousands, absolutely free, her gift of " self-

> > > realisation " . Those gathered around her should be able to feel a

> > > release of spiritual energy, or Kundalini, that will rise from


> > > base of the spine until it bursts through the fontanelle area at

> > > the top of the head. Shri Mataji will then ask if they can feel


> > > cool breeze on their head and " vibrations " on their palms and


> > > their heads. If previous events are anything to go by, most


> > > will shoot up and the audience will have connected, en masse,


> > > the divine. Thereafter, they will be able to make all the right

> > > decisions in life, to know the truth of things, and even to heal

> > > themselves of illnesses.

> > >

> >

> > " When the Kundalini rises one can feel easily the Cool Breeze


> > out of one's fontanel bone area on top of one's head. One can feel


> > oneself, and one has to certify oneself. One can also feel this


> > Breeze all around oneself. This Cool Breeze is the one that is

> > manifested by the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. For the


> > time in life one actualizes the experience of feeling this subtle

> > Divine Power.

> >

> > Even after feeling this Power one has to understand that this

> > Kundalini is not fully established. In ordinary mechanical


> > we can say that the connection is not established. One has to work


> > out. Though sprouting in a seed is spontaneous, the gardener has


> > now look after the tender sapling.

> >

> > In the same way a seeker has to look after his Self-Realization in

> > the beginning. Some people achieve heights very easily, but some


> > to work for six or seven months and are still not all right. Under

> > these circumstances it is important that one must know and


> > where the problem is by understanding the proper decoding system


> > its practices in Sahaja Yoga. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > " In the ancient Jewish story of creation, God created life in the

> > man, Adam, when God " breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of


> > and this creature became a living being " (Gen. 2:7). So the mighty

> > wind, the ruach, we discover, was also sometimes understood to be


> > very breath of God. Hence, God's breath, or the divine nephesh,


> > to be thought of as the very source of all life, and nephesh or

> > breath was identified with the vitality and animation found in


> > living being . . . That is how nephesh, the breath of God within


> > came to be identified with that nonmaterial part of our reality.


> > nephesh would later be translated as " soul " or " spirit. " But at


> > inception and at its heart, it referred to the breath of God


> > within us, calling us to life itself. "

> >

> > John Shelby Spong

> > Why Christianity Must Change Or Die

> >

> >

> >

> > " KUNDALINI — (Sanskrit kund, " to burn " ; kunda, " to coil or to

> > spiral " ) a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible


> > absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine as a


> > or woman begins to evolve in their first incarnation; fed by the

> > chakras along the spine and by the cosmic energy entering through


> > feet from the Earth; as wisdom is earned in each incarnation, this

> > electromagnetic, ultrapotent energy moves slowly upward through


> > spine; it is directed by the speed of the soul mind as the soul-


> > meets the requirements of each chakra, according to the needs and

> > thinking of the individual; eventually this energy is unspiralled

> > through the medulla oblongata, pituary gland, pineal gland and

> > through the crown chakra to unite with the silver cord; one will

> > ascend to the higher realms to finish evolutionary cycle;


> > is feminine polarity in nature. Coiled Serpent, Cosmic Fire, Chi,

> > Bioplasma, Holy Spirit. "

> >


> > June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., The Donning International Encyclopedic

> > Psychic Dictionary

> >

> >

> > " The Shekhinah (=dwelling, resting; from shakan = to dwell) first

> > appeared in early rabbinic literature, referring to the divine

> > presence among the people in Israel. It occurs for the first time


> > Targum Onkelos, an Aramaic translation-paraphrase of the Hebrew


> > (1st-4th century CE.) Here, " God " is replaced by " Shekhinah "

> > or " God's Shekhinah. " For instance, Numbers 5:3 which says: " in


> > midst whereof I dwell " became: " in the midst whereof My Shekhinah

> > dwells. " Some sources of the Babylon Talmud (B.T.) wrote about the

> > intention of God to dwell in the universe since the first day of

> > creation; but that became possible only after the construction of


> > Tabernacle where His Shekhinah came to rest, as well as on Mount

> > Sinai or, later, in the Jewish Temple.

> >

> > Thus, Shekhinah appears as the manifestation of God, which it is

> > possible to know as men. That could be characterised through some

> > peculiarities which perfectly agree with those we have mentioned


> > the present work.

> >

> > First of all, the Shekhinah fits well with the Spirit of God. Like

> > it, She (it is obviously a female noun) bestowed the divine grace

> > upon the Prophets. The Talmud claims that Shekhinah is All


> > like God Himself (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a.) Nevertheless, She was

> > frequently associated with specific places and persons (B.T.


> > 92a) especially with the Prophets: Moses (B.T. Sotah 11a, 12b;

> > Sanhedrin 11a; Yev, 62a; Shabbat 87a) and other outstanding

> > personalities to whom She granted the gift of prophecy (B.T. Yoma'

> > 9b; Sanhedrin 11a; 15b.) She is said to rest only upon the


> > and depart from the unworthy ones (B.T. Sotah 3b; Yoma' 22b;


> > 117 a; Sanhedrin 103b.) She also grants protection (B.T. Yev 48;

> > shabbat 31a.) As in the case of the Holy Ghost, the Shekhinah

> > descends only when the believers are gathered. Thus, when a quorum


> > ten men (Minyan) are assembled in prayer (B.T. Berakhot 6a.)

> > Its form of manifestation reminds us of the Holy Spirit: fire

>( " fire

> > that eats fire " : B.T. Yoma 21b), light, more radiant than the sun,

> > shining upon the righteous in heaven (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a; Hul. 60


> > B.B. 10a), or even the vibrations of the sound (B.T. Hag. 15b;


> > Lamentations Rabbah.) In the Targum, as in the Talmud, Midrash and

> > many medieval mystical texts, Shekhinah was equated with Kavod

> > (=glory of God), heir to the biblical " cloud of glory " that dwelt


> > the sanctuary as a visible manifestation of God (Numbers 9-10.)

> > In the Talmud She is clearly associated with Ruah ha-Qodesh (=Holy

> > Spirit) (Joshua Abelson, The Immanence of God in Rabbinical

> > Literature, London 1912.) The demiurge character of Shekhinah is


> > connected with the 13th century kabbalistic text of Zohar. The

> > creation is described as occurring through a series of Sefirot

> > (=emanations) that emerge from the Hidden God, who is Ein Sof

> > (=endless, infinite.) Thus, the Shekhinah is identified with the

> > feminine Malkhut (=kingdom.)

> >

> > As a divine hypostasis, the Shekhinah emerged (in the 13th cent.)


