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Presentation - World Peace. The biggest Blunder

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I read the presentation, but there is nowhere the mention of our mother Shri Nirmala Devi who is the source of all the information. I dont know why do you want to hide God from the people. Do you think that mentioning Mothers name would bring disgrace to you. On the contrary not mentioning it would definitely be a pain to the mother. Shri Mataji has said Tell all the nations. What does that mean? What do you want to tell? The chakras, and self realisation is all common knowledge and is mentioned in all the scriptures. You have to tell that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation. If you cannot tell that at least tell She is the mother. If not even that at least tell she is our Guru. If Not even that at least at least tell She is the FOUNDER of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given you the opportunity and the platform. Dont waste this opportunity. If you dont have the courage to announce or if You are not allowed

to mention mothers name, Just say you do not want to talk anything on that platform It is really a shame being afraid to even take the name of Shri Mataji. Just the name, Just the name is a Mantra and a Powerful one. It is the source of all that you can see and understand. Just take the Name.. The Presentation you prepared First discover Peace & Balance within, only then will World Peace prevail Truly the world outside is in spiritual, moral & economical turmoil. Nations are fighting over territories, balance of Power Politics, or Religious fanaticism. The pace of life and developments in Technology enhanced economy is widening the gap between have’s and have-nots. What brings us together on this day to discuss World Peace are the concerns of the good souls who seek solace, peace and harmony for all. Indeed, there is need to establish equilibrium, so that Peace finally prevails after a storm of the ills of human activity. What I am here to share with you today, is a first hand experience of a Sahaja Yogi who defines Peace in the following words: “ Within us lies the Peace, the beauty, & the glory of our beings. There is an ocean to be discovered. We cannot seek it outside. We have to go within. Sahaja Yoga means “Saha”- Self, & “Ja”- Born with. Yoga means union. The theory propounds that each one of us is ‘Born with a ‘self’ that seeks its natural ‘union’ with its creator. This takes us to the purest of relationships shared between a Mother & her Child. Since birth we are all indeed “child-like” and experience total peace only when we remain connected to our Mother. This feeling remains embedded in our Spirit, which we seek to achieve unconsciously, and are therefore unaware of this vast potential existing within us. Sahaja Yoga unveils ignorance and exposes each one of us to the potential of becoming the spirit & realizing our true Self. We begin to discover our real identity and the purpose of our existence. We begin to question our own actions and relate to a divine existence where we compare our actions with the truth around us. Our responses become spontaneous & pure knowledge flows from within,

providing instant solutions to our daily problems and cures to our imbalances. Then at whatever age or stage we enter this existence, we feel the peace and Joy that we once felt in our hearts as children. Hence Sahaja Yoga is the essential tool to go beyond all confusions and conflicts, taking us into a meditative state to attain the Peace within. Only when we as individuals become peaceful, can we truly spread Peace in the whole world. Let me take you through this unique journey of “Self Realisation” where your dormant spirituality gets awakened, and as a

result you achieve true meditation. It is essential to know that the true meaning of your life is revealed only after you get connected to the Power that created you. This is achieved with your “Self Realization”. As a result, you become completely alert, and yet your thoughts are slowed down & the mind becomes silent. Your heart gets filled with joy and love, but you stay emotionally detached from happenings around you. You experience a state of deep and profound peace – and this is just the beginning of a process of transformation that takes you to a higher level of awareness. The end result: You become compassionate, affectionate with a positive outlook towards life. The spiritual energy in your soul is realized. Let me explain to you through a diagram of the

subtle system that exists within us. Every human being contains a system of sensory organs and nerves that interpret the outside physical world. Within us, there also exists a subtle system of channels and centers of knowledge. There are seven such energy centers and three energy channels that pass through these centers. These centers are known as chakras having subtle energy with its male and female aspect. The seven chakras are responsible for our physical , mental and emotional well being .As energy centers they are also known as ‘Plexuses’ in Medical Science. It is regardless of our caste, creed religion or colour. You will

