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The 'male' and 'female' qualties are to be integrated...

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, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


" The sanctified are not male or female, but sanctified. All of mankind are

incomplete, as long as they view themselves as male or female, for half of their

reality is veiled from them. You must see beyond the illusion of separateness to

the essential oneness of Being, in order to perceive Truth. Until then, you

cannot relate, in a proper manner, with the rest of creation. Look at us, Enoch,

and perceive Truth. " Then they opened up to me a great mystery, and I saw the

meaning of what I had heard. "


> (http://www.thepearl.org/Book_of_Enoch.htm)


Dear All,


This also reminds me of yoga or union with the Divine. When we have our 'sahaja

yoga', the 'feminine' qualities are united with the 'masculine' qualities, or

one could say that the 'ying'(female qualities) are united with the 'yang' (male



A person that has become their " Spirit " has the integration of both and can

exhibit both the male and female qualities. They become whole cnd balanced

within themselves, in their psychosomatic system and this improves the

relationships between human beings.


i find it interesting that Shri Mataji would during Shiva Puja, manifest the

qualities of Shiva, and She would even look like Shri Shiva and a person could

feel the Shiva qualities emanating from Her Person.


Shri Mataji has said that men need to imbibe the feminine qualties within

themselves, and women need to imbibe the masculine qualities within themselves.

This is the same as saying that the left side or Moon Channel needs to be

balanced with the right side or Sun Channel.


The so-called 'battle between the sexes " is actually born of the illusion of

separateness of 'male' and 'female'. The practice of subjugation of women by

men, and dominance of men by women happens when someone believes in this

illusion of 'separateness'.


The Truth is that the 'male' and the 'female' are not different from each other,

but are different manifestations of the same reality.


As it says in the " Book of Enoch " ...'until a person sees beyond the illusion of

'separateness' of 'male' and 'female', they will not be able to relate in the

proper manner because the Truth is that 'male' and 'female' are not different

from each other...but just different manifestations of the same reality.


This understanding of 'male' and 'female' qualities can help our societies by

replacing the ignorance of 'separateness' with the enlightenment of the

essential 'oneness' of Being.





> Dear All,


> Enoch is the great grandfather of Noah of the Bible. This is what it

says of Enoch in the scriptures:


> " And Enoch lived sixty-five years, and became the father of

Methuselah. Then Enoch walked with God three hundred years after he

became the father of Methuselah, and he had other sons and daughters.

So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And

Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. " (Genesis 5:



> In the " Book of Enoch " in Chapter 6, we are told of a vision that

Enoch had, whereby he was carried away to the Land of 'Oubelseyael,

which is situated between Libanos and Seneser'.


> It was in this vision that he saw a body of people united in the

'True Order of Prayer', and the Lord Jehovah stood in the middle of

them. However, the body of people could not see the Lord Jehovah

because their faces were veiled.


> So, Enoch asked the angel that was standing next to him why it was

that the people's faces were veiled and they could not see the Lord

Jehovah Who was standing among them.


> The angel told Enoch it was because the people belong to the

physical plane and and their eyes are blinded by the veil of darkness

so that they cannot perceive the Light which is among them.


> The angel further stated to Enoch that it is only when these people

receive the gnosis that the veil will tear off and they will be able

to see the Reality. The angel subsequently asked Enoch to help the

people to rip off the veil which hides the radiant Light of Truth.


> Enoch was then lifted up to the heavenly plane where he saw the

abode of the cherubim with its walls, roof and floor and surroundings,

made of crystal. The roof of this abode 'flashed with fire' and a

'flame burned around its walls'. Its entrance was also a 'gate of

fire'. Enoch says that when he entered this dwelling, that it was as

hot as fire and as cold as ice.


> From this abode he looked further and saw another 'habitation' which

was more spacious, whose entrance was open to Enoch and this

'habitation' was enveloped in a vibrating flame. He says that the

difference between the two habitations was so great, that it was not

even possible to compare the two.


> To Enoch's surprise, though, he was led to a third dwelling which

was greater even than the two previous ones combined! He surveyed it

closely and saw within it...a glowing seat of power. From underneath

this glowing seat of power...flowed rivers of flaming fire, and on the

seat of power...sat two radiant Beings whose robes shone brighter than

the sun and whiter than anything in creation.


> Around these two beings, were the 'saved' out of all the creations

of the Eloheim and these 'saved' continually praised those who sat on

the seat of power. Enoch apparently, standing in their presence,

trembled at their majesty. He was asked to approach and to hear their

holy word, which he did but he hardly dared to look at them.


> They then told Enoch to look at them and explained that they are the

Eloheim...male and female...even as they had begotten mankind in their

own likeness. However, they said that 'this is the great secret,

though'...and then they told Enoch that they are not different from

each other, but different manifestations of the same reality.


> They explained to Enoch that the Eloheim are Eloheim and that they

might appear to Enoch to be male or female, but then they explained

that if they were EITHER 'male' or 'female'...that they would ONLY be

halves, and not whole, and that 'wholeness' is an attribute of Deity.


> They then explained to Enoch that Eloheim are not male or female,

but Eloheim, and that the 'sanctified' are not male or female, but

sanctified. They also explained to Enoch that all of mankind are

incomplete as long as they view themselves as male or female, because

half their reality is veiled from them.


> They further explained to Enoch that until a person sees beyond the

illusion of 'separateness' of male and female and realizes their

essential oneness of Being, that they will not be able to perceive the



> They also explained that until this is the case that human beings

also will not be able to relate in a proper manner with the rest of

creation. They then told Enoch to look at them and perceive Truth.

