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Our religious rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal resurrection!

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Religion And Spirituality

> Times Of India


> Religion is general associated with certain fundamental rituals and

> practices while spirituality is more concerned with the mental and

> intellect aspects. Both however seek to help the aspirant in

> attaining Godhead.


> God consciousness is experienced in a state of thought extinction.

> It is a state where the mind is totally extinguished and only

> awareness reigns supreme! Mind is related to thoughts like a river

> to water. It is the flow of water that constitutes the river. So

> too, is the flow of thoughts that makes the mind. A mind thus

> created veils the Divine Self within us.


> Religious practices generate spiritual undercurrents, which help in

> transcending the mind by arresting the Divinity inherent in us. The

> flow in each case generates power and dynamism.


> The nature of river is dependent upon the quality of water flowing

> in it. If the water is muddy, the river is muddy; if the water is

> fast, the river is fast and so on. Likewise, the quality of

> thoughts in the mind relates to the quality of the human... As the

> mind, so the man!


> All our religious rituals and practices have a subtle cleaning and

> energizing effect on the mind to pave the way for attaining the

> ultimate state of Divinity.


> And the state of Divinity is not merely a personal achievement; it

> must culminate in a Universal resurrection!


> Religion And Spirituality

> Times Of India


> http://spirituality.indiatimes.com/articleshow/-1133773824.cms



To all my SY brothers and sisters,


Our religious rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal

resurrection! We must now collectively strive to make Shri Mataji's

Divine Message universally known by 21st. February 2013, the

commencement of Satya Yuga.


It is time to openly declare Shri Mataji's Message of the Last

Judgment, Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah), Her unsurpassed esoteric

Knowledge of the human subtle system (Kingdom of God), unparalleled

illumination of the Holy Scriptures, and penetrating vision for the

benevolence of human race. This is only possible by synthesizing,

cross-examining and linking the holy scriptures, prophecies and works

of various authors to Her prolific enlightenment (Lectures To Earth)

on a wide range of religious, spiritual and mystical issues — issues

that are still beyond the present grasp of the religious elite.


Her Message (Good News) must be portrayed as a finished work of art —

rich in detail and diversity that encompasses millennia of humanity —

which ordinary people can see, understand and relate to their own

religious upbringing as well as that of their fellow beings. It must

be presented in far greater detail as a holistic whole of every

religious tradition comprehensible to the widest audience possible,

that is, from " the lowest groveling savage not far removed from the

brute, to the highest man towering by the virtues of his head and

heart above humanity. "


This approach is absolutely necessary because humans have made all

kinds of nonsense out of religions. The falsehoods of these religious

regimes and cults, and the blind faith of their followers must be

first exposed by the Truth of their revered scriptures in order to

destroy the demons of their own delusion. And for this strong, sharp

words are sometimes needed to expose the very core of falsehood and

blind faith, and rudely awaken the snoring mass of humanity to the

first rays of Light of the Divine Dawn promised and prophesied in the



Indisputable proof must also be provided that all scriptures and

prophecies are part and parcel of the Absolute Truth. Only then will

it be possible for Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims,

Sikhs and others to have the knowledge and belief of the

Resurrection, and walk the same path of Collective Consciousness.

Otherwise they have no reason to leave the sanctuary of their

religious fortresses and overcome the pervasive siege mentality.

Given the massive divisive walls erected by their rivals over the

centuries, they cannot be blamed for huddling inside and seeking

security in numbers. They must be given the assurance, faith and

knowledge that it is safe to venture outside because the Kingdom of

God, after all, is also within themselves.


But perhaps the most important task is to prove to the human race

that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Adi Shakti who has

incarnated on Earth to announce the Last Judgment and Resurrection.

Both are extremely serious issues that cannot, and must never ever be

shrouded or camouflaged in any form whatsoever. Therefore it is a

scared duty of utmost importance that all seekers have unhindered

access to all information and verifiable evidence to judge for

themselves if it is indeed the promised Last Judgment and

resurrection, and if Shri Mataji is the promised Messiah who has come

to announce it.


