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Coming back to the local collective...

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Dear Jagbir and All,


i am happy that things have worked out and i am going back to the collective

(along with my hubby) who also comes with me.


In some ways i have enjoyed the experience of being away from the local

collective because it gave me a greater sense of the big spiritual picture in my

life, and in other ways i have not enjoyed being away from the local collective,

because i truly missed the collective meditation and collective pujas. There is

nothing quite like collective meditation and pujas that is very spiritually

satisfying and uplifting, except my own experience of deep meditation on the Adi

Shakti within myself.


i just do not want to be put into an `organizational box', that's all. i want

the freedom to be myself, my own Spirit, and not be ruled, regulated, or `boxed



i also want to go because i love to go and i have much joy in going, but i never

want to feel obligated to go, which takes away the joy.


i don't necessarily want to get involved in all collective activities such as

catering and money raising for example, because i live far away, and i feel my

work is on these forums and that is how i do the work in my own life for Shri



i also would like the collective to grow spiritually in becoming more and more

in such a way that new people will be very happy, welcome, accepted, nurtured,

loved. This state can only be there if yogis who are already there are accepting

each other regardless of external differences or differences of individual

opinions/experiences. After all, it is the Divine Element Within which is the

Absolute Truth that connects and binds us as One Collective Being, not the

differences in opinion.


As long as a person behaves dharmically, i see no need for rules, regulations,

and 'boxings-in' to be the order of the day, whereby all yogis have to have the

same opinions on everything in order to be accepted.


Provided a person behaves dharmically, i also do not see any reason why one yogi

should tell another yogi what to do, what is right and what is wrong, because no

yogis is 100% right and no yogi is 100% wrong either; only the Absolute Truth is

100% right, so i feel we need to be flexible and appreciate and respect each

other's differences. After all, that is what makes ourselves interesting to each

other. If we were not all 'different drops of the Divine' and all the same, what

a boring life this would be. It is the differences in each of us, that allow us

all to help each other with our different strengths in different areas of our

spiritual lives. i definitely do not claim to be a perfect person, that is for

sure! i think as long as i am in this body, i will never be a perfect person.


So everyone, is different. We all have these different permutations and

combinations. We all are working at evolving spiritually. What works for one

person, may not work for the next. That is why each person has to become their

own guru in connection with the Mother within who is our real Guru, and will

teach us from within, when we ask Her.


Jagbir, i want to ask you... is what i expect from my local collective too much

to ask for, or am i right in asking/expecting just to be left to follow my own

individual spiritual path within as a Sahaja Yogi and as a guru of myself and at

the same time, desiring to have fellowship with other Sahaja Yogis who will

accept me on that basis and not try to tell me what to do or how to think?


Of course, i am happy to make contributions to the local collective, and have

agreed to write and help out with Public Program Pamphlets and similar things,

but publishing and writing is what i like to do, so i am definitely pleased to

help out in that way and it also makes me feel that i am valued for what i can



Love and best wishes,



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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> i am happy that things have worked out and i am going back to the

> collective (along with my hubby) who also comes with me.



i am happy for you Violet (and your hubby too) that you can meet old

frinds and like-minded spiritual souls after a long absence.



> In some ways i have enjoyed the experience of being away from the

> local collective because it gave me a greater sense of the big

> spiritual picture in my life, and in other ways i have not enjoyed

> being away from the local collective, because i truly missed the

> collective meditation and collective pujas. There is nothing quite

> like collective meditation and pujas that is very spiritually

> satisfying and uplifting, except my own experience of deep

> meditation on the Adi Shakti within myself.



Violet, you really missed the collective, didn't you? There is no

doubt about that. It will be interesting to know the growth attained

while in exile, compared to the stagnant collectives. You may

experience some awkward moments that were removed while free, small

details that nourished you to your present state.



> i just do not want to be put into an `organizational box', that's

> all. i want the freedom to be myself, my own Spirit, and not be

> ruled, regulated, or `boxed in'.



That will be quite difficult Violet, unless you are determined not

to regress backwards. It is not easy to stand out because few will

understand your spiritual maturity and balance while living in exile

in the wilderness here. So be upfront and transparent. Voice your

protest if they try to mould you to their " 108 rules and treatments

to be an obedient catch-free SY " .