> > a " quasi-independent feminine element " within God, envisioned as a

> > Queen, Princess, Bride and Matrona (=Lady.) She comes after the


> > emanation of God named Yeshod (=Foundation) (Gershom Scholem, On


> > Kabbalah and Its Symbolism, New York, 1965.) The reader will


> > recognize here: the Avatars (or Sefirots, i.e. emanations), and


> > as the ninth Avatar (Yeshod connected directly with Yeshoda/Yeshu —


> > Krishna/Christ; see chapter. XIX B), while the following Avatar


> > to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit (Shekhinah), announcing


> > tenth male Avatar of Vishnu as Kalki. At the same time Jesus is


> > Ganesha who governs the Mooladhara (lit. " root of the support " ,


> > the foundation.) According to Zohar, the Shekhinah is not only the

> > Daughter but also the Mother and thus She becomes a symbol

> > of " eternal womanhood. " As such She assumes countless images and

> > names (apud. Scholem.)

> >

> > As in the case of the Virgin Mary from which originated a deep


> > of popular worship, Scholem (Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism,


> > reprint New York 1961) has shown that the concept of Shekhinah was

> > not only the most significant and lasting innovation of medieval

> > kabbalastic literature, but also responded to a " deep-seated

> > religious need " among the Jewish people maintaining its widespread

> > popular recognition. In his turn Arthur Green (Heschel, 1993)


> > the fact that Shekhinah as the feminine element of God came out of

> > the conviction that both Man and Women were created in the image


> > God. As far as the popular devotion towards Shekhinah is


> > it is to report here that the traditional blessings: " Barukh attah

> > Adonai " (Blessed are Thou, O Lord) comes to be altered

>into " Barukh

> > Yah Shakhinah " (Blessed are Thou, Shekhinah) (apud Response; A

> > Contemporary Jewish Review, 1982, nos. 41-42.)

> >

> > The infant Moses is depicted in the arms of an unnamed woman on


> > wall of a third century synagogue in Dura-Europos (south-eastern

> > Syria.) Contrary to the opinion of Erwin R. Goodenough (Jewish

> > Symbols of the Graeco-Roman Period, New York 1964) that woman was


> > the Iranian Goddess Anahita but rather the Shekhinah (Raphael


> > The Hebrew Goddesses, New York 1967.) Thus it becomes the earliest

> > extant representation of Shekhinah in a feminine physical form.

> > Last but not the least, it is worth mentioning that Patai and


> > have compared the Shekhinah to the Virgin Mary, since both appear


> > feminine manifestations that created a link between God and the

> > material world. . . .

> >

> > It should be pointed out from the very beginning the Scripture

> > distinguished between two kinds of baptism: the water baptism made


> > John for repentance and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire

> > made by Jesus which is the real baptism. Jesus received His Power

> > through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after His

> > baptism He started working miracles.

> >

> > While in the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus was asked by the chief

> > priests, the scribes and the elders: " By which authority doest


> > these things and who gave Thee this authority, that Thou shouldest


> > these things? " And Jesus answering said to them: " I also ask you


> > thing . . . the baptism of John, was it of heaven or of men? "


> > 11:27-30) The question received no reply.

> >

> > The Saviour told His disciples: " Ye will receive power, the Holy

> > Spirit having come upon you " (Acts 1:8.) While waiting for the Day


> > Pentecost, Jesus ordered them: " Do ye remain in the city till ye


> > clothed with power from on high " (Luke 24:49.)

> >

> > The ritual of the water baptism deviated from the Hebrew tradition


> > the flesh sacrifice, in sign of the covenant made by Abraham with

> > God: " Every male among you be circumcised " (Genesis 17:10.)

> > The water immersion originated in India and it is still practised


> > the Hindus as fervently as it was thousands of years ago. Manu's

> > second book of laws, dedicated to the sacraments, contained the

> > command of pouring holy water upon a new-born baby before cutting


> > umbilical cord and of afterwards putting a mixture of honey,

> > clarified butter (ghee) and salt on his tongue with the help of a

> > golden spoon while mantras were being uttered. This practice is


> > in use throughout India today. The Atharva-Veda says: " Whoever has

> > not been cleansed with the Ganges' water, will be subject to as


> > wanderings as the number of years spent in the uncleanness " (the

> > wanderings refer to the punitive reincarnations of the spirit.)

> > The prophet Zechariah was known to baptize with water during the


> > Christian period, when Darius ruled. During the same time, the


> > baptism was also practised by the Essenes. But what made John's

> > baptism unique was that, beyond the immersion ritual, there was a

> > moral purification implied.

> >

> > The water baptism performed by John was only " for repentance " : " He

> > came . . . preaching [the] baptism of repentance " (Luke 3:3; also

> > Matthew 3:1-2; Mark 1:4.) He said: " I indeed baptise you with


> > to repentance, but He that comes after me shall baptise you with

> > [the] Holy Spirit and fire " (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16; also Mark


> > John 1:33.)

> >

> > Not only the Water element but also the Fire was known to have

> > cleansing powers. This is in current use with Hinduism and other

> > spiritual fields but also with the Old Testament. " I . . . will

> > thoroughly purge away thy dross and take away all thine alloy "


> > 1:25.) " I will bring the third part into the fire, and will refine

> > them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried "

> > (Zechariah 13:9.) The conception of Purgatory, typical for the

> > catholic dogma, was based on it. Beyond this primitive level of

> > understanding the Bible, which has usually stopped at the literal

> > text, still had the deeper meaning of the Scripture; here, the


> > symbolises the Kundalini energy that is the expression of the Holy

> > Spirit.

> >

> > The term " fire baptism " that is commonly used nowadays, originally

> > referred to the martyrdom of the Christians sent to death for


> > belief. It was a substitute of the water baptism that they had not

> > had time to receive.

> >

> > The sprinkling with water was mentioned in the Old Testament where

> > God said: " I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be

> > clean; from all your uncleanness will I cleanse you " (Ezekiel


> > But not only that: " I will put My Spirit within you " (Ezekiel


> > also Joel 2:28.) The position of Jesus towards baptism was strict

> > since it could not be devoid of the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus,

> > the Saviour clearly delimited it from the water baptism made by


> > for repentance. " For John indeed baptised with water, but ye shall


> > baptised with the Holy Spirit after now not many days " (Acts 1:5;

> > 11:16.)

> >

> > Through this Christ actually announced the day of Pentecost. From


> > fact that baptism granted power, it was beyond any doubt that the

> > Holy Spirit descended upon the baptized person. Or the later was

> > called the twice-born (dvija, in Sanskrit) or enlightened one

> > (Buddha) in Yoga. The state of Yoga, Self-Realization or the

> > awakening (activation) of Kundalini was thus obtained.

> >

> > The Gospel of Philip (11:3) was not far from the same

> > interpretation: " Truth did not come into the world naked, but it


> > in types and images. The world will not receive the truth in other

> > way. There is a rebirth and an image of rebirth. It is certainly

> > necessary to be born again through the image. Which one?

