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Supreme devotion is only means by which one can have access to Cosmic Vision

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Dear Preeti and All,


Supreme devotion is only means by which one can have access to

Cosmic Vision. No fleshy eye can behold the Adi Shakti in Her Cosmic

Form. One can see Her only through the eye of intuition or the

divine eye. It should not be confused with seeing through the

physical eye or through the mind. It is an inner divine experience

attained through intense devotion and concentration. The enite

www.adishakti.org website is based on this Vedic Truth on the

spiritual experiences of children able to see Her Cosmic Vision

literally at will. How can anyone challenge the Adi Shakti if they

have sufficient knowledge of their religious traditions?


My doubts too were forever dispelled by the Cosmic Vision the Adi

Shakti granted to my children, a Divine Drama necessary to validate

Her physical incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi. She confirmed that

Her boons were due to my previous births serving Her, perhaps in

supreme devotion. (Management SYs and WCASY may now understand why

it is my job to stop them from suppressing the Truth and hijacking

Her Divine Message to humanity. i am just doing the task She has

entrusted me with.)


So why was is it necessary that certain individuals, like B.K. the

skeptical aerospace engineer, are shonw the Cosmic Vision? i can

only say that it is due to their past rebirths serving the Shakti

with supreme devotion. Shri Arjuna too has a similar expereince like



Arjuna's doubts having been removed through a clear description of

the nature of the Atman and the origin and destruction of all

created things, he is now ready to behold the Cosmic Vision.


Krishna grants him the divine sight by means of which Arjuna beholds

the Lord as the vast Cosmic Manifestation. The vision is at once all-

comprehensive and simultaneous. In every direction Arjuna sees the

Lord as the entire universe. All the created worlds, gods, beings,

creatures and things stand revealed as the one gigantic body of the



Arjuna further sees that the great cosmic drama is set in motion and

controlled by the all-mighty power of the Lord. His Will alone

prevails in all things and actions, both good and bad. The Lord

exhorts him to fight, he being only an apparent cause of the

destruction of his enemies.


Arjuna is unable to bear the pressure of the sudden expansion of

consciousness and is filled with fear. He begs the Lord to assume

once more His usual form.


Krishna reiterates that this vision cannot be had through any amount

of austerities, study, sacrifices or philanthrophic acts. Supreme

devotion is the only means by which one can have access to His grand



Arjuna said:


1. By this explanation of the highest secret concerning the Self,

which Thou hast spoken out of compassion towards me my delusion is



COMMENTARY: After hearing the glories of the Lord, Arjuna has an

intense longing to have the wonderful Cosmic Vision.


2. The origin and the destruction of beings verily have been heard

by me in detail from Thee, O lotus-eyed Lord, and also Thy

inexhaustible greatness!


3. (Now), O Supreme Lord, as Thou hast thus described Thyself, O

Supreme Person, I wish to see Thy Divine Form!


4. If Thou, O Lord, thinkest it possible for me to see it, do Thou,

then, O Lord of the Yogis, show me Thy imperishable Self!


The Blessed Lord said:


5. Behold, O Arjuna, My forms by the hundreds and thousands, of

different sorts, divine and of various colours and shapes!


6. Behold the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the two Asvins and

also the Maruts; behold many wonders never seen before, O Arjuna!


7. Now behold, O Arjuna, in this, My body, the whole universe

centred in the one—including the moving and the unmoving—and

whatever else thou desirest to see!


8. But thou art not able to behold Me with these, thine own eyes; I

give thee the divine eye; behold My lordly Yoga.


COMMENTARY: No fleshy eye can behold Me in My Cosmic Form. One can

see Me only through the eye of intuition or the divine eye. It

should not be confused with seeing through the physical eye or

through the mind. It is an inner divine experience attained through

intense devotion and concentration.


Sanjaya said:


9. Having thus spoken, O king, the great Lord of Yoga, Hari

(Krishna), showed to Arjuna His supreme form as the Lord!


10. With numerous mouths and eyes, with numerous wonderful sights,

with numerous divine ornaments, with numerous divine weapons

uplifted (such a form He showed).


11. Wearing divine garlands and apparel, anointed with divine

unguents, the all-wonderful, resplendent (Being), endless, with

faces on all sides,


12. If the splendour of a thousand suns were to blaze out at once

(simultaneously) in the sky, that would be the splendour of that

mighty Being (great soul).


13. There, in the body of the God of gods, Arjuna then saw the whole

universe resting in the one, with its many groups.


14. Then, Arjuna, filled with wonder and with hair standing on end,

bowed down his head to the Lord and spoke with joined palms.


Arjuna said:


15. I behold all the gods, O God, in Thy body, and hosts of various

classes of beings; Brahma, the Lord, seated on the lotus, all the

sages and the celestial serpents!


16. I see Thee of boundless form on every side, with many arms,

stomachs, mouths and eyes; neither the end nor the middle nor also

the beginning do I see, O Lord of the universe, O Cosmic Form!


17. I see Thee with the diadem, the club and the discus, a mass of

radiance shining everywhere, very hard to look at, blazing all round

like burning fire and the sun, and immeasurable.


18. Thou art the Imperishable, the Supreme Being, worthy of being

known; Thou art the great treasure-house of this universe; Thou art

the imperishable protector of the eternal Dharma; Thou art the

ancient Person, I deem.


