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The Disappearance of the Universe

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Hello All,


I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the Univese and

look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in Miracles. Has

anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?


I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from the Christian

prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?





Can picking up garbage make you lucky?


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Dear John and All,


i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the Universe " so cannot comment

on it, but would be interested in your sharing with us whatever spiritual

insights you come across. That would be really nice, if you would do that, John.


i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based on her work, i

believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can explain better than almost anyone

else.....why it makes sense to follow spiritual values in one's life. She shows

better than most anyone else i know, how not following spiritual values, means

you are really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a way, that

is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person wonder why they never

thought of that themselves.


John, you ask:


" I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from the Christian

perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? " .........


You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a tool to help you to

introspect. Introspection helps a person to realize where they may be having

wrong understanding/values in their lives that can be adjusted to more

spiritually real values. Yoga is about the union of all our parts, which need to

be integrated into One. Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in

our lives, so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly as



That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of Sahaja Yoga, and that

can be experienced through the awakening of the Kundalini within, which when it

rises, goes past the forehead, and takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at

the Kingdom of God within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus).

When this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your being, and you

have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the turning on of a switch in the

brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also correspond to the 1000 Nerves in

the brain. It is a Real 'En-Lighten-Ment', which allows you to see yourself and

gives you the power to become the Real You that you have always wanted to be,

which is really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming their 'Real You "

or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is an 'actualization'.....not

just a mental concept....when this happens.)


" Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "


It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is still " Awareness " , but your focus

is Within instead of Without. The yoga or union.... gives you the power.....as

you practice meditation, to stop the thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are

all around us in the 'mind field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power

to stop those thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by the

way, but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the Higher Awareness

starts to flow in.......because it can........because all the intruding thoughts

in the atmosphere around are not blocking the flow of the Higher Awareness.


It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-thought' state. It is

actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can receive the Higher Awareness of

the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher Knowledge, Inspiration, Intuition.....all of

which flow via this " Thought-less " Awareness " .


None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form of " thoughts " , though. That is

very important to realize. It comes in the form of an " Internal Knowing " . This

is also called " Gnosis " .


" Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for you. It is an

individual journey within. With practice, dedication, and genuine spiritual

seeking, a person can experience it.


i hope this helps.


Warm regards,





, " John Foxworthy "

<qzxb69> wrote:


> Hello All,


> I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the Univese


> look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in Miracles. Has

> anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?


> I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from the


> prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?


> Thanks.

> JF


> Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> www.garbageprophecy.org


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Dear Violet, John and All,


I myself have not read the book " The Disappearance of the Universe "

and so I too am not in a position to comment on it. But I have

looked into the ACIM website at acim.org and so would like to offer

my two pennies' worth in the light of what Shri Mataji has spoken

regarding the subject of mediums, spiritualists, channellers, black

magicians and healers; this was the subject of a post here on this

forum recently:




Basically, ACIM originated from the channelling experiences of a

doctor when she acted as a " scribe " while this bhoot named " Jesus "

dictated to her " a course in miracles, " hence ACIM. I have not

looked into the details of this course but from what I can gather it

is about spiritual values and other high-sounding platitudes. (We

too have a bhoot on this forum named " Joseph of Arimathea "

aka " Vishnu. " The difference is that our " Joseph " here, as far as we

know, has not dictated any impressive-sounding document to the human

he has possessed.)


We have to remember that all the false gurus also carry out the same

agenda of spouting highfalutin niceties like love, compassion,

charity, etc. What they don't tell you about is your Self, the

Spirit and the next step in your evolution, your self-realization,

the awakening of the Kundalini. The false gurus offer you every

pleasant-sounding ideal except That which is the Truth. So we have

to know that at this crucial time of the Last Judgment the false

prophets have made their appearance in sly and devious ways to

distract and divert the unwary seekers from the path of Truth.


Blindly following the teaching of these spirit teachers is extremely

dangerous. As Shri Mataji has spoken: " ...that you should know what

are the dangers; I've already told you - moving to the left and the

right and the spiritualists are moving to the left. They're using

spirits and it's very dangerous. You don't know how to protect

yourself; unless and until you get your realization you will not

even know how spiritualism is wrong. Absolutely it is most

dangerous. "


These spirit teachers are also busybodies, as Shri Mataji has put

it. Regarding this, Shri Mataji has said: " It's very dangerous,

don't go near them. Christ has already told you; he's the one who

told so plainly, he took them out and put them in the pigs and pigs

went into the sea. You have heard of that or not; so why do you want

to bring them back? Put them in the pigs. If they don't want to

reside in the area where they are suppose to reside, let them go to

pigs. They've no business, they're busybodies, you know. "


These spiritual teachers are also meddlesome " do-gooders " who have

not accepted the fact of their death and are still hanging around

interfering in human affairs. You can read about the bizarre tale of

the late Dr. Lang in post 5431 and this is probably the same with

the spirit teacher " Jesus " in the case of ACIM.


Here is the concluding warning from Shri Mataji: " Don't go near the

spiritualists; don't do that, it's very dangerous, for you, for the

progeny, for everyone. I must warn you; it's the most dangerous

thing and should not do that. Even if you don't like it I have to

tell you. I don't want to tell you something that's not true. You

depend on yourself, on your own spirit, on your own being; why to

depend on somebody who's dead, let them be alone. "





, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear John and All,


> i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the Universe " so

cannot comment on it, but would be interested in your sharing with

us whatever spiritual insights you come across. That would be really

nice, if you would do that, John.


> i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based on her

work, i believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can explain

better than almost anyone else.....why it makes sense to follow

spiritual values in one's life. She shows better than most anyone

else i know, how not following spiritual values, means you are

really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a way,

that is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person wonder why

they never thought of that themselves.


> John, you ask:


> " I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from the

Christian perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-mind'

state? " .........


> You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a tool to

help you to introspect. Introspection helps a person to realize

where they may be having wrong understanding/values in their lives

that can be adjusted to more spiritually real values. Yoga is about

the union of all our parts, which need to be integrated into One.

Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in our lives,

so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly as



> That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of Sahaja

Yoga, and that can be experienced through the awakening of the

Kundalini within, which when it rises, goes past the forehead, and

takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at the Kingdom of God

within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus). When

this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your being, and

you have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the turning on of

a switch in the brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also

correspond to the 1000 Nerves in the brain. It is a Real 'En-Lighten-

Ment', which allows you to see yourself and gives you the power to

become the Real You that you have always wanted to be, which is

really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming their 'Real

You " or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is

an 'actualization'.....not just a mental concept....when this



> " Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "


> It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is still " Awareness " ,

but your focus is Within instead of Without. The yoga or union....

gives you the power.....as you practice meditation, to stop the

thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are all around us in the 'mind

field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power to stop those

thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by the way,

but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the Higher

Awareness starts to flow in.......because it can........because all

the intruding thoughts in the atmosphere around are not blocking the

flow of the Higher Awareness.


> It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-thought'

state. It is actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can receive

the Higher Awareness of the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher Knowledge,

Inspiration, Intuition.....all of which flow via this " Thought-less "

Awareness " .


> None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form of " thoughts " ,

though. That is very important to realize. It comes in the form of

an " Internal Knowing " . This is also called " Gnosis " .


> " Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for you. It

is an individual journey within. With practice, dedication, and

genuine spiritual seeking, a person can experience it.


> i hope this helps.


> Warm regards,


> Violet



> , " John Foxworthy "

> <qzxb69> wrote:

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> > I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the Univese

> and

> > look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in Miracles.


> > anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?

> >

> > I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from the

> Christian

> > prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?

> >

> > Thanks.

> > JF

> >

> > Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> > www.garbageprophecy.org

> >


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Dear Chandra,


Thank you for that timely warning/information about what Shri Mataji has said. i

do not have the book anymore, so cannot check the vibrations. Also, as i read

one (or perhaps two) books years ago before becoming a Sahaja Yogi, i did not

check the vibrations.


i agree that there is a lot of 'how to' spiritual books these days, and i tend

to stay away from ones which are obviously 'channelled' by someone, rather than

them coming from the direct inspiration of the author themselves, due to Shri

Mataji's warning on this, but i always check the vibrations of any book before

buying/borrowing it. In fact i find if a book is not dharmic, i can feel sharp

pain/tingling or heat coming from off the book, in which case i do not

buy/borrow it as according to my vibrational knowledge it is not 'kosher'.


There is definitely a difference between inspired writing, and the use of

another spirit entity to pass it on.


i have always wanted to know this. Can information be channelled from another

being to a person, and i mean a Spiritual Being through the Sushumna Channel, a

being that is Living and not Dead.....and in this sense i am talking about

" Living " Spirits of God, residing in the Collective Consciousness of the

Sushumna Nadi as opposed to the channelling from the " dead " or deceased spirits

residing in the Collective Subconscious of the Ida Nadi Channel?


For example, by an Angel....


" The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His

bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and HE SENT AND

COMMUNICATED IT BY HIS ANGEL to His bond-servant John " .(Revelations 1:1)


Isn't this a case of an angel being the channel for the Revelation to John? We

should read in the Bible and study all cases so we can know the difference, as i

would really like to know the truth about this.


Maybe the difference of received information can also be seen between the

'channelled' information that Shri Mataji warns about and the 'non-channelled'

information that is, for example, evidenced in Levi's writing of the Book of

God's Remembrance which we know as The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.