notice at the base of the spine is the sacrum bone, and below it lies the dormant “ Mothering Energy” called the Kundalini, (meaning coiled up, in sanskrit.) By mere expression of pure desire to seek the truth of our “Self”, this sacred energy is awakened and it rises through each of the chakras or energy centers in the central channel, pulling them into alignment like beads on a string , harmonising their function and enlightening them along its path till it reaches the sixth center. It also nourishes and revitalizes all the centers so as to make you feel relaxed, calm and full of life. It relaxes the brain nerves and makes you peaceful. It is here that it sucks the ballooning effect of the left and the right channel formed as a result of over activity, clearing the mind of all thoughts and yet granting you thoughtless awareness. When this energy passes through the fourth center, it enlightens the heart, which opens to receive divine love and compassion. Through the fifth center this enlightenment of the heart traverses the sixth center connecting to the’Thousand Lotus-Petalled’ nerves of the brain, opening the gateway at the seventh center. The “Kundalini” breaks through the fontenale bone area and connect to the all pervading mother of all powers. It is like a bird breaking out of an egg-shell liberated to fly, or the individual energy getting plugged to its source, like an electric plugged to the mains This process of awakening and union with the Divine, is known as Self Realization. It is instant, effortless and without thought.

It’s reality can be verified on our central nervous system in the form of cool vibrations that instantly begin to flow down our central nervous system or channel through the gateway at the seventh center. It can be felt as a cool breeze coming out of our palms. The rush of the Kundalini above our head can be felt on our palms as we place them a few inches above our fontenale bone area. It is an actualization of experience of each one of you, where your subtle system is enlightened and you are empowered with the ability to interpret the real state of your being. As a result of this happening, your intellect becomes harmonized with emotions and a state of mental and physical balance is achieved. You enter into a state of true

meditation and begin to experience the qualities of your enlightened energy centers or your chakras. Since the chakras govern corresponding aspects of the physical bodies functions as well as the psyche , their improved alignment causes the physical organs to function harmoniously thereby improving health. Let me enumerate the direct impact the qualities of the chakras can have in your life: Chakra 1:Mooldhara (Solar Plexis) It is the source of pure wisdom. The universal quality of innocence is awakened and you experience joy. You go beyond limits of your own prejudices and conditionings. Chakra 2 : Swadisthan(Aortic Plexus) It is the source of knowledge. Creativity flows from the source of your being and not from your brains. Chakra 3 : Nabhi It is the source of sustenance. Satisfaction is nurtured from your inner being regardless of the dramas in your personal lives. Chakra 4 : Heart (Cardiac Plexus) It is the source of love and fearlessness. You feel compassion for all human beings and are able to let go of the anger, fear and resentment that hinder your growth. The light of your love imparts a sense of security to others and bonds relationships. Chakra 5 : Vishudhhi(Cervical Plexus) It is the source of diplomacy and sweetness. Relationships attain harmony and your interactions are at a deeper level. Chakra 6 : Agnaya(Pituitary) It is the source of discrimination and forgiveness. A state of thoughtless awareness manifests in giving yourself and those around you another opportunity to improve and rise above faults through

forgiveness. It is here that the love in the heart allows the compassion to work out. Chakra 7 : Sahasrara Self Realization. Integration of all energy centers. True meditation is achieved and connection of your spirit with God is established. Scientific Studies conducted by the physiology department of the Lady harding and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital , New Delhi on varied

groups of individual Sahaja – Yoga meditators, has reveiled that the practice of Sahaja Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension , stress , anxiety , depression and hypertension. Revalation from your Self Realization You begin to learn the truths about yourself, the world around you and, in time, about the Divine. For thousands of years great seekers have tried to achieve this state but only a few succeeded but now is the blossom time and the advent of the Golden Age , where normal people like you , who seek

the truth , will find it through the practise of Sahaj Yoga meditation. It is a tradition that dates back to the beginning of human history. Thousands of years ago , Patanjali , an Indian legend , described this process of self realization as a state of meditation where one experiences an absolute awareness of his Self. It was kept as a closely guarded secret and was handed down by a Guru to his

disciple after long penance, discipline and purification. In the 14th century , the great Indian saint , Gyaneshwara , described this process in secret text in Sanskrit and called it an awakening to attain true experience inner peace , self knowledge , moksha or nirvana. The subtle enrgy flow felt as vibrations has been described as the the “Rooh” in Quran: ‘the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost’ in the Bible and “Apah Chini” by Guru Nanak Dev in the Guru Granth Sahib. The purpose of Sahaja Yoga is to make available to anyone who seeks it , the ability to balance themselves and the capacity to experience the true “Self”. The entire process of awakening the Mother energy Kundalini and achievement of Self Realization is an extremely simple process (like all living activities e.g.breathing) and requires daily about 10-15 minutes to practise it . The experience of Self realization can be given to another seeker of truth and in this manner it can be spread around just like a candle can light several candles. Sahaja Yoga is being practiced all over the world in almost 100 countries. Millions have attained their Self

