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Let's have a collective meditation and desire to commence Satya Yuga by 2013

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Dear All,


May we all have a special meditation and desire Feb. 21, 2006 that

Satya Yuga ushers exactly seven years from date. i assure all that

we can fulfill Shri Mataji's Vision by 2-21-2013 and we have ample

time. i have pasted the previous posts to remind all that we should

now collectively work 24/7 to usher Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth.

And what a better way to start than to seek the blessings of Shri

Ganesha on this most auspicious 2-21-2006. Great deeds and difficult

tasks can be accomplished by seeking His blessings on a Tuesday.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,





" my2pai " <my2pai

Thu Dec 8, 2005 6:36 am

Shri Mataji's Horoscope, The Tribulation and Satya Yuga


Dear All,


According to the horoscope of Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga would have

spread throughout the world and Shri Mataji would witness the Kalki

power manifesting over the whole world by February 21st, 2013. (For

the horoscope of Shri Mataji, see

http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=448 or for the audio

file, http://bharat.ru/articles/eng/sy )


The date February 21st, 2013 is very significant and it closely

corresponds with the date of December 21st, 2012, which the ancient

Maya believed to be the Earth's final day. Although separated by two

months, these two dates probably point to the same momentous and

epochal event. The Maya claimed that this future end-time could

include a catastrophic magnetic pole reversal of the planet Earth, a

solar shift, a Venus transit and mounting earthquakes, among other

catastrophes. On the other hand, other experts claim that the Mayans

might not have claimed that the year 2012 would necessarily be

the " end of days, " but perhaps just the end of an age. Many cycles

are said to begin on that same date. The belief is that Mother Earth

as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency or

consciousness and a new and special era will begin. The preparation

for this new age is now in the womb of the Mother Earth, so to

speak, and the process of change is bringing transcendental

manifestations, which as Sahaja Yogis we can all bear witness.


The Mayan calendar is recognized as the world's most accurate

calendar, more so than the Gregorian system in use today. Its

accuracy is said to be such that the Mayan calendar will need to be

adjusted by only one day in 380,000 years. From astronomical

observations measuring the precession of the equinoxes and

solstices, the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya determined the date of

December 21st, 2012, as the end of their Long Count Calendar, the

end of time. This end-date of the Long Count Calendar in 2012, this

precession of the equinoxes indeed pinpoints a rare alignment in a

vast cycle of time. On December 21st, 2012, the galactic equator,

the mid-point of our galaxy, will cross the ecliptic path of the

sun, creating a rare conjunction of the winter solstice.


A new precessional cycle is a very significant event indeed. It

happens only once every 25,800 years. The classical Maya who

apparently were masters of large cycles of time, believed that a

precessional cycle marked a specific time of spiritual evolution.

Thus, a new cycle of spiritual evolution is now beginning as marked

by their 2012 calendar end-point. Also, this is the date on which

the earth will pass over from Pisces and the new Age of Aquarius

will truly begin; in Sahaj terminology this date will herald the

start of Satya Yuga. Below is a passage showing how the onset of

Satya Yuga is described in the Devi Bhagavatam. Note that when Satya

Yuga is truly established, in the words of the Devi Bhagavatam, "

....and all will meditate on the Devî. " Can anybody doubt that

eventual victory will belong to the Divine Mother?


