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Simon: This belief makes members fundamentally paranoid.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote


> Carol, in the real world far worse things are happening daily.

> Please do not get upset if Simon is called an atheist. As Dave

> pointed out, this ex-Vishnu incarnation should had remembered his

> past glory (and spread the belief in the Divine.) If that was not

> possible at least he should have remembered being Saint Joseph two

> thousand years ago. Instead this fraud of a prophet turned around

> and began destroying all that is Divine within and without. So why

> do you get upset when you have no idea what happened in the past?





i just remembered this newspaper article:



> >

> > Simon Montford, a Londoner in his late-twenties who works in

> > further education, went to his first Sahaja Yoga meeting in

> > Brighton when he was 19. " In time, I began not only to feel the

> > vibrations, " he recalls, " but to believe that others could feel

> > my vibrations, how good or bad they were, and that Shri Mataji

> > especially had that insight. This belief makes members

> > fundamentally paranoid. " It also makes them slaves, Montford and

> > other former members say, to Mataji.

> >

> >


The only person who got paranoid was Simon himself. In fact paranoid

is an understatement for someone who proclaims himself to be Saint

Joseph and then mutates into Shri Rama. This is a sick mind that

obviously needed psychiatrict treatment urgently. i am pretty sure

that subsequently Simon did require the facilities of the krankenhaus

to cure his delusion of divine grandeur i.e., what shrinks refer to

as multi-incarnation personality disorder. Yet Simon has the temerity

to claim that vibrations makes SYs fundamentaly paranoid. It only

made him paranoid and when his delusions worsened he committed

strange and violent acts on those SYs around him. Simon even wanted

to kill leaders who oppossed him! What drives a human to kill those

standing in his prophetic path? SHEER MADNESS OF SOMEONE POSSESSED BY

AN EVIL FORCE. Yes, only a dark evil entity can possess and turn

humans into a demonic nature, willing even to kill innocent souls to

fulfil their sense of divine grandeur.


Shri Mataji had no choice but to ask Simon to leave in 1990. And

there is no fury like a (false) incarnation scorned. He has since

gathered around him a small band of ex-SYs to sustain his revenge.


So those who are not aware let me refresh you again of this false

prophet who opposses all that is Divine. If you post here he will

contact you and whisper in your ear. So be careful!


Simon Dicon Montford is the self-proclaimed prophet who, along with a

handful of his followers, is carrying out a campaign to discredit the

Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. I call him a prophet

because of his past claims that he is one, and received divine

revelations about who he was in his past life and his mission on

Earth. This culminated into " a sect within a sect " and then, after

being told to leave, evolved into anti-Sahaja Yoga websites which are

all crafted and controlled by him.


Simon claims himself to be victim of Sahaja Yoga indoctrination, and

alleges Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a false guru.


According to him, " I was recruited into SYoga in Brighton in Jan 1985

and I left in Autumn 1990 - near on 6 years later. Actually I did

step outside SYoga for some short periods of time in that 6 years

because I felt unworthy to be in the collective. "


However, few know that he has a very dark side that has never been

exposed or why he self-exiled himself from the collective because of

so-called unworthiness.


But despite my pleas to him and his followers to stop as enough has

been said repeatedly over and over again, a few heeded and left this

forum. Now there are less than 10 who continue to look up at Simon to

lead them on.


Here are quotes of the insults by Cult SDM against HHSM and Sahaja

Yogis. Please DO NOT READ ANY of the following if you are easily

offended. These are all comments and terms used by Simon and his

followers against Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis:


" pigs "

" whore "

" fat old bags "

" rats "

" bastards "

" pricks "

" load of shit "

" sex with chickens "

" so full of shit "

" fucking guru of a CULT "

" mafuckjee "

" fucking cunt "

" satan (MoronJi) "

" fuck you all "

" this cunt "

" working for some KGB or CIA "

" mother fucker "

" donkeys belong to planet of krishna "

" i desperately need a good fuck "



" every fucking cunt "

" angry with dicks "


" The Big Fat primitive, uneducated so-called enlightened guru "

" Queer of the universe "

" she is pure evil "

" Pure unadulterated Evil "

" biggest crook on earth "

