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In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called as K

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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Jagbir,


> i have always believed that Jesus resurrected (and therefore He

> must have died), however, when so much to the contrary has been

> written, it is good to have Shri Mataji's Words.......and Kash's

> knowledge also brought forth as proof that Jesus did indeed die and

> did in fact, resurrect. Thank you so much for that irrefutable

> proof.


> i have one more question:


> You say:


> " Christ's Resurrection — and the risen Christ himself — is the

> principle and source of our future resurrection. "


> i have heard SM say that when we have our Self-Realization, we are

> already resurrected.



Dear Violet,


i doubt Shri Mataji literally meant that " we are already resurrected "

because that would be impossible. We have so many defects, unlike the

incarnations, that there is no way we are already resurrected after

Self-realization. i think what She meant to say is that we have

already begun/commenced our resurrection .................. which

will take an entire lifetime to accomplish as more and more strands

of the Kundalini pierce our Sahasraras and open these petals.

Remember, the Sahasrara has 1000 petals and we need to open most, if

not all, after our initial Self-realization. Many may not make it

because the reward of eternal life (moksa) not only requires a daily

remembrance of the Divine and adherence to dharma (righteousness),

but also the innate knowledge of Self-realization itself i.e., we are

divine beings where Brahman/Shakti (God/Holy Spirit) exists within.

(Many religious folks find this hard to comprehend/accept.) So

resurrection actually means opening the 1000 petals of the Sahasrara

Chakra (Kingdom Of God), and will require acquiring substantial inner

knowledge and sustained Silence that greatly accelerates spiritual

growth. This is only possible after years of daily meditation.



> But i think that the 'future resurrection' is the Mass

> Ascenscion/Resurrection of all people 'en masse'....is it not?



No Violet, this is not true but just conjectured. En masse

resurrection is taking place as we read these lines. Tens of

thousands of believers have accepted the Divine Message and are

taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. This is the future

resurrection that Christians were promised in the Bible two millennia

ago. We are already taking part in it.



> When we are Self-Realized......do we not already have the

> Resurrected Body.......and that is great, however, we are yet to

> experience the " Future Resurrection " , which i believe is the Second

> Coming of Christ....also called the " Rapture " which will be an 'en

> masse' event, whereby we will all rise in Spirit, and just leave

> our physical bodies? Would this possibly be happening at the Time

> of around 2012, where a lot of people are saying there will be an

> Ascenscion of the Mass of Humanity to a Higher Spiritual Level?



" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu

called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify

themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the

Bible is called as Last Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979



Worship God: For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse;

And he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True,

And in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns;

And he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood:

And his name is called the Word of God.

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses,

Clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword,

That with it he should smite the nations:

And he shall rule them with a rod of iron:

And he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness, and wrath of

Almighty God.

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,



Revelation 19:11-16



The Kalki Avatar


When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law,

Shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be


A portion of that Divine Being who exists of his own spiritual


In the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end,

And who comprehends all things shall descend upon the earth.

He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent brahmin,

Of Sambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties.

By his irresistible might, He will destroy all the barbarians and


And all whose minds are devoted to iniquity.

He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth;

And the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age, shall be

awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal.

The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time,

Shall be as the seeds of human beings,

And shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita

Age, the Age of Purity.


Vishnu Purana 4.24



" In Hinduism, an avatar is the incarnation, or manifestation, of a

god, especially of Vishnu. The doctrine of avatars first appeared in

the Bhagavad Gita; portrayals of the various avatars are found in the

Puranas and other epics of India. Krishna is one of the most popular

incarnations of Vishnu. Hindu legend says that Vishnu has already

assumed nine avatars, with a tenth, Kalki, due to appear to usher in

a golden age. "


1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia



" The Kalki-avatara is described in two varieties: one two-armed, the

other four-armed. In the dasavatara slabs we find usually the two-

armed variety described in the Vishudharmottara Purana as " a powerful

man in angry mood, riding on horseback with a sword in his raised

hand. " "


