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I really do not understand what do you mean by the term possessed

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Dear Violet,


Can you explain what is meant by the term " possessed " ? Do SYs

understand it as demonic possession or what? i will be grateful if

you can explain this term as undertood in SY collectives. Thanks.


warmest regards,





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> > So let them label you as possessed. That is their final parting

curse for being your own master, one who is able to articulate the

Divine Message of the Resurrection to fellow humans. Just remain

firmly established in Truth and Dharma till all obstacles are

overcome. One day your oppressors will be a distant memory, a bad

dream you would rather forget. Begin to enjoy the bliss of a global

collective being created to propagate Her Divine Message of the

Resurrection. Look forward to discharging your duties towards the Adi

Shakti by collectively helping to commence Satya Yuga by 2013. Just

forget them.


, " davesyogi "

<davesyogi> wrote:


> Hi Jagbir

> I really do not understand what do you mean by the term " possessed "

> How one knows is possessed? It is a certain protocol in sahaja yoga

to determine if someone is consumed by demons? Can it be confirmed by

> multiple yogis? I assume you use the term in association with the

> demons.As I am aware,there are very few cases in the history of

> " possession " .Is this related with the ego we have,and force us to

not evolve? Or it is related to the demons who are just about to grab

us? I am not sure what to think about this issue.


> Dave


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Dear Jagbir,


According to Shri Mataji, if a person is dominated by an overinflated ego, they

are possessed by that ego. Alternatively, if a person is dominated by their

overinflated superego, they are possessed by their conditionings. A person can

be possessed by materialism, if they love money and other materialistic things.

Also, a person can be possessed by another person, if they allow that person to

dominate them.


There was a particular occurence when Shri Mataji told that a particular

Collective in a particular country were all possessed, because they were being

dominated by their overnflated egos and conditionings, instead of surrendering

to the Divine Within. " Being possessed " basically means that we are giving in to

our lower animal nature, called the " Lower Self " .


That is why in all spirituality/religions the aim is to become our Higher Self,

which is the Spirit. When we become the Spirit, we also become our own Master,

our own Teacher, our own Guru. Instead of being 'possessed' or bound by mundane

things, we ourselves " possess " the higher qualities of the Spirit such as love,

compassion, kindness, bliss, knowledge, wisdom and so forth. This is spiritual

liberation, where we become our own Master rather than being

controlled/manipulated/enticed by the Lower Self.


What is " Demonic Possession " ?


i see " Demonic possession " as being the extreme end in the yardstick of

'possession'. This is where a person is seen to be overtaken very clearly by

usually a deceased spirit or spirits. The original personality is taken over.

This type of person usually harms themselves and others. i worked in

Saskatchewan Training School in Canada for one year in the 1970's, which was an

Institution for the Mentally Ill. i have seen such a type of demonically

possessed person who when out of control mutilated themselves and had to be held

down by maybe ten orderlies in order just to give medication to calm that poor

person down. That person had a supernormal physical power which the deceased

spirit/spirits gave that person. Most sane people are not 'demonically

possessed'. It is those generally, who have become insane that are 'demonically

possessed'. There are also degrees of insanity, of course, but i don't want to

go into that.


The main things is that we seek to become the Spirit, which liberates us from

any mundane loves, ego, conditionings, in short, anything that binds us.


To call anyone as 'possessed' just as a label to put a person down, is a very

unkind and unloving thing to do. It is a different matter altogether, to bring

out the truth of a matter with knowledge, love, and compassion.


i hope this helps,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Dear Violet,


> Can you explain what is meant by the term " possessed " ? Do SYs

> understand it as demonic possession or what? i will be grateful if

> you can explain this term as undertood in SY collectives. Thanks.


> warmest regards,


> jagbir



> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > > So let them label you as possessed. That is their final


> curse for being your own master, one who is able to articulate the

> Divine Message of the Resurrection to fellow humans. Just remain

> firmly established in Truth and Dharma till all obstacles are

> overcome. One day your oppressors will be a distant memory, a bad

> dream you would rather forget. Begin to enjoy the bliss of a


> collective being created to propagate Her Divine Message of the

> Resurrection. Look forward to discharging your duties towards the


> Shakti by collectively helping to commence Satya Yuga by 2013.


