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i am feeling the pain of your Christian conditioning

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> WE mustnever Judge anyone that is my point, and we must forgive

> all, that is the other point, without this, we have not love, and

> love is the most important of all. We must be very careful



Dear Carol,


This " We must not judge " is a Christian quote that has been much

abused and horribly mutilated over the centuries. It is now so

entrenched in the fundamentalists psyche that it is barely

recognizable anymore. That is why those who use it do not know they

are doing exactly what they dislike in others. Your " We must not

judge " slogan waving by someone who judges in every post made smells

of hypocrisy and is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Members here are

just discussing facts and subjects of mutual interest. You just keep

harping on this " We must not judge " conditioning that sustains your

guilt complex, expecting us to feel the same.


i am feeling the pain of your Christian and have to tell you to stop

projecting it on members here. FYI, we are not judging anyone as

sinners or condemning anyone to hell, something that your church must

be constantly emphasizing. Perhaps your own ministering and daily

reading of the bible for hours has much to do with this " We must not

judge " complex. But Carol, it is you who keeps judging others in

every post you make. On the other hand, we are just discussing with

each other like normal human beings.


Can you get rid of the " Do not judge " conditioning? Or at least don't

judge us that we are judging. Do you see how weird and hypocritical

your church conditioning is? My Pentecostal friend talks just like

you, judging and condemning the whole world as sinners. Yes, she too

talks about love. Somehow her love for Jesus excludes all others as

either pagan and satanic. Somehow her love judges all others too. For

hours daily she surfs Christian channels. This church conditioning

blinds Christian fundamentalists to see their own actions ..........

and judgment too. You are guilty of the same judgment that you accuse









, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:


> Dear Dave,


> I am 55yrs old, and have attended, many different religions, and

yes, have been VERY active with SahajaYoga and Yes, have felt cool

breeze etc, and that is what led me to the land, ( Canajoharie) where

the ashram, ( wel not put up,yetthen the vibrations led us still just

do not see Shri Mataji as the Holy Spirit. I was talking about the

fact that the 'gibberish' IS what it is, (now)but NOT at

Pentecost......I am convert to Russian Orthodox

> Church now. We are saying if I have missed the point of she being

God, then

> I am sorry I think an avatar, yes, or Guru yes, but persoannly

speaking not

> God. ( Or Holy Spirit) I see Three in ONe. Trinity. Yes there other


> gods, but not THE GOD. Yes do know Jesus persoanlly, as He came to

me three

> times in a dream, and I did see him, and he led me to Christianity,

Well had

> been in church all my life, Protestant, but had not been going

faithfully in

> a while. Three distinct dreams that led me to him, but ended up in


> Church and grew up Methodist. I do not KNOW Simon, well enough to

know if he

> is an atheist, that is point I am making, and we must be careful

that what

> is said is true, not just what we think. As far as him being Vishnu


> another life??? What do you mean??? I thought Shri Mataji was, and

she was

> Mary, too, and Jesus, and really all.? The Mother goddess is

worshiped in

> most religions one way or another. Even Virgin Mary, is not

worshipped, but

> venerated, as being quite special as giving BIRTH to God, called


> ( or God Bearer, as Jesus IS God, too.) That is Orthodox belief.

Yes, have

> had good training in Sahaja Yoga and sisters even stayed with me, (


> Sahaja Yoga) and they taught me much, and I meditated and read, and


> private, visit with Shri Mataji, which many have, and she was very

nice, to

> me, but did not feel she was God, that is what I mean. Feel the


> Vibrations ( guess would be dead if I did not) but cannot worship

Her if I

> do not see Her as God.... Can you understand, my point??? Not

saying it is

> right for others, speaking for me. ( Shri Mataji reminds me of me,

of my

> family, of a mother, which she is of course, but have trouble

seeing God,

> that is all. WE mustnever Judge anyone that is my point, and we

must forgive

> all, that is the other point, without this, we have not love, and

love is

> the most important of all. We must be very careful Now if you KNOW

Simon and

> KNOW he is an atheist which you say, that would be different. I

know I would

> be b quite upset to be called that when I know the Lord as I do,

and my

> husband and I of 37 yrs, worship together we alsoattended Sahaja


> together. Found the Pujas quite expensive though. Hard to attend

one each

> month. Fellowship, is nice and people were terrific, but that is

all my

> point is that was trying to make. If a person IS an atheist then

ok, but we

> must be careful passingjudgement if we are guessing.