> > Resurrection. The image must rise through the image. The bridal

> > chamber and the image must enter through the image into the truth;

> > this is the restoration . . . The Lord [did] everything in a


> > a baptism and a chrism and an eucharist and a redemption and a


> > chamber " (16:9-30) To make the concepts more clear, the gospel

> > continued: " Baptism is the 'holy building'. Redemption is

>the 'holy

> > of the holy'. 'The holy of the Holies' is the bridal chamber.


> > includes the resurrection [and the] redemption: the redemption


> > place] in the bridal chamber. But the bridal chamber is in that


> > is superior to [ . . .] " (69:22-29.) " Those called 'the holy of


> > hollies' [ . . .] veil was rent [ . . .] bridal chamber except the

> > image [ . . .] above. Because of this its veil was rent from the


> > to bottom. For it was fitting for some from below to go upwards "

> > (6:34-37; 70:1-4.) As previously shown (chapt. XX C4), the


> > or the Kingdom of heavens is nothing else other than the bridal

> > chamber or the holy of the holies that lies above all the other

> > chakras; actually above the entire body (the image is the subtle

> > body; or sometimes Kundalini) because it is on the top of the


> > The rent of the veil is the awakening (resurrection) of Kundalini

> > (some from below — since it is at the bottom of the spinal cord)


> > go upwards until it reaches the Sahasrara. This is the redemption

> > that occurs in the bridal chamber. Here is the significance of the

> > baptism that included the resurrection and the redemption.

> >

> > As opposed to Indian custom, the baptism of new-born babies was a

> > relatively late ritual in Christianity. Initially, it was done

>once a

> > year, before Easter, when the catechumen (the one which was called

> > up), who was preparing for the baptism had already fasted (hence

> > purified) for forty days. The ritual itself included a number of

> > exorcizing techniques, making the cross sign on the forehead and

> > putting salt in the mouth (the same as in the Indian ritual; see

> > above.) The priest blew over the candidate's face, touched his


> > and ears with saliva and put an ointment on his chest and back. On

> > the day of the third exorcism, the candidate said the Creed or Our

> > Father and then was completely immersed into a special pool. Many


> > those practices are already frequently done by Yogis, i.e. those


> > have had their Kundalini energy activated. When, however,


> > taken from the Scripture without a proper understanding and

> > mechanically applied by persons in whom Kundalini is not yet


> > such techniques are devoid of any meaning and value, just as it

> > happens in the ordinary baptism that has become an empty ritual.


> > breathing over the face showed that the awakening of Kundalini was

> > like breeze or a breath felt, however, on the top of the head and


> > the centre of the palms! The Lord's prayer is a powerful mantra to

> > open the Agnya chakra and the touching on the chest and back (on


> > chakras actually) have the same purpose. But, when all these are


> > by a person in whom Kundalini is still inactive, they have no


> > at all. It was Evdokimov (quoted work) who rightfully said: " The


> > will only be opened through the baptism ex Spiritu Sancto. "

> > The way is the Sushumna and the opening implies the awakening of


> > the chakras through the rising of the Kundalini.

> >

> > The emerging out from the water (original cosmic matrix) after

> > immersion symbolises the second birth from which resulted a


> > being, connected to the divine source of new life. It is the

> > liberation from all earthly conditionings and the rebirth of the

> > spirit in a pure body. The Kundalini is the living water that


> > and the Gnostics told about.

> >

> > With some Native American tribes, the second birth was connected


> > the cult of Mother Earth. Smohalka, a native American prophet from

> > the Umatilla tribe, described the ritual where it was said: " Shall


> > ever enter Her body again to be born again? " (Bala, Chetan, pp. 34-

> > 35.)

> >

> > That was also the dilemma of Nicodemus, one of the leading


> > who was told by Jesus: " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except


> > one to be born anew he cannot see the Kingdom of God. " Nicodemus


> > to Him: " How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a


> > time into the womb of his mother and be born? " (John 3:3-4) To


> > Jesus replied: " Except any one be born of water and of Spirit, He

> > cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh


> > flesh; and that which is born of Spirit is spirit " (John 3:5-6.)


> > Gospel of Philip says: " Spirit mingles with spirit, and thought

> > consorts with thoughts, and [light] shares [with light. If you

> > (sing.)] are born a human being, it is [the human being] who will

> > love you. If you become [a spirit], it is the spirit which will be

> > joined to you. If you become thought, it is thought which will


> > with you. If you become light, it is light which will share with


> > (78:28-79:3.) Yogis become one with the Spirit (Atma), they become

> > the Spirit. This is only in this way that the Kundalini

> > (manifestation of the Holy Spirit) will encounter the Atma. The

> > rebirth is the birth of the Spirit, that is the enlightenment


> > by the Kundalini, the manifestation of the divine spirit. In order


> > remove any trace of doubt about its significance, Jesus continued


> > mentioning the breeze felt by everyone when the Kundalini has been

> > awakened: " The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest its


> > but knowest not whence it comes and where it goes; thus is every


> > that is born of the Spirit " (John 3:8.) After which He reminded us

> > that Moses lifted up the serpent, that was a symbol of the raising


> > the Kundalini. . . .

> >

> > L. Heart wrote: " Kundalini has been protected against the


> > of the masses through a strict esotericism along centuries.

> > Nevertheless, thousands of pages would be needed to quote the

> > initiary texts that glorified it or to present the symbols used by

> > art and architecture to render it. "

> >

> > Let us, however, mention the notable orientalist, Theofil


> > (Cultura si filosofia indiana in texte si studii/Indian culture


> > philosophy in texts and studies, Bibliotheca orientalists,


> > 1978, vol. I, p. 40): One drastically needs to be initiated by a

> > proper master in order to grasp the mystical teachings. This is


> > reason why, most of the time, a European does not understand


> > anything from its esoterical (secret) teaching as we find it, for

> > instance, in the Upanishads or in the philosophy called Yoga "

> > Closer to us in time and space, Aristotle reserved his more


> > doctrine to a couple of chosen disciples, one of whom was


> > the Great. Jesus Himself, as the Bible says, imparted secret


> > to His disciples only:

> >

> > " The disciples came up and said to Him: " Why speakest Thou to them


> > parables? " And He answering them: " Because to you it is given to


> > the mysteries of the kingdom of heavens, but to them it is not

> > given " " (Matthew 13:10-11; see also Mark 4:10-11; Luke 8:9-

>10.) " Many

> > other signs there fore also Jesus did before His disciples, which


> > not written in this book " (John 20:30; see also 21:25.)

