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Prayer and Meditation....

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-- In , " davesyogi " wrote:


" True. Sahaja yoga is not prayer. It's meditation. If was not for my friend, I'd

never have understood this. Thank you, friend, if you are reading right now. "




Dear Dave,


i agree with you that there is a difference between the concept of meditation in

Sahaja Yoga, and the concept of prayer in Christian religious institutions.


However, if you have ever heard the words of this Christian hymn, you will

realize that prayer and meditation are actually part and parcel of each other:


" Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,

Uttered or unexpressed,

The motion of a hidden fire,

That trembles in the breast.


Prayer is the burden of a sigh,

The falling of a tear,

The upward glancing of an eye,

When none but God is near. "


When a person feels these sentiments, they are drawing close to God. They have

the Pure Desire. Their spirit is communicating with the Spirit Within.... " the

motion of a hidden fire, that trembles in the breast " .....is this feeling of

connection with the Spirit Within. It is a real experience.


Meditation is also a real experience. It can be superficial or deep, depending

upon the person's desire. They may be only looking for something to relieve

stress in their lives, or they may be looking for something much deeper which

they feel is missing from their lives altogether. The latter types are the

Spiritual Seekers, who are really seeking to be connected with their Higher

Self/Spirit, though they may not know it at the time.


The purpose of prayer and meditation is to establish a relationship with the

Divine. It is not the prayer and meditation Itself that are the Goal. The Real

Goal is this Relationship with our Higher Self/Spirit, and it is this Higher

Self/Spirit, which is actually a spark of the Divine in human beings.


Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self-Realization, a person is able to go

beyond the Mind into the Complete Silence Within. It is this experience of

'Thought-Less' AWARENESS, which is AMAZING, because it is in this 'Thought-Less'

AWARENESS state, that we begin to REALIZE our CONNECTION with GOD.


Here is what Jesus said about Prayer and Meditation:


5. " And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues " ....(churches, temples, mosques and

gurdwaras).... " and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly I

say to you, they have their reward in full.


6. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your

door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret

will repay you. " (Matthew 6:5-6)


Love and best wishes,



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Dear Violet,


You have explained this VERY WELL. All you are saying is true... Thank you.

This was quite beautiful.







PS some people do both. No reason not to.


> " Violet " <vtubb



> Re: Prayer and Meditation....

>Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:48:44 -0000


>-- In , " davesyogi " wrote:


> " True. Sahaja yoga is not prayer. It's meditation. If was not for my

>friend, I'd never have understood this. Thank you, friend, if you are

>reading right now. "




>Dear Dave,


>i agree with you that there is a difference between the concept of

>meditation in Sahaja Yoga, and the concept of prayer in Christian religious



>However, if you have ever heard the words of this Christian hymn, you will

>realize that prayer and meditation are actually part and parcel of each



> " Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,

>Uttered or unexpressed,

>The motion of a hidden fire,

>That trembles in the breast.


>Prayer is the burden of a sigh,

>The falling of a tear,

>The upward glancing of an eye,

>When none but God is near. "


>When a person feels these sentiments, they are drawing close to God. They

>have the Pure Desire. Their spirit is communicating with the Spirit

>Within.... " the motion of a hidden fire, that trembles in the breast " .....is

>this feeling of connection with the Spirit Within. It is a real experience.


>Meditation is also a real experience. It can be superficial or deep,

>depending upon the person's desire. They may be only looking for something

>to relieve stress in their lives, or they may be looking for something much

>deeper which they feel is missing from their lives altogether. The latter

>types are the Spiritual Seekers, who are really seeking to be connected

>with their Higher Self/Spirit, though they may not know it at the time.


>The purpose of prayer and meditation is to establish a relationship with

>the Divine. It is not the prayer and meditation Itself that are the Goal.

>The Real Goal is this Relationship with our Higher Self/Spirit, and it is

>this Higher Self/Spirit, which is actually a spark of the Divine in human



>Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self-Realization, a person is able to go

>beyond the Mind into the Complete Silence Within. It is this experience of

>'Thought-Less' AWARENESS, which is AMAZING, because it is in this

>'Thought-Less' AWARENESS state, that we begin to REALIZE our CONNECTION

>with GOD.


>Here is what Jesus said about Prayer and Meditation:


>5. " And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love

>to stand and pray in the synagogues " ....(churches, temples, mosques and

>gurdwaras).... " and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly

>I say to you, they have their reward in full.


