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Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia

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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great evil in

God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over others.

There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today, which

is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control, manipulation,

domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

authority of God. "


> http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm


> It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God is

not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over people.


> warmest regards to all,

> violet




Dear Violet and All,


Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the Puja

speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any flavor of

priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's

a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)


Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all they

survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is

going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

attention. "





" ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru should

be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they never

believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is another

horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one, Bishop of

Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know nothing

about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want to

denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings; from

where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want to

propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling the

name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam, horrible

people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong things

in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can understand,

that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to show

that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of the

same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. (Applause).

No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is going

to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

attention. "


(Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

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Dear Chandra and All,


You said:


" Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de facto

priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket Napoleons in the form of

the centre, country, or so-called world leaders lording over their satrapies and

fiefdoms. " ......


It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up to them, with the

help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who arranged a meeting, and i am

'officially' allowed to go back to the local collective now. However, i have not

been back because i am still aware that these characters can still be looking

over my shoulder, and that is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga

Collectivity that i so love and enjoy, and have missed.


Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i went back, and

felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the ordinary Sahaja Yogis who

could not care one 'whit' about power or authority, maybe i could overlook that

negativity, and just enjoy the vibrations.


The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective in the first

place, is that i might influence other yogis against these mafia types. i had

never actually said anything at the local collective gatherings, and had no

intention to do so, but the 'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to

tarnish their 'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control the SY

Media too, and can promote themselves to be most upstanding.


However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They reveal their

'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very shocked at what happened at

Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A yogini went there to present a book she

had written and that Shri Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago.

So, in joy, she went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book.

She and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went with great

love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that this yogini is also

the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to the attention of the local

collective, and that this choice was approved by Shri Mataji. So we are talking

here about Sahaja Yogis who have vibrations and experience them daily!


Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood mafia types had

orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically bar' this couple's entry into the

Presence of Shri Mataji. They had even 'managed' the local collective to be a

'party' to that. This is the power that the Management Mafia have over rank and

file SY's that this is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the

mafia ploy did not work, and their negative actions were completely destroyed by

the vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from Shri Mataji.


This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji says that

this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only thing against this book that the

Management Mafia could have, is that it just further erodes the Priestly Power

over the individual!


i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what Shri Mataji is

about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really need to be aware of this Mafia

Element within the organization. It is even at the local collective level,

however, if everyone just sees them for what they are, then their power will

disappear into thin air. They are a maya.


Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the background. Everyone

is allowed to be their own leaders. That is what Sahaja Yoga is really about. If

everyone is their own leaders and sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in

Divine Love, then the Spirit of God is the controlling element of the

collective, and such a horrid thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple,

will never happen again.


But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their blinkers and

blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do not allow any division like

Priest and Laity, because it is against the Divine Will of God Himself.

Separation such as Priest and Laity is not True Collectivity!


Jai Shri Mataji!


love from violet



, " my2pai " <my2pai



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great evil in

> God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over others.

> There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today, which

> is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control, manipulation,

> domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> authority of God. "

> >

> > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> >

> > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God is

> not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over people.

> >

> > warmest regards to all,

> > violet

> >



> Dear Violet and All,


> Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

> thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the Puja

> speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any flavor of

> priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's

> a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)


> Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

> facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

> these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all they

> survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is

> going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> attention. "


> Chandra



> " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru should

> be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they never

> believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is another

> horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one, Bishop of

> Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know nothing

> about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want to

> denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

> Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings; from

> where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want to

> propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling the

> name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

> without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam, horrible

> people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong things

> in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can understand,

> that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to show

> that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

> they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of the

> same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. (Applause).

> No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is going

> to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> attention. "


> (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)


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Dear Chandra and All,


i also want to remind SY's that Shri Mataji has approved of Jagbir's websites,

however, behind the scenes, the 'sophisticated mafia priesthood'....(as Shri

Mataji calls them) have gone to considerable lengths to undermine Jagbir's

websites. i have heard them accusing Jagbir of 'wanting power'. This is

laughable, because i don't see Jagbir on any Sahaja Committees. He isn't even in

line for a World Council Seat. It is while the " sophisticated mafia priesthood'

have accused Jagbir of 'wanting power', that they themselves have gradually

assumed and usurped temporal power right from under the noses of unsuspecting



This has largely been hidden until now, but they 'got caught with their pants

down' in an embarrassing way at Burwood where it happened in front of many

Sahaja Yogis. It was one of those `dramas' that Shri Mataji often fondly

commented upon, whereby things just 'work out'. (i am referring again to the SY

couple with the book to present to Shri Mataji, which SM wanted the yogini to

write, and how the 'sophisticated mafia priesthood' had orchestrated and

'harnessed' fellow SY's to thwart this couple's very entry to present this book

to Shri Mataji).


