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Do not unwittingly join forces and work against Shri Mataji. We must fulfill Her vision and victory despite the present odds.

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> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

> > Thu Feb 2, 2006 6:39 pm


> >

> > The Divine Message, tied up and forgotten about and neglected by

> > management SYs is now transforming into what looks like a

> > powerful and beautiful white light/energy, which can no longer

> > be tied up or restrained by anything. All we need are fearless

> > and dedicated souls willing to perform their duty to the Adi

> > Shakti. Those who want to help can do so by sending the

> > www.adishakti.org links to as many seekers as possible. And do

> > not ever listen to what murmuring souls/leaders have to say

> > about the websites. They are the ones who have never obeyed Shri

> > Mataji's instructions to " TELL ALL THE NATIONS! " Not only that

> > but they also have prevented others from carrying out this

> > sacred duty of every Sahaja Yogi. This negativity itself is an

> > evil force working against the Divine Plan for humanity. Do not

> > unwittingly join forces and work against Shri Mataji. Just

> > meditate and contemplate on Shri Mahamaya's Silence, and you

> > will understand why it is necessary. It is time for us to " TELL

> > ALL THE NATIONS! " ......... while She is still on Earth. We must

> > fulfill Her vision and victory despite the present odds.

> >

> > /message/5655

> >


> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

> Fri Feb 3, 2006 7:46 am



> i have realized your dream has a deeper meaning. " The change

> began at the throat and spread from here over " can only mean the

> Vishuddhi Chakra. i know Shri Mataji has said that only when

> America awakens will the rest of the world follow and Her

> Message will spread. Years ago (October 10, 1993) She mentioned

> that at least 16,000 SYs are required in North America. " It is

> very important, you all should understand your own

> responsibility. So between South and North America we have to

> at least have 16,000 Sahaja Yogis. "


> However, till date they are far from achieving that figure. The

> reason is that even though " collectivity has to be the maximum

> in America, but it is not. There are many problems of

> collectivity there, but still they realize they have to be

> collective. There are so few who are Sahaja Yogis " . That was said

> by Shri Mataji in Melbourne on April 10, 1991.


> Today, nearly 15 years later it is just as bad, maybe worse. The

> opposition and negativity to the websites/forums fullfilling Shri

> Mataji's command to " TELL ALL THE NATIONS " found fertile grounds

> in the Land of Vishuddhi. All the ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan had

> to do was whisper his lies into the ears of influential/senior SYs

> and the Inquisytion began. Today North American SYs twiddle their

> thumbs and wonder why things have never worked out despite years

> of hard work, effort and sacrifice. The subtle system agenda just

> does not work anymore. There are hardly any public programs in

> North America nowadays and the exhaustion has set in.




Book One of the Ten Book Project

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Richard Payment of Vancouver has been putting in sterling and superb

work, aided by a small team, on the first book to come from the

International Book Project that has been in operation now for two

years. It is the first of a planned series of ten books that will

become an incomparable support to our meditation and insights,

companions of our evening and travels, magical tools to inspire our

inner growth. Books work differently than audio's or videos but they

work and we have missed a printed version of the guidance of Our

Mother for too long.


The working title of the first book is Within: Beyond Words, Beyond

Books, Beyond Myths - The Final Steps in the Journey to Self-

realization, and it is hoped that finished copies will be available

for Sahaja Yogis, by the end of the year 2006. At the same time, the

book will be offered for commercial publication to publishing houses

in all the major countries of the world.


Nearly 600 of Shri Mataji's talks have now been transcribed by our

teams of transcribers from 20 different countries around the world,

and these provide the archive from which the books can be prepared.

At the same time, these talks are being translated into Chinese,

Russian, French, Italian and Romanian, by translators in those

countries. This collective effort is clearly of major importance for

posterity and the Publication Committee of the WCASY expresses here

its gratitude to all the yoginis and yogis who work with enthusiasm

on this project.


The Legend of Dagad Trikon


540 pages long, limited edition hardcover, ISBN 1-932406-01-8 price

US$ 29.95


The new novel by Grégoire de Kalbermatten is now being printed and

copies will be ready shortly. The novel was shown to Shri Mataji and

Sir CP at their home in New Jersey , USA , and Shri Mataji was

visibly pleased when asked for Her blessing.