19. I see Thee without beginning, middle or end, infinite in power,

of endless arms, the sun and the moon being Thy eyes, the burning

fire Thy mouth, heating the entire universe with Thy radiance.


20. The space between the earth and the heaven and all the quarters

are filled by Thee alone; having seen this, Thy wonderful and

terrible form, the three worlds are trembling with fear, O great-

souled Being!


21. Verily, into Thee enter these hosts of gods; some extol Thee in

fear with joined palms: " May it be well. " Saying thus, bands of

great sages and perfected ones praise Thee with complete hymns.


22. The Rudras, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, Visvedevas, the two Asvins,

Maruts, the manes and hosts of celestial singers, Yakshas, demons

and the perfected ones, are all looking at Thee in great



23. Having beheld Thy immeasurable form with many mouths and eyes, O

mighty-armed, with many arms, thighs and feet, with many stomachs,

and fearful with many teeth, the worlds are terrified and so am I!


24. On seeing Thee (the Cosmic Form) touching the sky, shining in

many colours, with mouths wide open, with large, fiery eyes, I am

terrified at heart and find neither courage nor peace, O Vishnu!


25. Having seen Thy mouths, fearful with teeth, blazing like the

fires of cosmic dissolution, I know not the four quarters, nor do I

find peace. Have mercy, O Lord of the gods! O abode of the universe!


26. All the sons of Dhritarashtra with the hosts of kings of the

earth, Bhishma, Drona and Karna, with the chief among all our



27. They hurriedly enter into Thy mouths with terrible teeth and

fearful to behold. Some are found sticking in the gaps between the

teeth, with their heads crushed to powder.


28. Verily, just as many torrents of rivers flow towards the ocean,

even so these heroes of the world of men enter Thy flaming mouths.


COMMENTARY: Arjuna sees all the warriors, whom he did not wish to

kill, rushing to death. He knows now that the Lord has already

destroyed them, so why should he worry about the inevitable.


29. As moths hurriedly rush into a blazing fire for (their own)

destruction, so also these creatures hurriedly rush into Thy mouths

for (their own) destruction.


30. Thou lickest up, devouring all the worlds on every side with Thy

flaming mouths. Thy fierce rays, filling the whole world with

radiance, are burning, O Vishnu!


31. Tell me, who Thou art, so fierce in form. Salutations to Thee, O

God Supreme! Have mercy; I desire to know Thee, the original Being.

I know not indeed Thy doing.


The Blessed Lord said:


32. I am the mighty world-destroying Time, now engaged in destroying

the worlds. Even without thee, none of the warriors arrayed in the

hostile armies shall live.


33. Therefore, stand up and obtain fame. Conquer the enemies and

enjoy the unrivalled kingdom. Verily, they have already been slain

by Me; be thou a mere instrument, O Arjuna!


34. Drona, Bhishma, Jayadratha, Karna and all the other courageous

warriors—these have already been slain by Me; do thou kill; be not

distressed with fear; fight and thou shalt conquer thy enemies in



Sanjaya said:


35. Having heard that speech of Lord Krishna, the crowned one

(Arjuna), with joined palms, trembling, prostrating himself, again

addressed Krishna, in a choked voice, bowing down, overwhelmed with



Arjuna said:


36. It is meet, O Krishna, that the world delights and rejoices in

Thy praise; demons fly in fear to all quarters and the hosts of the

perfected ones bow to Thee!


37. And why should they not, O great soul, bow to Thee who art

greater (than all else), the primal cause even of (Brahma) the

creator, O Infinite Being! O Lord of the gods! O abode of the

universe! Thou art the imperishable, the Being, the non-being and

That which is the supreme (that which is beyond the Being and non-



COMMENTARY: The Lord is Mahatma. He is greater than all else. He is

the imperishable, so He is the proper object of worship, love and



38. Thou art the primal God, the ancient Purusha, the supreme refuge

of this universe, the knower, the knowable and the supreme abode. By

Thee is the universe pervaded, O Being of infinite forms!


39. Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the moon, the creator, and

the great-grandfather. Salutations, salutations unto Thee, a

thousand times, and again salutations, salutations unto Thee!


40. Salutations to Thee from front and from behind! Salutations to

Thee on every side! O All! Thou infinite in power and prowess,

pervadest all; wherefore Thou art all.


41. Whatever I have presumptuously uttered from love or

carelessness, addressing Thee as O Krishna! O Yadava! O Friend!

regarding Thee merely as a friend, unknowing of this, Thy greatness,


42. In whatever way I may have insulted Thee for the sake of fun

while at play, reposing, sitting or at meals, when alone (with

Thee), O Achyuta, or in company—that I implore Thee, immeasurable

one, to forgive!


43. Thou art the Father of this world, unmoving and moving. Thou art

to be adored by this world. Thou art the greatest Guru; (for) none

there exists who is equal to Thee; how then can there be another

superior to Thee in the three worlds, O Being of unequalled power?


44. Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I crave Thy

forgiveness, O adorable Lord! As a father forgives his son, a friend

his (dear) friend, a lover his beloved, even so shouldst Thou

forgive me, O God!


45. I am delighted, having seen what has never been seen before; and

yet my mind is distressed with fear. Show me that (previous) form

only, O God! Have mercy, O God of gods! O abode of the universe!