The attempt failed, of course. i am sure i don't need to remind SY's why this

attempt failed, but maybe we do need to be reminded:-





So.... what kind of an influence or power is this, that is going DIRECTLY

AGAINST Shri Mataji's express wishes, and is also within the organization of

Sahaja Yoga? It is a question that each SY must meditate upon deeply, because to

'sit on the fence' and to fail to act for the Dharma, just to please the

'sophisticated mafia priesthood'.... is to relinquish the God-Given Right To

Spiritual Liberation, and to Being One's Own Guru. To sit on the fence is also

to be in danger of being swept along by the prevailing current. We need to do

our duty, and just hold on to the Truth as Shri Mataji has taught it, and lived



Getting back to the 'temporal power thing', why should the 'sophisticated mafia

priesthood' in Sahaja Yoga worry about Jagbir having any power anyway? After

all, as stated before, i don't see Jagbir heading any SY Committee. I don't even

see any prospects for Jagbir to hold a World Council Seat. So, what is this

power that Jagbir seems to wield over them, which makes them crazy enough to go

to extreme measures to try and shut down the websites and even prevent other

SY's from even knowing about their existence too?


(Btw, preventing SY's from knowing about the websites is in the past. However,

if SY's only knew exactly how much effort was expended to thwart knowledge of

Jagbir's websites in the past, they would be horrified. They have not realized

the 'sophisticated machinery' that has been working in the background, slowly

'turning and twisting' the simple truth that is communicated in these websites.

Now, of course, it is considered 'safe' to have knowledge of Jagbir's websites,

because the sophisticated mafia machine's Denigration Program is complete. The

program has successfully instilled falsehoods and fear about these websites into

SY's minds and has 'conditioned' most SY's against them.


As it is natural for SY's to want to be loved and accepted, they will want to

please the 'sophisticated mafia priestly types' who had no right to even do the

Denigration Program, let alone take charge of SY minds and hearts. That was

against the Will of Shri Mataji, too!


So, after all this 'pretty successful effort' to ward SY's from enjoying

Jagbir's websites, why are the `sophisticated mafia priesthood' still so afraid

of the websites then?


It is because the truth is discussed openly on these websites and forums. It is

as simple as that. They just do not like it that the truth is expressed freely

and openly, because they have wanted to organize their own particular doctrine

and dogma for future generations of Sahaja Yogis, just like happened to Jesus,

Buddha, Mohammed Sahib and other Incarnations. Shri Mataji would certainly not

fit into their present organizational boundaries if she were not Shri Mataji!


In the case of the Sahaja Yoga Priesthood, they too know that they will lose

their power, if the truth comes out too much, and the worst truth to come

out..... is for SY's to realize that their Yogic Powers have been 'funnelled'

for them to the way that this Mafia Machine wants it to be funnelled, and that

their yogic powers have been 'usurped' to the Mafia Machine's Design and Will,

instead of to the Adi Shakti's Will.


Jagbir does not `want power' as the `sophisticated mafia priesthood' have

proclaimed. The 'mafia priesthood' have instilled this petty fear of theirs into

SY minds. Jagbir does not want power, because he does not need power. The reason

why Jagbir does not need power is because he has the power of a Sahaja Yogi. The

power of a Sahaja Yogi is the power of innocence, love and truth and the desire

to tell others about the Divine Message of Shri Mataji.


Jai Shri Mataji!




, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> Dear Chandra and All,


> You said:


> " Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. " ......


> It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up to

them, with the help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who arranged a

meeting, and i am 'officially' allowed to go back to the local

collective now. However, i have not been back because i am still aware

that these characters can still be looking over my shoulder, and that

is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga Collectivity that i so

love and enjoy, and have missed.


> Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i went

back, and felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the ordinary

Sahaja Yogis who could not care one 'whit' about power or authority,

maybe i could overlook that negativity, and just enjoy the vibrations.


> The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective in

the first place, is that i might influence other yogis against these

mafia types. i had never actually said anything at the local

collective gatherings, and had no intention to do so, but the

'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to tarnish their

'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control the SY

Media too, and can promote themselves to be most upstanding.


> However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They

reveal their 'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very

shocked at what happened at Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A

yogini went there to present a book she had written and that Shri

Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago. So, in joy, she

went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book. She

and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went with

great love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that this

yogini is also the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to the

attention of the local collective, and that this choice was approved

by Shri Mataji. So we are talking here about Sahaja Yogis who have

vibrations and experience them daily!


> Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood

mafia types had orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically bar'

this couple's entry into the Presence of Shri Mataji. They had even

'managed' the local collective to be a 'party' to that. This is the

power that the Management Mafia have over rank and file SY's that this

is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the mafia ploy did

not work, and their negative actions were completely destroyed by the

vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from Shri Mataji.


> This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri

Mataji says that this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only thing

against this book that the Management Mafia could have, is that it

just further erodes the Priestly Power over the individual!


> i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what

Shri Mataji is about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really need

to be aware of this Mafia Element within the organization. It is even

at the local collective level, however, if everyone just sees them for

what they are, then their power will disappear into thin air. They are

a maya.


> Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the

background. Everyone is allowed to be their own leaders. That is what

Sahaja Yoga is really about. If everyone is their own leaders and

sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in Divine Love, then the Spirit

of God is the controlling element of the collective, and such a horrid

thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple, will never happen



> But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their

blinkers and blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do not

allow any division like Priest and Laity, because it is against the

Divine Will of God Himself. Separation such as Priest and Laity is not

True Collectivity!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> love from violet



> , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> wrote:

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great evil


> > God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over others.

> > There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today, which

> > is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control, manipulation,

> > domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> > authority of God. "

> > >

> > > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> > >

> > > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God is

> > not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over people.