They then opened up to Enoch a great mystery, and Enoch saw the

meaning of what he had heard.


> This vision reminds me of another passage of Scripture, where also,

among other things, it says that 'there is neither male nor female'

for we 'are all one in Christ Jesus':


> " For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all

of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with

Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor

free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in

Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's

offspring, heirs according to promise. " (Galatians 3:26-29)


> Violet



> " I was carried away in a vision to the Land of Oubelseyael, which is

situated between Libanos and Seneser. There I saw a body of people

united in the True Order of Prayer. The Lord Jehovah stood in the

middle of them, but they could not see him, for their faces were



> I asked the holy angel who stood near me, " Why are their faces

veiled so that they cannot see the Lord Jehovah standing among them? "


> The angel replied, " Because they belong to the physical plane, their

eyes are blinded by the veil of darkness so that they cannot perceive

the Light which is among them. Only when they receive that gnosis

which will tear off the veil, will they be able to see that which is

real. Teach them, Enoch; help them rip off the veil and bask in the

radiant Light of Truth. "


> Then I was lifted up to the heavenly plane, where I saw the abode of

the cherubim. Its walls, roof, and floor were all of crystal, as were

its surroundings. Its roof flashed with fire, and a flame burned

around its walls. Its entrance, also, was a gate of fire. When I

entered this dwelling, it was hot as fire, and cold as ice.


> Looking beyond this abode, I saw another habitation, more spacious

than it. Its entrance was open before me, and it was enveloped in a

vibrating flame. So greatly did it excel the first in every way, that

it is impossible to even compare the two.


> But what was my surprise to be led to a third dwelling, greater than

the former two combined. Attentively I surveyed it, and I saw within

it a glowing seat of power. From beneath this seat of power, flowed

rivers of flaming fire. On the seat of power, sat two radiant Beings,

whose robes were brighter than the sun, and whiter than anything in

creation. Surrounding them were the sanctified, who had been saved out

of all the creations of the Eloheim. These continually praised them

who sat on the seat of power, centering in their radiant Light, but

they did not give counsel to the Beings who sat on the seat of Light,

for they needed none.


> I stood in their presence, trembling at their majesty, but one of

them spoke to me. " Approach us, Enoch, " he instructed, " and hear our

holy word. " Then I was lifted up, and approached their seat of power,

but I hardly dared look at them. One of them spoke to me again. " Look

at us, Enoch, " she said, " for we are the Eloheim, male and female,

even as we have begotten mankind in our own likeness. But this is the

great secret, Enoch. We are not different from each other, but

different manifestations of the same reality. The Eloheim are Eloheim;

they may appear to you to be male or female, but if they were either,

they would be halves, not whole, and wholeness is the attribute of

Deity. The Eloheim are not male or female, but Eloheim. The sanctified

are not male or female, but sanctified. All of mankind are incomplete,

as long as they view themselves as male or female, for half of their

reality is veiled from them. You must see beyond the illusion of

separateness to the essential oneness of Being, in order to perceive

Truth. Until then, you cannot relate, in a proper manner, with the

rest of creation. Look at us, Enoch, and perceive Truth. " Then they

opened up to me a great mystery, and I saw the meaning of what I had

heard. "


> (http://www.thepearl.org/Book_of_Enoch.htm)




> , " Violet " <violet.tubb@

> ..> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > The " Book of Enoch " existed centuries before the birth of Christ


> was regarded as Scripture by many early Christians. Apparently, the

> earliest literature of the " Church Fathers " is filled with


> to the " Book of Enoch " . However, the authorities discredited and

> banned it. Consequently......it gradually passed out of circulation

> until its rediscovery by the famous explorer, James Bruce, in 1773.

> >

> > i am sure you will enjoy reading about this lost " Book of Enoch "

> that has been found again.....and from what i have read so far.....


> " Book of Enoch " seems to contain many 'missing pieces' (of

> information) which help to clarify a lot of what is also written in

> the Bible.

> >

> > with love and best wishes,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > " We first learn of Enoch in Genesis 5 but it leaves us with

> questions.Hebrews 11 has the answers and Jude quotes Enoch! How did

> Jude come to know the words of Enoch? They are not in the Bible. The

> answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. A book which is actually

> quoted by Jude in the New Testament. What is the Book of Enoch and

> where did it come from?

> >

> > Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah. The Book of Enoch chapter

> 68:1 " And after that my great-grandfather Enoch gave me all the

> secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him,

> and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the

> parables. "

> >

> > The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ

> and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology

> than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians.


> earliest literature of the so-called " Church Fathers " is filled with

> references to this mysterious book. The early second century

" Epistle

> of Barnabus " makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third

> Century " Church Fathers " like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and

> Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian

> (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch " Holy Scripture " . The

> Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon.


> was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ.


> and many other books became discredited after the Council of


> And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually


> out of circulation.

> >

> > At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be


> > renewed interest in the Book of Enoch which had long since been


> > to the modern world. By the late 1400's rumors began to spread


> > somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist.

> > During this time many books arose claiming to be the long lost


> > and were later found to be forgeries.

> >

> > The return of the long lost Book of Enoch to the modern western

> world

> > is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773


> > from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost

> > book. In 1821 Richard Laurence published the first English

> > translation. The famous R.H. Charles edition was published in


> In

> > the following years several portions of the Greek text surfaced.

> Then

> > with the discovery of cave 4 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, seven

> > fragmentary copies of the Aramaic text were discovered. "

> >

> > (http://reluctant-messenger.com/enoch.htm)

> >


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