> forget them.

> >

> , " davesyogi "

> <davesyogi> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Jagbir

> > I really do not understand what do you mean by the

term " possessed "

> > How one knows is possessed? It is a certain protocol in sahaja


> to determine if someone is consumed by demons? Can it be confirmed


> > multiple yogis? I assume you use the term in association with the

> > demons.As I am aware,there are very few cases in the history of

> > " possession " .Is this related with the ego we have,and force us


> not evolve? Or it is related to the demons who are just about to


> us? I am not sure what to think about this issue.

> >

> > Dave

> >


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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Jagbir,


> According to Shri Mataji, if a person is dominated by an overinflated

> ego, they are possessed by that ego. Alternatively, if a person is

> dominated by their overinflated superego, they are possessed by their

> conditionings. A person can be possessed by materialism, if they love

> money and other materialistic things. Also, a person can be possessed

> by another person, if they allow that person to dominate them. ...


> To call anyone as 'possessed' just as a label to put a person down,

> is a very unkind and unloving thing to do. It is a different matter

> altogether, to bring out the truth of a matter with knowledge, love,

> and compassion.



So why did that SY label you as 'possessed'? If telling the truth comes

from the being possessed by an 'honest ego' can we deduce that lying is

due to a 'cowardly ego? Then can we say that shoebeating daily is due

to being possessed by catch conditioning?


So the only way to escape all this Inquisytion is to remain thoughtless

aware. Are you sure that i cannot be possessed by a thoughtless ego?

over-awareness conditioning ego? semi-aware conditioning ego? Perhaps

those who want to control you are possessed by a dominating ego,

overactive overinflated ego, possessed superego ......... and we can go

on and on. Is the Inquisytion that afraid of those trying to explain

the Divine Message of Shri Mataji that they will go to any length in

order to demonize you? Why are they possessed by so much of fear and

insecurity that SYs must first lie in public in order to tell the truth

later in private? Is possession the cause of this baseless fear? And

why do they keep projecting the fear on those who want to be honest and

transparent? i just cannot behave and pretend that Sahaja Yoga is for

kundalini awakening, stress management and healthy living, a position

adopted early in Sahaja Yoga. Why can't they accept honesty in others?



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Dear Jagbir,


" So why did that SY label you as `possessed'? "


That SY labelled me as 'possessed' because they believed the leader's

unfavourable version of what I write. By believing the leader's unfavourable and

unbalanced version of what I write…it was easy for this SY to come to the

conclusion that I must be " possessed " by an overinflated ego.


I just want to say at this point that the institution of the ego and superego

are part of the human psychosomatic (mind/body) system. Without the ego and

superego, we would not even see ourselves as separate human beings:


" In psychoanalytic theory, EGO is one of the three major parts of the

personality, the others being the ID and the SUPEREGO. The word 'ego' is Latin

for " I " , that is, self or individual as distinguished from other persons. The

ego is represented by certain mental mechanisms, such as perception and memory,

and specific defense mechanisms that are used to adjust to the demands of

primitive instinctual drives (the id) and the demands of the external world

(superego). The ego may be considered to be the psychologic aspect of one's

personality, the id comprising the physiologic aspects and the superego the

social aspects. The ego controls and directs an individual's actions and seeks

compromises between the id impulses, social and parental prohibitions, and the

pressures of reality " . (Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine,

Nursing, & Allied Health - Sixth Edition)


So… lets make it clear that when we are talking about `ego' and 'superego' in

Sahaj' terms…that we are talking of an OVERINFLATED ego or an OVERINFLATED

superego and not the Necessary Institution of ego/superego/id itself, without

which, we could not even operate as human beings.



" If telling the truth comes from being possessed by an 'honest ego' can we

deduce that lying is due to a 'cowardly ego? "


There is a difference between " possessing " something and being " possessed by "

something. When a person becomes their own Master, they will tell the truth and

so it could be said that they " possess " an `honest ego'. Their Higher

Self/Spirit is in charge.


When a person is not their own Master, they may be afraid of or not want to face

up to the truth. In that case it could be said that they are " possessed by " a

`cowardly ego'. The Ego is in charge here, not the Higher Self/Spirit.



