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Web rankings

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Dear All,


Every so often Jagbir circulates the Webtrends rankings comparing

the ranking of adishakti.org with that of sahajayoga.org. I have to

admit I cannot see the rationale or the usefulness of such a

comparison. It would be more useful or instructive if we could have

figures showing how Sahaja Yoga compares with other similar groups

or even other activities; what is needed is a big-picture

perspective. For this we would need a means of obtaining web

rankings quickly and easily. Recently I came across just such a

site, one that gives quick web rankings, on the fly, if you will. It

can be accessed at:




Entering the web address of a particular site in the search box at

the top of the page, one can get the web ranking of the site. Doing

this I obtained the following rankings:


sahajayoga.org 226,170

adishakti.org 625,303

sahaja-yoga.org 4,899,257


I am sure that we can draw some satisfaction from the above figures

in seeing how both sahajayoga.org and adishakti.org have handily

left the pesky sahaja-yoga.org in the dust, so to speak. But this is

about the only piece of good news as we shall soon see.


To get another perspective, let us check out a selection from our

peer group, the competition, if you will. This is really the main

aim of this quick survey: to see how Sahaja Yoga is performing in

comparison with its peers on the Internet.


osho.com 43,484

tm.org 173,191

siddhayoga.org 86,638

amritapuri.org 189,766

sathyasai.org 194,267

acim.org 178,469

billygraham.org 95,709

scientology.org 38,017


The above figures are indeed embarassing if not disturbing as it is

obvious that we are being bested by the competition on the web.

Contrary to all the talk about Sahaja Yoga soon taking the world by

storm it is quite apparent that we are lagging behind all the major

adharmic organizations and false gurus, at least on the Internet.

And the world wide web is arguably the mirror of the world and of



For more perspective let us take a look at the figures for other

sites on the world wide web, not necessarily having anything to do

with spiritual pursuits. This would be a useful gauge of the

relative popularity of the other pre-occupations of humanity.


goodhousekeeping.com 233,150

gardenweb.com 5,404

huntingsociety.org 126,781

fishing.com 174,752


nfl.com 212

nba.com 159

fifa.com 2,807

formula1.com 7,870


sex.com 3,560

playboy.com 819

penthouse.com 8,325

hustler.com 6,956


And to round up the top of the web rankings, we have the usual




msn.com 2

google.com 3

ebay.com 4


With the help of web rankings, we have obtained an insight into the

place of Sahaja Yoga in the virtual world which is undeniably an

accurate barometer of the real world. Admittedly, it is a picture

which is neither pretty nor comfortable for Sahaja Yogis. We have

always been smugly confident that Sahaja Yoga will soon triumph over

all comers but such confidence is not quite borne out from what we

have seen here. Meanwhile the year 2012 looms; seven and counting,

as they say in Houston.



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" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Sat Feb 4, 2006 10:33 am

Re: Web rankings


, " my2pai " <my2pai



> Dear All,


> Every so often Jagbir circulates the Webtrends rankings comparing

> the ranking of adishakti.org with that of sahajayoga.org. I have

> to admit I cannot see the rationale or the usefulness of such a

> comparison.


i belive it is realy important for those working to expose the

Truth. Given the resistance from management SYs it is vital to give

evidence that we are making inroads in contrast to those who want to

suppress the real reason Shri Mataji has incarnated. Only by

comparision can others understand and have confidence that just

telling the Truth will allow us to triumph in the end. At the same

time those suppressing Her Divine Message should also have proof

that the Truth will destroy all falsehood. i have to give numbers to

present my case and that is the rationale or the usefulness of such

a comparison.



> It would be more useful or instructive if we could

> have figures showing how Sahaja Yoga compares with other similar

> groups or even other activities; what is needed is a big-picture

> perspective. For this we would need a means of obtaining web

> rankings quickly and easily. Recently I came across just such a

> site, one that gives quick web rankings, on the fly, if you will.

> It can be accessed at:


> http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500



This seems to be a new start-up, and there are similar free

searches. They all fluctuate widely as far as readings are

concerned. The said www.alexa.com website homepage reads:


" A while back I wrote about a site, Alexadex, that is a sort-of

online trading game where instead of trading stocks people trade Web

sites. Alexadex is based on Alexa data and gets its data from Alexa

via the Alexa Web Information Service. What is interesting about

Alexadex is how it has been growing from a small hobby Web site into

a business.


Over the last few months the site has continually added new features

and now has a dedicated following. The site allows users to get site

information, see traffic history charts, buy and sell sites (with

fake money), participate in forums and more. The site's owner didn't

anticipate it, but is has turned into an online phenomenon. It is a

great example of how anybody with some programming skills and some

interest can build off of the Amazon.com Web Services and Alexa Web

Information Service (AWIS) in particular. "


> Entering the web address of a particular site in the search box at

> the top of the page, one can get the web ranking of the site.

