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SY leaders who are even afraid to talk about the Resurrection

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Dear Jagbir,


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


" Shri Mataji's silence and withdrawal, and the chain of events preceding this

sudden departure should be taken as a positive sign. We must be able to see Her

Play behind the drama that is being witnessed. i am happy that She has decided

to withdraw and retire from affairs to let us SYs take individual effort and

responsibility to propagate Her Divine Message. " ............


i am happy about that, too. Every Sahaja Yogi's 'mettle' is being tested right

now. Shri Mataji has sat in front of us and asked us all to participate in the

spread of Her Message of Resurrection, and yet i never hear it put in those

terms. People are told they have to realize who they are (Self-Realization), but

don't say who SM really is and that She has come to give the Message of

Resurrrection, a recurrent theme in all religions.


i am sure the Adi Shakti within has been asking each individual Sahaja Yogi, if

they will participate and be Her Messengers of the Resurrection, but how many

yogis are actually listening. How can they hear Her when they are so 'caught up'

in the scenario of the `3C's " of Chakras, Catches and Cures, which has now

become the most important distraction from the Divine Message.


i have to say that it was also in that Silence Within, that i first heard that

Call...There was much urgency in it also, to the effect, that..... " Who is going

to do it, when they are all so involved in the Chakras, Catches, and Cures? " It

came across to me like everyone was so involved in their personal cleansing and

meditation practices...but who was going to tell Her Real Message! Who, in fact,

even understood Her Real Message?!?! ………..Her Message of the fulfilment of all

Scriptures, the Great Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection!


In the Silence, the realization came that i could not remain silent, but that i

had to speak up. i also realized that if i did not tell....that at stake was my

spiritual growth, my spiritual flow, even my very relationship with Her. She not

only asked but pleaded to me from within myself to speak up for Her Divine

Message. i was definitely not allowed to sit on the 'proverbial fence'. i then

vowed that nothing would prevent or hinder me in doing so. i relied on Her to

open the Way to do so and She has, by making me aware of this website where i

can tell of Her Divine Message without the restrictions imposed by Management

SY's. This is indeed a blessing, and the only website where i could do so, and

that i believe is why the Adi Shakti made me aware of this website, by what

seemed a mere coincidence.......but we know these are not coincidences.....we

are being guided by Her.



" Violet, meditate and you will find joy, strength and encouragement from the

Silence. The Adi Shakti never does anything frivolously and Her Mahamaya nature

continues to confuse those nearest. " ........


You are so right about that. i have to say that in that Silence i find

encouragement beyond encouragement. i find a Bliss of Inner Knowledge (Bliss

contains inner knowledge; it is not emptiness, but the fullness of All That Is

that is beyond any words to express). It is unlike any happiness i have ever

found in the outside world.



" Without the Divine Message offical Sahaja Yoga is just like a pea amongst

hundreds of yoga pods available in the market. Few seekers are now interested in

the free self-realization and chakras lessons. All the hype of so many people

getting self-realization at so and so place is getting quieter and and

infrequent. Despite all the propaganda some SYs have begun to read the grafitti

is on the wall that the emperors have no clothes. " ......


This is sadly all too true. i realized this writing on the wall, early on, when

i started to see how Shri Mataji's Teachings fulfilled all the prophecies, and

yet this essential was not being promoted. i cannot understand for the life of

me, how this part can be ignored by Leaders. It is the Main Part, Her

Fulfillment of All Scriptures, and yet this Main Part....this Great Realization

is not going out from official websites as the Big Big Picture, the Biggest

Picture For All of Humanity For All of Time. It is inexcusable to water it down

like they have!!!



" Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that of SY leaders who are even afraid to talk

about the Resurrection. " .........


That is no excuse. They will each be individually held responsible. If they did

not each hear the individual Clarion Call, then they must not have been




" But Violet, all the top leaders have fallen one after another and bit the dust.

i do not see any leader rising anymore and those in charge will fade away over

the years. " ......


They have fallen because they did not listen to Her. They had no courage. What

use are they? Just to tell rank and file what to do, say, and think? It is no

wonder that one....after another......have fallen.......and bit the dust. What

use has Shri Mataji for such leaders? No use, whatsoever!



" So let them label you as possessed. That is their final parting curse for being

your own master, one who is able to articulate the Divine Message of the

Resurrection to fellow humans. " ........



The fact that i am being 'labelled' as such, does not worry me one little bit. i

take that as a confirmation/compliment that i am actually on the right track,

because i know that everyone who tells the Divine Message will be

persecuted/labelled in some way for doing so. It has always been this way in the

past and is this way at this Last Round also. This is what they did to the

Prophets also. Shri Jesus has said that when it happens, we should 'rejoice and

be exceedingly glad for great is our reward in Heaven, for so persecuted they

the Prophets who were before you'.



