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She represents the battle of the Divine forces against forces that are Asuri

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> But since the scriptures have clearly foretold that this Good News

> will be rejected and ridiculed by many, it cannot be avoided. In

> fact the very rejection of the Good News is part and parcel of the

> prophecy and promise of Resurrection. This extensive website is the

> extraordinary proof offered to skeptics and seekers alike for cross-

> examination and judgment.


> The Truth we are talking about does not contradict as it was

> witnessed and experienced in the mystical Kingdom of God

> (Sahasrara) which exists within all humans:


> It is the Collective Truth of all Holy Scriptures and their

> Messengers.


> It is a Truth that heals, nurtures and transforms those seeking the

> meaning and purpose of life on Earth.


> It is the Truth of the Tree of Life mentioned in the religious

> tradition of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The Tree of Life of

> the Bible (Revelation 22.2), is the same Olive Tree in the Qur'an

> (surah 24:35 Al Nur), and the Tree of Asvattha in the Bhagavad Gita

> (verse 15:1). All these scriptures mention this parable of the

> mystical Tree that is absolutely vital to spiritual rebirth.

> Obviously, without question, this Divine Tree (human subtle system)

> is within all humans.


> It is the Truth about the Good News of the promised Resurrection.


> It is the Truth of the Spiritual Oasis within for weary and thirsty

> spiritual seekers plodding all over our parched religious deserts

> and who, blinded by the sandstorms of fundamentalism and scriptural

> distortion, and deluded by insatiable shimmering material mirages,

> are nearing exhaustion in the futile search for Reality without.


> It is the Truth beyond the limitations and comprehension of senile

> religious regimes and their rigor mortis dogmas. Our religious

> rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal resurrection!


> Why We Need to Get Connected to God - Times Of India

> /message/5447


> Yoga - Beyond The Body And Mind - Times Of India

> /message/5448


> Guru's Guidance to a Life of Fulfilment - Times Of India

> /message/5449


> Every Day is a Celebration For the God-conscious - Times Of India

> /message/5450


> One Message Runs Through All Faiths: Only Connect - Times Of India

> /message/5451


> All about mysticism - Times Of India

> /message/5452


> Your Mind is a Monkey, Learn to Steady It - Times Of India

> /message/5453


> Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy - Times Of India

> /message/5454


> Reason and not Dogma is the basis of Vedanta - Times Of India

> /message/5455


> Special Spiritual Benefits (Of Yoga) - Times Of India

> /message/5456


> /message/5457

> Kundalini Yoga - Times Of India


> Religion And Spirituality - Times Of India

> /message/5458



> " The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a

> phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of

> the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

> manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "


> Shri Divya-vigraha Devi


> (Divya-vigraha [621st]: Divine form, or `Vigraha' means battle.

> Thus She represents the battle of the Divine forces against forces

> that are Asuri or evil.)






January 9, 2006 Monday


Is God dead in Europe?;

(And what might that mean for America?)

BYLINE: James P. Gannon


Two snapshots from a recent tourist trip to Europe: We are in

Prague, the lovely and lively capital of the Czech Republic, where

the bars and cafes are full, the glitzy crystal and art shops are

busy, and the dozens of historic cathedrals and churches are

largely empty -- except for gawking tourists snapping photos. In

The Prague Post, an English-language weekly newspaper, a

front-page article reports, in titillating detail, how the city has

become Europe's new capital for pornographic filmmaking,

while an op-ed examines why only 19% of the people in this

once-religious country believe that God exists.


Change the scene to Rome. We are at the Vatican, swimming in

a sea of 150,000 people waiting in St. Peter's Square for Pope

Benedict XVI to appear at a special celebration for Catholic

children who have made their first communion in the past year.

Rock bands and kids' choirs entertain the faithful until a roar

sweeps through the crowd at the first sighting of the

" Popemobile, " carrying the waving, white-robed Benedict down

barricaded lanes through the throng. The crowd goes wild.


For an American Catholic visitor, Europe is a puzzling and

sometimes discouraging place these days. Is God dead here?

Many signs suggest that Europeans think so.


Decline in attendance


" Common wisdom has it that alcoholics outnumber practicing

Christians and that more Czechs believe in UFOs than believe in

God -- and common wisdom may be correct, " wrote Nate and

Leah Seppanen Anderson in a Prague Post commentary; he's a

freelance writer, and she's a political science professor at

Wheaton College in Illinois and a specialist in Czech politics and

society. Surveys show a sharp decline in church attendance and

religious practice in most European countries. A series of

Eurobarometer surveys since 1970 in five key countries (France,

Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy) shows that regular

church attendance fell from about 40% of the population to about

half that figure. Declines were sharpest in predominantly

Catholic nations.