46. I desire to see Thee as before, crowned, bearing a mace, with

the discus in hand, in Thy former form only, having four arms, O

thousand-armed, Cosmic Form (Being)!


The Blessed Lord said:


47. O Arjuna, this Cosmic Form has graciously been shown to thee by

Me by My own Yogic power; full of splendour, primeval, and infinite,

this Cosmic Form of Mine has never been seen before by anyone other

than thyself.


48. Neither by the study of the Vedas and sacrifices, nor by gifts,

nor by rituals, nor by severe austerities, can I be seen in this

form in the world of men by any other than thyself, O great hero of

the Kurus (Arjuna)!


49. Be not afraid nor bewildered on seeing such a terrible form of

Mine as this; with thy fear entirely dispelled and with a gladdened

heart, now behold again this former form of Mine.


Sanjaya said:


50. Having thus spoken to Arjuna, Krishna again showed His own form;

and the great soul (Krishna), assuming His gentle form, consoled him

who was terrified (Arjuna).


Arjuna said:


51. Having seen this Thy gentle human form, O Krishna, now I am

composed and restored to my own nature!


The Blessed Lord said:


52. Very hard indeed it is to see this form of Mine which thou hast

seen. Even the gods are ever longing to behold it.


53. Neither by the Vedas, nor by austerity, nor by gift, nor by

sacrifice, can I be seen in this form as thou hast seen Me (so



54. But by single-minded devotion can I, of this form, be known and

seen in reality and also entered into, O Arjuna!


55. He who does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the

Supreme, who is devoted to Me, who is free from attachment, who

bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to Me, O Arjuna!


COMMENTARY: This is the essence of the whole teaching of the Gita.

He who practises this teaching attains supreme bliss and

immortality. Such a one realises Him and enters into His Being,

becoming completely one with Him. This verse contains the summary of

the entire Gita philosophy.


Thus in the Upanishads of the glorious Bhagavad Gita, the science of

the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna

and Arjuna, ends the eleventh discourse entitled:


" The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form "






Sunday, 9 Nov 1997 01:31:29


Dear V . . .,


I am an aerospace engineer by profession, initially in R & D, and now

in so-called management. My logical mind can understand how certain

facets of SY can be interpreted in negative ways. I used to be one

of the " difficult " ones in the early days, questioning always, and

demanding proof for everything.... and Yes, I finally got the proof!!


I had been questioning the purpose of life at an early age, and

desired to find the " truth " at the age of 12. I was brought up in a

very comfortable, loving, upper middle class family. My parents

could not understand why, instead of enjoying my comforts I had this

odd spiritual longing. Anyway, to cut the story short, I was

emotionally blackmailed into at least completing my university

education before " seeking the truth " .


I met Sri Mataji in London some 20 years ago. Less than 6 months

later, (still a sceptical engineer) I was at Her program (a small

audience of 15 -20). At these programs, when Sri Mataji sat down,

She did a 'namaste' to the audience with Her head bowed and eyes

closed. The audience also closed their eyes. Of course I did not,

and watched her closely from a seat in the front.


I was staring right at Her when She opened Her eyes - and our eyes



It is impossible to describe in words what happened next. I was

drawn into a different dimension, zooming back in time, sabre tooth

tigers, the big bang, and before - ....towards The Beginning,........

and still She was there!!! I shall omit attempts to describe the

forms Sri Mataji was in. (...cf. " when God and Her were born " - Bob

Dylan's Shelter from the Storm)


I was experiencing/seeing the primordial energy source - similar to

the " source " we use in fluid dynamics.


My whole being was enveloped in a zone of absolute silence,

stillness and bliss. I remained in this state for 3 days and nights.

It was sheer ecstacy and complete fulfillment.


Some time later, when I met an old-timer from India, I described the

forms that I saw Sri Mataji in, and I was told that it was the Adi

Shakti - which I had to have explained to me (My childhood had been

mainly programmed by the Methodist church with a good helping of

American mission school



Subsequently, there have been many blissful experiences during my

practice of Sahaja Yoga, and I have seen hundreds of people have

joyful spiritual experiences, initially in Sri Mataji's presence,

and later on during their meditations.


I have experimented with Sahaja Yoga for many years, and have proven

the hypothesis put forward by Sri Mataji again and again. I am one

of many who not only feel the different energies but can also use

them beneficially.


I have no doubt at all that Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the most

unique spiritual personality on the planet today. It would take a

book to write down the many proofs that I have obtained over the

years, and easily an encyclopaedia for what thousands have actually

experienced. I can feel this peace and bliss wherever I am, at work,

in my car, looking at the sunrise, at a leaf, a flower.... it is

sheer Joy, to really FEEL this bliss coursing through your veins as

you enjoy the Beauty of Nature and the Creation.


I would humbly suggest that you yourself approach SY with an open

mind, with scientific curiosity, and try the experimental procedure

and see if it works. You have nothing to lose, and, if what I have

related above is true.....then you are due to experience the greatest

of bliss, beyond all sense pleasures.