" Just remain firmly established in Truth and Dharma till all obstacles are

overcome. One day your oppressors will be a distant memory, a bad dream you

would rather forget. " ........


Thank you for that reasurrance. The oppressors will fade into distant memory,

because they have failed to declare the full Divine Message in favour of a

lesser message.



" Begin to enjoy the bliss of a global collective being created to propagate Her

Divine Message of the Resurrection. Look forward to discharging your duties

towards the Adi Shakti by collectively helping to commence Satya Yuga by 2013.

Just forget them. " .......



i am truly greatful that we have wonderful yogis on this forum who want to work

collectively to propagate Her Divine Message. Lets all renew our efforts and

discharge our duties towards the Adi Shakti for which we have incarnated, so

that we can be considered to be Her Divine Messengers that helped to commence

Satya Yuga.


Jai Shri Mataji!




In , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> Your sad experience with fellow SYs is but the tip of the iceberg


> problems that plague the organization. Shri Mataji's silence and

> withdrawal, and the chain of events preceding this sudden


> should be taken as a positive sign. We must be able to see Her Play

> behind the drama that is being witnessed. i am happy that She has

> decided to withdraw and retire from affairs to let us SYs take

> individual effort and responsibility to propagate Her Divine


> Violet, meditate and you will find joy, strength and encouragement

> from the Silence. The Adi Shakti never does anything frivolously


> Her Mahamaya nature continues to confuse those nearest.


> > Going into the Silence to find the answers is an important


> > of being a Self-Realized person, that needs to be practised.

> >


> All self-realized souls should try to imbibe this in their


> Over time you realize how the Paramchaitanya (All Pervading Power)

> works to help you. This scared relationship cannot be explained

> because of its subtle nature.


> > Too many rank and file are meditating, but have never learned to

> > enter the Silence where they find the answers, and if a new

> > meditator may perchance ask a too difficult question, the SY


> > probably say that they do not know, or will ask the leaders.

> >


> Depending on leaders or senior SYs may be alright for newcomers.


> why is there no encouragement to seek answers from within, even

> though Shri Mataji has told us time and again to introspect? i


> this is because few leaders or senior SYs are knowledgeable in


> Mataji's Divine Message, except perhaps about chakras, catches and

> cures? i came to realize early that except for those topics they


> just like me on other issues. Thus when i begun questioning them


> the Divine Message i was shocked at the mediocrity and scarcity of

> facts, a tribute to its petty, nay pariah, status. It was as if


> Holy Scriptures were not important to understand Sahaja Yoga. Now


> know they were right all along – there is scarcely any verse on

> chakras, catches and cures. Since the 3 Cs are discussed daily


> is no need to enter the Silence. Most SYs become 3C experts and

> insist newcomers learn the same and religiously follow the rituals.



> > i suppose i could even say that many rank and file SY's do not go

> > within to find the answers, but go to leaders to find the


> >

> > And yet....what do the leaders know.....if they cannot themselves

> > find the answers in the Silence within.

> >


> Violet, you can see now there is actually little reason to go


> since most questions are about chakras, catches and cures. It is


> when you want answers that concern the Divine Message does it


> necessary to go within. If you comprehend the Holy Scriptures in

> relation to Shri Mataji's talks, the Silence will help you find

> answers. You absolutely need such knowledge but many SYs are

> satisfied with Grade One stuff.



> > i would like to say that the fact that you, Jagbir, can be asked


> > most difficult question, and you do not baulk at it, but

> > contemplate, meditate, and go into the Silence to obtain the


> > is one of the great examples for others to follow, yet many will

> > rather follow the understanding of their leaders and follow


> > rather than find the answers from within.

> >


> Try asking leaders/senior SYs about the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection in relationship to the Holy Scriptures and Shri


> talks and you will realize how ignorant many are. Sure they know a

> lot of stories and facts about Shri Mataji's life, or details


> contemporary affairs. But does this external knowledge nourish


> spiritual growth?


> So again we come back to the same question: " What spiritual


> do they possess that requires consulting them for expert advice? "


> spiritual/religious knowledge has already been given by Shri


> to last us a lifetime. We can only go within and seek answers in

> Silence. That is the true meaning of being our own masters.



> > In the case of these 'difficult' questions that i have asked, the

> > Christian conditionings needed to be addressed by someone like

> > yourself, so i found it easier for you to explain. Thank you so


> > again.

> >


> i agree it is easier to get better answers from someone who was


> conditioned by any religion, and is just interested in projecting


> Truth from all.


> > Also, i want to say, that on these forums, most of those SY's who

> > write here, do go within to find the answers, rather than asking

> > their leaders. Yet this seems to be a crime punishable by ex-

> > communication.

> >


> It is the only tool left to control those who refuse to conform to

> their methods, or are not afraid of being open and honest. If too

> many SYs become their own masters there will be little leverage


> The threat of excommunication works by isolating the guilty party.