> >

> > It was frequently said that Jesus' words were not even understood


> > the apostles themselves: " Peter answering said to Him: " Expound to


> > this parable. " But He said: " Are ye also still without

> > intelligence? " " (Matthew 15:15-16; see also 16:9; Mark 4:22-24;


> > 7:18; 8:17,21; 9:10,32; 10:38; Luke 2:50; 9:45; 18:34; 24:25,45;


> > 10:6; 12:16.) The New Testament epistles often mentioned the


> > things revealed to the prophets, saints and apostles by the Holy

> > Spirit (Ephesians 3:3-5,9; see also 1:9; 6:19; Romans 16:25;

> > Corinthians 2:7; 4:1; Colossians 1:26; 2:2; 4:3.)

> >

> > A strict protection of the spiritual secrets would later


> > the Christian church. Irenaeus (a 130-202) showed that the


> > had not been conveyed by the written but by the spoken word and

> > implied the " mysterious secrets preached by the apostles to the

> > perfect ones, without the others to know " (Adversus Haeresis III


> > 3.1.) This was not, however an exclusive privilege since,


> > to Origen (A.D.185-254): " The fact that certain doctrines are kept

> > hidden from the masses in order to be revealed only after the

> > transmission of the exoterical teachings, is not specific to the

> > Christian religion only " (Contra Celsum.) And Cyrill of Jerusalem

> > (A.D. 315-380) mentioned: " We do not openly speak about mysteries

> > even in front of the catechumens; we do often talk, however, about

> > many things in a covered way, so that those believers who know,

> > should understand and those who do not know, should not be

>shocked "

> > (Catech. 6.29.) Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite wrote in the 5th

> > century: " See that none from the non-initiated should hear these

> > things " (Theologica mistica, 2.)

> >

> > We can, by no means, guess at the mysteries preserved in the


> > of the famous and hardly accessible Vatican library. Very few


> > have had the chance to reach them and even fewer have revealed


> > they found. Many of them have taken these secrets to their graves. "

> >

> > Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened

> > (Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened, 1995, p. 331.)

> >

> >

> > " " Saha " means " with " , " Ja " means " born. " " Yoga " means " union with


> > All-pervading Power of Divine Love. " This is a very subtle


> > absolutely valid and can be proved of our ascent into our higher

> > awareness. At the very outset one has to be a seeker of truth and

> > with a scientific attitude one should approach the subject. It


> > be treated espectfully like a hypothesis and if found by


> > as truth should be accepted by honest people in the spirit of

> > honesty. Because this is for one's total benevolence and for the

> > benevolence of all the world.

> >

> > This knowledge is of very ancient times and mostly comes from


> > Of course, every religion has talked about our second birth and


> > about the tree of life. As the knowledge of science comes from the

> > West, but is accepted by the East, why should such a knowledge of

> > reality be denied? Why not at least heed to it seriously, when it


> > the knowledge of the roots of all our civilisation and evolution?

> >

> > The nations have to think why the modern civilisation is killing


> > human values. What we need is a careful introspection as to where


> > have gone wrong. Where did we miss out on our path of progress?


> > has this decadence crawled into our society ? Why are most of us s

> > ick with frustration and insecurity.? Why are some of the people


> > the progressive countries succumbing to physical and mental

> > deterioration.?

> >

> > Science has no answer, so let us take to spirituality. Why not ask


> > question? Is there any other power that controls the universe? As

> > described in all the scriptures there is an All-

> > pervading Power of God's love (Paramachaitanya). It is a subtle


> > which does all living work and which cannot be felt at the level


> > human awareness.

> >

> > Sahaja Yoga means that a seeker of truth (Sadhaka) has a birth-


> > to get his Self-realisation (Atma Sakshatkar) spontaneously . Self-

> > realisation or Self-knowledge is the destination of human


> > and also of all the religions. This is the last breakthrough a


> > being has to achieve, for which there is a complete living


> > placed in the human spinal cord and in the brain. This machinery


> > being established step by step during our evolution . This living

> > machinery works out through its power manifesting the


> > and both sympathetic nervous systems. Whatever we achieve in

> > evolution is expressed by our conscious mind through the central

> > nervous system.

> >

> > To connect us to this subtle energy which permeates into every


> > and molecule, there is also a power of pure desire which is placed


> > the sacrum bone of human beings, which is called as

> > Kundalini. " Kundal " means coils . It exists . in three and a half

> > coils. There is a Divine mathematical coefficient about three and


> > half coils. This triangular bone is called " sacrum " , that means


> > the people in Greece in the ancient times knew about this divine

> > sacred power of Kundalini; that is why they called this bone


> > This sacrum bone is placed at the base of the spinal cord and it


> > triangular in shape.

> >

> > The Kundalini is like a connecting cord as in every piece of

> > electrical machinery, which connects the machinery to the main


> > of electricity. In the same way, when this energy of Kundalini is

> > awakened, threads (some of them) rise and ultimately connect the

> > human being to the All-pervading Power (paramachaitanya).

> > It is a spontaneous happening, it is a living process. The whole

> > evolutionary process has been a living process, and now a stage


> > come for human beings to have the last state of Spiritual


> > through Self-realisation. Human being can be compared to a seed


> > is not active spiritually, and has not started its living process


> > growth in Spirituality, but when it is embedded in the Mother


> > the Mother Earth has the power, (with the help of water) to sprout

> > the seed.

> >

> > In the same way the Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously by the

> > power of Sahaja Yoga. When this Kundalini rises, a new life


> > starts in the human awareness, resulting in the growth of

> > spirituality. This spiritual life growth is a new state into which


> > human being starts growing in his innate Divinity. This nourishes


> > enlightens his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.

> > This living process is very clearly described in Indian scriptures

> > since ancient times. There are 108 Upanishadas in the Sanskrit

> > language which have exposed the knowledge about Kundalini


> > and the spiritual ascent. Also it is indicated in other scriptures


> > other countries. In the Bible it is called the tree of life and it


> > quoted that, " I will appear before you like tongues of flames. "


> > the Kundalini rises, She passes through various centres which look

> > like tongues of flames when enlightened.

> >

> > The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that


> > can feel in Sahaja Yoga. In the Gospel of St. Thomas, very clearly

> > describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious

> > life. Also it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini


> > to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres which are placed


> > the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the

> > actualisation of the baptism as one feels the cool breeze of the


> > Ghost emitting out of one's fontanel bone area. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > > Over the years, countless newcomers have been sufficiently

> > > impressed to find out more, joining one of the 44 Sahaja Yoga

> > > groups and seven ashrams across Britain. Worldwide, Shri Mataji


> > > estimated to have between 30,000 and 100,000 followers. Official

> > > publicity material makes much of her standing in the


> > > community. She is married to " one of India's top diplomats "

> > > (Chandrika Prasad Srivastava, who has an honorary British

> > > knighthood), comes from an aristocratic family, advised Gandhi


> > > spiritual matters and has twice been nominated for the Nobel


> > > prize.

> > >

> >

> > Shri Mataji managed to get that number despite Her Divine Message

> > being suppressed. Only in the last few years are seekers able to


> > the Truth. Once there are sufficient numbers conscious of the


> > far more will follow Her. i believe we are just starting to make

> > progress and the latest WebTrend figures give evidence to that.

