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Dear Violet, i decided to replace www.holyspirit-mother with www.holyspirit-shek

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Dear Violet,


After reading this:




Among the Hebrews one of the traditional names of God is the

Shekinah, and, interestingly, it is a feminine gender noun. Many

Hebrews saw her as the mother or feminine aspect of God. The early

scribes (later called rabbis) added Shekinah in biblical verses

where the verb shakhan is used in relation to God. Shakhan literally

means " to dwell " or " to live with " , or even " to pitch one's tent. "

The Shekinah means the God-Who-Dwells-Within, and developed

primarily after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon in 587 BCE,

especially as it proffered hope to a people lost in bitter exile. To

console an Israel in Diaspora, the comforting, forgiving and loyal

presence of the Shekinah emerged. In the Talmud it says: " They were

exiled to Babylon, the Shekinah with them. They were exiled to

Egypt, the Shekinah with them. " And, it says in Lamentations 1,

5, " Her children are gone into captivity, " and immediately after

(1,6), " From Zion her splendour is departed. " (Note the use of " her "

for God and " splendour " is also one of the ways to describe the

Shekinah). Other terms referring to the Shekinah are " the glory "

and " radiance " , and she was the cloud by night and pillar of fire by

day that led the Israelites through the Sinai wilderness. She is

also closely related to the Sophia tradition in the Hebrew Bible

(the Old Testament) in Proverbs and other books. Sophia (a Greek

feminine noun) is the Wisdom aspect of God. As a Wisdom Teacher

Jesus was very closely related to the Sophia Tradition.


The Shekinah eventually became an interchangeable term with the Holy

Spirit in both Judaism and Christianity. She is often pictured as a

bird or dove. In Christianity the Holy Spirit is seen as the

Advocate, Guide and Comforter (John 14:16-26 and Acts 9:31), and we

can clearly see the Judaic origins of this tradition. There is even

a more direct connection to the Hebrew tradition of the Shekinah, as

St. Paul, the former Pharisee, stresses the indwelling nature of the

Holy Spirit throughout his famous passage in Romans 8: " But you are

not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God

dwells in you. " (Romans 8:8) There is even a universalist tradition

in some Hebrew Midrash writings: " I call heaven and earth to witness

that whether it be Gentile or Israelite, man or woman, slave or

handmaid, according to the deeds which he does, so will the Holy

Spirit rest upon him. " This is reminiscent of John's report of

Jesus' statements to Nicodemus, when Jesus said: " The wind [spirit]

blows where it chooses…. " (John 3:8), that is, the Holy Spirit will

serve all peoples, not just Christians or Jews. Paul also offers a

similar notion in Galatians 3:28: " There is no longer Jew or Greek,

there is no longer slave and free, there is no longer male and

female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. " And, it is well-

established that both Paul and John frequently equated Jesus Christ

with the Holy Spirit as seen in the Romans 8 passages and the

Paraclete passages of John 14-16. "



i think " mother " may be too Eastern for the western Judeo-Christian

mind. " Shekinah " is a better choice as She is the Holy Spirit too.

So i have replaced www.holyspirit-mother with www.holyspirit-

shekinah. This will synthesize and harmonize Jewish and Christian

teachings. Moreover, it will give you more material and options to

work and expand the intitial base over time.


Shri Mataji wants us to draw all religions together and bring peace

and harmony among their followers. It is only the Divine Feminine

and Her Divine Message to humanity that will enable this. That Jews

too are waiting for the Messiah will be most relevant to this

challenging task in www.holyspirit-shekinah.org. You now have the

optimum conditions to nourish your creative talents and desire. i

see great future potential in this sacred undertaking. i have chosen

to relinquish all control over this project so that you can be

totally unfettered to bring the best of your creative talents and

communicative skills. i cannot contain the joy and confidence that

tomorrow a great oak tree will grow from this tiny acorn you have in

the palm of your hands today. i wish you success and Her guidance in

this well-deserved endeavour. Perhaps She is pleased with your years

of steadfast devotion and it is Her Gift to you.


warmest regards,




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Dear Jagbir,


i too have tears (not in my eyes but in my heart) for your beautiful words.