> is time to realize that it also enables the exiled to come

> closer/seek solace from the Shakti within. Ultimately She will


> the most loyal friend they can have. Excommunication is actually a

> blessing in disguise, one that i have always enjoyed.



> > What can i say, but be stupefied by the fact that if a person,


> > like myself can talk from my own experiences, and go within to


> > answers for other people's sometimes very difficult questions,


> > i have been asked by a fellow SY to check if i am " possessed "


> > doing that. Just because i do try and help others and explain

> > things as described, i was asked to check to see if i was

> > " possessed " . The way was to put a piece of paper on my hands in

> > front of a photo of Shri Mataji to see if my hands shake, and if

> > they do, i am " possessed " .

> >


> This is a cruel thing to do. i am saddened by the method used to

> create self-doubt and guilt. Are these people self-realized souls?


> this the way the Inquisytion hounds those SYs who want to answer

> questions by relating to their own experiences? This is really a


> and adharmic act that must have the blessings of management SYs. i

> say so because they must have discussed your participation on the

> forum and presume i may have possessed you. In that case i must be

> possessed too since all my children are already possessed.


> ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan?



> > i told this SY that i speak and write from my heart; it comes


> > my heart, and this SY said to me, " No, it comes from your ego " .


> > had to convince this person over and over again that no.....it

> > comes from my heart.

> >


> Such SYs have special words to label you. " Ego " , " left-

> sided " , " catching " , " possessed " and " going out of Sahaja Yoga " are

> the more common terms.



> > It is like the leader is right, if you say anything different


> > what the leader says that is the right way to do, think, write

> > (never mind what SM says)....it is the leader that counts in


> > analysis. The " you better check to see if you are possessed'

> > mentality kicks in. What kind of mentality is this, where

> > commonsense and reasoning are completely bypassed. It is


> > crazy, that Sahaja Yoga Organizational Leadership has lead


> > to become like this.

> >


> Some leaders think they are an authority to be reckoned with, and

> obeyed. If you do not sooner or later you will be discussed and

> labeled. Violet, for you to be pasted with a " possessed " label


> you do not defer to authority i.e., your opinions clash/contradict

> with that of leaders/senior SYs. Remember, i have possessed you


> made you adamant about being truthful about the Divine Message.


> who want to be honest and truthful about Sahaja Yoga will be

> possessed too. It is a ready-made label for conscientious



> But don't be surprised that some SYs are willing to brand/harass


> on their bidding. They may think they are actually helping you.

Now i

> know how exorcists feel about helping possessed victims.



> > So, what hope is there for rank and file SY's when they lean on


> > understanding of SY leaders who are even afraid to talk about the

> > Resurrection, let alone answer them like you have, Jagbir?

> >



> Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that of SY leaders who are even

> afraid to talk about the Resurrection. But Violet, all the top

> leaders have fallen one after another and bit the dust. i do not


> any leader rising anymore and those in charge will fade away over


> years. Without the Divine Message official Sahaja Yoga is just

like a

> pea amongst hundreds of yoga pods available in the market. Few

> seekers are now interested in the free self-realization and chakras

> lessons. All the hype of so many people getting self-realization at

> so and so place is getting quieter and infrequent. Despite all

> the propaganda some SYs have begun to read the graffiti is on the

> wall that the emperors have no clothes.


> So let them label you as possessed. That is their final parting


> for being your own master, one who is able to articulate the Divine

> Message of the Resurrection to fellow humans. Just remain firmly

> established in Truth and Dharma till all obstacles are overcome.


> day your oppressors will be a distant memory, a bad dream you would

> rather forget. Begin to enjoy the bliss of a global collective


> created to propagate Her Divine Message of the Resurrection. Look

> forward to discharging your duties towards the Adi Shakti by

> collectively helping to commence Satya Yuga by 2013. Just forget



> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that of SY leaders who are even

> afraid to talk about the Resurrection. But Violet, all the top

> leaders have fallen one after another and bit the dust. i do not see

> any leader rising anymore and those in charge will fade away over

> the years. Without the Divine Message official Sahaja Yoga is just

> like a pea amongst hundreds of yoga pods available in the market.

> Few seekers are now interested in the free self-realization and

> chakras lessons. All the hype of so many people getting self-

> realization at so and so place is getting quieter and infrequent.

> Despite all the propaganda some SYs have begun to read the graffiti

> is on the wall that the emperors have no clothes.




This is today's WebSearch Webranking



Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org



Traffic rank:


Today.......1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months change.




You can see that www.sahajayoga.org has fallen below the 300,000

ranking for the first time ever. It has lost a total of 101,958

positions in rankings over the last three months.


But will any concrete evidence of demise disturb WCASY or management

SYs and galvanize them to do a complete overhaul? Will any of them

realize that their obsolete and untruthful presentation of Shri

Mataji's message has failed time and again to attract seekers? Will

they finally admit they have been cowards where Shri Mataji was

fearless? Will they at last have the humility to admit failure and

dishonesty in discharging their duties towards humanity? ..........

i don't think so.


