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All or nothing statements of church vs church

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All or nothing statements of church vs church



" [Of] all the religions and all the more than 250 denominations and

sects in 'Christianity,' NOT ONE, except the Worldwide Church of

God, knows WHO and WHAT God is, what, and why, MAN IS,.the TRUTH

about the nation Israel,.the TRUE GOSPEL Christ proclaimed....what

happens in the hereafter....what salvation really is! "


Herbert W. Armstrong - Founder of Worldwide Church of God




" God began revealing MALACHI'S MESSAGE--the prophesied " little book " -

-to ME. It was all prophesied in detail! " " All of the doctrines of

God were restored by Mr. Armstrong--ALL OF THEM! "


Gerald Flurry - Founder of Philadelphia Church of God




" Every spirit that does not confess that God has sent Joseph Smith,

and revealed the everlasting gospel to and through him, is of

antichrist. "


Joseph Smith - Founder of Mormons: The Later-day Saints




" I said that I had been in conference with the Great Master Workman,

the Lord himself, and I have secret information through the Holy

Spirit and guidance in respect to what the Bible says. "


Charles Taze Russell - Founder of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society

(today known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society or Jehovah's





" There is only one organization on earth today fulfilling the

righteous requirements outlined in this commission from the Lord.

The Society, represented by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society,

is the only one. " " We should not expect more than one organization

doing this work. "


Joseph Franklin Rutherford - Second President of the Watchtower

Bible and Tract Society (changed the name to the Jehovah's Witnesses)




" We are the only people who truly understand the heart of Jesus, and

the hope of Jesus. "


Sun Myung Moon - Founder of the Unification Church ( " Moonies " )




" My teachings are the final revelation of God for Mankind. "


Mary Baker Eddy - Founder of Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian





" In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a `Thus saith the

Lord.' The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as

indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God upon the tables

of stone. "


Ellen G. White - Founder of Seventh day Adventism




" ECK is the mainstream of life out of which ALL other doctrines

flow...No amount of prayer or any religious faith will bring about

freedom from the uncertainties of life, not until one has the good

fortune to meet and be accepted by the (ECK) Master. "


Paul Twitchell - Founder of Eckankar




" Start learning the true way to Salvation. This way is not taught in

the world by any organization, other than the one established by

Yahweh--The House of Yahweh. ... Unless one becomes an associate of,

and in full agreement with, this brother from the womb (Yisrayl),

they are not Philadelphia, no matter what they might preach. "


Buffalo Bill Hawkins (name changed to Yisrayl Hawkins) - Founder of

House of Yahweh




" A true minister is defined purely by whether or not he teaches the

full, complete and unabridged truth of God. I am the only minister

now doing that. " " While many groups arose from the WCG, we are the

only true extension of Mr. Armstrong's ministry--the Church in which

Christ is now working! "


Dave Pack - Founder of The Restored Church of God




" I am God's end-time prophet to America! "


R. G. (Ralph) Stair - Overcomer Ministries




" Living Church of God is carrying on the teachings and practices

(that is religious not personal practices), of Herbert Armstrong

more than any other group on earth! ... LCOG is the true Church of

God which teaches and practices Apostolic Christianity! "


Roderick C. Meredith: Founder of Living Church of God




" Outside the true organized Church of God [CGCM] the whole truth has

never been found and neither will ever be found outside of it. "


John Holdeman: Founder of Church of God in Christ, Mennonite




" Should you ask why we differ from other Christians, as they are

called, it is simply because they are not Christians as the New

Testament defines Christianity. "


Brigham Young: Second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints (Mormons)




" This church is the only true and living church on the face of the

whole earth. "


Mormonism (D and C 1:30)




" We acknowledge as the visible organization of Jehovah on earth the

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. "


Jehovah's Witness (Watchtower, April 15, 1939 p. 125)




" There is one church! There is one God. There is one kingdom of God

and this is it! "