> PS,,, I agree the speaking in tongues, is gibberish, but at


> EVERYONE undertood in own language, that was different then done

now. Now

> they need an iterpreter, and if you do not have one people will not


> edifyed. I am not Baptist, but Orthodox. ( The same God)


> Blessings to you,,,,all


> May we all meet at the end of ourjouney of life, in peace and love


> harmony,


> Carol



> > " davesyogi " <davesyogi>

> >

> >

> > Re: It is only during the Last


> >and Resurrection will humans " experience

> >Sat, 07 Jan 2006 21:47:40 -0000

> >

> > , " danny weaver "

> ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > I agree and would like to add something though to your thoughts


> >Simon

> > > being atheists.... Is he???? Or does he not find Shri Mataji as


> >

> >Hi Carol

> >As I am aware of Simon,he is an atheist,from what I know.

> >

> > There

> > > is a difference.

> >

> >Many people see God in many different ways,but we sahaja yogis see


> >as Jesus said in the new testament when he was asked about

it " ye,it is

> >written,you are all gods "

> >Carol,the spirit within you is a part of GOD.Now,either you accept

> >that or not it would make no difference,because this is the


> >destiny,as a human being,is to become one with that part within


> >

> > Many people see God in many different ways ( as you are

> > > combining all religions together so you have to look at this

> >clearly, and I

> > > guess go along with all the baggage they bring to you, as it


> >time to

> > > conform them to your thinking and it may not happen at all,

they may

> >hold to

> > > some truths they have learned as children, but that is what


> >when you

> > > combine all religions, you are ACCEPTING them as they ARE)

> >

> >Very true,Carol

> >

> > Not everyone is

> > > going to agree with exactly WHO Shri Mataji is and that is ok


> >some may

> > > not be READY or whatever,, as that is between them and their


> >

> >I just decided to try the meditation my friend recommended me(from

> >college).I am not still sure whom Shri Mataji is,but sure thing I


> >the cool vibrations.And sure thing is way better then the

> >transcendental meditation I've tried before.And I had to pay them


> >dollars for the mantra they gave me.Never again.

> >

> >

> > We

> > > cannot go around passing JUDGEMENT either on WHO is filled with


> >Holy

> > > Spirit, it can come in MANY ways and I personally have found


> >and have

> > > PERSONAL relationship with the one TRUE God and Jesus as one.

> >

> >Personal relationship with Jesus?..this is the illusion people fall

> >into,thinking they can have a ,,personal relationship,, with GOD.I


> >not agree,Carol.I have personal relationship with my wife,not with


> >

> >

> >I know this as

> > > fact, and He/ SHE whatever you want God to Be as God is " Spirit


> >all who

> > > worship must worship in spirit and truth. " Now an Atheisist on


> >other

> > > hand, has NO belief in God ( or any almighty being)at all

under ANY

> >name,

> > > and plan on just going 6ft under with nothing to go to......(


> >but true)

> >

> > > So I do not know if Simon is atheist, but maybe he is not,

maybe he

> >just

> > > sees things differently then you.

> >

> >Simon is an atheist.Also,he is not normal in the brain,if he became

> >Vishnu and other avatars.The proof that he is not normal in the


> >is very simple.He was Vishnu before,now he is an atheist.Case

> >closed.Take him to the nut-house.

> >

> > It is sad that such time is wasted on

> > > trying to see WHO is 'saved' you might say, and who is not.....


> >is none

> > > of our business.

> >

> >Saved?It is interesting how people use this term so easily.After


> >die,you will know for sure ,don't worry Carol.I am 56 years


> >it's too late for me to be saved.My friend introduced me to sahaja

> >yoga,that's all.