> >

> > Daily Visitors for December 2005 (Average were 2000 in October)

> >

> > Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

> > 2166 2087 1991 2270

> > 2610 2554 2492 2534 2644 2331 2516

> > 2974 3127 3348 3273 3006 3456 6523

> > 6883 4735 4303 4250 3788 3355 3006

> > 3375 3606 3553 3650 3489 3094 (Jan)3044

> > 3475 4014 4105

> >

> > If we continue at this rate Shri Mataji is definitely going to

> > succeed in reaching humanity. We have to always keep in mind that

> > WCASY and management Sys are also trying their best to suppress


> > Divine Message. Despite this severe handicap for years i think She

> > has overcome them too and things will continue to improve.

> >

> >

> > > But harmless as she looks, and sounds, Shri Mataji has her

> > > detractors. Ian Haworth, founder of the Cult Information Centre,

> > > has spent the past 20 years dealing with families who believe


> > > children or siblings may have been " lost " to Shri Mataji. Former

> > > members who claim to have been " lost " themselves and

> > > subsequently " recovered " are becoming increasingly vociferous in

> > > their attacks on the organisation. Their message is that Sahaja

> > > Yoga is a cult which aims to control the minds of its members.

> > >

> >

> > It is clear that Ian Haworth has no idea who Shri Mataji is Her

> > mission on Earth. Anyway, all these incidents took place before


> > www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org websites were set up on 1-


> > 2000. Since then no one has taken up the challenge to prove the


> > plus pages false. i am sure Ian Haworth will not do so too.

> >

> > But we have to thank leaders and management SYs for the attacks

> > against Her. They have failed for decades to declare that Shri


> > is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine Message to humanity.


> > these years they have been paying the price of being dishonest and

> > hypocritical. They deserve being constantly attacked and ridiculed

> > for they are just reaping what they sowed.

> >

> > > According to them, followers meditate in front of a photograph


> > > Shri Mataji which they believe emits powerful vibrations. They

> > > regard her with both devotion and fear. While most Sahaja Yogis

> > > continue with their jobs, their spare time is spent in the


> > > of Shri Mataji, meditating, performing rituals, mixing with


> > > Sahaja Yogis, recruiting newcomers at public meetings.

> > >

> >

> > Yes, Shri Mataji's photograph does emit powerful vibrations. Only


> > foolish fear Her while the wise check and correct themselves.


> > aware of the Last Judgment will make a conscious effort to become

> > better humans. It is also a blessing to be able to selflessly


> > humanity without any expectation of rewards or gains.

> >

> > > Every year, thousands of her devotees travel from all over the

> > > world to India or Italy (where she lives), to perform mass


> > > worshipping her with mantras, offering sweetmeats, honey,


> > > and gifts. Shri Mataji, according to these ex-members, claims to

> > > be " Adi Shakti " , the Supreme Goddess or Primordial Power - or,


> > > simply, God in the feminine form.

> > >

> >

> > Just like the previous incarnations the faithful always follow Her

> > too. Shri Mataji definitely is the Adi Shakti. It is obvious that

> > little evidence is given by management SYs to back their muted


> > that She is the Adi Shakti. Looks like others are openly playing


> > such fears, knowing that SYs will remain hopelessly helpless and

> > silent. But not on this forum and websites.

> >

> > > One ex-disciple, Juan, from Switzerland, claims the organisation

> > > insisted he break off all family ties: " Once they told my Sahaja

> > > Yoga brother and I that we should slap our mother if she argued.


> > > zealous disciples, we followed instructions and my brother


> > > her. Next we were told to cease all communication with her. I


> > > my mother but I forced myself to obey. "

> > >

> >

> > Juan is an idiot to follow others. Eastern cultures respect the

> > mother and will never resort to such abuse. Apparently Juan does


> > have the innate qualities of these ancient cultures. For slapping


> > own mother he deserves to become an ex-disciple. What type of


> > does he have? Who listens to anyone who tells him to slap his own

> > mother?

> >

> > > Babies born of two Sahaja Yoga parents are considered realised

> > > souls, of high calibre with an extra responsibility. " Your


> > > have to be the soldiers of Sahaja Yoga, not dainty darlings, "


> > > Mataji announced at one puja. " You have to rough it, you have to

> > > make them sturdy. "

> > >

> >

> > So this is one of the most dangerous speech Shri Mataji has made

> > amongst the hundreds over the decades. Perhaps some people cannot

> > stomach it and want to make a big deal about it.

> >

> > > Parents are encouraged to send their children to a Sahaja school


> > > Rome from the age of four, and then on to the school in


> > > India that accepts children from the age of eight. Extra-


> > > activities there include learning to meditate in front of Shri

> > > Mataji's image and listening to her teachings.

> > >

> >

> > This is a free choice. Some parents want to send their children to


> > safe and spiritual environment.

> >

> > > Shri Mataji's supporters deny that there is anything irregular

> > > about the movement's educational activities. But the Sahaja Yoga

> > > view of children certainly seems unconventional. Juan has a tape


> > > a meeting in Canberra in 1991 at which Shri Mataji insisted that


> > > child who was crying during her speech was " possessed. "

> > >

> >

> > Spirit possession is real but can be overcome. Eastern cultures

> > especially have various methods of dealing with spirit possession.

> > Those who have spirits exorcized become their normal selves again.

> >

> > > Another ex-member, Alistair, has never forgiven himself for


> > > his small daughter to the Sahaja Yoga schools. " I still can't

> > > believe I did it, " he says. " My heart would break when I put my

> > > young girl on a plane and sent her away for nine months. All the

> > > parents would say 'How are your children doing?' and we'd always

> > > reply 'Oh they're having a wonderful time,' since you can't

> > > criticise. But my daughter's grades were very poor in reading,

> > > writing and maths, and when we picked her up on her annual


> > > she had lice and her clothes were tattered and dirty. "

> > >

> >

> > I had two of my sons there too and I agree things were not up to


> > mark. Despite the shortcomings they had one of their most


> > time of their lives. Till today they remember fondly of their

> > childhood spent at Dharamsala.

> >

> > > Derek Lee, Sahaja Yoga's national co-ordinator in Britain, says


> > > organisation " believes in strong families. We are not in the

> > > business of breaking up families. "

> > >

> >

> > That is definitely very true.