International Church of Christ (The Great Commission, audio tape,

Weger/Rock, Hodge/Hamann/Fulcher/Fields)




" Since we keep all ten Commandments and have Ellen White as our

prophet, we Seventh-day Adventists are The Remnant Church! "


Seventh Day Adventists 




" The True Jesus Church is the true church restored by God through

the Holy Spirit of the latter rain. She is the revival of the

apostolic church in the end times. "


True Jesus Church On 5. on the web




" The " household " is God's Family or true church. It's the family

that God rules. This is God's inner circle--His very elect...we are

God's only true representative on this earth. "


The Philadelphia Church of God (The Philadelphia Trumpet, p.1 May





" LCOG is the true Church of God which teaches and practices

Apostolic Christianity! "


Living Church of God




" This is the only Way that was started by Christ. "


Cooneyites (Post Falls, ID Conference 1957 REF #185




" We are not following some way founded in the early 1900's, but it

goes clear back to Christ. "


Cooneyites Tharold Sylvester 11/16/83




" Ours is the Church Christ founded. "


Iglesia ni Cristo




" God has made no covenant with any other church "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

John Holdeman, A History of the Church, page 20




" All sects organized alongside of His Church have not been endowed

with heavenly wisdom; otherwise they would not have been established

to the displeasure of God and His Church. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

John Holdeman, Founder, Mittor of Truth page 30




" If 10,000 persons should receive remission of sin and join in

fellowship with each other by organizing themselves into a body

without baptism, we could not acknowledge them as the church of

God...before we could acknowledge them, they must be willing to

unity with the truly organized Church of God baptism. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

John Holdeman, Founder, Mirror of Truth page 183




" We believe in one united Church of God, a true, organized, visible

Church of God, which constitutes the true believers. "

 Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Conference Reports 1896-1993

published by Gospel Publishers article 9




" Can we appreciate to be in a Church where it is a lone Church? We

have many different denominations, we have many different so-called

churches, but there was a lone Church, there, in the desert. Today,

there is a lone Church, right here in Lone Tree Township [The

original congregation in Kansas]….So that when we hear about other

denominations, other so called churches, we think about Lone Tree. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Paul Swartly before a crowd of 2500-3000 at the centennial program

recorded in Centennial of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

1959 published by Gospel Publishers page 40-41




" There will be an unbroken lineage, or succession, of true doctrine

unto the end of time. Therefore, there will never be a need for the

church to be reestablished on a ground or foundation apart from that

succession which reaches back to Christ "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Bible Doctrines and Practices published by Gospel Publishers page 181




" The Church is careful to not be allied with other churches…The

Church will not tolerate any effort of equating the churches. This

would be considered heresy. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Reuben Koehn , a leading minister, Sixty-Five Years a Holdeman

page 26,27




" Wherever you find a Christian, that's the church, we are told.

That's not John Holdeman's teaching, it's not the teaching of the

Christian. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Minister Frank H. Wenger in a speech in front of about 3000 members.

Centennial of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite 1959




" Boasting to be the true church is akin to boasting of an endowment

or inheritance of which we had no influence of power to bring

about. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite  

Article in The Messenger of Truth published by Gospel Publishers

Sept 11, 2002




" All of the doctrines of God were restored by Mr. Armstrong! "


Philadelphia Church Of God




" Thus the Church of Christ which was apostatized after the first

century was restored to its pristine purity...by... Bro. Felix Y.


Manalo Iglesia Ni Cristo




" William Irvine started this way; it was a divine revelation from

God. He was raised up to revive the truth just like the Word of God

was dormant for 400 years. "

 Cooneyites: (Sharon Williamson, worker, stated in Rockport,

Illinois gospel meeting, February 1994).




