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All about Sahasrara (by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)....

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" As soon as the Sahasrara was opened the whole atmosphere was filled with

tremendous Chaitanya. And there was tremendous Light in the sky. And the whole

thing came on the Earth — as if a torrential rain or a waterfall — with such

tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so

tremendous and so unexpected that I was stunned and totally silent at the



I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was

very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you heat up metal, and it had

many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a furnace, like a

tunnel, as you see these plants you have here for coal burning that create

electricity. And it stretched like a telescope and came out one after another,

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Just like that.


And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then they lifted

the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and then this torrential

rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all that and got lost in the Joy. It

was like an artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the Joy of great



After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and saw human

beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired that I should get

the cups to fill the Nectar . . . "


Shri Niskala Devi

Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara

Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete



" Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day I

must say it was a Great Happening that took place on all the humanity.

It was such an achievement, which I never realized before. Now I can

see that without Self-Realization it would have been impossible to

talk to people.


Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about it because no

one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on My part to say

something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures

something was described. It was absolutely an ambiguous description I would say

where people could not even have thought there is a realm beyond Sahasrara, and

one has to enter that realm where is the Reality.


That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until there are many

Lights, people will never realize that how important it is to have Light. "


Shri Puratana Devi

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996

Puratana (801st): Primordial or Ancient.



" Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this day . . .

the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should say because I

didn't think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait

but some things happened that made Me think that it had to be opened. It was in

such a situation that I felt if I delayed it anymore now it may help these false

gurus to spread their nonsense all over. "


Shri Brahmani Devi

Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995



" For all of us the seekers the last work of the Divine of opening the last

centre in the Great Primordial Being was done on the 5th of May, 1970. It is the

greatest event of all the spiritual happenings of the Universe. It was done with

great care and great attachment. It is not in the limits of human understanding

how things are worked in the heavens. It is your fortune and God's Love that has

worked this one.


Without this happening there could not have been a possibility to give mass

Realization to people. One could have done it on one or two persons here and

there, but to give such a mass awakening could not have been possible. "


Shri Sasvataisvarya Devi

Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

Sasvataisvarya (952nd): Eternal Kingdom of dominion. She is always the Giver of

Eternal Bliss, the greatest dominion



" So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti had to come

to establish the Dharma . . .


When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I don't think

I met many seekers . . . First I thought I've come a little early . . . but then

I saw these horrible false gurus also throwing their charms on people and trying

to control them. That made Me really, really think that now I'd better stop

worrying as to what sort of people there are — let's start! And that's how the

first Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . . in

the morning time. "


Shri Niskriya Devi

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993

Niskriya (182nd): Beyond all action. Nothing is prohibited or enjoined to Her;

or no need for any action.



" You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000

Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih Devi

Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss enjoyed by

the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop in the ocean of

Bliss enjoyed by Herself. )



" By saying there's no God, God doesn't disappear. He is very much there. Sahaja

Yoga is the only way you can prove the existence of God and all that is said so

far about all these Incarnations because the Seventh Chakra is now open. You get

your Realization, and you become the spirit. It is so imminent that the Seventh

Chakra had to be opened so that you pass from one life level to another level. "


Shri Abala-gopa-vidita Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985

Abala-gopa-vidita [994th]: Known even to ignorant ones like children and

untutored like Gopa or cowherds.



" What is the meaning of going into meditation? It means you have got connected

to the Paramchaitanya, the All-Pervading Power. The minute you are in meditation

you have established Oneness with the Paramchaitanya. "


Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi

Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta (68th): Mounted on the chariot or

Sri Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e. powers. She has three bodies:

the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are represented by the three Chakra —

Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is mounted by Mantrini

i.e., mind. Kiri Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e., Buddhi. Her weapons are

there in the microcosm. They are good qualities like Soma and Dama, truth, and

righteousness, distinguishing between real and unreal and developing a cosmic

view of the Reality. They are for fighting the ego (Bhanda); with the help of

these qualities the enlightened mind realises the Ultimate Reality as an

all-pervading consciousness.



" This Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha; in Sanskrit language

means the Aquarius. We call it as Aquarius, as one of the Signs, and is the same

as Khumba in Sanskrit language.


So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. . . which will

nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will give you the

completeness of it. And which will connect you with your Spirit which ultimately

gives you the enlightenment by which you become Collectively Conscious.