> > >

> > > warmest regards to all,

> > > violet

> > >

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

> > thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the Puja

> > speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any flavor


> > priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know


> > a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)

> >

> > Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

> > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> > frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

> > these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> > delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all they

> > survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> > them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody


> > going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of


> > attention. "

> >

> > Chandra

> >

> >

> > " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru should

> > be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they never

> > believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is


> > horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one, Bishop


> > Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know


> > about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want to

> > denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

> > Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings; from

> > where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want to

> > propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling


> > name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

> > without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam,


> > people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong things

> > in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can understand,

> > that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to


> > that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

> > they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of


> > same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> > priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia.


> > No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is


> > to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> > attention. "

> >

> > (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

> >



















, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> Dear Chandra and All,


> You said:


> " Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. " ......


> It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up to

them, with the help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who arranged a

meeting, and i am 'officially' allowed to go back to the local

collective now. However, i have not been back because i am still aware

that these characters can still be looking over my shoulder, and that

is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga Collectivity that i so

love and enjoy, and have missed.


> Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i went

back, and felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the ordinary

Sahaja Yogis who could not care one 'whit' about power or authority,

maybe i could overlook that negativity, and just enjoy the vibrations.


> The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective in

the first place, is that i might influence other yogis against these

mafia types. i had never actually said anything at the local

collective gatherings, and had no intention to do so, but the

'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to tarnish their

'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control the SY

Media too, and can promote themselves to be most upstanding.


> However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They

reveal their 'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very

shocked at what happened at Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A

yogini went there to present a book she had written and that Shri

Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago. So, in joy, she

went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book. She

and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went with

great love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that this

yogini is also the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to the

attention of the local collective, and that this choice was approved

by Shri Mataji. So we are talking here about Sahaja Yogis who have

vibrations and experience them daily!


> Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood

mafia types had orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically bar'

this couple's entry into the Presence of Shri Mataji. They had even

'managed' the local collective to be a 'party' to that. This is the

power that the Management Mafia have over rank and file SY's that this

is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the mafia ploy did

not work, and their negative actions were completely destroyed by the

vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from Shri Mataji.


> This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri

Mataji says that this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only thing

against this book that the Management Mafia could have, is that it

just further erodes the Priestly Power over the individual!


> i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what

Shri Mataji is about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really need

to be aware of this Mafia Element within the organization. It is even

at the local collective level, however, if everyone just sees them for

what they are, then their power will disappear into thin air. They are

a maya.


> Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the

background. Everyone is allowed to be their own leaders. That is what

Sahaja Yoga is really about. If everyone is their own leaders and

sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in Divine Love, then the Spirit

of God is the controlling element of the collective, and such a horrid

thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple, will never happen



> But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their

blinkers and blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do not

allow any division like Priest and Laity, because it is against the

Divine Will of God Himself. Separation such as Priest and Laity is not

True Collectivity!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> love from violet



> , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> wrote:

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great evil


> > God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over others.

> > There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today, which

> > is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control, manipulation,

> > domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> > authority of God. "

> > >

> > > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> > >

> > > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God is

> > not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over people.

> > >

> > > warmest regards to all,

> > > violet

> > >

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

> > thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the Puja

> > speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any flavor


> > priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know


> > a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)

> >

> > Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

> > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> > frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

> > these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> > delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all they

> > survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> > them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody


> > going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of


> > attention. "

> >

> > Chandra

> >

> >

> > " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru should

> > be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they never

> > believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is


> > horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one, Bishop


> > Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know


> > about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want to

> > denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

> > Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings; from

> > where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want to

> > propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling


> > name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

> > without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam,


> > people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong things

> > in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can understand,

> > that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to


> > that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

> > they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of


> > same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> > priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia.


> > No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is


> > to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> > attention. "

> >

> > (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

> >


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Guest guest

Dear All,


Maybe the " de facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and

pocket Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called

world leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms " can be

inspired by fearless faith and resolute conviction of a 13-year-old.


However, i can assure SYs that all our centre, country, or so-

called world leaders COMBINED will never match the courage of

Ngawang Sangdrol, even after several rebirths. The latest label the

Sahaj priesthood have pinned on me is " a possessed false guru. " That

is their strategy now to assassinate the character of those who just

want to follow Her very requests and announce the same truth that

Shri Mataji has been doing for three decades. As Shri Mataji has so

aptly said " Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a

sophisticated mafia " .


However, take heart that their power has been decimated by the

silence of Shri Mataji and their own rivalries and power struggles.

Be your own masters and understand that these emperors have no

clothes - don't believe their hype. Last, but not the least, bide

for time as it is definitely on our side. Just remain in Silence and

witness them destroying themselves .... just as Shri Mataji is doing.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,






Surviving a Tibetan gulag

By Sarah Buckley

BBC News, Thursday, 27 April 2006


She had been asked how long a particular torture method - being hung

by the arms after they are tied behind the back - would be used

during incarceration.


" It's so painful you don't keep a timing on it, " she said simply.


Ms Sangdrol served 12 years in prison before she was released in

2002. She is still only in her late 20s.


She was first imprisoned aged 13, after she joined her fellow nuns

in Garu Nunnery in shouting " Independence for Tibet " and " Long live

the Dalai Lama " during a protest outside the Summer Palace in Lhasa.