> >

> > > When the ex-members' group started to form, some of them had


> > > Sahaja Yogis for two decades and were grieving for their " lost "

> > > years. Others were having trouble making decisions on their own


> > > the world, without guidance from Mataji or vibrations. They


> > > it's not easy to leave the organisation. An ex-member called

> > > Christine, once Sahaja Yoga's US country leader, explains: " When


> > > was in Sahaja Yoga, I thought that to go against Shri Mataji, to

> > > fall from grace, was a fate worse than death. After I left, I


> > > nightmares for months. " For another, Anna, leaving meant

> > > confronting the fear that the outside world was evil, a result


> > > the " us versus them " attitude encouraged in Sahaja Yoga. " Every

> > > morning, " she laughs, " I would perform a bandhan - a ritual to

> > > protect against negativity from other people. And I never looked


> > > people straight - I always focused between their eyes. The fear


> > > the outside world was deep in my system. " Christine cannot


> > > now that she allowed Shri Mataji to arrange three marriages for

> > > her to other followers.

> > >

> >

> > These people never learnt to be their own masters. They also


> > obsessed with catches and cleansing rituals. i have been calling


> > change but management SYs seem intend to maintain the status quo


> > it serves them. Shri Mataji never wanted Her followers to become

> > such. Instead of growing from within by learning to be their own

> > gurus we have SYs blindly following others. i too had senior SYs

> > trying to tell me such nonsense but i just ignored such foolish

> > advice.

> >

> > > Simon Montford, a Londoner in his late-twenties who works in

> > > further education, went to his first Sahaja Yoga meeting in

> > > Brighton when he was 19. " In time, I began not only to feel the

> > > vibrations, " he recalls, " but to believe that others could feel


> > > vibrations, how good or bad they were, and that Shri Mataji

> > > especially had that insight. This belief makes members

> > > fundamentally paranoid. " It also makes them slaves, Montford and

> > > other former members say, to Mataji.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford is the self-proclaimed prophet who, along

>with a

> > handful of his followers, is carrying out a campaign to discredit


> > Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. I call him a prophet

> > because of his past claims that he is one, and received divine

> > revelations about who he was in his past life and his mission on

> > Earth. This culminated into " a sect within a sect " and then, after

> > being told to leave, evolved into anti-Sahaja Yoga websites which


> > all crafted and controlled by him.

> >

> > Simon claims himself to be victim of Sahaja Yoga indoctrination,


> > alleges Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a false guru.

> >

> > According to him, " I was recruited into SYoga in Brighton in Jan


> > and I left in Autumn 1990 - near on 6 years later. Actually I did

> > step outside SYoga for some short periods of time in that 6 years

> > because I felt unworthy to be in the collective. "

> >

> > However, few know that he has a very dark side that has never been

> > exposed or why he self-exiled himself from the collective because


> > so-called unworthiness.

> >

> > But despite my pleas to him and his followers to stop as enough


> > been said repeatedly over and over again, a few heeded and left


> > forum. Now there are less than 10 who continue to look up at Simon


> > lead them on.

> >

> > Here are quotes of the insults by Cult SDM against HHSM and Sahaja

> > Yogis. Please DO NOT READ ANY of the following if you are easily

> > offended. These are all comments and terms used by Simon and his

> > followers against Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis:

> >

> > " pigs "

> > " whore "

> > " fat old bags "

> > " rats "

> > " bastards "

> > " pricks "

> > " load of shit "

> > " sex with chickens "

> > " so full of shit "

> > " fucking guru of a CULT "

> > " mafuckjee "

> > " fucking cunt "

> > " satan (MoronJi) "

> > " fuck you all "

> > " this cunt "

> > " working for some KGB or CIA "

> > " mother fucker "

> > " donkeys belong to planet of krishna "

> > " i desperately need a good fuck "



> > " every fucking cunt "

> > " angry with dicks "


> > " The Big Fat primitive, uneducated so-called enlightened guru "

> > " Queer of the universe "

> > " she is pure evil "

> > " Pure unadulterated Evil "

> > " biggest crook on earth "

> > " I hope he bashes her up more "

> > " Ol' Nirmy on the turps "

> > " too boring and anal to manage humour "

> > " The man BADLY needs a good shag! "

> > " Viciously cruel "

> > " The old bitch "

> > " Fataji "

> > " Piggyji "

> > " SY bullshit "

> > " evil cult "

> > " horrible oafish "

> > " old ratbag "

> > " big, fat, ugly, fraudulent, ratbag, thieving, lying, low-life,

> > scumbag whom we would not urinate upon if her huge sari caught

> > ablaze. "

> > " cruel, thieving guru "

> > " big fat rich thieving guru "

> > " scumbag thieving fat guru "

> > " thieving ol' guru "

> > " thieving old woman "

> > " her ugly face with pasty makeup and all the fat rolls "

> > " The fat ratbag guru "

> > " call Nirmy a fat scumbag! "

> > " SomeFatTrollopji's $ahaja Yoga "

> > " Fataji's arse-kissers "

> > " The old parasite "

> > " slander the old bitch. She's not a mother's bootlace! She's


> > more than a bloodsucking leach! May she rot in hell! "

> > " the old bitch "

> > " scumbag social-climber "

> > " Nirmala Shrivastava is a thieving fat ol' fraud!!! "

> > " the old hen "

> > " old witch "

> > " the unbelievably incompassionate guru bitch. "

> > " fat ugly frauds. "

> > " Mrs Pickpocket "

> > " the old bat "

> > " these disgusting little creatures are no more spiritual than


> > rats! "

> > " the wealthy fraud a bitch "

> > " the nasty, lying fraud who runs the show, and nasty, spiteful


> > minded SY's like yourselves... "

> > " I hope you rot in hell "

> > " Fraudulentness Shri Nirmy "

> > " I call Mrs Moneybags a bitch "

> > " calling a thieving fraud " a bitch "

> >

> > SYR

> >

> > sahaja-yoga-response/message/617

> >

> >

> > Since Simon has refused to heed my plea not to prolong his abuse

> > against Shri Mataji I will now explain to his remaining followers


> > he is regarded as a rakshasa (demon) and a trusted lieutenant of


> > Antichrist.

> >

> > On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:55:00 Simon D. Montford wrote about his

> > experiences in Sahaja Yoga:

> >

> > " We started having 'revelations' about the leaders and a different

> > picture of SY emerged. Our new knowledge was confirmed by rushes

> > of 'vibrations' - sometimes overwhelming.

> >

> > Gradually our view grew further apart from what mataji was saying


> > it came to the point where we had to choose between following the

> > vibrations and following her words. We chose to follow

> > the 'vibrations' even though her words told us to follow the


> > Soon we saw SY as an illusion, a mere cover for mataji's real


> >

> > We met a paranoid schizophrenic woman - for normal SYs she would


> > just been condemned as possessed. But the first thing she said to


> > summed up our revelations (I still feel that old sensation now).


> > accepted her words because they had 'vibrations'.

> >

> > By now we were really a cult within a cult with a secret teaching


> > a direct line to divine truth down which revelations were flowing


> > an almost daily basis. So many crazy things were happening in the

> > unseen (imaginary) realm around us. We had built a new


> > of delusion on the foundation of SY and the belief that the


> > we felt coursing through our bodies was divine confirmation for

> > whatever crazy, wish-fulfilling imaginings we came up with.