" Then can we say that shoebeating daily is due to being possessed by " catch

conditioning? " .........


It does not matter whether something is a good or a bad conditioning, a good

practice or a bad practice. If it is overdone, it becomes a conditioned response

to a situation. We are not to become conditioned people, Shri Mataji has told

us. We are to be flexible, which means `not conditioned'. The problem is that if

a person overdoes something, even good things like clearing practices in Sahaja

Yoga, the overdoing of it can lead to an obsession, which is not healthy.


When it becomes obsessive, the `obsessiveness' takes over, and the

'obsession'…not the person, becomes in charge. One way to know if a person is

obsessed is to ask: " Who is in charge here? " If the practice takes over the

person, the person is `obsessed'. If the person is in control of the practice,

the person is in charge.


" So the only way to escape all this Inquisytion is to remain thoughtlessly

aware. Are you sure that I cannot be possessed by a thoughtless ego? "


That is true. We need to remain `thoughtlessly aware'. A person can possess

thoughtless awareness, but thoughtless awareness will never possess them,

because human beings have free will. They will have to want to possess (own)

thoughtless awareness to have it.



" Over-awareness conditioning ego, semi-aware conditioning ego " (You are making

me laugh, Jagbir.)


" Perhaps those who want to control you are possessed by a dominating ego,

overactive overinflated ego, possessed superego and we can go on and on. " (I am

definitely losing it here, Jagbir… you have a way with words and I can't stop




" Is the Inquisytion that afraid of those trying to explain the Divine Message of

Shri Mataji that they will go to any length in order to demonize you? Why are

they possessed by so much of fear and insecurity that SYs must first lie in

public in order to tell the truth later in private? Is possession the cause of

this baseless fear? And why do they keep projecting the fear on those who want

to be honest and transparent?


The Inquisytion Types do not understand the Divine Message, because they have

not entered into `gnosis' and therefore want to prevent others from entering

into `gnosis'. It is the same old story where Jesus complained about the

Pharisees not entering into the `gnosis' and also preventing others from

entering therein.


The Divine Message is a Gnostic Message. It invites Seeker to experience the Adi

Shakti Within. When they experience the Adi Shakti within, they will come to

Know Her. A person does not become a Gnostic or Knower through cleansing

practices and giving Self-Realization and doing programs. The Inquisytion Types

are only organizing themselves and others, but they are not experiencing the

deepest truth within them, the `Gnosis " .


Only a person that has `gnosis' can understand and explain the Divine Message,

because it is a Gnostic Message. The Inquisytion Types have not experienced

" Gnosis " but they know all about Cleansing Practices and Self-Realization and

how to Meditate and they are comfortable with that. Anyone can learn to do all



But you have to have the Gnostic Experience to tell about the Divine Message and

be credible at the same time. They will not have the 'know-how' to tell the

Divine Message, because it has to start from their own spiritual experience, and

if they do not have their own spiritual experince, then how can they convince

others of the Gnostic Experience. In other words, the Divine Message can really

only be shared from one's Gnostic Experience and backed up with Scriptures. If a

person does not have that Gnostic Experience to back up the Scriptures that

means they are not practicing what they teach. Therefore, they would soon be

found out that they do not know what they are teaching and are hypocrites for

teaching to others what they have not experienced themselves.


You could say that they are " possessed " by fear. Yes, you could say that for

sure. The fact that they project that fear on to others is proof that it exists

in them, because a person projects what they are. If a person has fear in them,

that will be projected to others. If a person has love in them, that will be

projected to others.


They project that fear especially on to those who want to be transparent and

honest, because that very `transparency' and 'honesty' reveals/exposes their own

worst fears. Those who are transparent and honest also reflect back these fears

which makes them even more fearful so that they will do crazy things like

calling them " possessed " . It is they.....though.....who are

" possessed " ......they are " possessed " by their own fears.



" i just cannot behave and pretend that Sahaja Yoga is for kundalini awakening,

stress management and healthy living, a position adopted early in Sahaja Yoga.