I wish you all the best,


With love and thanks . . .,


B. . . K . . . . . .



, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Preeti,


> There are only two options now available to attract seekers, both

> of which have not been explored by the SY organization:


> i) announce the physical Shri Mataji as the Adi Shakti who has

> incarnated on Earth to remove human ignorance through Her Divine

> Message;


> ii) announce the spiritual Adi Shakti within who has incarnated on

> Earth as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to remove human ignorance

> through Her Divine Message.


> i have done both and now am in the process of getting a few more

> websites to enlighten future seekers as to the Truth that is

> shared by all religions. This is going to take a lot of time but

> once completed will be effective in reaching to all races,

> religions and creed. So i have decided to first rework both

> www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org by giving them a new

> format that has the reader's needs as priority. (You may have to

> wait at least two months or so for this.)


> And to insure the very best for their future welfare and present

> interest i have relied exclusively on the Truth. Readers will have

> to judge if my refusal to compromise will allow them to make an

> honest informed decision.


> So this information will also allow you to make a decision too. It

> is so easy for SYs to promote Sahaja Yoga but to do the same for

> the Adi Shakti is not possible for them. Meditate deeply and

> contemplate why all incarnations and great souls announced the

> Truth openly .......... even laying down their lives in its

> defense. Our conscience should remind us to tell the Truth, no

> matter how controversial or hard to believe. Those who read it

> will always remember the Divine Message to humanity, and may

> return years from today. A few may just surrender right away. Both

> ways we have a win win situation. Leave the rest to the Shakti.


> warmest regards,



> jagbir



> , preetibala vasthava

> <preetu551@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear all

> >

> > I am a doctor working in UK. I want to tell about Sahaj Yoga to

> > all my friends who are Indians as well as British, but feel

> > hesitant as how will the people will react if I tell about Shri

> > Mataji adi shakti. Most of them will not believe.

> >

> > I understand that it is difficult to believe unless someone

> > experience it. How to go about this ? Offcourse the best would

> > be to pass them this website which gives every thing which any

> > one need to know about sahaj yoga , rest has to be absolutely

> > independent journey of oneself.

> >

> > Jai Sri Mataji

> >

> >

> > Preeti

> >

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Dear Jagbir and All,


Shri Mataji has also said in response to enquiries that someone wanted to see

Her for Who She Really Is....that it would 'terrify' them. This has become

clearer to me, after reading about how Arjuna became 'terrified' at the vision

of the Cosmic Body that Shri Krishna granted to him. Any human being that is not

prepared for such a vision as Arjuna had, would just disintegrate

psychologically. By this I mean that their whole `worldview' would be turned

upside down and inside out, and they would be very disoriented and not be able

to function properly with the 'awesomely terrifying immensity' of it.


Even through the natural Cycle of Life of a human being, we are often faced with

changes in spiritual perception. Although, it was not of the 'world-stopping'

type of vision that Arjuna had, i experienced natural spiritual change that was

actually very momentous at around the age of 40 years which is when women and

men generally go through (or refuse to gracefully go through) profound

psychological and spiritual changes.


In my case, i was prepared for this change of spiritual perception by a dream

where i literally felt my whole world being 'turned upside down and inside out'

in relation to the way it was previous to that time. External matters receded,

and it was the internal spiritual matters that came to the fore in my

consciousness. At times I felt like the `whole known geographical solid ground'

was literally 'giving way', and i felt i had no choice but to grasp firmly for

the safety of the 'spiritual rope' that seemed to be dangled by some unknown

force right in front of my nose!


With compliments of this 'spiritual rope'...I was `seriously 'bombarded' from

within myself by questions such as… " What is your purpose in life? What have you

REALLY achieved? Where are you heading? What are all the things you have always

left undone because you had no time? Why are you not pursuing them now? What is

holding you back? Whatever it is, you better change it now! I felt I had no

choice other than `going with this new flow of the Spirit', which came from a

deeper Source than I ever realized was there!


A prime motivation also was that it was Time, not just to be my husband's wife,

or my son's mother, or my parent's daughter, but that it was Time to be my Self.

At that time I had not even come to Sahaja Yoga and did not know that I needed

to be my own Master, Teacher and Guru. I did not know about " Being the Spirit " ,

although I knew about the Holy Spirit within. However, I knew...beyond a

doubt...that I had to change (somehow) from a `caterpillar' to a `butterfly'! I

had to be free of all external constraints or rules that restricted my spiritual

freedom! I felt like it was my time to shed all shackles and be the 'Real Me'!

Now, of course, I know that the `Real Me' is the " Spirit " , and i can happily say

that i have found the " Sahaja Yoga " experience which has helped me in the

transition from a 'caterpillar' to a 'butterfly'! I know and understand from

personal experience that a person's `outer worldview' and 'inner spiritual

understanding' can be shaken up and turned upside-down and inside out.


The vision of the Cosmic Body would have been a lifechanging event for Arjuna,

too, as is shown in his subsequent action. Even with all his preparedness, and

the presence of Shri Krishna, it was still a terrifying experience, and kind of

out of his 'comfort zone'. The Cosmic Vision can indeed only be given to those

who are spiritually prepared for it. They have to have their spiritual eyes

opened, and only the Spirit Within can do that. Mere physical eyes do not

perceive the Cosmic Vision. It has to come from within, and only comes with deep

devotion and surrender to the Divine.