Thank you so much for this opportunity, which will take time for me to

accomplish, however, as i surrender to Her re this project, i know She will

accomplish what needs to be done.


i have an overseas guest (a niece staying) at the moment and i cannot give my

full attention to the task at hand. It may be 2 more weeks that she is staying

which is nice, too in that i will get to know a family member i have only seen

maybe 3 times in her lifetime as she is only 19 years old. She is a beautiful

soul coming from a Christian Fundamentalist background, so i find it difficult

to do such writings at the moment. However, the young people i think are

different. There does seem to be a seeking, and not the same 'fundamentalistic

blindness' and this gives me hope for them, too. In any case, my sisters and

brothers seem to be more open minded and not so 'fundamentalistically minded' as

the older generation were. There definitely seems to be a difference. It may not

seem so outwardly, but when i talk to them, it seems that way,

inwardly...anyway. Maybe, it is just that they are sincere Christians and

beautiful souls, too.


Jagbir, i again want to thank you for this opportunity. i see much potential

too. The " Shekinah " is a definite winner. Even when i was in Christianity, the

Shekinah Word came up. There was a Christian hymn with the word " Shekinah " in

it, and when i sang that Word, something always 'welled' up within me; a

'knowing' of some kind. i would ask what " Shekinah " meant, and nobody could

really tell me. Now, i think that the Word " Shekinah " is probably more

understood among Christians, especially Pentecostal Christians who often use

that Word. Maybe, also the word " Shekinah " was very much 'down-played' in

traditional Christianity, because the theologians taught that the Holy Spirit

only came to the Disciples on the Day of Pentecost - a 'once-off' occasion.

Therefore, in traditional Christian circles, they did not use or encourage the

use of the 'Shekinah' Word. Christians felt that their Jewish brothers and

sisters had rejected Jesus, and a spiritual/religious rift happened due to that



i believe that Christians and Judaism are so closely related. The heritage of

Christianity is from Jewish Roots. And to a great extent Christianity has gone

away from those roots. i would like to explore to a greater extent and bring out

all the Truths. i have no idea what i will write, but as you have told me, just

go into the " Silence " and the words will come.


So, if i am not writing a lot at the moment, i can assure you that my thoughts

and attention is still on this forum/s where are the only place/places i can see

Shri Mataji's Message going forth in greatest detail and for all spiritual

traditions...to help us all to come to a spiritual understanding... as She has

asked us to do.


love and best wishes,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> After reading this:




> Among the Hebrews one of the traditional names of God is the

> Shekinah, and, interestingly, it is a feminine gender noun. Many

> Hebrews saw her as the mother or feminine aspect of God. The early

> scribes (later called rabbis) added Shekinah in biblical verses

> where the verb shakhan is used in relation to God. Shakhan literally

> means " to dwell " or " to live with " , or even " to pitch one's tent. "

> The Shekinah means the God-Who-Dwells-Within, and developed

> primarily after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon in 587 BCE,

> especially as it proffered hope to a people lost in bitter exile. To

> console an Israel in Diaspora, the comforting, forgiving and loyal

> presence of the Shekinah emerged. In the Talmud it says: " They were

> exiled to Babylon, the Shekinah with them. They were exiled to

> Egypt, the Shekinah with them. " And, it says in Lamentations 1,

> 5, " Her children are gone into captivity, " and immediately after

> (1,6), " From Zion her splendour is departed. " (Note the use of " her "

> for God and " splendour " is also one of the ways to describe the

> Shekinah). Other terms referring to the Shekinah are " the glory "

> and " radiance " , and she was the cloud by night and pillar of fire by

> day that led the Israelites through the Sinai wilderness. She is

> also closely related to the Sophia tradition in the Hebrew Bible

> (the Old Testament) in Proverbs and other books. Sophia (a Greek

> feminine noun) is the Wisdom aspect of God. As a Wisdom Teacher

> Jesus was very closely related to the Sophia Tradition.