" The True Church will be a restored Church, (and was restored by

Heavenly messengers in 1829!) "






" Together we resolved - on June 1, 1979 - to commit our lives to

restoring the church that Jesus established in the New Testament. "


International Church of Christ




" why would Yahweh need to establish another organization in order to

get his way--the True Way of Salvation--taught? ...It should be very

obvious why Yahweh had to establish His House in these Last Days "


House of Yahweh




" The Gospel of the Kingdom ceased to be proclaimed shortly after the

death of the apostles. It was not preached again until after 1918. "


Jehovah's Witnesses (WT, 12/1/1928, pp. 363-64)




" The True Jesus Church is the true church restored by God "


True Jesus Church On 5. on the web




" We're the last hope the world has. "


International Church of Christ ( Gordon Ferguson, Radical Men,

Radical Times Hosea Radical Love of God, Manila World Leadership

Conf., Aug. 1994 )




" We are earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the

saints and trying to separate it from the traditions of men, because

there is not a doctrine in the word of God that has not been

corrupted by the professing church. "






" If the teachings held by its members had remained exactly as they

were given by the first teachers, there is at least a chance that it

would have continued to be one " sect " . "


Berean Christadelphians




" ...that truth is in only one church today, God's church. Only God's

Philadelphia Church has retained God's Law in this end time. "


The Philadelpia Church of God (The Philadelphia Trumpet , p.5 March





" Only Jehovah's people... have an organization that completely

abides by what God's Word has to say on sexual immorality,

abortions, drunkenness, stealing, idolatry, racial prejudice, and

other worldly pursuits and practices. And they alone are the ones

obeying the command to preach the good news of Jehovah's Kingdom. "


Jehovah's Witness




" There is nobody else in this country that That has the true gospel -

- that is, trying to make disciples of Jesus. There is nobody else

in this entire world. This is the movement of God! There is no place

to go. "


International Church of Christ (Nick Young. Tulsa Reconstruction

meeting, August, 1992, audio one, side two)




" Some will think the Christadelphians presumptuous in thinking they

have " the truth. "


Berean Christadelphians




" Only this church gives meat in due season. Only this church is

doing God's work! "


The Philadelphia Church of God




" The House of Yahweh is the ONLY place where Yahweh's Complete Truth

is taught. "


House of Yahweh



" All the doctrines of the Church of Christ are in complete accord

with Biblical precepts. This Church therefore, passes the first test

of the true religion given by the Prophet Isaiah: The teachings. "


Iglesia ni Cristo




" In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a `Thus saith the

Lord.' The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as

indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God upon the tables

of stone. "


Seventh-Day Adventism




" We preach and uphold the complete gospel of salvation in accordance

with the Scriptures and have signs and miracles from above to

testify to the truth. "


Iglesia ni Cristo




" Outside the true organized Church of God [CGCM] the whole truth has

never been found and neither will ever be found outside of it. God

will not recognize any other church than His own organized Church;

and therefore He will not reveal the whole truth to any other church

or to any man who is not willing to be one with God through espousal

with Him… "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite John Holdeman, Mirror of Truth,

page 84.




" This written lineage of the Church of the Living God is the place,

pillar, or ground where God has always revealed the whole truth; it

is contained alone as a whole in this Church [The Church of God in

Christ, Mennonite], and He will never do it elsewhere. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite John Holdeman, A History of the

Church of God page 189.




" Boasting to be the true church is akin to boasting of an endowment

or inheritance of which we had no influence of power to bring

about. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Sept 11, 2002




" She [CGCM ] is the greatest and purest fortification of truth and

holiness in the world. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite




" Just taking a look at the hundreds of Christian churches in

existence today, it doesn't take much to notice all the disputes

among beliefs, practices, doctrines, and authority that divide each

denomination. It would be impossible to join all these churches,

even the Protestant sects, into one church. Therefore, all of them

do not make " one body without schisms " . There can only be one, and I

testify that the one is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Saints. "






" Today different churches proclaim different or even conflicting

beliefs about salvation. They cannot be of the same body...How can

they be of the same body with the True Church? "


True Jesus Church TFC Website




" The Church of Christ observes unity even in electing public

officials…. in obedience to God's commandment. This unity is never

betrayed by a true member of the church of Christ, even if some

would be displeased. "


Iglesia ni Cristo




" People who do not understand spiritual unity attempt to explain it

away by calling us cultic and brainwashed. Yet, this unity remains. "


International Church of Christ




" The unity, we believe subsists in the Catholic Church as something

she can never lose. "


Catholic Church




" Some people say there are other fellowships that can be alright.

