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'reaping the fruits of our past lives' is a difficult concept for me to understand

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, " semirafields "

<semirafields> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,

> Please could you explain some more about what you mention

> below ;'reaping the fruits of our past lives'.

> This is a difficult concept for me to understand, because

> sometimes terrible things happen to small children, for instance,

> or to people trying to be helpful and kind to others, and

> generally things in the world seem to be totally unbalanced and

> unfair. I have had trouble with the Christian concept of this too;

> that all men are born in sin and undeserving, and women even more

> so, and that the sins of the fathers will be paid by the future

> generations. This seems to be saying that people deserve all the

> hardships and suffering that they get, and I have read elsewhere

> that even some people have mentioned that we actually knowingly

> choose our experiences.

> It would be nice if you could also explain about karma,

> Love, Semira




Dear Semira,


It will be impossible to answer your post through Christianity or

Islam, and that is why they use the " It is God's Will " escape route.

God is always praised for bringing happiness while terrible death

and destruction on their communities is conveniently considered His

Will. Thus we can say that centuries of unimaginable sufferings,

devastating wars and wanton genocide, according to Islam and

Christianity, is the Will of God.


Nothing is further from the truth. Since fundamentalist Muslims

and Christians have rejected rebirth despite scriptural facts to the

contrary this millennia-old severe spiritual handicap has retarded

hundreds of millions and bound them into ignorance till today. (That

is why they are waiting for 'graves to open' up during the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, and will find great difficulty in

comprehending Shri Mataji's explanation that all souls who inhabited

Earth will be born again to face it.)


The Earth plane is probably one of the lowest realm of existence. It

is considered a dangerous and violent ghetto by liberated souls. Few

want to take birth here for the sake of awakening the ignorant

masses because even Incarnations are subject to its nature - pain,

disease, death, sorrow punctuated by short bursts of happiness and

joy. Daily pain, disease, death and sorrow is necessary to remind

humans to struggle and migrate from this samsara to a better realm.


But we ignorant humans complain and wonder why terrible things

Happen in the ghetto, even to innocent children and good people.

Every day we hear of drugs, prostitution, violence, rapes, murders,

disease, drive-by shootings, divorces, natural disasters, poverty,

suffering, alcoholism, gluttony, lust, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and

pride. Almost all are oblivious and indifferent to human sufferings

caused and sustained by their karmas.


But such is the nature of the ghetto and if you choose to live in

it you must also accept the consequences of doing so ...........

unconditionally. As I said before, Earth is probably one of the

lowest realm of existence, and hence the living conditions. And how

will we ever desire to migrate to another realm unless compelled by

samsara to witness endless pain and suffering, whether at present or

in a future birth? (And since there is no actual death, and

suffering for one's actions is only compassionately brief when

compared with eternity, the Divine surely works towards our own

redemption. He too wants His children to enjoy final liberation.)


We have all eternity to migrate to better spiritual realms and leave

this ghetto forever. The ceaseless whirling wheel of samsara - the

endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth; the total pattern of

successive earthly lives experienced by a soul - will sooner or

later awaken you to your divine nature. The ceaseless experience of

the soul through countless transmigration can only be slowed down

over rebirths and eventually ended by a fortuitous birth resulting

in Self-realization, a great spiritual awakening that ends samsara.

All seekers realizing the existence of the Other Shore must strive

with mind, body and soul to reach it during this lifetime.


Those souls reaping the fruits of their past lives are always

awakened by the Law of Karma to continue their spiritual ascent and,

eventually, final liberation from this earthly ghetto and migration

to a far better spiritual realm. It is imperative that all self-

realized souls thoroughly comprehend Karma.



" The Law Of Karma


What Is Karma?


Karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. The

consequence of an action is really not a separate thing. It is a

part of the action, and cannot be divided from it. Breathing,

thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, eating, etc., are Karmas.

Thinking is mental Karma. Karma is the sum total of our acts both in

the present life and in the preceding births.


Any deed, any thought that causes an effect, is called a Karma. The

Law of Karma means the law of causation. Wherever there is a cause,

there an effect must be produced. A seed is a cause for the tree

which is the effect. The tree produces seeds and becomes the cause

for the seeds.


How Karma Is Fashioned


Man is threefold in his nature. He consists of Ichha (desire,

feeling), Jnana (knowing) and Kriya (willing). These three fashion

his Karma. He knows objects like chair, tree, etc. He feels joy and

sorrow. He wills to do this, or not to do that.


Behind the action, there are desire and thought. A desire for an

object arises in the mind. Then you think how to get it. Then you

exert to possess it. Desire, thought and action always go together.

They are the three threads, as it were, that are twisted into the

cord of Karma.


Desire produces Karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of

your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or pleasure. You will

have to take births after births to reap the fruits of your Karmas.

This is the Law of Karma.


The Working Of The Law


The Law of Karma is one of the fundamental doctrines not only in

Hinduism, but also in Buddhism, and in Jainism. As a man sows, so he

shall reap. This is the Law of Karma. If you do an evil action, you

must suffer for it. If you do a good action, you must get happiness.

There is no power on this earth which can stop the actions from

yielding their fruits. Every thought, every word, every deed is, as

it were, weighed in the scales of eternal, divine Justice. The Law

of Karma is inexorable.


Things do not happen in this universe by accident or chance in a

disorderly manner. They happen in regular succession. They follow

one another in a regular order. There is a certain definite

connection between what is being done now by you, and what will

happen in the future.


Every action produces a threefold effect. It gives you an

appropriate reward or fruit. It also affects your character. It

leaves behind an impression in your mind. This impression will urge

you to repeat the act again. The impression will assume the form of

a thought-wave in the mind on account of a stimulus, either external

or internal. An action produces an effect in the world also.


As You Sow, So You Reap


If you put a seed in the earth, it sends up a little stem. Then

leaves come out of the stem. Then come flowers and fruits. There are

seeds again in the fruits. Mango seed only produces mango tree. If

you sow rice, you cannot expect a crop of wheat. The same sort of

seed produces the same kind of plant. A human being alone is born

from the womb of a woman, a horse from a horse and a dog from a dog.

Similarly, if you sow the seed of an evil action, you will reap a

harvest of pain and suffering. If you sow the seed of a virtuous

action, you will reap a harvest of pleasure. This is the Law of



Whatever you sow by your actions come back to you. If you make

others happy through service, charity and kind acts, you sow

happiness like a seed; and it will give you the fruit of happiness.

If you make others unhappy through harsh words, insult, ill-

treatment, cruel acts, oppression, etc., you sow unhappiness like a

seed; and it will give you the fruit of pain, suffering, misery and

unhappiness. This is the immutable Law of Karma.


Your actions in the past are responsible for your present condition.

Your present actions will shape or mould your future. There is

nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. You become good by your

good actions, and bad by your evil actions.


If you entertain evil thoughts, you must suffer the consequences.

You will be in difficulties. You will be surrounded by unfavourable

circumstances. You will blame your surroundings and circumstances.

Understand the law and live wisely. Entertain noble thoughts. You

will be happy always.


Action - Habit - Character - Destiny


Thought moulds your character. If you entertain noble thoughts, you

will develop a noble character; and if you entertain evil thoughts,

you will develop a base character. This is the immutable Law of

Nature. Therefore, you can deliberately shape your character by

cultivating sublime thoughts. Thought materialises and becomes an

action. If you allow the mind to dwell on good, elevating thoughts,

you will do naturally good and laudable actions.


