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What is this gnosis, which we sometimes call the hidden knowledge?

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The author of Psalm 94 describes mortals in their natural state as

perceiving " no more of reality than animals. " (Psalm 94:8) His

reference to reality relates to Jesus' statement, recorded in the

Sayings of Jesus, that " The shadows of this world are perceived by

mortals, and they think they know Truth, but the Reality which casts

the shadows is hidden from them. " (Sayings of Jesus 2:2) The

Psalmist's solution to mortals' lack of perception is to turn to the

Creator. " It is she who knows all things, and she will instruct those

who seek her in those principles which lead to gnosis. …if they will

turn to her, she will raise their perception to view that which is

real. " (Psalm 94:10-11)


What is this gnosis, which we sometimes call the " hidden knowledge " ?

One scholar who has researched gnosis in depth says of it,


Gnosis is not primarily rational knowledge. The Greek language

distinguishes between scientific or reflective knowledge ( " He knows

mathematics " ) and knowing through observation or experience ( " He knows

me " ) which is gnosis. As the gnostics use the term, we could translate

it as " insight, " for gnosis involves an intuitive process.... (Elaine

Pagels, THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS, New York: Random House, 1979.)


Another scholar explains it this way.


On the one hand [gnosis] is closely bound up with revelatory

experience, so that reception of the truth either through sacred and

secret lore or through inner illumination replaces rational argument

and theory (though this extra-rational basis may then provide scope

for independent speculation); on the other hand, being concerned with

the secrets of salvation, " knowledge " is not just theoretical

information about certain things but is itself, as a modification of

the human condition, charged with performing a function in the

bringing about of salvation. " (Hans Jonas, THE GNOSTIC RELIGION: THE


Beacon Press, 1963)


Essentially, the Gnostic way is not to teach you a lot of answers to

your questions, but to help you rechannel your brain so that it will

be able to perceive Truth, which is already hidden within you. When

Jesus' disciples questioned him concerning the proper mode of fasting,

praying, giving alms, and eating, he didn't answer them directly, but



" You must put off your love of the lie, the false way of life followed

by the children of this plane of existence, and be converted, changed

so that you hate that which you have previously loved, and love that

which you have previously hated. Then I will be able to show you all

things, for there is nothing hidden which will not be manifested when

you have put on the mind of Truth. " (Sayings of Jesus 1:11)


Gnostics seek Truth in three different ways. The first is through

studying the written word, especially that which the Body of gnostics

has accepted as illuminating the principles revealed by the Eloheim,

but also all other good books which they personally feel enhance their

perception of Truth. Those books that Gnostics accept as scripture

come through the Holy Spirit. When we say that a gnostic master has

translated a book of ancient scripture, we mean that he has translated

it from a spiritual record written on the Holy Spirit into a physical

form that can be written in a book.


Irenaeus, a second century orthodox opponent of gnosticism, criticized

the gnostic concept of scripture because its authenticity is not

claimed on the basis of its being handed down in unbroken succession

from some authority figure, but on the basis of its having been

revealed through the Holy Spirit. (Irenaeus, Libros Quinque Adversus

Haereses 2.15.3) Gnostics would say that their scriptures are true

because they open the mind of the reader to " the Reality which is God.

" (Sayings of Jesus 2:2) They would suggest that the value of a book

lies not in its age, but in its Light.


The second source of information about Truth is the oral mysteries.

These are not written, but must be learned from those who have

mastered them. When his disciple Matthew said to Jesus, " Lord, I wish

to see that Place of Life where all is pure Light and darkness cannot

come, " Jesus replied, " Brother Matthew, you cannot see it as long as

you are centered in the physical body. " Matthew exclaimed, " Lord, I

cannot see it alone; help me to gain this hidden knowledge. "

(Teachings of the Master 4:3-5) Matthew realized that he needed the

help of a master if he was going to be able to make the transition

from being centered in the physical body to being centered in the

Light. Like Matthew, we cannot see the Place of Life without help.


When Matthew asked him, " How can we throw off the dominion of the dark

powers and walk in Light? " Jesus replied,


Remain steady in your search for Truth. Know that Truth is not to be

found outside yourself, but find a Master who can lead you through

your heart to find the secrets locked within it. Then you will prevail

over the dark powers; you will be able to deny your ego, change your

manner of life and, taking up your cross, follow me. When once you

know that the hidden knowledge is within you, you must seek the keys

from the Master of Assemblies, so that you can find them and rejoice

in Light. (Teachings of the Master 3:9-10)


During the discussion recorded in The Teachings of the Master, Jesus

went into the relationship of master and disciple, and its role in

opening the mind to the perception of Truth, in some depth.