Levi does not claim to receive channelled information from another spirit, but

through meditation this information came through to him. He saw directly and

wrote from that. He did not use the medium of another spirit. i think the way

Levi operated was much like when Jagbir's children go into meditation that they

see and experience directly. It does not come through a secondary spirit being

(what Shri Mataji calls a deceased person from the Collective Subconscious of

the Left Channel, Ida Nadi).


Here is how Levi's 'Seeing' is described:


Regarding Levi, the transcriber


As I stated (in the FAQ's page), The Book of God's Remembrance is a recording –

imprinted on disc-like plates smaller than atoms. Every event that ever occurs

leaves an imprint on these elemental particles, which continuously emit

extremely fine energy waves. Anyone who knows how to fine-tune certain

mind-receptors to the frequencies to these tiny transmissions can witness all

events that have ever occurred; and this sacred recording can never be revised

or edited.


It was only a matter of time before someone would become strong enough to open

our Father's Record Book. As God's Children, our souls grow stronger and wiser

with each incarnation. (Much of the human race has now reached adolescence of

soul.) Levi H. Dowling (1844 - 1911), an American who lived in Ohio, attained

enough strength and knowledge to open The Book of God's Remembrance.


Levi became strong enough (and worthy enough) sometime after his fiftieth year

on Earth. He gained the strength and know-how through many years of practicing

all-night sessions of meditation, combined with fasting. After reaching his

goal, he was able to focus his mind on particular persons, places and times, and

clearly view ancient events – as if happening " here and now. "


During meditation, Levi was able to re-play events (as many times as necessary)

in order to provide us with a perfect transcript. He spent many months

transcribing the events he directly witnessed in " The Book of God's Remembrance "

(also called The Akashic Records). His original manuscript is entitled " The

Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, " however it is

widely published under the title, " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, " and

is commonly referred to as simply, " The Aquarian Gospel. "


People who are known as psychics and remote viewers have occasionally caught

fleeting glimpses of our Father's recording. Prophets and seers have been more

successful – sometimes able to clearly view some past events (as well as

portions of the future); but Levi gained complete access to Nature's hidden

portico. He is the first person in Earth's History to be granted full access to

the Mystic Records of Time, with permission to write down what he witnessed.


Levi concentrated on just a small portion of God's History Book; he focused on

" the little book " – that tiny part of World History that is the record of Jesus'

life. There is no longer any reason to wonder who was Jesus, or to speculate or

debate what He said or did. The entire story is now available in the Aquarian

Gospel, and anyone who wishes may read.




In regards to Mariane Williamson, like you say, this person gave advice, but not

how to have the Second Birth of the Spirit. None of her information actually

really helped me, except for a mental understanding of the 'logical-ness' of

following the spiritual values. i must say, however, that, there was no

Spiritual Liberation in just the reading of that, and it did not have the power

to change my life. It was nice words and nice platitudes, and i never really

understood Spiritual Values Truly until i had my Self-Realization, because true

spiritual values do not come from thinking and mentally visualizing them or

anything like that, but from the Power of Self-Realization Itself.


Like you say, Chandra, only a True Guru can lead a person to the Moksha

(Spiritual Liberation) within.


i would like any more comments from people like Chandra and Jagbir and others on

this please, because i think we need to see these issues much more clearly and

really talk about them and 'thrash' them out. Why should we all stay in the dark

about these matters?


Warmest regards,





, " my2pai " <my2pai>



> Dear Violet, John and All,


> I myself have not read the book " The Disappearance of the

Universe "

> and so I too am not in a position to comment on it. But I have

> looked into the ACIM website at acim.org and so would like to


> my two pennies' worth in the light of what Shri Mataji has spoken

> regarding the subject of mediums, spiritualists, channellers,


> magicians and healers; this was the subject of a post here on this

> forum recently:


> /message/5431


> Basically, ACIM originated from the channelling experiences of a

> doctor when she acted as a " scribe " while this bhoot named " Jesus "

> dictated to her " a course in miracles, " hence ACIM. I have not

> looked into the details of this course but from what I can gather


> is about spiritual values and other high-sounding platitudes. (We

> too have a bhoot on this forum named " Joseph of Arimathea "

> aka " Vishnu. " The difference is that our " Joseph " here, as far as


> know, has not dictated any impressive-sounding document to the


> he has possessed.)


> We have to remember that all the false gurus also carry out the


> agenda of spouting highfalutin niceties like love, compassion,

> charity, etc. What they don't tell you about is your Self, the

> Spirit and the next step in your evolution, your self-realization,

> the awakening of the Kundalini. The false gurus offer you every

> pleasant-sounding ideal except That which is the Truth. So we have

> to know that at this crucial time of the Last Judgment the false

> prophets have made their appearance in sly and devious ways to

> distract and divert the unwary seekers from the path of Truth.


> Blindly following the teaching of these spirit teachers is


> dangerous. As Shri Mataji has spoken: " ...that you should know


> are the dangers; I've already told you - moving to the left and


> right and the spiritualists are moving to the left. They're using

> spirits and it's very dangerous. You don't know how to protect

> yourself; unless and until you get your realization you will not

> even know how spiritualism is wrong. Absolutely it is most

> dangerous. "


> These spirit teachers are also busybodies, as Shri Mataji has put

> it. Regarding this, Shri Mataji has said: " It's very dangerous,

> don't go near them. Christ has already told you; he's the one who

> told so plainly, he took them out and put them in the pigs and


> went into the sea. You have heard of that or not; so why do you


> to bring them back? Put them in the pigs. If they don't want to

> reside in the area where they are suppose to reside, let them go


> pigs. They've no business, they're busybodies, you know. "


> These spiritual teachers are also meddlesome " do-gooders " who have

> not accepted the fact of their death and are still hanging around

> interfering in human affairs. You can read about the bizarre tale


> the late Dr. Lang in post 5431 and this is probably the same with

> the spirit teacher " Jesus " in the case of ACIM.


> Here is the concluding warning from Shri Mataji: " Don't go near


> spiritualists; don't do that, it's very dangerous, for you, for


> progeny, for everyone. I must warn you; it's the most dangerous

> thing and should not do that. Even if you don't like it I have to

> tell you. I don't want to tell you something that's not true. You

> depend on yourself, on your own spirit, on your own being; why to

> depend on somebody who's dead, let them be alone. "


> C.



> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear John and All,

> >

> > i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the Universe "


> cannot comment on it, but would be interested in your sharing with

> us whatever spiritual insights you come across. That would be


> nice, if you would do that, John.

> >

> > i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based on


> work, i believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can explain

> better than almost anyone else.....why it makes sense to follow

> spiritual values in one's life. She shows better than most anyone

> else i know, how not following spiritual values, means you are

> really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a way,

> that is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person wonder


> they never thought of that themselves.

> >

> > John, you ask:

> >

> > " I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from the

> Christian perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-mind'

> state? " .........

> >

> > You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a tool to

> help you to introspect. Introspection helps a person to realize

> where they may be having wrong understanding/values in their lives

> that can be adjusted to more spiritually real values. Yoga is


> the union of all our parts, which need to be integrated into One.

> Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in our


> so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly as

> Body/Mind/Spirit.

> >

> > That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of Sahaja

> Yoga, and that can be experienced through the awakening of the

> Kundalini within, which when it rises, goes past the forehead, and

> takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at the Kingdom of God

> within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus). When

> this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your being,


> you have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the turning on


> a switch in the brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also

> correspond to the 1000 Nerves in the brain. It is a Real 'En-


> Ment', which allows you to see yourself and gives you the power to

> become the Real You that you have always wanted to be, which is

> really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming their 'Real

> You " or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is

> an 'actualization'.....not just a mental concept....when this

> happens.)

> >

> > " Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "

> >

> > It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is still " Awareness " ,

> but your focus is Within instead of Without. The yoga or union....

> gives you the power.....as you practice meditation, to stop the

> thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are all around us in

the 'mind

> field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power to stop those

> thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by the


> but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the Higher

> Awareness starts to flow in.......because it can........because


> the intruding thoughts in the atmosphere around are not blocking


> flow of the Higher Awareness.

> >

> > It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-thought'

> state. It is actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can


> the Higher Awareness of the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher Knowledge,

> Inspiration, Intuition.....all of which flow via this " Thought-

less "

> Awareness " .

> >

> > None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form of " thoughts " ,

> though. That is very important to realize. It comes in the form of

> an " Internal Knowing " . This is also called " Gnosis " .

> >

> > " Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for you.


> is an individual journey within. With practice, dedication, and

> genuine spiritual seeking, a person can experience it.

> >

> > i hope this helps.

> >

> > Warm regards,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " John Foxworthy "

> > <qzxb69> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > > I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the


> > and

> > > look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in


> Has

> > > anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?

> > >

> > > I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from the

> > Christian

> > > prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?

> > >

> > > Thanks.

> > > JF

> > >

> > > Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> > > www.garbageprophecy.org

> > >

> >


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Dear Semira,


If you read more information here on Levi H. Dowling, you will see that he was

destined to write the Aquarian Gospel. That is one big difference to start with.

It was his mission and the thing he had to do and when a person is given a

mission to do and accepts it, the deep desire to do it is there too.