> >

> > But there was a revelation that there was one door that we hadn't


> > gone through. Later we found a key and it opened a floodgate of


> > ideas. We entered into a period that later became known as 'the

> > Madness'. I'd rather not go into details but on a collective level


> > were at the extreme end of crazy. "

> >

> > The Madness that Simon D. Montford would rather not talk is


> > what I want to reveal so that his tiny band of misguided followers

> > will judge for themselves. This is necessary because only by


> > his past will they know the man behind the mask. They can then


> > whether to hail him for saving them or flee from this active cell


> > the Antichrist.

> >

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford As The Prophet Joseph

> >

> > He joined Sahaja Yoga in Brighton in January 1985. At that time


> > Mataji Nirmala Devi was establishing Sahaja Yoga in UK.

> >

> > After some time Simon gathered together some of his SY friends, he

> > told them that he was a reincarnation of the biblical Joseph of

> > Arimathea, the uncle of Jesus. As far as Christians are concerned,

> > many believe that this Joseph, who was a high priest, brought the

> > Holy Grail to England.

> >

> > " A common idea joins Joseph's New Testament (NT) and his medieval

> > legendary roles: his association with the body of Jesus. In the NT


> > provided the burial sheet that enclosed Jesus's bloody corpse; and


> > 12th-13th c. romances he was the first guardian of the Holy Grail,

> > variously given out as a dish holding a communion wafer (i.e.,


> > of Jesus), as the cup that had contained the blood of Jesus

> > consecrated at the Last Supper or dripping from his crucified


> > finally as a Dysgl bearing a bleeding head. " 1

> >

> > Simon used his knowledge of the scriptures to propagate his

> > reputation upon those who were easily impressed.

> >

> > Although Simon claimed to feel vibrations for this, one may ask


> > was his agenda? Wasn't he happy to be just a simple Sahaja Yogi,


> > did he have to be someone far more important?

> >

> > The reason was Simon and his friends wanted to start their own


> > within Sahaja Yoga, but a rebellious one, destroying the official

> > Sahaja Yoga from within.

> >

> > Simon and his friends appointed themselves as the witch finder

> > generals of Sahaja Yoga, trying to overthrow leaders here, there,


> > everywhere, with the evangelism of Biblical characters. They even

> > wanted to kill some of the leaders in SY, and thought they were

> > justified in wanting to do this.

> >

> > Simon, the Biblical Joseph, armed with the background of his

> > religious studies, mostly controlled the minds of those around


> > and triggered their ambitions and hatred towards the Sahaja Yogis

> > they didn't like.

> >

> > Many of the Sahaja Yogis were afraid of them, and found them very

> > threatening and hostile.

> >

> > But when it all failed, and Shri Mataji threw him and his friends


> > of Sahaja Yoga Simon turned his zealous campaign into a hate


> > against Sahaja Yoga.

> >

> > In his mind if Shri Mataji had rejected him, the great Biblical

> > Joseph, then She cannot be the Adi Shakti. Therefore he had to

> > concentrate all his efforts into bringing all of Sahaja Yoga down,

> > and destroying it for rejecting him even if that takes years of

> > internet campaigning.

> >

> > Therefore as long as no one comes forward with the truth about


> > and reveals the foundations and platform he is standing on, his


> > will go on. For this reason this website was created so that those

> > intending to join his forum know beforehand of his claims to

> > divinity, later so conveniently labeled as The Madness.

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford As The Incarnation Of Vishnu

> >

> > However, the Biblical Joseph claims were just the beginning of


> > megalomania. It wasn't enough for him, and he added to it a major

> > character from the Mahabharata.

> >

> > Simon started to believe that he was a reincarnation of Vishnu,


> > is regarded as a major god in Hinduism and Indian mythology. He is

> > thought as the preserver of the universe, while two other major


> > gods, Brahma and Shiva, are considered the creator and destroyer


> > the universe. With such credentials Simon's divine mission within

> > Sahaja Yoga took on a new purpose.

> >

> > With this believe Simon built a powerful sect within Sahaja Yoga


> > his followers looked up at him for guidance. During what he terms


> > Madness he was even prepared to kill in the name of God Almighty


> > fulfill his destiny on Earth. Shri Mataji had no choice but to


> > him before he could proceed with any of his mad plans.

> >

> > Before Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji called


> > When he went to see Her he was shaking in front of Her like a

> > possessed being, which he was by his behavior and delusion of

> > grandeur. Shri Mataji told him to leave Sahaja Yoga not only for


> > safety of the collective but for his own as well as he wanted to


> > leaders who dare get in his way.

> >

> > The request to leave Sahaja Yoga was a disastrous blow for him

> > because how could Shri Mataji be the Adi Shakti if She had thrown

> > him, an incarnation of Vishnu, out of Sahaja Yoga.

> >

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford Orders Exorcism

> >

> > After Simon asserted that he was a reincarnation of Shri Vishnu,

> > anything was possible for him.

> > There was another doubter in his group at this stage, although a


> > others amongst them were also not convinced, but were too afraid


> > Simon to cross him.

> > One young lady who was not going along with Simon's divinity


> > was isolated and her husband, who was brainwashed by Simon, was

> > forced to go along with the accusation that she must therefore be

> > possessed.

> >

> > Simon ordered her exorcism.

> >

> > Simon sat on top of her, holding her down, while her husband was

> > ordered to slap the so-called demon out of her. She was slapped,

> > shouted at and humiliated, and the husband felt very guilty

> > afterwards that he had gone along with it.

> >

> > Simon had no remorse or regret, and the marriage of the young


> > soon failed, mainly due to the irreparable damage that had been


> >

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford Dispenses Divine Justice

> >

> > Some members of his group also started to question his authority.


> > of them was living in the same house as Simon, and was married


> > two children, a baby and the other still a toddler, and they were

> > living there too. The children's names were Narayana and Radhika,

> > which Simon has acknowledged he knows them personally.

> >

> > Simon demonized them all, including the little children, and tried


> > convince the others in his sect that they were all bhoots. His


> > hunt style within Sahaja Yoga turned on those living with him, and


> > convinced the owner of the house to turf them out onto the street.

> > They were made homeless, and all of this was justified by Simons

> > demonizing his two critics.

> >

> > When his other critic within the group, who wasn't living with


> > tried to defend the young family, he was demonized too. In one

> > incident during an argument Simon smashed a door into his face.

> > They were both cast out from Simons sect, and the young family had


> > find somewhere else to live very quickly. Simon was heartless and

> > didn't care at all for their welfare. He even told the young


> > to go and hang himself.

> >

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford The Tarot Reader

> >

> > But even being the incarnation of Saint Joseph and Shri Vishnu


> > enough to satiate the demands of his expanding ego.