> >

> > We just go along and witnes, and try to raise Kundalinis or

> > > whatever we feel works and all will be well, some follow one


> >and some

> > > another IF you are trying to go with ALL religions. ( Let them


> >and do as

> > > you can, and keep trying but not forcing, or judging, that is


> >why we are

> > > here, your love for others, and the fact that you feel you are


> >and no

> > > one else, probably causes you to over care, and that is nice


> >but do NOT

> > > let PRIDE get in your way that is a SIN)

> >

> >I think once you think about the pride you become the pride.Once


> >think about the sin,you become the sin.

> >

> > >Some people who have never learnd

> > > HOW to do Sahaja Yoga in years past, because they have not been

able to

> > > learn or it never came to them, may still have been 'saved' and


> >still

> > > have been full of Spirit. At Pentecost, the people did not raise

> >Kundalinis,

> > > it happened, and they were filled as tongues of flames came down

> >upon them )

> > > and they starting talking in tongues BUT not gibberish,


> > > UNDERSTOOD each other.

> >

> >Not in my baptist church I have been attending for the last 20

> >years.All of them spoke in gibberish.Please give me the address of

> >your church,so I can see they understand each other.Never happened


> >my life.

> >

> > > NOw as for the Healing touch and Reiki thing, I know first hand

as I am

> > > certified, some years ago, and do not practice now, but will


> >I felt

> > > vibrations and was attuned the whole bit, BUT while they were


> >healing

> > > on me ( the instructors and students) the door slammed shut, (


> >one was

> > > near it) and it was scary but they said it was STUFF stuck in me

> >over many

> > > years coming out, WELL, then I had FEET TROUBLE later, and never

> >have gotten

> > > over it. Have done Sahaja Yoga and have PRAYED< PRAYED< PRAYED,


> >guess it

> > > is stuck.

> >

> >True.Sahaja yoga is not prayer.It's meditation.If was not for my

> >friend,I'd never have understood this.Thank you,friend,if you are

> >reading right now.

> >

> > But it can cause something to get into system ( not the devil

> > > either) as I spend my whole day and night with meditaion and

God as

> >am on

> > > disability,( NOT ALL will be miraculouly cured, and am

possitive not

> >all

> > > Sahaja Yogas are perfectly well, and may be afraid to say it)


> >have time

> > > other than family things and helping others, so I know God is


> >for me,

> > > but it is something to beware of, I will agree with Shri Mataji


> >that. It

> > > can do harm, even a nun at catholic hospital is doing this, for

> >money and

> > > teaching, it she means well, and I am sure, and she loves God,


> >but we

> > > can be misguided. God looks upon the HEART of man, we CANNOT do


> > > Forgiveness plays BIG part in this, so forgive those who you


> >are on

> > > wrong path and PRAY for them, and try to lead them, BUT you


> >force

> > > people to SEE what they cannot see, for one reason or another,


> >we cannot

> > > slander people either. Now if someone IS an atheist then they

are, I

> >have

> > > encountered them too, and it is VERY hard to change them IF

they do


> > > to become enlightened, but you do best you can, and walk on....


> >Jesus

> > > said, " Shake dust off your feet and go to next house " But it


> >NOT mean

> > > not loving the person, or thinking they are going to Hell, we


> >decide

> > > that at all. Not up to us at all. That is our PRIDE speaking.

> > >

> > >

> > > Blessings, Shaloam, Namaste, Jai Shri Mataji, and all that all

> >religions may

> > > say,,,,,Different words, all the same, in the end, ( If we are

> >combining all

> > > religions into one)

> > >

> > >

> > > Carol,

> > >

> > All my blessing for you,Carol.And may God help us all.

> >Dave

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Jagbir,


Am sorry you see it that way. It sounded like a judgement, to call someone

an atheist. Must have Misunderstood, that was love sharing, I guess. Sorry,

that your judgement of me is that I am judgmental. Will not post anymore, as

I see that it is not worth, asking questions or trying to understand, with

an open mind. Am sure Shri Mataji has said " do not judge, self or others,

matter of fact it is in the meidtation for Self Realization, along with

forgiveness. Agnia center for forgiveness, and hand behind neck, turning to

right side for 'no judgement' " So the Bible is not the ONLY place this has

been taught.


