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Shri Mataji: Why should we not, when this is the truth?

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> " my2pai " <my2pai

> Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:32 am




> Dear All,


> This is to continue the thread TELL ALL THE NATIONS and also to

> present some points to meditate on in conjunction with the

> Shivaratri Puja weekend.


> I recently came across the excerpt as appended below where Shri

> Mataji expresses in no uncertain terms what She wants of Sahaja

> Yogis in the dissemination of Her Divine Message. Although these

> words were spoken in England to the English Sahaja Yogis, these are

> really words for all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and for all

> time, or at least for the time remaining of the Last Judgment.


> Here are the highlights of Shri Mataji's speech: " Say what you

> want. There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas...

> Emphatically you have to say these... Let him be blasted! Doesn't

> matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full

> heart... Why should we not, when this is the truth? Why should we

> not tell them and talk to them in that manner..? When you've to

> say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they

> going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare

> not... So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And

> tell them in a big way... "


> And Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in

> the expression of the Divine Message), as the English and the

> Sahaja Yogis are wont to; no weasel words in expressing the glory

> of Her Incarnation.





Since we have listed the main SY organizations that are now openly

weaseling Her Divine Message and Incarnation mention must also be

made of sites where SYs exuberantly and with full heart are either

collectively declaring or giving full support and help in

propagating Her Divine Message and Incarnation:



This website is based on Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God,, a

2200-page book awaiting final edition. It deals with the Divine

Revelations, Miracles, Knowledge, Truth and fulfilled Prophecies of

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. This Divine Message to humanity is the

heart and soul of every religion, holy scripture and messenger. It

embraces all and excludes none, a collective and harmonious triumph

unlike anything humanity have known or experienced or were taught in

organized religions or spiritual sects. It is an eschatological

message of divine intervention, renewed faith, boundless hope, great

joy, and a long-awaited fulfillment by God Almighty as pledged over

millennia to all humankind, the promised age to evolve from the

temporary physical body to the eternal spiritual self.


After seeking the third permission to compile the Divine Message in

a book Shri Mataji made this remark:


" Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about

our work. We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to see

for ourselves, that if we have this kind of recognition or not, our

capabilities should be up to that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998









" I am the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh). I am the One who has come on

this Earth for the first time in this form to do this tremendous

task. "


Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

Adi-Shakti [615th]: Primal Power; being the First Cause.


The Adi Shakti (Hinduism), Comforter/Holy Spirit (Christianity),

Shekinah (Judaism), Ma Adi/Ruh (Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great

Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism) are the one and same

primordial Divine Feminine. Mahdi is the Sanskrit contraction of Ma

(Mother) Adi (Primordial) just as Maitreya is contraction of Mai

(Mother) Treya (Threefold). The function of the Islamic Mahdi is

similar to that of the Buddhist Maitreya and Christian Comforter.


According to Aaron-Golan in The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, " The

coming eschatological salvation is envisaged in transcendent and

universal terms.... in the form of both bodily resurrection and of

spiritual immortality. " The Torah contains several references

to " the End of Days " (achareet ha-yameem), which is the time of the

moshiach (Messiah).


As Messiah She fulfils this ancient Jewish prophecy.


As Comforter/Holy Spirit promised by Lord Jesus She completes His

teachings and commences the Last Judgment.


As Mahdi/Ruh She proclaims the Great News of the Resurrection (surah

75 Al-Qiyamah). " Great News: usually understood to mean the News or

Message of the Resurrection. " (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran)


As Mai(Mother) Treya(Threefold) She fulfils the prophecy to renew

Buddha's work. " Relying on certain Mahayana Buddhist citations and

quotations ... the fifth Buddha will be Maitreya Buddha. " — the

present XIVth Dalai Lama


As the Shakti entrenched in the holy scriptures She grants both

bodily resurrection (kundalni awakening/self-realization/second

birth) and spiritual immortality (moksa/eternal life). It is Her

Divine Message to humanity that contains the collective

eschatological promise of all religions.







An Invitation to Paradise: The Metamodern Era


The Message of Sahaja Yoga: The Spontaneous Union with the Divine

Explanatory articles about the Sahaja Yoga method, vision and the

projects realised or initiated by Shri Mataji and the Sahaja Yogis


The Sahaj Society, Sahaj Activities and Events

Forum offering perspectives on the society of realised souls

envisioned by Shri Mataji and enjoyed in the Sahaj collectives; also

to announce activities and events in Sahaja collectives world wide


Sahaj Books and Magazines

Forum for the sharing of enlightened books and magazines


Excerpts from Shri Mataji's talks

Excerpts from Shri Mataji's talks on various subjects


Her Love Reflected

Forum for personal accounts of people who have met Shri Mataji


Experiences in Sahaja Yoga

Personal experiences in Sahaja Yoga meditation, testimonials


The Collective

Forum to define and to discover together the need for collective

ascent and integration that the present times call for


Countries and Sahaja Yoga

A place to exchange information about Sahaj centers and the

integration of Sahaja Yoga within all the countries of the world


The Global Religion

Messages regarding the integration of world religions in the living

spiritual experience


Sahaj Global Chat

Forum for yogis and non-yogis from different parts of the world to

communicate with each other, to strengthen the bonds of collectivity

and to welcome all the seekers of truth


Posts from Forum

Posts initially posted to the Shri Adi Shakti Forum


What is Meditation?