> Doing this I obtained the following rankings:


> sahajayoga.org 226,170

> adishakti.org 625,303

> sahaja-yoga.org 4,899,257



i have used only two engines, WebSearh and WebTrends, long before

www.alexa.com was born. It is not that they were showing favorable

results. But the results in no way reflects what the toddler

www.alexa.com has learnt. WebSearch states the following today:


sahajayoga.org 295,232

adishakti.org 254,870

sahaja-yoga.org N/A (because it is buried too deep)


You must understand that www.adishakti.org lacks one critical

requirement - links from other websites. However, despite this

handicap, it has managed to secure top Google rankings in searches

related to the Divine Message and Al-Qiyamah. i am very happy to

have achieved this very important aspect of the Internet despite the



However, we have SYs helping to overhaul and make www.adishakti.org

a better site. With the new format in place in the near future i

assure you that announcing Shri Mataji's Divine Message will become

a collective effort due to Textpattern.


" Sites published with Textpattern can employ unlimited registered

contributors, each of whom may be assigned privileges by the

publisher of the site. Five levels of privileges (publisher,

managing editor, copy editor, writer and designer) are provided, and

each reflects different access to article creation, approval,

editing and deletion, and to image uploads, page design and CSS, and

of course adding more contributors. "


So we will have SYs working directly on the websites and

contributing their expertise, knowledge and experience to fulfil

Shri Mataji's call to TELL ALL THE NATIONS about Her Divine Message.

We will all work together to fulfil Shri Mataji's prophecy that

Satya Yuga will commence by Feburary 21, 2013.



> I am sure that we can draw some satisfaction from the above

> figures in seeing how both sahajayoga.org and adishakti.org have

> handily left the pesky sahaja-yoga.org in the dust, so to speak.

> But this is about the only piece of good news as we shall soon see.



i agree that to be true.


> To get another perspective, let us check out a selection from our

> peer group, the competition, if you will. This is really the main

> aim of this quick survey: to see how Sahaja Yoga is performing in

> comparison with its peers on the Internet.


> osho.com 43,484

> tm.org 173,191

> siddhayoga.org 86,638

> amritapuri.org 189,766

> sathyasai.org 194,267

> acim.org 178,469

> billygraham.org 95,709

> scientology.org 38,017



The WebSearch ratings are:


osho.com 71,139

tm.org 234,754

siddhayoga.org 200,299

amritapuri.org 571,941

sathyasai.org 131,267

acim.org 362,619

billygraham.org 35,005

scientology.org 31,598


So you can see how widely they are fluctuating. But WebSerach was

established long before www.alexa.com was a twinkle in the owner's

eye. Looks like this new start-up needs some adjustments.


> The above figures are indeed embarassing if not disturbing as it

> is obvious that we are being bested by the competition on the web.

> Contrary to all the talk about Sahaja Yoga soon taking the world

> by storm it is quite apparent that we are lagging behind all the

> major adharmic organizations and false gurus, at least on the

> Internet. And the world wide web is arguably the mirror of the

> world and of society.



The Sahaja Yoga management is just reaping what they have sowed

over the decades. That they are faring worse than major adharmic

organizations is well deserved. You are judged by what you are, or

pretend not to be. Sahaja Yoga has pretended to be good for health,

among other spiritual claims. The competition just whips them left,

right and centre over those claims. i have lost count of the number

of TKOs. You still want to bet it will one day stand and fight with

honesty and dignity?


i am ashamed at the number of times their noses has been bloodied

and black eyes further bruised. It is an ugly picture. Having been

knocked silly so many times seem to have severely damaged the common

sense arteries and the neurotransmitters in the brain to receive

messages. That false gurus are knocking the daylight out of

www.sahajayoga.org only adds insult to injury. Are we to wait for a

comatose before throwing in the towel?


> For more perspective let us take a look at the figures for other

> sites on the world wide web, not necessarily having anything to do

> with spiritual pursuits. This would be a useful gauge of the

> relative popularity of the other pre-occupations of humanity.


> goodhousekeeping.com 233,150

> gardenweb.com 5,404

> huntingsociety.org 126,781

> fishing.com 174,752


> nfl.com 212

> nba.com 159

> fifa.com 2,807

> formula1.com 7,870


> sex.com 3,560

> playboy.com 819

> penthouse.com 8,325

> hustler.com 6,956


> And to round up the top of the web rankings, we have the usual

> suspects.


> 1

> msn.com 2

> google.com 3

> ebay.com 4


> With the help of web rankings, we have obtained an insight into

> the place of Sahaja Yoga in the virtual world which is undeniably

> an accurate barometer of the real world. Admittedly, it is a

> picture which is neither pretty nor comfortable for Sahaja Yogis.

> We have always been smugly confident that Sahaja Yoga will soon

> triumph over all comers but such confidence is not quite borne out

> from what we have seen here. Meanwhile the year 2012 looms; seven

> and counting, as they say in Houston.