Conduct or behaviour reveals your character. Conduct also moulds

your Character. Cultivation of good conduct needs rigorous

discipline and constant vigilance. You will have to watch every

thought, word and action. You must be extremely careful when you

conduct yourself with others. With all your good intentions, you

will be carried away by the force of your previous wrong

impressions, instincts and impulses. Even highly educated people

lack in behaviour. Good behaviour indicates that you have a refined

or polished, disciplined mind and real, good spiritual culture. The

practice of Japa, Pranayama and Mauna (or vow of silence) will help

you to control the impulses etc.


You sow an action and reap a habit. You sow a habit and reap a

character. You sow a character and reap your destiny. Hence, destiny

is your own make-up. You have built it. You can undo it by

entertaining noble thoughts, and doing virtuous actions, and

changing your mode of thinking. Now you are thinking that you are

the body, Mr. So and so. Now, start the anti-current of thought.

Think that you are all-pervading, immortal Brahman. Brahman you will

become. This is an immutable Law.


The Three Kinds Of Karma

Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami


Karma is of three kinds, viz., Sanchita (accumulated works),

Prarabdha (fructifying works) and Kriyamana or Agami (current

works). Sanchita is all the accumulated Karmas of the past. Part of

it is seen in the character of man, in his tendencies and aptitudes,

capacities, inclinations and desires, etc. Tendencies come from

this. Prarabdha is that portion of the past Karma which is

responsible for the present body. That portion of the Sanchita Karma

which influences human life in the present incarnation is called

Prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed.

It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts.

Prarabdha Karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing

fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the Sanchita Karma.

Kriyamana is that Karma which is now being made for the future. It

is also called Agami or Vartamana.


In Vedantic literature, there is a beautiful analogy. The bowman has

already sent an arrow and it has left his hands. He cannot recall

it. He is about to shoot another arrow. The bundle of arrows in the

quiver on his back is the Sanchita; the arrow he has shot is

Prarabdha; and the arrow which he is about to shoot from his bow is

Agami. Of these, he has perfect control over the Sanchita and the

Agami, but he must surely work out his Prarabdha. The past which has

begun to take effect he has to experience.


There is another beautiful analogy also. The granary represents the

Sanchita Karma; that portion taken from the granary and put in the

shop for future daily sale corresponds to Agami; that which is sold

daily represents Prarabdha.


The whole lot of Sanchita Karma is destroyed by attaining Knowledge

of Brahman or the Eternal. It can be greatly modified by

entertaining lofty, divine thoughts, and doing virtuous actions.

Agami Karma can be destroyed by expiatory rites or Prayaschitta; and

by removing the idea of agency through Nimitta Bhava (attitude that

one is an instrument in the hands of God) and Sakshi Bhava (attitude

that one is silent witness of the actions of the senses and of the



The Supremacy Of Free-Will


You are the master of your own fate. You are the architect of your

own fortune. You are responsible for what you suffer. You are

responsible for your present state. If you are happy, it has been

your own making. If you are miserable, it has also been your own

making. Every action bears a fruit sooner or later. A virtuous

action produces pleasure as its effect. An evil deed causes pain.


You have no Bhoga-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the result of

action), but you have Karma-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the

course of action). That is the reason why the Lord Krishna says: -

Karmanyeva Adhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana - Thy business is with

the action only, never with its fruits. - Janaka and others attained

to perfection by action. You can change your character, your

thoughts and desires. Mans will is ever free. Through selfishness

his will has become impure. He can render his will pure, strong and

dynamic by getting rid of his base desires, and likes and dislikes.

Every soul is like a husbandman who has got a plot of land. The

acreage, the nature of the soil, the conditions of weather are all

predetermined. But the husbandman is quite at liberty to till the

earth, manure it and get good crops, or to allow it to remain as a

waste land.


What you are now at present is the result of what you thought and

did in the past. What you shall be in the future will be the result

of what you think and do now. You find an environment which is best

suited to the tendencies you acquired in a former life. You can

create better conditions for the future. You can make your Karma

what you choose. You can rise to a very high state of perfection.

You can become an Indra or you may become a perfect Yogin. You can

change your character, thoughts and actions. Therefore Bhishma and

Vasishtha have placed Purushartha or exertion, above destiny.


A boatman without oars, rudder and sails is carried away helplessly

by the winds and currents; but a clever boatman with oars, sails and

rudder, ably directs the boat in any direction he likes and reaches

the other shore safely. Even so, he who knows the Laws of Nature -

the law of thought, the law of Karma, the law of cause and effect -

can sail fearlessly in this ocean of Samsara and reach the other

shore of fearlessness and immortality quite safely. He will utilise

the helping forces to his best advantage and neutralise the opposing

forces skilfully, with the help of the knowledge of the Laws.

Knowledge is a torch-light. Hence, knowledge is absolutely

indispensable. Ignorance is the greatest sin. An ignorant man

becomes a victim or a slave of nature.


The Glory Of Selfless Work


Selfish Karma leads you to rebirth and rebirth generates new Karma

while working off the old. Get rid of Karma if you wish to get rid

of the miseries of rebirth. Selfless work will not bind you. It will

purify your heart and lead to the descent of the divine light and

grace. Understand the Law of Karma and the law of cause and effect.

Think rightly. Act nobly. Meditate regularly and attain eternal

bliss and immortality.


The Doctrine Of Reincarnation


The doctrine of reincarnation or transmigration of souls is a

fundamental tenet of Hinduism. The word reincarnation literally

means embodiment again, coming again into a physical body. The

individual soul takes again a fleshy covering. The word

transmigration means passing from one place to another - passing

into a new body.


The Sanskrit term Samsara is derived from the Sanskrit root Sr,

which means - to pass -. The prefix Sam means - intensely -. The

individual soul passes repeatedly through this world and other

subtle higher worlds. This repeated passing of souls - Samsriti - is

what is really meant by the term Samsara.


Samsara exists in order that the individual soul may learn to

realise itself.


Man contains within himself infinite possibilities. The magazine of

power and wisdom is within him. He has to unfold the divinity

within. This is the object of living and dying.


Enunciation Of The Doctrine In The Hindu Scriptures


You will not cease to exist after death. Before this birth, you have

passed through countless lives. The Lord Krishna says in the Gita: -

O Arjuna, both you and I have had many births before this; only I

know them all, while you do not. Birth is inevitably followed by

death, and death by rebirth. As a man casting off worn-out garments

taketh new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out

bodies, entereth into others that are new. -


The Upanishads also declare: - Just as a caterpillar which has come

to the top of a blade of grass, draws itself over to a new blade, so

also does the soul draw itself over to a new body, after it has put

aside its old body - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Just as a

goldsmith, having taken a piece of gold, makes another form, new and

more beautiful, so also, verily the Atman having cast off this body

and having put away Avidya or ignorance, makes another new and more

beautiful form - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Like corn, does a

mortal ripen; like corn, does he spring to life again -



Karma And Rebirth


The doctrine of rebirth is a corollary to the Law of Karma. The

differences of disposition that are found between one individual and

another must be due to their respective past actions. Past action

implies past birth. Further, all your Karmas cannot certainly bear

fruit in this life. Therefore, there must be another birth for

enjoying the remaining actions. Each soul has a series of births and

deaths. Births and deaths will continue till you attain Knowledge of

the Imperishable.