However, over time, more and more SYs will read the graffiti on the

wall that the emperors have no clothes. As Shri Mataji has said the

Truth that She has proclaimed will expose and destroy all falsehood.

If that is not happening already then we are blind towards our own

failures and Shri Mataji warning.



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> This is today's WebSearch Webranking



> Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org


> ----------------------------

> Traffic rank:


> Today.......1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months change.

> n/a...........359,882............310,149..........-101,958




Traffic Rank for adishakti.org



Traffic rank:

Today.........1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months change.




i have posted the same for www.adishakti.org just in case a

comparison needs to be made. However, WebSearch Webranking is really

brief as compared to the much detailed and comprehensive WebTrends

that sends reports on a weekly basis.


It can be seen that www.sahajayoga.org continues to lose ground. i

was wondering why there are no quotes from Gregoire's " The Advent " ,

Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " and Javed's " Koran Enlightened " on

the official website? The whole website leaves much to be desired

especially for new seekers given self-realization. There is scarce

information for them to sustain the initial kundalini awakening. i am

sure 99% of the hundreds of thousands who have been given self-

realization over the decades were never able to understand that

initial experience and relate it to their religious upbringing and

faith. SYs keep convincing themselves that the Cool Breeze is

sufficient an experience to attract. The dismal numbers who return

and their brief subsequent stay is testimony that such repeated time-

tested failures is ample evidence that the dogmatic management-

approved approach is a colossal collective disaster.


So going back to the subject of quotes from books written by SYs. For

years i have waited for Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " to be

included in the list of books at the official website. For some

reason his book has been rejected. Something is amiss here because

the Bible Enlightened is a very good book that deserves exposure

because the Divine Message can be better understood.


And i was wondering why KOR (Knowledge Of Reality) remains frozen for

so long. i.e., no new topics have been added for years despite the

pending sign. KOR needs to be resuscitated because the Divine Message

can be better understood.


Sahaja Yoga is now an empty shell devoid of the original late 70s and

early 80s teachings of Shri Mataji. That is the impression i get from

the editing out of Her Divine Message from all official websites.

Perhaps the management wants to project a secular subtle system image

to the general public in the hope of attracting seekers. My question

is whether Shri Mataji ever separated spirituality from religion, and

both from the subtle system? Doesn't the Divine Message encompass

all three into a wholesome synthesis that attracts and accelerates

spiritual growth and strenghtens religious faith? Isn't that why

www.adishakti.org attracts more visitors than www.sahajayoga.org

despite scores of national websites supporting the later?


Hello, is any leader willing to talk about the Divine Message simply

for the sake of adhering to the Truth, the overriding guiding

principle of all self-realized souls for millennia? Do any of you

realize that thousands have even sacrificed their lives in the past

just to defend the truth of their religious convictions? If SY

leaders are afraid to talk about the Resurrection how will the rank

and file ever have the courage? In the first place, doesn't your

deliberate suppression of the Divine Message from humanity even prick

your conscience? (And why are those compelled by duty and conscience

to be honest and transparent about Shri Mataji and Her Message

regarded as possessed and non-SYs?)




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Dear Semira,


Definitely and without question the Divine Message will triumph over

the organization itself. In future more and more people will embrace

its central message of evolving into the eternal spirit that all

religions, holy scriptures and prophets have since time immemorial

upheld. The Divine Message is a spiritual sanctuary, a beacon of

hope, joy, peace of eternal life to all humans. The Shakti/Holy

Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee is the Divine Feminine that gives Self-

realization/Birth of Spirit/Baptism of Allah/Opens Dasam Dwar for

humanity to enter the Sahasrara/Kingdom of God/Niche of lights/Inner

Sanctuary within where Brahman/God Almighty/Allah/Waheguru resides as

THE LIGHT. Semira, not only the current Sahaja Yoga organisation but

all religious organizations as well have merely been intended as

temporary vehicles and starting points for the Divine Message.





, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,

> Possibly the current Sahaja Yoga organisation has merely been

> intended as a temporary vehicle and starting point for the Divine

> Message. The Kundalini awakening that occurs is the beginning of

the inner spiritual journey, and the Sahaja Yoga organisation is not

the end of the path by any means; it simply guides and brings the

> individual to the point where the journey within begins. The

> function of all externals is to prepare the individual for his

> personal journey. The individual reaches the point where he

realises that all externals and all that is known and has been relied

on has to be left behind before the real journey into the unknown can

> begin. Possibly the function and destiny of the Sahaja Yoga

> organisation has never been to become a great organisation with

huge numbers of members; but has simply been that enough people find

the truth and comfort of the Divine message so that this truth may

find its way in the future outside all organisations to others who

are seeking with their hearts.

