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The Christian Comforter has Come!

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Dear All Christians (and others, too),


I am addressing this specifically to those who come from the traditional

spiritual background, which I also come from, which is Christianity. That is not

to say that those of other spiritual backgrounds, cannot also benefit from what

I wish to explain, but I am specifically giving this information to Christians,

to help them to understand some things in regards to the Hindu Cosmology, so

that they may also be able to accept Sahaja Yoga (the Second Birth) as given by

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


" Sahaja Yoga " basically means " union with the Divine " and is the same meaning as

the Second Birth, or Being Born Again of the Spirit. Shri Mataji, was born into

a Christian family in the predominant Hindu based spiritual tradition of India,

and She has given us the knowledge of how all spiritual traditions are actually

One in Essence, once you take away all the dogma and indoctrinations,

surrounding them.


To that end, Shri Mataji has given us an amazing amount of knowledge, which

really is the Synthesis of All Spiritual Knowledge. It is all spiritual

knowledge in an integrated nutshell, figuratively speaking, and is an amazing

accomplishment. Therefore, it is a priceless knowledge also, which She has said,

will lead to the integration of all spiritual traditions over time. In the

external organization of Sahaja Yoga, for example, a person will find out,

learn, and experience about the Second Birth of the Spirit, and actually feel

the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as on the Day of Pentecost. This cannot be

replicated or faked or reproduced. It is an infallible sign that a person has

received the Gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is called

" Self-Realization " also, in Sahaja Yoga. There are different terms, but they

mean the same thing, and that is the receiving their Second Birth of the Spirit.


Some of the knowledge that Shri Mataji has given cannot be found in books, so it

behoves a spiritual seeker to find out what it is She has said. Yes, we know

that Shri Mataji is a special personality. But, that is for you to find out for

yourself, exactly Who She is. She is an Incarnation for a start, anyway.


As already stated, what Shri Mataji has done, is to really simplify everything,

so that people of all spiritual backgrounds can really start to integrate all

the spiritual knowledge in a basic way because the basic thing to know is that

all religions come from a common essence of Truth of the Divine.


In Christianity, we are taught that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God, and

this is true. He is the Only Begotten Son of His Mother, and Verily the Son of

God. However, Jesus had other Incarnations and these are also talked about in

the Hindu Cosmology. For example, He is the Incarnation of Shri Ganesha, Who

came before the Advent of Jesus, but they are the same Person. Therefore, a

Christian can accept Shri Ganesha straight away, if they only knew this fact.


I would like to say that as a Christian, I was on the look out for the promised

Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who was to come to Earth and teach us all things,

such as what Jesus had taught. When I experienced my self-realization in Sahaja

Yoga, and felt the same Cool Breeze that the Disciples felt on the Day of

Pentecost, I knew that I had found the Holy Spirit. However, no one COULD have

told me, that the Holy Spirit would come from India. But indeed, that is the

case! It is indeed, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, but each person must prove that

for themselves.


I would also like to say that when I got more involved in the understanding of

Sahaja Yoga, I found out about this pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, and yet, the

Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit confirmed to me that they are all part and parcel

of the One God, just like all human beings all come from the One God.


(I would like to also add here that in Christianity, prayers are not called

`mantras', but in Sahaja Yoga, for example, " The Lord's Prayer " is considered to

be a mantra. So, if you wish to consider mantras to be prayers, because that is

what you are used to, that is fine. As far as the Christian perspective is

concerned, mantras really ARE the same as prayers to the Divine.)


So, how did I actually feel when confronted by the information of all the

Deities? Well, to be sure, it was a bit confronting at first. But, as mentioned,

I had actually felt the Cool Breeze, as experienced by the Disciples of Jesus on

the Day of Pentecost, so I could not discount it. So, I just kept an open mind

and decided I had nothing to lose by investigation, introspection,

contemplation, and most importantly, meditation.


One thing I discovered is that there is a lot of knowledge in the Hindu

spiritual tradition especially, (and in other spiritual traditions also)…. that

complements and enlarges upon the knowledge of the Christian Scriptures, thereby

elucidating these Scriptures.


The experience of the Second Birth of the Spirit also helps to bring light upon

the whole spiritual understanding. In fact I have come to the realization that

each spiritual tradition seems to have some of the missing pieces to the puzzle

of the other spiritual tradition. Shri Mataji states that this is the case, and

that we shall now take great pleasure in putting this puzzle together. She also

states that when we finally put all the pieces of the puzzle together, globally,

that we will then see the whole Picture in all its Truth and Glory. That is when

we will have a Universal Spiritual Understanding Worldwide!


Shri Mataji has assured us that with the integration of the Spiritual Essence of

all the Spiritual Traditions, no Absolute Truth will be taken away or diminished

in any way, but the Absolute Truth will be seen more clearly and be the basis of

a New Spiritually Oriented Society in the Golden Age, or Satya Yuga, as it is

also known. Part of the reason it is going to be a Golden Age, is because of the

integration of the Essence of All Religions which is a major influence whereby

the " East " will truly meet the " West " and vice versa. Human beings will not be

divided anymore over religion, but will enjoy a Universal Spiritual

Understanding of God Almighty.


The Kingdom of God will come on Earth, as Jesus taught us to pray when in the

" Lord's Prayer " , He said: " Thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven " . This

" Kingdom of God " can only come when people from all spiritual traditions can

unite in Spirit. In the Kingdom of God is integration; not separation. Whatever

separates people from each other is NOT of the `Kingdom of God'.