Then the Master said to them, " When you are masters, and disciples

come to you seeking Light, strive to lead them to salvation. Speak to

them the keys of gnosis until their minds are opened to perceive the

hidden Truth. Then they will be of one mind with you, for their minds

will be directed by the Inner Light. I tell you truly, the Living Gods

dwell in you, and you dwell in them. "


Judas said to him, " Truly I desire to be a master so that I can lead

souls to Light. "


The Lord replied, " Since the Living Gods exist in you, their power

will flow out of you at the proper time, and disciples will be drawn

to your Light. You need not seek disciples, for if you let your Light

shine and share the word of Life, disciples will sit at your feet to

learn the hidden knowledge. "


* * *


As they sat on the hillside, some seekers approached Mary Magdaline to

question her about Jesus' teachings. They asked the meaning of his

sayings, " The problems of each day can be met that day, " " The laborer

earns what he eats, " and " The disciple will resemble his Master. " Mary

discoursed on these topics, leading them toward the hidden knowledge.

When the seekers had departed, the Master said, " You see Light

ministering through Mary, drawing souls to itself. That is how it will

be with each of you when your time has come. " (Teachings of the Master

4:14-16; 6:1)


Again, a gnostic master is not one who will provide you with all the

answers. He or she will not be willing to take responsibility for your

life by telling you how you should live it, but he will help you

expand your mind and rechannel your brain so that it is able to

perceive the knowledge of Truth which is hidden within you, and you

will learn the principles which will enable you to walk in Light.


The third way of learning gnosis is directly from the Inner Light, the

Holy Spirit which exists as a spark in every human being and as a

flame in those who have received the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Heracleon, a second century gnostic teacher, said, " At first, people

believe because of the testimony of others, but then they come to

believe from Truth itself. " (Heracleon, Frag. 39, in Origen,

Commentarium in Johannes) One gnostic master described this process in

this way.


The Eloheim will give you, their saints, knowledge through their Holy

Spirit, yes, through the indescribable Gift of the Holy Spirit, in a

manner in which it has not been revealed during the existence of this

mortal plane. *** Whether there is One God or many Gods, they were all

to be manifested at this time. All sources of power, authority,

government, and strength will be revealed through gnosis descending on

everyone who has endured valiantly for the good news of Jesus Christ.

* * * This is according to what was decreed during the Council of the

Eternal God of All Other Gods before this world existed. (Book of

Covenants 1839-1:26, 28-29, 32)


Each of these processes reveals a different portion of gnosis, and

taken together they will lead you back into the presence of the





Gnosis reaches us through the written scriptures, through enlightened

masters, and directly through the Inner Light, but the source of all

these is the Eloheim. This is a Hebrew term which is translated " God "

in most Bibles, but it is actually a plural form (plural in Hebrew is

indicated by im) which is sometimes more properly translated " Gods. "

However, this term too may be misleading because of our preconceptions

of what it means, so gnostics often leave " Eloheim " untranslated.


False concepts of deity result from the belief, which most people

have, that " god " or " the gods " are something totally unrelated to

mankind. The gnostic, however, conceives of Deity as Exalted Mortal.

" On the Origin of the World, " an ancient gnostic text, speaks of the

Deity (pl.) as " an enlightened, immortal humanity. " Irenaeus explained

that gnostics taught that " the Primal Father of the Whole, the Primal

Beginning, and the Primal Incomprehensible, is called Anthropos [Man]

....and that this is the great and abstruse mystery, namely, that the

power which is above all others and contains all others in its embrace

is called Anthropos [Man]. (Irenaeus, Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses

1.11.1) The Deity revealed itself to Enoch in these words, " I am one

of the Eloheim. Man of Holiness is my name. Man of Counsel is my name.

" (History of Ezra 3:14) Gnostics believe that Jesus called himself

the Son of Man because he is the Son of the Man of Holiness.


This means that the Eloheim were once mortals as we are, but through

the application of the principles hidden in gnosis, they became

enlightened and immortal. If we follow the same process they did, we

can become like them; we can join the Eloheim in the celestial realm.

Jesus said to his disciples,


I have come to open the Way of Life to all mankind. I will teach you

the passageway through which the elect will pass into the presence of

the Eloheim, that same passage through which each of the Eloheim has

passed before you. (Teachings of the Master 1:2)




Since both men and women may follow gnosis and become members of the

Eloheim, the Deity is revealed to us as both Male and Female, Father

and Mother. Jesus said, " You are the sons of the Eloheim. Should the

son not be like his Father? You are the daughters of the Eloheim.

Should the daughter not be like her Mother? " (Sayings of Jesus 2:10)

Of those who unite with the Eloheim he said, " These will sit on the

seat of power of the Eloheim, using instruments of power, and they

will be the Fathers and Mothers of worlds through all generations. "

(Testimony of Mary 2:7) He also taught his disciples to pray in this

manner " Hear us, our Father and Mother who are on the heavenly plane. "

(Teachings of the Master 1:5)


The word Eloheim, itself, is a predominantly feminine form.