This also means that the person is deeply rooted and anchored in the Divine and

therefore they can stay 'oriented' through such an experience. And even though

Arjuna was spiritually prepared and had asked to see Krishna's Divine Form, he

still was terrified when he actually saw it, and Krishna had to thus reassure

him: -


" Be not afraid nor bewildered on seeing such a terrible form of Mine as this;

with thy fear entirely dispelled and with a gladdened heart, now behold again

this former form of Mine. Very hard indeed it is to see this form of Mine, which

thou hast seen. Even the gods are ever longing to behold it. Neither by the

Vedas, nor by austerity, nor by gift, nor by sacrifice, can I be seen in this

form as thou hast seen Me (so easily). " But by single-minded devotion can I, of

this form, be known and seen in reality and also entered into, O Arjuna! He who

does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the Supreme, who is devoted to Me,

who is free from attachment, who bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to

Me, O Arjuna! ( " The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form " - Verses 49,52-55)


David, the Psalmist who became King David and the father of King Solomon, also

wrote a song (Psalm) about the 'fearsomeness' or 'awesomeness' of the Divine's

Power and Dominion: -


" The Lord's Power and Dominion...


The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad.


Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are

the foundation of His throne.


Fire goes before Him, and burns up His adversaries round about. His

lightnings lit up the world; the earth saw and trembled.


The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the

presence of the Lord of the whole earth.


The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples have seen

His glory.


Let all those be ashamed who serve graven images, who boast themselves

of idols; worship Him, all you gods.


Zion heard this and was glad, and the daughters of Judah have rejoiced

because of Thy judgments, O Lord.


For Thou art the Lord Most High over all the Earth; Thou art exalted

far above all gods.


Hate evil, you who love the Lord, Who preserves the souls of His godly



He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.


Light is sown like seed for the righteous, and gladness for the

upright in heart.


Be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones, and give thanks to His Holy

Name. " (Psalm 97)



It was always explained in the Christian tradition, that to `fear God' does not

mean 'to be afraid of Him', but to have awe, respect and to love and adore Him.

Shri Krishna also consoled Arjuna with this same advice when He said: -


" Be not afraid nor bewildered on seeing such a terrible form of Mine as this;

with thy fear entirely dispelled and with a gladdened heart, now behold again

this former form of Mine " .





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Preeti and All,


> Supreme devotion is only means by which one can have access to

> Cosmic Vision. No fleshy eye can behold the Adi Shakti in Her Cosmic

> Form. One can see Her only through the eye of intuition or the

> divine eye. It should not be confused with seeing through the

> physical eye or through the mind. It is an inner divine experience

> attained through intense devotion and concentration. The enite

> www.adishakti.org website is based on this Vedic Truth on the

> spiritual experiences of children able to see Her Cosmic Vision

> literally at will. How can anyone challenge the Adi Shakti if they

> have sufficient knowledge of their religious traditions?


> My doubts too were forever dispelled by the Cosmic Vision the Adi

> Shakti granted to my children, a Divine Drama necessary to validate

> Her physical incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi. She confirmed that

> Her boons were due to my previous births serving Her, perhaps in

> supreme devotion. (Management SYs and WCASY may now understand why

> it is my job to stop them from suppressing the Truth and hijacking

> Her Divine Message to humanity. i am just doing the task She has

> entrusted me with.)


> So why was is it necessary that certain individuals, like B.K. the

> skeptical aerospace engineer, are shonw the Cosmic Vision? i can

> only say that it is due to their past rebirths serving the Shakti

> with supreme devotion. Shri Arjuna too has a similar expereince like

> B.K.


> Arjuna's doubts having been removed through a clear description of

> the nature of the Atman and the origin and destruction of all

> created things, he is now ready to behold the Cosmic Vision.


> Krishna grants him the divine sight by means of which Arjuna beholds

> the Lord as the vast Cosmic Manifestation. The vision is at once


> comprehensive and simultaneous. In every direction Arjuna sees the

> Lord as the entire universe. All the created worlds, gods, beings,

> creatures and things stand revealed as the one gigantic body of the

> Lord.


> Arjuna further sees that the great cosmic drama is set in motion and

> controlled by the all-mighty power of the Lord. His Will alone

> prevails in all things and actions, both good and bad. The Lord

> exhorts him to fight, he being only an apparent cause of the

> destruction of his enemies.


> Arjuna is unable to bear the pressure of the sudden expansion of

> consciousness and is filled with fear. He begs the Lord to assume

> once more His usual form.


> Krishna reiterates that this vision cannot be had through any amount

> of austerities, study, sacrifices or philanthrophic acts. Supreme

> devotion is the only means by which one can have access to His grand

> vision.


> Arjuna said:


> 1. By this explanation of the highest secret concerning the Self,

> which Thou hast spoken out of compassion towards me my delusion is

> gone.


> COMMENTARY: After hearing the glories of the Lord, Arjuna has an

> intense longing to have the wonderful Cosmic Vision.


> 2. The origin and the destruction of beings verily have been heard

> by me in detail from Thee, O lotus-eyed Lord, and also Thy

> inexhaustible greatness!


> 3. (Now), O Supreme Lord, as Thou hast thus described Thyself, O

> Supreme Person, I wish to see Thy Divine Form!


> 4. If Thou, O Lord, thinkest it possible for me to see it, do Thou,

> then, O Lord of the Yogis, show me Thy imperishable Self!