> Love and best wishes, Semira





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > > This is today's WebSearch Webranking

> > >

> > >

> > > Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org

> > >

> > > ----------------------------

> > > Traffic rank:

> > >

> > > Today.......1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months change.

> > > n/a...........359,882............310,149..........-101,958

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Traffic Rank for adishakti.org

> >

> > ------------------------

> > Traffic rank:

> > Today.........1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months change.

> > 233,073.........229,880...........207,591...........+49,736

> >

> >

> > i have posted the same for www.adishakti.org just in case a

> > comparison needs to be made. However, WebSearch Webranking is

> really

> > brief as compared to the much detailed and comprehensive


> > that sends reports on a weekly basis.

> >

> > It can be seen that www.sahajayoga.org continues to lose ground.


> > was wondering why there are no quotes from Gregoire's " The

> Advent " ,

> > Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " and Javed's " Koran Enlightened "

> on

> > the official website? The whole website leaves much to be desired

> > especially for new seekers given self-realization. There is


> > information for them to sustain the initial kundalini awakening.


> am

> > sure 99% of the hundreds of thousands who have been given self-

> > realization over the decades were never able to understand that

> > initial experience and relate it to their religious upbringing


> > faith. SYs keep convincing themselves that the Cool Breeze is

> > sufficient an experience to attract. The dismal numbers who


> > and their brief subsequent stay is testimony that such repeated

> time-

> > tested failures is ample evidence that the dogmatic management-

> > approved approach is a colossal collective disaster.

> >

> > So going back to the subject of quotes from books written by SYs.

> For

> > years i have waited for Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " to be

> > included in the list of books at the official website. For some

> > reason his book has been rejected. Something is amiss here


> > the Bible Enlightened is a very good book that deserves exposure

> > because the Divine Message can be better understood.

> >

> > And i was wondering why KOR (Knowledge Of Reality) remains frozen

> for

> > so long. i.e., no new topics have been added for years despite


> > pending sign. KOR needs to be resuscitated because the Divine

> Message

> > can be better understood.

> >

> > Sahaja Yoga is now an empty shell devoid of the original late 70s

> and

> > early 80s teachings of Shri Mataji. That is the impression i get

> from

> > the editing out of Her Divine Message from all official websites.

> > Perhaps the management wants to project a secular subtle system

> image

> > to the general public in the hope of attracting seekers. My

> question

> > is whether Shri Mataji ever separated spirituality from religion,

> and

> > both from the subtle system? Doesn't the Divine Message


> > all three into a wholesome synthesis that attracts and


> > spiritual growth and strenghtens religious faith? Isn't that why

> > www.adishakti.org attracts more visitors than www.sahajayoga.org

> > despite scores of national websites supporting the later?

> >

> > Hello, is any leader willing to talk about the Divine Message

> simply

> > for the sake of adhering to the Truth, the overriding guiding

> > principle of all self-realized souls for millennia? Do any of you

> > realize that thousands have even sacrificed their lives in the

> past

> > just to defend the truth of their religious convictions? If SY

> > leaders are afraid to talk about the Resurrection how will the

> rank

> > and file ever have the courage? In the first place, doesn't your

> > deliberate suppression of the Divine Message from humanity even

> prick

> > your conscience? (And why are those compelled by duty and

> conscience

> > to be honest and transparent about Shri Mataji and Her Message

> > regarded as possessed and non-SYs?)

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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In , " jagbir singh " adishakti_org>



" Semira, not only the current Sahaja Yoga organisation but all religious

organizations as well have merely been intended as temporary vehicles and

starting points for the Divine Message " .



Dear Jagbir, Semira and All,


It appears that it is through religious organisations that the historical

details surrounding a particular Incarnation's Sojourn upon Earth can be

preserved for all time. It is the religious organisations that help to retain

and preserve the teachings that point to the Absolute Truth given by that

particular Incarnation. It is up to the individual Seekers, themselves to follow

the teachings and apply them, thereby realizing the Absolute Truth within



Religious organizers have always packaged the teachings of an Incarnation into a

form that will be understood and accepted by the majority of the people. That is

their job and that is fine. However, the different religious packages can never

be considered to be the Absolute Truth Itself. At best, as Jagbir puts it, `all

religious organisations have merely been intended as temporary vehicles and

starting points for the Divine Message'.


This must be true, because the pitfall that all religious organizers seem to

fall into is that once they package an Incarnation's teachings, they start to

believe that the external package itself is the Absolute Truth. This has been

the case all along with each Incarnation that has come. It has happened already

with Sahaja Yoga Organizers too. They too are now believing that their own

outward packaging is the " Absolute Truth " .


Interestingly, one of the signs that a religion has been fully packaged is that

it will not accept mystical experiences, even if they are 'kosher'. Mystical

experiences are not organizable. Maybe that is why Shri Mataji always said: " You

cannot organize the Truth " , because mystical experiences are a direct revelation

of the Truth, unlike pre-packaged relative truths.


