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We need to see the 'tares' among the 'wheat', Rajan...

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Dear Rajan,


Rajan, it is not about the false gurus and their organizations that we

need to concern ourselves with, as much as it is the 'tares' among the

'wheat' of the very Organization of Sahaja Yoga itself.


The 'tares' have managed to spread widely and to overcome and dominate

the the crop of 'wheat'. The way things are going there will not be a

great 'harvest', because the 'tares' have ruined the crop of wheat by

not looking after its Grains of Truth.


It is the 'tares' that have diminished Her Personhood to the " Outside

World " ...yes...even while revering Her as a Divine Incarnation within the

" Inside World " of the Organization of Sahaja Yoga, she is being 'touted' as a

mere meditation teacher to the " Outside World " .


She IS, after all, the Queen of the Universe, but as far as the

" Outside World " knows, she is only a meditation teacher. She is Mary,

the Mother of Jesus, but as far as the " Outside World " knows, She is

just a meditation teacher. She is the 'Comforter' that Christians are

eagerly awaiting, but they don't know that She has come because they

only think that She is a meditation teacher among heaps of meditation

teachers today. She is actually the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit,

but is only being promoted as a meditation teacher. Any " Outside

Person " will tell you that the Organized Sahaja Yoga Promotion

Department is doing a shoddy job.


At this forum we are no longer holding only the Sahaja Yoga Organizers

responsible...but we are now telling that every Sahaja Yogi themselves

is responsible. Lets put it this way:


REAL SAHAJA YOGIS... (and at one point, Shri Mataji said that She would be happy

if She had ONLY five of them)... WILL DO the RIGHT thing by Shri Mataji,

regardless of any opposition from the Organizers of Sahaja Yoga...who ARE NOT



It is WAY PAST the DUE DATE to gather the strength and fortitude to be honest

to the " Outside World " of Who She Really Is. There is no excuse anymore. Any

excuse can only be a symptom of the 'tares' having

dominated the 'wheat' which just cannot produce its grains of Truth to

the " Outside World " . And if Sahaja Yogis cannot see this, then they

too have become 'blinded' by the high stalks of 'tares', which by the

way, have promoted themselves VERY WELL and have also strengthened

themselves very well with all the nutritional resources from the



When Shri Mataji Has Her Mahasammadhi, these same 'tares' in the

organization will continue to promote the Physical Incarnation of the

Divine Mother, rather than encourage SY's to get to know the Divine

Mother Within themselves. But this is why Shri Mataji had to come on Earth in

the first place! To introduce us to the Divine Mother, Holy Spirit, within



As it stands....when Shri Mataji has Her Mahasammadhi, Her Divine

Message will not be promoted by any 'stretch of the imagination' by

Sahaja Yoga Organization, because Her Divine Message is not being

promoted by Sahaja Yoga Organization EVEN NOW!!!


Rajan, at risk of repeating myself...She came to introduce us to the Divine

Mother Within Ourselves so we can worship Her there, of which Her Physical

Incarnation on Earth is only a temporary vehicle. Sure, the Incarnation of the

Divine Mother is worthy of worship on Earth, however, it is Shri Mataji's Wish

that we worship the Divine Mother within us, and that is why She has introduced

the Divine Mother to us. The physical incarnation was only a temporary vehicle

of the Divine Mother to achieve that outcome... so that we can worship Her in

Spirit and in Truth within ourselves, and so will all Nations on Earth be able

to do that, whether they are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or Sikh.


All these important factors are NOT EVEN NOW being taught or promoted

by the 'organizers' of Sahaja Yoga. All these important factors are

EVEN NOW being completely disregarded. THIS IS THE DANGER. THIS IS THE ANTI-GOD

FORCE that is worse than any other false guru, because it is

right within the Organization of the TRUE GURU HERSELF!


Jesus speaks quite clearly and in detail on this subject below.







" While Jesus was speaking to me, a group of people, led by several

priests, ran

up to us. They were carrying large stones and shouting angrily. I

thought that

they were going to throw the stones at us and kill us, but Jesus said

to me,

`John, don't fear death, for death is an illusion. I have told you

many times

that those who come against us are blind, with no guide to direct

them. If you

want to see what they see, place your hands over your eyes.' When I

placed my

hands over my eyes, I could see nothing. `That is what they see of


explained Jesus. `Now place your hands over your eyes again.' This

time I saw a

bright Light, brighter than the light of the sun, which descended

until it

enveloped us. `This is the Reality which they cannot see,' explained




" Then he said to me, `Cover your ears, and you will hear what the

priests and

the people are saying.' When I covered my ears, I could hear the

priests and the

experts in the Mosaic Law murmuring to one another, but I could not

make out

their words because of the noise of the crowd. When I told this to the


he instructed me to cover my ears again. This time I could hear the

priests and

the experts in the Law. To my surprise, they were commending Jesus'


although they were doing so grudgingly. `His teachings must originate


darkness,' one of them said, `for we cannot fault anything he says,

but if he

continues saying it, it will mean the end of our existence as a

nation.' I don't

think he realized how true this was, for the Spirit of Truth was


through that man, prophesying the destruction of their nation because


rejected that Truth which could have preserved them.