" O Nârada! Thus, when the Kali will have its full play, the whole

world will be filled with Mlechchas, the trees will be one hand high

and the men will be of the size of a thumb. Then the most powerful

Bhagavân Nârâyana will incarnate in His part in the house of a

Brâhmin named Visnujas'â as his son. Mounted on a long horse,

holding a long sword He will make the world free of the Mlechchas in

three nights. Then he will disappear from the face of the Earth and

She will be without any sovereign and be filled with robbers. There

will be incessant rain, for six nights and it will rain and rain and

the whole earth will be deluged; no traces of men, houses, and

trees. After this the Twelve Suns will rise simultaneously and by

their rays the whole water will be dried up and the earth will

become level. Thus the dreadful Kali will pass away when the Satya

Yuga will come back, Tapasyâ and the true religion and Sattva Guna

will prevail again. The Brâhmins will practise Tapasyâ, they will be

devoted to Dharma and the Vedas. The women will be chaste and

religious in every house. Again the wise and intelligent Ksattriyas

devoted to the Brâhmanas will occupy the royal thrones and their

might, devotion to Dharma and love for good deeds will increase. The

Vais'yas will again go on with their trades and their devotion to

their trade and the Brâhmins will be reestablished. The S'ûdras,

too, will be again virtuous, and serve the Brâhmins. Again the

Brâhmins, Ksattriyas, and Vais'yas and their families will have

Bhakti towards the Devî, be initiated in Devî Mantras and all will

meditate on the Devî. " (Book 9, Chapter 8) www.sacred-



The above passage also makes an apparent reference to the

Tribulation as believed by the fundamentalist Christians when it

states, allegorically, that, " There will be incessant rain, for six

nights and it will rain and rain and the whole earth will be

deluged; no traces of men, houses, and trees. After this the Twelve

Suns will rise simultaneously and by their rays the whole water will

be dried up and the earth will become level. Thus the dreadful Kali

will pass away when the Satya Yuga will come back... " If the

beginning of 2013 is taken to be the start of Satya Yuga or the

return of Christ as Kalki, then the seven-year Tribulation could be

starting very soon.


So in just a little over seven years from now, to borrow from a

famous speech, mankind will have its tryst with destiny and then at

the stroke of the midnight hour, while the rest of the world sleeps

(both literally and metaphorically), the realized souls of the world

will awaken to a new world, the new age of enlightenment, the Satya

Yuga! But on the other hand, if we do not live up to our

responsibilities over the next seven years and if there is no or

insufficient spiritual transformation and awakening in mankind, then

we could all wake up to the nightmare of Tandava! the Dance of

Sadashiva. The ancient Mayans have foreseen the possible outcomes.

It is all up to us now as the rest of mankind nonchalantly lays,

unaware, teetering on the brink.





" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Thu Dec 8, 2005 8:07 pm

Re: Shri Mataji's Horoscope, The Tribulation and Satya Yuga


Dear Chandra,


This is an eye-opener, for me at least, because i somehow

missed/overlooked this vital prophecy. Thank you for the audio link

because it confirms the solemn and dignified ceremony during which

Her horoscope was read. Your penetrating insight into Her horoscope

speech could not have come at a better time.


My pranaam to you for making clear what is really at stake:


" So in just a little over seven years from now, to borrow from a

famous speech, mankind will have its tryst with destiny and then at

the stroke of the midnight hour, while the rest of the world sleeps

(both literally and metaphorically), the realized souls of the world

will awaken to a new world, the new age of enlightenment, the Satya

Yuga! But on the other hand, if we do not live up to our

responsibilities over the next seven years and if there is no or

insufficient spiritual transformation and awakening in mankind, then

we could all wake up to the nightmare of Tandava! the Dance of

Sadashiva. The ancient Mayans have foreseen the possible outcomes.

It is all up to us now as the rest of mankind nonchalantly lays,

unaware, teetering on the brink. "



And just in case we forget, the very reputation of Shri Mataji is at

stake too as " according to the horoscope of Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga

would have spread throughout the world and Shri Mataji would witness

the Kalki power manifesting over the whole world by February 21st,

2013. "


So we have seven years to achieve that goal. I am very happy to hear

this and will work 24/7, along with all the great souls who

accompanied the Devi, to bring forth Satya Yuga by February 21st,

2013. Chandra, this is really fantastic news that should rejuvenate

and galvanize us SYs to redouble our efforts to ensure the victory

of the Divine Mother. With all the emerging technologies we can

definitely achieve that in seven years ...... and we have ample time

to finance the whole project too! SEVEN YEARS!!! This is absolutely

wonderful news.


Moreover, as the year 2013 approaches, more and more people will

start talking about this extremely rare and unprecedented cosmic

alignment. Do we all see the enormous potential and opportunity

offered to us SYs? Are we able to see the invisible tomorrow so that

we can finally achieve what looks impossible today?