Even so, how do we account for the extraordinary outpouring of

grief at Pope John Paul II's death in April and the enthusiasm

that his successor seems to evoke? Are these mere public

spectacles, signifying nothing about Europe's drift from its

religious roots, or are they signs of yearning for something more

than peace, prosperity and la dolce vita?


As only an occasional visitor to Europe, I claim no expertise in

these matters. But some who do see the emergence of a

post-Christian era in Europe that has profound consequences

for the continent and perhaps is an ominous portend for the

United States. Where Europe has gone, America could be going

-- and that is a prospect that is frightening Christians and

sharpening the religious divide in this country.


Western Europe, the cradle of modern Christianity, has become

a " post-Christian society " in which the ruling class and cultural

leaders are anti-religious or " Christophobic, " writes George

Weigel, a Catholic columnist and U.S. biographer of Pope John

Paul II. In his new book, The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe,

America, and Politics Without God, he argues that religious

differences help explain the policy tensions between Europe and

the United States.


" It would be too simple to say that the reason Americans and

Europeans see the world so differently is that the former go to

church on Sundays and the latter don't, " Weigel writes. " But it

would also be a grave mistake to think that the dramatic

differences in religious belief and practice in the United States

and Europe don't have something important to do with those

different perceptions of the world -- and the different policies to

which those perceptions eventually lead. "


A fierce controversy over any mention of Europe's Christian

heritage erupted in 2004 when officials were drafting a

constitution for the European Union, Weigel notes.


Any mention of the continent's religious past or contributions of

Christian culture -- in a preface citing the sources of Europe's

distinct civilization -- would be exclusionary and offensive to

non-Christians, many argued. Former French president Valery

Giscard d'Estaing, who presided over the process, summed up

the dominant view: " Europeans live in a purely secular political

system, where religion does not play an important role. "


'Demographic suicide'


Among the consequences of Europe's abandonment of its

religious roots and the moral code that derives therefrom is a

plunge in its birth rates to below the replacement level. Abortion,

birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex are

driving the trend. Europe is " committing demographic suicide,

systematically depopulating itself, " according to Weigel.


United Nations population statistics back him up.


Not a single Western European country has a fertility rate

sufficient to replace the current population, which demographers

say requires 2.1 children per family. Germany, Russia, Spain,

Poland and Italy all have rates of about 1.3 children, according to

the U.N. The Czech Republic's is less than 1.2, and even Roman

Catholic Ireland is at 1.9 children. (The U.S. rate, which has

remained stable, is slightly more than 2 children per woman.)

Fifteen countries, " mostly located in Southern and Eastern

Europe, have reached levels of fertility unprecedented in human

history, " according to the U.N.'s World Population Prospects

2004 revision.


As children grow scarce and longevity increases in Europe, the

continent is becoming one vast Leisure World. By 2050, the U.N.

projects, more than 40% of the people in Italy will be 60 or older.

By mid-century, populations in 25 European nations will be lower

than they are now; Russia will lose 31 million people, Italy 7.2

million, Poland 6.6 million and Germany 3.9 million. So Europe

is abandoning religion, growing older, shrinking and slowly

killing itself. These are signs of a society in eclipse -- the Roman

Empire writ large. Is this any model for America?


In his 2001 book, The Death of the West, conservative

commentator Patrick Buchanan argues that a European-style

" de-Christianization of America " is the goal of many liberals --

and they are succeeding.


Court decisions that have banned school-sponsored prayer,

removed many Nativity scenes from public squares, and

legalized gay marriage are part of that pattern, as is the legal

effort to erase " In God We Trust " from U.S. currency and " under

God " from the Pledge of Allegiance.


Europe is showing us where this path leads. It is not the right

path for America.


James P. Gannon is a retired journalist and author of A Life in

Print: Selections from the Work of a Reporter, Columnist and


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Dear Jagbir and All,


The Message of Hope that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi brings, goes beyond the

limited comprehension of religious regimes. She states that no matter what type

of corruption there is in the world today, the Comforter/Holy Spirit is the most

powerful force on Earth and will overcome all the corruption and She is also

most powerful to save the humanity from slavery to this corruption.


In fact, All of Humanity, and All of Creation, have been waiting for this

Special Time of Resurrection:


" For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the

sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will,

but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will

be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the

children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the

pains of childbirth together until now " . (Romans 8:19-22)


The Whole Creation has been suffering 'UNTIL NOW'. However.....now that the Holy

Spirit/Comforter has come to quicken the process of our Spiritual

Birth.........'En Masse'.......we are experiencing the spiritual liberation of

being evolved from being a mere Human Being to Becoming the Spirit.