He apparently had a particular vision which was repeated three times which

reminded him of his mission:


" Early in life, when but a mere lad, he had a vision in which he was told that

he was to 'build a white city.' This vision was repeated three times with years

intervening. The building of the 'white city' was 'The Aquarian Gospel of

Jesus, The Christ.” This book was transcribed between the early morning hours

of 2:00am and 6:00am - the absolutely 'quiet hours.' "





















, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Violet,

> I too do not understand the 'channeling' concept of receiving

> information; and to me it seems that direct experiences are

> reliable, trustworthy and verifiable. Also, why would there be a

> need for channeling if the individual can see and experience

> themselves? This brings in the questions of motive and authority?

> The case of Levi as explained in your post below is what I believe

> to be true also; that psychic experiences are glimpses of what has

> already been recorded in the universal consciousness, and these

> events are unalterable. They can only be clarified or confirmed,


> never altered. The Crucifixion of Christ is a momentous event that

> has been recorded and confirmed for all eternity. There are other

> such significant events that appear to people, that bring shifts


> the collective consciousness. Future events can be viewed also,

> although these too cannot be changed.

> I do not really understand this point though; should these events

> be viewable if one intends to 'see' them, and should people ever

> intend to see specific past or future events, or are these


> of the Records something that just happens spontaneously as the

> individual explores the unknown? If the individual enters

> thoughtless awareness, then whatever is seen and experienced


> be a product of intent or thoughts at all, and therefore is


> experience of the universal energy. Surely experiences of this


> should not be specifically 'sought', but are to emerge naturally


> unforced? Possibly the desire for experiences could be a trap in

> itself, and harmful to the individual, and may cause the


> to get caught and lost in these experiences?

> Love, Semira






> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandra,

> >

> > Thank you for that timely warning/information about what Shri

> Mataji has said. i do not have the book anymore, so cannot check


> vibrations. Also, as i read one (or perhaps two) books years ago

> before becoming a Sahaja Yogi, i did not check the vibrations.

> >

> > i agree that there is a lot of 'how to' spiritual books these

> days, and i tend to stay away from ones which are

> obviously 'channelled' by someone, rather than them coming from


> direct inspiration of the author themselves, due to Shri Mataji's

> warning on this, but i always check the vibrations of any book

> before buying/borrowing it. In fact i find if a book is not


> i can feel sharp pain/tingling or heat coming from off the book,


> which case i do not buy/borrow it as according to my vibrational

> knowledge it is not 'kosher'.

> >

> > There is definitely a difference between inspired writing, and


> use of another spirit entity to pass it on.

> >

> > i have always wanted to know this. Can information be channelled

> from another being to a person, and i mean a Spiritual Being


> the Sushumna Channel, a being that is Living and not Dead.....and


> this sense i am talking about " Living " Spirits of God, residing in

> the Collective Consciousness of the Sushumna Nadi as opposed to


> channelling from the " dead " or deceased spirits residing in the

> Collective Subconscious of the Ida Nadi Channel?

> >

> > For example, by an Angel....

> >

> > " The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to


> bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and HE


> AND COMMUNICATED IT BY HIS ANGEL to His bond-servant John " .

> (Revelations 1:1)

> >

> > Isn't this a case of an angel being the channel for the


> to John? We should read in the Bible and study all cases so we can

> know the difference, as i would really like to know the truth


> this.

> >

> > Maybe the difference of received information can also be seen

> between the 'channelled' information that Shri Mataji warns about

> and the 'non-channelled' information that is, for example,


> in Levi's writing of the Book of God's Remembrance which we know


> The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

> >

> > Levi does not claim to receive channelled information from


> spirit, but through meditation this information came through to


> He saw directly and wrote from that. He did not use the medium of

> another spirit. i think the way Levi operated was much like when

> Jagbir's children go into meditation that they see and experience

> directly. It does not come through a secondary spirit being (what

> Shri Mataji calls a deceased person from the Collective


> of the Left Channel, Ida Nadi).

> >

> > Here is how Levi's 'Seeing' is described:

> >

> > Regarding Levi, the transcriber

> >

> > As I stated (in the FAQ's page), The Book of God's Remembrance


> a recording – imprinted on disc-like plates smaller than atoms.

> Every event that ever occurs leaves an imprint on these elemental

> particles, which continuously emit extremely fine energy waves.

> Anyone who knows how to fine-tune certain mind-receptors to the

> frequencies to these tiny transmissions can witness all events


> have ever occurred; and this sacred recording can never be revised

> or edited.

> >

> > It was only a matter of time before someone would become strong

> enough to open our Father's Record Book. As God's Children, our

> souls grow stronger and wiser with each incarnation. (Much of the

> human race has now reached adolescence of soul.) Levi H. Dowling

> (1844 - 1911), an American who lived in Ohio, attained enough

> strength and knowledge to open The Book of God's Remembrance.

> >

> > Levi became strong enough (and worthy enough) sometime after his

> fiftieth year on Earth. He gained the strength and know-how


> many years of practicing all-night sessions of meditation,


> with fasting. After reaching his goal, he was able to focus his

> mind on particular persons, places and times, and clearly view

> ancient events – as if happening " here and now. "

> >

> > During meditation, Levi was able to re-play events (as many


> as necessary) in order to provide us with a perfect transcript.


> spent many months transcribing the events he directly witnessed

> in " The Book of God's Remembrance " (also called The Akashic

> Records). His original manuscript is entitled " The Aquarian Age

> Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, " however it is

> widely published under the title, " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus


> Christ, " and is commonly referred to as simply, " The Aquarian

> Gospel. "

> >

> > People who are known as psychics and remote viewers have

> occasionally caught fleeting glimpses of our Father's recording.

> Prophets and seers have been more successful – sometimes able to

> clearly view some past events (as well as portions of the future);

> but Levi gained complete access to Nature's hidden portico. He is

> the first person in Earth's History to be granted full access to


> Mystic Records of Time, with permission to write down what he

> witnessed.

> >

> > Levi concentrated on just a small portion of God's History Book;

> he focused on " the little book " – that tiny part of World History

> that is the record of Jesus' life. There is no longer any reason


> wonder who was Jesus, or to speculate or debate what He said or

> did. The entire story is now available in the Aquarian Gospel,


> anyone who wishes may read.

> >

> > (http://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/AquarianGospelSinglePage.htm)

> >

> > In regards to Mariane Williamson, like you say, this person gave

> advice, but not how to have the Second Birth of the Spirit. None


> her information actually really helped me, except for a mental

> understanding of the 'logical-ness' of following the spiritual

> values. i must say, however, that, there was no Spiritual


> in just the reading of that, and it did not have the power to


> my life. It was nice words and nice platitudes, and i never really

> understood Spiritual Values Truly until i had my Self-Realization,

> because true spiritual values do not come from thinking and


> visualizing them or anything like that, but from the Power of Self-

> Realization Itself.

> >

> > Like you say, Chandra, only a True Guru can lead a person to the

> Moksha (Spiritual Liberation) within.

> >

> > i would like any more comments from people like Chandra and


> and others on this please, because i think we need to see these

> issues much more clearly and really talk about them and 'thrash'

> them out. Why should we all stay in the dark about these matters?

> >

> > Warmest regards,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " my2pai "

> <my2pai>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Violet, John and All,

> > >

> > > I myself have not read the book " The Disappearance of the

> > Universe "

> > > and so I too am not in a position to comment on it. But I have

> > > looked into the ACIM website at acim.org and so would like to

> > offer

> > > my two pennies' worth in the light of what Shri Mataji has

> spoken

> > > regarding the subject of mediums, spiritualists, channellers,

> > black

> > > magicians and healers; this was the subject of a post here on

> this

> > > forum recently:

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Basically, ACIM originated from the channelling experiences of


> > > doctor when she acted as a " scribe " while this bhoot

> named " Jesus "

> > > dictated to her " a course in miracles, " hence ACIM. I have not

> > > looked into the details of this course but from what I can

> gather

> > it

> > > is about spiritual values and other high-sounding platitudes.

> (We

> > > too have a bhoot on this forum named " Joseph of Arimathea "

> > > aka " Vishnu. " The difference is that our " Joseph " here, as far

> as

> > we

> > > know, has not dictated any impressive-sounding document to the

> > human

> > > he has possessed.)

> > >

> > > We have to remember that all the false gurus also carry out


> > same

> > > agenda of spouting highfalutin niceties like love, compassion,

> > > charity, etc. What they don't tell you about is your Self, the

> > > Spirit and the next step in your evolution, your self-

> realization,

> > > the awakening of the Kundalini. The false gurus offer you


> > > pleasant-sounding ideal except That which is the Truth. So we

> have

> > > to know that at this crucial time of the Last Judgment the


> > > prophets have made their appearance in sly and devious ways to

> > > distract and divert the unwary seekers from the path of Truth.

> > >

> > > Blindly following the teaching of these spirit teachers is

> > extremely

> > > dangerous. As Shri Mataji has spoken: " ...that you should know

> > what

> > > are the dangers; I've already told you - moving to the left


> > the

> > > right and the spiritualists are moving to the left. They're

> using

> > > spirits and it's very dangerous. You don't know how to protect

> > > yourself; unless and until you get your realization you will


> > > even know how spiritualism is wrong. Absolutely it is most

> > > dangerous. "

> > >

> > > These spirit teachers are also busybodies, as Shri Mataji has

> put

> > > it. Regarding this, Shri Mataji has said: " It's very


> > > don't go near them. Christ has already told you; he's the one

> who

> > > told so plainly, he took them out and put them in the pigs and

> > pigs

> > > went into the sea. You have heard of that or not; so why do


> > want

> > > to bring them back? Put them in the pigs. If they don't want


> > > reside in the area where they are suppose to reside, let them


> > to

> > > pigs. They've no business, they're busybodies, you know. "

> > >

> > > These spiritual teachers are also meddlesome " do-gooders " who

> have

> > > not accepted the fact of their death and are still hanging

> around

> > > interfering in human affairs. You can read about the bizarre

> tale

> > of

> > > the late Dr. Lang in post 5431 and this is probably the same

> with

> > > the spirit teacher " Jesus " in the case of ACIM.