Good Karmas lead to incarnation into higher spheres and bad Karmas

into lower. By virtue is obtained ascent to higher planes and by

vice, descent to the lower. From wisdom results beatitude, and

bondage from the reverse. So long as Karmas - whether good or bad -

are not exhausted, men do not attain Moksha or the final

emancipation even in hundreds of Kalpas. Both good and bad Karmas

bind tight the Jiva in their chains. One is a chain of gold and the

other is that of iron. Moksha cannot be attained by man, so long as

Knowledge of the Eternal is not attained.


Proofs For The Existence Of Previous Births


A new-born child manifests marks of joy, fear and grief. This is

inexplicable unless we suppose that the child, perceiving certain

things in this life, remembers the corresponding things of the past

life. The things which used to excite joy, fear and grief in the

past life, continue to do so in this life. The memory of the past

proves the previous birth, as well as the existence of the soul.


A child, just born, drinks the breast of its mother through the

remembrance that it did so in the previous life, as a means of

satisfying hunger. The childs desire for milk in this life is caused

by the remembrance of its experience in the previous life. This

proves that the childs soul, though it has abandoned a previous body

and has taken on a new one, remembers the experiences of the

previous body.


You do not come into the world in total forgetfulness and in utter

darkness. You are born with certain memories and habits acquired in

the previous birth. Desires take their origin from previous

experiences. We find that none is born without desire. Every being

is born with some desires which are associated with the things

enjoyed by him in the past life. The desires prove the existence of

his soul in previous lives.


Passage Of The Soul Between Death And Rebirth


The soul migrates with the astral body, or Sukshma-Sarira or Linga-

Deha. This astral body is made up of nineteen Tattvas or principles,

viz., five organs of action, five organs of knowledge, five Pranas,

mind, intellect, Chitta (the subconscious), and Ahankara or egoism.

This subtle body carries with it all sorts of Samskaras or

impressions, and Vasanas or tendencies, of the individual soul. The

subtle body moves towards heaven. When the fruits of good Karmas

have been exhausted, it gathers for itself a new physical body and

reincarnates on this earth plane.


Those whose conduct has been good attain good births and those whose

conduct has been evil are thrown into sinful wombs or lower births.


The Devayana And The Pitriyana


When a man who has practised meditation and worship dies, he first

goes to light, then from light to day, from day to the bright half

of the moon, from the bright half of the moon to the six months when

the sun goes to the north, from that to the year, from the year to

the sun, from the sun to the moon, from the moon to the lightning.

When he comes to the sphere of lightning, he meets a person who is

not human. That person leads him to the Karya Brahman or

Hiranyagarbha. This is the Way of the Devas or Devayana.


He who has done works of public utility and alms, first goes to the

smoke when he dies, from smoke to night, from night to the dark half

of the moon, from the dark half of the moon to the six months when

the sun goes to the south; and from that, he goes to the region of

the forefathers, from the world of the forefathers to the ether,

from the ether to the moon. He lives there so long as his good works

will allow. When the effect of the good works is exhausted, he comes

back to this earth by the same route. He first becomes ether, and

then air, and then smoke, and then mist, then cloud, and then falls

upon the earth as rain-drops. Then he gets into food which is eaten

up by man, and finally becomes his child.


He passes through the various existences of the mineral kingdom, of

the plant and of the animal realms - the Udbhijja (born of seed),

the Svedaja (born of sweat) and the Andaja (born of eggs), before

coming into the Jarayuja (viviparous or of placental origin).


How To Break The Bond Of Samsara


The chains that tie you to this wheel of Samsara or Bhava-Chakra or

round of births and deaths, are your desires. So long as you desire

objects of this world, you must come back to this world in order to

possess and enjoy them. But, when all your desires for the mundane

objects cease, then the chains are broken and you are free. You need

not take any more births. You attain Moksha or the final



You wander in this Samsara as you think that you are different from

the Lord. If you unite yourself with Him through meditation and

Yoga, you will obtain immortality and eternal bliss. Cut the bonds

of Karma through Knowledge of the Eternal and enjoy the Supreme

Peace of the Atman, thy innermost Self and Inner Ruler. You will be

freed from the round of births and deaths. Freed from sin, freed

from passion, you will become a Jivanmukta or liberated sage. You

will see the Self in the self and see the Self as all.


The Concept Of Avatara


Avatara is the decent of God on earth for the ascent of man. The

Lord Krishna says: - Though unborn, the Imperishable Self and also

the Lord of all beings, yet brooding over nature which is Mine own,

I am born through My Own Power. Whenever there is decline of

righteousness, then I Myself come forth. For the protection of the

good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the sake of firmly

establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age - (Ch. IV-6,

7, 8).


The Doctrine Of Grace


The Bhagavatas had their own scriptures called the Pancharatra

Agamas which expounded the cult of Vasudeva and which were,

therefore, looked upon by them as being equal to the Upanishads.

Their religion was based on Gods Grace to erring humanity. It,

therefore, greatly emphasised the doctrine of Avatara or incarnation

and popularised the immortal stories which were afterwards collected

together in the Harivamsa, Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata Purana.

If you study these books, you will clearly know about the glory of

Lord Krishna.


You can attain God-realisation through worship of Avataras like

Krishna and Rama. Many have already attained God-realisation.

Tukaram, Ramdas, Surdas, Mira Bai, Tulsidas and several others have

seen God face to face. Their powerful writings bespeak of their high

spiritual attainments.


Degree Of Gods Manifestation


There are Purna-Avataras (full incarnations), Amsa-Avataras (partial

incarnations), Avesa-Avataras (inspirational incarnations), etc. The

Lord Krishna has sixteen rays. He is a Purna-Avatara. He still

exists. There are His Nitya-Lilas in Go-Loka or Celestial Vrindavana.


It is only ignorant, deluded souls who speak against the doctrine of

Avatara, who say that the Lord Krishna was a human being only. They

have not studied properly the holy scriptures. They are Tamasic

persons with little understanding. They cavil and carp. The Lord

Krishna says: - The evil-doing, the deluded, the vilest men, they

come not to Me, they whose wisdom is destroyed by illusion, who have

embraced the nature of demons. Such is their fate. -


Friends! Worship Rama or Krishna at all times with all your heart

and with all your mind. Glorify Him in your heart. He will soon

reveal Himself to you and you will feel His Presence. You will

attain immortality and eternal bliss. Glory to Avataras. Glory to

the Lords, Krishna and Rama, the Avataras of Lord Vishnu! May their

blessings be upon you all.


The doctrine of rebirth is a corollary to the Law of Karma. The

differences of disposition that are found between one individual and

another must be due to their respective past actions. Past action

implies past birth. Further, all your Karmas cannot certainly bear

fruit in this life. Therefore, there must be another birth for

enjoying the remaining actions. Each soul has a series of births and

deaths. Births and deaths will continue till you attain Knowledge of

the Imperishable.


Good Karmas lead to incarnation into higher spheres and bad Karmas

into lower. By virtue is obtained ascent to higher planes and by

vice, descent to the lower. From wisdom results beatitude, and

bondage from the reverse. So long as Karmas - whether good or bad -

are not exhausted, men do not attain Moksha or the final

emancipation even in hundreds of Kalpas. Both good and bad Karmas

bind tight the Jiva in their chains. One is a chain of gold and the

other is that of iron. Moksha cannot be attained by man, so long as

Knowledge of the Eternal is not attained. "


Swami Sivananda







> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > , Ajay Agarwal

> > <ajay_msh> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > > Thanks for reply.

> > >

> > > I do attain nirvacharita sometime ...but for seconds

> > > only...then my mind is again diverted to other worldly

> > > matters...