> i also want to go because i love to go and i have much joy in

> going, but i never want to feel obligated to go, which takes away

> the joy.



The collective should be thankful that you are returning. Endangered

species should nurture their wounded and dying with all the love and




> i don't necessarily want to get involved in all collective

> activities such as catering and money raising for example, because

> i live far away, and i feel my work is on these forums and that is

> how i do the work in my own life for Shri Mataji.



You are logically correct, femininely intuitive and spiritually

matured Violet to feel that way. i assure that your Christian

theological background infused into your work on the Internet will

pay off many times over. i had you in mind too when the decision to

change the web format to Textpattern was taken. The best and most

vital work for Shri Mataji is yet to come. You will probably spend

your entire life to usher Her Divine Message onto human

consciousness. Always channel your energies to what you love most.

Work in projects that will nourish, sustain and deepen your faith.

Nothing beats working for the Adi Shakti within. (Your collective is

still involved with Her external aspects.)



> i also would like the collective to grow spiritually in becoming

> more and more in such a way that new people will be very happy,

> welcome, accepted, nurtured, loved. This state can only be there

> if yogis who are already there are accepting each other regardless

> of external differences or differences of individual

> opinions/experiences. After all, it is the Divine Element Within

> which is the Absolute Truth that connects and binds us as One

> Collective Being, not the differences in opinion.



As i mentioned earlier, you are going to experience some awkward

moments. Few SYs are at your level and we are not talking about

those holding Ph.Ds in chakralogy and micromatka bioengineering. So

it will better you speak up if they insist you to return to the

weekly cleansing (in order to deprogram your mind and sanitize your

body of exile catches. i think you will find that under section #65

of " 108 rules and treatments to be a obedient catch-free SY " .)


> As long as a person behaves dharmically, i see no need for rules,

> regulations, and 'boxings-in' to be the order of the day, whereby

> all yogis have to have the same opinions on everything in order to

> be accepted.



Do not allow management robots to make you drones of those

representing the Will of Shri Mataji. Never empower those who want

to take away your individuality. Always know that you can protest

here and we will make sure domineering characters like JN, AW or

their lackeys are diced up into skewerable souvlaki sizes. i really

dislike those who want to control SYs by verbal bullying and will

bark incessantly at them. But those who pick the `weaker' sisterly

sex will definitely be bitten ............... and relentlessly

barked at in public to make sure that insults aggravates their

injury too. That is the only way to stop such dry and domineering

characters from bothering you. Through experience I have learnt that

such bullies cannot be reasoned with. i hope they read this " DO NOT

DISTURB " sign.



> Provided a person behaves dharmically, i also do not see any

> reason why one yogi should tell another yogi what to do, what is

> right and what is wrong, because no yogis is 100% right and no

> yogi is 100% wrong either; only the Absolute Truth is 100% right,

> so i feel we need to be flexible and appreciate and respect each

> other's differences. After all, that is what makes ourselves

> interesting to each other. If we were not all 'different drops of

> the Divine' and all the same, what a boring life this would be. It

> is the differences in each of us, that allow us all to help each

> other with our different strengths in different areas of our

> spiritual lives. i definitely do not claim to be a perfect person,

> that is for sure! i think as long as i am in this body, i will

> never be a perfect person.



When a species is on the endangered list utmost care must be taken

to ensure they are protected and nourished to sustain their kind

through a crisis. i doubt if management SYs have learnt this lesson.

That is why a " DO NOT DISTURB " is necessary.



> So everyone, is different. We all have these different

> permutations and combinations. We all are working at evolving

> spiritually. What works for one person, may not work for the next.

> That is why each person has to become their own guru in connection

> with the Mother within who is our real Guru, and will teach us

> from within, when we ask Her.



You are the exception rather than the norm Violet. Marking of

attendance at the weekly cleansing will remind you of the chasm

between being your own guru and following the collective herd. Most

will be unable to comprehend your belief or will nod mechanically in

agreement in order not to offend you. Their attention and projection

of senses has always been on the external, physical Shri Mataji.

That is why management SYs was up in arms at my mention that it is

possible to meditate on the Divine Mother sans image. You just don't

make such a heretical statement ……………………. to the ignorant.