> > >

> > > Here is the concluding warning from Shri Mataji: " Don't go


> > the

> > > spiritualists; don't do that, it's very dangerous, for you,


> > the

> > > progeny, for everyone. I must warn you; it's the most


> > > thing and should not do that. Even if you don't like it I have

> to

> > > tell you. I don't want to tell you something that's not true.

> You

> > > depend on yourself, on your own spirit, on your own being; why

> to

> > > depend on somebody who's dead, let them be alone. "

> > >

> > > C.

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > <vtubb@b...>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear John and All,

> > > >

> > > > i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the

Universe "

> > so

> > > cannot comment on it, but would be interested in your sharing

> with

> > > us whatever spiritual insights you come across. That would be

> > really

> > > nice, if you would do that, John.

> > > >

> > > > i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based


> > her

> > > work, i believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can explain

> > > better than almost anyone else.....why it makes sense to


> > > spiritual values in one's life. She shows better than most

> anyone

> > > else i know, how not following spiritual values, means you are

> > > really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a

> way,

> > > that is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person


> > why

> > > they never thought of that themselves.

> > > >

> > > > John, you ask:

> > > >

> > > > " I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from


> > > Christian perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-mind'

> > > state? " .........

> > > >

> > > > You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a tool

> to

> > > help you to introspect. Introspection helps a person to


> > > where they may be having wrong understanding/values in their

> lives

> > > that can be adjusted to more spiritually real values. Yoga is

> > about

> > > the union of all our parts, which need to be integrated into

> One.

> > > Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in our

> > lives,

> > > so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly as

> > > Body/Mind/Spirit.

> > > >

> > > > That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of

> Sahaja

> > > Yoga, and that can be experienced through the awakening of the

> > > Kundalini within, which when it rises, goes past the forehead,

> and

> > > takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at the Kingdom of God

> > > within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus).

> When

> > > this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your


> > and

> > > you have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the turning


> > of

> > > a switch in the brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also

> > > correspond to the 1000 Nerves in the brain. It is a Real 'En-

> > Lighten-

> > > Ment', which allows you to see yourself and gives you the


> to

> > > become the Real You that you have always wanted to be, which


> > > really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming

their 'Real

> > > You " or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is

> > > an 'actualization'.....not just a mental concept....when this

> > > happens.)

> > > >

> > > > " Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "

> > > >

> > > > It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is

> still " Awareness " ,

> > > but your focus is Within instead of Without. The yoga or

> union....

> > > gives you the power.....as you practice meditation, to stop


> > > thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are all around us in

> > the 'mind

> > > field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power to stop

> those

> > > thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by


> > way,

> > > but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the


> > > Awareness starts to flow in.......because it


> > all

> > > the intruding thoughts in the atmosphere around are not


> > the

> > > flow of the Higher Awareness.

> > > >

> > > > It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-


> > > state. It is actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can

> > receive

> > > the Higher Awareness of the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher

> Knowledge,

> > > Inspiration, Intuition.....all of which flow via this " Thought-

> > less "

> > > Awareness " .

> > > >

> > > > None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form

of " thoughts " ,

> > > though. That is very important to realize. It comes in the


> of

> > > an " Internal Knowing " . This is also called " Gnosis " .

> > > >

> > > > " Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for

> you.

> > It

> > > is an individual journey within. With practice, dedication,


> > > genuine spiritual seeking, a person can experience it.

> > > >

> > > > i hope this helps.

> > > >

> > > > Warm regards,

> > > >

> > > > Violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " John

Foxworthy "

> > > > <qzxb69> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello All,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the

> > Univese

> > > > and

> > > > > look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in

> > Miracles.

> > > Has

> > > > > anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from


> > > > Christian

> > > > > prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks.

> > > > > JF

> > > > >

> > > > > Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> > > > > www.garbageprophecy.org

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Semira,


, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


" i do not really understand this point though; should these events be viewable

if one intends to 'see' them, and should people ever intend to see specific past

or future events, or are these glimpses of the Records something that just

happens spontaneously as the individual explores the unknown? " …………


Semira, i think a number of factors come into the equation. Firstly, a person

has to be spiritually minded and have a connection with the All That Is (the

Divine). Then, i believe that the person needs to have their spiritual eyes open

to see these events, because i do not believe that they can be seen with the

physical eyes. Then the Divine has to allow a particular thing to be seen by

them. Not everything is allowed to be seen. i believe all these factors are



i do think that many of us are given only spiritual glimpses, as compared to

Prophets or Seers. To my knowledge, Prophets and Seers are usually chosen by the

Divine for a specific purpose of giving a particular message. In Biblical times,

they were often reluctant to give their message, as their lives were put in

danger because people did not like the message given. Prophecy is obviously not

a frivolous `psychic past-time'. It does not even come from the psyche (Mind).

It comes from the Spirit. A Prophet or Seer is always given a message of

information for a specific purpose that the Divine has in mind.


Many psychics claim to do so by `channelling'. `Channelling it' usually means

that `dead' deceased spirits are helping a 'channeller' with information. It

also means that the psychic has to attune themselves to the `dead' deceased

spirit/s, by which they obtain the information they seek. It is through this

association of the psychic with a deceased 'dead' spirit/s, that the

`channeller' puts themselves in psychic danger. Channellers often do not have

peaceful lives but are harassed by these `dead' deceased spirits in one way or

another, sooner or later. This is because once contact is made, the `dead'

deceased spirit/s don't want to lose this contact because it is also a channel

for their unfulfilled desires.


Seeing from the Spirit, with spiritual eyes or spiritual vision is a completely

different matter. This is `kosher' and approved by scriptures. In fact, we are

often encouraged to open our spiritual eyes, so that we can see! Also, there is

no other spirit/s involved. It is the connection with the Divine Spirit alone

and no other spirit/s.



" If the individual enters thoughtless awareness, then whatever is seen and

experienced cannot be a product of intent or thoughts at all, and therefore is

genuine experience of the universal energy. Surely experiences of this kind

should not be specifically `sought', but to emerge naturally and unforced?

Possibly the desire for experiences could be a trap in itself, and harmful to

the individual, and may cause the individual to get caught and lost in these

experiences? " ……………


i agree with you Semira. If an individual enters thoughtless awareness, then

whatever is seen and experienced cannot be a product of intent or thoughts at

all and therefore is a genuine experience. Experiences of this kind should not

be sought, but allowed to emerge naturally and unforced as a spiritual quality

from connection with the Divine.


The desire for these experiences is a trap, because the Pure Desire should

always be for the Divine. All else is secondary. We are to seek the Giver and

not the Gift. If a person seeks the Gift and not the Giver, their heart is in

the wrong place. If their heart is in the wrong place, their seeking of the Gift

(experience) may end up in delusional fantasies. It may even end up in the

experiencing of the collective subconscious or the collective supraconscious,

where visions and all sorts of fantastical messages can certainly be had, but

they are not of spiritual origin (Spirit) but of psychic origin (Mind). By the

way, the `dead' deceased spirits of the collective subconscious is where the

unregenerated spirits reside. They are the spirits who have not had their

spiritual rebirth and that is why they are called `unregenerated'. On the other

hand, the collective conscious is where the regenerated Spirits reside. These

are those who have had their spiritual rebirth and they are spiritually 'alive',

though they have left their physical bodies.


A person should not desire spiritual `experiences' for just the sake of having a

spiritual experience, however, it is perfectly all right to desire knowledge,

wisdom and understanding. If a person desires knowledge, wisdom and

understanding, they will be given that. They will not be given all knowledge,

wisdom, and understanding, but they will be given what they can bear. Of course

it has to be deeply desired and `strived for'. Wasn't it King Solomon who asked

for the Gift of Wisdom and became the wisest of Kings? We can ask the Divine for

wisdom also. That is the purpose of meditation and the spiritual life. It is to

grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


Semira, i would like to share with you my experience with spiritual sight. This

has only happened to me through Sahaja Yoga. i have experienced in meditation

that sometimes even though my physical eyes are closed, i can see the room in

which i am meditating, while my physical eyes are shut. When this first happened

to me, i thought i was `seeing things' but when my vision settled, i was

actually viewing the room in which i was meditating, and i was viewing it with

360-degree vision!


i was quite amazed! Now i know for sure that when Jesus or any other Incarnation

talked about having 'spiritual eyes to see', it is not necessarily a metaphor.

We really do have spiritual eyes, which see differently to physical eyes.

Physical eyes can only see part of what is around, such as in front of a person,

or maybe some at the sides, but with the spiritual eyes, you can see all around

you in every direction at once. It all happens very naturally though. i think it

is a natural faculty of the Spirit, because i did not try for anything to

happen. All i did was enjoy my meditation and got a surprise.