We can definitely succeed. All we need is to start planning now to

ensure we won't miss this unprecedented opportunity of this new

millennium. The management SYs let the golden opportunity of AD 2000

pass. We just cannot afford another blunder because this globally

recognized and widely anticipated time will not come for another

25,800 years. As the Guru Granth Sahib exhorts, we must sacrifice

thun (body), mun (mind) and dhun (wealth) to ensure the Divine

Mother's final victory. We must all unite to collectively bring

forth Satya Yuga and awaken all the great souls so that " all will

meditate on the Devî. "


Today is indeed a great and joyous day, the first of the many days,

weeks, months and years leading to February 21st, 2013. Again i must

thank you Chandra for bringing all this into our collective

consciousness and attention at a most crucial time. It is indeed al

up to us now to arouse and awaken the rest of mankind that slumbers

on, unaware, teetering on the brink.


Jai Shri Mataji,






" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:47 pm

Re: Shri Mataji's Horoscope, The Tribulation and Satya Yuga


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Today is indeed a great and joyous day, the first of the many

> days, weeks, months and years leading to February 21st, 2013. >

> Again i must thank you Chandra for bringing all this into our >

> collective consciousness and attention at a most crucial time. It

> is indeed all up to us now to arouse and awaken the rest of >

> mankind that slumbers on, unaware, teetering on the brink.



Dear All,


i was just going through all these horoscope readings of Shri B.V.

Raman, the world famous astrologer, given during Tour of Australia -

22 October 1991 . I have noticed that these specific dates do

signify certain events that have taken place:


" Then Rahu's period of 18 years (from 21-02-1960 onwards)

Rahu is a Divine planet giver of Intricate + 18

Knowledge of Brahma. Inner soul searching,

Search for En Masse awakening

21 - 02 - 1978


Then Jupiter's period of 16 years

Spreading of Sahaja Yoga - the Guru + 16

Principle throughout the world

21 - 02 - 1994


Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years

When it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the

whole world. Saturn means the masses, the

Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki

(Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19

21 - 02 - 2013


According to the birth horoscope and Sahaja Horoscope of 5-5-1970

Jupiter passed through Libra. Jupiter will again pass through Libra

in 1993 and Sahaja Yoga will blossom in the entire world. " (end)



It was in late 1993 that the Adi Shakti first started revealing

Herself in the Sahasrara and giving the necessary evidence required

to spread Sahaja Yoga. Then early 1994 that i began telling SYs what

is taking place, expecting them to proclaim that evidence too and

help spread Sahaja Yoga in the whole world. But no one was the least



Subsequently over the years Shri Mataji's permission was repeatedly

sought to write a book about Her own revelations in the Sahasrara.

Despite a number of clear approvals and Shri Mataji's declaration

before SY leaders of this miraculous work being done, no one was



Now 2005 is almost ending, and matters are even worse as we have an

active campaign by WCASY and management SYs to suppress/discredit

the only evidence the Devi within has given humanity to ensure that

Shri Mataji will witness the Kalki Power manifesting over the whole

World by 21 - 02 - 2013.


What is the nature of that power that makes them act this way,

denying what Devi has endorsed ........... both within and without?


But we conscientious and concerned SYs still have seven years to

accomplish that task. We can succeed by collectively working

together to openly declaring the Truth. As i said before, i will

work 24/7 with all the great realized souls to ensure Her that

victory by 2013. Saying that, i remembered a birthday card i gave to

a dear friend years ago. It read:


" I will not walk in front of you because I will not lead.

I will not walk behind of you because I will not follow.

Just walk beside me and be my friend. "



Jai Shri Mataji,







" my2pai " <my2pai

Thu Jan 5, 2006 12:53 pm

All about 2012


Dear All,


I wish to draw your attention to an interesting web-site at the

following URL:




As you will see its opening page is entitled ALL ABOUT 2012. If you

move down the page about one-third of the way, you will see a link







Click on this link and see where it takes you. It is interesting to

note that the 2012 community has now become aware of the

contribution of adishakti.org to the 2012 discourse; rising

consciousness, perhaps.


Suggestion to the adishakti.org web-master: It would be good if you

could install Home buttons on all forum pages to take browsers

directly back to the adishakti.org home page with just one click.



