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SY organizations now openly weaseling Her Divine Message and Incarnation

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> " my2pai " <my2pai

> Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:32 am




> Dear All,


> This is to continue the thread TELL ALL THE NATIONS and also to

> present some points to meditate on in conjunction with the

> Shivaratri Puja weekend.


> I recently came across the excerpt as appended below where Shri

> Mataji expresses in no uncertain terms what She wants of Sahaja

> Yogis in the dissemination of Her Divine Message. Although these

> words were spoken in England to the English Sahaja Yogis, these are

> really words for all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and for all

> time, or at least for the time remaining of the Last Judgment.


> Here are the highlights of Shri Mataji's speech: " Say what you

> want. There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas...

> Emphatically you have to say these... Let him be blasted! Doesn't

> matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full

> heart... Why should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we

> not tell them and talk to them in that manner... When you've to

> say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they

> going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare

> not... So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And

> tell them in a big way... "


> And Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in

> the expression of the Divine Message), as the English and the

> Sahaja Yogis are wont to; no weasel words in expressing the glory

> of Her Incarnation.



Dear All,


Shri Mataji made that speech 21 years ago on 21/9/85 at Sheffield,

UK, extolling SYs to openly declare Her Divine Message and

Incarnation. Nothing was to be hidden from the public! SYs were to



More than two decades later management SYs have managed to remove

the heart and soul of Her Divine Message and replace it with their

own version. The SYs who follow the following organizations listed

below are as guilty as going against Shri Mataji's express wishes as

those who are now openly weaseling and understating Her Divine

Message and Incarnation. They have managed to suppress Her Divine

Message and glory of Incarnation while the Adi Shakti is still on

Earth. What do you think will happen if Shri Mataji leaves? Why are

you empowering those who are openly weaseling Her Divine Message and

and understating Her Incarnation?


Always remember what Shri Krishna said,


" Arjuna, such words are not worthy of a hero like you. Your duty is

to fight. Those who have joined the forces against justice and

righteousness have to perish. The good must be protected. Attachment

to friends and relatives should not come in the way of your duty. "


So do your duty and rise against those who still refuse to obey Shri

Mataji after 21 years. The more you empower management SYs/WCASY the

greater the threat to Her Divine Message and Incarnation grows. Read

Shri Krishna's message again and again till you understand the

gravity of going against Dharma ........... or worse, joining

forces with those who do not want you to " better say what you've

found out, in a big way. " Do not empower those who have never obeyed

Shri Mataji's Vak that SYs must " TELL ALL THE NATIONS! " ...... and

still refuse to obey Her. Why do you think She has resorted to

complete silence and left management SYs powerless, clueless and

rudderless? Let Her destroy all who are against the Truth!








Sahaja Yoga


Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience

called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within

each human being.


Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which

one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.


One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool

breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of

the world.


This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking

place now, worldwide, and has been proved and experienced by

hundreds of thousands in over 90 countries.


It is entirely free of charge, as one cannot pay for the experience

of Divine Love.







Acceptance Of Resolutions By The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga And

Collective Leadership In Switzerland

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Dear Brothers and Sisters of the world collective,


The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (WCASY) would

like to share with you all the seminal resolutions establishing the

initial formation of the World Council by Our Holy Mother and our

humble acceptance of Her charge, our commitment to the principles of

collective leadership as established by Shri Mataji in 2001, and

finally, the Mission Statement of the World Council describing its

mandate as homage to Shri Mataji and a service to the world



It is intended that these resolutions and mission statement will

establish the basis to fully preserve and enhance Shri Mataji's

legacy for generations to come and create a code of ethics and

procedures for the Council to discharge its responsibilities in a

manner in accordance with Sahaja principles. The following documents

are attached hereto for your information and understanding:


The resolution for the Humble Acceptance of Responsibility and The

resolution of Commitment to Collective Leadership


The Mission Statement of WCASY


In keeping with Shri Mataji's desire that leadership in the various

countries reflect a more collective expression to more truly

represent the Sahaja Yogis, we also wish to share with you all a

recommendation for a new leadership council for Switzerland which

was blessed by Our Mother during the Diwali Puja celebrations in

India. To view the document outlining the new collective leadership,



It is our sincere hope that this will be one of many regular

communications from the WCASY in our efforts to keep you all

apprised of developments taking place in the Sahaja Sangha all over

the world.