However, without extraordinary proof and extensive facts there will

definitely be adverse reaction from friends, families and the general

public to such a seemingly preposterous announcement. " And here it

will be fitting to introduce the sages' defination of the term truth.

It has been earlier demonstrated that without such a defination men

wander in a dry wilderness of hollow fancies, unfounded opinions,

worthless theories and hypostatized words. This defination may sound

quite simple, but it implications are most profound. It should be

graven deeply on the heart. Here it is: TRUTH is that which is beyond

all contradiction and free from all doubt; which is indeed beyond the

very possibility of both contradiction and doubt; beyond the changes

and alternations of time and vicissitude; forever one and the same,

unalterable and unaltering; universal and therefore independent of

all human ideation. "


But since the scriptures have clearly foretold that this Good News

will be rejected and ridiculed by many, it cannot be avoided. In fact

the very rejection of the Good News is part and parcel of the

prophecy and promise of Resurrection. This extensive website is the

extraordinary proof offered to skeptics and seekers alike for cross-

examination and judgment.


The Truth we are talking about does not contradict as it was

witnessed and experienced in the mystical Kingdom of God (Sahasrara)

which exists within all humans:


It is the Collective Truth of all Holy Scriptures and their



It is a Truth that heals, nurtures and transforms those seeking the

meaning and purpose of life on Earth.


It is the Truth of the Tree of Life mentioned in the religious

tradition of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The Tree of Life of

the Bible (Revelation 22.2), is the same Olive Tree in the Qur'an

(surah 24:35 Al Nur), and the Tree of Asvattha in the Bhagavad Gita

(verse 15:1). All these scriptures mention this parable of the

mystical Tree that is absolutely vital to spiritual rebirth.

Obviously, without question, this Divine Tree (human subtle system)

is within all humans.


It is the Truth about the Good News of the promised Resurrection.

" But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits

of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man also came the

resurrection of the dead, For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ

shall all be made alive " (I Cor. 15:20-22).


It is the Truth of the Spiritual Oasis within for weary and thirsty

spiritual seekers plodding all over our parched religious deserts and

who, blinded by the sandstorms of fundamentalism and scriptural

distortion, and deluded by insatiable shimmering material mirages,

are nearing exhaustion in the futile search for Reality without.


It is the Truth beyond the limitations and comprehension of senile

religious regimes and their rigor mortis dogmas. Our religious

rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal resurrection!


Why We Need to Get Connected to God - Times Of India



Yoga - Beyond The Body And Mind - Times Of India



Guru's Guidance to a Life of Fulfilment - Times Of India



Every Day is a Celebration For the God-conscious - Times Of India



One Message Runs Through All Faiths: Only Connect - Times Of India



All about mysticism - Times Of India



Your Mind is a Monkey, Learn to Steady It - Times Of India



Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy - Times Of India



Reason and not Dogma is the basis of Vedanta - Times Of India



Special Spiritual Benefits (Of Yoga) - Times Of India




Kundalini Yoga - Times Of India


Religion And Spirituality - Times Of India




" I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for the

first time in this form to do this tremendous task . The more you

understand this the better it would be. You will change tremendously.


I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we have said it. But

now it is you people who have to prove it that I am that! "


Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983

(Adi-Shakti [615th]: Primal Power; being the First Cause.)



" Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara (Kingdom of

God). On this day I must say it was a great happening that took place

on all the humanity. It was such an achievement, which I never

realized before. Now I can see that without Self-Realization it would

have been impossible to talk to people. Then this happened! I thought

that how I will talk to people about it because no one would

understand Me and it would be a big mistake on My part to say

something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara (Kingdom of

God) nowhere in the scriptures something was described. It was

absolutely an ambiguous description I would say where people could

not even have thought there is a Realm beyond Sahasrara, and one has

to enter that Realm where is the Reality. That time what I saw around

Me was darkness and unless and until there are many Lights, people

will never realize that how important it is to have Light. "


Shri Maha-kailasa-nilaya Devi

You Dissolve Into The Divine Power

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996


(Shri Maha-kailasa-nilaya (578th): Residing in the great Kailas —

Maha Kailasa means in Sri Chakra, the innermost Bindu and in the body

the Sahasrara-Padma below the Brahmarandhra.)