>6. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut

>your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees

>in secret will repay you. " (Matthew 6:5-6)


>Love and best wishes,






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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Dave and All,


> 'Not practicing what they preach'.... is a realization that came to

me early on in the piece too, Dave. i looked around me at many people

in the congregation who were very pious in church, but when out of

church would be gossiping about each other in unkind ways behind each

other's backs. i also saw the competition in dress, and what clothing

a person wore to church. i saw cliques or groups being made. i must

say, however, that there were some very genuine Christians too, who

really prayed to God and lived it, such as my mother. I will always

treasure the fact of her genuine faith and practice.




Dear Violet,


It is the same too for those who attend temples, gurdwaras and other

places of worship. i lived for three years in the premises of a

gurdwara (Sikh temple) and know intimately what takes places within

its walls. Genuine religious/spiritual souls are far and few between.



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Dear Dave and All,


'Not practicing what they preach'.... is a realization that came to me early on

in the piece too, Dave. i looked around me at many people in the congregation

who were very pious in church, but when out of church would be gossiping about

each other in unkind ways behind each other's backs. i also saw the competition

in dress, and what clothing a person wore to church. i saw cliques or groups

being made. i must say, however, that there were some very genuine Christians

too, who really prayed to God and lived it, such as my mother. I will always

treasure the fact of her genuine faith and practice.


However, my mother is still under the Christian conditioning, nonetheless. It

has taken me years to get her to understand that i am not bound for hell just

because i do not go to a church. She always used to ask me how is my

relationship with God, until one day i told her how much it offended/hurt me

when she would say that, because as i told her...i have a deep relationship with

God. However, i have never been able to tell her about Sahaja Yoga because i

realize her deep Christian conditionings could not tolerate it, and i would be

at the mercy of constant remonstrative prayer to God for requests for myself to

get back on the `strait and narrow' way.


However, what is that `strait and narrow way'?


Jesus states how difficult it is to go through that 'strait and narrow way' and

compares it to a camel going through the eye of a needle:


24. " And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a

needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24)


This 'strait and narrow way' is in fact the Agnya Centre or Chakra within human

beings of which Jesus is the Central Gate-Keeper or Deity. The lessons that have

to be learned to crossover the Agnya Centre within human beings is that of

'forgiveness of oneself and others' and also the 'surrender to the

Divine'....which will lead to the Sahasrara Centre (Kingdom of God) within human

beings. Jesus created the path for the entrance to the Kingdom of God, and Shri

Mataji (the Holy Spirit) has come on Earth to awaken the Holy Spirit/Kundalini

within the Primordial Cosmic Being (Virata) so that all human beings can have

the opportunity for their Spirit to ascend or rise along the path that Jesus

opened to the Kingdom of God within, the Sahasrara, in an 'E-Masse' way, not

just for the exceptionally spiritually completed person.


Jesus refers to " this age to come " where He says that spiritual seekers will be

recompensed for all their sacrifices/penances that they had made at Jesus's



" Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters

or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel's sake,

but that he shall receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses

and brothers, and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with

persecutions; AND IN THE AGE TO COME.....ETERNAL LIFE. " (Mark 10:29-30)


So, Christians, Hindus, Jew, Muslims, Sikhs and others need to realize that

Jesus had not completed everything yet.....there was still the Comforter/Shri

Mataji to come to finish the work, which was to get our individual Spirit Within

to actually rise and be connected to the Kingdom of God within ourselves.


So....will Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and others also reject the

Incarnation of Shri Mataji as well? (i think SM has said that She does not mind

whether people see Her as a Prophet or Incarnation or Holy Spirit....as long as

people recognize Her as one of them Who has also come from God in order to give

people their Self-Realization/Kundalini Awakening.)


i say this because one time, as a little girl SM had apparently written a poem

in which She had said that She wanted to be like a dust particle which could

enter into everyone and help them spiritually from within. Her childhood

Dream/Desire came true, when She found She was the One to awaken the Sahasrara

Centre within human beings and to help achieve Self-Realization 'en masse'. Shri

Mataji has had to state the fact of Her Incarnation-ship, however, is the Most

Humble Divine Mother, who does not act like a Big Guru like some would-be gurus,

but She is the most Loving Mother, more loving than any of our physical mothers

on Earth. We SY's have actually experienced that.


