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John Noyce claims to have been divinely inspired by God Almighty to write

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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Chandra and All,


> One of these characters has compiled a lot of information about

> the mystical experiences of the great saints of the past, yet at

> the same time this character has figuratively 'slapped me on the

> fingers' when on this forum i referred to the spiritual knowledge

> that the Adi Shakti had revealed through the instruments of

> Jagbir's children.



John Noyce claims to have been divinely inspired when he compiled

all those prophecies and mystical experiences. He gave me that BS

when passing on his " Book on Sahaja Yoga Prophecies " file or

something to that effect.


i thought that i would be getting a priceless treasure trove of

prophecies and use it for my website. But when i opened the trunk

(of prophecies) all i found were trinkets of prophecies collected

from all over the world. It was such a disappointment to see not

even a single prophecy linked to Shri Mataji's Advent. Not a single

page explaining what the prophecy has to do with Shri Mataji.


But still i posted them at the www.adishakti.org website.


Later at the Sahaja Yoga Response Forum i found out what a control

freak and tantrum-prone cry-baby he was. He practically elbowed and

shoved his way into controlling the forum, and was immediately

disliked by Ivan Pavinsky, Furat, Sattwa and others. Those who knew

him warned me that he is a convicted control-freak Down Under. But we

had to allow him because he had some early SY facts. JN knew that

too and extracted maximum fringe benefits, over and above his CEO

appointment, chauffered Bentley, two-months paid Hawaiian vacation,

daily manicure for his pink poodle " Sta Sta Stameh " , footsoaking

facilities under his Borneo mahogony desk, and a always stuffed

ajwan hookah in the loo. He wailed and bawled loudly every time we

disagreed with him. (All my children combined, and my neigbour's cat

litter as well, never wailed or hissed as much in years as he did in

a few short weeks.)


He was so emotionally immature that he even threw away the

moderatorship of Simon's forum, just because i told him i am not

going to be held ransom to his constant tantrums. He resigned in

protest after we had fought so long and hard to get him elected!!!!

i could not believe my eyes that he could become such an emotional

wreck and social disaster if disobeyed. HE JUST THREW AWAY THE

MODERATORSHIP!!! Even till today the sheer dumbness of his emotional

instabilty still makes me shake my head in disbelief. He even

resorts to harakiri to compell total obedience. That is so scary.


Luckily some management SY monitoring the forum brought some sense

into him, and ambitiously Will-wannabe as he is, immediately took

the moderatorship back. JN is just unbalanced, unpredictable, and

always demanding complete control. SYs must defer to his judgment

and commands. (i pity those who chaffed under his collective.)


All this made me realize that this is no divinely inspired writer,

and that his collection of prophecies were just that - a collection

of prophecies trawled from the internet sea-floor. How could a

person behaving so arrogantly, demanding so much control, and prone

to immature tantrums be ever inspired by God Almighty? And what have

all that inspired prophecies done to promote Sahaja Yoga? And how

can God Almighty allow such an inspired person to go after those who

only want to tell the Truth and uphold Her Divine Message?


It is just that his claim of being inspired by the Divine is plain

BS. It is a false claim, a larger than life lie that reminds me of

Paul. The Divine would never inspire murmuring souls like John

Noyce, murmuring souls who are now active members of the

Inquisytion. JN claims divinity but rejects those who never have

dared utter so, innocent children who only have told the truth that

was witnessed about our Divine Mother.


i wonder what he would have claimed if he had a mere 1% of my

childrens' gifts from the Adi Shakti. i dare not speculate.



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> John Noyce claims to have been divinely inspired when he compiled

> all those prophecies and mystical experiences. He gave me that BS

> when passing on his " Book on Sahaja Yoga Prophecies " file or

> something to that effect.


> i thought that i would be getting a priceless treasure trove of

> prophecies and use it for my website. But when i opened the trunk

> (of prophecies) all i found were trinkets of prophecies collected

> from all over the world. It was such a disappointment to see not

> even a single prophecy linked to Shri Mataji's Advent. Not a


> page explaining what the prophecy has to do with Shri Mataji.



