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Devi (Holy Spirit/Tao/Shakti/Ruh) directs shakta to focus on Her true reality for liberation.

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Devi (Holy Spirit/Tao/Shakti/Ruh) directs shakta to focus on Her true

reality for liberation


In the Hindu context, the worship of the Mother entity can certainly

be traced back to early Vedic culture, and perhaps even before.

Today, Devi is seen in manifold forms, all representing the creative

force in the world, as Maya and prakriti, the force that galvanizes

the Divine Ground of existence into self-projection as the cosmos.

She is not merely the Earth, though even this perspective is covered

by Parvati. All the various Hindu female entities are seen as

forming many faces of the same female Divinity.




This form of Hinduism, known as Shaktism, is strongly associated

with Vedanta, Samkhya and Tantra Hindu philosophies and is

ultimately monist, though there is a rich tradition of Bhakti yoga

associated with it. The feminine energy (Shakti) is considered to be

the motive force behind all action and existence in the phenomenal

cosmos in Hinduism. The cosmos itself is Brahman, the concept of the

unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality that is the

Divine Ground of all being, the " world soul " . Masculine potentiality

is actualized by feminine dynamism, embodied in multitudinous

goddesses who are ultimately reconciled in one.


The keystone text is the Devi Mahatmya which combines earlier Vedic

theologies, emergent Upanishadic philosophies and developing tantric

cultures in a laudatory exegesis of Shakti religion. Demons of ego,

ignorance and desire bind the soul in maya (illusion) (also

alternately ethereal or embodied) and it is Mother Maya, shakti,

herself, who can free the bonded individual. The immanent Mother,

Devi, is for this reason focused on with intensity, love, and self-

dissolving concentration in an effort to focus the shakta (as a

Shakti worshipper is sometimes known) on the true reality underlying

time, space and causation, thus freeing one from karmic cyclism.


In the Devi Gita the Devi proceeds to describe her essential forms.

The Devi declares that prior to creation, She is the only existent

entity, the one supreme Brahman and is pure consciousness. The Devi

Gita is clear about salvation and attainment of eternal life: " Even

when a person performs bhakti, knowledge need not arise. He will go

to the Devi's Island (similar to Brahmaloka). Till the complete

knowledge in the form of my consciousness arises, there is no

liberation. " 1




The Tao is called the Great Mother:

empty yet inexhaustible,

it gives birth to infinite worlds.


It is always present within you.

You can use it any way you want.


Tao Te-Ching 6





Stop thinking, and end your problems.

What difference between yes and no?

What difference between success and failure?

Must you value what others value,

avoid what others avoid?

How ridiculous!


Other people are excited,

as though they were at a parade.

I alone don't care,

I alone am expressionless,

like an infant before it can smile.


Other people have what they need;

I alone possess nothing.

I alone drift about,

like someone without a home.

I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty.


Other people are bright;

I alone am dark.

Other people are sharper;

I alone am dull.

Other people have a purpose;

I alone don't know.

I drift like a wave on the ocean,

I blow as aimless as the wind.


I am different from ordinary people.

I drink from the Great Mother's breasts.


Tao Te Ching 20





There was something formless and perfect

before the universe was born.

It is serene. Empty.

Solitary. Unchanging.

Infinite. Eternally present.

It is the mother of the universe.

For lack of a better name,

I call it the Tao.


It flows through all things,

inside and outside, and returns

to the origin of all things.


The Tao is great.

The universe is great.

Earth is great.

Man is great.

These are the four great powers.


Man follows the earth.

Earth follows the universe.

The universe follows the Tao.

The Tao follows only itself.


Tao Te Ching 25





In the beginning was the Tao.

All things issue from it;

all things return to it.


To find the origin,

trace back the manifestations.

When you recognize the children

and find the mother,

you will be free of sorrow.


If you close your mind in judgements

and traffic with desires,

your heart will be troubled.

If you keep your mind from judging

and aren't led by the senses,

your heart will find peace.


Seeing into darkness is clarity.

Knowing how to yield is strength.

Use your own light

and return to the source of light.

This is called practicing eternity.


Tao Te Ching 52



" Scriptures: Tao Te Ching (the Classic of the Way and its Power),

according to tradition written by Lao-Tzu.


Key concepts: the Tao, introduced in the Tao Te Ching as follows:

" The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao; the name that

can be defined is not the unchanging name...There is a thing

inherent and natural, which existed before heaven and earth.

Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it

pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted; it may be regarded

as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am

forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it supreme...Man

follows the laws of earth; earth follows the laws of heaven; heaven

follows the laws of the Tao; and Tao follows the laws of its

intrinsic nature. "


What is this Tao? The concept transcends the powers of reason and

must be grasped intuitively, it is beyond words, beyond all

differences and distinction, it is the unchanging, permanent reality

of constant change, it is the ground of being and nonbeing, it is

akin to the Hindu concept of the Brahman. " 2


The power or active aspect of God Almighty is the Adi Shakti.