Realization and are fully networked. There are many amongst you who can embrace this unique science and surely bring peace to the World. I am sure you will agree that in our fast paced and demanding life style, there is a need for balancing ourselves, our society and the world at large. External problems can only be solved when we do not have problems within us. For knowing more about Sahaja Yoga , you can visit our website : http://www.sahajayoga.org Practice of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely free. Thank you. SANJAY TALWAR ( A Sahaja Yogi) Rajeev Raj <rajeevrem wrote: Note: Forwarded message attached-- Original Message --"John Peirson" <webmaster<spreadSYspreadSY: Fw: Presentation - World Peace "John Peirson" <webmaster<spreadSYspreadSY: Fw: Presentation - World PeaceDear Yogis,For your desire...- "aradhana - talwar" Cc:

Friday, February 10, 2006 7:46 AMFwd: Presentation - World Peace> > Dear Edwin,> > You will be happy to know that UNESCO in Collaboration with the > All India Institute of Medical Sciences at New Delhi is > organising a Conference on World Peace today evening..> > They have invited me to make a 15 minute presntation on Sahaja > Yoga, within which time to also grant realisation to all the > Delegates from several countries participating.> > This is indeed a very grand opportunity for me and I am praying > that this event will make a landmark impact on the World Peace > Conference. It will be held in the next 4 hours.> > My paper presentation is ready, and I am sharing the same with > you.> > Please circulate the same to as many Sahaj Websites as > possible.The Delhi SY Concil has approved

of the same.I seek the > good wishes and vibrations from all SY's the world over.> > Thank you with love and regards> > Jai Shri Mataji> > Sanjay Talwar> > Note: Forwarded message attached> "aradhana talwar" <aradhanatalwar"uniquevoyages" <uniquevoyagesCC: "aradhanatalwar1" <aradhanatalwarPresentation - World Peace please find enclosed attachment Presentation - World Peace.

Mail Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Jai Shri Mataji !Dear Mahesh,Pls Don't be so rude on Sanjay Talwar for his sincere effort.I respect your view but we must understand why he has done so?I mean to say what is reason that he has not mentioned the name of HH Shri Mataji in the presentation. Some times it happens that we have to do certain things in a different way according to the situations, which may seems unfair at first sight! So, inspite to say BLUDER we should ask him to expain the reason behind this. Mr. Sanjay Talwar is a mature sahaji and a loving person too; which made me to say like this.Hope you understand the essence of my words.Your's Brothermahesh khatri <maheshkhatri wrote: I read the presentation, but there is nowhere the mention of our mother Shri Nirmala Devi who is the source of all the information. I

dont know why do you want to hide God from the people. Do you think that mentioning Mothers name would bring disgrace to you. On the contrary not mentioning it would definitely be a pain to the mother. Shri Mataji has said Tell all the nations. What does that mean? What do you want to tell? The chakras, and self realisation is all common knowledge and is mentioned in all the scriptures. You have to tell that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation. If you cannot tell that at least tell She is the mother. If not even that at least tell she is our Guru. If Not even that at least at least tell She is the FOUNDER of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given you the opportunity and the platform. Dont waste this opportunity. If you dont have the courage to announce or if You are not allowed to mention mothers name, Just say you do not want to talk anything on that platform It is really a shame being afraid

to even take the name of Shri Mataji. Just the name, Just the name is a Mantra and a Powerful one. It is the source of all that you can see and understand. Just take the Name.. The Presentation you prepared First discover Peace & Balance within, only then will World Peace prevail Truly the world

outside is in spiritual, moral & economical turmoil. Nations are fighting over territories, balance of Power Politics, or Religious fanaticism. The pace of life and developments in Technology enhanced economy is widening the gap between have’s and have-nots. What brings us together on this day to discuss World Peace are the concerns of the good souls who seek solace, peace and harmony for all. Indeed, there is need to establish equilibrium, so that Peace finally prevails after a storm of the ills of human activity. What I am here to

share with you today, is a first hand experience of a Sahaja Yogi who defines Peace in the following words: “ Within us lies the Peace, the beauty, & the glory of our beings. There is an ocean to be discovered. We cannot seek it outside. We have to go within. Sahaja Yoga means “Saha”- Self, & “Ja”- Born with. Yoga means union. The theory propounds that each one of us is ‘Born with a ‘self’ that seeks its natural ‘union’ with its creator. This takes us to the purest of relationships shared between a Mother & her Child. Since birth we are all indeed “child-like” and experience total peace only when we remain connected to our Mother. This feeling