> The Shekinah eventually became an interchangeable term with the Holy

> Spirit in both Judaism and Christianity. She is often pictured as a

> bird or dove. In Christianity the Holy Spirit is seen as the

> Advocate, Guide and Comforter (John 14:16-26 and Acts 9:31), and we

> can clearly see the Judaic origins of this tradition. There is even

> a more direct connection to the Hebrew tradition of the Shekinah, as

> St. Paul, the former Pharisee, stresses the indwelling nature of the

> Holy Spirit throughout his famous passage in Romans 8: " But you are

> not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God

> dwells in you. " (Romans 8:8) There is even a universalist tradition

> in some Hebrew Midrash writings: " I call heaven and earth to witness

> that whether it be Gentile or Israelite, man or woman, slave or

> handmaid, according to the deeds which he does, so will the Holy

> Spirit rest upon him. " This is reminiscent of John's report of

> Jesus' statements to Nicodemus, when Jesus said: " The wind [spirit]

> blows where it chooses…. " (John 3:8), that is, the Holy Spirit will

> serve all peoples, not just Christians or Jews. Paul also offers a

> similar notion in Galatians 3:28: " There is no longer Jew or Greek,

> there is no longer slave and free, there is no longer male and

> female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. " And, it is well-

> established that both Paul and John frequently equated Jesus Christ

> with the Holy Spirit as seen in the Romans 8 passages and the

> Paraclete passages of John 14-16. "



> i think " mother " may be too Eastern for the western Judeo-Christian

> mind. " Shekinah " is a better choice as She is the Holy Spirit too.

> So i have replaced www.holyspirit-mother with www.holyspirit-

> shekinah. This will synthesize and harmonize Jewish and Christian

> teachings. Moreover, it will give you more material and options to

> work and expand the intitial base over time.


> Shri Mataji wants us to draw all religions together and bring peace

> and harmony among their followers. It is only the Divine Feminine

> and Her Divine Message to humanity that will enable this. That Jews

> too are waiting for the Messiah will be most relevant to this

> challenging task in www.holyspirit-shekinah.org. You now have the

> optimum conditions to nourish your creative talents and desire. i

> see great future potential in this sacred undertaking. i have chosen

> to relinquish all control over this project so that you can be

> totally unfettered to bring the best of your creative talents and

> communicative skills. i cannot contain the joy and confidence that

> tomorrow a great oak tree will grow from this tiny acorn you have in

> the palm of your hands today. i wish you success and Her guidance in

> this well-deserved endeavour. Perhaps She is pleased with your years

> of steadfast devotion and it is Her Gift to you.


> warmest regards,



> jagbir


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" Shri Mataji wants us to draw all religions together and bring peace >and

harmony among their followers. It is only the Divine Feminine

> and Her Divine Message to humanity that will enable this. That Jews

> too are waiting for the Messiah will be most relevant to this

> challenging task in www.holyspirit-shekinah.org. You now have the

> optimum conditions to nourish your creative talents and desire. i

> see great future potential in this sacred undertaking. i have chosen

> to relinquish all control over this project so that you can be

> totally unfettered to bring the best of your creative talents and

> communicative skills. i cannot contain the joy and confidence that

> tomorrow a great oak tree will grow from this tiny acorn you have in

> the palm of your hands today. i wish you success and Her guidance in

> this well-deserved endeavour. Perhaps She is pleased with your years

> of steadfast devotion and it is Her Gift to you. "


Dear Jagbir,


i again want to say that i thank you for your confidence in me. i too see the

huge potential and we just need to rise to the challenge with confidence. i

definitely see the necessity of this Sacred Task to help to usher in the Golden

Age where people from ALL Spiritual Traditions will one day walk hand in hand in

peace, knowing that they ALL are worshipping the One and Only God All Mighty.


The greatest negativity is ignorance. That is what Shri Mataji has said. If we

can all together with these websites dispel this spiritual ignorance that

separates individuals, families, and nations...miracles of spiritual healing

will occur that will far surpass anything we have even dreamed of. The Tree of

Life will again have its Branches intact and be a flourishing Tree. (i am

talking about the different spiritual traditions which presently have separated

themselves from one



It is the teachings of Shri Mataji and the knowledge that She has given, which

no theologian or other scholar has given that gives us the opportunity to pursue

this Sacred Task. One task that i know that will have to be tackled is this.

Some Christians wrongly feel that Spiritual Unity of the varying spiritual

traditions is actually a sign of the Anti-Christ....the 666...., etc. However,

they are not 'seeing' the Spiritual Unity that also has been prophesied about,

because seeing.... they 'do not see'. It is like the Truth has been 'turned

completely around' by negativity. So, we have a huge task ahead but i know it

will be a spiritually rewarding one.


i am really glad that you have used the name " Shekinah " because it is a Powerful

Name that resonates very deeply. It has always been a special name for me,

somehow. It will also draw together

the Christian and Jewish elements again as they were at the beginning

before Chrisitanity so to speak 'took off on its own'. Thanks Jagbir for this

great idea that will definitely help to draw the two traditions together, thus

eliminating the separation that exists today, even if it is just in the minds of

people. But it will come into their hearts as well, because this 'separation

mentality' is a mentality ONLY. It is not real. The more we show the connections

and reveal the Truth that Shri Matjai has given, the more will this 'artificial

separateness' just dissolve with the Spiritual Light that will be shed on old



It is such a great scope of work that i can only feel to talk simply and

truthfully and plainly about the Shekinah/Holy Spirit, and about God All Mighty.