She served nine months in Gutsa detention centre before she was

released. But her freedom did not last long.


In 1992, she was rearrested for joining another protest and taken to

the notorious Drapchi jail.


The penalties at Drapchi were severe. Ms Sangdrol was forced to

suffer beatings with iron rods and rubber pipes, electric cattle

prods on the tongue, knitting and spinning until her fingers

blistered, and six months in complete darkness while in solitary



There was also extremely unpleasant hard labour.


" For instance, we had to use night soil on the garden... You have to

take turns to go down to the latrine and pass up the waste. When the

bucket is pulled, inevitably it splashes and spills everywhere and

it will go into your mouth, " she said.


She still suffers headaches and kidney and stomach problems as a

result of her treatment.


But, she said, " the mental torture was worse " .


" We had to denounce his Holiness the Dalai Lama and were not allowed

to engage in religious practice. "


This answer is a measure of her commitment to her Buddhist beliefs

and helps to explain her behaviour in jail.


Ms Sangdrol repeatedly defied the prison authorities, including

singing revolutionary songs which were taped and smuggled out of

jail, and this earned her ever-extended prison sentences.


She said the sacrifice was worth it.


" Even when I first went to prison I knew this sort of torture was

taking place... (but) I was even angrier that an invader would come

to our country and persecute our people, " she said, referring to

China's invasion in 1950, and its subsequent rule.


She was eventually freed in October 2002. Her early release was

ostensibly on grounds of good behaviour, but came just days before

then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited George Bush's Texan



Thus, Ms Sangdrol won her freedom, but lost her family. She was

forced to leave Tibet five months after her release, and to say

goodbye to two sisters and a brother. She has not seen them since.


She now lives in the US and works for the International Campaign for

Tibet as a human rights analyst.


She says she wants to use the next few years to learn foreign

languages and to lobby for the " middle way " approach as advocated by

the Dalai Lama - autonomy for Tibet, rather than independence.


Her new life in the US is also personally significant.


" In the prison I was not allowed to do religious practice, but now I

have the opportunity, and it's nice now, " she said.


Surviving a Tibetan gulag



, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Chandra and All,


> You said:


> " Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. " ......


> It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up to

them, with the help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who arranged

a meeting, and i am 'officially' allowed to go back to the local

collective now. However, i have not been back because i am still

aware that these characters can still be looking over my shoulder,

and that is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga Collectivity

that i so love and enjoy, and have missed.


> Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i went

back, and felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the ordinary

Sahaja Yogis who could not care one 'whit' about power or authority,

maybe i could overlook that negativity, and just enjoy the



> The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective in

the first place, is that i might influence other yogis against these

mafia types. i had never actually said anything at the local

collective gatherings, and had no intention to do so, but

the 'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to tarnish

their 'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control

the SY Media too, and can promote themselves to be most upstanding.


> However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They

reveal their 'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very

shocked at what happened at Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A

yogini went there to present a book she had written and that Shri

Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago. So, in joy, she

went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book. She

and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went with

great love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that

this yogini is also the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to

the attention of the local collective, and that this choice was

approved by Shri Mataji. So we are talking here about Sahaja Yogis

who have vibrations and experience them daily!


> Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood

mafia types had orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically bar'

this couple's entry into the Presence of Shri Mataji. They had

even 'managed' the local collective to be a 'party' to that. This is

the power that the Management Mafia have over rank and file SY's

that this is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the

mafia ploy did not work, and their negative actions were completely

destroyed by the vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from

Shri Mataji.


> This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri

Mataji says that this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only

thing against this book that the Management Mafia could have, is

that it just further erodes the Priestly Power over the individual!


> i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what

Shri Mataji is about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really

need to be aware of this Mafia Element within the organization. It

is even at the local collective level, however, if everyone just

sees them for what they are, then their power will disappear into

thin air. They are a maya.


> Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the

background. Everyone is allowed to be their own leaders. That is

what Sahaja Yoga is really about. If everyone is their own leaders

and sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in Divine Love, then the

Spirit of God is the controlling element of the collective, and such

a horrid thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple, will never

happen again.


> But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their

blinkers and blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do not

allow any division like Priest and Laity, because it is against the

Divine Will of God Himself. Separation such as Priest and Laity is

not True Collectivity!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> love from violet



> , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> wrote:

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great

evil in

> > God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over


> > There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today,


> > is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control,


> > domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> > authority of God. "

> > >

> > > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> > >

> > > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God


> > not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over


> > >

> > > warmest regards to all,

> > > violet

> > >

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

> > thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the


> > speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any

flavor of

> > priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know


> > a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)

> >

> > Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the


> > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> > frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

> > these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> > delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all


> > survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> > them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor

anybody is

> > going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of


> > attention. "

> >

> > Chandra

> >

> >

> > " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru


> > be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they


> > believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is


> > horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one,

Bishop of

> > Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know


> > about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want


> > denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

> > Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings;


> > where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want


> > propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling


> > name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

> > without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam,


> > people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong


> > in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can


> > that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to


> > that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

> > they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of


> > same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> > priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia.