Klaus K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short History

(K. K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short History, Oneworld Pub., 2000,

p. 121)



" Kalki is the next Avatar of Vishnu. He is yet to appear and when he

does He will appear, riding his white horse and wielding a shiny

sword, at the end of the Kaliyuga, the dark age through which we are

passing. This is considered to be the age of suffering, darkness and

doom. His task will be to end the evil and restore the Dharma. Thus

will begin a new cycle, again will start the Satyayuga or the age of

truth and righteousness. "





" TEXT 38


Thereafter, at the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on

the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and

respected gentlemen of the three higher castes, and when the power of

government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the

lowborn sudra class or those less than them, and when nothing is

known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the

Lord will appear as the Supreme Chastiser.


The symptoms of the worst conditions of the material world, at the

last stage of this life, called Kali-yuga, are stated herein. The sum

and substance of such conditions is godlessness. Even the so-called

saints and higher castes of the social orders, generally known as the

dvija-janas or the twice-born, will become atheists. As such, all of

them will practically forget even the holy name of the Lord, and what

to speak of His activities. The higher castes of society, namely the

intelligent class of men guiding the law and order of the society,

and the productive class of men guiding the economic development of

the society, must all be properly versed in knowledge of the Supreme

Lord, knowing factually His name, quality, pastimes, entourage,

paraphernalia and personalities. The saints and the higher castes or

orders of the society are judged by their proportion of knowledge in

the science of God, or tattva-jnana, and not by any kind of

birthright or bodily designations. Such designations, without any

knowledge of the science of God and practical knowledge of devotional

service, are considered to be decorations of the dead bodies. And

when there is too much inflation of these decorated dead bodies in

society, there develop so many anomalies in the progressive, peaceful

life of human being. Because of the lack of training or culture in

the upper section of the social orders, they are no more to be

designated as the dvija-janas, or twice-born. The significance of

being twice-born has been explained in many places in these great

literatures, and again one is reminded herewith that birth, executed

by the sex life of the father and mother, is called animal birth. But

such animal birth and progress of life on the animal principles of

eating, sleeping, fearing and mating (without any scientific culture

of spiritual life) is called the sudra life, or, to be more explicit,

the uncultured life of the lower class of men. It is stated herein

that the government power of society in the Kali-yuga will be passed

over to the uncultured, godless laborer classes of men, and thus the

nrdevas (or the ministers of the government) will be the vrsalas, or

the uncultured lower-class of society. The symptoms of such

uncultured social animals are already in vogue, and it is the duty of

the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social

order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the

science of God consciousness. This can be done by expanding the

culture of Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the world. In the degraded

condition of human society, the Lord incarnates as the Kalki avatara

and kills all the demonic without mercy. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 7 Text 38

(A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Srimad Bhagavatam, 1987, p. 422.)



" In KALKI Avatar, Lord Vishnu will incarnate himself as KALKI, the

machine-man, who will come riding his white horse and with his

blazing sword in his hands. This is supposed to be a future avatar of

Lord Vishnu. At the end of Kali Yuga (present eon) He will punish all

evil doers in this world, destroy this world supposedly and recreate

a golden age again. KALKI is the last of the avatars of Lord Vishnu. "





" The tenth and the last avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, is yet to appear.

Kalki will appear at the end of the Kalyuga. This avatar will appear

seated on a white horse with a drawn sword blazing like a comet.


He shall come finally to destroy the wicked, to restart the new

creation and to restore the purity of conduct in people's lives. "





The actual Second Coming of Christ (Shri Kalki) is only death and

destruction. The Christian and Hindu scriptures are clear on this. We

must thus read Shri Mataji's words very carefully. She says:


" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu

called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify

themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the

Bible is called as Last Judgment. "


She is referring to the time She opened the Sahasrara Chakra on May

5, 1970 of Kali Yuga culminating into the approaching Golden Age of

Satya Yuga, where it is possible for human to rectify themselves and

enter the Kingdom of God. So prior to the Second Coming of Christ

(Shri Kalki) humanity has ample time to rectify themselves. This is

Her Divine Message, the Good News of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection to all humanity. It is an Age of great spiritual

advancement. But simultaneously Shri Kalki is also manifesting in the

minds of those taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Our

consciousness is creating Him! It is very important that we

understand this fact as Shri Mataji has explained:


" The word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word Niskalankh.