With Love and Respect,

Your Brothers and Sisters of the World Council









Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an awakening

that can occur within each human being. Through this process an

inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united,

integrated and balanced. One can actually feel the all pervading

divine power as a cool breeze, as described in all religions and

spiritual traditions of the world.


Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us, a motherly and

soothing spiritual energy which lies dormant at the base of the

spine in the sacrum bone (the ancient civilizations knew that in

this bone resides a sacred energy).


" It is important for everyone to have that knowledge of the roots

within ourselves. SahajaYoga allows the individual to become his own

Spiritual Guide. " -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi








Book One of the Ten Book Project


Richard Payment of Vancouver has been putting in sterling and superb

work, aided by a small team, on the first book to come from the

International Book Project that has been in operation now for two

years. It is the first of a planned series of ten books that will

become an incomparable support to our meditation and insights,

companions of our evening and travels, magical tools to inspire our

inner growth. Books work differently than audio's or videos but they

work and we have missed a printed version of the guidance of Our

Mother for too long.


The working title of the first book is Within: Beyond Words, Beyond

Books, Beyond Myths - The Final Steps in the Journey to Self-

realization, and it is hoped that finished copies will be available

for Sahaja Yogis, by the end of the year 2006. At the same time, the

book will be offered for commercial publication to publishing houses

in all the major countries of the world.


Nearly 600 of Shri Mataji's talks have now been transcribed by our

teams of transcribers from 20 different countries around the world,

and these provide the archive from which the books can be prepared.

At the same time, these talks are being translated into Chinese,

Russian, French, Italian and Romanian, by translators in those

countries. This collective effort is clearly of major importance for

posterity and the Publication Committee of the WCASY expresses here

its gratitude to all the yoginis and yogis who work with enthusiasm

on this project.


The Legend of Dagad Trikon


540 pages long, limited edition hardcover, ISBN 1-932406-01-8 price

US$ 29.95


The new novel by Grégoire de Kalbermatten is now being printed and

copies will be ready shortly. The novel was shown to Shri Mataji and

Sir CP at their home in New Jersey , USA , and Shri Mataji was

visibly pleased when asked for Her blessing.


One reader described the novel as " a fast paced, amusing and

contemporary plot guaranteed to keep you enthralled and guessing to

the very end. " This entertaining work of fiction is meant to break

into the cultural mainstream as it appeals to the millions of

readers who are seekers. The professional book editor who edited the

book, (a non-Sahaja yogi) said:


" As the editor of the Legend of Dagad Trikon and of many other

fantasy titles, this fascinating novel was unique for me in the

sheer depth and scope of the stage on which it plays out. The breath-

taking sweep of the author's knowledge of world cultures is evident

on every page as the reader is transported from Delhi to Delphi,

from Cairo to Oslo , from Moscow to Washington DC - all in pursuit

of a secret that has the potential to change the course of human

history. More importantly, the possibility of real human happiness

is visualized and the very fate of our planet is at stake. We find

ourselves caring deeply for the characters and it is the heady page-

turning momentum of this fully realized fantasy that propels the

reader onward. To read this novel is to embark on a journey, an

adventure - a quest that is at least as richly rewarding as the

search for the secrets of Dagad Trikon itself . "


Copies can be obtained as follows: outside the USA , send $39.95, by

Paypal, to info, which includes, postage and

packing via US Global Priority Airmail service. For customers in the

USA , send $34.50 by Paypal, to info, which

includes postage and packing, via US Priority Mail service.



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