> Jagbir, i want to ask you... is what i expect from my local

> collective too much to ask for, or am i right in asking/expecting

> just to be left to follow my own individual spiritual path within

> as a Sahaja Yogi and as a guru of myself and at the same time,

> desiring to have fellowship with other Sahaja Yogis who will

> accept me on that basis and not try to tell me what to do or how

> to think?



Violet, you are absolutely right in requesting your desire to be

your own guru be unconditionally accepted by the rank and file. i

can assure you that they will one day move in your direction and

take that path. It is just a matter of time before the Mahasamadhi

of Shri Mataji will leave them initially bewildered and clueless.

Then they will have to look for Her within themselves, in their own

Sahasraras. They thus should accept you on that basis and not try to

tell you what to do or how to think. In fact the opposite is

presently required, or will have to be sought urgently after She

leaves us. So please do not come down from the mountain to admire

the view from the plateau they are collectively standing. How can

they see what you have experienced from a higher consciousness and

elevated awareness.?



> Of course, i am happy to make contributions to the local

> collective, and have agreed to write and help out with Public

> Program Pamphlets and similar things, but publishing and writing

> is what i like to do, so i am definitely pleased to help out in

> that way and it also makes me feel that i am valued for what i can

> contribute.



Do not be taken in by their " write and help out with Public Program

Pamphlets " . Some of our 'leaders' are like politicians skilled in

the art of patronizing and wooing. Their sense of belonging to an

elite club does inflate their ego and believe of being chosen over

the commoners like you and me. Their brainstorming sessions has

always been with chosen grey matter members. Maybe things have begun

to change with the recent dismantling of the SY power pyramid,

belatedly initiated more by the crisis of abject failure than the

debilitating demise caused by clashing egos and power struggles. i

will let you know when this Brahminnical apex is completely crushed

and mixed to the point of being indistinguishable from the

untouchable sudra base of night-soil carriers like me.


But everything is alright Violet and going according to Her Plan.

Always remain your own master and you will be allowed to

participate. Just stand on the Truth and do not yield even an inch

to any human or external organization. Perhaps your exile was

necessary after all.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" Their attention and projection of senses has always been on the external,

physical Shri Mataji. That is why management SYs was up in arms at my mention

that it is possible to meditate on the Divine Mother sans image. You just don't

make such a heretical statement

……………………. to the ignorant. "


Dear Jagbir and All,


First of all, thank you Jagbir, for all your most kind remarks and spiritual

support that you have given me. It is this spiritual support from yourself and

others as well, that has given me the confidence to be my own guru, and continue

to be my own guru. We need to help each other and give each other the permission

to indeed become our own gurus.


As far as i am concerned, my spiritual family is with whomever i have spiritual

relationships, whether over the internet or in person and i definitely enjoy the

spiritual family i have on these forums, because we can share here without fear

or favour. We are not afraid to discuss anything and everything like a true

family usually do. Jagbir, all Sahaja Yogis are my family, but it is true that

individual connection and knowledge of each other helps. We have to know each

other to understand each other.


i once heard an interesting and what i believe to be a most enlightened six

words. They are:


" To Know Someone Is To Love Them "


How often have we maybe not liked someone until we really gave ourselves a

chance to know them. It is my experience, though, that unless we give

unconditional love to the other person, we will never really get to know them

anyway. Unconditional love is the only quality that enables people to respond

without barriers.


i believe that Shri Mataji has Unconditional Love for everyone and therefore

knows us very well. She does not look on outward appearances, but on the Heart

of the Person.


Therefore, if we really get to know someone, like Shri Mataji has done, whereby

She has intensively introspected on all our permutations and combinations, i

believe that we, like Shri Mataji will see the good in everyone, rather than the

bad. Of course, we do not like to see people behaving badly, but we have the

ability to see the gold that is there, just waiting to be revealed.


In regards to meditating on the Divine Mother 'sans image', i know you are

talking about the external image of Shri Mataji.


However, those who are not using the external image of Shri Mataji to meditate

on, are doing so because they have found the Internal Image of Shri Mataji

within themselves.


i am always seeing Her Internal Image within myself when i turn to Her in

meditation, prayer, or conversation and it is Her Very Living Image. It is just

there. i don't know how else to state that, but that it is JUST THERE.


