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Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in the expression of the Divine Message)

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> There is another piece of good news. We now have bloggers giving

> links to the websites and that bodes very well for the future. i am

> absolutely sure that many more bloggers will mention the sites in

> future as blogging is a trend that is catching on. The potential to

> spread the Divine Message of Shri Mataji is fantastic. If bloggers

> are beginning to mention www.adishakti.org it is because of its

> peaceful and harmonious message to humanity. The few bloggers who

> have read the Divine Message know it has a positive effect on

> society. i am really happy and upbeat on this new development.


> Today is Thursday but i will not bore anyone with Webtrends

> details. All i can say is that the 7,000 daily visitors mark will

> probably be breached next week. The figures were 6633, 6888 and

> 6811 for the last three days. Are SYs here convinced enough that

> Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message will triumph over the years? So

> let's just do our job as Shri Mataji's instruments and let Her

> take care of the rest.




The Webtrends report for the last three days are:


Mon 2/20/06 - 7,477 daily visitors and 26,109 hits

Tue 2/21/06 - 7,456 daily visitors and 22,800 hits

Wed 2/22/06 - 7,317 daily visitors and 23,225 hits


i have reworked the www.adishakti.org homepage and the conclusion

now reads:


" And the great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi declares: " I was

born at this time where I have to do this job of telling you that

you must get your transformation. . . . The human being is not an

ignoble being. He is the epitome of all evolution. "


This website has now more than 1000 pages with this link:


Online Self-Realization/Second Birth By Spirit


But browse through the website first and, if convinced, you may

click on similar link on each page and follow the free online

instructions to self-trigger your own spiritual rebirth.


After Self-realization meditate twice daily on the Shakti (Holy

Spirit/Ruh of Allah) within yourself and try to purify your mind,

body and soul. That is all it takes to participate in the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, the promised evolution of physical humans

into the eternal spirit and everlasting life as promised by each and

every religion, holy scripture and messenger of God Almighty.


Over a sustained period of daily meditation the cool breeze (Ruach)

will begin to flow daily from the palm of your hands and top of the

head, especially during meditation. Eventually it may even flow on a

24/7 basis after a year or two of daily meditation. This cool breeze

(Ruach) is the sure sign that you are indeed taking part in the Last

Judgment and Resurrection preordained for all humanity - you will

self-certify this truth. There is no question that we humans were

born for something wildly and brilliantly better because each and

every scripture promise the final evolution of the physical being

into the spirit and eternal life in the Kingdom of God. We humans

truly are the epitome of all evolution! "



i think we have enough evidence to presume Shri Mataji's Divine

Message has just begun to gain momentum. Since October we have had a

sustained and incremental rise in daily visitors from 2,000 to 7,000

today in February. That is a 350% increase!


So we can definitely reach far more seekers by 2013. Shri Mataji

promised to establish Sahaja Yoga before She leaves i.e., humanity

will know about Her Divine Message. We are just beginning to see

evidence of Her promise coming true. My pranaam and heartfelt thanks

to all who are helping usher Satya Yuga by 2013.


Jai Shri Mataji,






Note: And as i was about to post i read this message relevant to

what i have just mentioned. This is the first time i have come

across this speech of Shri Mataji. A decade ago i would have been

furious that management SYs DID NOT OBEY Shri Mataji's explicit and

clear instructions. Today there is only a muted silence at the

'organized conspiracy' by WCASY and management SYs to suppress

Her Divine Message. Now we have no choice but to follow Shri Krishna!


" On the first day of the war Krishna drove the chariot between the

two armies. Arjuna saw his grandfather, his teacher, his friends and

relatives in the Kaurava army. And he thought, 'Should I kill all

these just to gain the kingdom? He sank into his seat. He perspired,

His famous bow, the Gandeeva, slipped from his hands. " No, Krishna,

let us not fight, " he said, " Bhishma is my grandfather. Drona is my

revered Guru. Ashwatthama is my good friend. How can I kill them ?

And what do I gain by killing them? "


Krishna said, " Arjuna, such words are not worthy of a hero like you.

Your duty is to fight. Those who have joined the forces against

justice and righteousness have to perish. The good must be

protected. Attachment to friends and relatives should not come in

the way of your duty. "


It was then that Krishna preached the Bhagavadgeetha, consisting of

eighteen chapters.