No, there can't be, because there is only one body that Jesus had. "






" Someone has said - but doesn't everyone in this way look alike;

isn't that conformity? Well, God is our father. If you see 5 sons in

a family and they all look like their father, that's not conformity -

it's the family characteristics. "






" We find no justification for the proliferation of denominations,

all claiming to be part of the church of God, when at the same time

they to many different irreconcilable interpretations of

God's Word. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 21




" There is a dimension of this doctrine of a united, undivided church

that, to a large extent, seems to escape the majority of professing

Christians. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 21




" Among Anabaptist writers, like Claes Ganlof, Menno Simons, Deitrich

Philips, and later, John Holdeman, there is a great deal said about

unity among believers and about a united, undivided church of God. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 21




" There is no salvation outside the church of Jesus Christ of Latter

Day Saints. "





" Outside of the organizational structure of the PCG there is no

salvation. "


Philadelphia Church of God



" People can come to Christ only through us. "






" The only way to follow the Lord absolutely is to go the way of the

local church. "


Witness Lee Local Church Witness Lee, The Practical





" I saw that God has honest children among the nominal Adventists and

the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out,

minister and people and people will be called out from these

churches and will gladly receive the truth....But the light will

shine, and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and

take their stand with the remnant "

7th day Adventists (Early Writings, p. 261 )




" When we were in the denominations, we were blind. I do not believe

that any dear Christians who have really received sight from the

Lord could still remain in the denominations.... But when he

receives his sight, he will swiftly leave the fold for the pasture,

for the sunshine, for the fresh air. "


The local Church (Witness Lee) (Witness Lee, Christ Versus Religion

LSM, 197,1 p.109-110)




" Outside the true Christian congregation what alternative

organization is there? Only Satan's organization… "


Jehovah's Witnesses " (Watchtower 3/1/1979 p.24)




" Thus, outside the Church of Christ no one can be considered a true

believer. "


Iglesia ni Cristo (PASUGO, September/October 1981, p.9)




" One can receive eternal life only through the true church. "


True Jesus Church On 5. on the web




" Only the golden lampstands, the local churches, are the testimony

of Jesus....if you are not in the local churches you are not the

testimony of Jesus. "


Witness Lee Local Church Witness Lee, The Stream magazine Nov. 1976,





" For it is through Christ's Catholic Church ALONE, which is the

universal help toward salvation, that the fullness of the means of

salvation can be obtained. "


Catholicism The Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism




" We will lose out if we don't go to the sanctuary. God's Way is in

the sanctuary. (place of prayer) "






" You can't have God without the fellowship and the ministry. "






" There is no salvation where anyone will not unite with the Church

of God against better knowledge. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite A History of the Church of God,

page 188.




" It would seem that one cannot refuse the church and remain in the

kingdom indefinitely. "

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Bible Doctrines and Practice,

page 169




" If they will not obey the call when they hear and understand it,

they will find that Christ will slay them with the sword of His

mouth: therefore, we cannot comfort anyone to stay in such

churches. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite A History of the Church of God,





" If you leave the church (the Local Church), you miss the mark of

the Lord's testimony. You must be in the testimony of Jesus. Only

the golden lampstands, the local churches, are the testimony of

Jesus. "


Witness Lee Local Church ( Witness Lee, The Stream magazine Nov.