> > No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is


> > to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> > attention. "

> >

> > (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Jagbir,


When i wrote the two posts today on the subject of the 'sophisticated priestly

mafia', i had no idea that you were going to say that they have now labelled you

as a 'possessed false guru'! Now i know why i felt compelled to speak out about

them. Could they perhaps also be labelled 'possessed false priests'?


In any case, i just cannot believe that they have stooped so low, and against

Shri Mataji's express wishes to leave you alone to get on with the job that they

Will Not Do. Surely, they have now 'befooled themselves' by finally believing

their own falsehoods which they have whispered behind your back, but which is

now coming into the light.


i express my personal condolensces to you, as it is never nice to be denounced

like this by any group. It is an insult to you, and as you are a Sahaja Yogi

brother to me, it is also an insult to me, and i can assure you that i will

stand by you through 'thick and thin' and support you in any way i can.


i also probably won't go to the collective now, after they have denounced you

like this!


Shame on them!


love and best wishes,




, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> Maybe the " de facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and

> pocket Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called

> world leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms " can be

> inspired by fearless faith and resolute conviction of a 13-year-old.


> However, i can assure SYs that all our centre, country, or so-

> called world leaders COMBINED will never match the courage of

> Ngawang Sangdrol, even after several rebirths. The latest label the

> Sahaj priesthood have pinned on me is " a possessed false guru. " That

> is their strategy now to assassinate the character of those who just

> want to follow Her very requests and announce the same truth that

> Shri Mataji has been doing for three decades. As Shri Mataji has so

> aptly said " Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a

> sophisticated mafia " .


> However, take heart that their power has been decimated by the

> silence of Shri Mataji and their own rivalries and power struggles.

> Be your own masters and understand that these emperors have no

> clothes - don't believe their hype. Last, but not the least, bide

> for time as it is definitely on our side. Just remain in Silence and

> witness them destroying themselves .... just as Shri Mataji is



> Jai Shri Ganapathi,


> jagbir




> Surviving a Tibetan gulag

> By Sarah Buckley

> BBC News, Thursday, 27 April 2006


> She had been asked how long a particular torture method - being hung

> by the arms after they are tied behind the back - would be used

> during incarceration.


> " It's so painful you don't keep a timing on it, " she said simply.


> Ms Sangdrol served 12 years in prison before she was released in

> 2002. She is still only in her late 20s.


> She was first imprisoned aged 13, after she joined her fellow nuns

> in Garu Nunnery in shouting " Independence for Tibet " and " Long live

> the Dalai Lama " during a protest outside the Summer Palace in Lhasa.


> She served nine months in Gutsa detention centre before she was

> released. But her freedom did not last long.


> In 1992, she was rearrested for joining another protest and taken to

> the notorious Drapchi jail.


> The penalties at Drapchi were severe. Ms Sangdrol was forced to

> suffer beatings with iron rods and rubber pipes, electric cattle

> prods on the tongue, knitting and spinning until her fingers

> blistered, and six months in complete darkness while in solitary

> confinement.


> There was also extremely unpleasant hard labour.


> " For instance, we had to use night soil on the garden... You have to

> take turns to go down to the latrine and pass up the waste. When the

> bucket is pulled, inevitably it splashes and spills everywhere and

> it will go into your mouth, " she said.


> She still suffers headaches and kidney and stomach problems as a

> result of her treatment.


> But, she said, " the mental torture was worse " .


> " We had to denounce his Holiness the Dalai Lama and were not allowed

> to engage in religious practice. "


> This answer is a measure of her commitment to her Buddhist beliefs

> and helps to explain her behaviour in jail.


> Ms Sangdrol repeatedly defied the prison authorities, including

> singing revolutionary songs which were taped and smuggled out of

> jail, and this earned her ever-extended prison sentences.


> She said the sacrifice was worth it.


> " Even when I first went to prison I knew this sort of torture was

> taking place... (but) I was even angrier that an invader would come

> to our country and persecute our people, " she said, referring to

> China's invasion in 1950, and its subsequent rule.


> She was eventually freed in October 2002. Her early release was

> ostensibly on grounds of good behaviour, but came just days before

> then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited George Bush's Texan

> ranch.


> Thus, Ms Sangdrol won her freedom, but lost her family. She was

> forced to leave Tibet five months after her release, and to say

> goodbye to two sisters and a brother. She has not seen them since.


> She now lives in the US and works for the International Campaign for

> Tibet as a human rights analyst.


> She says she wants to use the next few years to learn foreign

> languages and to lobby for the " middle way " approach as advocated by

> the Dalai Lama - autonomy for Tibet, rather than independence.


> Her new life in the US is also personally significant.


> " In the prison I was not allowed to do religious practice, but now I

> have the opportunity, and it's nice now, " she said.


> Surviving a Tibetan gulag

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4618775.stm


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandra and All,

> >

> > You said:

> >

> > " Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the de

> facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. " ......

> >

> > It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up to

> them, with the help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who arranged

> a meeting, and i am 'officially' allowed to go back to the local

> collective now. However, i have not been back because i am still

> aware that these characters can still be looking over my shoulder,

> and that is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga Collectivity

> that i so love and enjoy, and have missed.

> >

> > Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i went

> back, and felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the ordinary

> Sahaja Yogis who could not care one 'whit' about power or authority,

> maybe i could overlook that negativity, and just enjoy the

> vibrations.