" I hope he bashes her up more "

" Ol' Nirmy on the turps "

" too boring and anal to manage humour "

" The man BADLY needs a good shag! "

" Viciously cruel "

" The old bitch "

" Fataji "

" Piggyji "

" SY bullshit "

" evil cult "

" horrible oafish "

" old ratbag "

" big, fat, ugly, fraudulent, ratbag, thieving, lying, low-life,

scumbag whom we would not urinate upon if her huge sari caught

ablaze. "

" cruel, thieving guru "

" big fat rich thieving guru "

" scumbag thieving fat guru "

" thieving ol' guru "

" thieving old woman "

" her ugly face with pasty makeup and all the fat rolls "

" The fat ratbag guru "

" call Nirmy a fat scumbag! "

" SomeFatTrollopji's $ahaja Yoga "

" Fataji's arse-kissers "

" The old parasite "

" slander the old bitch. She's not a mother's bootlace! She's nothing

more than a bloodsucking leach! May she rot in hell! "

" the old bitch "

" scumbag social-climber "

" Nirmala Shrivastava is a thieving fat ol' fraud!!! "

" the old hen "

" old witch "

" the unbelievably incompassionate guru bitch. "

" fat ugly frauds. "

" Mrs Pickpocket "

" the old bat "

" these disgusting little creatures are no more spiritual than sewer

rats! "

" the wealthy fraud a bitch "

" the nasty, lying fraud who runs the show, and nasty, spiteful small-

minded SY's like yourselves... "

" I hope you rot in hell "

" Fraudulentness Shri Nirmy "

" I call Mrs Moneybags a bitch "

" calling a thieving fraud " a bitch "







Since Simon has refused to heed my plea not to prolong his abuse

against Shri Mataji I will now explain to his remaining followers why

he is regarded as a rakshasa (demon) and a trusted lieutenant of the



On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:55:00 Simon D. Montford wrote about his

experiences in Sahaja Yoga:


" We started having 'revelations' about the leaders and a different

picture of SY emerged. Our new knowledge was confirmed by rushes

of 'vibrations' - sometimes overwhelming.


Gradually our view grew further apart from what mataji was saying and

it came to the point where we had to choose between following the

vibrations and following her words. We chose to follow

the 'vibrations' even though her words told us to follow the words.

Soon we saw SY as an illusion, a mere cover for mataji's real work.


We met a paranoid schizophrenic woman - for normal SYs she would have

just been condemned as possessed. But the first thing she said to us

summed up our revelations (I still feel that old sensation now). We

accepted her words because they had 'vibrations'.


By now we were really a cult within a cult with a secret teaching and

a direct line to divine truth down which revelations were flowing on

an almost daily basis. So many crazy things were happening in the

unseen (imaginary) realm around us. We had built a new superstructure

of delusion on the foundation of SY and the belief that the sensation

we felt coursing through our bodies was divine confirmation for

whatever crazy, wish-fulfilling imaginings we came up with.


But there was a revelation that there was one door that we hadn't yet

gone through. Later we found a key and it opened a floodgate of wild

ideas. We entered into a period that later became known as 'the

Madness'. I'd rather not go into details but on a collective level we

were at the extreme end of crazy. "


The Madness that Simon D. Montford would rather not talk is precisely

what I want to reveal so that his tiny band of misguided followers

will judge for themselves. This is necessary because only by knowing

his past will they know the man behind the mask. They can then decide

whether to hail him for saving them or flee from this active cell of

the Antichrist.



Simon Dicon Montford As The Prophet Joseph


He joined Sahaja Yoga in Brighton in January 1985. At that time Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi was establishing Sahaja Yoga in UK.


After some time Simon gathered together some of his SY friends, he

told them that he was a reincarnation of the biblical Joseph of

Arimathea, the uncle of Jesus. As far as Christians are concerned,

many believe that this Joseph, who was a high priest, brought the

Holy Grail to England.