Do not worry, will not post anwymore, so you will not need to hear from me,

if it is upsetting to you and others.


I was going to tell you today, how last night I saw Sahaja Yogis and

Yoginis, working on me for healing in my sleep last night, and when I woke

up, my pain was better, but never mind, do not know who it was ,really I

guess. If you would like to know really what I am like, ask Penny and

Stella. They know us well, and Monoj, and Mike Fuccili and Mandar and

Melanie and many others, they will tell you if I am judgemental. Sorry, that

reading the post calling people things without there knowlege upset me. (

Think the person who said it was NEWCOMER anyway, so forgiveness, certainly

is in order.) It takes time to grow. I, personally do NOT really even KNOW

the person called atheist etc, but was trying to give benefit of the doubt

and not say such horrible things as was said in that post by that person, I

felt sorry if it was not true nor called for. Maybe you missed the post.


Blessings,,,,You will not need to read my posts anymore, so all is well, and

no hard feelings,

It is too bad, after all my years with love for fellow members.


May God be with you all, as with me,





> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> i am feeling the pain of your Christian


>Sun, 08 Jan 2006 16:08:32 -0000


> >

> > WE mustnever Judge anyone that is my point, and we must forgive

> > all, that is the other point, without this, we have not love, and

> > love is the most important of all. We must be very careful

> >


>Dear Carol,


>This " We must not judge " is a Christian quote that has been much

>abused and horribly mutilated over the centuries. It is now so

>entrenched in the fundamentalists psyche that it is barely

>recognizable anymore. That is why those who use it do not know they

>are doing exactly what they dislike in others. Your " We must not

>judge " slogan waving by someone who judges in every post made smells

>of hypocrisy and is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Members here are

>just discussing facts and subjects of mutual interest. You just keep

>harping on this " We must not judge " conditioning that sustains your

>guilt complex, expecting us to feel the same.


>i am feeling the pain of your Christian and have to tell you to stop

>projecting it on members here. FYI, we are not judging anyone as

>sinners or condemning anyone to hell, something that your church must

>be constantly emphasizing. Perhaps your own ministering and daily

>reading of the bible for hours has much to do with this " We must not

>judge " complex. But Carol, it is you who keeps judging others in

>every post you make. On the other hand, we are just discussing with

>each other like normal human beings.


>Can you get rid of the " Do not judge " conditioning? Or at least don't

>judge us that we are judging. Do you see how weird and hypocritical

>your church conditioning is? My Pentecostal friend talks just like

>you, judging and condemning the whole world as sinners. Yes, she too

>talks about love. Somehow her love for Jesus excludes all others as

>either pagan and satanic. Somehow her love judges all others too. For

>hours daily she surfs Christian channels. This church conditioning

>blinds Christian fundamentalists to see their own actions ..........

>and judgment too. You are guilty of the same judgment that you accuse









> , " danny weaver "