Shri Srikanthardha-saririni Devi

USA — September 16, 1983

Srikanthardha-saririni (392nd): Half the body of Sri-kantha, I.e. Siva is Hers.

The equal status of Siva and Shakti are indicated by this name.



" Without breaking the Sahasrara we could not have achieved the ascent en masse.

.. . . To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if the western brains could

understand and be aware of your Mother. When your Mother is the Deity of

Sahasrara the only way to be able to keep the Sahasrara open has to be complete

surrendering. For that many ask Me, " How do we do it'? " It's a very funny

question. It is irrelevant. If your Sahasrara has been opened by someone, and

luckily that is the Deity before you, it should be the easiest thing to



But it is not . . . What is surrendering? . . . What do you have to surrender? A

drop has to dissolve in the Ocean to become the Ocean, and a drop cannot be

greater than the Ocean — can it be? So what is the surrendering? Surrendering of

our conditionings, of our ego, and the artificial barriers we have built around

us . . .


But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for you, not

for the Divine. If you are not available the Divine can find its own way of

fulfilling its Last Culmination of Expression. Even to understand how immense

the task is you need a surrendering heart..


The area of the Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the Brahmarandhra opens

fully then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini, which has risen up

and given you Realization, creates the opening by which the Divine starts

pouring all its subtleties inside your brain .

. .


All of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. . . After Nirvikalpa you cannot

come down . . . . "


Shri Kantardha-vigraha Devi

Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985

Kantardha-vigraha [861st]: Having a form half of which is a `female' i.e.,

Ardha-narisvara: showing the dual concept of Reality as the united aspect of

Siva and Shakti.



" When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then Christ

within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these balloons of ego and

the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens. There is simultaneous opening of

the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of the Virata open. It was like tongues of

flames. Just like when you dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like

petals of flame. In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening

of the Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens. "


Sri Durlabha Devi

Durlabha (188th): Hard to attain



" I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far. It will be

slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared yet to become

capable of absorbing it. "


Shri Sukhprada Devi

Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is Nirvana-Sukha,

the Bliss of Liberation.



" You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your

friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get realized. " The reason

for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with his

Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to

take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into

the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in

the Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Madhumati Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

Madhumati (717th): Madhu stands for bliss. She is Brahmananda Herself or She is

of the form of Mantras in Veda beginning with Madhu. There are seven states of

consciousness called Jnana-Bhumikas, the highest of them being called Madhumati.

Only highest evolved souls called Paramahamsas reach this stage which is beyond

`Dhyana.' She is that stage Herself. " As soon as the Sahasrara was opened

the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya. And there was

tremendous Light in the sky. And the whole thing came on the Earth — as if a

torrential rain or a waterfall — with such tremendous force, as if I was unaware

and got stupefied. The happening was so tremendous and so unexpected that I was

stunned and totally silent at the grandeur.

I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was

very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you heat up metal, and it had

many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a furnace, like a

tunnel, as you see these plants you have here for coal burning that create

electricity. And it stretched like a telescope and came out one after another,

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Just like that.

And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then they lifted

the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and then this torrential

rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all that and got lost in the Joy. It

was like an artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the Joy of great


After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and saw human

beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired that I should get

the cups to fill the Nectar . . . "

Shri Niskala Devi

Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara

Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete

" Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day I must say

it was a Great Happening that took place on all the humanity. It was such an

achievement, which I never realized before.

Now I can see that without Self-Realization it would have been

impossible to talk to people.

Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about it because no

one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on My part to say

something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures

something was described. It was absolutely an ambiguous description I would say

where people could not even have thought there is a realm beyond Sahasrara, and

one has to enter that realm where is the Reality.

That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until there are many

Lights, people will never realize that how important it is to have Light. "

Shri Puratana Devi

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996

Puratana (801st): Primordial or Ancient.

" Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this day . . .

the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should say because I

didn't think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait

but some things happened that made Me think that it had to be opened. It was in

such a situation that I felt if I delayed it anymore now it may help these false

gurus to spread their nonsense all over. "

Shri Brahmani Devi

Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995

" For all of us the seekers the last work of the Divine of opening the last

centre in the Great Primordial Being was done on the 5th of

May, 1970. It is the greatest event of all the spiritual happenings

of the Universe. It was done with great care and great attachment. It

is not in the limits of human understanding how things are worked in

the heavens. It is your fortune and God's Love that has worked

this one.