Shri Mataji always talked simply, plainly and truthfully. Her greatest desire

was for all nations to become spiritually united again, the way it should be.

For we are all brothers and sisters. We all come from the same Mother of All,

and from the same Father of All.


The Truth is really so simple, but it has been twisted to be the opposite of

what it was In The Beginning.


Jagbir, you said:


" You now have the optimum conditions to nourish your creative talents and

desire. i see great future potential in this sacred undertaking. i have chosen

to relinquish all control over this project so that you can be totally

unfettered to bring the best of your creative talents and communicative skills.

i cannot contain the joy and confidence that tomorrow a great oak tree will grow

from this tiny acorn you have in the palm of your hands today. "


(i am so glad, Jagbir, that you do see the 'invisible'. It is a great gift that

you have to see the job that needs to be done, and that you just go ahead and do

it. You can see the great future potential in this Sacred Undertaking, and i

know that it is all the small steps that count. If we take small steps, the big

steps take care of themselves. Every great venture happens from these small

steps taken, which we do not know where they will lead, but the Paramchaitanya

works it out. It is only obedience to the Divine that is required. The Divine

works in amazing ways to perform the tasks at hand that need doing. The task at

hand is the Spiritual Emancipation of Humanity.


We indeed have a great task ahead of us, and i know She will use our efforts and

those others who join us and provide their creative talents also in this

Greatest Task of All Time. There is no task that is more important!)


warmest regards,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> After reading this:




> Among the Hebrews one of the traditional names of God is the

> Shekinah, and, interestingly, it is a feminine gender noun. Many

> Hebrews saw her as the mother or feminine aspect of God. The early

> scribes (later called rabbis) added Shekinah in biblical verses

> where the verb shakhan is used in relation to God. Shakhan literally

> means " to dwell " or " to live with " , or even " to pitch one's tent. "

> The Shekinah means the God-Who-Dwells-Within, and developed

> primarily after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon in 587 BCE,

> especially as it proffered hope to a people lost in bitter exile. To

> console an Israel in Diaspora, the comforting, forgiving and loyal

> presence of the Shekinah emerged. In the Talmud it says: " They were

> exiled to Babylon, the Shekinah with them. They were exiled to

> Egypt, the Shekinah with them. " And, it says in Lamentations 1,

> 5, " Her children are gone into captivity, " and immediately after

> (1,6), " From Zion her splendour is departed. " (Note the use of " her "

> for God and " splendour " is also one of the ways to describe the

> Shekinah). Other terms referring to the Shekinah are " the glory "

> and " radiance " , and she was the cloud by night and pillar of fire by

> day that led the Israelites through the Sinai wilderness. She is

> also closely related to the Sophia tradition in the Hebrew Bible

> (the Old Testament) in Proverbs and other books. Sophia (a Greek

> feminine noun) is the Wisdom aspect of God. As a Wisdom Teacher

> Jesus was very closely related to the Sophia Tradition.


> The Shekinah eventually became an interchangeable term with the Holy

> Spirit in both Judaism and Christianity. She is often pictured as a

> bird or dove. In Christianity the Holy Spirit is seen as the

> Advocate, Guide and Comforter (John 14:16-26 and Acts 9:31), and we

> can clearly see the Judaic origins of this tradition. There is even

> a more direct connection to the Hebrew tradition of the Shekinah, as

> St. Paul, the former Pharisee, stresses the indwelling nature of the

> Holy Spirit throughout his famous passage in Romans 8: " But you are

> not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God

> dwells in you. " (Romans 8:8) There is even a universalist tradition

> in some Hebrew Midrash writings: " I call heaven and earth to witness

> that whether it be Gentile or Israelite, man or woman, slave or

> handmaid, according to the deeds which he does, so will the Holy

> Spirit rest upon him. " This is reminiscent of John's report of

> Jesus' statements to Nicodemus, when Jesus said: " The wind [spirit]