> > > even when i get cool breeze in my hands....i m not in

> > > nirvacharita...infact...i m " consicously aware " of

> > > that coolness feeling and hence i am not able to

> > > sustain the feeling for longer period......... Is

> > > there any method that i can medidate and do not divert

> > > my attention to hands ( while cool breeze flows)...or

> > > something else ........music is one option....but

> > > still dont know whether it will be worth?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Ajay

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yes, music is a good choice and one of my favorite. You may also

> > watch your own breath going slowly in and out. Being free from

> > petty problems helps too. And do not forget the most important -

> > doubtless and fearless faith that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

> indeed the incarnation of the Shakti within.

> >

> > However, it takes a long time to increase the gap between

> thoughts. i still have problems despite a spiritually conducive atmosphere.

There is just no one sure method but a combination of many. You should be

forever comforted by the fact that the unprecedented knowledge of the Devi and

Sahasrara given by Her incarnation is most vital for moksa. At least your daily

experience of the cool breeze confirms that you are indeed born of the Spirit

(Shakti), and that it is not just a mental concept. Since you are already on the

right path the rest will come eventually. Just keep on meditating and you will

eventually attain more and more of the Silence when free of external agitation,

worries and rituals.

> >

> > Hope the above will partially answer this email below i.e., that

> many are all also struggling in one way or another:

> >

> >

> > " i am really frustrated by my lack of direction in life..(my

on/off belief in sahaja yoga..)

> >

> > i feel my career is in doldrums..please illuminate us about how

we should not lose focus in our material life..coz we need to see

the practical side of life too...earning money to support our loved

> ones and providing for them for future needs..i consider myself a

> failure in this respect coz i don't have career direction..feel messed up with

diff career orientations that i took up.

> >

> > please guide about career ,finance, practical life issues coz i

am still young and need to fulfill responsibilities. "

> >

> >

> > i have to say that we need to balance spiritualism and

> materialism. SYs should try to excel themselves academically and

professionally too. i have even said that there is nothing wrong with becoming a

millionaire provided there is detachment. By this i mean earning six or seven

figures should be our goals too as long as there is no greed or obsession

involved. All that money can be used to further the cause of Shri Mataji and

help those in need. i am two thumbs way up for highly educated, professional and

successful SYs.

> >

> > But then there are cases where we fail, as the email explains. i

> know it is very important to provide for the family and failure leads to

spiritual weakness. It is not easy to be detached when we are not gainfully

employed or subject our loved ones to financial

> hardships due to our own shortcomings.

> >

> > However, these are all temporary setbacks, especially for those

> > youthful. Hard work and a bit of luck will eventually pay off.

> > Therefore, we must always have an optimistic outlook of the

> future. And remember, by sharing your troubles we partially absorb the pain of

your struggles and hardships too. That consciousness does help and eventually

bring results.

> >

> > By all standards SYs are extremely rich. This spiritual wealth

is all that we can take along when we return to the Spirit World. Only old age

and being on deathbeds will this accumulated wealth bring most comfort. There

will be no fear of death of a life lived in dharma and adherence to all holy

scriptures, as encapsulated in Shri Mataji's Divine Message. Such a spiritual

life will ensure peace of mind, perhaps even happiness and joy of great

expectations after death.

> >

> > But till that time comes we need to live a material life as

> > successfully as possible. Do not lament at the present throw of

> the dice of life. You will always have opportunities at the next

throw that may just be round the corner, or years away. It is only

when you succumb to the one-night stand of materialism and pleasure, and in

intoxication abandon the Shakti within, you will lose the divine gift of being

human and enter the wheel of countless rebirths again. There is no greater loss.

> >

> > i remember sitting beside the ocean in Perth in 1988, all

dejected and sad as i had to return to Malaysia after failing in my

attempt to attain permanent residence in Australia. On the eve of my

> departure i had drunk half a bottle of excellent port in order to drown my

troubles as i had gambled all - life savings, business,

> reputation - on that throw of dice ......... and lost. In a rare moment of

remembrance i looked up at the night sky and asked a few

> times, " God, why are you doing all this to me? " There was no answer.

> >

> > Within months of returning to Malaysia and reviving my business

> again i was given an opportunity. This time the throw of the dice

meant i will be destroyed financially and socially if i ever failed.

> Despite the enormous risk, coming on the heels of the Australian

failure, i accepted the smallest of chances of success and left for Canada.

Miraculously, given the slim chance of attaining permanent

> residence, it paid off.

> >

> > But after a few years in Canada i was dejected and

disillusioned. It became increasingly disturbing that all the wealth and family

meant nothing if it all ended in death and nothingness. What is the point of

trying to accumulate all the wealth, property and loved ones if " I " would end

one day, leaving everything behind, never to meet all my family, friends and

relatives ever again. The whole concept of human existence in this infinite

universe became devoid of meaning, a final full stop to end it all. In a rare

moment of remembrance i looked up and repeated asked, " God, what is the meaning

of all this? What is the Truth? Is this the end of everything? Why give me a

life in the first place? " This time there was an answer, loud and clear: " Join

Shri Mataji! "

> >

> > Eventually i found out that i was reaping the fruits of my

> previous births. i wish i could at all times remember and seek refuge at Her

Lotus Feet but the physical world disturbs, deludes and distracts me despite all

that i have remembered, again, of my eternal nature. We are all reaping the

fruits of our past lives. So make the best of your short sojourn on Earth and

accumulate all the wealth that you can take along into the Kingdom of God. Don't

let Maya divert you from the only path that matters ....... in the end. All of

us will eventually return Home.

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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Dear Jagbir, Semira and All,


i am in library and only have ten minutes left out of an hour, so

will quickly say that, i am very familiar with the " It is God's

Will " phrase. And yet.....does God ever want people to suffer,

really? Would a father/mother want their children to suffer? So why

would a Divine Father/Mother want people to suffer? They would not.


Nonetheless, we all do suffer while on Earth as a result of our own

actions in a greater or lesser extent, depending upon how much we

have evolved spiritually, that is, surrendered to the Divine Laws of

Life. As we live according to the Divine Laws like the Ten

Commandments, our lives can be peaceful at the very least.


The Ten Commandments, which melt down to " Love the Lord your God

with all your heart and soul and mind, and your neighbour as

yourself " gives the Divine Law of Life in a nutshell.


i have one question though. What happened to Job? i will have to

look into that. He was made to lose everything, and then gained back

manyfold. It seems God used Job as an example that it is God that

gives and God that takes away, however, if a person follows God,

then they will be rewarded many times over.


Anyway, i will leave with these few words as my time is up.


Wishing you all well,














, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> , " semirafields "

> <semirafields> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> > Please could you explain some more about what you mention

> > below ;'reaping the fruits of our past lives'.

> > This is a difficult concept for me to understand, because

> > sometimes terrible things happen to small children, for


> > or to people trying to be helpful and kind to others, and

> > generally things in the world seem to be totally unbalanced and

> > unfair. I have had trouble with the Christian concept of this


> > that all men are born in sin and undeserving, and women even


> > so, and that the sins of the fathers will be paid by the future

> > generations. This seems to be saying that people deserve all the

> > hardships and suffering that they get, and I have read elsewhere

> > that even some people have mentioned that we actually knowingly

> > choose our experiences.