" A common idea joins Joseph's New Testament (NT) and his medieval

legendary roles: his association with the body of Jesus. In the NT he

provided the burial sheet that enclosed Jesus's bloody corpse; and in

12th-13th c. romances he was the first guardian of the Holy Grail,

variously given out as a dish holding a communion wafer (i.e., body

of Jesus), as the cup that had contained the blood of Jesus

consecrated at the Last Supper or dripping from his crucified body,

finally as a Dysgl bearing a bleeding head. " 1


Simon used his knowledge of the scriptures to propagate his

reputation upon those who were easily impressed.


Although Simon claimed to feel vibrations for this, one may ask what

was his agenda? Wasn't he happy to be just a simple Sahaja Yogi, or

did he have to be someone far more important?


The reason was Simon and his friends wanted to start their own sect

within Sahaja Yoga, but a rebellious one, destroying the official

Sahaja Yoga from within.


Simon and his friends appointed themselves as the witch finder

generals of Sahaja Yoga, trying to overthrow leaders here, there, and

everywhere, with the evangelism of Biblical characters. They even

wanted to kill some of the leaders in SY, and thought they were

justified in wanting to do this.


Simon, the Biblical Joseph, armed with the background of his

religious studies, mostly controlled the minds of those around him,

and triggered their ambitions and hatred towards the Sahaja Yogis

they didn't like.


Many of the Sahaja Yogis were afraid of them, and found them very

threatening and hostile.


But when it all failed, and Shri Mataji threw him and his friends out

of Sahaja Yoga Simon turned his zealous campaign into a hate campaign

against Sahaja Yoga.


In his mind if Shri Mataji had rejected him, the great Biblical

Joseph, then She cannot be the Adi Shakti. Therefore he had to

concentrate all his efforts into bringing all of Sahaja Yoga down,

and destroying it for rejecting him even if that takes years of

internet campaigning.


Therefore as long as no one comes forward with the truth about him,

and reveals the foundations and platform he is standing on, his show

will go on. For this reason this website was created so that those

intending to join his forum know beforehand of his claims to

divinity, later so conveniently labeled as The Madness.


Simon Dicon Montford As The Incarnation Of Vishnu


However, the Biblical Joseph claims were just the beginning of Simons

megalomania. It wasn't enough for him, and he added to it a major

character from the Mahabharata.


Simon started to believe that he was a reincarnation of Vishnu, who

is regarded as a major god in Hinduism and Indian mythology. He is

thought as the preserver of the universe, while two other major Hindu

gods, Brahma and Shiva, are considered the creator and destroyer of

the universe. With such credentials Simon's divine mission within

Sahaja Yoga took on a new purpose.


With this believe Simon built a powerful sect within Sahaja Yoga and

his followers looked up at him for guidance. During what he terms The

Madness he was even prepared to kill in the name of God Almighty and

fulfill his destiny on Earth. Shri Mataji had no choice but to expel

him before he could proceed with any of his mad plans.


Before Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji called him.

When he went to see Her he was shaking in front of Her like a

possessed being, which he was by his behavior and delusion of

grandeur. Shri Mataji told him to leave Sahaja Yoga not only for the

safety of the collective but for his own as well as he wanted to kill

leaders who dare get in his way.


The request to leave Sahaja Yoga was a disastrous blow for him

because how could Shri Mataji be the Adi Shakti if She had thrown

him, an incarnation of Vishnu, out of Sahaja Yoga.



Simon Dicon Montford Orders Exorcism


After Simon asserted that he was a reincarnation of Shri Vishnu,

anything was possible for him.

There was another doubter in his group at this stage, although a few

others amongst them were also not convinced, but were too afraid of

Simon to cross him.

One young lady who was not going along with Simon's divinity beliefs

was isolated and her husband, who was brainwashed by Simon, was

forced to go along with the accusation that she must therefore be



Simon ordered her exorcism.


Simon sat on top of her, holding her down, while her husband was

ordered to slap the so-called demon out of her. She was slapped,

shouted at and humiliated, and the husband felt very guilty

afterwards that he had gone along with it.


Simon had no remorse or regret, and the marriage of the young couple

soon failed, mainly due to the irreparable damage that had been done.



Simon Dicon Montford Dispenses Divine Justice


Some members of his group also started to question his authority. One

of them was living in the same house as Simon, and was married with

two children, a baby and the other still a toddler, and they were

living there too. The children's names were Narayana and Radhika,

which Simon has acknowledged he knows them personally.