Semira, i would like to share with you a scenario in the Bible where Elisha

prays to the Lord to open up his servant's spiritual eyes in order to see the

protection that the Lord sent when the Arameans were encircling with their

horses and carriages to capture Elisha. Don't you think it is interesting,

Semira, that a man of God can pray to have another man's spiritual eyes opened,

so that they can see with their spiritual eyes, what they could not see with

their physical eyes. Here is the passage:


The Arameans Plot to Capture Elisha….


15. " Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out,

behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant

said to him, " Alas, my master! What shall we do?


16. So he (Elisha) answered, " Do not fear, for those who are with us are more

than those who are with them.


17. Then Elisha prayed and said, " O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may

see. " And the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he saw; and behold, the

mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. " (11 Kings



i hope all these answer your questions somewhat satisfactorily, Semira.








In , " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Violet,

> I too do not understand the 'channeling' concept of receiving

> information; and to me it seems that direct experiences are

> reliable, trustworthy and verifiable. Also, why would there be a

> need for channeling if the individual can see and experience

> themselves? This brings in the questions of motive and authority?

> The case of Levi as explained in your post below is what I believe

> to be true also; that psychic experiences are glimpses of what has

> already been recorded in the universal consciousness, and these

> events are unalterable. They can only be clarified or confirmed,


> never altered. The Crucifixion of Christ is a momentous event that

> has been recorded and confirmed for all eternity. There are other

> such significant events that appear to people, that bring shifts


> the collective consciousness. Future events can be viewed also,

> although these too cannot be changed.

> I do not really understand this point though; should these events

> be viewable if one intends to 'see' them, and should people ever

> intend to see specific past or future events, or are these


> of the Records something that just happens spontaneously as the

> individual explores the unknown? If the individual enters

> thoughtless awareness, then whatever is seen and experienced


> be a product of intent or thoughts at all, and therefore is


> experience of the universal energy. Surely experiences of this


> should not be specifically 'sought', but are to emerge naturally


> unforced? Possibly the desire for experiences could be a trap in

> itself, and harmful to the individual, and may cause the


> to get caught and lost in these experiences?

> Love, Semira






> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandra,

> >

> > Thank you for that timely warning/information about what Shri

> Mataji has said. i do not have the book anymore, so cannot check


> vibrations. Also, as i read one (or perhaps two) books years ago

> before becoming a Sahaja Yogi, i did not check the vibrations.

> >

> > i agree that there is a lot of 'how to' spiritual books these

> days, and i tend to stay away from ones which are

> obviously 'channelled' by someone, rather than them coming from


> direct inspiration of the author themselves, due to Shri Mataji's

> warning on this, but i always check the vibrations of any book

> before buying/borrowing it. In fact i find if a book is not


> i can feel sharp pain/tingling or heat coming from off the book,


> which case i do not buy/borrow it as according to my vibrational

> knowledge it is not 'kosher'.

> >

> > There is definitely a difference between inspired writing, and


> use of another spirit entity to pass it on.

> >

> > i have always wanted to know this. Can information be channelled

> from another being to a person, and i mean a Spiritual Being


> the Sushumna Channel, a being that is Living and not Dead.....and


> this sense i am talking about " Living " Spirits of God, residing in

> the Collective Consciousness of the Sushumna Nadi as opposed to


> channelling from the " dead " or deceased spirits residing in the

> Collective Subconscious of the Ida Nadi Channel?

> >

> > For example, by an Angel....

> >

> > " The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to


> bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and HE


> AND COMMUNICATED IT BY HIS ANGEL to His bond-servant John " .

> (Revelations 1:1)

> >

> > Isn't this a case of an angel being the channel for the


> to John? We should read in the Bible and study all cases so we can

> know the difference, as i would really like to know the truth


> this.

> >

> > Maybe the difference of received information can also be seen

> between the 'channelled' information that Shri Mataji warns about

> and the 'non-channelled' information that is, for example,


> in Levi's writing of the Book of God's Remembrance which we know


> The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

> >

> > Levi does not claim to receive channelled information from


> spirit, but through meditation this information came through to


> He saw directly and wrote from that. He did not use the medium of

> another spirit. i think the way Levi operated was much like when

> Jagbir's children go into meditation that they see and experience

> directly. It does not come through a secondary spirit being (what

> Shri Mataji calls a deceased person from the Collective


> of the Left Channel, Ida Nadi).

> >

> > Here is how Levi's 'Seeing' is described:

> >

> > Regarding Levi, the transcriber

> >

> > As I stated (in the FAQ's page), The Book of God's Remembrance


> a recording – imprinted on disc-like plates smaller than atoms.

> Every event that ever occurs leaves an imprint on these elemental

> particles, which continuously emit extremely fine energy waves.

> Anyone who knows how to fine-tune certain mind-receptors to the

> frequencies to these tiny transmissions can witness all events


> have ever occurred; and this sacred recording can never be revised

> or edited.

> >

> > It was only a matter of time before someone would become strong

> enough to open our Father's Record Book. As God's Children, our

> souls grow stronger and wiser with each incarnation. (Much of the

> human race has now reached adolescence of soul.) Levi H. Dowling

> (1844 - 1911), an American who lived in Ohio, attained enough

> strength and knowledge to open The Book of God's Remembrance.

> >

> > Levi became strong enough (and worthy enough) sometime after his

> fiftieth year on Earth. He gained the strength and know-how


> many years of practicing all-night sessions of meditation,


> with fasting. After reaching his goal, he was able to focus his

> mind on particular persons, places and times, and clearly view

> ancient events – as if happening " here and now. "

> >

> > During meditation, Levi was able to re-play events (as many


> as necessary) in order to provide us with a perfect transcript.


> spent many months transcribing the events he directly witnessed

> in " The Book of God's Remembrance " (also called The Akashic

> Records). His original manuscript is entitled " The Aquarian Age

> Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, " however it is

> widely published under the title, " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus


> Christ, " and is commonly referred to as simply, " The Aquarian

> Gospel. "

> >

> > People who are known as psychics and remote viewers have

> occasionally caught fleeting glimpses of our Father's recording.

> Prophets and seers have been more successful – sometimes able to

> clearly view some past events (as well as portions of the future);

> but Levi gained complete access to Nature's hidden portico. He is

> the first person in Earth's History to be granted full access to


> Mystic Records of Time, with permission to write down what he

> witnessed.

> >

> > Levi concentrated on just a small portion of God's History Book;

> he focused on " the little book " – that tiny part of World History

> that is the record of Jesus' life. There is no longer any reason


> wonder who was Jesus, or to speculate or debate what He said or

> did. The entire story is now available in the Aquarian Gospel,


> anyone who wishes may read.

> >

> > (http://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/AquarianGospelSinglePage.htm)

> >

> > In regards to Mariane Williamson, like you say, this person gave

> advice, but not how to have the Second Birth of the Spirit. None


> her information actually really helped me, except for a mental

> understanding of the 'logical-ness' of following the spiritual

> values. i must say, however, that, there was no Spiritual


> in just the reading of that, and it did not have the power to


> my life. It was nice words and nice platitudes, and i never really

> understood Spiritual Values Truly until i had my Self-Realization,

> because true spiritual values do not come from thinking and


> visualizing them or anything like that, but from the Power of Self-

> Realization Itself.

> >

> > Like you say, Chandra, only a True Guru can lead a person to the

> Moksha (Spiritual Liberation) within.

> >

> > i would like any more comments from people like Chandra and


> and others on this please, because i think we need to see these

> issues much more clearly and really talk about them and 'thrash'

> them out. Why should we all stay in the dark about these matters?

> >

> > Warmest regards,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > , " my2pai "

> <my2pai>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Violet, John and All,

> > >

> > > I myself have not read the book " The Disappearance of the

> > Universe "

> > > and so I too am not in a position to comment on it. But I have

> > > looked into the ACIM website at acim.org and so would like to

> > offer

> > > my two pennies' worth in the light of what Shri Mataji has

> spoken

> > > regarding the subject of mediums, spiritualists, channellers,

> > black

> > > magicians and healers; this was the subject of a post here on

> this

> > > forum recently:

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Basically, ACIM originated from the channelling experiences of


> > > doctor when she acted as a " scribe " while this bhoot

> named " Jesus "

> > > dictated to her " a course in miracles, " hence ACIM. I have not

> > > looked into the details of this course but from what I can

> gather

> > it

> > > is about spiritual values and other high-sounding platitudes.

> (We

> > > too have a bhoot on this forum named " Joseph of Arimathea "

> > > aka " Vishnu. " The difference is that our " Joseph " here, as far

> as

> > we

> > > know, has not dictated any impressive-sounding document to the

> > human

> > > he has possessed.)

> > >

> > > We have to remember that all the false gurus also carry out


> > same

> > > agenda of spouting highfalutin niceties like love, compassion,

> > > charity, etc. What they don't tell you about is your Self, the

> > > Spirit and the next step in your evolution, your self-

> realization,

> > > the awakening of the Kundalini. The false gurus offer you


> > > pleasant-sounding ideal except That which is the Truth. So we

> have

> > > to know that at this crucial time of the Last Judgment the


> > > prophets have made their appearance in sly and devious ways to

> > > distract and divert the unwary seekers from the path of Truth.