> The Blessed Lord said:


> 5. Behold, O Arjuna, My forms by the hundreds and thousands, of

> different sorts, divine and of various colours and shapes!


> 6. Behold the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the two Asvins and

> also the Maruts; behold many wonders never seen before, O Arjuna!


> 7. Now behold, O Arjuna, in this, My body, the whole universe

> centred in the one—including the moving and the unmoving—and

> whatever else thou desirest to see!


> 8. But thou art not able to behold Me with these, thine own eyes; I

> give thee the divine eye; behold My lordly Yoga.


> COMMENTARY: No fleshy eye can behold Me in My Cosmic Form. One can

> see Me only through the eye of intuition or the divine eye. It

> should not be confused with seeing through the physical eye or

> through the mind. It is an inner divine experience attained through

> intense devotion and concentration.


> Sanjaya said:


> 9. Having thus spoken, O king, the great Lord of Yoga, Hari

> (Krishna), showed to Arjuna His supreme form as the Lord!


> 10. With numerous mouths and eyes, with numerous wonderful sights,

> with numerous divine ornaments, with numerous divine weapons

> uplifted (such a form He showed).


> 11. Wearing divine garlands and apparel, anointed with divine

> unguents, the all-wonderful, resplendent (Being), endless, with

> faces on all sides,


> 12. If the splendour of a thousand suns were to blaze out at once

> (simultaneously) in the sky, that would be the splendour of that

> mighty Being (great soul).


> 13. There, in the body of the God of gods, Arjuna then saw the whole

> universe resting in the one, with its many groups.


> 14. Then, Arjuna, filled with wonder and with hair standing on end,

> bowed down his head to the Lord and spoke with joined palms.


> Arjuna said:


> 15. I behold all the gods, O God, in Thy body, and hosts of various

> classes of beings; Brahma, the Lord, seated on the lotus, all the

> sages and the celestial serpents!


> 16. I see Thee of boundless form on every side, with many arms,

> stomachs, mouths and eyes; neither the end nor the middle nor also

> the beginning do I see, O Lord of the universe, O Cosmic Form!


> 17. I see Thee with the diadem, the club and the discus, a mass of

> radiance shining everywhere, very hard to look at, blazing all round

> like burning fire and the sun, and immeasurable.


> 18. Thou art the Imperishable, the Supreme Being, worthy of being

> known; Thou art the great treasure-house of this universe; Thou art

> the imperishable protector of the eternal Dharma; Thou art the

> ancient Person, I deem.


> 19. I see Thee without beginning, middle or end, infinite in power,

> of endless arms, the sun and the moon being Thy eyes, the burning

> fire Thy mouth, heating the entire universe with Thy radiance.


> 20. The space between the earth and the heaven and all the quarters

> are filled by Thee alone; having seen this, Thy wonderful and

> terrible form, the three worlds are trembling with fear, O great-

> souled Being!


> 21. Verily, into Thee enter these hosts of gods; some extol Thee in

> fear with joined palms: " May it be well. " Saying thus, bands of

> great sages and perfected ones praise Thee with complete hymns.


> 22. The Rudras, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, Visvedevas, the two Asvins,

> Maruts, the manes and hosts of celestial singers, Yakshas, demons

> and the perfected ones, are all looking at Thee in great

> astonishment.


> 23. Having beheld Thy immeasurable form with many mouths and eyes, O

> mighty-armed, with many arms, thighs and feet, with many stomachs,

> and fearful with many teeth, the worlds are terrified and so am I!


> 24. On seeing Thee (the Cosmic Form) touching the sky, shining in

> many colours, with mouths wide open, with large, fiery eyes, I am

> terrified at heart and find neither courage nor peace, O Vishnu!


> 25. Having seen Thy mouths, fearful with teeth, blazing like the

> fires of cosmic dissolution, I know not the four quarters, nor do I

> find peace. Have mercy, O Lord of the gods! O abode of the universe!


> 26. All the sons of Dhritarashtra with the hosts of kings of the

> earth, Bhishma, Drona and Karna, with the chief among all our

> warriors,


> 27. They hurriedly enter into Thy mouths with terrible teeth and

> fearful to behold. Some are found sticking in the gaps between the

> teeth, with their heads crushed to powder.


> 28. Verily, just as many torrents of rivers flow towards the ocean,

> even so these heroes of the world of men enter Thy flaming mouths.


> COMMENTARY: Arjuna sees all the warriors, whom he did not wish to

> kill, rushing to death. He knows now that the Lord has already

> destroyed them, so why should he worry about the inevitable.


> 29. As moths hurriedly rush into a blazing fire for (their own)

> destruction, so also these creatures hurriedly rush into Thy mouths

> for (their own) destruction.


> 30. Thou lickest up, devouring all the worlds on every side with Thy

> flaming mouths. Thy fierce rays, filling the whole world with

> radiance, are burning, O Vishnu!


> 31. Tell me, who Thou art, so fierce in form. Salutations to Thee, O

> God Supreme! Have mercy; I desire to know Thee, the original Being.

> I know not indeed Thy doing.


> The Blessed Lord said:


> 32. I am the mighty world-destroying Time, now engaged in destroying

> the worlds. Even without thee, none of the warriors arrayed in the

> hostile armies shall live.