Without this happening there could not have been a possibility to give mass

Realization to people. One could have done it on one or two persons here and

there, but to give such a mass awakening could not have been possible. "

Shri Sasvataisvarya Devi

Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

Sasvataisvarya (952nd): Eternal Kingdom of dominion. She is always the Giver of

Eternal Bliss, the greatest dominion

" So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti had to come

to establish the Dharma . . .

When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I don't think

I met many seekers . . . First I thought I've come a little early . . . but then

I saw these horrible false gurus also throwing their charms on people and trying

to control them. That made Me really, really think that now I'd better stop

worrying as to what sort of people there are — let's start! And that's how the

first Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . . in

the morning time. "

Shri Niskriya Devi

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993

Niskriya (182nd): Beyond all action. Nothing is prohibited or enjoined to Her;

or no need for any action.

" You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000

Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "

Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih Devi

Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss enjoyed by

the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop in the ocean of

Bliss enjoyed by Herself. )

" By saying there's no God, God doesn't disappear. He is very much there. Sahaja

Yoga is the only way you can prove the existence of God and all that is said so

far about all these Incarnations because the Seventh Chakra is now open. You get

your Realization, and you become the spirit. It is so imminent that the Seventh

Chakra had to be opened so that you pass from one life level to another level. "

Shri Abala-gopa-vidita Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985

Abala-gopa-vidita [994th]: Known even to ignorant ones like children and

untutored like Gopa or cowherds.

" What is the meaning of going into meditation? It means you have got connected

to the Paramchaitanya, the All-Pervading Power. The minute you are in meditation

you have established Oneness with the Paramchaitanya. "

Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi

Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta (68th): Mounted on the chariot or

Sri Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e. powers. She has three bodies:

the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are represented by the three Chakra —

Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is mounted by Mantrini

i.e., mind. Kiri Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e., Buddhi. Her weapons are

there in the microcosm. They are good qualities like Soma and Dama, truth, and

righteousness, distinguishing between real and unreal and developing a cosmic

view of the Reality. They are for fighting the ego (Bhanda); with the help of

these qualities the enlightened mind realises the Ultimate Reality as an

all-pervading consciousness.

" This Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha; in Sanskrit language

means the Aquarius. We call it as Aquarius, as one of the Signs, and is the same

as Khumba in Sanskrit language.

So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. . . which will

nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will give you the

completeness of it. And which will connect you with your Spirit which ultimately

gives you the enlightenment by which you become Collectively Conscious.

Shri Srikanthardha-saririni Devi

USA — September 16, 1983

Srikanthardha-saririni (392nd): Half the body of Sri-kantha, I.e. Siva is Hers.

The equal status of Siva and Shakti are indicated by this name.

" Without breaking the Sahasrara we could not have achieved the ascent en masse.

.. . . To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if the western brains could

understand and be aware of your Mother. When your Mother is the Deity of

Sahasrara the only way to be able to keep the Sahasrara open has to be complete

surrendering. For that many ask Me, " How do we do it'? " It's a very funny

question. It is irrelevant. If your Sahasrara has been opened by someone, and

luckily that is the Deity before you, it should be the easiest thing to


But it is not . . . What is surrendering? . . . What do you have to surrender? A

drop has to dissolve in the Ocean to become the Ocean, and a drop cannot be

greater than the Ocean — can it be? So what is the surrendering? Surrendering of

our conditionings, of our ego, and the artificial barriers we have built around

us . . .

But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for you, not

for the Divine. If you are not available the Divine can find its own way of

fulfilling its Last Culmination of Expression. Even to understand how immense

the task is you need a surrendering heart..

The area of the Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the Brahmarandhra opens

fully then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini, which has risen up

and given you Realization, creates the opening by which the Divine starts

pouring all its subtleties inside your brain....

All of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. . . After Nirvikalpa you cannot

come down . . . . "

Shri Kantardha-vigraha Devi

Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985

Kantardha-vigraha [861st]: Having a form half of which is a `female' i.e.,

Ardha-narisvara: showing the dual concept of Reality as the united aspect of

Siva and Shakti.

