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How Christian doctrine and dogma ‘doctors’ have edited out the Divine Feminine….

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" Today i received an email that justifies the need to have a website entirely

dedicated to the Holy Spirit. (i think some SYs may have questioned the need for

seven different sites.) The email reads:


" Thank you for the quick reply. The reason I am writing is because a friend of

mine gave me the link to your website, and I now have a question or two that I

can't find the answer to on there. I do pray you can and will answer them for

me: -


1) Does your belief system allow that Jesus Christ is God Almighty as proclaimed

by the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 9:6 and by Jesus Himself in the book of

Revelation chapter 1 verse 8?


(J) "



Dear Fundamentalist Christian,


A belief system is only ever a `belief system'. Fundamentalist Christians need

to realize that a belief system is only ever going to be a belief system... and

not the Ultimate or " Absolute Truth " Itself.


The fact that there are so many different belief systems in the different

Christian denominations....should in and of themselves already tell a person

that these are but external man-made 'partial' truths which often relate to a

particular Christian Denomination. I am talking about such things as belief in

predestination or not, belief in full immersion Water Baptism or belief in

sprinking of Holy Water only instead....differing codes of living, such as

imbibing or not imbibing of alcoholic beverages, and the list goes on.


Then when it comes to theology, which is " the science of God " ...the doctrine and

dogma `doctors' have really complicated that and they argue endlessly about

theology (the science of God). And if some of it DOES make sense, it is usually

so profound that no ordinary person can make head nor tail out of it, (By the

way i am talking from personal experience and i HAVE STUDIED THEOLOGY. i even

got 100% in my exam, but did it make sense?! NO!


The other thing that Christians need to know... is that NO `BELIEF SYSTEM' can

in and of itself produce " Absolute Truth " because a 'belief system' is just

that... a belief system....NO MORE AND NO LESS.


What i am REALLY SAYING is that no one's MERE `belief system' has the Power to

Transform Lives, because the Power of God is not in a `belief system', even

though the purveyors of `belief systems' may have you convinced of that

fact....so PLEASE....BE WARNED! No `belief system' will give you Salvation.

Salvation comes from the Holy Spirit's Power within, and not from any Man-Made

Belief System.


A lot of Christian people have been lured into a false sense of security in that

they think that if they believe in a certain `belief system' they will obtain

their Salvation


" J " , for instance, believes that his particular belief system does that for him,

when in actual fact it will be his putting into practice the instructions of

Jesus and going into the Temple of the Holy Spirit within himself, that will

lead to " J " 's salvation. That is why his very approach to me was to question my

'belief system' to see if it DID INDEED match up with his 'chosen' doctrine and

dogma 'doctor's' belief system. It is of VITAL IMPORTANCE to " J " , because he

believes that a 'wrong' belief system (to be read as 'any belief system that is

not exactly like his')...immediately 'announces' itself to be Anti-God. This is

the mindset (and believe me....it is a MIND 'SET' that will not be

'moved')characteristic of Fundamentalism.


However nice as they are, and community oriented as they are....mere going to

church, mere singing hymns and mere outward displays profit nothing if it does

not come from the Spirit Within. The Real Thing cannot take place on the

outside. It has to take place on the inside. Jesus said " Seek me and you will

find me, knock and the Door will open " . This is Inward Seeking and not external

Outward Seeking. For those Christians who have never 'sought within', please

take Jesus's Words seriously. Follow them, and look within the Inner Temple

where resides the Spirit.


The explanation that Jesus is " Mighty God " but not " All Mighty God " has already

been made, as Jesus said that no one had seen or heard His Father, who is

" Almighty God " . In other words, " All Mighty God " never incarnates! I have

already explained that it is `nonsensical' and absurd to even think that a `son'

is his `father'.


Instead, it is a case of them being " One In Spirit " . Jesus expresses this

One-ness of Spirit in the Words: -


" Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me. " (John



The same is the case with all Christians who receive the Real Baptism of the

Holy Spirit, which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the promised Christian `Comforter'

has come to give to those who ask. It is an actual experience that is felt as a

Cool Breeze or Wind on the hands, as the disciples of Jesus felt on the Day of

Pentecost. This is a Sure Sign that cannot be faked. No doctrine and dogma

`doctors' can give you that!


So...whom are you going to believe...Someone who enables you to have your

Spiritual Resurrection.... or someone who JUST TALKS about spiritual

resurrection. Yes, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the 'promised Comforter' who is

giving us our 'Resurrection of Our Spirit', also known as the Second Birth of

the Spirit, NOW! The Holy Spirit within rises and takes your Spirit to the

Kingdom of God within yourself! And this is felt as a Cool Wind of the Holy

Spirit. This is a real experience that will quieten all doubts. It is the Holy

Spirit/Comforter within that awakens and arises and carries us to the Kingdom of

God within!


However, Fundamentalist Christians are not in a position to welcome and accept

the " Christian Comforter " who has come, because She has been `edited right out'

of Christian teachings and Christian understanding.


The thing is... Jesus is not only in the Bosom of His Father... but He is also

in the Bosom of His Mother, whom the Christians call the " Holy Spirit " . Coming

back to the Trinity, the Three-In-One... have you ever heard of a Father having

a Son without a Mother? No... it is absolutely absurd and nonsensical to think

otherwise! Remember, " As above, so below " . The truth is that the doctrine and

dogma `doctors' just edited Her out... that's all!


She was well known to be Sophia, Spirit of Wisdom by the Greeks, for example.

