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The Sure Sign of those who have been “Born Again”….

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Jesus explained to Nicodemus, a teacher of Israel, about the manifestation of

the " Wind " of the Holy Spirit that manifests in every person that is " Born of

the Spirit " . Jesus explained to Nicodemus that " this Wind " blows where it wishes

and you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where its coming from…. or where

it's going!


Jesus said to Him:


" Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom

of God. Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit,

he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is

flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said

to you, `You must be born again.' The WIND blows where it wishes and you hear

the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; SO



The verses above were a great mystery to me until I heard and experienced what

Shri Mataji said about being " Born Again " . Shri Mataji said that when we are

" Born of the Spirit " , that we would feel the " Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost " .

Shri Mataji has therefore clarified what Jesus taught, and what many Christians

do not know. Many Christians do not know that when we are " Born of the Spirit "

we will actually experience the " Cool Breeze or Wind of the Holy Ghost " . Jesus,

in the above-quoted Words alluded to this fact, but it only seemed like an

allegory to me, until I actually did feel the Holy

Spirit manifest within me as a " Cool Breeze " . Jesus was actually telling a

Secret Truth, that was not apparent to me until i had my Second Birth of the

Spirit, and also felt this " Wind of the Holy Ghost " .


Until the Advent of Shri Mataji on Earth, who came to teach us about the Holy

Spirit, and to give us the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so that He/She would not

only `be with us, but in us'.....I could never understand that " Holy Spirit "

very well. The closest understanding that I could glean from my Christian

background was that the Holy Spirit was like a " Holy Ghost " that did awesome

things. The Christian theologians with all their `knowledge' did not have the

True Knowledge (Gnosis) as Jesus and Shri Mataji have given it.


Shri Mataji has also explained that the Holy Spirit within us is actually our

" Spiritual Mother " that is WITH us and who will arise WTHIN us.....if we are

ready and willing for that to happen. When She arises WITHIN us, She raises our

Spirit into the Kingdom of Heaven within, and the manifestation of this

experience is that we feel the " Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost " on the hands and

around the head. It is a Sure Sign that we have been " Born Again " .....of the

Spirit. The temple of God INDEED DWELLS WITHIN US: -


" Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God

dwells in you? " (1 Corinthians 3:16)


It is always the mother that gives birth. Our physical mother gives us our

physical birth, and our Spiritual Mother gives us our Spiritual Birth. Shri

Mataji on Earth, Who is an Incarnation of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Beloved

Mother, Immaculate Virgin) in Heaven, a.k.a. the Holy Spirit of God All

Mighty….has introduced me to the individual Spiritual Mother within myself. Shri

Mataji on Earth has told us that we each have the reflection of the All

Pervading Power of God, a.k.a. our Divine Mother, a.k.a. the Holy Spirit within

each of us. This " Holy Spirit " is actually the Power of God, whereby All Mighty

God is like the " Sun " and His Shakti/Holy Spirit/Spirit is like the " Sun's

Light " . They are One!


This makes the understanding of the " Holy Spirit " much more substantial indeed

than a `mere " Holy Ghost' with no understanding of this " Holy Ghost " . It is most

important at this Time of the Last Judgement and Resurrection that we get to

know our individual Spiritual Mother within us. She dearly wants us to KNOW HER,

for She will raise us to meet our Heavenly Father in the Kingdom of God within

our Souls in the area known as " Sahasrara " according to Hindu Cosmology.

However, Christians do not call it the " Sahasrara " ; they call it the Kingdom of

God within, but it is the SAME PLACE!


I can attest to the fact that this " Holy Wind " is a `knowing, loving, embracing

and understanding Wind that informs the Spirit. As Jesus has truly said, all who

are " Born of the Spirit " will experience this Sure Sign of that fact. It is a

sign that cannot be `faked' in any way whatsoever. The Disciples of Jesus also

experience this " Wind " on the Day of Pentecost: -


The Day of Pentecost...


" And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place,

and suddenly there came from Heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it

filled the whole house where they were sitting. " (Acts 2:1-2)


Theologians have said we cannot have the " Day of Pentecost " ourselves. They have

told me that it is a 'Once-Off thing' that only the Disciples of Jesus could

have! However, the prophet Joel Himself said that " the Spirit would be poured

out upon all flesh " :-


" And it will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all

mankind. " (Joel 2:28)


Jesus called it " Being Born Again " . Shri Mataji calls it " Being Born Again/Being

Born of the Spirit " , but She also calls it " Self-Realization " because we begin

to realize Who we really are, which is the Spirit. We realize that we are not

the Body, because the body dies. We realize that we are not our Emotions,

because emotions come and go. We realize we are not our Thoughts, because

thoughts come and go. However, we realize that we are the " Spirit " . It is a

wonderful realization indeed, this " Self/Spirit-Realizaton " .


The experience of Self-Realization is the same experience Jesus gave to those He

also encountered. Once a person has received the Spirit and been " Born Again of

the Spirit " , they can then also help others to have their " Second Birth of the

Spirit " . This is similar to how, once you light a candle, that 'lit' candle can

be used to light other candles.


It was only when they received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost that the

Disciples of Jesus were empowered to help others to receive Her also. The Day of

Pentecost came only to a few Disciple and those they subsequently helped.

However, the Day of Pentecost is available in an 'en masse' way now, because the

" Comforter " whom Jesus foretold would come....has come. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

is indeed the Spiritual Mother who is the Christian `Comforter' that Jesus

promised would come. Through the Advent of the Christian `Comforter'.....many

are already being " Born Again " of the Spirit. The Time has come which was

prophesied about by the prophet, Joel.


She is within our very Being, ready to raise us up to the Kingdom of God



" And it will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all

mankind. " (Joel 2:28)



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