One reader described the novel as " a fast paced, amusing and

contemporary plot guaranteed to keep you enthralled and guessing to

the very end. " This entertaining work of fiction is meant to break

into the cultural mainstream as it appeals to the millions of

readers who are seekers. The professional book editor who edited the

book, (a non-Sahaja yogi) said:


" As the editor of the Legend of Dagad Trikon and of many other

fantasy titles, this fascinating novel was unique for me in the

sheer depth and scope of the stage on which it plays out. The breath-

taking sweep of the author's knowledge of world cultures is evident

on every page as the reader is transported from Delhi to Delphi,

from Cairo to Oslo , from Moscow to Washington DC - all in pursuit

of a secret that has the potential to change the course of human

history. More importantly, the possibility of real human happiness

is visualized and the very fate of our planet is at stake. We find

ourselves caring deeply for the characters and it is the heady page-

turning momentum of this fully realized fantasy that propels the

reader onward. To read this novel is to embark on a journey, an

adventure - a quest that is at least as richly rewarding as the

search for the secrets of Dagad Trikon itself . "


Copies can be obtained as follows: outside the USA , send $39.95, by

Paypal, to info, which includes, postage and

packing via US Global Priority Airmail service. For customers in the

USA , send $34.50 by Paypal, to info, which

includes postage and packing, via US Priority Mail service.



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Book One of the Ten Book Project

> Thursday, February 09, 2006


> Richard Payment of Vancouver has been putting in sterling and

> superb work, aided by a small team, on the first book to come from

> the International Book Project that has been in operation now for

> two years. It is the first of a planned series of ten books that

> will become an incomparable support to our meditation and

> insights, companions of our evening and travels, magical tools to

> inspire our inner growth.



i quote from SWAN regarding the International Sahaja Yoga Book



" Method


A team of Sahaja Yogis, from numerous countries have begun to

produce new, accurately verified transcriptions from the large body

of Shri Mataji's talks in the English language, currently in audio

and video format.


From these transcripts, editors will compile books on various topics

as suggested by the following provisional titles:


An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

The Keeper at the Gate - (Innocence and Wisdom, Shri Ganesha and

Lord Jesus Christ)

How to be your own Guru (Adiguru Datatreya)

The Cool Fire (Kundalini and Self-realization)

The Inner World (The Subtle System and Chakras)

The Praxis of Transformation (Clearing Techniques, Balance, How to

Meditate, How to Introspect)

The Enlightened Mind (The Buddha, Buddhism and Hamsa)

The Pantheon of Light (The Deities)

Fortune and Misfortune of Religions (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,


A Day Book (Random quotes from Shri Mataji's Talks)


Alan Wherry from New York is Director of the project; Ken Williams,

from London, UK, is the leading Managing Editor. Shruti Gupta and

Ann Capazzoli, both from New York, and Anton Grabmayer from Austria

are also Managing Editors and are heading up teams of Yogis, working

in pairs, for the initial transcription phase of the project.


Team members must be established Sahaja Yogis, with balance, good

hamsa qualities and a working knowledge of Sahaj terms. They must be

able to work with accuracy in the English language.


From the completed body of transcriptions, editors will compile

books on the above topics into a cohesive whole with the essence of

the work being that it can be read, understood and enjoyed by a

reader with no previous knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. "





There is absolutely no book about the Divine Message, the heart and

soul of Sahaja Yoga. Not even a single WCASY council member has

protested that Shri Mataji's instruction to TELL ALL THE NATIONS

must be obeyed. No voice is even heard, forget about being raised in

conscience, that humanity MUST be informed that the Last Judgment

and Resurrection is taking place.


Except for those on this forum almost all SYs have joined forces to

suppress by silence. Never in the history of spirituality have so

many followers been overcome by negativity to work against the

Truth. It is only in Kali Yuga that the evil forces can achieve the



How will we face our children tomorrow? What reasons are we going to

give for suppressing the Truth? Can we still claim to be self-

realized souls and bhaktas of the Shakti? Isn't Truth the highest

and most powerful Force? Who are we to deliberately prevent the Good

News of the Last Judgment and Resurrection from reaching the

seekers? Are we not unwittingly working with the evil forces to

prevent the culmination of God's Plan? Can any SY who suppressed the

Divine Message of God Almighty ever enter His Kingdom?


That is why we should not unwittingly join forces and work against

Shri Mataji. We must fulfill Her vision and victory despite the

present odds. BE YOUR OWN MASTER!



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