This power raises us into the Kingdom of God within ourselves, wherein we are

then born. The power that gives us our Spiritual Birth is the same power that

also raised Christ Jesus:


" But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who

raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies

throught His Spirit who indwells you. " (Romans 8:11)


As you so rightly say, Jagbir.....this IS the 'Truth beyond the limitations and

comprehension of senile religious regimes and their rigor mortis dogmas. Our

religious rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal resurrection!


love and best wishes to all,





-- In , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > But since the scriptures have clearly foretold that this Good


> > will be rejected and ridiculed by many, it cannot be avoided. In

> > fact the very rejection of the Good News is part and parcel of


> > prophecy and promise of Resurrection. This extensive website is


> > extraordinary proof offered to skeptics and seekers alike for


> > examination and judgment.

> >

> > The Truth we are talking about does not contradict as it was

> > witnessed and experienced in the mystical Kingdom of God

> > (Sahasrara) which exists within all humans:

> >

> > It is the Collective Truth of all Holy Scriptures and their

> > Messengers.

> >

> > It is a Truth that heals, nurtures and transforms those seeking


> > meaning and purpose of life on Earth.

> >

> > It is the Truth of the Tree of Life mentioned in the religious

> > tradition of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The Tree of Life


> > the Bible (Revelation 22.2), is the same Olive Tree in the


> > (surah 24:35 Al Nur), and the Tree of Asvattha in the Bhagavad


> > (verse 15:1). All these scriptures mention this parable of the

> > mystical Tree that is absolutely vital to spiritual rebirth.

> > Obviously, without question, this Divine Tree (human subtle


> > is within all humans.

> >

> > It is the Truth about the Good News of the promised


> >

> > It is the Truth of the Spiritual Oasis within for weary and


> > spiritual seekers plodding all over our parched religious


> > and who, blinded by the sandstorms of fundamentalism and


> > distortion, and deluded by insatiable shimmering material


> > are nearing exhaustion in the futile search for Reality without.

> >

> > It is the Truth beyond the limitations and comprehension of


> > religious regimes and their rigor mortis dogmas. Our religious

> > rituals and practices must culminate in a Universal resurrection!

> >

> > Why We Need to Get Connected to God - Times Of India

> > /message/5447

> >

> > Yoga - Beyond The Body And Mind - Times Of India

> > /message/5448

> >

> > Guru's Guidance to a Life of Fulfilment - Times Of India

> > /message/5449

> >

> > Every Day is a Celebration For the God-conscious - Times Of


> > /message/5450

> >

> > One Message Runs Through All Faiths: Only Connect - Times Of


> > /message/5451

> >

> > All about mysticism - Times Of India

> > /message/5452

> >

> > Your Mind is a Monkey, Learn to Steady It - Times Of India

> > /message/5453

> >

> > Awaken Aspiration by Raising Energy - Times Of India

> > /message/5454

> >

> > Reason and not Dogma is the basis of Vedanta - Times Of India

> > /message/5455

> >

> > Special Spiritual Benefits (Of Yoga) - Times Of India

> > /message/5456

> >

> > /message/5457

> > Kundalini Yoga - Times Of India

> >

> > Religion And Spirituality - Times Of India

> > /message/5458

> >

> >

> > " The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is

not a

> > phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization


> > the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

> > manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "

> >

> > Shri Divya-vigraha Devi

> >

> > (Divya-vigraha [621st]: Divine form, or `Vigraha' means battle.

> > Thus She represents the battle of the Divine forces against


> > that are Asuri or evil.)

> >





> January 9, 2006 Monday


> Is God dead in Europe?;

> (And what might that mean for America?)

> BYLINE: James P. Gannon


> Two snapshots from a recent tourist trip to Europe: We are in

> Prague, the lovely and lively capital of the Czech Republic, where

> the bars and cafes are full, the glitzy crystal and art shops are

> busy, and the dozens of historic cathedrals and churches are

> largely empty -- except for gawking tourists snapping photos. In

> The Prague Post, an English-language weekly newspaper, a

> front-page article reports, in titillating detail, how the city has

> become Europe's new capital for pornographic filmmaking,

> while an op-ed examines why only 19% of the people in this

> once-religious country believe that God exists.


> Change the scene to Rome. We are at the Vatican, swimming in

> a sea of 150,000 people waiting in St. Peter's Square for Pope

> Benedict XVI to appear at a special celebration for Catholic

> children who have made their first communion in the past year.

> Rock bands and kids' choirs entertain the faithful until a roar

> sweeps through the crowd at the first sighting of the

> " Popemobile, " carrying the waving, white-robed Benedict down

> barricaded lanes through the throng. The crowd goes wild.


> For an American Catholic visitor, Europe is a puzzling and

> sometimes discouraging place these days. Is God dead here?

> Many signs suggest that Europeans think so.