> >

> > The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective in

> the first place, is that i might influence other yogis against these

> mafia types. i had never actually said anything at the local

> collective gatherings, and had no intention to do so, but

> the 'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to tarnish

> their 'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control

> the SY Media too, and can promote themselves to be most upstanding.

> >

> > However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They

> reveal their 'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very

> shocked at what happened at Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A

> yogini went there to present a book she had written and that Shri

> Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago. So, in joy, she

> went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book. She

> and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went with

> great love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that

> this yogini is also the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to

> the attention of the local collective, and that this choice was

> approved by Shri Mataji. So we are talking here about Sahaja Yogis

> who have vibrations and experience them daily!

> >

> > Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood

> mafia types had orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically bar'

> this couple's entry into the Presence of Shri Mataji. They had

> even 'managed' the local collective to be a 'party' to that. This is

> the power that the Management Mafia have over rank and file SY's

> that this is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the

> mafia ploy did not work, and their negative actions were completely

> destroyed by the vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from

> Shri Mataji.

> >

> > This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri

> Mataji says that this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only

> thing against this book that the Management Mafia could have, is

> that it just further erodes the Priestly Power over the individual!

> >

> > i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what

> Shri Mataji is about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really

> need to be aware of this Mafia Element within the organization. It

> is even at the local collective level, however, if everyone just

> sees them for what they are, then their power will disappear into

> thin air. They are a maya.

> >

> > Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the

> background. Everyone is allowed to be their own leaders. That is

> what Sahaja Yoga is really about. If everyone is their own leaders

> and sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in Divine Love, then the

> Spirit of God is the controlling element of the collective, and such

> a horrid thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple, will never

> happen again.

> >

> > But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their

> blinkers and blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do not

> allow any division like Priest and Laity, because it is against the

> Divine Will of God Himself. Separation such as Priest and Laity is

> not True Collectivity!

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > love from violet

> >

> >

> > , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > > >

> > > The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great

> evil in

> > > God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over

> others.

> > > There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today,

> which

> > > is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control,

> manipulation,

> > > domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> > > authority of God. "

> > > >

> > > > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> > > >

> > > > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that God

> is

> > > not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over

> people.

> > > >

> > > > warmest regards to all,

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Violet and All,

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what She

> > > thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the

> Puja

> > > speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any

> flavor of

> > > priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood, know

> it's

> > > a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)

> > >

> > > Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the

> de

> > > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> > > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> > > frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-bahs:

> > > these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> > > delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all

> they

> > > survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> > > them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor

> anybody is

> > > going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of

> special

> > > attention. "

> > >

> > > Chandra

> > >

> > >

> > > " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru

> should

> > > be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they

> never

> > > believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is

> another

> > > horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one,

> Bishop of

> > > Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know

> nothing

> > > about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want

> to

> > > denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because if

> > > Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings;

> from

> > > where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want

> to

> > > propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling

> the

> > > name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him stupidly,

> > > without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam,

> horrible

> > > people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong

> things

> > > in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can

> understand,

> > > that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king to

> show

> > > that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is how

> > > they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins of

> the

> > > same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> > > priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia.

> (Applause).

> > > No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is

> going

> > > to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> > > attention. "

> > >

> > > (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

Dear All,


i just realized why the 'Sahaj Mafia Priesthood' have resorted to the character

assassination of Jagbir. It is because they like to have control of everything

and everybody. They tried to control these websites too by attempting to shut

them down. They do not believe in freedom of speech and expression. They were

unsuccessful in trying to shut these websites down, and these websites are going

to the top of Google Rankings. That is why they are now resorting to character

assassination. In reality, it is JUST MORE EVIDENCE against them. It shows where

there REAL LOVE lies. Their real love lies in the LOVE OF POWER!




, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> When i wrote the two posts today on the subject of the

'sophisticated priestly mafia', i had no idea that you were going to

say that they have now labelled you as a 'possessed false guru'! Now i

know why i felt compelled to speak out about them. Could they perhaps

also be labelled 'possessed false priests'?


> In any case, i just cannot believe that they have stooped so low,

and against Shri Mataji's express wishes to leave you alone to get on

with the job that they Will Not Do. Surely, they have now 'befooled

themselves' by finally believing their own falsehoods which they have

whispered behind your back, but which is now coming into the light.


> i express my personal condolensces to you, as it is never nice to be

denounced like this by any group. It is an insult to you, and as you

are a Sahaja Yogi brother to me, it is also an insult to me, and i can

assure you that i will stand by you through 'thick and thin' and

support you in any way i can.


> i also probably won't go to the collective now, after they have

denounced you like this!


> Shame on them!


> love and best wishes,

> violet



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Maybe the " de facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots


> > pocket Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called

> > world leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms " can be

> > inspired by fearless faith and resolute conviction of a 13-year-


> >

> > However, i can assure SYs that all our centre, country, or so-

> > called world leaders COMBINED will never match the courage of

> > Ngawang Sangdrol, even after several rebirths. The latest label


> > Sahaj priesthood have pinned on me is " a possessed false guru. "


> > is their strategy now to assassinate the character of those who


> > want to follow Her very requests and announce the same truth that

> > Shri Mataji has been doing for three decades. As Shri Mataji has


> > aptly said " Wherever there is a priesthood, know it's a mafia, is


> > sophisticated mafia " .