Niskalankh means the same as My name is, which means Nirmala. That it

is spotlessly clean. Something that is spotlessly clean is

Niskalankh — without any spot marks.


Now this Incarnation has been described in many Puranas as will be

coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur.

They call it Sambhalpur. It is very interesting how people take

everything so literally. The word Sambhalpur means bhal is the

forehead; sambhal means at that state; that means Kalki is situated

at your bhal. Bhal is the forehead and here He is going to be born.

That is the real meaning of the word Sambhalpur.


In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu

called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify

themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the

Bible is called as Last Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979



Only when this grace period ends will Kalki (Jesus) appear physically

as the Second Coming. There will be no more resurrection or salvation

of humans then. So the Last Judgemnt preceeds the Second Coming.


Despite that Christians try to make the Second Coming as a mass

resurrection because they want to fit their Doomsday cogs with the en

masse Resurrection gears. Try as they may they have never succeeded.

But church preachers will keep twisting bible facts because they have

to juxtapose the Last Judgment (present) and Resurrection (present)

with the Second Coming (Future) with the Doomsday (Future). The whole

complicated theological machinery never worked for centuries. More

than a billion Christians have been challenged at www.adishakti.org

to prove the Last Judgment false. Till today not a single soul has

taken the challenge.


The same goes for the Muslims despite scriptural evidence to the

contrary. In the Quran the (present) Resurrection is Al Qadr [The

Night Of Power] which preceeds (the future) Doomsday or Al Qari'ah

[The Day Of Noise And Clamour]. But despite clerar verses in black

and white, for these folks the End will witness billions of graves

opening up to face the Last Judgment. They are just blind to Sura 75

Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) which clearly states that God Almighty

will send His Spirit to explain and proclaim the Good News of the

Resurrection to humanity. More than a billion Muslims have been

challenged at www.al-qiyamah.org to prove the Resurrection false.

Till today not a single soul has taken the challenge too.


Since so many billions are unaware of the eschatological Sure Signs

of the Last Judgment and Resurrection i believe 21st December 2012

will pass without incident and Satya Yuga will commence on 21st

February 2013, as Shri Mataji's horoscope predicts. It is without

question that She is the Avatar of the Golden Age whose Divine

Message will awaken humanity to the Great News of the Last Judgment

because humanity is still slumbering, unaware of what has taken place

on Earth. All we need to do it to rouse them to participate in the

eschatological promise of eternal life as collectively prophesied in

the holy sciprtures. However, only by accepting all religions,

prophets and scriptures will be it possible to comprehend and accept

the Divine Message. Religious fanatics or those who want only their

religion or messenger to triumph will be sorely disappointed.



" Avatar of the Golden Age


Kalki according to tradition is the tenth avatar or incarnation of

Vishnu (Buddha was the ninth avatar of Vishnu).


The symbolic form of Kalki is on a white horse wielding a sword. The

Name Kalki literally means " The Annihilator of Ignorance. "

His Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the Iron Age (one of 4 Yugas

or time zones that mark the spiritual progression of mankind not the

technical iron age), and usher in the Golden Age, a new period of

peace prosperity and harmony.


The current age Kaliyuga also called the age of darkness and

ignorance. It is the most degenerate and fallen of the ages,

characterized by a hardening of the spiritual core of mankind, an

almost total lack of sacredness, and extreme materialism, as humans

can no longer determine what is essential for living in this fallen

age and what is irrelevant. The Antaryamin, or Indweller has been put

to rest in the heart of mankind. Those of you with a New Age

background may think of this Antaryamin as the Higher Self.