Brahman is unchanging consciousness. Adi Shakti is His changing

Power which appears as mind and matter. Adi Shakti is the embodiment

of His Power. Shakti runs this world-show. Shakti maintains the

sportive play or Lila of the Lord. Shakti is the supporter of the

vast universe. She is the supreme Power by which the world is

upheld. She is the Universal Mother. She is Durga, Lakshmi,

Sarasvati, Kali, Chandi, Chamundi, Tripurasundari and Rajarajesvari.

Shakti is Lalita, Kundalini and Parvati. There is no difference

between God Almighty and His Shakti, just as there is no difference

between the sun and its light.


" The wise persons say, and it is also stated in the Purânas, that

the Prime Force is present in Brahmâ as the Creative Force; is

present in Hari as the Preservative Force; is present in Hara as the

Destructive Force; is present in Kurma (tortoise) and in Ananta (the

thousand headed Snake) as the earth supporting Force; is present in

fire as the Burning Force, is present in air as the moving Force,

and so is present everywhere in various manifestations of forces.



In this whole Universe, whoever he may be, all are incapable of any

action if he be deprived of his force; what more than this, if S'iva

be deprived of Kula Kundalinî Shaktî, He becomes a lifeless corpse;

O great ascetic Risis! She is present everywhere thus in every thing

in this universe from the highest Brahmâ to the lowermost blade of

grass, all moving and non-moving things. Verily everything becomes

quite inert, if deprived of force; whether in conquering one's

enemies, or in going from one place to another or in eating -- one

finds oneself quite incapable, if deprived of force.


Thus the omnipresent Shaktî, the wise call by the name of Brahmâ.

Those who are verily intelligent should always worship Her in

various ways and determine thoroughly the reality of Her by every

means. In Visnu there is the Sattviki Shaktî; then He can preserve;

otherwise He is quite useless; so in Brahmâ there is Rajasi Shaktî

and He creates; otherwise He is quite useless; in S'iva, there is

Tamasi Shaktî and He destroys; else He is quite useless. Thus,

arguing again and again in one's mind, everyone should come to know

that the Highest Âdya Shaktî by Her mere will creates and preserves

this Universe and She it is who destroys again in time the whole

Brahmânda, moving and non moving; no one is capable to do his

respective work be he Brahmâ, Visnu, Mahes'var, Indra, Fire, Sun,

Varuna or any other person whatsoever; verily all the Devas perform

the respective actions by the use of this Adya Shaktî.


That She alone is present in cause and effect and is doing every

action, and be witnessed vividly. The intelligent ones call that

Shaktî twofold; one is Sagunâ and the other is Nirgunâ. The people,

attached to the senses and the objects, worship the Sagunâ aspect,

and those who are not so attached worship the Nirguna aspect. That

conscious Shaktî is the Lady of the fourfold aims of life, religion,

wealth, desires, and liberation. When She is worshipped according to

due rules, She awards all sorts of desires. The worldly persons,

charmed by the Mâyâ of this world, do not know Her at all; some

persons know a little and charm others; whereas some stupid and dull-

headed pundits, impelled by Kali, start sects of heretics, Pâsandas

for the sustenance of their own bellies.


O highly fortunate Munis! In no other Yugas were found acts as

prevalent (as) in this Kali Yuga, based on various different

opinions and altogether beyond the pale of the Vedic injunctions.

Behold again, if Brahmâ, Visnu and Mahes'a be the supreme Deities,

then why do these three Devas meditate on another One beyond speech,

beyond mind and practise, for years, hard austerities; and why do

they perform Yajñas (sacrifices) for their success in creation,

preservation, and destruction?


They know, verily, the Highest Supreme Being, Brahmâni Devî Shaktî

eternal, constant and therefore they meditate Her always in their

minds. Therefore the wise man, knowing this firmly, should serve in

every way the Highest Shaktî.


O Munis! This is the settled conclusion of all the Sâstras. I have

heard of this great hidden secret from Bhagavân Krisna Dvaipâyan. He

heard it from Nârada, and Nârada heard it from his own father

Brahmâ. Brahmâ heard this from Visnu.