remains embedded in our Spirit, which we seek to achieve unconsciously, and are therefore unaware of this vast potential existing within us. Sahaja Yoga unveils ignorance and exposes each one of us to the potential of becoming the spirit & realizing our true Self. We begin to discover our real identity and the purpose of our existence. We begin to question our own actions and relate to a divine existence where we compare our actions with the truth around us. Our responses become spontaneous & pure knowledge flows from within, providing instant solutions to our daily problems and cures to our imbalances. Then at whatever age or stage we enter this existence, we feel the peace and Joy that we once felt in our hearts as

children. Hence Sahaja Yoga is the essential tool to go beyond all confusions and conflicts, taking us into a meditative state to attain the Peace within. Only when we as individuals become peaceful, can we truly spread Peace in the whole world. Let me take you through this unique journey of “Self Realisation” where your dormant spirituality gets awakened, and as a result you achieve true meditation. It is essential to know that the true meaning of your life is revealed only after you get connected to the Power that created you. This is

achieved with your “Self Realization”. As a result, you become completely alert, and yet your thoughts are slowed down & the mind becomes silent. Your heart gets filled with joy and love, but you stay emotionally detached from happenings around you. You experience a state of deep and profound peace – and this is just the beginning of a process of transformation that takes you to a higher level of awareness. The end result: You become compassionate, affectionate with a positive outlook towards life. The spiritual energy in your soul is realized. Let me explain to you through a diagram of the subtle system that exists within us. Every human being contains

a system of sensory organs and nerves that interpret the outside physical world. Within us, there also exists a subtle system of channels and centers of knowledge. There are seven such energy centers and three energy channels that pass through these centers. These centers are known as chakras having subtle energy with its male and female aspect. The seven chakras are responsible for our physical , mental and emotional well being .As energy centers they are also known as ‘Plexuses’ in Medical Science. It is regardless of our caste, creed religion or colour. You will notice at the base of the spine is the sacrum bone, and below it lies the dormant “ Mothering Energy” called the Kundalini, (meaning coiled up, in sanskrit.) By mere

expression of pure desire to seek the truth of our “Self”, this sacred energy is awakened and it rises through each of the chakras or energy centers in the central channel, pulling them into alignment like beads on a string , harmonising their function and enlightening them along its path till it reaches the sixth center. It also nourishes and revitalizes all the centers so as to make you feel relaxed, calm and full of life. It relaxes the brain nerves and makes you peaceful. It is here that it sucks the ballooning effect of the left and the right channel formed as a result of over activity, clearing the mind of all thoughts and yet granting you thoughtless awareness. When this energy passes through the fourth center, it enlightens the heart, which opens to

receive divine love and compassion. Through the fifth center this enlightenment of the heart traverses the sixth center connecting to the’Thousand Lotus-Petalled’ nerves of the brain, opening the gateway at the seventh center. The “Kundalini” breaks through the fontenale bone area and connect to the all pervading mother of all powers. It is like a bird breaking out of an egg-shell liberated to fly, or the individual energy getting plugged to its source, like an electric plugged to the mains This process of awakening and union with the Divine, is known as Self Realization. It is instant, effortless and without thought. It’s reality can be verified on our central nervous system in the form of cool vibrations that instantly begin to flow down our central nervous system or channel through the gateway at the seventh center. It can be felt as a cool breeze coming out of our palms. The rush of the Kundalini above our head can be felt on our palms as we place them a few inches above our fontenale bone area. It is an actualization of experience of each one of you, where your subtle system is enlightened and you are empowered with the ability to interpret the real state of your being. As a result of this happening, your intellect becomes harmonized with emotions and a state of mental and physical balance is achieved. You enter into a state of true meditation and begin to experience the qualities of your enlightened energy centers or your chakras. Since the chakras govern corresponding aspects

of the physical bodies functions as well as the psyche , their improved alignment causes the physical organs to function harmoniously thereby improving health. Let me enumerate the direct impact the qualities of the chakras can have in your life: Chakra 1:Mooldhara (Solar Plexis) It is the source of pure wisdom. The universal quality of innocence is awakened and you experience joy. You go beyond limits of your own prejudices and conditionings. Chakra 2 : Swadisthan(Aortic Plexus) It is the source of knowledge. Creativity flows from the source of your being and not from your brains. Chakra 3 :

