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Vedanta says that all religions contain within themselves the same essential

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I agree with you Semira.Thank you Jagbir.

Jai Shri Mataji!!




, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,

> Thank you very much for all your explanations and for the helpful

> and enlightening information that you have posted. You have spent a

> lot of time and effort in compiling a base of detailed information

> for all spiritual seekers and have also shared much of your personal

> experiences so that people may understand and overcome difficult

> issues, and leave misery and hopelessness behind.

> With love and appreciation, Semira




> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Semira,

> > > >

> > > > Definitely and without question the Divine Message will triumph

> > > > over the organization itself. In future more and more people

> will

> > > > embrace its central message of evolving into the eternal spirit

> > > > that all religions, holy scriptures and prophets have since

> time

> > > > immemorial upheld. The Divine Message is a spiritual

> sanctuary, a

> > > > beacon of hope, joy, peace of eternal life to all humans. The

> > > > Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee is the Divine Feminine that

> > > > gives Self-realization/Birth of Spirit/Baptism of Allah/Opens

> > > > Dasam Dwar for humanity to enter the Sahasrara/Kingdom of

> > > > God/Niche of lights/Inner Sanctuary within where Brahman/God

> > > > Almighty/Allah/ Waheguru resides as THE LIGHT. Semira, not only

> > > > the current Sahaja Yoga organisation but all religious

> > > > organizations as well have merely been intended as temporary

> > > > vehicles and starting points for the Divine Message.

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > i would like to add that the Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee

> is

> > > not really an intellectual premise but a faith experience of the

> > > Divine Message. Immediately after the Divine Feminine gives Self-

> > > realization/Birth of Spirit/Baptism of Allah/Opens Dasam Dwar the

> > > seeker will feel the Cool Breeze, the Ruach or Breath of God,

> > > flowing rom his/her hands and head. The Holy Spirit is indeed a

> > > daily experience of His Breath for the rest of your life. The

> > > Divine Message is a spiritual sanctuary, a beacon of hope, joy,

> > > peace of eternal life to all humans.

> > >

> > > " So we must know that it's a new explosion. That's why I call it

> > > Blossom Time, that we are definitely spiritual people. We have

> got

> > > spirituality and that the Divine is working. So the Kali Yuga is

> > > finishing. Now it is the Krita Yuga . . .

> > >

> > > Krita Yuga means at the Time when this All-Pervading Power has

> > > started acting. Nobody felt the Cool Vibrations. Can you believe

> > > that? It was never related to any science. It was never related

> to

> > > physical science especially. So I must say the achievement of

> > > Sahaja Yoga is tremendous . . . The All-Pervading Power has

> started

> > > acting as I am on Earth! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

> > >

> > > Just a handful of humanity is stirring to the faintest of Light

> > > discernible at the earliest breaking of the Divine Dawn. They are

> > > the SYs who daily experience His breath flowing through their

> hands

> > > and head, and meditate on His Spirit within. They truly

> understand

> > > that the Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee is not really an

> > > intellectual premise but a faith experience of the Resurrection

> and

> > > Last Judgment. All religious organizations have merely been

> > > intended as temporary vehicles and starting points for the Divine

> > > Message, the collective culmination of God's Plan for humanity.

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > Harmony of Religions

> >

> > " Truth is one; sages call it by various names, " the Rig Veda, one

> of

> > Vedanta's most ancient texts, declared thousands of years ago.

> >

> > We are all seeking the truth, Vedanta asserts, and that truth

> comes

> > in numerous names and forms. Truth—spiritual reality—remains the

> > truth though it appears in different guises and approaches us from

> > various directions. " Whatever path people travel is My path, " says

> > the Bhagavad Gita. " No matter where they walk, it leads to Me. "

> >

> > If all religions are true, then what is all the fighting about?

> >

> > Politics, mostly, and the distortions that cultures and limited

> human

> > minds superimpose upon spiritual reality. What is generally

> > considered " religion " is a mixture of essentials and

> nonessentials;

> > as Ramakrishna said, all scriptures contain a mixture of sand and

> > sugar. We need to take out the sugar and leave the sand behind: we

> > should extract the essence of religion—whether we call it union

> with

> > God or Self-realization—and leave the rest behind. Whatever helps

> us

> > to manifest our divinity we embrace; whatever pulls us away from

> that

> > ideal, we avoid.