> > >

> > > Blindly following the teaching of these spirit teachers is

> > extremely

> > > dangerous. As Shri Mataji has spoken: " ...that you should know

> > what

> > > are the dangers; I've already told you - moving to the left


> > the

> > > right and the spiritualists are moving to the left. They're

> using

> > > spirits and it's very dangerous. You don't know how to protect

> > > yourself; unless and until you get your realization you will


> > > even know how spiritualism is wrong. Absolutely it is most

> > > dangerous. "

> > >

> > > These spirit teachers are also busybodies, as Shri Mataji has

> put

> > > it. Regarding this, Shri Mataji has said: " It's very


> > > don't go near them. Christ has already told you; he's the one

> who

> > > told so plainly, he took them out and put them in the pigs and

> > pigs

> > > went into the sea. You have heard of that or not; so why do


> > want

> > > to bring them back? Put them in the pigs. If they don't want


> > > reside in the area where they are suppose to reside, let them


> > to

> > > pigs. They've no business, they're busybodies, you know. "

> > >

> > > These spiritual teachers are also meddlesome " do-gooders " who

> have

> > > not accepted the fact of their death and are still hanging

> around

> > > interfering in human affairs. You can read about the bizarre

> tale

> > of

> > > the late Dr. Lang in post 5431 and this is probably the same

> with

> > > the spirit teacher " Jesus " in the case of ACIM.

> > >

> > > Here is the concluding warning from Shri Mataji: " Don't go


> > the

> > > spiritualists; don't do that, it's very dangerous, for you,


> > the

> > > progeny, for everyone. I must warn you; it's the most


> > > thing and should not do that. Even if you don't like it I have

> to

> > > tell you. I don't want to tell you something that's not true.

> You

> > > depend on yourself, on your own spirit, on your own being; why

> to

> > > depend on somebody who's dead, let them be alone. "

> > >

> > > C.

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > <vtubb@b...>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear John and All,

> > > >

> > > > i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the

Universe "

> > so

> > > cannot comment on it, but would be interested in your sharing

> with

> > > us whatever spiritual insights you come across. That would be

> > really

> > > nice, if you would do that, John.

> > > >

> > > > i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based


> > her

> > > work, i believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can explain

> > > better than almost anyone else.....why it makes sense to


> > > spiritual values in one's life. She shows better than most

> anyone

> > > else i know, how not following spiritual values, means you are

> > > really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a

> way,

> > > that is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person


> > why

> > > they never thought of that themselves.

> > > >

> > > > John, you ask:

> > > >

> > > > " I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from


> > > Christian perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-mind'

> > > state? " .........

> > > >

> > > > You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a tool

> to

> > > help you to introspect. Introspection helps a person to


> > > where they may be having wrong understanding/values in their

> lives

> > > that can be adjusted to more spiritually real values. Yoga is

> > about

> > > the union of all our parts, which need to be integrated into

> One.

> > > Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in our

> > lives,

> > > so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly as

> > > Body/Mind/Spirit.

> > > >

> > > > That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of

> Sahaja

> > > Yoga, and that can be experienced through the awakening of the

> > > Kundalini within, which when it rises, goes past the forehead,

> and

> > > takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at the Kingdom of God

> > > within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus).

> When

> > > this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your


> > and

> > > you have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the turning


> > of

> > > a switch in the brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also

> > > correspond to the 1000 Nerves in the brain. It is a Real 'En-

> > Lighten-

> > > Ment', which allows you to see yourself and gives you the


> to

> > > become the Real You that you have always wanted to be, which


> > > really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming

their 'Real

> > > You " or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is

> > > an 'actualization'.....not just a mental concept....when this

> > > happens.)

> > > >

> > > > " Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "

> > > >

> > > > It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is

> still " Awareness " ,

> > > but your focus is Within instead of Without. The yoga or

> union....

> > > gives you the power.....as you practice meditation, to stop


> > > thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are all around us in

> > the 'mind

> > > field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power to stop

> those

> > > thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by


> > way,

> > > but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the


> > > Awareness starts to flow in.......because it


> > all

> > > the intruding thoughts in the atmosphere around are not


> > the

> > > flow of the Higher Awareness.

> > > >

> > > > It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-


> > > state. It is actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can

> > receive

> > > the Higher Awareness of the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher

> Knowledge,

> > > Inspiration, Intuition.....all of which flow via this " Thought-

> > less "

> > > Awareness " .

> > > >

> > > > None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form

of " thoughts " ,

> > > though. That is very important to realize. It comes in the


> of

> > > an " Internal Knowing " . This is also called " Gnosis " .

> > > >

> > > > " Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for

> you.

> > It

> > > is an individual journey within. With practice, dedication,


> > > genuine spiritual seeking, a person can experience it.

> > > >

> > > > i hope this helps.

> > > >

> > > > Warm regards,

> > > >

> > > > Violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " John

Foxworthy "

> > > > <qzxb69> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello All,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the

> > Univese

> > > > and

> > > > > look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in

> > Miracles.

> > > Has

> > > > > anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from


> > > > Christian

> > > > > prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks.

> > > > > JF

> > > > >

> > > > > Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> > > > > www.garbageprophecy.org

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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, anil kanhaua

<hello_betu> wrote:


> Dear Violet,

> Jai Shri Mataji !!!

> Thank you very much for enlightening information that you have

posted. Really, both you and Jagbir have put great efforts for all

spiritual seekers by sharing your personal experiences. I hope that

people may be benefitted greatly by understanding the issues raised

therein. I really appreciate great efforts being done by both of


> Warmest Regards!


> Anil




" Whatever you have achieved is remarkable, no doubt, it is because

of honest searching - honest searching - that you have got it. My

doing is nothing, because you were just there, like a lamp, and I

just enlightened it, that's all. It's not such a big thing to do, as

you people have achieved your state - state of enlightenment - that

you got it because you were hankering after it, working it out, and

you did it. It's very creditable - credit doesn't go to Me, I think,

because I had an opened Sahasrara, but to achieve that in you people

was so joy giving for Me. Why people can't understand? Because

Sahasrara is not open, you can't talk to people, you can't say

anything to them, it's just they don't understand. With your

Sahasrara open, your understanding improves so much. That is what

has happened with all of you. "


Cabella Ligure, Italy, 9 May 2004





> Violet <vtubb@b...> wrote:

> Dear Semira,


> , " semirafields "

> <semirafields> wrote:


> " i do not really understand this point though; should these events

be viewable if one intends to 'see' them, and should people ever

intend to see specific past or future events, or are these glimpses

of the Records something that just happens spontaneously as the

individual explores the unknown? " …………


> Semira, i think a number of factors come into the equation.

Firstly, a person has to be spiritually minded and have a connection

with the All That Is (the Divine). Then, i believe that the person

needs to have their spiritual eyes open to see these events, because

i do not believe that they can be seen with the physical eyes. Then

the Divine has to allow a particular thing to be seen by them. Not

everything is allowed to be seen. i believe all these factors are



> i do think that many of us are given only spiritual glimpses, as

compared to Prophets or Seers. To my knowledge, Prophets and Seers

are usually chosen by the Divine for a specific purpose of giving a

particular message. In Biblical times, they were often reluctant to

give their message, as their lives were put in danger because people

did not like the message given. Prophecy is obviously not a

frivolous `psychic past-time'. It does not even come from the psyche

(Mind). It comes from the Spirit. A Prophet or Seer is always given

a message of information for a specific purpose that the Divine has

in mind.


> Many psychics claim to do so by `channelling'. `Channelling it'

usually means that `dead' deceased spirits are helping

a 'channeller' with information. It also means that the psychic has

to attune themselves to the `dead' deceased spirit/s, by which they

obtain the information they seek. It is through this association of

the psychic with a deceased 'dead' spirit/s, that the `channeller'

puts themselves in psychic danger. Channellers often do not have

peaceful lives but are harassed by these `dead' deceased spirits in

one way or another, sooner or later. This is because once contact is

made, the `dead' deceased spirit/s don't want to lose this contact

because it is also a channel for their unfulfilled desires.


> Seeing from the Spirit, with spiritual eyes or spiritual vision is

a completely different matter. This is `kosher' and approved by

scriptures. In fact, we are often encouraged to open our spiritual

eyes, so that we can see! Also, there is no other spirit/s involved.

It is the connection with the Divine Spirit alone and no other




> " If the individual enters thoughtless awareness, then whatever is

seen and experienced cannot be a product of intent or thoughts at

all, and therefore is genuine experience of the universal energy.

Surely experiences of this kind should not be specifically `sought',

but to emerge naturally and unforced? Possibly the desire for

experiences could be a trap in itself, and harmful to the

individual, and may cause the individual to get caught and lost in

these experiences? " ……………


> i agree with you Semira. If an individual enters thoughtless

awareness, then whatever is seen and experienced cannot be a product

of intent or thoughts at all and therefore is a genuine experience.

Experiences of this kind should not be sought, but allowed to emerge

naturally and unforced as a spiritual quality from connection with

the Divine.


> The desire for these experiences is a trap, because the Pure

Desire should always be for the Divine. All else is secondary. We

are to seek the Giver and not the Gift. If a person seeks the Gift

and not the Giver, their heart is in the wrong place. If their heart

is in the wrong place, their seeking of the Gift (experience) may

end up in delusional fantasies. It may even end up in the

experiencing of the collective subconscious or the collective

supraconscious, where visions and all sorts of fantastical messages

can certainly be had, but they are not of spiritual origin (Spirit)

but of psychic origin (Mind). By the way, the `dead' deceased

spirits of the collective subconscious is where the unregenerated

spirits reside. They are the spirits who have not had their

spiritual rebirth and that is why they are called `unregenerated'.