" I perceived that many of the people were favorably impressed that


teachers could find no real flaw in Jesus' teachings. When I told the


this, he replied, `Many of them will follow us for awhile, but then

they will

turn away, returning to the father of lies who is the source of their


and of their fears. They will follow us until they glimpse the Reality

I have

come to reveal, but they will be so frightened by the vision of it

that they

will race back to the darkness from which they have come. After I have

left you,

you will see this happen. They will accept me as a dead man, because

then they

do not have to deal with my Reality, just as their predecessors have

honored the

dead prophets while rejecting the living ones. I am the Living One who


descended from the Living Parents. Although they will think they have

killed me,

I will continue to live, for I will ascend back to the Parents where I

will live

forever. All those who become part of me will likewise ascend to

Eternal Lives,

but those who follow a dead god will remain dead. For them there is

only Eternal



" `When I have departed from you, many will come in my name proclaiming


version of Truth, but they will be dead guides of those who are dead.

They will

build great churches in my name, but there will be no life in them.

You will

recognize them by their deeds, for they will take those who come to

them and

enmesh them more firmly in the chains of darkness than they were

before. They

will lock them into their systems of dogma so that their spirits

cannot ascend

to the vision of Truth. They will teach them to reject me, the Lord of

Life, in

favor of the Lord of Death who does not grow, does not progress, does

not rise

above the mortal condition. He who does not rise cannot raise others

up to

Light. I go before you to mark the Way. Those who follow me will

ascend forever

through Endless Lives.'


" Then I asked the Redeemer, `How can we discern between those who are


you and those who are following an Anti-Christ, one who appears to be

you but

whose substance is illusion?' This is what the Master explained to me.


there are three different entities, all of whom are called mankind.

There are

those who are trapped in physical existence. These eat and sleep. They


wine and promiscuously engage in sexual intercourse. They act

according to

instinct, doing whatever pleases their bodies, and whatever does not


their bodies they abstain from doing. They are no different from any

other kind

of animal. Their bodies become their gods, governing their decisions

and their

deeds. These form the vast majority of mankind.


" `Separate from these is a much smaller group which is trapped in


existence. These have the capacity to be human, although they may

never develop

that capacity. They govern their choices by their mental processes.

They are

reasonable and logical, but they cannot rise above the limitations of


mind. They act according to rational thinking, doing whatever pleases


minds, and whatever does not please their minds they abstain from

doing. Their

minds become their gods, governing their decisions and their deeds.

These are

the servants of the demiurge, who maintain that their way of thinking

is right

and all others are wrong. They are so convinced of their self-

righteousness that

they cannot perceive the Sun of Righteousness when it shines right

before them.


" `The smallest group of all consists of those who live on a spiritual


These transcend the limitations of mortal existence. They join the

angels and

rise to dwell among the Eloheim while they are still in mortality.

These are not

trapped by their bodies or their minds, for they bring body and mind


subjection to the Light within them so that they are transformed into

the Divine

image. These put on the mind of Christ. They become the Father and the

Son, the

Son submitting to the Father in every situation.


" `As long as you remain in mortality,' he continued, `you will not be

able to

discern who is in what group, for they grow as tares among wheat, but

those who

ascend to live on a spiritual plane will be called out by the More

Sure Word of

Prophecy and brought into the Body of the Firstborn through a holy

anointing so

that you will know them. Others may not know them, but you will know

them, just

as you will be known by them. Those who are deaf and blind to Truth

will join

together, for mortals prefer the company of their own kind, and they


separate themselves from you, for they will be uncomfortable in your

Light. They

will set up their own churches in the image of my Body, but there will

be no

Life in them except that which they borrow from my teachings, so that

while they

may have the illusion of life for a little while, they will eventually

die and

dissolve into that darkness which is their Source. Ultimately there

are only two

churches, the Church of the Lamb of the Eloheim and the church of the

gods of

darkness. You can know them by their fruits, for people do not gather

figs from

thorn bushes or grapes from thistles. As long as a church is leading


toward Light, it is the Church of the Lamb of the Eloheim, but when it


stakes around them to confine them within its dogma, it becomes to

them the

church of the gods of darkness. You will know them by their fruits. "





















<r_batra_2000 wrote:


> Dear All,


> 'Dead' here means Mrut-Atman. It means those are dead

> spirits who have been Anti-God for millions of years.