" When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then Christ

within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these balloons of ego and

the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens. There is simultaneous opening of

the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of the Virata open. It was like tongues of

flames. Just like when you dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like

petals of flame. In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening

of the Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens. "

Sri Durlabha Devi

Durlabha (188th): Hard to attain

" I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far. It will be

slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared yet to become

capable of absorbing it. "

Shri Sukhprada Devi

Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is Nirvana-Sukha,

the Bliss of Liberation.

" You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your

friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going

to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not

going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether

you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization

will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God

here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "

Shri Madhumati Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

Madhumati (717th): Madhu stands for bliss. She is Brahmananda Herself or She is

of the form of Mantras in Veda beginning with Madhu. There are seven states of

consciousness called Jnana-Bhumikas, the highest of them being called Madhumati.

Only highest evolved souls called Paramahamsas reach this stage which is beyond

`Dhyana.' She is that stage Herself.



" Your power itself will show that this power is really of love, affection,

compassion for the transformation of the whole world. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja,

10 May 1995, Cabella Italy

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Dear All,


i tell in my own words below what Shri Mataji has told us about the Sahasrara,

so the subject may be easier to understand. Please enjoy and appreciate also

what the opening of the Sahasrara has done in an 'en masse' way for all of

humanity. (Shri Mataji's Own Words on which i base this talk, follow after).


i hope this helps.




In regards to Shri Mataji's experience of the Opening of the Sahasrara, She

states that the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya

(vibrations). She also states that there was tremendous Light in the sky, and

all these vibrations and the light came on Earth like a torrential rain or

waterfall with tremendous force. In the opening of the Sahasrara, Shri Mataji

felt it within Her Own Being, and She also saw the Light and Vibrations come on

to Earth as well.... on to the whole of humanity. In a sense, what happened

within Shri Mataji also happened on the Earth as well. (This can give us an

understanding of the relationship between Shri Mataji and the Earth and all of

humanity, if we contemplate and meditate upon that.)


To continue with this Great Happening, Shri Mataji also saw the Primordial

Kundalini rising like a big furnace. She said this furnace was very silent but

it had a burning appearance, like when metal is heated up and then has many

colors. Shri Mataji also describes its 'tunnel-like' appearance that stretches

like a telescope and out of which came the Deities, one after another, who then

took their golden seats. Then the Deities lifted the whole of the head like

`unto' a big dome and then the Deities opened this Dome. When the Deities

actually opened this Dome that is when Shri Mataji states that She became

completely drenched in this torrential rain of the Joy of great fulfillment,

like an artist gets when they see their own creation.


When Shri Mataji came out of that experience, She says that She looked around

and saw that human beings are so spiritually blind. She became absolutely

silent, and was determined within Herself, that She would get these `blind'

human beings to fill their cups with this Nectar.


Jai Shri Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi!


Shri Mataji says that the Day that the Primordial Sahasrara was opened, is a

great day for us. She states that it was such a miracle, because She did not

believe that She was at the point where it could be done (with success). She had

wanted to wait (in regards to this experience) but some things happened to make

Her think that the Sahasrara had to be opened. She felt that if She delayed it

anymore that the false gurus with their false information (or " nonsense " as She

calls it), would have too much sway over the spiritual seekers.


Shri Mataji has stated that after this experience of Light, She realized that it

was a necessary Happening, for people to understand that light of

Self-Realization. Before She had had that experience, Shri Mataji says there was

darkness, and She says that She now realized that until people saw the light,

they would not realize the absolute necessity for that light.


Shri Mataji states that prior to that Time of the Primordial Sahasrara Opening,

She thought it would be a big mistake to say something about the Sahasrara,

because there has been nowhere in the scriptures that this has been clearly

described. It has only been hinted at in a very ambiguous way. In any case, She

states that people would never have thought that there was a realm beyond

Sahasrara, and that people had to enter that realm, which She describes as the

realm where the Reality is.


She also states that without the breaking of the Sahasrara, we could not have

achieved the spiritual ascent `en masse'. She says that for 'western brains', it

should be easy to keep the Sahasrara open, if we could understand and be aware

of our Mother. Shri Mataji has told Sahaja Yogis ( " born of the Spirit persons)

that She is the Incarnation of the Individual Mother within each of us). This

individual mother within each of us, is also known as the Holy Spirit or

Comforter of the Christians, the Ruh of Allah of Muslims, the Adi Shakti of the

Hindus, the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Eykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the

Shekinah or Ruach of Judaism, and the Great Mother of Taoism.