" In the Puranas, the modern times we are now living in are called

Kali Yuga, the Age of Confusion and Conflict. Yugas are periods of

time, thousands of years long, that recur in a cyclic or spiral

progression. Dwapara Yuga is the second age, when people begin to

lose some of the great qualities they had in the first or Golden Age,

and Kali Yuga (present Age of Darkness) marks the lowest point of

moral and spiritual development in each cycle. It is followed by

Krita Yuga, the age of transformation or actualisation of spiritual

experience, which leads finally to Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth or

Reality, in which the Golden Age returns and all man's faculties

begin to manifest themselves in their full glory once again. Thus

according to the Puranas humanity has great hope of enjoying Satya

Yuga which will give peace, harmony and Divine love.


If we tally the description of Kali Yuga in the Puranas with very

obvious observations of the present state of our society, it seems to

me that the worst period of Kali Yuga started during the first

quarter of this century. It is almost unbelievable how culture and

thought have completely changed in such a short time, particularly in

the West. In Kali Yuga, all traditional values are more and more

undermined and destroyed and there is great moral confusion. There is

also a restless seeking for new forms and new kinds of order.

According to the Puranas, when the lowest point is reached, the

people will have lost contact with their inner sense of dharma

(innate sense of righteousness which is sustained). There will be

confusion between right and wrong. Children will no longer respect

their parents. Men will think and act like women and women will

become like men. The lowest grades of human beings will take over

positions of power and authority, and the higher, spiritual type of

human being will be neglected and despised.


About twenty years ago, marking the very first stirring of a new

Satya Yuga, the transitional age called Krita Yuga started

manifesting itself. Krita Yuga is a unique period of spiritual ascent

as the All-Pervading Divine Power called the Paramchaitanya in

Sanskrit has become active at the level of ordinary human existence.

It is predicted that this Divine activity will bring about the long

awaited Satya Yuga, the era of growth and spiritual ascent.


All the signs show that it is the Era of Truth which is now advancing

and we can see very clearly. For example, how quite ordinary people

are becoming aware of Absolute Truth and Reality through Sahaja Yoga.

Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of the individual consciousness

with the All-Pervading Divine Power through the awakening of the

residual Power of Kundalini which lies dormant within all human

beings in the triangular bone at the base of the spine called the

sacrum — the sacred bone.


Krita Yuga has another characteristic by which, when this Yuga is

manifested, the falsehood of all outside religions, all people in

power who are unpatriotic and dishonest will be automatically

exposed. All false prophets and cult leaders will be exposed and all

organizations that perpetrate falsehood and hatred in the name of God

will be exposed because in Krita Yuga the Truth is spontaneously

brought out. All corrupt entrepreneurs and false teachers will also

be exposed.


A second characteristic of Krita Yuga is that whenever there is a

falling away from Dharma the inner Divine Laws of Righteousness which

are innate and which regulate both human existence — the whole world

structure as well as manifestation of the Cosmos — will arise as a

result with a corresponding, compensatory effect. This is called the

Law of Polarity or in Sanskrit karma-phalam which means in practical

terms that whatever you have done, you will get the fruits of those

actions — As you sow, so shall ye reap.


So in this Yuga all persons will get their karma phalam. If they have

led their lives in accordance with the Universal and Eternal Laws of

Being they will enjoy an existence which is harmonious and

fulfilling. But, on the other hand, whatever wrongs they have done —

that is, whenever they have fallen out of the central path of Dharma,

either individually or collectively — they will have to pay for that

in this life time.


