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When applied to God, word Ruach indicates empowering of the Messiah (Isa 11:2;

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Dear All,


The Jews believe that the word " ruach " generally means wind, breath,

mind, spirit, what we SYs experience as the Cool Breeze. When

applied to God, the Ruach indicates guidance of his chosen ones (Neh

9:20; Psa 143:10; Hag 2:5), and in the empowering of the Messiah

(Isa 11:2; Isa 42:1; Isa 61:1).


" The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath

given me life. " (Job 33:4)


The Spirit of YHVH is YHVH Himself...


In the Tanakh, the word ruach generally means wind, breath, mind,

spirit. In a living creature (nephesh chayah), the ruach is the

breath, whether of animals (Gen 7:15; Psa 104:25, 29) or mankind

(Isa 42:5; Ezek 37:5). God is the creator of ruach: " The ruach of

God (from God) is in my nostrils " (Job 27:3). In God's hand is the

ruach of all mankind (Job 12:10; Isa 42:5). In mankind, ruach

further denotes the principle of life that possesses reason, will,

and conscience. The ruach imparts the divine image to man, and

constitutes the animating dynamic which results in man's nephesh as

the subject of personal life.


When applied to God, the word Ruach indicates creative activity (Gen

1:2) and active power (Isa 40:13). The Spirit of God also works in

providence (Job 33:4; Psa 104:30), in redemption (Ezek 11:19; Ezek

36:26-27), in upholding and guiding his chosen ones (Neh 9:20; Psa

143:10; Hag 2:5), and in the empowering of the Messiah (Isa 11:2;

Isa 42:1; Isa 61:1).


In short, as the ruach is to the created nephesh, so the Ruach

Elohim is to God Himself, part of God and identified with God. Ruach

may be understood as the Author of the animating dynamic of the

created order, the underlying Principle of creation, and the One

that imparts the nephesh to the entire universe. "


Hebrew name for God - Ruach Elohim



It is the Messiah Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who has given us the

spiritual second birth (Self-Realization) and we feel the Ruach

daily. This Ruach is His Breath that is daily purifying those taking

part in the Last Judgment to resurrect them from this physical body

into the eternal spirit.


At present there is a dearth of such knowledge despite tens of

thousands of believers who can verify such daily experiences, some

with more than 20 years of feeling His Ruach ...... and counting.

When i look back i am silenced by the sheer immensity of the energy,

time, money and talent wasted in the pursuit of subtle system

pettiness to bring forth global change. Decades of wasted

opportunities and almost nothing to show in return will not change

the management mindset. It is too late to alter the blueprint

because the dye has been cast and lines drawn in stone. Official

Sahaja Yoga was, is and will always be about the subtle system

sacred cow. UPI flies, matka ticks, shoe-beating worms and

management parasites have sucked its vital lifeblood away, leaving

little nourishing milk to be suckled by newcomers. Soon that too

will dry up and old age end all hope.


However the Shakti always triumphs by bringing forth renewal and

change by first destroying the decaying and dying, and revitalizing

those still left standing with nourishing spiritual energy. Like a

mighty wave She has again destroyed the obstacles and set forth the

path to follow, a path that was not taken by those 'chosen' to lead

in the past. All such leaders have either died, were expelled, have

fallen from grace or left powerless. None had the conviction to TELL

ALL THE NATIONS. None dared announce Her incarnation Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi as the Messiah. None had the courage to even squeak in

public what they always thunderously roared at Her pujas. None can

prick their conscience now, both rank and file. Never in history

have so many borne witness to a greater act of untruth, hypocrisy

and cowardice. It is almost satanic in nature, as if Satan's promise

to mislead all humans is a prophecy is being played out with

diabolical accuracy.


So how do you battle such a satanic negativity? Answer: by following

the path laid down by the Adi Shakti. It will take a long time to

set in it motion but every step counts. Today i read that " when

applied to God, the word Ruach indicates empowering of the Messiah " .

So for the future i have secured www.ruach-elohim.org and hope one

day we will be able to populate that too. And even if no SY lifts a

finger to help i will complete the task single-handedly. Fortunately

i have a few who have stood their ground against the Empire. The

tide has begun to change for the better. Over time Her Divine

Message will triumph even if the Empire uses all its resources to

strike back.


May the Divine Force be with you,








More reading:











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