> >

> > However, take heart that their power has been decimated by the

> > silence of Shri Mataji and their own rivalries and power


> > Be your own masters and understand that these emperors have no

> > clothes - don't believe their hype. Last, but not the least, bide

> > for time as it is definitely on our side. Just remain in Silence


> > witness them destroying themselves .... just as Shri Mataji is

> doing.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ganapathi,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > Surviving a Tibetan gulag

> > By Sarah Buckley

> > BBC News, Thursday, 27 April 2006

> >

> > She had been asked how long a particular torture method - being


> > by the arms after they are tied behind the back - would be used

> > during incarceration.

> >

> > " It's so painful you don't keep a timing on it, " she said simply.

> >

> > Ms Sangdrol served 12 years in prison before she was released in

> > 2002. She is still only in her late 20s.

> >

> > She was first imprisoned aged 13, after she joined her fellow nuns

> > in Garu Nunnery in shouting " Independence for Tibet " and " Long


> > the Dalai Lama " during a protest outside the Summer Palace in


> >

> > She served nine months in Gutsa detention centre before she was

> > released. But her freedom did not last long.

> >

> > In 1992, she was rearrested for joining another protest and taken


> > the notorious Drapchi jail.

> >

> > The penalties at Drapchi were severe. Ms Sangdrol was forced to

> > suffer beatings with iron rods and rubber pipes, electric cattle

> > prods on the tongue, knitting and spinning until her fingers

> > blistered, and six months in complete darkness while in solitary

> > confinement.

> >

> > There was also extremely unpleasant hard labour.

> >

> > " For instance, we had to use night soil on the garden... You have


> > take turns to go down to the latrine and pass up the waste. When


> > bucket is pulled, inevitably it splashes and spills everywhere and

> > it will go into your mouth, " she said.

> >

> > She still suffers headaches and kidney and stomach problems as a

> > result of her treatment.

> >

> > But, she said, " the mental torture was worse " .

> >

> > " We had to denounce his Holiness the Dalai Lama and were not


> > to engage in religious practice. "

> >

> > This answer is a measure of her commitment to her Buddhist beliefs

> > and helps to explain her behaviour in jail.

> >

> > Ms Sangdrol repeatedly defied the prison authorities, including

> > singing revolutionary songs which were taped and smuggled out of

> > jail, and this earned her ever-extended prison sentences.

> >

> > She said the sacrifice was worth it.

> >

> > " Even when I first went to prison I knew this sort of torture was

> > taking place... (but) I was even angrier that an invader would


> > to our country and persecute our people, " she said, referring to

> > China's invasion in 1950, and its subsequent rule.

> >

> > She was eventually freed in October 2002. Her early release was

> > ostensibly on grounds of good behaviour, but came just days before

> > then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited George Bush's Texan

> > ranch.

> >

> > Thus, Ms Sangdrol won her freedom, but lost her family. She was

> > forced to leave Tibet five months after her release, and to say

> > goodbye to two sisters and a brother. She has not seen them since.

> >

> > She now lives in the US and works for the International Campaign


> > Tibet as a human rights analyst.

> >

> > She says she wants to use the next few years to learn foreign

> > languages and to lobby for the " middle way " approach as advocated


> > the Dalai Lama - autonomy for Tibet, rather than independence.

> >

> > Her new life in the US is also personally significant.

> >

> > " In the prison I was not allowed to do religious practice, but now


> > have the opportunity, and it's nice now, " she said.

> >

> > Surviving a Tibetan gulag

> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4618775.stm

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chandra and All,

> > >

> > > You said:

> > >

> > > " Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the


> > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called world

> > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. " ......

> > >

> > > It is time that Sahaja Yogis stand up to them. i have stood up


> > them, with the help of Jagbir's brother, Dr. Balwinder, who


> > a meeting, and i am 'officially' allowed to go back to the local

> > collective now. However, i have not been back because i am still

> > aware that these characters can still be looking over my shoulder,

> > and that is a big deterrent to the Sweet Sahaja Yoga Collectivity

> > that i so love and enjoy, and have missed.

> > >

> > > Maybe, i should not worry about that, and just go. Maybe if i


> > back, and felt the love, from the non-mafia types, from the


> > Sahaja Yogis who could not care one 'whit' about power or


> > maybe i could overlook that negativity, and just enjoy the

> > vibrations.

> > >

> > > The only reason i was discouraged from going to the collective


> > the first place, is that i might influence other yogis against


> > mafia types. i had never actually said anything at the local

> > collective gatherings, and had no intention to do so, but

> > the 'priesthood' was worried that i had the power to tarnish

> > their 'managed reputations'. i say 'managed' because they control

> > the SY Media too, and can promote themselves to be most


> > >

> > > However, behind the scenes, they reveal their true colours. They

> > reveal their 'unsahaj uncollective characteristics'. i was very

> > shocked at what happened at Burwood when Shri Mataji was there. A

> > yogini went there to present a book she had written and that Shri

> > Mataji had commissioned her to write many years ago. So, in joy,


> > went to finally get Shri Mataji's blessing on the finished book.


> > and her husband (whom Shri Mataji had personally matched) went


> > great love, devotion, and vibrations to Burwood. i might add that

> > this yogini is also the one who brought the much-loved Hiawatha to

> > the attention of the local collective, and that this choice was

> > approved by Shri Mataji. So we are talking here about Sahaja Yogis

> > who have vibrations and experience them daily!

