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A most priceless of knowledge: The Primordial Mother residing in Sahasrara

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> i will be posting a series of lectures that is most priceless in

> comprehending God Almighty, way over and above all that religious

> organizations have taught over the centuries. It is also the

> deepest truth that humans will ever realize, one that the Shakti

> within is part and parcel of. Perhaps it may allow us to

> understand why all the prophets and messengers of God on whom the

> various religions have been formed, without exception, meditate on

> the Shakti in the Spirit World. Again i repeat - without exception!


> But why do all - Shri Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha,

> Radha, Krishna, Shiva, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others -

> meditate only on the Holy Spirit/Shakti/Ruh? The answer is the

> Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti are

> one and the same.


> The Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman exists within us as The Light which

> is always above His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti. At all times Shri

> Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha, Radha, Krishna, Shiva,

> Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others meditate on the Spirit/God

> Almighty/Brahman (Father) and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti

> (Mother).


> Shakti and Brahman are one and the same like the sun (Brahman) and

> its light (Shakti).


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> Wishing Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a Very Happy 83rd. Birthday. Just

> bought some budding Chinese Bamboo shoots bedded in a concave

> transparent glass vase with three layers of small pebbles. It is

> my small spring gift to Her that i will try to nourish and watch

> grow.


> Within the Sahasrara the Shakti is eternally youthful and

> extremely beautiful beyond all words of praise and description.

> She has not aged even a single second since She granted the first

> audience in November 1993. She is the Primordial Mother that gave

> birth to me, and to all, countless eons ago. She was, is, and will

> always be within you.


> So celebrate Her eternal nature with Joy.


> Jai Shri Mataji!





The Primordial Mother residing in Sahasrara


" When the actions of the Yogi are, through the service of the Lotus

feet of his Guru, in all respects good, then he will see above it

(the Ajna Chakra) the form of Mahanada, and will ever hold in the

Lotus of his hand the Siddhi of Speech. The Mahanada, which is the

place of dissolution of Vayu is the half of Shiva, and like the

plough in shape, is tranquil and grants boons and dispels fear, and

makes manifest pure Intelligence (Buddhi).


Above all these, in the vacant space (the Supreme Ether) wherein is

Shankhini Nadi, and below Visarga is the Lotus of a thousand petals

(Akula). This Lotus, lustrous and whiter than the full Moon, has its

head turned downward. It charms. Its clustered filaments are tinged

with the color of the young Sun. Its body is luminous with the

letters beginning with A, and it is the Absolute bliss.


Within it (Sahasrara) is the full Moon, without the mark of the

hare, resplendent as in a clear sky. It sheds its rays in profusion,

and is moist and cool like nectar. Inside it, constantly shining

like lightning, is the Triangle and inside this, again, shines the

Great Void which is served in secret by all the Devas.


Well concealed, and attainable only by great effort, is that subtle

Bindu (Shunya) which is the chief root of Liberation and which

manifests the pure Nirvana-Kala with Ama-Kala. [There are seventeen

Kalas (digits) of the Moon, but the nectar-dropping Ama and the

Nirvana-Kala are only at this stage revealed.] Here is the Deva who

is known to all as Parama-Shiva. He is the Brahman and the Atma of

all beings. In Him are united both Rasa and Virasa [the bliss of

liberation and that arising from the union of Shiva and Shakti], and

He is the Sun which destroys the darkness of nescience and delusion.


By shedding a constant and profuse stream of nectar-like essence,

the Bhagavan instructs the Yati [the self-controlled, whose mind is

unified with the object of worship] of pure mind in the knowledge by

which he realizes the oneness of the Jivatma and the Paramatma. He

pervades all things as their Lord, who is the ever-flowing and

spreading current of all manner of bliss known by the name of Hamsah



The Shaivas call it the abode of Shiva; the Vaishnavas call it

Parama Purusha; others again, call it the place of Hari-Hara. Those

who are filled with a passion for the Lotus feet of the Devi call it

the excellent abode of the Devi; and other great sages (Munis) call

it the pure place of Prakriti-Pursha.