> > It would be nice if you could also explain about karma,

> > Love, Semira

> >

> >


> Dear Semira,


> It will be impossible to answer your post through Christianity or

> Islam, and that is why they use the " It is God's Will " escape


> God is always praised for bringing happiness while terrible death

> and destruction on their communities is conveniently considered


> Will. Thus we can say that centuries of unimaginable sufferings,

> devastating wars and wanton genocide, according to Islam and

> Christianity, is the Will of God.


> Nothing is further from the truth. Since fundamentalist Muslims

> and Christians have rejected rebirth despite scriptural facts to


> contrary this millennia-old severe spiritual handicap has retarded

> hundreds of millions and bound them into ignorance till today.


> is why they are waiting for 'graves to open' up during the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection, and will find great difficulty in

> comprehending Shri Mataji's explanation that all souls who


> Earth will be born again to face it.)


> The Earth plane is probably one of the lowest realm of existence.


> is considered a dangerous and violent ghetto by liberated souls.


> want to take birth here for the sake of awakening the ignorant

> masses because even Incarnations are subject to its nature - pain,

> disease, death, sorrow punctuated by short bursts of happiness and

> joy. Daily pain, disease, death and sorrow is necessary to remind

> humans to struggle and migrate from this samsara to a better realm.


> But we ignorant humans complain and wonder why terrible things

> Happen in the ghetto, even to innocent children and good people.

> Every day we hear of drugs, prostitution, violence, rapes,


> disease, drive-by shootings, divorces, natural disasters, poverty,

> suffering, alcoholism, gluttony, lust, greed, sloth, wrath, envy


> pride. Almost all are oblivious and indifferent to human


> caused and sustained by their karmas.


> But such is the nature of the ghetto and if you choose to live in

> it you must also accept the consequences of doing so ...........

> unconditionally. As I said before, Earth is probably one of the

> lowest realm of existence, and hence the living conditions. And


> will we ever desire to migrate to another realm unless compelled


> samsara to witness endless pain and suffering, whether at present


> in a future birth? (And since there is no actual death, and

> suffering for one's actions is only compassionately brief when

> compared with eternity, the Divine surely works towards our own

> redemption. He too wants His children to enjoy final liberation.)


> We have all eternity to migrate to better spiritual realms and


> this ghetto forever. The ceaseless whirling wheel of samsara - the

> endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth; the total pattern of

> successive earthly lives experienced by a soul - will sooner or

> later awaken you to your divine nature. The ceaseless experience


> the soul through countless transmigration can only be slowed down

> over rebirths and eventually ended by a fortuitous birth resulting

> in Self-realization, a great spiritual awakening that ends


> All seekers realizing the existence of the Other Shore must strive

> with mind, body and soul to reach it during this lifetime.


> Those souls reaping the fruits of their past lives are always

> awakened by the Law of Karma to continue their spiritual ascent


> eventually, final liberation from this earthly ghetto and


> to a far better spiritual realm. It is imperative that all self-

> realized souls thoroughly comprehend Karma.



> " The Law Of Karma


> What Is Karma?


> Karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. The

> consequence of an action is really not a separate thing. It is a

> part of the action, and cannot be divided from it. Breathing,

> thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, eating, etc., are Karmas.

> Thinking is mental Karma. Karma is the sum total of our acts both


> the present life and in the preceding births.


> Any deed, any thought that causes an effect, is called a Karma.


> Law of Karma means the law of causation. Wherever there is a


> there an effect must be produced. A seed is a cause for the tree

> which is the effect. The tree produces seeds and becomes the cause

> for the seeds.


> How Karma Is Fashioned


> Man is threefold in his nature. He consists of Ichha (desire,

> feeling), Jnana (knowing) and Kriya (willing). These three fashion

> his Karma. He knows objects like chair, tree, etc. He feels joy


> sorrow. He wills to do this, or not to do that.


> Behind the action, there are desire and thought. A desire for an

> object arises in the mind. Then you think how to get it. Then you

> exert to possess it. Desire, thought and action always go


> They are the three threads, as it were, that are twisted into the

> cord of Karma.


> Desire produces Karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects


> your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or pleasure. You


> have to take births after births to reap the fruits of your


> This is the Law of Karma.


> The Working Of The Law


> The Law of Karma is one of the fundamental doctrines not only in

> Hinduism, but also in Buddhism, and in Jainism. As a man sows, so


> shall reap. This is the Law of Karma. If you do an evil action,


> must suffer for it. If you do a good action, you must get


> There is no power on this earth which can stop the actions from

> yielding their fruits. Every thought, every word, every deed is,


> it were, weighed in the scales of eternal, divine Justice. The Law

> of Karma is inexorable.


> Things do not happen in this universe by accident or chance in a

> disorderly manner. They happen in regular succession. They follow

> one another in a regular order. There is a certain definite

> connection between what is being done now by you, and what will

> happen in the future.


> Every action produces a threefold effect. It gives you an

> appropriate reward or fruit. It also affects your character. It

> leaves behind an impression in your mind. This impression will


> you to repeat the act again. The impression will assume the form


> a thought-wave in the mind on account of a stimulus, either


> or internal. An action produces an effect in the world also.


> As You Sow, So You Reap


> If you put a seed in the earth, it sends up a little stem. Then

> leaves come out of the stem. Then come flowers and fruits. There


> seeds again in the fruits. Mango seed only produces mango tree. If

> you sow rice, you cannot expect a crop of wheat. The same sort of

> seed produces the same kind of plant. A human being alone is born

> from the womb of a woman, a horse from a horse and a dog from a


> Similarly, if you sow the seed of an evil action, you will reap a

> harvest of pain and suffering. If you sow the seed of a virtuous

> action, you will reap a harvest of pleasure. This is the Law of

> Karma.


> Whatever you sow by your actions come back to you. If you make

> others happy through service, charity and kind acts, you sow

> happiness like a seed; and it will give you the fruit of


> If you make others unhappy through harsh words, insult, ill-

> treatment, cruel acts, oppression, etc., you sow unhappiness like


> seed; and it will give you the fruit of pain, suffering, misery


> unhappiness. This is the immutable Law of Karma.


> Your actions in the past are responsible for your present


> Your present actions will shape or mould your future. There is

> nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. You become good by


> good actions, and bad by your evil actions.


> If you entertain evil thoughts, you must suffer the consequences.

> You will be in difficulties. You will be surrounded by


> circumstances. You will blame your surroundings and circumstances.

> Understand the law and live wisely. Entertain noble thoughts. You

> will be happy always.


> Action - Habit - Character - Destiny


> Thought moulds your character. If you entertain noble thoughts,


> will develop a noble character; and if you entertain evil


> you will develop a base character. This is the immutable Law of

> Nature. Therefore, you can deliberately shape your character by

> cultivating sublime thoughts. Thought materialises and becomes an

> action. If you allow the mind to dwell on good, elevating


> you will do naturally good and laudable actions.


> Conduct or behaviour reveals your character. Conduct also moulds

> your Character. Cultivation of good conduct needs rigorous

> discipline and constant vigilance. You will have to watch every

> thought, word and action. You must be extremely careful when you

> conduct yourself with others. With all your good intentions, you

> will be carried away by the force of your previous wrong

> impressions, instincts and impulses. Even highly educated people

> lack in behaviour. Good behaviour indicates that you have a


> or polished, disciplined mind and real, good spiritual culture.


> practice of Japa, Pranayama and Mauna (or vow of silence) will


> you to control the impulses etc.