O Munis it is well that the wise even should not hear or think

anything to the contrary from other sources; they should with their

concentrated heart serve the Brahmâ Sanâtanî Shaktî. It is clearly

witnessed in this world that if there be any substance wherein this

conscious Shaktî does not exist, that becomes inert, quite useless

for any purpose. So know this fully that it is the Highest Divine

Mother of the Universe that is playing here, residing in every

being. Thus ends the eighth chapter of the first Skandha on deciding

who is to be worshipped in the Mahapurâna Sri Mad Devî Bhâgavatam of

18,000 verses by Maharsi Vedavyâsa. " 3


The majority of shaktas, including SYs, are constantly engaged in

external worship (idols/images/photos) and rituals (food offerings/

lemon and chilly treatments). It is only when Devi is meditated upon

and understood as Consciousness, both within and without, will one be

liberated. Meditate on Her without any external aid or rituals no

matter what ignorant SYs/shaktas tell you to do.


Sakti is Chidrupini. She is pure, blissful Consciousness. She is the

Mother. She is Nature Itself - Devibhoomi. She is Jagat-Janani,

Creatrix of the world; Mahishasura-mardini, destroyer of

Mahishasura; Bhrantinasini, destroyer of illusion or Avidya; and

Daridryanasini, destroyer of poverty.


The world is a manifestation of Sakti. The countless universes are

only dust of Divine Mother’s holy feet. Her glory is ineffable. Her

splendour is indescribable. Her greatness is unfathomable. She

showers Her grace on Her sincere devotees. She leads the individual

soul from Chakra to Chakra, from plane to plane, and unites him with

SadaSiva in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God).


Devi (Tao/Shakti) directs shakta to focus on true reality - She also

resides within all. Till complete knowledge in the form of Her

consciousness arises, there is no liberation. That liberation is

part and parcel of Her Divine Message to humanity proclaimed at

these websites:


http://www.adi-shakti.org/index.htm (Hindus/Buddhists/Taoists/Sikhs)

http://www.adishakti.org/index.htm (Jews/Christians)

http://www.al-qiyamah.org/index.htm (Muslims)


The external Guru is indispensable to explain the Divine Message.

The external Guru initiates the aspirant and transmits the divine

Sakti i.e., awakens the Mother Kundalini (Spirit) and gives Self-

realization or Birth by the Spirit or Baptism by Allah. It is one

and the same for all traditions and their Holy Scriptures, only that

different words and explanations are used to describe the same.


No one can free himself from the thralldom of mind and matter

without Mother’s grace. The fetters of Maya are too hard to break.

If you worship Her as the great Mother, you can very easily go

beyond Prakriti through Her benign grace and blessings. She will

remove all obstacles in the path, lead you safely into the

illimitable domain of eternal bliss, and make you absolutely free.

When She is pleased and bestows Her blessings on you, then alone you

can free yourself from the bondage of this formidable Samsara.


But when the external Guru is the incarnation of the Devi (Holy

Spirit/Tao/Shakti/Ruh), one and the same both spiritually within and

physically without, you are absolutely assured that the Devi (Holy

Spirit/Tao/Shakti/Ruh) is personally directing the shakta to focus

on Her true reality for liberation.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,







1. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Great-Goddess

2. http://www.usao.edu/~usao-ids3313/ids/html/taoism.html

3. http://www.sacred-texts.com

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Guest guest

, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> The Tao is called the Great Mother:

> empty yet inexhaustible,

> it gives birth to infinite worlds.


> It is always present within you.

> You can use it any way you want.


> Tao Te-Ching 6



> " Scriptures: Tao Te Ching (the Classic of the Way and its Power),

> according to tradition written by Lao-Tzu.


> Key concepts: the Tao, introduced in the Tao Te Ching as follows:

> " The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao; the name

> that can be defined is not the unchanging name...There is a thing

> inherent and natural, which existed before heaven and earth.

> Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it

> pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted; it may be regarded

> as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am

> forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it

> supreme...Man follows the laws of earth; earth follows the laws of

> heaven; heaven follows the laws of the Tao; and Tao follows the

> laws of its intrinsic nature. " ...


> What is this Tao? The concept transcends the powers of reason and

> must be grasped intuitively, it is beyond words, beyond all

> differences and distinction, it is the unchanging, permanent

> reality of constant change, it is the ground of being and

> nonbeing, it is akin to the Hindu concept of the Brahman. " ...


> Devi (Tao/Shakti) directs shakta to focus on true reality - She

> also resides within all. Till complete knowledge in the form of

> Her consciousness arises, there is no liberation. That liberation

> is part and parcel of Her Divine Message to humanity proclaimed at

> these websites:


> http://www.adi-shakti.org/index.htm(Hindus/Buddhists/Taoists/Sikhs)

> http://www.adishakti.org/index.htm (Jews/Christians)

> http://www.al-qiyamah.org/index.htm (Muslims)



After meditation i realized that the Chinese would need a website

too for Tao, the Great Mother. They represent nearly a quarter of

humanity and need to know about Tao, the Great Mother too. The fact

that She is akin to the Hindu concept of Brahman greatly inspired

and convinced me that over the years the Great Mother Tao can be

proven to be Devi, and vice-versa, including Holy Spirit and Ruh.