Even a child can teach us that, and that is why Jesus said that we have to

`become like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven'. (Of course, that does not

mean we become children or become `child-ish', but we become `child-like'). A

child trusts, accepts, has not built conditioned walls around their Spirit; is

open to new ideas. So…fixed ideas, walls built up, lack of trust, and all these

things have to be given up.


Dogmas made by men will have to be discarded, because they only serve to divide,

even persons of the same spiritual traditions from each other. There needs to be

a `breath of fresh air', indeed a new global spiritual agreement among all human

beings. After all, there is only One God and Absolute Truth, regardless of the

spiritual tradition, never changes. However, all that is not Absolute Truth

needs to be discarded. The Old Dogmas and Doctrines MADE BY Man need to be

thrown out the window, literally! There is no room for them anymore. They are

like old worn out ideas that have long passed their `Past Due Date'.


Yes, the Old needs to be discarded in order to be able to accept the New. In

that Spirit, I would like to share with Christians (and others) what I have

learned in Sahaja Yoga in regards to Reincarnation and also in regards to

Incarnations of God.


I am starting on the premise that you understand that we have incarnated

numerous times, and that our bodies are just like `outer clothing' that are

discarded when we have outworn them, and the Spirit moves ever upward to God.

And that after a rest, we do incarnate again, to learn the lessons, we still

have not mastered on Earth, until One Day we have become Redeemed by having our

Second Birth of the Spirit.


You might say, that Christians do not believe in Reincarnation. Okay, they might

not now…. but they used to! Here is the story about how the belief in

Reincarnation that Early Christians had, was discouraged by the Church Fathers:






Since, coming to Sahaja Yoga, and since Sahaja Yoga is also based on the

understanding of the Hindu Cosmology, and the Hindu Deities, I now wish to

reveal to those from a Christian background how it would behove them to have an

enquiring mind in regards to the information that Christians do not have, but

that is revealed in the Hindu Cosmology. In fact it is part and parcel of the

understanding of God Almighty, who encompasses the " All That Is " .


As just stated, the truth is, I have found that the Hindu Cosmology can actually

tell a Christian believer, much more about Shri Jesus than is even known or

taught about in Christianity. In particular, Shri Mataji has sifted through and

`cut to the chase' and corrected the knowledge so it is accurate and up-to-date.

She has given important information about all the Incarnations, and how they

play a vital role in individual lives. She has made this simple and easy to

understand in Sahaja Yoga.


Therefore, i would like to take this opportunity to present to those of the

Christian background, particularly, some of the known facts and knowledge about

Shri Jesus, as taught by Shri Mataji in Sahaja Yoga. (Btw, " Shri " means

`respected teacher', or 'respected one')


In Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji has given us 108 Attributes at the very least that

give information about Lord Jesus. We know, for example that He is the only Son

of His Virgin Mother. We know that in every pore of His Body, galaxies whirl as

dust. We know that He was born to teach us of His Father, Sadashiva who is God

Almighty. (Some of this is not known in Christianity, such as that in every

'pore of His Body, galaxies whirl as dust'.)


We also know that He is the Primordial Being, that not only is He Vishnu, but He

is also the son of Vishnu. We also know that He is Mahavishnu. We also know that

He is pure energy and contains millions of universes and was born in the

Primordial Cosmic Egg.


We know that His father is Shri Krishna, His mother is Shri Radha, and that He

is the Saviour who burns all our sins with His fire.


We know He is the Spirit, born of the Spirit, was crucified and resurrected in

pure Spirit, and rose after three days.


We know he will return as a King, as Shri Kalki, the rider on the white horse,

as prophesied in Revelations.


We know He is the principle of evolution (gradual working out or development),

the support of our evolution (also gradual working out and development), and the

end of evolution (the end of the gradual working out and development). We know

that He is the evolution (gradual working out and development) of a person from

the Collective Subconscious to the Collective Consciousness (that is the same as

achieving Union with the Divine, which is the same as having one's Second Birth

of the Spirit).


We know that He is the Narrow Gate and the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven. He is

Lord Karttikeya. He is Shri Mahaganesha.


The above-related spiritual facts are just a start for the Christian to take

note of and appreciate. This is also an indication to the Christian, of how in

fact, all the Deities in the Hindu Cosmology are closely connected in that they

are all part and parcel of the One Almighty God.


So, when you start to appreciate what is known and understood from other

spiritual traditions about Shri Jesus, you will start to realize something

unique, and this is that all spiritual traditions are different flowers or

branches from the One Tree of Life. Even Jesus in His Earthly Sojourn, went to

India to learn this Knowledge of an Ancient Civilization. India is known to be

the Country that actually represents the Kingdom of God in the Primordial Being

of God Himself.


I hope that for now the above information will suffice to give those who are

from a Christian background, a 'taste' of the depth of knowledge available in

Sahaja Yoga, not to mention the actual experience that the Disciples experienced

on the Day of Pentecost, whereby they felt that Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit.


i pray that Christians may open their Spiritual Eyes and Ears to the Spiritual

Reality that is to be discovered in " Sahaja Yoga " , the Second Birth that Jesus

promised the Comforter would bestow.


The prophecy of Jesus has been fulfilled by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. When you

feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit on your fingertips or at the crown of

your head in your fontanelle (fountain) area, you will know that it is a Sure

Sign that you too, have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You will then

know for sure that the Christian " Comforter " has come!


with love and best wishes to all Christians (and others, too)



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