> You sow an action and reap a habit. You sow a habit and reap a

> character. You sow a character and reap your destiny. Hence,


> is your own make-up. You have built it. You can undo it by

> entertaining noble thoughts, and doing virtuous actions, and

> changing your mode of thinking. Now you are thinking that you are

> the body, Mr. So and so. Now, start the anti-current of thought.

> Think that you are all-pervading, immortal Brahman. Brahman you


> become. This is an immutable Law.


> The Three Kinds Of Karma

> Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami


> Karma is of three kinds, viz., Sanchita (accumulated works),

> Prarabdha (fructifying works) and Kriyamana or Agami (current

> works). Sanchita is all the accumulated Karmas of the past. Part


> it is seen in the character of man, in his tendencies and


> capacities, inclinations and desires, etc. Tendencies come from

> this. Prarabdha is that portion of the past Karma which is

> responsible for the present body. That portion of the Sanchita


> which influences human life in the present incarnation is called

> Prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or


> It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past


> Prarabdha Karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing

> fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the Sanchita Karma.

> Kriyamana is that Karma which is now being made for the future. It

> is also called Agami or Vartamana.


> In Vedantic literature, there is a beautiful analogy. The bowman


> already sent an arrow and it has left his hands. He cannot recall

> it. He is about to shoot another arrow. The bundle of arrows in


> quiver on his back is the Sanchita; the arrow he has shot is

> Prarabdha; and the arrow which he is about to shoot from his bow


> Agami. Of these, he has perfect control over the Sanchita and the

> Agami, but he must surely work out his Prarabdha. The past which


> begun to take effect he has to experience.


> There is another beautiful analogy also. The granary represents


> Sanchita Karma; that portion taken from the granary and put in the

> shop for future daily sale corresponds to Agami; that which is


> daily represents Prarabdha.


> The whole lot of Sanchita Karma is destroyed by attaining


> of Brahman or the Eternal. It can be greatly modified by

> entertaining lofty, divine thoughts, and doing virtuous actions.

> Agami Karma can be destroyed by expiatory rites or Prayaschitta;


> by removing the idea of agency through Nimitta Bhava (attitude


> one is an instrument in the hands of God) and Sakshi Bhava


> that one is silent witness of the actions of the senses and of the

> mind).


> The Supremacy Of Free-Will


> You are the master of your own fate. You are the architect of your

> own fortune. You are responsible for what you suffer. You are

> responsible for your present state. If you are happy, it has been

> your own making. If you are miserable, it has also been your own

> making. Every action bears a fruit sooner or later. A virtuous

> action produces pleasure as its effect. An evil deed causes pain.


> You have no Bhoga-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the result of

> action), but you have Karma-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the

> course of action). That is the reason why the Lord Krishna says: -

> Karmanyeva Adhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana - Thy business is


> the action only, never with its fruits. - Janaka and others


> to perfection by action. You can change your character, your

> thoughts and desires. Mans will is ever free. Through selfishness

> his will has become impure. He can render his will pure, strong


> dynamic by getting rid of his base desires, and likes and


> Every soul is like a husbandman who has got a plot of land. The

> acreage, the nature of the soil, the conditions of weather are all

> predetermined. But the husbandman is quite at liberty to till the

> earth, manure it and get good crops, or to allow it to remain as a

> waste land.


> What you are now at present is the result of what you thought and

> did in the past. What you shall be in the future will be the


> of what you think and do now. You find an environment which is


> suited to the tendencies you acquired in a former life. You can

> create better conditions for the future. You can make your Karma

> what you choose. You can rise to a very high state of perfection.

> You can become an Indra or you may become a perfect Yogin. You can

> change your character, thoughts and actions. Therefore Bhishma and

> Vasishtha have placed Purushartha or exertion, above destiny.


> A boatman without oars, rudder and sails is carried away


> by the winds and currents; but a clever boatman with oars, sails


> rudder, ably directs the boat in any direction he likes and


> the other shore safely. Even so, he who knows the Laws of Nature -

> the law of thought, the law of Karma, the law of cause and effect -


> can sail fearlessly in this ocean of Samsara and reach the other

> shore of fearlessness and immortality quite safely. He will


> the helping forces to his best advantage and neutralise the


> forces skilfully, with the help of the knowledge of the Laws.

> Knowledge is a torch-light. Hence, knowledge is absolutely

> indispensable. Ignorance is the greatest sin. An ignorant man

> becomes a victim or a slave of nature.


> The Glory Of Selfless Work


> Selfish Karma leads you to rebirth and rebirth generates new Karma

> while working off the old. Get rid of Karma if you wish to get rid

> of the miseries of rebirth. Selfless work will not bind you. It


> purify your heart and lead to the descent of the divine light and

> grace. Understand the Law of Karma and the law of cause and


> Think rightly. Act nobly. Meditate regularly and attain eternal

> bliss and immortality.


> The Doctrine Of Reincarnation


> The doctrine of reincarnation or transmigration of souls is a

> fundamental tenet of Hinduism. The word reincarnation literally

> means embodiment again, coming again into a physical body. The

> individual soul takes again a fleshy covering. The word

> transmigration means passing from one place to another - passing

> into a new body.


> The Sanskrit term Samsara is derived from the Sanskrit root Sr,

> which means - to pass -. The prefix Sam means - intensely -. The

> individual soul passes repeatedly through this world and other

> subtle higher worlds. This repeated passing of souls - Samsriti -


> what is really meant by the term Samsara.


> Samsara exists in order that the individual soul may learn to

> realise itself.


> Man contains within himself infinite possibilities. The magazine


> power and wisdom is within him. He has to unfold the divinity

> within. This is the object of living and dying.


> Enunciation Of The Doctrine In The Hindu Scriptures


> You will not cease to exist after death. Before this birth, you


> passed through countless lives. The Lord Krishna says in the

Gita: -

> O Arjuna, both you and I have had many births before this; only I

> know them all, while you do not. Birth is inevitably followed by

> death, and death by rebirth. As a man casting off worn-out


> taketh new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out

> bodies, entereth into others that are new. -


> The Upanishads also declare: - Just as a caterpillar which has


> to the top of a blade of grass, draws itself over to a new blade,


> also does the soul draw itself over to a new body, after it has


> aside its old body - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Just as a

> goldsmith, having taken a piece of gold, makes another form, new


> more beautiful, so also, verily the Atman having cast off this


> and having put away Avidya or ignorance, makes another new and


> beautiful form - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Like corn, does a

> mortal ripen; like corn, does he spring to life again -

> (Kathopanishad).


> Karma And Rebirth


> The doctrine of rebirth is a corollary to the Law of Karma. The

> differences of disposition that are found between one individual


> another must be due to their respective past actions. Past action

> implies past birth. Further, all your Karmas cannot certainly bear

> fruit in this life. Therefore, there must be another birth for

> enjoying the remaining actions. Each soul has a series of births


> deaths. Births and deaths will continue till you attain Knowledge


> the Imperishable.


> Good Karmas lead to incarnation into higher spheres and bad Karmas

> into lower. By virtue is obtained ascent to higher planes and by

> vice, descent to the lower. From wisdom results beatitude, and

> bondage from the reverse. So long as Karmas - whether good or bad -


> are not exhausted, men do not attain Moksha or the final

> emancipation even in hundreds of Kalpas. Both good and bad Karmas

> bind tight the Jiva in their chains. One is a chain of gold and


> other is that of iron. Moksha cannot be attained by man, so long


> Knowledge of the Eternal is not attained.


