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Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy - Times Of India

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Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy

Times Of India


It was not until rocket engines were built with a strong enough

thrust to escape the earth's gravity that man actually landed on the

moon. In the same manner, those of us who wish to get closer to

Divinity can attain our goal only when we are able to generate enough

upward thrust to break free of the gravitational pull of worldly

desires and attachments.


The centre point between the eyebrows known as the spiritual eye, or

seat of superconsciousness, may be called the inner 'moon'in man, the

centre of his divine awareness.


But many a practising yogi — concentrating on this point in the hope

of centring his awareness there — finds his efforts unfruitful; his

consciousness remains anchored firmly to earth. He must deliberately

generate more upward 'thrust'in his endeavour to transcend matter-



Anything that increases the upward flow of energy in your body when

you meditate will facilitate your efforts to focus your attention on

the spiritual eye. Your measure of concentration depends entirely on

how much energy you can direct in the process. Divine awakening

depends upon channelling all of your energy upward, and focusing it

at the point between the eyebrows.


The first battle is to generate enough of an upward flow to break

free of the downward, gravitational pull of matter. For this, three

things are necessary:

1) avoidance of those actions and states of consciousness which pull

the energy downward;

2) upward, devotional aspiration;

3) techniques specifically directed towards raising the energy in the



Consider briefly the relationship between matter-identification and

awareness itself. Any increase of the one always entails a decrease

of the other. The gross materialist is less sensitively aware even of

this world than one who lives primarily in the consciousness of

spiritual realities. In the most material manifestations of spirit,

rocks and minerals, consciousness is so reduced that it is latent.

That's why Hindu scriptures say: " God sleeps in the rocks " .


For an enlightened yogi, matter is seen essentially not to exist, yet

his consciousness is absolute. Awareness increases in inverse

proportion to the degree of one's identification with matter, or

form .


To free your energy from the downward pull of matter, avoid anything

that dulls the mind, or increases its identification with the senses.

Laziness, oversleep, mental vagueness or lack of interest, boredom,

even selfishness, hatred, or pride, must be cured by daily mental

injections of keen interest and enthusiasm, kindness, forgiveness,

and self-forgetfulness in doing things for others. For whenever the

former predominate, the energy automatically moves downward, but when

the latter predominate, it moves upward effortlessly towards the



You should be self-controlled, identified less and less with the

senses, and more and more with the soul within. For though one

experiences pleasure through the senses, the more one looks to those

pleasures to stimulate one's awareness, the more, in the long run,

they become dulled.


On the other hand, increasingly to abandon sense pleasures — far from

producing a state of boredom — permits one's awareness to soar so

that boredom becomes unimaginable. Devotional aspiration can be

awakened by chanting, service or meditation.


Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy

Times Of India




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