><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Dave,

> >

> > I am 55yrs old, and have attended, many different religions, and

>yes, have been VERY active with SahajaYoga and Yes, have felt cool

>breeze etc, and that is what led me to the land, ( Canajoharie) where

>the ashram, ( wel not put up,yetthen the vibrations led us still just

>do not see Shri Mataji as the Holy Spirit. I was talking about the

>fact that the 'gibberish' IS what it is, (now)but NOT at

>Pentecost......I am convert to Russian Orthodox

> > Church now. We are saying if I have missed the point of she being

>God, then

> > I am sorry I think an avatar, yes, or Guru yes, but persoannly

>speaking not

> > God. ( Or Holy Spirit) I see Three in ONe. Trinity. Yes there other


> > gods, but not THE GOD. Yes do know Jesus persoanlly, as He came to

>me three

> > times in a dream, and I did see him, and he led me to Christianity,

>Well had

> > been in church all my life, Protestant, but had not been going

>faithfully in

> > a while. Three distinct dreams that led me to him, but ended up in


> > Church and grew up Methodist. I do not KNOW Simon, well enough to

>know if he

> > is an atheist, that is point I am making, and we must be careful

>that what

> > is said is true, not just what we think. As far as him being Vishnu


> > another life??? What do you mean??? I thought Shri Mataji was, and

>she was

> > Mary, too, and Jesus, and really all.? The Mother goddess is

>worshiped in

> > most religions one way or another. Even Virgin Mary, is not

>worshipped, but

> > venerated, as being quite special as giving BIRTH to God, called


> > ( or God Bearer, as Jesus IS God, too.) That is Orthodox belief.

>Yes, have

> > had good training in Sahaja Yoga and sisters even stayed with me, (


> > Sahaja Yoga) and they taught me much, and I meditated and read, and


> > private, visit with Shri Mataji, which many have, and she was very

>nice, to

> > me, but did not feel she was God, that is what I mean. Feel the

>Cool FEEL

> > Vibrations ( guess would be dead if I did not) but cannot worship

>Her if I

> > do not see Her as God.... Can you understand, my point??? Not

>saying it is

> > right for others, speaking for me. ( Shri Mataji reminds me of me,

>of my

> > family, of a mother, which she is of course, but have trouble

>seeing God,

> > that is all. WE mustnever Judge anyone that is my point, and we

>must forgive

> > all, that is the other point, without this, we have not love, and

>love is

> > the most important of all. We must be very careful Now if you KNOW

>Simon and

> > KNOW he is an atheist which you say, that would be different. I

>know I would

> > be b quite upset to be called that when I know the Lord as I do,

>and my

> > husband and I of 37 yrs, worship together we alsoattended Sahaja


> > together. Found the Pujas quite expensive though. Hard to attend

>one each

> > month. Fellowship, is nice and people were terrific, but that is

>all my

> > point is that was trying to make. If a person IS an atheist then

>ok, but we

> > must be careful passingjudgement if we are guessing.

> >

> > PS,,, I agree the speaking in tongues, is gibberish, but at


> > EVERYONE undertood in own language, that was different then done

>now. Now

> > they need an iterpreter, and if you do not have one people will not


> > edifyed. I am not Baptist, but Orthodox. ( The same God)

> >

> > Blessings to you,,,,all

> >

> > May we all meet at the end of ourjouney of life, in peace and love


> > harmony,

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> > > " davesyogi " <davesyogi>

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: It is only during the Last


> > >and Resurrection will humans " experience

> > >Sat, 07 Jan 2006 21:47:40 -0000

> > >

> > > , " danny weaver "

> > ><cdweaver32@h...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > I agree and would like to add something though to your thoughts


> > >Simon

> > > > being atheists.... Is he???? Or does he not find Shri Mataji as


> > >

> > >Hi Carol

> > >As I am aware of Simon,he is an atheist,from what I know.

> > >

> > > There

> > > > is a difference.

> > >

> > >Many people see God in many different ways,but we sahaja yogis see


> > >as Jesus said in the new testament when he was asked about

>it " ye,it is

> > >written,you are all gods "

> > >Carol,the spirit within you is a part of GOD.Now,either you accept

> > >that or not it would make no difference,because this is the


> > >destiny,as a human being,is to become one with that part within


> > >

> > > Many people see God in many different ways ( as you are

> > > > combining all religions together so you have to look at this

> > >clearly, and I

> > > > guess go along with all the baggage they bring to you, as it


> > >time to

> > > > conform them to your thinking and it may not happen at all,

>they may

> > >hold to

> > > > some truths they have learned as children, but that is what


> > >when you

> > > > combine all religions, you are ACCEPTING them as they ARE)

> > >

> > >Very true,Carol

> > >

> > > Not everyone is

> > > > going to agree with exactly WHO Shri Mataji is and that is ok


> > >some may

> > > > not be READY or whatever,, as that is between them and their


> > >

> > >I just decided to try the meditation my friend recommended me(from

> > >college).I am not still sure whom Shri Mataji is,but sure thing I


> > >the cool vibrations.And sure thing is way better then the

> > >transcendental meditation I've tried before.And I had to pay them


> > >dollars for the mantra they gave me.Never again.