There are many of us and will be even more as time goes on, who will not allow

any external packaging to define what and who we are. We are, in fact, all the

Children of the Adi Shakti, who have come to tell All about Her Divine Message.

This Message is the Continuing Thread of All Past Divine Messengers, and it is

the Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, which is happening now.


Jai Shri Mataji!





In , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Dear Semira,


> Definitely and without question the Divine Message will triumph


> the organization itself. In future more and more people will


> its central message of evolving into the eternal spirit that all

> religions, holy scriptures and prophets have since time immemorial

> upheld. The Divine Message is a spiritual sanctuary, a beacon of

> hope, joy, peace of eternal life to all humans. The Shakti/Holy

> Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee is the Divine Feminine that gives Self-

> realization/Birth of Spirit/Baptism of Allah/Opens Dasam Dwar for

> humanity to enter the Sahasrara/Kingdom of God/Niche of


> Sanctuary within where Brahman/God Almighty/Allah/Waheguru resides


> THE LIGHT. Semira, not only the current Sahaja Yoga organisation


> all religious organizations as well have merely been intended as

> temporary vehicles and starting points for the Divine Message.


> jagbir



> , " semirafields "

> <semirafields> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> > Possibly the current Sahaja Yoga organisation has merely been

> > intended as a temporary vehicle and starting point for the


> > Message. The Kundalini awakening that occurs is the beginning of

> the inner spiritual journey, and the Sahaja Yoga organisation is


> the end of the path by any means; it simply guides and brings the

> > individual to the point where the journey within begins. The

> > function of all externals is to prepare the individual for his

> > personal journey. The individual reaches the point where he

> realises that all externals and all that is known and has been


> on has to be left behind before the real journey into the unknown


> > begin. Possibly the function and destiny of the Sahaja Yoga

> > organisation has never been to become a great organisation with

> huge numbers of members; but has simply been that enough people


> the truth and comfort of the Divine message so that this truth may

> find its way in the future outside all organisations to others who

> are seeking with their hearts.

> > Love and best wishes, Semira

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > > , " jagbir singh "

> > > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > This is today's WebSearch Webranking

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org

> > > >

> > > > ----------------------------

> > > > Traffic rank:

> > > >

> > > > Today.......1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months


> > > > n/a...........359,882............310,149..........-101,958

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Traffic Rank for adishakti.org

> > >

> > > ------------------------

> > > Traffic rank:

> > > Today.........1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months


> > > 233,073.........229,880...........207,591...........+49,736

> > >

> > >

> > > i have posted the same for www.adishakti.org just in case a

> > > comparison needs to be made. However, WebSearch Webranking is

> > really

> > > brief as compared to the much detailed and comprehensive

> WebTrends

> > > that sends reports on a weekly basis.

> > >

> > > It can be seen that www.sahajayoga.org continues to lose


> i

> > > was wondering why there are no quotes from Gregoire's " The

> > Advent " ,

> > > Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " and Javed's " Koran

Enlightened "

> > on

> > > the official website? The whole website leaves much to be


> > > especially for new seekers given self-realization. There is

> scarce

> > > information for them to sustain the initial kundalini


> i

> > am

> > > sure 99% of the hundreds of thousands who have been given self-

> > > realization over the decades were never able to understand


> > > initial experience and relate it to their religious upbringing

> and

> > > faith. SYs keep convincing themselves that the Cool Breeze is

> > > sufficient an experience to attract. The dismal numbers who

> return

> > > and their brief subsequent stay is testimony that such


> > time-

> > > tested failures is ample evidence that the dogmatic management-

> > > approved approach is a colossal collective disaster.

> > >

> > > So going back to the subject of quotes from books written by


> > For

> > > years i have waited for Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " to


> > > included in the list of books at the official website. For


> > > reason his book has been rejected. Something is amiss here

> because

> > > the Bible Enlightened is a very good book that deserves


> > > because the Divine Message can be better understood.

> > >

> > > And i was wondering why KOR (Knowledge Of Reality) remains


> > for

> > > so long. i.e., no new topics have been added for years despite

> the

> > > pending sign. KOR needs to be resuscitated because the Divine

> > Message

> > > can be better understood.

> > >

> > > Sahaja Yoga is now an empty shell devoid of the original late


> > and

> > > early 80s teachings of Shri Mataji. That is the impression i


> > from

> > > the editing out of Her Divine Message from all official


> > > Perhaps the management wants to project a secular subtle


> > image

> > > to the general public in the hope of attracting seekers. My

> > question

> > > is whether Shri Mataji ever separated spirituality from


> > and

> > > both from the subtle system? Doesn't the Divine Message

> encompass

> > > all three into a wholesome synthesis that attracts and

> accelerates

> > > spiritual growth and strenghtens religious faith? Isn't that


> > > www.adishakti.org attracts more visitors than


> > > despite scores of national websites supporting the later?