Simon demonized them all, including the little children, and tried to

convince the others in his sect that they were all bhoots. His witch

hunt style within Sahaja Yoga turned on those living with him, and he

convinced the owner of the house to turf them out onto the street.

They were made homeless, and all of this was justified by Simons

demonizing his two critics.


When his other critic within the group, who wasn't living with Simon,

tried to defend the young family, he was demonized too. In one

incident during an argument Simon smashed a door into his face.

They were both cast out from Simons sect, and the young family had to

find somewhere else to live very quickly. Simon was heartless and

didn't care at all for their welfare. He even told the young father

to go and hang himself.



Simon Dicon Montford The Tarot Reader


But even being the incarnation of Saint Joseph and Shri Vishnu wasn't

enough to satiate the demands of his expanding ego.

Simon and his sect started to play around with Tarot cards. " The

Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in

northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called

Triumphs, it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and

popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the

Golden Dawn. The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval

and Renaissance Europe, but over the centuries it has grown to

incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabbalah to Runes (which

predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I Ching (which predates the

Tarot by 2500 years). Today, the Tarot is far and away the most

popular tool for spiritual introspection in the West. " 2


These cards to some degree led Simon and his followers to believe

they must be something far more than great souls in their previous



Simon Dicon Montford Today


Only after being thrown out of Sahaja Yoga in autumn 1990, nearly 6

years later, did he drop these beliefs of divinity.


He has now become a devout hater of Shri Mataji for rejecting him,

the Biblical Joseph, and incarnation of Vishnu. Simon Dicon Montford

has now dedicated his life to getting revenge on Her for rejecting

him, but he has completely failed to admit his own disgraceful

behavior, and face up to himself.


When Simon was thrown out of Sahaja Yoga he started to lie about it,

saying he had left of his own accord, and rejected it through mental

process. For ages on the Sahaja-Yoga forum he has said that he saw

through Sahaja Yoga, but actually he never did. It became convenient

for him to do so out of bitterness and hate, after he was rejected.

Shri Mataji threw him out and when he heard the news, he said he had

left anyway. That was the only way to save face.


What nearly all the Sahaja Yogis didn't know was how completely mad

he had been behaving. With his friends who are still on the forum,

who had also gone mad, he was trying to start his own sect. They

believed that they were some great characters from history, and they

were the chosen ones of Shri Mataji.


But Simon was controlling the whole thing, and he was driving his own

friends mad with his scriptural knowledge, and egging them on. He

still continues to do so till today. Just ask him if he indeed

claimed divinity before being asked to leave Sahaja Yoga.


You, the reader of this web page, have to decide if the Bible did

warn of false prophets like Simon Dicon Montford:



At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and

hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many


Matthew 24:10-11


But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there

will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce

destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-

--bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their

shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In

their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have

made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and

their destruction has not been sleeping.

2 Peter 2:1-3


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to

see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone into

the world. This is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: Every

spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in flesh is from

God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus is from

God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is

coming and even now is already in the world.

1 John 4: 1-3


Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing,

but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Matthew 7:15


For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.

Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a

great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to


2 Timothy 4:3-4


So Simon was, is, and will always be a false prophet. Those who

participate and support his anti-Sahaja Yoga activities on the

Internet are his followers who support his crusade against the Adi

Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. In the age of the Last Judgment

those who oppose Her will have to answer for their blasphemy.


" The Greek word 'blasphemeo' GSN 987 is used in the gospel accounts

of Mark and Luke. *The Greek word `blasphemia' GSN 988 is used in the

gospel of Matthew. According to the definitions, the word 'blasphemy'

means; to injure the work of God's Holy Spirit, by speaking evil of

something Holy and pure from God and falsely accusing the work of the

Holy Spirit, to be evil or Satanic. Blasphemy then is a sin or crime

against God, causing injury to Him or His Spirit by false

accusations. The spirit behind these types of accusations is from the

accuser himself, the devil, the chief adversary of God. " 3








WARNING: Simon operates websites under many false IDs and disguises,

sometimes even simultaneously asking and answering questions, to

prevent the culmination of God's plan for all humanity. So be





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