> blows where it chooses…. " (John 3:8), that is, the Holy Spirit will

> serve all peoples, not just Christians or Jews. Paul also offers a

> similar notion in Galatians 3:28: " There is no longer Jew or Greek,

> there is no longer slave and free, there is no longer male and

> female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. " And, it is well-

> established that both Paul and John frequently equated Jesus Christ

> with the Holy Spirit as seen in the Romans 8 passages and the

> Paraclete passages of John 14-16. "



> i think " mother " may be too Eastern for the western Judeo-Christian

> mind. " Shekinah " is a better choice as She is the Holy Spirit too.

> So i have replaced www.holyspirit-mother with www.holyspirit-

> shekinah. This will synthesize and harmonize Jewish and Christian

> teachings. Moreover, it will give you more material and options to

> work and expand the intitial base over time.


> Shri Mataji wants us to draw all religions together and bring peace

> and harmony among their followers. It is only the Divine Feminine

> and Her Divine Message to humanity that will enable this. That Jews

> too are waiting for the Messiah will be most relevant to this

> challenging task in www.holyspirit-shekinah.org. You now have the

> optimum conditions to nourish your creative talents and desire. i

> see great future potential in this sacred undertaking. i have chosen

> to relinquish all control over this project so that you can be

> totally unfettered to bring the best of your creative talents and

> communicative skills. i cannot contain the joy and confidence that

> tomorrow a great oak tree will grow from this tiny acorn you have in

> the palm of your hands today. i wish you success and Her guidance in

> this well-deserved endeavour. Perhaps She is pleased with your years

> of steadfast devotion and it is Her Gift to you.


> warmest regards,



> jagbir


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> i have an overseas guest (a niece staying) at the moment and i

> cannot give my full attention to the task at hand. It may be 2

> more weeks that she is staying which is nice, too in that i will

> get to know a family member i have only seen maybe 3 times in her

> lifetime as she is only 19 years old. She is a beautiful soul

> coming from a Christian Fundamentalist background, so i find it

> difficult to do such writings at the moment. However, the young

> people i think are different. There does seem to be a seeking, and

> not the same 'fundamentalistic blindness' and this gives me hope

> for them, too. In any case, my sisters and brothers seem to be

> more open minded and not so 'fundamentalistically minded' as the

> older generation were. There definitely seems to be a difference.

> It may not seem so outwardly, but when i talk to them, it seems

> that way, inwardly...anyway. Maybe, it is just that they are

> sincere Christians and beautiful souls, too.



Dear Violet,


In this experience lies the answer and surety that time is on our

side i.e., the change in consciousness and critical mass we are

looking for lies in the future. It is the younger generation that is

going to enforce this change because of globalization and its far-

reaching implications. i can see the relentless decay and erosion of

religious regimes creating a spiritual vacuum that will be filled

with the self-realization and faith of God's Kingdom (Sahasrara)

within. The Temple/Church/Mosque/Synagogue/Gurdwara of God Almighty

is within - the more who realize this the greater will be the impact

upon His children. And there is so much more we can talk about this

coming sea of change by standing firm on Her Divine Message.


But we will need to work really hard - 24/7!


However, that does not mean we cannot have a cup of chai, watch a

good movie, take a stroll ............ or, in your case, entertain

guests. Just take it easy and there is no need to rush. How about

uploading www.holyspirit-shekinah.org on May 5, 2006? That would be

really auspicious.


And i am very bullish about Shekinah too. There is indeed great

potential in this undertaking Violet. i am repeating myself because

of my unrestrained confidence that over time it will turn out to be

a masterpiece.


You should realize that ultimately all seven websites will form an

indistinguishable tight tapestry of spiritual colors, religious

patterns, scriptural weaves and knowledge techniques based on Her

Divine Message blueprint and instructions. Just follow Her words to

the letter and She will work everything out for you - i am talking

from years of experience. Specifically www.adishakti.org and www.al-

qiyamah.org is testimony to this truth and Power of the Adi Shakti

because its required preordained Sure Signs to manifest on Earth and

commence Her Divine Message to humanity. They are the rock-solid

foundations that will be further buttressed by the five new sites.

By 2013 we will be done. So there is ample time Violet.


warmest regards,



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