1976, p.7)




" All who desire to draw away from God's remnant people in order to

follow their own corrupt hearts would throw themselves willingly

into Satan's hands. "


Seventh-Day Adventists




" If we 'separate' from the One Body of Messiah: The House of Yahweh,

then we succumb to Satan, then at that very moment we become

worshipers of Satan...of if one LEAVES The Body - The only

Prophesied, Established Work that Yahweh Himself has chosen, then

that one does NOT partake, or is NO LONGER a partaker, with the rest

of The body of Messiah. "


House of Yahweh




" if you leave the church, God is not going to bless you and you're

going to be a sheep out of the flock... and the wolves are going to

come out and get you. "


The Potter's House Schoner Arizona Daily Sun/October 2, 1988




" Those who leave The Way are accounted as " apostates, " for whom

there is absolutely no hope! They cannot be renewed to repentance,

and can only await " a certain fearful looking for of judgment and

fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. "





" your salvation is hanging in the balance. .... When you walk away

from the movement of God, there is no where to walk. Walking out of

the light into the darkness. "

International Church of Christ: (Nick Young. Tulsa Reconstruction

meeting, August, 1992, audio one, side two)




" it [is] imperative for any apostate wanting to find salvation again

to reconcile with both God and the church. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite




" Our church has been described as a huge ship sailing on the

seas….But if you get on this ship, you cannot get off if you want to

be saved. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 7




" Excommunication is the church's proving and declaration of the

individual's severed spiritual relationship with God. "

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Bible Doctrines and Practice,

page 189.




" Sometimes those under discipline reject the church's proving of

their spiritual need. They may claim fellowship with the Lord. This

only substantiates their fall from spiritual discernment. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Bible Doctrines and Practice,

page 190.



" He has then established a Supreme Court, a Supreme Judge in the

Church of the Living God. "

Catholic Father Damen, author of One True Church




" Infallible guidance in interpreting the Bible comes from the

church. "






" The world is full of Bibles…why then do the people not know which

was to go? Because, they do not also have the teaching or law of the

mother, which is light. "


Jehovah's Witness (WT 5/1/1957, p.274)




" Those sent by God—His inspired messengers—are the ones exclusively

given the understanding of His words. They speak the words of God. "


Iglesia Ni Cristo




" As the only church that claims to have modern prophets who carry

the same authority as Biblical prophets, it is the only church that

can even claim that a particular ambiguous verse means this or

that. "






" No, it is beyond man's power and intelligence to study and

understand the truth, which is God's word by himself, without the

guidance of God's messenger. "


Iglesia ni Cristo (PASUGO, November 1973, p. 19




" God's servants are the understanding Authority of the word of God. "

Cooneyites: [Olympia Washington Convention, August 26, 1979]




" In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a `Thus saith the

Lord.' The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as

indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God upon the tables

of stone. "


Seventh-Day Adventists Ellen G. White




" We believe that the Church of God is the supreme judge which God

has here on earth for gospel matters. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Confession of Faith and Ministers

Manual, pg 38



" The keys given to the church include the authority to interpret the

Scripture. "

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite




" One's personal interpretation of scriptures should always be proven

with the understanding of the Scriptures which the united body of

Christ has. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite



" The Church is the ground and the pillar of the truth, and the

moment you take away the authority of the Church of God you induce

all kinds of errors and blasphemous doctrines. Do we not see it? "


Catholic Father Damen




" Sometimes we say that in God's Kingdom there are no rules, no

regulations, no forms or traditions, but if we have a proper

understanding of God's Kingdom, we will find to our advantage and

benefit, that God hasn't left us without some guiding influences to

govern and to guide our lives. If this were not true, where would we

be? Everyone would go by his own thinking. God gave us this new

nature first of all, then an understanding that made us want to be

under the new rule. The point is, are we willing to walk according

to this rule? "


Cooneyites [Olympia WA Conv 1957] REF #174





" This conference [where all the rules are made and recorded into a

book called Conference Decisions] will give them a hands-on feeling

for that operation of the church that has always been considered the

final authority on faith and practice. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 7