> > >

> > > Hello, is any leader willing to talk about the Divine Message

> > simply

> > > for the sake of adhering to the Truth, the overriding guiding

> > > principle of all self-realized souls for millennia? Do any of


> > > realize that thousands have even sacrificed their lives in the

> > past

> > > just to defend the truth of their religious convictions? If SY

> > > leaders are afraid to talk about the Resurrection how will the

> > rank

> > > and file ever have the courage? In the first place, doesn't


> > > deliberate suppression of the Divine Message from humanity


> > prick

> > > your conscience? (And why are those compelled by duty and

> > conscience

> > > to be honest and transparent about Shri Mataji and Her Message

> > > regarded as possessed and non-SYs?)

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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Dear Semira, Jagbir and All,


i am in the library, as am having trouble with our modem at the

moment until things get fixed.


i just wanted to say that your remarks in this post show a very

astute observation of the situation, and it also helps me understand

things better too. i also note with interest that Jagbir says that

all religions are only starting points for the Divine Message. That,

also, is a very interesting observation.


This is where the Stage 1 and Stage 2 and so forth of Sahaja Yoga

comes in. Shri Mataji mentions one stage of where SY goes out into

the whole world. We are all doing that here together along with all

of Jagbir's websites, etc.


The difference this time from previous Times, is that we DO have the

Internet. All other Times the Internet was not there, and the Divine

Message got badly misconstrued by religious leaders who also had

monetary interests in the religion....MONEY and POWER got involved.


This Time, according to Shri Mataji, this is not going to happen.

This is because we have the internet to tell the Divine Message. It

is going to work. It just is a matter of time now. We are gaining

momentum with the Divine Message on these websites.


i just want to say, thanks again, for those astute observations

which are spot on!


Warmest regards,




In , " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,

> Possibly the current Sahaja Yoga organisation has merely been

> intended as a temporary vehicle and starting point for the Divine

> Message. The Kundalini awakening that occurs is the beginning of


> inner spiritual journey, and the Sahaja Yoga organisation is not


> end of the path by any means; it simply guides and brings the

> individual to the point where the journey within begins. The

> function of all externals is to prepare the individual for his

> personal journey. The individual reaches the point where he


> that all externals and all that is known and has been relied on


> to be left behind before the real journey into the unknown can

> begin. Possibly the function and destiny of the Sahaja Yoga

> organisation has never been to become a great organisation with


> numbers of members; but has simply been that enough people find


> truth and comfort of the Divine message so that this truth may


> its way in the future outside all organisations to others who are

> seeking with their hearts.

> Love and best wishes, Semira





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > > This is today's WebSearch Webranking

> > >

> > >

> > > Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org

> > >

> > > ----------------------------

> > > Traffic rank:

> > >

> > > Today.......1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months


> > > n/a...........359,882............310,149..........-101,958

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Traffic Rank for adishakti.org

> >

> > ------------------------

> > Traffic rank:

> > Today.........1 week Avg........3 months Avg.....3 months


> > 233,073.........229,880...........207,591...........+49,736

> >

> >

> > i have posted the same for www.adishakti.org just in case a

> > comparison needs to be made. However, WebSearch Webranking is

> really

> > brief as compared to the much detailed and comprehensive


> > that sends reports on a weekly basis.

> >

> > It can be seen that www.sahajayoga.org continues to lose ground.


> > was wondering why there are no quotes from Gregoire's " The

> Advent " ,

> > Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " and Javed's " Koran

Enlightened "

> on

> > the official website? The whole website leaves much to be


> > especially for new seekers given self-realization. There is


> > information for them to sustain the initial kundalini awakening.


> am

> > sure 99% of the hundreds of thousands who have been given self-

> > realization over the decades were never able to understand that

> > initial experience and relate it to their religious upbringing


> > faith. SYs keep convincing themselves that the Cool Breeze is

> > sufficient an experience to attract. The dismal numbers who


> > and their brief subsequent stay is testimony that such repeated

> time-

> > tested failures is ample evidence that the dogmatic management-

> > approved approach is a colossal collective disaster.

> >

> > So going back to the subject of quotes from books written by


> For

> > years i have waited for Dan Costian's " Bible Enlightened " to be

> > included in the list of books at the official website. For some

> > reason his book has been rejected. Something is amiss here


> > the Bible Enlightened is a very good book that deserves exposure

> > because the Divine Message can be better understood.

> >

> > And i was wondering why KOR (Knowledge Of Reality) remains


> for

> > so long. i.e., no new topics have been added for years despite


> > pending sign. KOR needs to be resuscitated because the Divine

> Message

> > can be better understood.