And how can the Kundalini raise a person's Spirit to ascend through the Agnya

Centre's `strait and narrow' path leading to the Kingdom of God within that

Jesus opened, unless the Kundalini can also first ascend a person's Spirit

through the Visshuddhi Centre, which comes first? Shri Krishna is the

Gate-Keeper/Deity of the Visshuddhi Centre leading to the Agnya Centre, which

leads to the Kingdom of God within. So if someone rejects Shri Krishna's

Spiritual Work done in the Primordial Cosmic Being, where will he/she be left?


By rejecting Shri Krishna, people are also rejecting and hurting Shri Jesus and

all the other Incarnations, because they are all Part and Parcel of each other.

That is why Shri Mataji has strongly emphasized at Public Programs that all the

Incarnations and Prophets must be accepted, as they are all branches of on the

Tree of Life.


Jagbir has made reference to the fact that these Incarnations all love each

other very deeply indeed in the Kingdom of Heaven. This can be ascertained by

the stories of Jagbir's children who bear witness to the relationship of all the

Incarnations and Prophets to each other. It is very important to realize

this…that we must accept everyone whom God sends, regardless of the religious

institution that is subsequently formed from their teachings.


And the true union of all religions does not take place in the awkward attempts

to unite the differing theologies and doctrines of the different religious

institutions, which are all really Mental Concepts, but it is to see how these

agree with each other in regards to the teachings of the Original

Incarnations.....then to realize this Real Connection through

Self-Realization/Second Birth/Moksha/Kundalini Awakening, whereby the this Union




I hope this helps.





- In , " davesyogi "

<davesyogi> wrote:



> Dear Violet,


> " And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they


> to stand and pray in the synagogues " ....(churches, temples, mosques

> and gurdwaras).... " and on the street corners, in order to be seen

by men.


> This is the reason I looked around for other methods.I was so tired

> after over 20 years of seeing the people in my church not


> what they were preaching.I took some classes of Hatha Yoga too.My

> knees were too stiff,could not get anything right.I will stay with

> sahaja yoga for now.Thank you for your kind words Violet.

> Dave

> , " Violet "

<vtubb@b...> wrote:


> > Dear Dave,

> >

> > i agree with you that there is a difference between the concept


> meditation in Sahaja Yoga, and the concept of prayer in Christian

> religious institutions.

> >

> > However, if you have ever heard the words of this Christian hymn,

> you will realize that prayer and meditation are actually part and

> parcel of each other:

> >

> > " Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,

> > Uttered or unexpressed,

> > The motion of a hidden fire,

> > That trembles in the breast.

> >

> > Prayer is the burden of a sigh,

> > The falling of a tear,

> > The upward glancing of an eye,

> > When none but God is near. "

> >

> > When a person feels these sentiments, they are drawing close to


> They have the Pure Desire. Their spirit is communicating with the

> Spirit Within.... " the motion of a hidden fire, that trembles in the

> breast " .....is this feeling of connection with the Spirit Within.


> is a real experience.

> >

> > Meditation is also a real experience. It can be superficial or


> depending upon the person's desire. They may be only looking for

> something to relieve stress in their lives, or they may be looking


> something much deeper which they feel is missing from their lives

> altogether. The latter types are the Spiritual Seekers, who are


> seeking to be connected with their Higher Self/Spirit, though they


> not know it at the time.

> >

> > The purpose of prayer and meditation is to establish a


> with the Divine. It is not the prayer and meditation Itself that


> the Goal. The Real Goal is this Relationship with our Higher

> Self/Spirit, and it is this Higher Self/Spirit, which is actually a

> spark of the Divine in human beings.

> >

> > Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self-Realization, a person is

> able to go beyond the Mind into the Complete Silence Within. It is

> this experience of 'Thought-Less' AWARENESS, which is AMAZING,


> it is in this 'Thought-Less' AWARENESS state, that we begin to


> our CONNECTION with GOD.

> >

> > Here is what Jesus said about Prayer and Meditation:

> >

> > 5. " And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for


> love to stand and pray in the synagogues " ....(churches, temples,

> mosques and gurdwaras).... " and on the street corners, in order to


> seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.

> >

> > 6. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you

> have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your

> Father who sees in secret will repay you. " (Matthew 6:5-6)

> >

> > Love and best wishes,

> >

> > Violet

> >


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