So even though we may not be focussing on Her external image, it is only because

we ARE ACTUALLY meditating on what is Her LIVING IMAGE.


Therefore, no one can say that we are not meditating on Her Image.


The external image is there for us to use until we connect with Her Living Image

from within.


Spiritual growth always starts from externals and then goes to the internals.

Every Spiritual Master of Eastern Mysticism teaches this fact, and uses this



love and best wishes,




> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > i am happy that things have worked out and i am going back to


> > collective (along with my hubby) who also comes with me.

> >


> i am happy for you Violet (and your hubby too) that you can meet


> frinds and like-minded spiritual souls after a long absence.



> > In some ways i have enjoyed the experience of being away from


> > local collective because it gave me a greater sense of the big

> > spiritual picture in my life, and in other ways i have not


> > being away from the local collective, because i truly missed the

> > collective meditation and collective pujas. There is nothing


> > like collective meditation and pujas that is very spiritually

> > satisfying and uplifting, except my own experience of deep

> > meditation on the Adi Shakti within myself.

> >


> Violet, you really missed the collective, didn't you? There is no

> doubt about that. It will be interesting to know the growth


> while in exile, compared to the stagnant collectives. You may

> experience some awkward moments that were removed while free,


> details that nourished you to your present state.



> > i just do not want to be put into an `organizational box',


> > all. i want the freedom to be myself, my own Spirit, and not be

> > ruled, regulated, or `boxed in'.

> >


> That will be quite difficult Violet, unless you are determined not

> to regress backwards. It is not easy to stand out because few will

> understand your spiritual maturity and balance while living in


> in the wilderness here. So be upfront and transparent. Voice your

> protest if they try to mould you to their " 108 rules and


> to be an obedient catch-free SY " .



> > i also want to go because i love to go and i have much joy in

> > going, but i never want to feel obligated to go, which takes


> > the joy.

> >


> The collective should be thankful that you are returning.


> species should nurture their wounded and dying with all the love


> care.



> > i don't necessarily want to get involved in all collective

> > activities such as catering and money raising for example,


> > i live far away, and i feel my work is on these forums and that


> > how i do the work in my own life for Shri Mataji.

> >


> You are logically correct, femininely intuitive and spiritually

> matured Violet to feel that way. i assure that your Christian

> theological background infused into your work on the Internet will

> pay off many times over. i had you in mind too when the decision


> change the web format to Textpattern was taken. The best and most

> vital work for Shri Mataji is yet to come. You will probably spend

> your entire life to usher Her Divine Message onto human

> consciousness. Always channel your energies to what you love most.

> Work in projects that will nourish, sustain and deepen your faith.

> Nothing beats working for the Adi Shakti within. (Your collective


> still involved with Her external aspects.)



> > i also would like the collective to grow spiritually in becoming

> > more and more in such a way that new people will be very happy,

> > welcome, accepted, nurtured, loved. This state can only be there

> > if yogis who are already there are accepting each other


> > of external differences or differences of individual

> > opinions/experiences. After all, it is the Divine Element Within

> > which is the Absolute Truth that connects and binds us as One

> > Collective Being, not the differences in opinion.

> >


> As i mentioned earlier, you are going to experience some awkward

> moments. Few SYs are at your level and we are not talking about

> those holding Ph.Ds in chakralogy and micromatka bioengineering.


> it will better you speak up if they insist you to return to the

> weekly cleansing (in order to deprogram your mind and sanitize


> body of exile catches. i think you will find that under section


> of " 108 rules and treatments to be a obedient catch-free SY " .)


> > As long as a person behaves dharmically, i see no need for


> > regulations, and 'boxings-in' to be the order of the day,


> > all yogis have to have the same opinions on everything in order


> > be accepted.

> >


> Do not allow management robots to make you drones of those

> representing the Will of Shri Mataji. Never empower those who want

> to take away your individuality. Always know that you can protest

> here and we will make sure domineering characters like JN, AW or

> their lackeys are diced up into skewerable souvlaki sizes. i


> dislike those who want to control SYs by verbal bullying and will

> bark incessantly at them. But those who pick the `weaker' sisterly

> sex will definitely be bitten ............... and relentlessly

> barked at in public to make sure that insults aggravates their

> injury too. That is the only way to stop such dry and domineering

> characters from bothering you. Through experience I have learnt


> such bullies cannot be reasoned with. i hope they read this " DO


> DISTURB " sign.