On the other hand, the collective conscious is where the regenerated

Spirits reside. These are those who have had their spiritual rebirth

and they are

> spiritually 'alive', though they have left their physical



> A person should not desire spiritual `experiences' for just the

sake of having a spiritual experience, however, it is perfectly all

right to desire knowledge, wisdom and understanding. If a person

desires knowledge, wisdom and understanding, they will be given

that. They will not be given all knowledge, wisdom, and

understanding, but they will be given what they can bear. Of course

it has to be deeply desired and `strived for'. Wasn't it King

Solomon who asked for the Gift of Wisdom and became the wisest of

Kings? We can ask the Divine for wisdom also. That is the purpose of

meditation and the spiritual life. It is to grow in wisdom,

knowledge and understanding.


> Semira, i would like to share with you my experience with

spiritual sight. This has only happened to me through Sahaja Yoga. i

have experienced in meditation that sometimes even though my

physical eyes are closed, i can see the room in which i am

meditating, while my physical eyes are shut. When this first

happened to me, i thought i was `seeing things' but when my vision

settled, i was actually viewing the room in which i was meditating,

and i was viewing it with 360-degree vision!


> i was quite amazed! Now i know for sure that when Jesus or any

other Incarnation talked about having 'spiritual eyes to see', it is

not necessarily a metaphor. We really do have spiritual eyes, which

see differently to physical eyes. Physical eyes can only see part of

what is around, such as in front of a person, or maybe some at the

sides, but with the spiritual eyes, you can see all around you in

every direction at once. It all happens very naturally though. i

think it is a natural faculty of the Spirit, because i did not try

for anything to happen. All i did was enjoy my meditation and got a



> Semira, i would like to share with you a scenario in the Bible

where Elisha prays to the Lord to open up his servant's spiritual

eyes in order to see the protection that the Lord sent when the

Arameans were encircling with their horses and carriages to capture

Elisha. Don't you think it is interesting, Semira, that a man of God

can pray to have another man's spiritual eyes opened, so that they

can see with their spiritual eyes, what they could not see with

their physical eyes. Here is the passage:


> The Arameans Plot to Capture Elisha….


> 15. " Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and

gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the

city. And his servant said to him, " Alas, my master! What shall we



> 16. So he (Elisha) answered, " Do not fear, for those who are with

us are more than those who are with them.


> 17. Then Elisha prayed and said, " O Lord, I pray, open his eyes

that he may see. " And the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he

saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of

fire all around Elisha. " (11 Kings 6:15-17)


> i hope all these answer your questions somewhat satisfactorily,



> Love,


> Violet




> In , " semirafields "

> <semirafields> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> > I too do not understand the 'channeling' concept of receiving

> > information; and to me it seems that direct experiences are

> > reliable, trustworthy and verifiable. Also, why would there be a

> > need for channeling if the individual can see and experience

> > themselves? This brings in the questions of motive and


> > The case of Levi as explained in your post below is what I


> > to be true also; that psychic experiences are glimpses of what


> > already been recorded in the universal consciousness, and these

> > events are unalterable. They can only be clarified or confirmed,

> but

> > never altered. The Crucifixion of Christ is a momentous event


> > has been recorded and confirmed for all eternity. There are


> > such significant events that appear to people, that bring shifts

> in

> > the collective consciousness. Future events can be viewed also,

> > although these too cannot be changed.

> > I do not really understand this point though; should these


> > be viewable if one intends to 'see' them, and should people ever

> > intend to see specific past or future events, or are these

> glimpses

> > of the Records something that just happens spontaneously as the

> > individual explores the unknown? If the individual enters

> > thoughtless awareness, then whatever is seen and experienced

> cannot

> > be a product of intent or thoughts at all, and therefore is

> genuine

> > experience of the universal energy. Surely experiences of this

> kind

> > should not be specifically 'sought', but are to emerge naturally

> and

> > unforced? Possibly the desire for experiences could be a trap in

> > itself, and harmful to the individual, and may cause the

> individual

> > to get caught and lost in these experiences?

> > Love, Semira

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Violet "

> <vtubb@b...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chandra,

> > >

> > > Thank you for that timely warning/information about what Shri

> > Mataji has said. i do not have the book anymore, so cannot check

> the

> > vibrations. Also, as i read one (or perhaps two) books years ago

> > before becoming a Sahaja Yogi, i did not check the vibrations.

> > >

> > > i agree that there is a lot of 'how to' spiritual books these

> > days, and i tend to stay away from ones which are

> > obviously 'channelled' by someone, rather than them coming from

> the

> > direct inspiration of the author themselves, due to Shri


> > warning on this, but i always check the vibrations of any book

> > before buying/borrowing it. In fact i find if a book is not

> dharmic,

> > i can feel sharp pain/tingling or heat coming from off the book,

> in

> > which case i do not buy/borrow it as according to my vibrational

> > knowledge it is not 'kosher'.

> > >

> > > There is definitely a difference between inspired writing, and

> the

> > use of another spirit entity to pass it on.

> > >

> > > i have always wanted to know this. Can information be


> > from another being to a person, and i mean a Spiritual Being

> through

> > the Sushumna Channel, a being that is Living and not


> in

> > this sense i am talking about " Living " Spirits of God, residing


> > the Collective Consciousness of the Sushumna Nadi as opposed to

> the

> > channelling from the " dead " or deceased spirits residing in the

> > Collective Subconscious of the Ida Nadi Channel?

> > >

> > > For example, by an Angel....

> > >

> > > " The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to

> His

> > bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and HE


> > AND COMMUNICATED IT BY HIS ANGEL to His bond-servant John " .

> > (Revelations 1:1)

> > >

> > > Isn't this a case of an angel being the channel for the

> Revelation

> > to John? We should read in the Bible and study all cases so we


> > know the difference, as i would really like to know the truth

> about

> > this.

> > >

> > > Maybe the difference of received information can also be seen

> > between the 'channelled' information that Shri Mataji warns


> > and the 'non-channelled' information that is, for example,

> evidenced

> > in Levi's writing of the Book of God's Remembrance which we know

> as

> > The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

> > >

> > > Levi does not claim to receive channelled information from

> another

> > spirit, but through meditation this information came through to

> him.

> > He saw directly and wrote from that. He did not use the medium


> > another spirit. i think the way Levi operated was much like when

> > Jagbir's children go into meditation that they see and


> > directly. It does not come through a secondary spirit being


> > Shri Mataji calls a deceased person from the Collective

> Subconscious

> > of the Left Channel, Ida Nadi).

> > >

> > > Here is how Levi's 'Seeing' is described:

> > >

> > > Regarding Levi, the transcriber

> > >

> > > As I stated (in the FAQ's page), The Book of God's Remembrance

> is

> > a recording – imprinted on disc-like plates smaller than atoms.

> > Every event that ever occurs leaves an imprint on these


> > particles, which continuously emit extremely fine energy waves.

> > Anyone who knows how to fine-tune certain mind-receptors to the

> > frequencies to these tiny transmissions can witness all events

> that

> > have ever occurred; and this sacred recording can never be


> > or edited.

> > >

> > > It was only a matter of time before someone would become


> > enough to open our Father's Record Book. As God's Children, our

> > souls grow stronger and wiser with each incarnation. (Much of


> > human race has now reached adolescence of soul.) Levi H.


> > (1844 - 1911), an American who lived in Ohio, attained enough

> > strength and knowledge to open The Book of God's Remembrance.

> > >

> > > Levi became strong enough (and worthy enough) sometime after


> > fiftieth year on Earth. He gained the strength and know-how

> through

> > many years of practicing all-night sessions of meditation,

> combined

> > with fasting. After reaching his goal, he was able to focus his

> > mind on particular persons, places and times, and clearly view

> > ancient events – as if happening " here and now. "

> > >

> > > During meditation, Levi was able to re-play events (as many

> times

> > as necessary) in order to provide us with a perfect transcript.

> He

> > spent many months transcribing the events he directly witnessed

> > in " The Book of God's Remembrance " (also called The Akashic

> > Records). His original manuscript is entitled " The Aquarian Age

> > Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, " however it is

> > widely published under the title, " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus

> the

> > Christ, " and is commonly referred to as simply, " The Aquarian

> > Gospel. "

> > >

> > > People who are known as psychics and remote viewers have

> > occasionally caught fleeting glimpses of our Father's


> > Prophets and seers have been more successful – sometimes able to

> > clearly view some past events (as well as portions of the


> > but Levi gained complete access to Nature's hidden portico. He


> > the first person in Earth's History to be granted full access to

> the

> > Mystic Records of Time, with permission to write down what he

> > witnessed.

> > >

> > > Levi concentrated on just a small portion of God's History


> > he focused on " the little book " – that tiny part of World


> > that is the record of Jesus' life. There is no longer any


> to

> > wonder who was Jesus, or to speculate or debate what He said or

> > did. The entire story is now available in the Aquarian Gospel,

> and

> > anyone who wishes may read.

> > >

> > > (http://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/AquarianGospelSinglePage.htm)

> > >

> > > In regards to Mariane Williamson, like you say, this person


> > advice, but not how to have the Second Birth of the Spirit. None

> of

> > her information actually really helped me, except for a mental

> > understanding of the 'logical-ness' of following the spiritual

> > values. i must say, however, that, there was no Spiritual

> Liberation

> > in just the reading of that, and it did not have the power to

> change

> > my life. It was nice words and nice platitudes, and i never


> > understood Spiritual Values Truly until i had my Self-


> > because true spiritual values do not come from thinking and

> mentally

> > visualizing them or anything like that, but from the Power of


> > Realization Itself.