That most excellent of men who has controlled his mind and known

this place is never again born in the Wandering (Samsara) as there

is nothing in the three worlds which binds him. His mind being

controlled and his aim achieved, he possesses complete power to do

all he wishes, and to prevent that which is contrary to his will. He

ever moves towards the Brahman. His speech, whether in prose or

verse, is ever pure and sweet.


Here is the excellent sixteenth Kala of the Moon. She is pure, and

resembles the young Sun. She is as thin as the hundredth part of a

fibre in the stalk of a lotus. She is lustrous and soft like ten

million lightning flashes and is down-turned. From Her, whose source

is the Brahman, flows copiously the continuous stream of nectar (or,

She is the receptacle of the stream of excellent nectar which comes

from the blissful union of Shiva and Shakti.


Inside it (Ama-kala) is Nirvana-Kala, more excellent than the

excellent. She is as subtle as the thousandth part of the end of a

hair, and of the shape of the crescent moon. She is the ever-

existent Bhagavati, who is the Devata who pervades all beings. She

grants divine knowledge, and is as lustrous as the light of all the

suns shining at one and the same time.


Within its middle space (the middle space of Nirvana-Kala) shines

the Supreme and Primordial Nirvana-Shakti; She is lustrous like ten

million suns, and is the Mother of the three worlds. She is

extremely subtle, and like unto the ten-millionth part of the end of

a hair. She contains within Her the constantly flowing stream of

gladness (Prema) and is the life of all beings. She graciously

carries the knowledge of the Truth (Tattva) to the mind of the Sages.


Within Her is the everlasting place called the abode of Shiva, which

is free from Maya, attainable only by Yogis, and known by the name

of Nityananda. It is replete with every form of bliss, and is pure

knowledge itself. Some call it the Brahman; others call it the

Hamsa. Wise men describe it as the abode of Vishnu, and righteous

men speak of it as the ineffable place of knowledge of the Atma, or

the place of Liberation. "


'The Serpent Power' by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodruff)

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Dera Jagbirji Joining you in wishing Shri Mataji Birthday. Your wishes touched my heart and brought tears. Jai shri Matajijagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: , "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org wrote:>> Dear All,> > i will be posting a series of lectures that is most priceless in > comprehending God Almighty, way over and above all that religious > organizations have taught over the centuries. It is also the > deepest truth that humans will ever realize, one that the Shakti > within is part and parcel of. Perhaps it may allow us to > understand why all the prophets and messengers of God on whom the > various religions have been formed, without

exception, meditate on > the Shakti in the Spirit World. Again i repeat - without exception!> > But why do all - Shri Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha,> Radha, Krishna, Shiva, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others -> meditate only on the Holy Spirit/Shakti/Ruh? The answer is the> Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti are> one and the same.> > The Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman exists within us as The Light which> is always above His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti. At all times Shri> Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha, Radha, Krishna, Shiva,> Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others meditate on the Spirit/God> Almighty/Brahman (Father) and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti > (Mother).> > Shakti and Brahman are one and the same like the sun (Brahman) and > its light (Shakti).> ,

"jagbir singh" <adishakti_org wrote:>> Dear All,> > Wishing Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a Very Happy 83rd. Birthday. Just > bought some budding Chinese Bamboo shoots bedded in a concave > transparent glass vase with three layers of small pebbles. It is > my small spring gift to Her that i will try to nourish and watch > grow.> > Within the Sahasrara the Shakti is eternally youthful and > extremely beautiful beyond all words of praise and description. > She has not aged even a single second since She granted the first > audience in November 1993. She is the Primordial Mother that gave > birth to me, and to all, countless eons ago. She was, is, and will > always be within you.> > So celebrate Her eternal nature with Joy.> > Jai Shri Mataji!> > The Primordial Mother residing in Sahasrara"When the actions of

the Yogi are, through the service of the Lotus feet of his Guru, in all respects good, then he will see above it (the Ajna Chakra) the form of Mahanada, and will ever hold in the Lotus of his hand the Siddhi of Speech. The Mahanada, which is the place of dissolution of Vayu is the half of Shiva, and like the plough in shape, is tranquil and grants boons and dispels fear, and makes manifest pure Intelligence (Buddhi).Above all these, in the vacant space (the Supreme Ether) wherein is Shankhini Nadi, and below Visarga is the Lotus of a thousand petals (Akula). This Lotus, lustrous and whiter than the full Moon, has its head turned downward. It charms. Its clustered filaments are tinged with the color of the young Sun. Its body is luminous with the letters beginning with A, and it is the Absolute bliss.Within it (Sahasrara) is the full Moon, without the mark of the hare, resplendent as in a clear sky. It sheds its rays in