> >

> > Sahaja Yoga is now an empty shell devoid of the original late


> and

> > early 80s teachings of Shri Mataji. That is the impression i get

> from

> > the editing out of Her Divine Message from all official


> > Perhaps the management wants to project a secular subtle system

> image

> > to the general public in the hope of attracting seekers. My

> question

> > is whether Shri Mataji ever separated spirituality from


> and

> > both from the subtle system? Doesn't the Divine Message


> > all three into a wholesome synthesis that attracts and


> > spiritual growth and strenghtens religious faith? Isn't that why

> > www.adishakti.org attracts more visitors than www.sahajayoga.org

> > despite scores of national websites supporting the later?

> >

> > Hello, is any leader willing to talk about the Divine Message

> simply

> > for the sake of adhering to the Truth, the overriding guiding

> > principle of all self-realized souls for millennia? Do any of


> > realize that thousands have even sacrificed their lives in the

> past

> > just to defend the truth of their religious convictions? If SY

> > leaders are afraid to talk about the Resurrection how will the

> rank

> > and file ever have the courage? In the first place, doesn't your

> > deliberate suppression of the Divine Message from humanity even

> prick

> > your conscience? (And why are those compelled by duty and

> conscience

> > to be honest and transparent about Shri Mataji and Her Message

> > regarded as possessed and non-SYs?)

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Dear Semira,


> Definitely and without question the Divine Message will triumph

> over the organization itself. In future more and more people will

> embrace its central message of evolving into the eternal spirit

> that all religions, holy scriptures and prophets have since time

> immemorial upheld. The Divine Message is a spiritual sanctuary, a

> beacon of hope, joy, peace of eternal life to all humans. The

> Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee is the Divine Feminine that

> gives Self-realization/Birth of Spirit/Baptism of Allah/Opens

> Dasam Dwar for humanity to enter the Sahasrara/Kingdom of

> God/Niche of lights/Inner Sanctuary within where Brahman/God

> Almighty/Allah/ Waheguru resides as THE LIGHT. Semira, not only

> the current Sahaja Yoga organisation but all religious

> organizations as well have merely been intended as temporary

> vehicles and starting points for the Divine Message.


> jagbir




Every Thursday morning i go through the excellent and comprehensive

WebTrends report that is sent once a week. There is so much

information available that will take hours to go through if you are

so inclined to examine all the details.


Since the second half of last year the results have always been

encouraging, a good omen for the future of the Divine Message.

Things are really moving in the right direction and the latest

indicators again point to that. i still do not want to read too much

as my measure of success is rather conservative and reflects the

immense effort and success of the SY management in suppressing the

truth about Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message. However, given all

the negativity, we are consistently exposing more of humanity

despite all opposition, self-doubt, cowardice, dishonesty and



The latest WebTrend report for www.adishakti.org shows that the

5,000 visitors per day mark may soon be breached. Remember, we had

around 2,000 plus average last October and that has doubled now. For

this week ending 1-25-2006 they are:


Thursday - 4,257

Friday - 4,366

Saturday - 3,876

Sunday - 4,190

Monday - 4,896

Tuesday - 4,333

Wednesday - 4,255


The www.al-qiyamah.org website for Muslims on Sunday 1-22-2006

breached the 400 mark for the first time ever.


Thursday - 351

Friday - 358

Saturday - 357

Sunday - 435

Monday - 397

Tuesday - 418

Wednesday - 387


i consider this a significant success because Muslims are most

difficult to convince, especially listening to the Divine Message

announced by what they perceive to be a Hindu messenger. But the Adi

Shakti of the Hindus is also the Ruh (Spirit) of the Muslims [and

Holy Ghost (Spirit) of the Christians, Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) of

the Sikhs and so on.]


The fact that no Muslim have been able to dispute the Good News that

has been announced - and have been silent ever since that website

was set up 2-25-2002 - must again, and again, be emphasized. This is

because Muslims will instantly condemn and even kill those who dare

challenge Islam in general, and the Qur'an in particular. But the

Adi Shakti has revealed the deep mystical secrets of the Holy Qur'an

and triggered what matters most to all Muslims - Al-Qiyamah (The

Resurrection). All the surahs confirming this Great News has been

laid bare for the Ummah (Muslim nations) and ulema (scholars) to

read, cross-examine and confirm for themselves with their heart,

mind and soul.


All religious organizations as well have merely been intended as

temporary vehicles and starting points for the Divine Message.

Sooner or later they will know that to be true as more of the

religious faithful are exposed to the Great News that embraces and

harmonizes all religions, holy scriptures and messengers. This is

the first time in history that humans are able to see their

religions in victorious harmony with all others.


By the way things are moving the Adi Shakti will eventually triumph.

All we need to do as Her bhaktas is to stand our ground and not

yield an inch because Truth always triumphs. Years of silence from

religious regimes is the sure sign that the Devi and Her Divine

Message to all humanity cannot be challenged, and will eventually be

victorious in Her battle against the evil forces. All we need to do

is to fearlessly announce the Truth. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.



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