> > >

> > > Like you say, Chandra, only a True Guru can lead a person to


> > Moksha (Spiritual Liberation) within.

> > >

> > > i would like any more comments from people like Chandra and

> Jagbir

> > and others on this please, because i think we need to see these

> > issues much more clearly and really talk about them and 'thrash'

> > them out. Why should we all stay in the dark about these matters?

> > >

> > > Warmest regards,

> > >

> > > Violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " my2pai "

> > <my2pai>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Violet, John and All,

> > > >

> > > > I myself have not read the book " The Disappearance of the

> > > Universe "

> > > > and so I too am not in a position to comment on it. But I


> > > > looked into the ACIM website at acim.org and so would like


> > > offer

> > > > my two pennies' worth in the light of what Shri Mataji has

> > spoken

> > > > regarding the subject of mediums, spiritualists,


> > > black

> > > > magicians and healers; this was the subject of a post here


> > this

> > > > forum recently:

> > > >

> > > >

> /message/5431

> > > >

> > > > Basically, ACIM originated from the channelling experiences


> a

> > > > doctor when she acted as a " scribe " while this bhoot

> > named " Jesus "

> > > > dictated to her " a course in miracles, " hence ACIM. I have


> > > > looked into the details of this course but from what I can

> > gather

> > > it

> > > > is about spiritual values and other high-sounding


> > (We

> > > > too have a bhoot on this forum named " Joseph of Arimathea "

> > > > aka " Vishnu. " The difference is that our " Joseph " here, as


> > as

> > > we

> > > > know, has not dictated any impressive-sounding document to


> > > human

> > > > he has possessed.)

> > > >

> > > > We have to remember that all the false gurus also carry out

> the

> > > same

> > > > agenda of spouting highfalutin niceties like love,


> > > > charity, etc. What they don't tell you about is your Self,


> > > > Spirit and the next step in your evolution, your self-

> > realization,

> > > > the awakening of the Kundalini. The false gurus offer you

> every

> > > > pleasant-sounding ideal except That which is the Truth. So


> > have

> > > > to know that at this crucial time of the Last Judgment the

> false

> > > > prophets have made their appearance in sly and devious ways


> > > > distract and divert the unwary seekers from the path of


> > > >

> > > > Blindly following the teaching of these spirit teachers is

> > > extremely

> > > > dangerous. As Shri Mataji has spoken: " ...that you should


> > > what

> > > > are the dangers; I've already told you - moving to the left

> and

> > > the

> > > > right and the spiritualists are moving to the left. They're

> > using

> > > > spirits and it's very dangerous. You don't know how to


> > > > yourself; unless and until you get your realization you will

> not

> > > > even know how spiritualism is wrong. Absolutely it is most

> > > > dangerous. "

> > > >

> > > > These spirit teachers are also busybodies, as Shri Mataji


> > put

> > > > it. Regarding this, Shri Mataji has said: " It's very

> dangerous,

> > > > don't go near them. Christ has already told you; he's the


> > who

> > > > told so plainly, he took them out and put them in the pigs


> > > pigs

> > > > went into the sea. You have heard of that or not; so why do

> you

> > > want

> > > > to bring them back? Put them in the pigs. If they don't want

> to

> > > > reside in the area where they are suppose to reside, let


> go

> > > to

> > > > pigs. They've no business, they're busybodies, you know. "

> > > >

> > > > These spiritual teachers are also meddlesome " do-gooders "


> > have

> > > > not accepted the fact of their death and are still hanging

> > around

> > > > interfering in human affairs. You can read about the bizarre

> > tale

> > > of

> > > > the late Dr. Lang in post 5431 and this is probably the same

> > with

> > > > the spirit teacher " Jesus " in the case of ACIM.

> > > >

> > > > Here is the concluding warning from Shri Mataji: " Don't go

> near

> > > the

> > > > spiritualists; don't do that, it's very dangerous, for you,

> for

> > > the

> > > > progeny, for everyone. I must warn you; it's the most

> dangerous

> > > > thing and should not do that. Even if you don't like it I


> > to

> > > > tell you. I don't want to tell you something that's not


> > You

> > > > depend on yourself, on your own spirit, on your own being;


> > to

> > > > depend on somebody who's dead, let them be alone. "

> > > >

> > > > C.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Violet "

> > > <vtubb@b...>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear John and All,

> > > > >

> > > > > i have never read the book " The Disappearance of the

> Universe "

> > > so

> > > > cannot comment on it, but would be interested in your


> > with

> > > > us whatever spiritual insights you come across. That would


> > > really

> > > > nice, if you would do that, John.

> > > > >

> > > > > i have read books by Mariane Williamson, and ACIM is based

> on

> > > her

> > > > work, i believe. From what i have read.....Mariane can


> > > > better than almost anyone else.....why it makes sense to

> follow

> > > > spiritual values in one's life. She shows better than most

> > anyone

> > > > else i know, how not following spiritual values, means you


> > > > really cheating yourself. She is able to explain things in a

> > way,

> > > > that is very logical and makes sense, and makes a person

> wonder

> > > why

> > > > they never thought of that themselves.

> > > > >

> > > > > John, you ask:

> > > > >

> > > > > " I'm wondering how ACIM relates to yoga. Forgive me, from

> the

> > > > Christian perspective, but does yoga put you into a 'no-


> > > > state? " .........

> > > > >

> > > > > You could say that ACIM relates to yoga in that it is a


> > to

> > > > help you to introspect. Introspection helps a person to

> realize

> > > > where they may be having wrong understanding/values in their

> > lives

> > > > that can be adjusted to more spiritually real values. Yoga


> > > about

> > > > the union of all our parts, which need to be integrated into

> > One.

> > > > Yoga is about the integration of the spiritual values in our

> > > lives,

> > > > so that we can be fully integrated and functioning smoothly


> > > > Body/Mind/Spirit.

> > > > >

> > > > > That said.....a person still needs the Light and Power of

> > Sahaja

> > > > Yoga, and that can be experienced through the awakening of


> > > > Kundalini within, which when it rises, goes past the


> > and

> > > > takes your Spirit with Her to the throne at the Kingdom of


> > > > within (a.k.a. the Sahasrara Centre or 1000 petalled Lotus).

> > When

> > > > this happens, the Light of the Spirit awakens within your

> being,

> > > and

> > > > you have the Light and Power of Union. It is like the


> on

> > > of

> > > > a switch in the brain of the 1000 petalled Lotus, which also

> > > > correspond to the 1000 Nerves in the brain. It is a Real 'En-

> > > Lighten-

> > > > Ment', which allows you to see yourself and gives you the

> power

> > to

> > > > become the Real You that you have always wanted to be, which

> is

> > > > really the Spirit. (Most SY's never managed becoming

> their 'Real

> > > > You " or Spirit until they had that connection, btw. It is

> > > > an 'actualization'.....not just a mental concept....when


> > > > happens.)

> > > > >

> > > > > " Does yoga put you into a 'no-mind' state? "

> > > > >

> > > > > It is called " Thought-Less " Awareness. It is

> > still " Awareness " ,

> > > > but your focus is Within instead of Without. The yoga or

> > union....

> > > > gives you the power.....as you practice meditation, to stop

> the

> > > > thoughts that intrude. These thoughts are all around us in

> > > the 'mind

> > > > field' in the atmosphere. We begin to have the power to stop

> > those

> > > > thoughts and when we have done that (which is not forced by

> the

> > > way,

> > > > but is a by-product of the meditation practice) then the

> Higher

> > > > Awareness starts to flow in.......because it

> can........because

> > > all

> > > > the intruding thoughts in the atmosphere around are not

> blocking

> > > the

> > > > flow of the Higher Awareness.

> > > > >

> > > > > It is not so much a 'no-mind' state, but it is a 'no-

> thought'

> > > > state. It is actually a Higher Mind State, in which you can

> > > receive

> > > > the Higher Awareness of the flow of Love, Bliss, Higher

> > Knowledge,

> > > > Inspiration, Intuition.....all of which flow via

this " Thought-

> > > less "

> > > > Awareness " .

> > > > >

> > > > > None of this Higher Awareness comes in the form

> of " thoughts " ,

> > > > though. That is very important to realize. It comes in the

> form

> > of

> > > > an " Internal Knowing " . This is also called " Gnosis " .

> > > > >

> > > > > " Gnosis " has to be experienced, and nobody can do that for

> > you.

> > > It

> > > > is an individual journey within. With practice, dedication,

> and

> > > > genuine spiritual seeking, a person can experience it.

> > > > >

> > > > > i hope this helps.

> > > > >

> > > > > Warm regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Violet

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " John

> Foxworthy "

> > > > > <qzxb69> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hello All,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have recently ordered the book The Disapearance of the

> > > Univese

> > > > > and

> > > > > > look forward to reading it. It's based on A Course in

> > > Miracles.

> > > > Has

> > > > > > anyone else read it/have any opinions on the book?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm wondering how ACIM relates go yoga. Forgive me, from

> the

> > > > > Christian

> > > > > > prespecitve, but does yoga put you into a no-mind state?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks.

> > > > > > JF

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Can picking up garbage make you lucky?

> > > > > > www.garbageprophecy.org

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >




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