Nabhi It is the source of sustenance. Satisfaction is nurtured from your inner being regardless of the dramas in your personal lives. Chakra 4 : Heart (Cardiac Plexus) It is the source of love and fearlessness. You feel compassion for all human beings and are able to let go of the anger, fear and resentment that hinder your growth. The light of your love imparts a sense of security to others and bonds relationships. Chakra 5 : Vishudhhi(Cervical Plexus) It is the source of diplomacy and sweetness. Relationships attain harmony and your interactions are at a deeper level. Chakra 6 : Agnaya(Pituitary) It is the source of discrimination and forgiveness. A state of thoughtless awareness manifests in giving yourself and those around you another opportunity to improve and rise above faults through forgiveness. It is here that the love in the heart allows the compassion to work

out. Chakra 7 : Sahasrara Self Realization. Integration of all energy centers. True meditation is achieved and connection of your spirit with God is established. Scientific Studies conducted by the physiology department of the Lady harding and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital , New Delhi on varied groups of individual Sahaja – Yoga meditators, has reveiled that the practice of Sahaja

Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension , stress , anxiety , depression and hypertension. Revalation from your Self Realization You begin to learn the truths about yourself, the world around you and, in time, about the Divine. For thousands of years great seekers have tried to achieve this state but only a few succeeded but now is the blossom time and the advent of the Golden Age , where normal people like you , who seek the truth , will find it through the practise of Sahaj Yoga meditation. It is a tradition that dates back to the beginning of human history. Thousands of years ago , Patanjali , an Indian legend , described this process of self realization as a state of meditation where one experiences an absolute awareness of his Self. It was kept as a closely guarded secret and was handed down by a Guru to his disciple after long penance, discipline and purification. In the 14th

century , the great Indian saint , Gyaneshwara , described this process in secret text in Sanskrit and called it an awakening to attain true experience inner peace , self knowledge , moksha or nirvana. The subtle enrgy flow felt as vibrations has been described as the the “Rooh” in Quran: ‘the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost’ in the Bible and “Apah Chini” by Guru Nanak Dev in the Guru Granth Sahib. The purpose of Sahaja Yoga is to make available to anyone who seeks it , the ability to balance themselves and the capacity to experience the true “Self”. The entire process of awakening the Mother energy Kundalini and achievement of Self Realization is an extremely simple process (like all living activities e.g.breathing) and requires daily about 10-15 minutes to practise it . The experience of Self realization can be given to another seeker of truth and in this manner it can be spread around just like a candle can light several candles. Sahaja Yoga is being practiced all over the world in almost 100 countries. Millions have attained their Self Realization and are fully networked. There are

many amongst you who can embrace this unique science and surely bring peace to the World. I am sure you will agree that in our fast paced and demanding life style, there is a need for balancing ourselves, our society and the world at large. External problems can only be solved when we do not have problems within us. For knowing more about Sahaja Yoga , you can visit our website : http://www.sahajayoga.org Practice of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely free. Thank you. SANJAY TALWAR ( A Sahaja Yogi) Rajeev Raj <rajeevrem

wrote: Note: Forwarded message attached-- Original Message --"John Peirson" <webmaster<spreadSYspreadSY: Fw: Presentation - World Peace "John Peirson" <webmaster<spreadSYspreadSY: Fw: Presentation - World PeaceDear Yogis,For your desire...- "aradhana - talwar" To:

Cc: Friday, February 10, 2006 7:46 AMFwd: Presentation - World Peace> > Dear Edwin,> > You will be happy to know that UNESCO in Collaboration with the > All India Institute of Medical Sciences at New Delhi is > organising a Conference on World Peace today evening..> > They have invited me to make a 15 minute presntation on Sahaja > Yoga, within which time to also grant realisation to all the > Delegates from several countries participating.> > This is indeed a very grand opportunity for me and I am praying > that this event will make a landmark impact on the World Peace > Conference. It will be held in the next 4 hours.> > My paper presentation is ready, and I am sharing the same with > you.> > Please circulate the same to as many Sahaj Websites as >

possible.The Delhi SY Concil has approved of the same.I seek the > good wishes and vibrations from all SY's the world over.> > Thank you with love and regards> > Jai Shri Mataji> > Sanjay Talwar> > Note: Forwarded message attached> "aradhana talwar" <aradhanatalwar"uniquevoyages" <uniquevoyagesCC: "aradhanatalwar1" <aradhanatalwarPresentation - World Peace please find enclosed attachment Presentation - World Peace. Mail Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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