> >

> > The carnage inflicted upon the world in the name of religion has

> > precious little to do with genuine religion. People fight over

> > doctrine and dogma: we don't see people being murdered over

> attaining

> > divine union! A " religious war " is really large-scale egotism gone

> > berserk. As Swami Prabhavananda, the founder of the Vedanta

> Society

> > of Southern California, would smilingly say, " If you put Jesus,

> > Buddha, and Muhammad in the same room together, they will embrace

> > each other. If you put their followers together, they may kill

> each

> > other! "

> >

> > Truth is one, but it comes filtered through the limited human

> mind.

> > That mind lives in a particular culture, has its own experience of

> > the world and lives at a particular point in history. The infinite

> > Reality is thus processed through the limitations of space, time,

> > causation, and is further processed through the confines of human

> > understanding and language. Manifestations of truth—scriptures,

> > sages, and prophets—will necessarily vary from age to age and from

> > culture to culture. Light, when put through a prism, appears in

> > various colors when observed from different angles. But the light

> > always remains the same pure light. The same is true with

> spiritual

> > truth.

> >

> > This is not to say that all religions are " really pretty much the

> > same. " That is an affront to the distinct beauty and individual

> > greatness of each of the world's spiritual traditions. Saying that

> > every religion is equally true and authentic doesn't mean that one

> > can be substituted for the other like generic brands of aspirin.

> >

> > Every Religion Has a Gift

> > Every religion has a specific gift to offer humankind; every

> religion

> > brings with it a unique viewpoint which enriches the world.

> > Christianity stresses love and sacrifice; Judaism, the value of

> > spiritual wisdom and tradition. Islam emphasizes universal

> > brotherhood and equality while Buddhism advocates compassion and

> > mindfulness. The Native American tradition teaches reverence for

> the

> > earth and the natural world surrounding us. Vedanta or the Hindu

> > tradition stresses the oneness of existence and the need for

> direct

> > mystical experience.

> >

> > The world's spiritual traditions are like different pieces in a

> giant

> > jigsaw puzzle: each piece is different and each piece is essential

> to

> > complete the whole picture. Each piece is to be honored and

> respected

> > while holding firm to our own particular piece of the puzzle. We

> can

> > deepen our own spirituality and learn about our own tradition by

> > studying other faiths. Just as importantly, by studying our own

> > tradition well, we are better able to appreciate the truth in

> other

> > traditions.

> >

> > Deepening in Our Path

> > Just as we honor the various world religions and respect their

> > adherents, we must grow and deepen in our own particular spiritual

> > path--whatever it may be. We shouldn't dabble in a little bit of

> > Buddhism and a little bit of Islam and a little bit of

> Christianity

> > and then try a new combo plate the following week. Spiritual

> practice

> > is not a smorgasbord. If we throw five varieties of desserts into

> a

> > food processor, we'll just get one unpalatable mess.

> >

> > While Vedanta emphasizes the harmony of religions, it also

> stresses

> > the necessity of diving deep into the spiritual tradition of our

> > choice, sticking with it, and working hard. To paraphrase

> > Ramakrishna, If you want to dig a well, you have to choose your

> > location and keep digging until you reach water. It doesn't do any

> > good to dig a bunch of shallow holes.

> >

> > While a shallow spiritual life is probably better than no

> spiritual

> > life at all, it nevertheless doesn't take us where we want to go:

> to

> > freedom, to God-realization. Once we choose which spiritual path

> we

> > wish to follow, we should doggedly pursue it until we reach the

> goal.

> > The point is, we can do this while not only valuing other

> traditions,

> > but also learning from them.

> >

> > Different Paths to the Same Goal

> >

> > Vedanta says that all religions contain within themselves the same

> > essential truths, although the packaging is different. And that is

> > good. Every human being on the planet is unique. Not one of us

> really

> > practices the same religion. Every person's mind is different and

> > every person needs his or her own unique path to reach the top of

> the

> > mountain. Some paths are narrow, some are broad. Some are winding

> and

> > difficult and some are safe and dull. Eventually we'll all get to

> the

> > top of the mountain; we don't have to worry about our neighbors

> > getting lost along the way. They'll do just fine. We all need

> > different approaches to fit our different natures.

> >

> > Despite external variations in the world religions, the internals

> are

> > more alike than not. Every religion teaches similar moral and

> ethical

> > virtues; all religions teach the importance of spiritual striving

> and

> > the necessity of honoring our fellow human beings as part of that

> > striving.

> >

> > " As different streams having their sources in different places all

> > mingle their water in the sea, " says an ancient Sanskrit

> prayer, " so,

> > O Lord, the different paths which people take through different

> > tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all

> lead

> > to Thee. "

> >

> > Harmony of Religions

> > www.vedanta.org

> >


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