Why can't they accept honesty in others? "


I cannot do that either Jagbir. I have to be honest. Shri Mataji said that Stage

1 was going in to Stage 2 (which is the whole World Stage) and that things would

change. However, they are stuck on Stage 1 still, which was where everyone

learned the basic cleansing practices and giving self-realization and

Meditation. The Divine Message Stage was meant to be next when everyone had

matured spiritually, but this has not happened. Most are still stuck at Stage 1.

Like Shri Mataji has said: " We will see if you are up to that. " They are just

not up to that. For SM to even have said that, She must have realized how slim

the chances might be for them to be 'up to that " .


Warmest regards,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > According to Shri Mataji, if a person is dominated by an


> > ego, they are possessed by that ego. Alternatively, if a person


> > dominated by their overinflated superego, they are possessed by


> > conditionings. A person can be possessed by materialism, if they


> > money and other materialistic things. Also, a person can be


> > by another person, if they allow that person to dominate

them. ...

> >

> > To call anyone as 'possessed' just as a label to put a person


> > is a very unkind and unloving thing to do. It is a different


> > altogether, to bring out the truth of a matter with knowledge,


> > and compassion.

> >


> So why did that SY label you as 'possessed'? If telling the truth


> from the being possessed by an 'honest ego' can we deduce that

lying is

> due to a 'cowardly ego? Then can we say that shoebeating daily is


> to being possessed by catch conditioning?


> So the only way to escape all this Inquisytion is to remain


> aware. Are you sure that i cannot be possessed by a thoughtless


> over-awareness conditioning ego? semi-aware conditioning ego?


> those who want to control you are possessed by a dominating ego,

> overactive overinflated ego, possessed superego ......... and we

can go

> on and on. Is the Inquisytion that afraid of those trying to


> the Divine Message of Shri Mataji that they will go to any length


> order to demonize you? Why are they possessed by so much of fear


> insecurity that SYs must first lie in public in order to tell the


> later in private? Is possession the cause of this baseless fear?


> why do they keep projecting the fear on those who want to be

honest and

> transparent? i just cannot behave and pretend that Sahaja Yoga is


> kundalini awakening, stress management and healthy living, a


> adopted early in Sahaja Yoga. Why can't they accept honesty in



> jagbir


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, " Violet " <vtubb@b...>



> Dear Jagbir,


> " So why did that SY label you as `possessed'? "


> That SY labelled me as 'possessed' because they believed the

> leader's unfavourable version of what I write. By believing the

> leader's unfavourable and unbalanced version of what I write…it was

> easy for this SY to come to the conclusion that I must

> be " possessed " by an overinflated ego.



So looks like certain national emperors plot to assassinate your

character by employing the services of the dreaded Inquisytion. Since

this SY was doing the dirty job can we say he/she was possessed by

the overinflated and domineering ego of the emporor(s)? Or Violet are

both parties possessed by a possessive ego that needs to possess our

already possessed personalities in order to depossess us of our own



But Violet, since both of us are already possessed by an overactive

ego how sure are members here that they are getting original answers

to difficult questions from our real selfs, not a dominant ego

controlling our possessed egos? You see i am getting so confused by

all this complex possession terminology that i am now unsure whether

it is my real 'ego' writing these words or is it a possessed dominant

super-ego that is controlling my submissive ego. Can you please

contact the Australian chapter of the Inquisytion and beg them to rid

me of all possessions? In good faith i will stock up on chillies,

lemons and candles in anticipation of life-long rituals to exorcise

myself of all the 1001 types of Inquisytion-approved possessed egos.


ribgaj hgnis


> I just want to say at this point that the institution of the ego

> and superego are part of the human psychosomatic (mind/body)

> system. Without the ego and superego, we would not even see

> ourselves as separate human beings:



Thank you for this. My ego just remembered and reminded me that i am

definitely a separate human being. Looks like i will not be condemned

to a life of chillies and lemons after all. Please cancell the

Inquisytion appointment.


jagbir singh

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Dear Jagbir, Chandra, and All,


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


" You see i am getting so confused by all this complex possession

terminology " .......



Jagbir, i have to agree that it is confusing.


Can anyone clarify this issue?