> 33. Therefore, stand up and obtain fame. Conquer the enemies and

> enjoy the unrivalled kingdom. Verily, they have already been slain

> by Me; be thou a mere instrument, O Arjuna!


> 34. Drona, Bhishma, Jayadratha, Karna and all the other courageous

> warriors—these have already been slain by Me; do thou kill; be not

> distressed with fear; fight and thou shalt conquer thy enemies in

> battle.


> Sanjaya said:


> 35. Having heard that speech of Lord Krishna, the crowned one

> (Arjuna), with joined palms, trembling, prostrating himself, again

> addressed Krishna, in a choked voice, bowing down, overwhelmed with

> fear.


> Arjuna said:


> 36. It is meet, O Krishna, that the world delights and rejoices in

> Thy praise; demons fly in fear to all quarters and the hosts of the

> perfected ones bow to Thee!


> 37. And why should they not, O great soul, bow to Thee who art

> greater (than all else), the primal cause even of (Brahma) the

> creator, O Infinite Being! O Lord of the gods! O abode of the

> universe! Thou art the imperishable, the Being, the non-being and

> That which is the supreme (that which is beyond the Being and non-

> being).


> COMMENTARY: The Lord is Mahatma. He is greater than all else. He is

> the imperishable, so He is the proper object of worship, love and

> delight.


> 38. Thou art the primal God, the ancient Purusha, the supreme refuge

> of this universe, the knower, the knowable and the supreme abode. By

> Thee is the universe pervaded, O Being of infinite forms!


> 39. Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the moon, the creator, and

> the great-grandfather. Salutations, salutations unto Thee, a

> thousand times, and again salutations, salutations unto Thee!


> 40. Salutations to Thee from front and from behind! Salutations to

> Thee on every side! O All! Thou infinite in power and prowess,

> pervadest all; wherefore Thou art all.


> 41. Whatever I have presumptuously uttered from love or

> carelessness, addressing Thee as O Krishna! O Yadava! O Friend!

> regarding Thee merely as a friend, unknowing of this, Thy greatness,


> 42. In whatever way I may have insulted Thee for the sake of fun

> while at play, reposing, sitting or at meals, when alone (with

> Thee), O Achyuta, or in company—that I implore Thee, immeasurable

> one, to forgive!


> 43. Thou art the Father of this world, unmoving and moving. Thou art

> to be adored by this world. Thou art the greatest Guru; (for) none

> there exists who is equal to Thee; how then can there be another

> superior to Thee in the three worlds, O Being of unequalled power?


> 44. Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I crave Thy

> forgiveness, O adorable Lord! As a father forgives his son, a friend

> his (dear) friend, a lover his beloved, even so shouldst Thou

> forgive me, O God!


> 45. I am delighted, having seen what has never been seen before; and

> yet my mind is distressed with fear. Show me that (previous) form

> only, O God! Have mercy, O God of gods! O abode of the universe!


> 46. I desire to see Thee as before, crowned, bearing a mace, with

> the discus in hand, in Thy former form only, having four arms, O

> thousand-armed, Cosmic Form (Being)!


> The Blessed Lord said:


> 47. O Arjuna, this Cosmic Form has graciously been shown to thee by

> Me by My own Yogic power; full of splendour, primeval, and infinite,

> this Cosmic Form of Mine has never been seen before by anyone other

> than thyself.


> 48. Neither by the study of the Vedas and sacrifices, nor by gifts,

> nor by rituals, nor by severe austerities, can I be seen in this

> form in the world of men by any other than thyself, O great hero of

> the Kurus (Arjuna)!


> 49. Be not afraid nor bewildered on seeing such a terrible form of

> Mine as this; with thy fear entirely dispelled and with a gladdened

> heart, now behold again this former form of Mine.


> Sanjaya said:


> 50. Having thus spoken to Arjuna, Krishna again showed His own form;

> and the great soul (Krishna), assuming His gentle form, consoled him

> who was terrified (Arjuna).


> Arjuna said:


> 51. Having seen this Thy gentle human form, O Krishna, now I am

> composed and restored to my own nature!


> The Blessed Lord said:


> 52. Very hard indeed it is to see this form of Mine which thou hast

> seen. Even the gods are ever longing to behold it.


> 53. Neither by the Vedas, nor by austerity, nor by gift, nor by

> sacrifice, can I be seen in this form as thou hast seen Me (so

> easily).


> 54. But by single-minded devotion can I, of this form, be known and

> seen in reality and also entered into, O Arjuna!


> 55. He who does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the

> Supreme, who is devoted to Me, who is free from attachment, who

> bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to Me, O Arjuna!


> COMMENTARY: This is the essence of the whole teaching of the Gita.

> He who practises this teaching attains supreme bliss and

> immortality. Such a one realises Him and enters into His Being,

> becoming completely one with Him. This verse contains the summary of

> the entire Gita philosophy.