> > >

> > >

> > > We

> > > > cannot go around passing JUDGEMENT either on WHO is filled with


> > >Holy

> > > > Spirit, it can come in MANY ways and I personally have found


> > >and have

> > > > PERSONAL relationship with the one TRUE God and Jesus as one.

> > >

> > >Personal relationship with Jesus?..this is the illusion people fall

> > >into,thinking they can have a ,,personal relationship,, with GOD.I


> > >not agree,Carol.I have personal relationship with my wife,not with


> > >

> > >

> > >I know this as

> > > > fact, and He/ SHE whatever you want God to Be as God is " Spirit


> > >all who

> > > > worship must worship in spirit and truth. " Now an Atheisist on


> > >other

> > > > hand, has NO belief in God ( or any almighty being)at all

>under ANY

> > >name,

> > > > and plan on just going 6ft under with nothing to go to......(


> > >but true)

> > >

> > > > So I do not know if Simon is atheist, but maybe he is not,

>maybe he

> > >just

> > > > sees things differently then you.

> > >

> > >Simon is an atheist.Also,he is not normal in the brain,if he became

> > >Vishnu and other avatars.The proof that he is not normal in the


> > >is very simple.He was Vishnu before,now he is an atheist.Case

> > >closed.Take him to the nut-house.

> > >

> > > It is sad that such time is wasted on

> > > > trying to see WHO is 'saved' you might say, and who is not.....


> > >is none

> > > > of our business.

> > >

> > >Saved?It is interesting how people use this term so easily.After


> > >die,you will know for sure ,don't worry Carol.I am 56 years


> > >it's too late for me to be saved.My friend introduced me to sahaja

> > >yoga,that's all.

> > >

> > > We just go along and witnes, and try to raise Kundalinis or

> > > > whatever we feel works and all will be well, some follow one


> > >and some

> > > > another IF you are trying to go with ALL religions. ( Let them


> > >and do as

> > > > you can, and keep trying but not forcing, or judging, that is


> > >why we are

> > > > here, your love for others, and the fact that you feel you are


> > >and no

> > > > one else, probably causes you to over care, and that is nice


> > >but do NOT

> > > > let PRIDE get in your way that is a SIN)

> > >

> > >I think once you think about the pride you become the pride.Once


> > >think about the sin,you become the sin.

> > >

> > > >Some people who have never learnd

> > > > HOW to do Sahaja Yoga in years past, because they have not been

>able to

> > > > learn or it never came to them, may still have been 'saved' and


> > >still

> > > > have been full of Spirit. At Pentecost, the people did not raise

> > >Kundalinis,

> > > > it happened, and they were filled as tongues of flames came down

> > >upon them )

> > > > and they starting talking in tongues BUT not gibberish,


> > > > UNDERSTOOD each other.

> > >

> > >Not in my baptist church I have been attending for the last 20

> > >years.All of them spoke in gibberish.Please give me the address of

> > >your church,so I can see they understand each other.Never happened


> > >my life.

> > >

> > > > NOw as for the Healing touch and Reiki thing, I know first hand

>as I am

> > > > certified, some years ago, and do not practice now, but will


> > >I felt

> > > > vibrations and was attuned the whole bit, BUT while they were


> > >healing

> > > > on me ( the instructors and students) the door slammed shut, (


> > >one was

> > > > near it) and it was scary but they said it was STUFF stuck in me

> > >over many

> > > > years coming out, WELL, then I had FEET TROUBLE later, and never

> > >have gotten

> > > > over it. Have done Sahaja Yoga and have PRAYED< PRAYED< PRAYED,


> > >guess it

> > > > is stuck.

> > >

> > >True.Sahaja yoga is not prayer.It's meditation.If was not for my

> > >friend,I'd never have understood this.Thank you,friend,if you are

> > >reading right now.