When Shri Mataji says " possessed by ego " what does She mean? Does She mean

" demonically possessed " by ego? Or does She mean " dominated by ego " ? i have

heard Shri Mataji use both terms..... " dominated by ego " and " possessed by ego " .


i am sure we all would be grateful if someone could clarify this confusing







> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > " So why did that SY label you as `possessed'? "

> >

> > That SY labelled me as 'possessed' because they believed the

> > leader's unfavourable version of what I write. By believing the

> > leader's unfavourable and unbalanced version of what I write…it


> > easy for this SY to come to the conclusion that I must

> > be " possessed " by an overinflated ego.

> >


> So looks like certain national emperors plot to assassinate your

> character by employing the services of the dreaded Inquisytion.


> this SY was doing the dirty job can we say he/she was possessed by

> the overinflated and domineering ego of the emporor(s)? Or Violet


> both parties possessed by a possessive ego that needs to possess


> already possessed personalities in order to depossess us of our


> possessions?


> But Violet, since both of us are already possessed by an


> ego how sure are members here that they are getting original


> to difficult questions from our real selfs, not a dominant ego

> controlling our possessed egos? You see i am getting so confused


> all this complex possession terminology that i am now unsure


> it is my real 'ego' writing these words or is it a possessed


> super-ego that is controlling my submissive ego. Can you please

> contact the Australian chapter of the Inquisytion and beg them to


> me of all possessions? In good faith i will stock up on chillies,

> lemons and candles in anticipation of life-long rituals to


> myself of all the 1001 types of Inquisytion-approved possessed



> ribgaj hgnis


> > I just want to say at this point that the institution of the ego

> > and superego are part of the human psychosomatic (mind/body)

> > system. Without the ego and superego, we would not even see

> > ourselves as separate human beings:

> >


> Thank you for this. My ego just remembered and reminded me that i


> definitely a separate human being. Looks like i will not be


> to a life of chillies and lemons after all. Please cancell the

> Inquisytion appointment.


> jagbir singh


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Dear Jagbir,


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


" You see i am getting so confused by all this complex possession

terminology " .......


i certainly can sympathize with you on how confusing all this complex possession

terminology is. Until now, even your message about " possessions " was confusing

to me. However, i have just had another read and the light has finally dawned.

Now i know that the more " possessions " you have, the more chillies, lemons, and

candles you will require. Then when you run out of chillies and lemons and

candles you will be in a desperate situation indeed. Thanks so much for this

clarification. It all makes sense to me now.




, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " Violet "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > " So why did that SY label you as `possessed'? "

> >

> > That SY labelled me as 'possessed' because they believed the

> > leader's unfavourable version of what I write. By believing the

> > leader's unfavourable and unbalanced version of what I write…it


> > easy for this SY to come to the conclusion that I must

> > be " possessed " by an overinflated ego.

> >


> So looks like certain national emperors plot to assassinate your

> character by employing the services of the dreaded Inquisytion.


> this SY was doing the dirty job can we say he/she was possessed by

> the overinflated and domineering ego of the emporor(s)? Or Violet


> both parties possessed by a possessive ego that needs to possess


> already possessed personalities in order to depossess us of our


> possessions?


> But Violet, since both of us are already possessed by an


> ego how sure are members here that they are getting original


> to difficult questions from our real selfs, not a dominant ego

> controlling our possessed egos? You see i am getting so confused


> all this complex possession terminology that i am now unsure


> it is my real 'ego' writing these words or is it a possessed


> super-ego that is controlling my submissive ego. Can you please

> contact the Australian chapter of the Inquisytion and beg them to


> me of all possessions? In good faith i will stock up on chillies,

> lemons and candles in anticipation of life-long rituals to


> myself of all the 1001 types of Inquisytion-approved possessed



> ribgaj hgnis


> > I just want to say at this point that the institution of the ego

> > and superego are part of the human psychosomatic (mind/body)

> > system. Without the ego and superego, we would not even see

> > ourselves as separate human beings:

> >


> Thank you for this. My ego just remembered and reminded me that i


> definitely a separate human being. Looks like i will not be


> to a life of chillies and lemons after all. Please cancell the

> Inquisytion appointment.


> jagbir singh


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