....female imagery of the divinity persists throughout large portions

of the Bible, perhaps starting with the plural form of the name of the

divinity in Genesis one, ELOHIM, which is probably derived from the

feminine form of the name for divinity, ELOAH.... (Leonard Swidler,



It is their failure to acknowledge the Motherhood of Deity which has

led many to regard " him " as a fierce, tyrannical, judgmental, vengeful

tyrant who is looking for a chance to trip them up and throw them into

hell. Only when we understand the Motherhood, as well as the

Fatherhood of the Eloheim, can we begin to perceive the meaning of the

scriptural assertion that God is Love.




When Jesus was teaching Mary Magdaline, he said, " Yes, that soul who

lives by the revelations and ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood will

pass through the gate of the celestial world. *** That soul who lives

by the revelations and ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood will

pass through the gate of the Mansion of the Gods. *** That soul who

lives by the revelations and ordinances of the Patriarchal Priesthood,

will pass through the gate of the Mansion of the Parents. "


Yes, that soul who lives by the revelations and ordinances of the

Aaronic Priesthood will pass through the gate of the celestial world.

*** That soul who lives by the revelations and ordinances of the

Melchizedek Priesthood will pass through the gate of the Mansion of

the Gods. *** That soul who lives by the revelations and ordinances of

the Patriarchal Priesthood, will pass through the gate of the Mansion

of the Parents. (Testimony of Mary 2:5-7)


Unlike the orthodox, gnostics do not view the Priesthood as an elite

body which governs the " laity. " Rather, Priesthood is a function of

gnosis. We ascend through gnosis step by step, and these steps are

divided into levels of Priesthood. Consequently, every follower of

gnosis enters the Priesthood Order as part of that pursuit, and

progresses from the Aaronic Priesthood, to the Melchizedek Priesthood,

the Patriarchal Priesthood and beyond as he or she advances in the

hidden knowledge.


Since every follower of gnosis passes through the levels of the

Priesthood, it is not limited to men as it has traditionally been in

the orthodox churches. This equality of men and women in the

Priesthood was one of the most objectionable features of gnosticism to

the orthodox in the first centuries of Christianity. As Tertullian,

one of the orthodox spokesmen, exclaimed,


These heretical women--how audacious they are! They have no modesty;

they are bold enough to teach, to engage in argument, to enact

exorcisms, to undertake cures, and, it may be, even to baptize!

(Tertullian, De Praescr 41)


Even among Jesus' immediate disciples, the role of women on an

equality with men was difficult to accept. Mary Magdaline records that

after the resurrection, Peter said of her to the other disciples,


" Would the Savior really reveal these precious things to a woman, and

not to the Twelve, whom he called and ordained under his own hands?

Are we to have a woman to instruct us? No, I will only believe what I

heard from Jesus' lips with my own ears. " *** John said to Peter,

" Peter, you have always been quick to judge, and your judgment isn't

always appropriate. *** It is the satans who lead you to contend

against the woman Mary, for if Jesus has raised her above you, who are

you, really, to reject her? Surely the Lord knows her and the strength

that is in her. That is why the Lord loved her more than all of you.

(Testimony of Mary 3:2, 4)


Gnosis, then, comes to us from the Eloheim in three ways, through the

written word in the scriptures, through the spoken word of enlightened

masters, and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Inner Light.

The Eloheim are Exalted Mortals, those who have preceded us in

following gnosis and, through its power, have become enlightened and

immortal. Men and women equally may follow gnosis, and consequently

the Eloheim are both male and female, Fathers and Mothers on the

Heavenly Plane. The Priesthood is available to all as they advance

through gnosis, giving them opportunities to use the knowledge that

they have gained in blessing the lives of others.


Jesus said to his disciples,


The time has arrived, Beloved, when you should leave behind the cares

of this plane of existence and enter into a state of rest, for the

person who enters into rest in this life, will remain in a state of

rest forever. I tell you that the heavenly realm must exist within

you, before you can enter into it, but I have given you my peace, and

if you walk with the Angel of Peace, the heavenly realm will be in

you, and you will be in the heavenly realm. (Teachings of the Master



As you pursue gnosis, you will commence a walk with the Angel of

Peace, and all the other angels, who will lead you back to the

presence of the Eloheim. As, Jesus promised,


If you continue to follow my teachings, you are my true disciples, and

you will learn Truth, which will free you from the illusions of

darkness. Then you will have access to the Father and Mother through

your prayers, and you will have power to establish the realm of Light

on the mortal plane as it exists in the Mind of the Eloheim.

(Teachings of the Master 1:3)



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