In Krita Yuga there may be much to suffer. This is very unfortunate

but it is simply the effect of our own actions which we have to face.

Of course suffering can be avoided if people achieve their ascent;

what in Yoga we call " the State of Spirit " or " union with the Divine

Power. " In Krita Yuga this manifestation of exposure and punishment

through the law of polarity will take place as long as we do not

accept the path of spirituality, which is the only true and

satisfying path for human beings. The suffering that befalls people,

both collectively and individually, will be nothing but their own

karma phalam, the result of their own choices.


However, despite this aspect, Krita Yuga is also a very blissful era

for those who are genuinely earnest seekers of Truth. In Krita Yuga

there are unique opportunities for self-transformation and, with

their ascent, these seekers will achieve a very high state of

spirituality. But in this Age of Krita Yuga such is the Power of

Divine Compassion and Love that those who have made mistakes and are

consequently suffering are also redeemed of their sufferings by the

activity of this All-Pervading Divine Love.


Further more, it is said in the Puranas that the residual Power, the

Kundalini, will be awakened and will grant Self-Realization to the

seekers. This Power will also grant them physical, emotional and

spiritual bliss, and all the problems which come from our inner

being — energy centres of the subtle system — will be solved through

the spontaneous cleansing and harmonizing activity of the Kundalini.


In this way all individual human problems as well as those collective

or social problems that have been created by human beings will be

solved. But is it said that this state is meant only for people who,

through their ascent, have achieved the state of Selfhood. These are

ancient prophesies which can now be seen vividly.


The Indian sage, who may be called the pioneer in this field, was the

first great astrologer, Bhrigumuni. In his book " Nadi Granth " , he

made clear predictions about these modern times. He also specifically

predicted how the Kundalini would be awakened spontaneously through

Sahaja Yoga, that is, spontaneous union with the Divine, and become

the means of both individual and collective transformation on a mass

scale, through teachings and incarnation of a great Yogi. This Yogi

would be an unparalleled master of the Kundalini and would teach all

the people the ancient secrets of self-transformation. These are the

times described in the Holy Bible as the " Last Judgement " and in the

Koran as " Qiyamah " , the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also

called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great

spiritual development on the Earth.


Of course this is also the Age of science and technology in which

human beings progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this

great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time one

need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said

about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis and

observe the facts with an open mind like a scientist. Of course, if a

hypothesis is proved then any honest, scientifically-minded modern

person has to accept it.


The pure Knowledge of the Divine manifesting itself directly through

Self-Realization will progressively lead to the creation of a new

race for the New Age. This Knowledge is not then for very few

privileged individuals, as it was in the past, but for the

benevolence of the whole world. In this way the last breakthrough of

our evolution will be achieved en masse. The entire human race can be

renewed and transformed. Dharma, righteousness, will once again be

universally respected, and human beings will live in Peace —

harmoniously with themselves, with Nature, and with each other. . . .


In My opinion every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to

understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of

Transformation and of the Last Judgment. The Western mind has to

realize the enormous responsibility which has been placed upon the

West and the Western people need urgently to find out how to achieve

the balance, not in terms of money, but in the vision of their

responsibility. This is very much required for the ascent of the

whole humanity. Otherwise on whom will the blame of destroying the

innate human culture by the dynamism of modernism lie, the advanced

or underdeveloped?


In these Modern Times, in the evolutionary process, we have reached

the state of human awareness. This human awareness can work through

its thinking, rationality or conditioning. Many modern poets have

described them as " the Calls of Freedom of the Self. " But what if one

can rise to a higher dimension of awareness? Why not open our hearts

and minds to the unique discovery that has been revealed for this

vital ascent?


The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a

phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of

the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "


Shri Divya-vigraha Devi


(Divya-vigraha [621st]: Divine form, or `Vigraha' means battle. Thus

She represents the battle of the Divine forces against forces that

are Asuri or evil.)

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