> > >

> > > But it can cause something to get into system ( not the devil

> > > > either) as I spend my whole day and night with meditaion and

>God as

> > >am on

> > > > disability,( NOT ALL will be miraculouly cured, and am

>possitive not

> > >all

> > > > Sahaja Yogas are perfectly well, and may be afraid to say it)


> > >have time

> > > > other than family things and helping others, so I know God is


> > >for me,

> > > > but it is something to beware of, I will agree with Shri Mataji


> > >that. It

> > > > can do harm, even a nun at catholic hospital is doing this, for

> > >money and

> > > > teaching, it she means well, and I am sure, and she loves God,


> > >but we

> > > > can be misguided. God looks upon the HEART of man, we CANNOT do


> > > > Forgiveness plays BIG part in this, so forgive those who you


> > >are on

> > > > wrong path and PRAY for them, and try to lead them, BUT you


> > >force

> > > > people to SEE what they cannot see, for one reason or another,


> > >we cannot

> > > > slander people either. Now if someone IS an atheist then they

>are, I

> > >have

> > > > encountered them too, and it is VERY hard to change them IF

>they do


> > > > to become enlightened, but you do best you can, and walk on....


> > >Jesus

> > > > said, " Shake dust off your feet and go to next house " But it


> > >NOT mean

> > > > not loving the person, or thinking they are going to Hell, we


> > >decide

> > > > that at all. Not up to us at all. That is our PRIDE speaking.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Blessings, Shaloam, Namaste, Jai Shri Mataji, and all that all

> > >religions may

> > > > say,,,,,Different words, all the same, in the end, ( If we are

> > >combining all

> > > > religions into one)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Carol,

> > > >

> > > All my blessing for you,Carol.And may God help us all.

> > >Dave

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >







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, " danny weaver "

<cdweaver32@h...> wrote:



> I was going to tell you today, how last night I saw Sahaja Yogis

> and Yoginis, working on me for healing in my sleep last night, and

> when I woke up, my pain was better, but never mind, do not know

> who it was ,really I guess.


It is obvious you need healing from all that you have absorbed over

the years - the good, bad and ugly. Patronizing will not help.

Neither will massaging the ego. Reading the Bible day and night is

not healthy, as has been your dabbling with many paths. All this

messes up people and they need healing. The best way to heal the mind

is to make it Silent and that does wonders.



> If you would like to know really what I am like, ask Penny and

> Stella. They know us well, and Monoj, and Mike Fuccili and Mandar

> and Melanie and many others, they will tell you if I am

> judgemental. Sorry, that reading the post calling people things

> without there knowlege upset me. ( Think the person who said it was

> NEWCOMER anyway, so forgiveness, certainly is in order.) It takes

> time to grow. I, personally do NOT really even KNOW the person

> called atheist etc, but was trying to give benefit of the doubt and

> not say such horrible things as was said in that post by that

> person, I felt sorry if it was not true nor called for. Maybe you

> missed the post.



i did not miss the post.


Carol, in the real world far worse things are happening daily. Please

do not get upset if Simon is called an atheist. As Dave pointed out,

this ex-Vishnu incarnation should had remembered his past glory (and

spread the belief in the Divine.) If that was not possible at least

he should have remembered being Saint Joseph two thousand years ago.

Instead this fraud of a prophet turned around and began destroying

all that is Divine within and without. So why do you get upset when

you have no idea what happened in the past?


And what is the need for Dave to ask forgiveness? You sound like a

minister who just heard a confession and want forgiveness from the

sinner to expiate the sins. Calling a spade a spade is not sinning

anymore than saying Simon is an atheist or Elton John is gay. You are

getting upset when such people openly celebrate their beliefs in

public ............... and we just state the facts. Is this being

judgmental? Are we to ask for forgiveness for saying " such horrible

things " in public?


As i said before there are far worse sins than telling the truth

about a person's beliefs and lifestyle. It will be difficult to

venture outside and face reality if petty things on a public forum

can upset you. Now you want forgiveness, as the truth that Dave

mentioned has offended you? Carol, you need a lot of healing.



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