> > Simon and his sect started to play around with Tarot cards. " The

> > Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in

> > northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called

> > Triumphs, it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and

> > popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the

> > Golden Dawn. The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in


> > and Renaissance Europe, but over the centuries it has grown to

> > incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabbalah to Runes (which

> > predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I Ching (which predates


> > Tarot by 2500 years). Today, the Tarot is far and away the most

> > popular tool for spiritual introspection in the West. " 2

> >

> > These cards to some degree led Simon and his followers to believe

> > they must be something far more than great souls in their previous

> > lives.

> >

> > Simon Dicon Montford Today

> >

> > Only after being thrown out of Sahaja Yoga in autumn 1990, nearly


> > years later, did he drop these beliefs of divinity.

> >

> > He has now become a devout hater of Shri Mataji for rejecting him,

> > the Biblical Joseph, and incarnation of Vishnu. Simon Dicon


> > has now dedicated his life to getting revenge on Her for rejecting

> > him, but he has completely failed to admit his own disgraceful

> > behavior, and face up to himself.

> >

> > When Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga he started to lie about


> > saying he had left of his own accord, and rejected it through


> > process. For ages on the Sahaja-Yoga forum he has said that he saw

> > through Sahaja Yoga, but actually he never did. It became


> > for him to do so out of bitterness and hate, after he was


> > Shri Mataji threw him out and when he heard the news, he said he


> > left anyway. That was the only way to save face.

> >

> > What nearly all the Sahaja Yogis didn't know was how completely


> > he had been behaving. With his friends who are still on the forum,

> > who had also gone mad, he was trying to start his own sect. They

> > believed that they were some great characters from history, and


> > were the chosen ones of Shri Mataji.

> >

> > But Simon was controlling the whole thing, and he was driving his


> > friends mad with his scriptural knowledge, and egging them on. He

> > still continues to do so till today. Just ask him if he indeed

> > claimed divinity before being asked to leave Sahaja Yoga.

> >

> > You, the reader of this web page, have to decide if the Bible did

> > warn of false prophets like Simon Dicon Montford:

> >

> >

> > At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray


> > hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive


> > people.

> > Matthew 24:10-11

> >

> > But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there

> > will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce

> > destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought


> > --bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their

> > shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In

> > their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have

> > made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and

> > their destruction has not been sleeping.

> > 2 Peter 2:1-3

> >

> > Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to

> > see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone


> > the world. This is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: Every

> > spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in flesh is


> > God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus is from

> > God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is

> > coming and even now is already in the world.

> > 1 John 4: 1-3

> >

> > Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's


> > but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

> > Matthew 7:15

> >

> > For the time will come when men will not put up with sound


> > Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a

> > great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to


> > They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to

> > myths.

> > 2 Timothy 4:3-4

> >

> > So Simon was, is, and will always be a false prophet. Those who

> > participate and support his anti-Sahaja Yoga activities on the

> > Internet are his followers who support his crusade against the Adi

> > Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. In the age of the Last Judgment

> > those who oppose Her will have to answer for their blasphemy.

> >

> > " The Greek word 'blasphemeo' GSN 987 is used in the gospel


> > of Mark and Luke. *The Greek word `blasphemia' GSN 988 is used in


> > gospel of Matthew. According to the definitions, the

>word 'blasphemy'

> > means; to injure the work of God's Holy Spirit, by speaking evil


> > something Holy and pure from God and falsely accusing the work of


> > Holy Spirit, to be evil or Satanic. Blasphemy then is a sin or


> > against God, causing injury to Him or His Spirit by false

> > accusations. The spirit behind these types of accusations is from


> > accuser himself, the devil, the chief adversary of God. " 3

> >

> > http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/cultsdm.htm

> > http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/antisylist.htm

> > http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/testimonials.htm

> > http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/demontfordfamily.htm

> > http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/cultsdm_2.htm

> >

> > WARNING: Simon operates websites under many false IDs and


> > sometimes even simultaneously asking and answering questions, to

> > prevent the culmination of God's plan for all humanity. So be

> > forewarned!

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >








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" " The Indian sage, who may be called the pioneer in this field, was

the first great astrologer Bhrigumuni. In his book Nadi Granth, he

made clear predictions about these Modern Times. He also specifically

predicted how the Kundalini would be awakened spontaneously through

Sahaja Yoga, that is, spontaneous union with the Divine, and become

the means of both individual and collective transformation on a large

scale, through teaching incarnation of a great Yogi. This Yogi would

be an unparalleled master of the Kundalini and would teach all the

people the ancients secrets of self-transformation. These are the

times described in the Holy Bible as the Last Judgment and in the

Koran as Qiyamah — the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it also

called the Age of Aquarius, the Time of Rebirth and of great

spiritual development on the Earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The Time has come for you to get all that is promised in the

scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the

world. The Time has come today that you have to become a Christian, a

Brahmin, a Pir, through your Kundalini awakening only. There is no

other way out and your Last Judgment is also now. Only through

Kundalini awakening God is going to judge you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Of course there are some absurd things which grew with

misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are

common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims

believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves

and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the

Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to

think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years.

Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the

soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human

beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu

called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify

themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the

Bible is called as Last Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and all,


> Do you feel that the awakening of the Kundalini is the rapture? The

rising of spirit before the end?


> I know the' WORD' rapture does not appear in th Bible " but wondered

if that is what is meant by the Holy Spirit lifitng people BEFORE the

end? Think that is How I understood it all. Just checking to swee if

thought is correct...


> Blessings,


> Carol



> > " semirafields " <semirafields>

> >

> >

> > Re: Blasphemy?? What do Sy say to

such a

> >thing?

> >Sat, 07 Jan 2006 08:26:12 -0000

> >

> >

> >Dear Jagbir and Friends,

> >The awakening of the Kundalini is a life-changing event, and the

> >inner spiritual journey can be frightening and difficult at times,

> >and beautiful and blissful at others. What we have known

> >as 'reality' is first challenged and then shattered, and all

> >illusons are revealed. This is possibly too much to face for some

> >people, and they may stop at this stage of their journey, choosing

> >to proceed no further, or they may even abandon the spiritual

> >journey altogether.

> >

> > " It is only during the Last Judgment and Resurrection will

> > > humans " experience the living power that will change your

life. "

> >This is the culmination of all the religious paths, the place where

> >they converge; it is the beginning of the spiritual evolution of

> >mankind, the achievement of a new level of consciousness.

> >

> >The Kundalini will spontaneously reveal itself to everyone who


> >Her from their hearts; and She will safely guide and reveal all the

> >truths to those who accept Her. Many people from all paths will be

> >awakened, and they will see that we are all part of the same


> >the Divine will draw all these close together in Love.

> >

> >Love, Semira

> >

> >

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