> Thus in the Upanishads of the glorious Bhagavad Gita, the science of

> the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna

> and Arjuna, ends the eleventh discourse entitled:


> " The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form "



> --------



> Sunday, 9 Nov 1997 01:31:29


> Dear V . . .,


> I am an aerospace engineer by profession, initially in R & D, and now

> in so-called management. My logical mind can understand how certain

> facets of SY can be interpreted in negative ways. I used to be one

> of the " difficult " ones in the early days, questioning always, and

> demanding proof for everything.... and Yes, I finally got the proof



> I had been questioning the purpose of life at an early age, and

> desired to find the " truth " at the age of 12. I was brought up in a

> very comfortable, loving, upper middle class family. My parents

> could not understand why, instead of enjoying my comforts I had this

> odd spiritual longing. Anyway, to cut the story short, I was

> emotionally blackmailed into at least completing my university

> education before " seeking the truth " .


> I met Sri Mataji in London some 20 years ago. Less than 6 months

> later, (still a sceptical engineer) I was at Her program (a small

> audience of 15 -20). At these programs, when Sri Mataji sat down,

> She did a 'namaste' to the audience with Her head bowed and eyes

> closed. The audience also closed their eyes. Of course I did not,

> and watched her closely from a seat in the front.


> I was staring right at Her when She opened Her eyes - and our eyes

> met.


> It is impossible to describe in words what happened next. I was

> drawn into a different dimension, zooming back in time, sabre tooth

> tigers, the big bang, and before - ....towards The Beginning,......


> and still She was there!!! I shall omit attempts to describe the

> forms Sri Mataji was in. (...cf. " when God and Her were born " - Bob

> Dylan's Shelter from the Storm)


> I was experiencing/seeing the primordial energy source - similar to

> the " source " we use in fluid dynamics.


> My whole being was enveloped in a zone of absolute silence,

> stillness and bliss. I remained in this state for 3 days and nights.

> It was sheer ecstacy and complete fulfillment.


> Some time later, when I met an old-timer from India, I described the

> forms that I saw Sri Mataji in, and I was told that it was the Adi

> Shakti - which I had to have explained to me (My childhood had been

> mainly programmed by the Methodist church with a good helping of

> American mission school

> theology).


> Subsequently, there have been many blissful experiences during my

> practice of Sahaja Yoga, and I have seen hundreds of people have

> joyful spiritual experiences, initially in Sri Mataji's presence,

> and later on during their meditations.


> I have experimented with Sahaja Yoga for many years, and have proven

> the hypothesis put forward by Sri Mataji again and again. I am one

> of many who not only feel the different energies but can also use

> them beneficially.


> I have no doubt at all that Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the most

> unique spiritual personality on the planet today. It would take a

> book to write down the many proofs that I have obtained over the

> years, and easily an encyclopaedia for what thousands have actually

> experienced. I can feel this peace and bliss wherever I am, at work,

> in my car, looking at the sunrise, at a leaf, a flower.... it is

> sheer Joy, to really FEEL this bliss coursing through your veins as

> you enjoy the Beauty of Nature and the Creation.


> I would humbly suggest that you yourself approach SY with an open

> mind, with scientific curiosity, and try the experimental procedure

> and see if it works. You have nothing to lose, and, if what I have

> related above is true.....then you are due to experience the


> of bliss, beyond all sense pleasures.


> I wish you all the best,


> With love and thanks . . .,


> B. . . K . . . . . .



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Preeti,

> >

> > There are only two options now available to attract seekers, both

> > of which have not been explored by the SY organization:

> >

> > i) announce the physical Shri Mataji as the Adi Shakti who has

> > incarnated on Earth to remove human ignorance through Her Divine

> > Message;

> >

> > ii) announce the spiritual Adi Shakti within who has incarnated on

> > Earth as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to remove human ignorance

> > through Her Divine Message.

> >

> > i have done both and now am in the process of getting a few more

> > websites to enlighten future seekers as to the Truth that is

> > shared by all religions. This is going to take a lot of time but

> > once completed will be effective in reaching to all races,

> > religions and creed. So i have decided to first rework both

> > www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org by giving them a new

> > format that has the reader's needs as priority. (You may have to

> > wait at least two months or so for this.)

> >

> > And to insure the very best for their future welfare and present

> > interest i have relied exclusively on the Truth. Readers will have

> > to judge if my refusal to compromise will allow them to make an

> > honest informed decision.

> >

> > So this information will also allow you to make a decision too. It

> > is so easy for SYs to promote Sahaja Yoga but to do the same for

> > the Adi Shakti is not possible for them. Meditate deeply and

> > contemplate why all incarnations and great souls announced the

> > Truth openly .......... even laying down their lives in its

> > defense. Our conscience should remind us to tell the Truth, no

> > matter how controversial or hard to believe. Those who read it

> > will always remember the Divine Message to humanity, and may

> > return years from today. A few may just surrender right away. Both

> > ways we have a win win situation. Leave the rest to the Shakti.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> > , preetibala vasthava

> > <preetu551@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all

> > >

> > > I am a doctor working in UK. I want to tell about Sahaj Yoga to

> > > all my friends who are Indians as well as British, but feel

> > > hesitant as how will the people will react if I tell about Shri

> > > Mataji adi shakti. Most of them will not believe.

> > >

> > > I understand that it is difficult to believe unless someone

> > > experience it. How to go about this ? Offcourse the best would

> > > be to pass them this website which gives every thing which any

> > > one need to know about sahaj yoga , rest has to be absolutely

> > > independent journey of oneself.

> > >

> > > Jai Sri Mataji

> > >

> > >

> > > Preeti

> > >


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