> > Provided a person behaves dharmically, i also do not see any

> > reason why one yogi should tell another yogi what to do, what is

> > right and what is wrong, because no yogis is 100% right and no

> > yogi is 100% wrong either; only the Absolute Truth is 100%


> > so i feel we need to be flexible and appreciate and respect each

> > other's differences. After all, that is what makes ourselves

> > interesting to each other. If we were not all 'different drops


> > the Divine' and all the same, what a boring life this would be.


> > is the differences in each of us, that allow us all to help each

> > other with our different strengths in different areas of our

> > spiritual lives. i definitely do not claim to be a perfect


> > that is for sure! i think as long as i am in this body, i will

> > never be a perfect person.

> >


> When a species is on the endangered list utmost care must be taken

> to ensure they are protected and nourished to sustain their kind

> through a crisis. i doubt if management SYs have learnt this


> That is why a " DO NOT DISTURB " is necessary.



> > So everyone, is different. We all have these different

> > permutations and combinations. We all are working at evolving

> > spiritually. What works for one person, may not work for the


> > That is why each person has to become their own guru in


> > with the Mother within who is our real Guru, and will teach us

> > from within, when we ask Her.

> >


> You are the exception rather than the norm Violet. Marking of

> attendance at the weekly cleansing will remind you of the chasm

> between being your own guru and following the collective herd.


> will be unable to comprehend your belief or will nod mechanically


> agreement in order not to offend you. Their attention and


> of senses has always been on the external, physical Shri Mataji.

> That is why management SYs was up in arms at my mention that it is

> possible to meditate on the Divine Mother sans image. You just


> make such a heretical statement ……………………. to the ignorant.



> > Jagbir, i want to ask you... is what i expect from my local

> > collective too much to ask for, or am i right in


> > just to be left to follow my own individual spiritual path


> > as a Sahaja Yogi and as a guru of myself and at the same time,

> > desiring to have fellowship with other Sahaja Yogis who will

> > accept me on that basis and not try to tell me what to do or how

> > to think?

> >


> Violet, you are absolutely right in requesting your desire to be

> your own guru be unconditionally accepted by the rank and file. i

> can assure you that they will one day move in your direction and

> take that path. It is just a matter of time before the Mahasamadhi

> of Shri Mataji will leave them initially bewildered and clueless.

> Then they will have to look for Her within themselves, in their


> Sahasraras. They thus should accept you on that basis and not try


> tell you what to do or how to think. In fact the opposite is

> presently required, or will have to be sought urgently after She

> leaves us. So please do not come down from the mountain to admire

> the view from the plateau they are collectively standing. How can

> they see what you have experienced from a higher consciousness and

> elevated awareness.?



> > Of course, i am happy to make contributions to the local

> > collective, and have agreed to write and help out with Public

> > Program Pamphlets and similar things, but publishing and writing

> > is what i like to do, so i am definitely pleased to help out in

> > that way and it also makes me feel that i am valued for what i


> > contribute.

> >


> Do not be taken in by their " write and help out with Public


> Pamphlets " . Some of our 'leaders' are like politicians skilled in

> the art of patronizing and wooing. Their sense of belonging to an

> elite club does inflate their ego and believe of being chosen over

> the commoners like you and me. Their brainstorming sessions has

> always been with chosen grey matter members. Maybe things have


> to change with the recent dismantling of the SY power pyramid,

> belatedly initiated more by the crisis of abject failure than the

> debilitating demise caused by clashing egos and power struggles. i

> will let you know when this Brahminnical apex is completely


> and mixed to the point of being indistinguishable from the

> untouchable sudra base of night-soil carriers like me.


> But everything is alright Violet and going according to Her Plan.

> Always remain your own master and you will be allowed to

> participate. Just stand on the Truth and do not yield even an inch

> to any human or external organization. Perhaps your exile was

> necessary after all.


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir


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