> Decline in attendance


> " Common wisdom has it that alcoholics outnumber practicing

> Christians and that more Czechs believe in UFOs than believe in

> God -- and common wisdom may be correct, " wrote Nate and

> Leah Seppanen Anderson in a Prague Post commentary; he's a

> freelance writer, and she's a political science professor at

> Wheaton College in Illinois and a specialist in Czech politics and

> society. Surveys show a sharp decline in church attendance and

> religious practice in most European countries. A series of

> Eurobarometer surveys since 1970 in five key countries (France,

> Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy) shows that regular

> church attendance fell from about 40% of the population to about

> half that figure. Declines were sharpest in predominantly

> Catholic nations.


> Even so, how do we account for the extraordinary outpouring of

> grief at Pope John Paul II's death in April and the enthusiasm

> that his successor seems to evoke? Are these mere public

> spectacles, signifying nothing about Europe's drift from its

> religious roots, or are they signs of yearning for something more

> than peace, prosperity and la dolce vita?


> As only an occasional visitor to Europe, I claim no expertise in

> these matters. But some who do see the emergence of a

> post-Christian era in Europe that has profound consequences

> for the continent and perhaps is an ominous portend for the

> United States. Where Europe has gone, America could be going

> -- and that is a prospect that is frightening Christians and

> sharpening the religious divide in this country.


> Western Europe, the cradle of modern Christianity, has become

> a " post-Christian society " in which the ruling class and cultural

> leaders are anti-religious or " Christophobic, " writes George

> Weigel, a Catholic columnist and U.S. biographer of Pope John

> Paul II. In his new book, The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe,

> America, and Politics Without God, he argues that religious

> differences help explain the policy tensions between Europe and

> the United States.


> " It would be too simple to say that the reason Americans and

> Europeans see the world so differently is that the former go to

> church on Sundays and the latter don't, " Weigel writes. " But it

> would also be a grave mistake to think that the dramatic

> differences in religious belief and practice in the United States

> and Europe don't have something important to do with those

> different perceptions of the world -- and the different policies to

> which those perceptions eventually lead. "


> A fierce controversy over any mention of Europe's Christian

> heritage erupted in 2004 when officials were drafting a

> constitution for the European Union, Weigel notes.


> Any mention of the continent's religious past or contributions of

> Christian culture -- in a preface citing the sources of Europe's

> distinct civilization -- would be exclusionary and offensive to

> non-Christians, many argued. Former French president Valery

> Giscard d'Estaing, who presided over the process, summed up

> the dominant view: " Europeans live in a purely secular political

> system, where religion does not play an important role. "


> 'Demographic suicide'


> Among the consequences of Europe's abandonment of its

> religious roots and the moral code that derives therefrom is a

> plunge in its birth rates to below the replacement level. Abortion,

> birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex are

> driving the trend. Europe is " committing demographic suicide,

> systematically depopulating itself, " according to Weigel.


> United Nations population statistics back him up.


> Not a single Western European country has a fertility rate

> sufficient to replace the current population, which demographers

> say requires 2.1 children per family. Germany, Russia, Spain,

> Poland and Italy all have rates of about 1.3 children, according to

> the U.N. The Czech Republic's is less than 1.2, and even Roman

> Catholic Ireland is at 1.9 children. (The U.S. rate, which has

> remained stable, is slightly more than 2 children per woman.)

> Fifteen countries, " mostly located in Southern and Eastern

> Europe, have reached levels of fertility unprecedented in human

> history, " according to the U.N.'s World Population Prospects

> 2004 revision.


> As children grow scarce and longevity increases in Europe, the

> continent is becoming one vast Leisure World. By 2050, the U.N.

> projects, more than 40% of the people in Italy will be 60 or older.

> By mid-century, populations in 25 European nations will be lower

> than they are now; Russia will lose 31 million people, Italy 7.2

> million, Poland 6.6 million and Germany 3.9 million. So Europe

> is abandoning religion, growing older, shrinking and slowly

> killing itself. These are signs of a society in eclipse -- the


> Empire writ large. Is this any model for America?


> In his 2001 book, The Death of the West, conservative

> commentator Patrick Buchanan argues that a European-style

> " de-Christianization of America " is the goal of many liberals --

> and they are succeeding.


> Court decisions that have banned school-sponsored prayer,

> removed many Nativity scenes from public squares, and

> legalized gay marriage are part of that pattern, as is the legal

> effort to erase " In God We Trust " from U.S. currency and " under

> God " from the Pledge of Allegiance.


> Europe is showing us where this path leads. It is not the right

> path for America.


> James P. Gannon is a retired journalist and author of A Life in

> Print: Selections from the Work of a Reporter, Columnist and

> Editor.


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