> Proofs For The Existence Of Previous Births


> A new-born child manifests marks of joy, fear and grief. This is

> inexplicable unless we suppose that the child, perceiving certain

> things in this life, remembers the corresponding things of the


> life. The things which used to excite joy, fear and grief in the

> past life, continue to do so in this life. The memory of the past

> proves the previous birth, as well as the existence of the soul.


> A child, just born, drinks the breast of its mother through the

> remembrance that it did so in the previous life, as a means of

> satisfying hunger. The childs desire for milk in this life is


> by the remembrance of its experience in the previous life. This

> proves that the childs soul, though it has abandoned a previous


> and has taken on a new one, remembers the experiences of the

> previous body.


> You do not come into the world in total forgetfulness and in utter

> darkness. You are born with certain memories and habits acquired


> the previous birth. Desires take their origin from previous

> experiences. We find that none is born without desire. Every being

> is born with some desires which are associated with the things

> enjoyed by him in the past life. The desires prove the existence


> his soul in previous lives.


> Passage Of The Soul Between Death And Rebirth


> The soul migrates with the astral body, or Sukshma-Sarira or Linga-

> Deha. This astral body is made up of nineteen Tattvas or


> viz., five organs of action, five organs of knowledge, five


> mind, intellect, Chitta (the subconscious), and Ahankara or


> This subtle body carries with it all sorts of Samskaras or

> impressions, and Vasanas or tendencies, of the individual soul.


> subtle body moves towards heaven. When the fruits of good Karmas

> have been exhausted, it gathers for itself a new physical body and

> reincarnates on this earth plane.


> Those whose conduct has been good attain good births and those


> conduct has been evil are thrown into sinful wombs or lower births.


> The Devayana And The Pitriyana


> When a man who has practised meditation and worship dies, he first

> goes to light, then from light to day, from day to the bright half

> of the moon, from the bright half of the moon to the six months


> the sun goes to the north, from that to the year, from the year to

> the sun, from the sun to the moon, from the moon to the lightning.

> When he comes to the sphere of lightning, he meets a person who is

> not human. That person leads him to the Karya Brahman or

> Hiranyagarbha. This is the Way of the Devas or Devayana.


> He who has done works of public utility and alms, first goes to


> smoke when he dies, from smoke to night, from night to the dark


> of the moon, from the dark half of the moon to the six months when

> the sun goes to the south; and from that, he goes to the region of

> the forefathers, from the world of the forefathers to the ether,

> from the ether to the moon. He lives there so long as his good


> will allow. When the effect of the good works is exhausted, he


> back to this earth by the same route. He first becomes ether, and

> then air, and then smoke, and then mist, then cloud, and then


> upon the earth as rain-drops. Then he gets into food which is


> up by man, and finally becomes his child.


> He passes through the various existences of the mineral kingdom,


> the plant and of the animal realms - the Udbhijja (born of seed),

> the Svedaja (born of sweat) and the Andaja (born of eggs), before

> coming into the Jarayuja (viviparous or of placental origin).


> How To Break The Bond Of Samsara


> The chains that tie you to this wheel of Samsara or Bhava-Chakra


> round of births and deaths, are your desires. So long as you


> objects of this world, you must come back to this world in order


> possess and enjoy them. But, when all your desires for the mundane

> objects cease, then the chains are broken and you are free. You


> not take any more births. You attain Moksha or the final

> emancipation.


> You wander in this Samsara as you think that you are different


> the Lord. If you unite yourself with Him through meditation and

> Yoga, you will obtain immortality and eternal bliss. Cut the bonds

> of Karma through Knowledge of the Eternal and enjoy the Supreme

> Peace of the Atman, thy innermost Self and Inner Ruler. You will


> freed from the round of births and deaths. Freed from sin, freed

> from passion, you will become a Jivanmukta or liberated sage. You

> will see the Self in the self and see the Self as all.


> The Concept Of Avatara


> Avatara is the decent of God on earth for the ascent of man. The

> Lord Krishna says: - Though unborn, the Imperishable Self and also

> the Lord of all beings, yet brooding over nature which is Mine


> I am born through My Own Power. Whenever there is decline of

> righteousness, then I Myself come forth. For the protection of the

> good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the sake of


> establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age - (Ch. IV-6,

> 7, 8).


> The Doctrine Of Grace


> The Bhagavatas had their own scriptures called the Pancharatra

> Agamas which expounded the cult of Vasudeva and which were,

> therefore, looked upon by them as being equal to the Upanishads.

> Their religion was based on Gods Grace to erring humanity. It,

> therefore, greatly emphasised the doctrine of Avatara or


> and popularised the immortal stories which were afterwards


> together in the Harivamsa, Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata Purana.

> If you study these books, you will clearly know about the glory of

> Lord Krishna.


> You can attain God-realisation through worship of Avataras like

> Krishna and Rama. Many have already attained God-realisation.

> Tukaram, Ramdas, Surdas, Mira Bai, Tulsidas and several others


> seen God face to face. Their powerful writings bespeak of their


> spiritual attainments.


> Degree Of Gods Manifestation


> There are Purna-Avataras (full incarnations), Amsa-Avataras


> incarnations), Avesa-Avataras (inspirational incarnations), etc.


> Lord Krishna has sixteen rays. He is a Purna-Avatara. He still

> exists. There are His Nitya-Lilas in Go-Loka or Celestial



> It is only ignorant, deluded souls who speak against the doctrine


> Avatara, who say that the Lord Krishna was a human being only.


> have not studied properly the holy scriptures. They are Tamasic

> persons with little understanding. They cavil and carp. The Lord

> Krishna says: - The evil-doing, the deluded, the vilest men, they

> come not to Me, they whose wisdom is destroyed by illusion, who


> embraced the nature of demons. Such is their fate. -


> Friends! Worship Rama or Krishna at all times with all your heart

> and with all your mind. Glorify Him in your heart. He will soon

> reveal Himself to you and you will feel His Presence. You will

> attain immortality and eternal bliss. Glory to Avataras. Glory to

> the Lords, Krishna and Rama, the Avataras of Lord Vishnu! May


> blessings be upon you all.


> The doctrine of rebirth is a corollary to the Law of Karma. The

> differences of disposition that are found between one individual


> another must be due to their respective past actions. Past action

> implies past birth. Further, all your Karmas cannot certainly bear

> fruit in this life. Therefore, there must be another birth for

> enjoying the remaining actions. Each soul has a series of births


> deaths. Births and deaths will continue till you attain Knowledge


> the Imperishable.


> Good Karmas lead to incarnation into higher spheres and bad Karmas

> into lower. By virtue is obtained ascent to higher planes and by

> vice, descent to the lower. From wisdom results beatitude, and

> bondage from the reverse. So long as Karmas - whether good or bad -


> are not exhausted, men do not attain Moksha or the final

> emancipation even in hundreds of Kalpas. Both good and bad Karmas

> bind tight the Jiva in their chains. One is a chain of gold and


> other is that of iron. Moksha cannot be attained by man, so long


> Knowledge of the Eternal is not attained. "


> Swami Sivananda




> >

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org> wrote:

> > >

> > > , Ajay Agarwal

> > > <ajay_msh> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jagbir,

> > > > Thanks for reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do attain nirvacharita sometime ...but for seconds

> > > > only...then my mind is again diverted to other worldly

> > > > matters...