Forum to define meditation on the basis of spiritual scriptures and

the writings of enlightened souls


Guidance for the Online Meditation Workshop

Guidance in the technique of Sahaj meditation, subtle body

improvement, vibrational awareness, energy protection and Self-



A Healing Place

Forum for questions and requests of support in spiritual, emotional,

mental and physical healing


The Knowledge of the Self

Forum for guidance and support in enhancing the knowledge of the

Self, the capacity to introspect and the ability to discover the

meaning of life and the Kingdom of God within


Recognizing Genuine Kundalini Experience

Kundalini is a profound subject in many mystical, yogic, indigenous

and civilizational images and texts. Forum to discuss, correct, or

elucidate on this Divine Power within.


Holy Scriptures and Religions

Forum to discover the hidden knowledge of Self-Realisation and/or

God-Realisation as reflected in the world's Scriptures


Enlightened Literature and Philosophy

Forum to discover and enjoy the deeper knowledge of realised authors


Enlightened Art and Music

Forum to discover and enjoy the creations of realised artists


Enlightened Science

Forum to discover and understand the connection between science and



Enlightened Medicine and Psychology

Forum to discover the role of Self-Realisation in the healing

process and in psychic growth (i.e. pertaining to the transformation

of the psyche)


Enlightened Education

Forum to discover the new understanding of education appropriate to

the Metamodern Era


Enlightened Social Studies and Politics

Forum to discuss the spiritual transformations, which are

transforming the societies and the political scene today


Yuva Shakti

Forum to welcome all youth practising or interested in Sahaja Yoga



Improving the Forum and the Site

Questions and recommendations regarding the forum, site structure

and functioning.

Moderators Violet, Dr. Balwinder, Dr Mary Ann, Gautam, Anuj


Spreading Self Realisation through media

Forum to support the development of projects to promote Self-

Realisation through the media







Assalamu Alaikum,


Except for the theme of monotheism, the Qur'an speaks more of the

coming Qiyamah - also known as the Resurrection, the Day of

Judgment, Day of Gathering, and the Great Announcement - than of any

other topic. This major theme and promise is upheld not only in the

Qur'an, but also in other religious scriptures. Though opinions may

differ on precise details it is generally believed that it is

connected to a time of momentous upheaval, calamity and the end of



Hundreds of interpreters have written commentaries on it during the

14 centuries of its existence, and none have claimed to understand

all of its various aspects and meanings. The Islam, Qur'an And Al-

Qiyamah website is an attempt to examine in detail what different

verses in the Qur'an tell us about Qiyamah and to reconcile what

might appear as differing, even contradictory descriptions of the

event. It contains hundreds of intellectually challenging and

severely critical pages vigorously demanding answers pertaining to

this central theme of Islam. The result of a five-year research,

this study compels Muslims not to allow themselves to pick and

choose verses that suit their doomsday notion of Al-Qiyamah. Rather

we must take the Qur'an in its entirety and examine those

resurrection-related surahs that have challenged our scholars over

the centuries. As a result of their admitted shortcomings and

apparent incomprehension, the scattered verses relating to Al-

Qiyamah have been disfigured beyond recognition by mistranslations

that reflect the views of the ulema. (It must be strongly emphasized

that this website exclusively deals with resurrection-related surahs

and nothing else, openly challenging the ulema to respond. Till date

no Muslim scholar has risen to the challenge.)





My pranaam to all the conscientious souls who are going against

management SYs/WCASY and collectively or independently following the

explicit instructions of Shri Mataji. The fact that management SYs

and WCASY are against the above-mentioned sites is testimony to the

negativity that is working to suppress and prevent Her Divine

Message from bursting forth onto human consciousness.


But i assure all that everything is now going in the right

direction. Every week since last October has seen a constant and

steady rise in daily visitors. This is the first time such a pattern

has emerged since the websites were set up in 2000. If this trend

continues, and i see no reason why it should not, nothing, not even

the entire WCASY and their Will-wannabees, can stop Her Divine

Message from ushering Satya Yuga by 2013. All we need are egoless

SYs willing to bring more seekers to the webites and leave the rest

to Shri Mataji. We can and will succeed because Shri Mataji promised

that Sahaja Yoga will be established before She leaves. We must

become Her active instruments now and maintain this initial momentum.


Just as Shri Mataji asked two decades ago i too ask management SYs:

" Why should we not, when this is the truth? " Why have those entrusted

by Her never obeyed Her instructions to " TELL ALL THE NATIONS " ?


Their years of silence is now deafening,




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