An avatar is a being that comes to change the " truth " . Edison was an

avatar of science. The Beatles were avatars of music. A Celestial

Avatar has a definate Divine purpose. One can see how the Christ

changed the " truth " just in the first 2 words of the Lord's

Prayer: " Our Father " .


In the Golden Age, in a gesture of Supreme Friendship, this

Antaryamin, through an externally stimulated action awakens the

heart. Many have already been having such Profound Divine Mystical

Experience. This experience, this personal encounter with Divinity in

one form or another (Moses and the Thorn Bush is a well known example

of such experience) is the one common denominator in the lives of all

Saints, Sages, Mystics, and Prophets.


It is so important to the evolution of the consciousness of mankind,

for it is belief (ignorance and speculation) that separates, while

discovery unites. Just see for a moment the sufferings of the saints

and discoverers throughout time. How the nature of belief (ignorance)

is to destroy anything that will shed a light on it for what it truly



Kalki's Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the current age of

darkness and ignorance and usher in the Golden Age, a new ten

thousand year cycle of peace, prosperity and harmony. He is to

liberate all of mankind from suffering and to bring enlightenment to

all of mankind.


This picture will be very meaningful to those of you in touch with

the dawn of the Golden Age which is a shift in consciousness as well

as an astrological occurrence. The advent of the Kalki Avatar is a

necessary component in this phenomena.


It is also interesting to note that in Siberia, there is a culture

that closely mirrors that of Tibet. There is a ceremony where a

statue of a horse is pulled through the streets. It is said that when

harmony returns to mankind, Buddha will return riding the horse.


The question is this: Will Buddha or the Christ return when harmony

has returned to mankind? If so how can will this harmony happen?

Previous interventions from the Kingdom of Heaven can be likened to

putting a lump of fine gold in a glass of water. The gold remains

gold, and the water remains water. The next incarnation, which is

called the Sampoorna (total-meaning the incarnation of God or Supreme

Consciousness on this planet) Avatar can be likened to putting a drop

of yogurt in into a glass of warm milk. Soon all of the milk will be

transformed into yogurt.


Man cannot transform himself. He can become highly reformed however,

in his practicing of concepts such as love, kindness, honesty, etc.

But true transformation is a result of Mystical Experience. You might

say that transformation is a benediction.

Another look into the lives of the saints, prophets and mystics would

reveal all.


We are now in the throws of a mighty spiritual awakening,

unprecedented in the history of human kind. People from all walks of

life are walking and talking with God in a tangible form. Their

hearts have truly flowered, and for them, Heaven has met Earth. They

have entered the Golden Age which is a state of consciousness as well

as an astrological event.


Other would say that this is not possible. That the old calendars say

that the Golden Age won't " be here " for thousands of years. Currently

there is heated debate in India as some experts have claimed to have

found errors in the ancient calendars. This puts the date of the

Golden Age very close to the end of the Mayan calendar. "




Yes, many humans will reach a higher spiritual level during the

Golden Age of Satya Yuga in 2013. That will include most Grade One

SYs who today are still counting lemons and chillies for use in

cleansing rituals. i am sure that those who learn about Shri Mataji's

Divine Message from the websites and forums in future will advance

faster and further than those languishing in our collectives today.



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Yes, many humans will reach a higher spiritual level during the

> Golden Age of Satya Yuga in 2013. That will include most Grade One

> SYs who today are still counting lemons and chillies for use in

> cleansing rituals. i am sure that those who learn about Shri

> Mataji's Divine Message from the websites and forums in future will

> advance faster and further than those languishing in our

> collectives today.



" To Me it is clear-cut. I have a short time because the instrument

has to be all right. If you have to expedite the growth of the

instrument in a proper way so that God's love flows and the God of

that love feels happy about it, we have to create such beautiful

flowers that He appreciates, that He does not destroy. The spectator

of this play has to be satisfied so that He postpones His

destruction. That's why I said the time is short ... "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Vienna Austria, 4th May, 1985

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