" Man must do his duty. Do not think of the fruits, the

results. 'These are mine, those are not mine' -do not have such

thoughts. A wise man treats all alike. Anger and desire dull your

intelligence. Accept pain and pleasure in the same way. A man must

understand and do what is right. Everyone that is born must die.

Justice is more important than human beings. Partha, give up this

base faint-heartedness, arise and do your duty. " Thus the teacher of

the Geetha guided Arjuna.


Even today the Geetha is a light to all mankind. It has been

translated into many languages. People of man, lands study it and

seek to gain peace of mind by following its teaching.


Arjuna's mind grew clear. The zest to fight returned to him. He

picked up the Gandeeva. "


It was said that none of the mortals and few of the Gods could stand

up to him in battle, such was his skill with his bow, Gandeeva. So

pick up your gandeevas and fight those who suppress Her Divine

Message! It is your sacred duty to be on the Shakti's side at all

times! Destroy all who refuse to obey Her explicit instructions!


Jai Shri Adi Shakti!



" my2pai " <my2pai

Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:32 am




Dear All,


This is to continue the thread TELL ALL THE NATIONS and also to

present some points to meditate on in conjunction with the

Shivaratri Puja weekend.


I recently came across the excerpt as appended below where Shri

Mataji expresses in no uncertain terms what She wants of Sahaja

Yogis in the dissemination of Her Divine Message. Although these

words were spoken in England to the English Sahaja Yogis, these are

really words for all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and for all time,

or at least for the time remaining of the Last Judgment.


Here are the highlights of Shri Mataji's speech: " Say what you want.

There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas...Emphatically

you have to say these... Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say

everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart... Why

should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we not tell them

and talk to them in that manner... When you've to say it, say it in

a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They

can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not... So you better

say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big

way... "


And Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in

the expression of the Divine Message), as the English and the Sahaja

Yogis are wont to; no weasel words in expressing the glory of Her






" ...Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the

seat. Now in the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart

chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it are all these

auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are

surrounding the heart. So if you know about them, it will circulate,

the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any

aggressiveness, without any showing-off, without any cunning,

without any sarcasm; in a full, straight-forward, loving manner. But

for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of

antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very

common is, 'That may be too much,' 'It may be too much.' 'They're

frightened.' 'One shouldn't say too much.' You should, when you say

too much at least little bit will go into their heads. So you have

to say too much. Say what you want. There should be exuberance,

exuberance of your ideas, so that something goes into their heads.

They know that you're sincere, you're saying it sincerely, you

cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you have to say these.

That's what everybody did. All those who were great incarnations

said it with such concern, with such force. In the same way, you

have to say without any fear. 'Oh, that may be too much, Mother it

was too much for him.' Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say

everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart. But

when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a workshop

or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in the party,

you see, 'What will you have?' Then we'll say alright, let me

think, 'What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this thing.'

It's like a shopping going on. No, you have to say, 'We have this

and please have it now, otherwise you won't have it. This is the

time!' Let them say what they like. It's important. I see sometimes

your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just

blast you, I mean, hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this

is the truth. Why should we not tell them and talk to them in that

manner. We think by being gentle... alright gentleness is different,

but I mean to say by saying less than I say, understatement. It's

typical English. 'That might be too much.' In Sahaja Yoga it is such

a lot that how much are you going to pour out, can never be too

much. So be careful on that. When you've to say it, say it in a very

blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They can't

crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly

alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me,

you know that. So you better say what you've found out, in a big

way. And tell them in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner

but tell them, the concern should be there. Alright? Now this is

what it is one has to understand that there is nothing, 'Say a

little bit,' then they think, 'He's a shaky man.' But when they sing

horrible songs on the mike, eating the mike, I say eating the mike

music.They go on aggressing on the mike and people go mad with it,

they like it. I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less,

understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in

that. Those people who'll be appeased by that will not be good

Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have

to be begging of them but we have to honour them, we have to respect

them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to give them what we

have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the fridge

and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you

like, what a spread. But if you put one little fish and two eggs for

ten people with one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a

lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy-washy



( " The English are scholars, " Sheffield, 21/9/85)

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