> > > > even when i get cool breeze in my hands....i m not in

> > > > nirvacharita...infact...i m " consicously aware " of

> > > > that coolness feeling and hence i am not able to

> > > > sustain the feeling for longer period......... Is

> > > > there any method that i can medidate and do not divert

> > > > my attention to hands ( while cool breeze flows)...or

> > > > something else ........music is one option....but

> > > > still dont know whether it will be worth?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Ajay

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yes, music is a good choice and one of my favorite. You may


> > > watch your own breath going slowly in and out. Being free from

> > > petty problems helps too. And do not forget the most

important -

> > > doubtless and fearless faith that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

> > indeed the incarnation of the Shakti within.

> > >

> > > However, it takes a long time to increase the gap between

> > thoughts. i still have problems despite a spiritually conducive

atmosphere. There is just no one sure method but a combination of

many. You should be forever comforted by the fact that the

unprecedented knowledge of the Devi and Sahasrara given by Her

incarnation is most vital for moksa. At least your daily experience

of the cool breeze confirms that you are indeed born of the Spirit

(Shakti), and that it is not just a mental concept. Since you are

already on the right path the rest will come eventually. Just keep

on meditating and you will eventually attain more and more of the

Silence when free of external agitation, worries and rituals.

> > >

> > > Hope the above will partially answer this email below i.e.,


> > many are all also struggling in one way or another:

> > >

> > >

> > > " i am really frustrated by my lack of direction in life..(my

> on/off belief in sahaja yoga..)

> > >

> > > i feel my career is in doldrums..please illuminate us about


> we should not lose focus in our material life..coz we need to see

> the practical side of life too...earning money to support our


> > ones and providing for them for future needs..i consider myself


> > failure in this respect coz i don't have career direction..feel

messed up with diff career orientations that i took up.

> > >

> > > please guide about career ,finance, practical life issues coz


> am still young and need to fulfill responsibilities. "

> > >

> > >

> > > i have to say that we need to balance spiritualism and

> > materialism. SYs should try to excel themselves academically and

> professionally too. i have even said that there is nothing wrong

with becoming a millionaire provided there is detachment. By this i

mean earning six or seven figures should be our goals too as long as

there is no greed or obsession involved. All that money can be used

to further the cause of Shri Mataji and help those in need. i am two

thumbs way up for highly educated, professional and successful SYs.

> > >

> > > But then there are cases where we fail, as the email explains.


> > know it is very important to provide for the family and failure

leads to spiritual weakness. It is not easy to be detached when we

are not gainfully employed or subject our loved ones to financial

> > hardships due to our own shortcomings.

> > >

> > > However, these are all temporary setbacks, especially for


> > > youthful. Hard work and a bit of luck will eventually pay off.

> > > Therefore, we must always have an optimistic outlook of the

> > future. And remember, by sharing your troubles we partially

absorb the pain of your struggles and hardships too. That

consciousness does help and eventually bring results.

> > >

> > > By all standards SYs are extremely rich. This spiritual wealth

> is all that we can take along when we return to the Spirit World.

Only old age and being on deathbeds will this accumulated wealth

bring most comfort. There will be no fear of death of a life lived

in dharma and adherence to all holy scriptures, as encapsulated in

Shri Mataji's Divine Message. Such a spiritual life will ensure

peace of mind, perhaps even happiness and joy of great expectations

after death.

> > >

> > > But till that time comes we need to live a material life as

> > > successfully as possible. Do not lament at the present throw


> > the dice of life. You will always have opportunities at the next

> throw that may just be round the corner, or years away. It is only

> when you succumb to the one-night stand of materialism and

pleasure, and in intoxication abandon the Shakti within, you will

lose the divine gift of being human and enter the wheel of countless

rebirths again. There is no greater loss.

> > >

> > > i remember sitting beside the ocean in Perth in 1988, all

> dejected and sad as i had to return to Malaysia after failing in


> attempt to attain permanent residence in Australia. On the eve of


> > departure i had drunk half a bottle of excellent port in order

to drown my troubles as i had gambled all - life savings, business,

> > reputation - on that throw of dice ......... and lost. In a rare

moment of remembrance i looked up at the night sky and asked a few

> > times, " God, why are you doing all this to me? " There was no


> > >

> > > Within months of returning to Malaysia and reviving my


> > again i was given an opportunity. This time the throw of the


> meant i will be destroyed financially and socially if i ever


> > Despite the enormous risk, coming on the heels of the Australian

> failure, i accepted the smallest of chances of success and left

for Canada. Miraculously, given the slim chance of attaining


> > residence, it paid off.

> > >

> > > But after a few years in Canada i was dejected and

> disillusioned. It became increasingly disturbing that all the

wealth and family meant nothing if it all ended in death and

nothingness. What is the point of trying to accumulate all the

wealth, property and loved ones if " I " would end one day, leaving

everything behind, never to meet all my family, friends and

relatives ever again. The whole concept of human existence in this

infinite universe became devoid of meaning, a final full stop to end

it all. In a rare moment of remembrance i looked up and repeated

asked, " God, what is the meaning of all this? What is the Truth? Is

this the end of everything? Why give me a life in the first place? "

This time there was an answer, loud and clear: " Join Shri Mataji! "

> > >

> > > Eventually i found out that i was reaping the fruits of my

> > previous births. i wish i could at all times remember and seek

refuge at Her Lotus Feet but the physical world disturbs, deludes

and distracts me despite all that i have remembered, again, of my

eternal nature. We are all reaping the fruits of our past lives. So

make the best of your short sojourn on Earth and accumulate all the

wealth that you can take along into the Kingdom of God. Don't let

Maya divert you from the only path that matters ....... in the end.

All of us will eventually return Home.

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The ceaseless whirling wheel of samsara - the endless cycle of

> birth, death and rebirth; the total pattern of successive earthly

> lives experienced by a soul - will sooner or later awaken you to

> your divine nature. The ceaseless experience of the soul through

> countless transmigration can only be slowed down over rebirths and

> eventually ended by a fortuitous birth resulting in Self-

> realization, a great spiritual awakening that ends samsara. All

> seekers realizing the existence of the Other Shore must strive with

> mind, body and soul to reach it during this lifetime.


> Those souls reaping the fruits of their past lives are always

> awakened by the Law of Karma to continue their spiritual ascent and,

> eventually, final liberation from this earthly ghetto and migration

> to a far better spiritual realm.



" Where there is life there is soul. Even the mono-cell organism is a

jeevatma and the push is upward, toward final destination, just as

the river originating in the high mountains pushes toward its

ultimate goal of the ocean. From algae to plant, amoeba to fish,

bird, crawlers, quadrupeds to bipeds the push is forward with the

senses added one by one till all the five senses are developed in

the animals. When the monkey became man the intellect or the sixth

sense emerged. It is the gift of God to man.


God is the goal of human Life


Biological evolution stopped with man. What remains is his spiritual



There are six steps to reach God: self-examination, purification,

detachment, clarity, awakening and enlightenment. The first three

steps are to be taken by the individual's own effort. When clarity

of mind is attained the Soul, God within, is recognized. He gives a

hand to be lifted up to the highest level of Cosmic Consciousness

and dissolve into Brahmam. That is the final destination of

jeevatma. If no effort is taken jeevatma has to go through the cycle

of birth and death over and over again until it is chastened by

suffering and get enlightened by acquiring the right knowledge.

Therefore, the only purpose of being born as man gifted with the

sixth sense is to evolve spiritually, nothing else. "


– Swachid K. Rangan

December 19, 2004


The author, Kasturi Rangan is a resident of Chennai. India. Age 70.

A journalist by profession he has been the New Delhi correspondent

of The New York Times for over 20 years since 1961.

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