Dear All,


When Shri Mataji was talking about music in one lecture, She said

that any music that was not in the service of the Divine was filth.

By extension any scholarship or intellectual endeavour that does

support the Divine, that does express the glory of God in some way,

is an abomination. If John Noyce had tried to palm off a " Book on

Sahaja Yoga Prophecies " without a single prophecy relating to Shri

Mataji then it had been a fraud perpetrated on an unsuspecting

Jagbir, to put it bluntly.


Shri Mataji has always been quite distrustful of intellectuals and

has never held them in very high esteem. For example, in one talk

She said: " The other day we had some people who had read Vedantas,

this, that, but when it came to self-realization they're nowhere, so

what's the use of reading all that. It's like reading about

Brighton, 'Oh, Brighton is like this, you go to Brighton you can see

this and that part.' Only reading, when are you going to go there?

Reading about all these things can give you just a mind which has

read many things, worth nothing. If you read about gold, you don't

buy gold, do you? "


Further in the talk (excerpted below) She noted about one very well-

read and highly learned gentleman: " Yesterday a gentleman asked me

questions which I liked and then I asked Warren to work on him. He

has read all the books about Indian philosophy, about Kundalini, he

knows about everything and he couldn't get his realization. " This

goes to show that all the learning and intellectual accomplishment

mean nothing to the Adi Shakti when it comes to getting self-

realization. Innocence and humility are the only way to go.


You will notice that this excerpt is taken from a public program

given by Shri Mataji in the southern English town of Brighton in

1981. And, whadayaknow, John Noyce was actually present at the

public program. Brighton was the home town of JN then. In the mid-

eighties, probably after an inordinate amount of deep introspection,

JN decided to decamp ol' Blighty and migrated to the Antipodes.





" ...The other day we had some people who had read Vedantas, this,

that, but when it came to self-realization they're nowhere, so

what's the use of reading all that. It's like reading about

Brighton, 'Oh, Brighton is like this, you go to Brighton you can see

this and that part.' Only reading, when are you going to go there?

Reading about all these things can give you just a mind which has

read many things, worth nothing. If you read about gold, you don't

buy gold, do you? In the same way, Spirit is to be achieved and to

be established. This is the snag of Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga we

have no enrollment, you cannot pay for it, there is no, nothing like

what you call, membership or anything. But it's a river flowing of

love where you have to bathe yourself, improve yourself and enrich

yourself and become something, a higher personality. That's what it

is and that's a difficult thing for people. They said, 'Alright

Mother, if you want money we give you four rupees, write down our

name.' We can't. That's a difficult thing but English have always

done something great. Like last war, they are the ones who stopped

it. And that's how today I have great faith that one day this heart

of the Universe will rise as William Blake has said. I am sure what

he wished two hundred years back will come true. And that's why I'm

in England working for the emancipation of all of us to achieve that

spiritual status where we become the citizens of God's Kingdom. May

God bless you.


Today we will not have many questions because I have to go back to

London but we'll have the experience of Sahaja Yoga. Yesterday

people asked me lots of questions. Where's that gentleman who asked

me such a lot of questions yesterday, he's gone? He's no more.

Yesterday a gentleman asked me questions which I liked and then I

asked Warren to work on him. He has read all the books about Indian

philosophy, about Kundalini, he knows about everything and he

couldn't get his realization and today he's not here. So you can

imagine how frivolous people are. When you read you start

identifying yourself with the books. You think, 'I am Shakespeare.'

You don't become Shakespeare by reading. That's what happens and

then when you do not settle down in it, when you do not want to have

it I cannot force it because you are a free person, you have to be

free to choose it, you have to ask for it, I cannot force on you.

This is the big problem. Your freedom is to be respected because you

have to get your ultimate freedom. For that I must respect your

freedom. It cannot be forced, you cannot be enticed. You have to

come with complete free will and your own desire. "


(Public Program, Brighton, England, 11th July, 1981)

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