However, at this early stage it is necessary to have different sites

for Devi, Holy Spirit, Tao and Ruh respectively. We have to

understand that the Holy Spirit's first website was set up just six

years ago on 1-1-2000. That was followed by the Ruh on 2-25-2002.

The Devi's site went up 2-21-2006. So today i have secured a domain

name for Tao the Great Mother and will populate it:




The websites now serve all traditions and over the years/decades i

am sure the Devi (Holy Spirit/Tao/Ruh) will break down the barriers

that keep humans divided. Ultimately Her Divine Message to humanity

will be collectively understood and embraced, whether you believe in

the Devi, Holy Spirit, Tao or Ruh. And since again it is a Tuesday i

am sure He will remove all obstacles.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,




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Guest guest

, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" After meditation i realized that the Chinese would need a website too for Tao,

the Great Mother. They represent nearly a quarter of humanity and need to know

about Tao, the Great Mother too. The fact that She is akin to the Hindu concept

of Brahman greatly inspired and convinced me that over the years the Great

Mother Tao can be proven to be Devi, and vice-versa, including Holy Spirit and



However, at this early stage it is necessary to have different sites for Devi,

Holy Spirit, Tao and Ruh respectively. We have to understand that the Holy

Spirit's first website was set up just six years ago on 1-1-2000. That was

followed by the Ruh on 2-25-2002. The Devi's site went up 2-21-2006. So today i

have secured a domain name for Tao the Great Mother and will populate it:





Dear Jagbir,


This is absolutely fantastic and i am sure many of us appreciate your foresight,

and many more in the future, will also appreciate your foresight....in creating

a place for " Tao, the Great Mother " .


Thank you so much.


warmest regards,





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > The Tao is called the Great Mother:

> > empty yet inexhaustible,

> > it gives birth to infinite worlds.

> >

> > It is always present within you.

> > You can use it any way you want.

> >

> > Tao Te-Ching 6

> >

> >

> > " Scriptures: Tao Te Ching (the Classic of the Way and its Power),

> > according to tradition written by Lao-Tzu.

> >

> > Key concepts: the Tao, introduced in the Tao Te Ching as follows:

> > " The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao; the name

> > that can be defined is not the unchanging name...There is a thing

> > inherent and natural, which existed before heaven and earth.

> > Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it

> > pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted; it may be


> > as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am

> > forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it

> > supreme...Man follows the laws of earth; earth follows the laws of

> > heaven; heaven follows the laws of the Tao; and Tao follows the

> > laws of its intrinsic nature. " ...

> >

> > What is this Tao? The concept transcends the powers of reason and

> > must be grasped intuitively, it is beyond words, beyond all

> > differences and distinction, it is the unchanging, permanent

> > reality of constant change, it is the ground of being and

> > nonbeing, it is akin to the Hindu concept of the Brahman. " ...

> >

> > Devi (Tao/Shakti) directs shakta to focus on true reality - She

> > also resides within all. Till complete knowledge in the form of

> > Her consciousness arises, there is no liberation. That liberation

> > is part and parcel of Her Divine Message to humanity proclaimed at

> > these websites:

> >

> > http://www.adi-shakti.org/index.htm(Hindus/Buddhists/Taoists/


> > http://www.adishakti.org/index.htm (Jews/Christians)

> > http://www.al-qiyamah.org/index.htm (Muslims)

> >


> After meditation i realized that the Chinese would need a website

> too for Tao, the Great Mother. They represent nearly a quarter of

> humanity and need to know about Tao, the Great Mother too. The fact

> that She is akin to the Hindu concept of Brahman greatly inspired

> and convinced me that over the years the Great Mother Tao can be

> proven to be Devi, and vice-versa, including Holy Spirit and Ruh.


> However, at this early stage it is necessary to have different sites

> for Devi, Holy Spirit, Tao and Ruh respectively. We have to

> understand that the Holy Spirit's first website was set up just six

> years ago on 1-1-2000. That was followed by the Ruh on 2-25-2002.

> The Devi's site went up 2-21-2006. So today i have secured a domain

> name for Tao the Great Mother and will populate it:


> http://www.tao-mother.org/


> The websites now serve all traditions and over the years/decades i

> am sure the Devi (Holy Spirit/Tao/Ruh) will break down the barriers

> that keep humans divided. Ultimately Her Divine Message to humanity

> will be collectively understood and embraced, whether you believe in

> the Devi, Holy Spirit, Tao or Ruh. And since again it is a Tuesday i

> am sure He will remove all obstacles.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


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