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Sanskrit the Deva-vani (language of the gods) is an eternal language

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> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> Ancient Hindu civilisation and mathematics

> By Dr R.N. Das


> We should take a vow to work together to search those hidden

> treasures out, propagate the notion that Sanskrit is not a dead

> language. Sanskrit is the elite of the elitist, classic of the

> classics and it should be revived once again. We will again sit in

> the seat of the world assembly with our head held high and with

> pride. I would like to draw the final touch with the quotation from

> Swami Vivekananda, " I do not see into the future nor do I care to

> see. But one vision I see clear as life before me, that the ancient

> Mother has awakened once more sitting on her throne rejuvenated,

> more glorious than ever. Proclaim her to all the world with the

> voice of peace and benediction. "




On July 13, 1998, at 11.25 a.m. Arwinder again told his father that

he had sat on Shri Mataji's tiger.


Arwinder: " I also rode on the tiger. I wanted to know how it was,

friendly. "


Father: " Did you ask Shri Mataji's permission? "


Arwinder: " Ya, I have to. "


Father: " How big was the tiger? "


Arwinder: " Maybe long as one metre, maybe longer. "


Father: " How many times have you sat on this tiger? "


Arwinder: " Once. "


Father: " Only once? "


Arwinder: " Ya. "


Father: " Why did you want to sit on the tiger? "


Arwinder: " I want to see if it is friendly and all those things. I

just wanted to try out. "


Father: " Were you not afraid? "


Arwinder: " No, because I know Shri Mataji's tiger is nice. I have

already been with Her, so it must be nice. "


Father: " Was Shri Mataji alone, or were there other people also? "


Arwinder: " Other people, Shri Shiva and all that. "


Father: " Did they also sit on the tiger? "


Arwinder: " Ya. "


Father: " You are sure? "


Arwinder: " Ya. "


Father: " They sat after you, or before you? "


Arwinder: " Ya, before. "


Father: " Did Shri Mataji talk to the tiger? "


Arwinder: " Ya, in different language. "


Father: " What do you mean by `different language'? "


Arwinder: " Like the language that was invented by Shri Mataji "

(i.e., Sanskrit.)


The next day at 3:50 p.m., after he had returned from Victor-Thérien

school, Arwinder was shown the color photograph of Lord Jesus

Christ. This photograph was right on the first page of The Book of

Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (The Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 6/94). Two

young Mormon Christians, Elder Carpenter and Walter, gave this Bible

to his father in 1995 while on house visits. They were operating

from 33rd Avenue, Lachine, Montreal (Tel: [514] 634-4693). At the

time of writing other Mormons had replaced them.

After Arwinder had a good look at Lord Jesus he was questioned.


Father: " Have you seen this person? " (Arwinder remains silent for a

few seconds as he observes the face.)


Father: " Did you see this man? "


Arwinder: " Yes, but I don't know his name. "


Father: " Where did you see Him? "


Arwinder: " In my meditation. "


Father: " Was it with Shri Mataji? "


Arwinder: " Yes. "


Father: " Arwinder, this man, His name is Jesus Christ. Is He big-

sized or small-sized? "

(Arwinder was at the while shown the photograph that clearly shows

an average-sized Christ.)


Arwinder: " Big-size. " (Despite photographic evidence to the contrary

Arwinder still replied that Lord Jesus was big-sized!)


Father: " What color dress does He normally wear? "


Arwinder: " Let me think. " (He closed his eyes for a few seconds

before replying.) " White. "


Father: " How long is the dress? until here? the knees? or down

here? " (He was pointed to the waist, knees and ankles.)


Arwinder: " Down here " (pointing and holding his ankles.)


Father: " Arwinder, did you talk to him? "


Arwinder: " Yes. "


Father: " What did you talk to Him? "


Arwinder: " I don't know. I forgot. Some I forgot. "


Father: " What language did Lord Jesus Christ talk with you? " (He did

not understand the meaning of language and was explained what it



Arwinder: " Like how I talk. " (that is, in English.)


Father: " What language did He talk with the others. "


Arwinder: " Different. "


Father: " What you mean 'different'? "


Arwinder: " Like Punjabi. " (This probably is Sanskrit as he, having

heard Punjabi being spoken at home, thought it to be similar.)


The fact that Shri Jesus spoke with the other Divine Beings in

Sanskrit will profoundly enlighten those who contemplate in silence

the sheer depth of this Revelation.


" Sanskrit is really Deva-vani (language of Gods). When the Kundalini

moves She makes vibrations. She makes special sounds, which are

Devanagari sounds, on different Chakras. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


According to Shri Mataji Jesus was already existing eons ago, at the

very beginning of Creation itself, and is part and parcel of the

Sanatana Dharma. That is the reason Jesus Christ speaks the Deva-

vani with all the messengers of the Sanatana Dharma. Sanskrit is an

eternal language in the Spirit World, spoken by all the mightiest of

God Almighty's messengers. Even Shri Durga's tiger understands






" Sanskrit (meaning " cultured, " " purified " or " refined " ) is one of

the oldest languages in the world. The vastness, versatility and

power of expression of Sanskrit can be appreciated by the fact that

it has 24 words to describe rainfall, 65 for earth and 67 for water.

The language, written in the Devanagiri script, has been undergoing

a revival. Ten years ago Forbes magazine wrote, " Sanskrit is the

most convenient language for computer software. " "


Hinduism Today




" The discovery of seals in the Indus Valley is leading a number of

scholars to abandon the current theory that India " borrowed her

Sanskrit alphabet from Semitic sources. A few great Hindu cities

have been recently unearthed at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, affording

proof of an eminent culture that " must have had a long antecedent

history on the soil of India, taking us back to an age that can only

be dimly surmised. (Sir John Marshall, Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus

Civilization, 1931.)


If the Hindu theory of the extremely great antiquity of civilized

man on the planet is correct, it becomes possible to explain why the

world's most ancient tongue, Sanskrit, is also the most

perfect. " The Sanskrit language, " said Sir William Jones, founder of

the Asiatic Society, " whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful

structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin,

and more exquisitely refined than either. "


" Since the revival of classical learning, " the Encyclopedia

Americana states, " there has been no other event in the history of

culture as important as the discovery of Sanskrit (by Western

scholars) in the latter part of the eighteen century. Linguistic

science, comparative grammar, comparative mythology, the science of

religion . . . either owe their very existence to the discovery of

Sanskrit or were profoundly influenced by its study. " "


Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi,

Self-Realization Fellowship, 1974, p. 18.

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