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> May we all have a special meditation and desire Feb. 21, 2006 that

> Satya Yuga ushers exactly seven years from date. i assure all that

> we can fulfill Shri Mataji's Vision by 2-21-2013 and we have ample

> time. i have pasted the previous posts to remind all that we

> should now collectively work 24/7 to usher Satya Yuga, the Age of

> Truth. And what a better way to start than to seek the blessings

> of Shri Ganesha on this most auspicious 2-21-2006. Great deeds and

> difficult tasks can be accomplished by seeking His blessings on a

> Tuesday.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,


> jagbir




i have just uploaded the Mayan Prophecy web pages at:







The new www.adi-shakti homepage was also uploaded:




which i will be populating over the next few months. Thus we now

have three websites upholding the Divine Feminine of all religious

traditions and Her Divine Message to humanity. We have exactly seven

years from today to bring forth Satya Yuga into the consciousness of

humanity. We can and will succeed this time.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,




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> i have just uploaded the Mayan Prophecy web pages at:


> http://www.adishakti.org/mayan_end_times_prophecy_12-21-2012.htm

> http://www.adishakti.org/mayan_end_times_12-21-

> 2012/shri_mataji's_horoscope_the_tribulation_and_satya_yuga.htm



> The new www.adi-shakti homepage was also uploaded:


> http://www.adi-shakti.org/


> which i will be populating over the next few months. Thus we now

> have three websites upholding the Divine Feminine of all religious

> traditions and Her Divine Message to humanity. We have exactly

> seven years from today to bring forth Satya Yuga into the

> consciousness of humanity. We can and will succeed this time.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir



Note: The three websites upholding the Divine Feminine of all

religious traditions and Her Divine Message to humanity are:


http://www.adishakti.org/ for Jews, Christians, Wicca, Gnostics, etc.

http://www.adi-shakti.org/ for Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Yogis, etc.

http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ for Sunni, Shia Muslims, Sufis etc.


Shri Mataji told us a number of times to synthesize all religions

and traditions because that is what Sahaja Yoga is all about. Thus

to accomplish this task we need to thoroughly understand what Violet

posted a few days ago. If we are to become Shri Mataji's instruments

and commence Satya Yuga by 2013 then it is imperative to again read

Violet's post, absorb the deep knowledge and, most important of all,

apply what is learnt.


i will add Swami Sivananda's wisdom to what i know in my heart mind

and soul:


" The Abode Of The Divine Mother


The abode of Tripurasundari, the Divine Mother, is called Sri-

Nagara. This magnificent abode known as Mani-Dvipa, is surrounded by

twenty-five ramparts which represent the twenty-five Tattvas. The

resplendent Chintamani Palace is in the middle. The Divine Mother

sits in the Bindu-Pitha in Sri-Chakra in that wonderful palace.

There is a similar abode for Her in the body of man also.


The body is Sakti. The needs of the body are the needs of Sakti.

When man enjoys, it is Sakti who enjoys through him. She sees

through his eyes, works through his hands and hears through his ears.


Saktaism is not mere theory or philosophy. It prescribes systematic

Sadhana of Yoga, regular discipline according to the temperament,

capacity and degree of evolution of the Sadhaka. Sadhana means

unfolding, rousing up or awakening of the power of Sakti. Saktaism

helps the aspirant to arouse the Kundalini and unite Her with Lord

Siva and to enjoy the supreme bliss or Nirvikalpa Samadhi. A Sakta

does Sadhana which helps the union of Siva and Sakti through the

awakening of the forces within the body. He becomes a Siddha in the

Sadhana when he is able to awaken Kundalini and pierce the six

Chakras. The mode of Sadhana depends upon the tendencies and

capacities of the Sadhaka.


Bhava or Attitude


The aspirant thinks that the world is identical with the Divine

Mother. He moves about thinking his own form to be the form of the

Divine Mother and thus beholds oneness everywhere. He also feels

that the Divine Mother is identical with Brahman.


The advanced Sadhaka feels: “I am the Devi and the Devi is in Me.”

He worships himself as Devi instead of adoring any external object.

He says: “Saham—I am She (Devi).” "


i know 100% that “I am the Devi and the Devi is in Me.” Only those

SYs who have discarded their subtle system toys and reached this

level of conviction and knowledge are the " New Sahaja Yogis " Shri

Mataji spoke more than two decades ago. But all we have till today

are subtle system and cleansing obsessed SYs. Do these SYs think the

Devi needs lemons and chillies to eliminate petty catches? Do these

SYs think the Devi is confined to the organized truth of WCASY? Have

these SYs ever declared “Saham—I am She (Devi)”?


So please discard the subtle system mindset in order to learn how to

become the " New Sahaja Yogi " and help commence Satya Yuga by 2013.