> The truth is that you are the spirit - the purest form

> of God almighty. That is why you find yourself on the

> correct side of the fence.


> You are the pure spirit, and this human body is a form

> granted to you.


> Dead spirits have been Anti-God for all times. And,

> the human form of theirs is a form granted to them.

> Which they are cleverly and slyly using to propagate

> Anti-Sahaj and Anti-Mother activities.


> Filth attracts filth, and that is why you see such a

> large collectivity of fools in organizations run by

> false gurus.


> These false gurus use black magic and put dead spirits

> into your left and right channels, which disturbs your

> left swadhisthana (pure knowledge) and the right

> swadhisthana (seat of action) causing you to do

> Anti-God activities and consequently taking you miles

> away from Self Realization and God Almighty.


> Such darkness......really .......... !!!


> But there is no sin in the Universe which Mahadev and

> Lord Jesus cannot forgive.


> Hence, all is forgiven in the universal play of

> Shakti.


> Hence, let us wait and watch for the drama to

> unfold...


> And, in the meantime, strengthen our Sahaj.


> best,


> Rajan





> --- Violet <violet.tubb wrote:


> > Dear All,

> >

> > In the Gnostic Scriptures it is told that after

> > Jesus had Risen, a group of his closest disciples

> > were sitting together with Him beside the Sea of

> > Galilee and they were discussing many things, some

> > of which can be read about in the URL below.

> >

> > One particular topic they discussed, which is of

> > particular interest, is that Jesus warned His

> > Disciples that after His departure, 'many' would

> > come in His Name who would proclaim their own

> > version of Truth while at the same time they were

> > not really understanding Jesus's Truth.

> >

> > Jesus explained to His Disciples that these `many'

> > would just be 'dead' guides of those who are `dead'.

> > The phrase 'dead' guides of those who are 'dead'

> > also brings to mind a similar phrase that Jesus

> > used, when He called the Pharisees 'blind leaders of

> > the blind'.

> >

> > But what does 'dead' guides of those who are 'dead',

> > and 'blind' leaders of the 'blind' really mean?

> >

> > They both have one thing in common and that is that

> > they have no spiritual insight and they have people

> > come to them who also have no spiritual insight.

> >

> > Those who do have spiritual insight, for the very

> > reason of having that spiritual insight, have no

> > need for these 'dead' guides or 'blind' leaders.

> >

> > Jesus however, did tell the disciples how to

> > recognize these 'dead' guides and 'blind' leaders.

> > He said:-

> >

> > 1. They would build great churches in His Name, but

> > there will be no life in these churches.

> >

> > 2. They would take those who come to them and enmesh

> > them more

> > firmly in the chains of darkness than they were

> > before.

> >

> > 3. They would lock those who come to them into their

> > systems of dogma so that their spirits cannot ascend

> > to the vision of Truth.

> >

> > 4. They would teach those who come to them to reject

> > the Lord of Life, in favor of the Lord of

> > Death...who does not grow, does not progress, and

> > does not rise above the mortal condition.

> >

> > 5. They themselves would not rise and therefore they

> > could not raise others up to the Light either.

> >

> > Jesus did however, reassure his disciples when he

> > told them that He went before them to " Mark the Way "

> > for them to follow and He promised that those who

> > would follow Him...would ascend.

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > " When I have departed from you, many will come in my

> > name proclaiming

> > their version of Truth, but they will be dead guides

> > of those who are

> > dead. They will build great churches in my name, but

> > there will be no

> > life in them. You will recognize them by their

> > deeds, for they will

> > take those who come to them and enmesh them more

> > firmly in the chains

> > of darkness than they were before. They will lock

> > them into their

> > systems of dogma so that their spirits cannot ascend

> > to the vision of

> > Truth. They will teach them to reject me, the Lord

> > of Life, in favor

> > of the Lord of Death who does not grow, does not

> > progress, does not

> > rise above the mortal condition. He who does not

> > rise cannot raise

> > others up to Light. I go before you to mark the Way.

> > Those who follow

> > me will ascend forever through Endless Lives. "

> >

> >

> (http://www.thepearl.org/Mystery_of_the_Crucifixion.htm)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >








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