" The matters considered in conference pertain to our prospects of an

eternal home in heaven. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 7




" Without this Heavenly counsel, some may begin to entertain false

notions and lose the way. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol. 101, No. 7




" Conference decisions are mandatory "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite General Conference 1974 #6




" If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people

we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, 'believe

all things,' all the things that The Watchtower brings out, inasmuch

as it has been faithful in giving us a knowledge of God's purposes

and guiding us in the way of peace, safety and truth. "


Jehovah's Witness




" How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by

questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible

organization. "


Jehovah's Witness




" If you question the group, you are persecuting Jesus. "


The Potter's House




" We all have been diligently taught ...not to question God's true

ministers or authority. "


Worldwide Church of God, An Open Letter to Our Acquaintances in

Worldwide Church of God




" There must be no doubt in your mind that this is God's kingdom. "


International Church of Christ Faith and Convictions, audio tape




" We can always judge the state of a person's salvation by his

attitude towards the Workers. "


Cooneyites 1985 REF #385




" To lose confidence in the ministry would be losing confidence in

all we believe. "






" Each member ... should submit himself to the Administration of the

Church in order to be saved. "


Iglesia ni Cristo (PASUGO, January 1976, p. 9)




" For opposing the Administration of the Church is tantamount to

opposing not only Christ but also God. "

Iglesia ni Cristo: (PASUGO, January 1976, p. 190



" So we should therefore demonstrate complete submission, obedience

and loyalty to the Administration. "


Iglesia ni Cristo (PASUGO, January 1976, p.1)




" To the extent I trust my disciple... I am in reality trusting God. "


International Church of Christ Boston Bulletin, 22 October 1989




" The Catholic has divine faith, and why? Because the Catholic

says: 'I believe in such and such a thing.' Why? 'Because the Church

teaches me so.' And why do you believe the Church? 'Because God has

commanded me to believe the teaching of the Church, and God has

threatened me with damnation if I do not believe the Church....So

then, when I believe what the Church teaches I believe what God

teaches. "


Catholic Father Damen




" Until people are willing to ...become as a little child, they never

will understand the Truth as taught by Jesus in word and deed. "


Cooneyites: 1/17/71 REF #370




" I hope you have made an inward surrender to the Lord so that you

can accept the teachings ...from His servants. "





" Now, what will you do if you are confronted with apostate teaching -

subtle reasonings - claiming that what you believe as one of

Jehovah's Witnesses is not the truth? For example, what will you do

if you receive a letter or some literature, open it and see right

away that it is from an apostate? Will curiosity cause you to read

it, just to see what he has to say? You may even reason: " It won't

affect me; I'm too strong in the truth. And, besides, if we have the

truth, we have nothing to fear. The truth will stand the test. " In

thinking this way, some have fed their minds upon apostate reasoning

and have fallen prey to serious questioning and doubt. " ... Do you

wisely destroy apostate material? "

Jehovah's Witness: Watchtower March 15th 1986




" When we understand and agree with the direction of those taking the

lead, obedience may come readily. But what if we do not understand

the reason behind a particular decision? Here is where we may need

to be submissive, or yielding. Why? For one thing, we need to trust

that these spiritually qualified men have our best interests at

heart. After all, they well know that they must render an account to

Jehovah for the sheep committed to their care. In addition, we do

well to remember that we may not know all the confidential facts

that led them to an informed decision. "


Jehovah's Witness Watchtower March 15th 1986




" Having been brought up 'in the faith,'… many of us accepted without

question the doctrines as they had been taught… Some are fortunate

in that they have never had occasion to question the one united

church of God. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT vol. 101, No. 21




" We can see the effectiveness of a healthy, functional church where

its members do not question her authority "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT vol. 101, No. 21




" Like Pilate, many are asking, 'What is truth?' This sly,

questioning spirit is confronting the church today. "


Church of God in Christ, Mennonite MOT Vol 101, No. 4, p. 3

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