Jai Shri Mataji!








" Violet " <violet.tubb

Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:10 am

This " New Area' within of the " New " Sahaja Yogi....


Dear All,


Our Spiritual Mother has given all the spiritual knowledge that we

need. It is up to each of us, individually, to seek to understand

this spiritual knowledge that She has given and not to reduce it to

its lowest common denominator. Knowledge that is given by Shri

Mataji on Earth, as most yogis know, does not instantly translate to

understanding. Sometimes Words that Shri Mataji has spoken may only

truly be understood many years later.


Towards this end, I would like to draw attention to some momentous

New Knowledge that Shri Mataji gave on the 5th of May 1984, (exactly

14 years after Shri Mataji had opened the Primordial Sahasrara…

(http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=418). Even now, 22 years

later, many yogis still do not grasp the import of what Shri Mataji

said on that Momentous Day, for on that Sahasrara Day of 5 May 1984

(14 years later after the opening of the Primordial Sahasrara), Shri

Mataji talked about a " New Area " and a " New Sahaja Yogi " .


This " New Area " and this " New Sahaja Yogi " that She was talking

about, was not about a person who had just received their self-

realization. Not at all! This " New Area " that She was talking about,

was about a fully established Sahaja Yogi, which She calls a " New

Sahaja Yogi " . This had never been heard of before as far as I know,

especially with regards to the exact way in which Shri Mataji

spoke about it on That Day.


Shri Mataji often taught Sahaja Yogis new knowledge in a subtle way.

The full import of what She was saying was not always `spelled' out,

because this could have resulted in confusion, I am sure. This is

because Sahaja Yoga is an open house where all types of Sahaja Yogis

are welcome. In it can be found all types of Sahaja Yogis, some of

whom Shri Mataji has described as the " Best Sahaja Yogis " , some of

whom are " Another Sahaja Yogis " and some of whom are the " Grossest

of Gross Sahaja Yogis " . (For more understanding of this topic please





So, finally, what WAS this New Knowledge that Shri Mataji gave on

THAT DAY, then?


Shri Mataji firstly gave a clear and concise description of what can

be expected to be the spiritual qualities of this " New " type of a

Sahaja Yogi. They were Sahaja Yogis who:


1. Even get fun out of so-called discomforts. (Mastery over physical)

2. Become discreet automatically. (Mastery over mind, emotions)

3. Become peaceful. Their temper even vanishes into thin air when

they see someone attacking them. (Detachment, Surrendered and

Balanced Personality)

4. Do not get worried when they see an ordeal or a calamity falling

on the personality. (Detachment and Surrender)

5. Are not impressed by any amount of artificiality, nor made

unhappy by any material well-being of others. (Know the Reality,

Detached, and Surrendered)


There are yogis who fit the description of the " New " Sahaja Yogi,

and these are those yogis who have put into practice the teachings

of Shri Mataji, and have come to realize this as a " Living Reality "

in their lives. They have not only listened to the Great Words of

Shri Mataji, but they have applied them. That is the secret. These

yogis KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are not the

body, mind or emotions, but that they are the SPIRIT!


This is why Shri Mataji can say of them that they have moved to

a 'new area, have moved with new force, and are growing faster

(spiritually) whereby without meditation, they are in meditation'.


This also means that a Sahaja Yogi can reach a state where they are

in mediation most of the time, without actually sitting down to

meditate. This does not mean that a person will stop to sit down to

meditate; it just means that a person can be in meditation

regardless of where they are or whatever they are doing. This

more or less permanent meditational state is also the state whereby

a yogi's `catches' come and go, come and go, in the same way that

thoughts come and go, come and go. That is one of the side benefits

of `being in meditation all day long'.


This is also Great News for any externally focused chakra/cure

yogis, who have not yet entered the " New " place sufficiently in

order to experience the much faster growth there.


(i am not saying that i disapprove of external cleansings; i use

these when necessary (like medicine) and have no qualms of doing

collective cleansings, because they are done with Tender Loving Care

and because it helps new yogis to learn).


However, new yogis and old alike need to learn this Message of Shri

Mataji, that talks of a " New Area " and a " New " Sahaja Yogi, who can

be in meditation at all times, and when a person is in meditation at

all times, the Kundalini, who is the greatest spiritual power, is

also cleansing the subtle system at all times.