That the subtle system approach will triumph is as absurd as it is

laughable. SYs can high-five themselves till kingdom come in their

collective caves. Reality will/have hit them when they preach that

message to a world that is increasingly populated with far more

slick and successful subtle system CEOs running multi-million

spiritual empires. The only solace is the chance to withdraw back

into the collective caves and blame every Osho, Muktananda and Simon

for their failures ................. except themselves.


Meanwhile the year 2012 looms; seven and counting, as they say in

Houston. But is it in the WCASY blueprint for coming out of their

collectives caves?




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Chandra,


From your previous Alexa statistics Feb 4, 2006:



> sahajayoga.org 226,170

> adishakti.org 625,303

> sahaja-yoga.org 4,899,257



the latest today is:


Traffic Rank for sahajayoga.org: 170,597 (+ 58,971)

Traffic Rank for adishakti.org: 378,290 (+ 209,636)

Traffic Rank for sahaja-yoga.org: No Data


The good news is that adishakti.org advanced substantially in less

that four months. The better news is that it will continue its

upward trend and eventually bypass sahajayoga.org. The best news is

that sahaja-yoga.org has dropped so low that even the electronic

search spiders of Alexa cannot reach that cyber abyss. i almost

burst into laughter when i read " No Data " . So our ex-false prophet

Simon's sites have free-fallen as Shri Mataji's have risen, and that

bodes well for the future.


If i have the time i will suggest that ICANN (Internet Corporation

for Assigned Names and Numbers) issue hefty fines on sites that no

one in the world is interested. i also want to solicit enough

signatures from irate surfers to put their owners behind bars for a

mandatory 6-month period, doubling that for every yearly repeat

offender. If ICANN agrees i am sure Simon will receive consecutive

life sentences ............. provided he is still in his teens today.


regards to all,







, " my2pai " <my2pai



> Dear All,


> Every so often Jagbir circulates the Webtrends rankings comparing

> the ranking of adishakti.org with that of sahajayoga.org. I have

> to admit I cannot see the rationale or the usefulness of such a

> comparison. It would be more useful or instructive if we could

> have figures showing how Sahaja Yoga compares with other similar

> groups or even other activities; what is needed is a big-picture

> perspective. For this we would need a means of obtaining web

> rankings quickly and easily. Recently I came across just such a

> site, one that gives quick web rankings, on the fly, if you will.

> It can be accessed at:


> http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500


> Entering the web address of a particular site in the search box at

> the top of the page, one can get the web ranking of the site.

> Doing this I obtained the following rankings:


> sahajayoga.org 226,170

> adishakti.org 625,303

> sahaja-yoga.org 4,899,257


> I am sure that we can draw some satisfaction from the above

> figures in seeing how both sahajayoga.org and adishakti.org have

> handily left the pesky sahaja-yoga.org in the dust, so to speak.

> But this is about the only piece of good news as we shall soon see.


> To get another perspective, let us check out a selection from our

> peer group, the competition, if you will. This is really the main

> aim of this quick survey: to see how Sahaja Yoga is performing in

> comparison with its peers on the Internet.


> osho.com 43,484

> tm.org 173,191

> siddhayoga.org 86,638

> amritapuri.org 189,766

> sathyasai.org 194,267

> acim.org 178,469

> billygraham.org 95,709

> scientology.org 38,017


> The above figures are indeed embarassing if not disturbing as it

> is obvious that we are being bested by the competition on the web.

> Contrary to all the talk about Sahaja Yoga soon taking the world

> by storm it is quite apparent that we are lagging behind all the

> major adharmic organizations and false gurus, at least on the

> Internet. And the world wide web is arguably the mirror of the

> world and of society.


> For more perspective let us take a look at the figures for other

> sites on the world wide web, not necessarily having anything to do

> with spiritual pursuits. This would be a useful gauge of the

> relative popularity of the other pre-occupations of humanity.


> goodhousekeeping.com 233,150

> gardenweb.com 5,404

> huntingsociety.org 126,781

> fishing.com 174,752


> nfl.com 212

> nba.com 159

> fifa.com 2,807

> formula1.com 7,870


> sex.com 3,560

> playboy.com 819

> penthouse.com 8,325

> hustler.com 6,956


> And to round up the top of the web rankings, we have the usual

> suspects.


> 1

> msn.com 2

> google.com 3

> ebay.com 4


> With the help of web rankings, we have obtained an insight into

> the place of Sahaja Yoga in the virtual world which is undeniably

> an accurate barometer of the real world. Admittedly, it is a

> picture which is neither pretty nor comfortable for Sahaja Yogis.

> We have always been smugly confident that Sahaja Yoga will soon

> triumph over all comers but such confidence is not quite borne out

> from what we have seen here. Meanwhile the year 2012 looms; seven

> and counting, as they say in Houston.


> C.


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