profusion, and is moist and cool like nectar. Inside it, constantly shining like lightning, is the Triangle and inside this, again, shines the Great Void which is served in secret by all the Devas.Well concealed, and attainable only by great effort, is that subtle Bindu (Shunya) which is the chief root of Liberation and which manifests the pure Nirvana-Kala with Ama-Kala. [There are seventeen Kalas (digits) of the Moon, but the nectar-dropping Ama and the Nirvana-Kala are only at this stage revealed.] Here is the Deva who is known to all as Parama-Shiva. He is the Brahman and the Atma of all beings. In Him are united both Rasa and Virasa [the bliss of liberation and that arising from the union of Shiva and Shakti], and He is the Sun which destroys the darkness of nescience and delusion.By shedding a constant and profuse stream of nectar-like essence, the Bhagavan instructs the Yati [the self-controlled, whose mind is

unified with the object of worship] of pure mind in the knowledge by which he realizes the oneness of the Jivatma and the Paramatma. He pervades all things as their Lord, who is the ever-flowing and spreading current of all manner of bliss known by the name of Hamsah Parama.The Shaivas call it the abode of Shiva; the Vaishnavas call it Parama Purusha; others again, call it the place of Hari-Hara. Those who are filled with a passion for the Lotus feet of the Devi call it the excellent abode of the Devi; and other great sages (Munis) call it the pure place of Prakriti-Pursha.That most excellent of men who has controlled his mind and known this place is never again born in the Wandering (Samsara) as there is nothing in the three worlds which binds him. His mind being controlled and his aim achieved, he possesses complete power to do all he wishes, and to prevent that which is contrary to his will. He ever moves

towards the Brahman. His speech, whether in prose or verse, is ever pure and sweet.Here is the excellent sixteenth Kala of the Moon. She is pure, and resembles the young Sun. She is as thin as the hundredth part of a fibre in the stalk of a lotus. She is lustrous and soft like ten million lightning flashes and is down-turned. From Her, whose source is the Brahman, flows copiously the continuous stream of nectar (or, She is the receptacle of the stream of excellent nectar which comes from the blissful union of Shiva and Shakti.Inside it (Ama-kala) is Nirvana-Kala, more excellent than the excellent. She is as subtle as the thousandth part of the end of a hair, and of the shape of the crescent moon. She is the ever-existent Bhagavati, who is the Devata who pervades all beings. She grants divine knowledge, and is as lustrous as the light of all the suns shining at one and the same time.Within its middle space (the

middle space of Nirvana-Kala) shines the Supreme and Primordial Nirvana-Shakti; She is lustrous like ten million suns, and is the Mother of the three worlds. She is extremely subtle, and like unto the ten-millionth part of the end of a hair. She contains within Her the constantly flowing stream of gladness (Prema) and is the life of all beings. She graciously carries the knowledge of the Truth (Tattva) to the mind of the Sages.Within Her is the everlasting place called the abode of Shiva, which is free from Maya, attainable only by Yogis, and known by the name of Nityananda. It is replete with every form of bliss, and is pure knowledge itself. Some call it the Brahman; others call it the Hamsa. Wise men describe it as the abode of Vishnu, and righteous men speak of it as the ineffable place of knowledge of the Atma, or the place of Liberation."'The Serpent Power' by Arthur Avalon (Sir John


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, preetibala vasthava

<preetu551 wrote:


> Dear Jagbirji


> Joining you in wishing Shri Mataji Birthday. Your wishes touched

> my heart and brought tears.


> Jai shri Mataji



Thanks Preetibala Vasthava for this heartfelt joy and tears of

unspeakable gratitude of Her Gifts and Glory.


i did say



> So celebrate Her eternal nature with Joy.




This is specially for you:


So celebrate Her eternal nature with Joy ......... and yours too.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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