The Divine Mother of the Universe (the Holy Spirit) was worshipped before the

Advent of Jesus Christ. It was the patriarchal influence that diminished the

matriarchal identity when they edited " God, the Mother " to be a genderless `holy

spirit'. A Holy Spirit... She Is For Sure, but Her gender was taken away. " God

All Mighty " is spoken of in the masculine gender. God the Son is spoken of in

the masculine gender. God, the Mother was rewritten as `a Holy Spirit' and Her

gender was removed, so that we did not know She was the Divine Mother! There are

many references in the Bible which actually refer to " God, the Mother " but you

would not know it, because She comes under various other names for God.


Here is some information regarding the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian

tradition. That does not mean you have to become `steeped in it'. It is just

that you should at least have a general understanding of it... that's all.


I know that the doctrine and dogma `doctors' will not like you to read about

traditional Judeo-Christian theology, because they have broken from tradition,

and made up their own theology. The things is, the traditional Judeo-Christian

theology actually 'agrees' with the 'belief systems' of all other spiritual

traditions, because it came from 'ancient roots'. This knowledge is therefore a

very 'basic fundamental' that has been lost to the average 'Christian

Fundamental', and that is why they are confused and think that a Son could also

be His Own Father.


As the Western ecclesiastical circles, who are the doctrine and dogma

`doctors' enjoy academic fame, they have not made it generally known what they

actually know themselves.... and this is that the " Holy Spirit " ...is actually

" God, the Mother " and the Holy Spirit

is actually the " Power of God All Mighty " and they are like the Sun

and the Sun's Light, so close in connection to each other. They are

One! In fact, " God, the Father " , " God, the Mother " , and " God, the Son "

are One In Spirit!




Please read the informative topic below on the subject of the Divine Feminine:


The Divine Feminine


Usually when one envisions a personification of " God " within the Western

paradigm of religious culture, one envisions a masculine figure. Therefore many

assume there is no " Divine Feminine " aspect within the Western Tradition, but

this is not the case. Although it is not bandied about within Western

ecclesiastical circles...the Divine Feminine is definitely within the Western

Judeo-Christian tradition and is alternatively paired with the Divine Masculine

aspect or seen as the cause and birther of the Divine Masculine in



Now within the Western tradition there is only the " One, " and that One i neither

masculine/feminine nor any other " physical " appellation/description we could

imagine. It is beyond the beyond, it is the Ain, the Ain Soph, the Ain Soph Aur

(The Limitless Light of No Thing), and ot of that effluence of " All " the " One "

extrudes...or emanates...itself into physical form (the many become one and the

one become many). This is the beginning of the kabbalistic " tzim tzum " theory,

and the " Tree of Life " in one way is a hierarchical map of the One's energies as

they are stepped down into physical matter. As these energies are stepped down,

it is often easier to describe them with masculine/feminine appellations and



There are ten positions on the " Tree of Life " ; the first three are named the

Supernal Triangle and incorporate the extrusion of the " One " Kether (sometimes

referred to as crown or will). From Kether, instantaneously in some schools of

thought and sequentially in others, two more positions (sephirah) are

extruded…Binah and Chokmah. Chokmah is often shown as male, the bearded

gray-headed man of most Western art depicting " God, " and he is referred to as

wisdom. The position is masculine/active in nature. The other sephir that is

created in this initial outbreath of the " One " is Binah, " Understanding " . Binah

is the Divine Feminine, the " sea " from where all is birthed into form and to

which all will return…she is the collective potential of all that will and can

be. In the of Western Judeo-Christian philosophy she is often called the

Shekinah, " the presence of God, " and it is she that nurtures, guides and births

the children of Israel (which means consciousness).


In the book of Genesis in the Bible we have it clearly stated not that God,

Jehovah or YHWH created the heavens and the earth, but that the Elohim did. Now

Elohim is a feminine noun that means " Creator Goddesses. " This would be in

alignment with the tzim tzum theory of emanation that form flows forth from

Binah, the Divine Feminine...which when within the plane of manifestation, as we

noted before, is called the Shekinah (presence of God).


When Miriam (the name derives from the word for sea), who is the Priestess to

the Shekinah, dies in the desert while the children of Israel (consciousness)

are wandering, they no longer have water, for the Shekinah has left (so the

Bible says). Moses is told (by YHWH which means " creation " ) to " ask " a rock

(meaning faith) to bring forth water (meaning the flow of Spirit). Moses is too

stuck in his masculine polarity, and instead of asking uses force and strikes

the rock with his rod to bring forth water. Because of this not honoring of the

Divine Feminine he is not allowed to go into the promised land. Think about it



This Trinity can be seen again within the Christian tradition, and yet has been

re-named as Father, Son, Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost would equate to the Divine

Feminine, and even earlier in our Western Tradition the " dove " was a symbol of

the Divine Feminine and the harbinger of the covenant with Noah. Thus Jesus is

empowered by the Divine Feminine, the Holy Spirit.


So at base level the entire Judeo-Christian theology is based on the Divine

Feminine (though you won't get many to currently admit it in orthodox circles).

In fact Jehovah, YHWH, the being that most people think is " God " in Western

tradition, isn't mentioned till much later in Genesis, and it actually means

" creation " . YHShWH or Joshua, the name of Jesus, has a " Shin " in the center,

which is considered a " Mother letter " in Hebrew...the letter of the Divine

Feminine that can manifest in matter through the principle of purifying fire.

Like the dove descending into Jesus. Jesus serves the Shekinah, as he states in

the New Testament: he is come not to change the law but to fulfill it; remember

Moses didn't fulfill it, he struck the rock. Jesus also says he will baptize by

fire. Interesting, eh?


So if you wish to find the Divine Feminine within the Western Tradition, fulfill

the Law and be Baptized by fire, it might be worth your while to do a little

study on your own. Within the Western Tradition the Divine Feminine is alive

and well. She may be hidden, but she will shine her face upon all those who

seek " the Presence of God. "



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