> > >

> > > Anyway, for some strange and unfathomable reason, the priesthood

> > mafia types had orchestrated behind the scenes, to 'physically


> > this couple's entry into the Presence of Shri Mataji. They had

> > even 'managed' the local collective to be a 'party' to that. This


> > the power that the Management Mafia have over rank and file SY's

> > that this is even possible to effect! To cut the story short, the

> > mafia ploy did not work, and their negative actions were


> > destroyed by the vibrations and the yogini had her blessing from

> > Shri Mataji.

> > >

> > > This book, by the way, is one commissioned by Shri Mataji. Shri

> > Mataji says that this book goes beyond what Jung wrote. The only

> > thing against this book that the Management Mafia could have, is

> > that it just further erodes the Priestly Power over the


> > >

> > > i want to say again that Sahaja Yogis who really care about what

> > Shri Mataji is about, and Her Divine Message to humanity, really

> > need to be aware of this Mafia Element within the organization. It

> > is even at the local collective level, however, if everyone just

> > sees them for what they are, then their power will disappear into

> > thin air. They are a maya.

> > >

> > > Like Sir C.P. said in his speech, they need to stay in the

> > background. Everyone is allowed to be their own leaders. That is

> > what Sahaja Yoga is really about. If everyone is their own leaders

> > and sweetly submits to other Sahaja Yogis in Divine Love, then the

> > Spirit of God is the controlling element of the collective, and


> > a horrid thing that happened to this Sahaja Yoga couple, will


> > happen again.

> > >

> > > But one word of warning.....Sahaja Yogis need to take off their

> > blinkers and blinders, and stand up as true Sahaj Yogies who do


> > allow any division like Priest and Laity, because it is against


> > Divine Will of God Himself. Separation such as Priest and Laity is

> > not True Collectivity!

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Mataji!

> > >

> > > love from violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > , " Violet "

> > > > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > > > >

> > > > The wrong separation of the clergy from the laity is a great

> > evil in

> > > > God's sight and He hates the lust for religious power over

> > others.

> > > > There is an ungodly spiritual authority in the Church today,

> > which

> > > > is nothing more than the prideful spirit of control,

> > manipulation,

> > > > domination and intimidation and a rebellion of the rightful

> > > > authority of God. "

> > > > >

> > > > > http://latter-rain.com/eschae/nicola.htm

> > > > >

> > > > > It seems to be quite clear from the Scriptures then, that


> > is

> > > > not fond of a hierarachy or 'ruling class' of clergy over

> > people.

> > > > >

> > > > > warmest regards to all,

> > > > > violet

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Violet and All,

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji Herself has indicated in no uncertain terms what


> > > > thought of any hierarchy, ruling class or priesthood. In the

> > Puja

> > > > speech of the 1986 Guru Puja in Austria, She denounced any

> > flavor of

> > > > priesthood and thundered: " Wherever there is a priesthood,


> > it's

> > > > a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia. " (Excerpt below)

> > > >

> > > > Most of us have seen and experienced or even suffered from the

> > de

> > > > facto priesthood in Sahaja Yoga: the petty despots and pocket

> > > > Napoleons in the form of the centre, country, or so-called


> > > > leaders lording over their satrapies and fiefdoms. Jagbir has

> > > > frequently used a very apt metaphor for these little pooh-


> > > > these are just post-men at the local post office tasked with

> > > > delivering letters but have made themselves the lords of all

> > they

> > > > survey. From the same excerpt Shri Mataji has these words for

> > > > them: " No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor

> > anybody is

> > > > going to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of

> > special

> > > > attention. "

> > > >

> > > > Chandra

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " ...There are so many descriptions of a guru, how a satguru

> > should

> > > > be. Not in the West, I didn't see that because I think they

> > never

> > > > believed in gurus but they have lots of gurus, like Pope is

> > another

> > > > horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one,

> > Bishop of

> > > > Canterbury sitting there, all of them are false gurus, know

> > nothing

> > > > about Kundalini, don't know anything Brahma and they just want

> > to

> > > > denounce Indian ideas not because they are Indian but because


> > > > Sahaja Yoga is established they will lose all their earnings;

> > from

> > > > where will they get their money and their crowns? So they want

> > to

> > > > propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing,


> > the

> > > > name of Christ, saying all kinds of things against Him


> > > > without knowing the Divine. Then we have many in the Islam,

> > horrible

> > > > people, just the opposite of Mohamad Sahib, doing all wrong

> > things

> > > > in the name of Mohamad Sahib. Something like, one can

> > understand,

> > > > that a thief has to become an imposter to behave like a king


> > show

> > > > that he's not a thief and to have his thieving done. This is


> > > > they are. All of them right from India we have many Brahmins


> > the

> > > > same category. This priesthood has to go. Wherever there is a

> > > > priesthood, know it's a mafia, is a sophisticated mafia.

> > (Applause).

> > > > No Sahaja Yogi guru is going to take any money nor anybody is

> > going

> > > > to bow to them, nor they are going to take any kind of special

> > > > attention. "

> > > >

> > > > (Guru Puja, Gmunden, Austria, 6/7/86)

> > > >

> > >

> >


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