This is Great News, because they may now know that Shri Mataji has

made a way to progress spiritually to become that " New " kind of a

Sahaja Yogi that can clear out and meditate all day long, regardless

of what they are doing, and regardless of where they are! And She

gave this Great News on that `Great Day of Sahasrara' in France, 22

years ago, but no one really `got' it then!


As just implied, in 1984, when this Great News was given, it would

most probably gone over the heads of most yogis, because a lot were

still struggling with the more gross issues of leftover problems

from the `hippie' generation, and were thoroughly concentrating on

the external cleansings and getting the Kundalini to flow freely at

all times.


It is different today, though. Many have come and gone and those who

have stayed are pretty well established now. Now, everyone can

settle down nicely and try to understand and also experience the



1. How `without meditation to be in meditation'.

2. How `without being in My (physical) Presence, you will be in My

Presence (within your Self)'

3. How `without asking, you will be blessed'.

4. How in the " New Area " (of Sahasrara) you will move with new

force, and grow much faster, spiritually'.


And as already stated, this would have been beyond what could be

conceived or even imagined to be possible by most yogis in 1984,

when Shri Mataji spoke of the " New Area " and this " New " Sahaja Yogi,

but today, because of the increasing strength of the spiritual

vibrations, this is eminently possible and is happening to those who

surrender to the Adi Shakti within their Sahasrara, where

they can be in constant contact with Her.


In the Sahasrara, She is known as the Adi Shakti by the Hindus, the

Holy Spirit by Christians, the Ruh of Allah by Muslims, the Maitreya

by Buddhists, the Eykaa Mayee by Sikhs, the Ruach in Judaism, and

the Great Mother in Taoism.


When these " New " Sahaja Yogis realize the Grace of God that has been

given to them in this " New Area " , according to Shri Mataji they

become humble because they realize that they HAVE achieved

something, that they DO have some powers, that they ARE emitting

innocence, that they ARE discreet.


Shri Mataji also states that this " New " kind of a Sahaja Yogi

becomes more compassionate, humbler and a sweeter personality, that

is, a personality that is in the " Heart of Their Mother " .


Shri Mataji concludes Her momentous `Great Sahasrara Day 1984'

speech by welcoming all Sahaja Yogis to this " New Area " within

themselves. She also promised that this is the " New Area " that

we 'will be in for'.


In other words, we will experience it:


" This is what you are in for and again I welcome you to this " New

Area, Today, on this Great Day of Sahasrara " .


Jai Shri Mataji!




Here then, are the Words of Shri Mataji, upon which the above is



Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


" With a complete surrendered mind, you have to go through the

pilgrimage of the castle. This is one of the glimpses of the tapas

that you have to do because I am told, some of you had to get into

little difficulties and you people suffered a little bit on your way

for the pilgrimage. But it is fun to be venturesome and to get into

places where the devils dare not to go.


And if you know how to get fun out of the so-called discomforts,

then you should know you are on the right line.


And as you start becoming discreet automatically, you should know

you are progressing well.


As you become more peaceful and your temper vanishes in the thin air

as soon as you see somebody attacking you, then know that you are

progressing well.


As soon as you see an ordeal or a calamity falling on the

personality and you don't get worried about it, then know that you

are progressing.


When no amount of artificiality can impress you, then know that you

are progressing, no amount of material well-being in others makes

you unhappy, then know that you are progressing well.


No amount of labour or troubles are sufficient to become a Sahaja

Yogi. Whatever you may try, one cannot become a Sahaja Yogi, while

you have got it without any effort, so you are something special.


So, this one should understand that you are special. You will become

humble about it. Then, when it happens to you that you humble down

when you see you have achieved something, that you have some powers,

that you are emitting innocence, that you are discreet and as a

result of that you become a more compassionate, humbler personality,

a sweeter personality, then you should believe that you are in the

Heart of Your Mother.


That is what is the sign of the new Sahaja Yogi now in the new area,

who has to move with new force, where you will grow so fast

that..... without meditation you will be in meditation, without

being in My Presence, you will be in My Presence, without asking,

you will be blessed by Your Father.


This is what you are in for and again I welcome you to this New Area

today on this Great Day of Sahasrara.


May God Bless You!


H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahasrara Day – 5 May 1984

Chateau Mesnieres, France



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