So.... we are to become aware of this individual Mother within us, which has

been spoken of in all spiritual traditions. Shri Mataji also states that when

your Mother is the Deity of the Sahasrara…the only way to keep that Sahasrara

open is by complete surrender to Her. Shri Mataji says a lot of people have

asked Her, " How can we surrender? " She states that this is a rather strange

question to ask Her, especially when the Deity of the Sahasrara Itself, is

standing right in front of them. Surrender should be the easiest thing for them,

She states, but on the other hand, apparently it is not easy for them.


She describes the act of " surrender " to be like a `drop that dissolves into the

Ocean and becomes a part of that Ocean. This " drop " can no longer consider

itself to be greater than that " Ocean " into which it has dissolved. If it still

considers itself to be greater than the " Ocean " , it means that this " drop " still

has not " dissolved " (in other words, the person has not yet surrendered to the

Divine, which is the Ocean Within).


In external and practical terms, Shri Mataji says that surrender means that a

person surrenders their conditionings, their overinflated ego, and the

artificial barriers that they have created around themselves.... to the Divine

within. That is the process that leads to becoming One with the Divine…. (One

with the Ocean). Shri Mataji also stated that some people have the wrong idea

when they think this is an opportunity for Her. To the contrary…. it is an

opportunity for us to have OUR spiritual ascent. The Divine does not need

spiritual ascent, as the Divine already has it! The real spiritual and internal

understanding of " surrender " and the job that only " surrender " can accomplish,

is stated in these Words of Shri Mataji: -


" If you are not available the Divine can find its own way of fulfilling its Last

Culmination of Expression. Even to understand how immense the task is, you need

a surrendering heart. "


Shri Mataji also states that She knows all that is beyond the Vaikuntha, but

that She has not revealed it so far. She states, that it will be revealed slowly

by Her, because people have not been prepared yet to become capable of absorbing

it. "


Happy Sahasrara Day to everyone for the Historic 5th of May!




, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> " As soon as the Sahasrara was opened the whole atmosphere was filled

with tremendous Chaitanya. And there was tremendous Light in the sky.

And the whole thing came on the Earth — as if a torrential rain or a

waterfall — with such tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got

stupefied. The happening was so tremendous and so unexpected that I

was stunned and totally silent at the grandeur.


> I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the

furnace was very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you

heat up metal, and it had many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini

showed up as a furnace, like a tunnel, as you see these plants you

have here for coal burning that create electricity. And it stretched

like a telescope and came out one after another, Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Just like that.


> And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then

they lifted the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and

then this torrential rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all

that and got lost in the Joy. It was like an artist seeing his own

creation, and I felt the Joy of great fulfillment.


> After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and

saw human beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired

that I should get the cups to fill the Nectar . . . "


> Shri Niskala Devi

> Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara

> Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

> Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete



> " Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day


> must say it was a Great Happening that took place on all the


> It was such an achievement, which I never realized before. Now I can

> see that without Self-Realization it would have been impossible to

> talk to people.


> Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about

it because no one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on

My part to say something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara

nowhere in the scriptures something was described. It was absolutely

an ambiguous description I would say where people could not even have

thought there is a realm beyond Sahasrara, and one has to enter that

realm where is the Reality.


> That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until

there are many Lights, people will never realize that how important it

is to have Light. "


> Shri Puratana Devi

> Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996

> Puratana (801st): Primordial or Ancient.



> " Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this

day . . . the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should

say because I didn't think that I am at a point where it could be

done. So I wanted to wait but some things happened that made Me think

that it had to be opened. It was in such a situation that I felt if I

delayed it anymore now it may help these false gurus to spread their

nonsense all over. "


> Shri Brahmani Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995



> " For all of us the seekers the last work of the Divine of opening

the last centre in the Great Primordial Being was done on the 5th of

May, 1970. It is the greatest event of all the spiritual happenings of

the Universe. It was done with great care and great attachment. It is

not in the limits of human understanding how things are worked in the

heavens. It is your fortune and God's Love that has worked this one.


> Without this happening there could not have been a possibility to

give mass Realization to people. One could have done it on one or two

persons here and there, but to give such a mass awakening could not

have been possible. "


> Shri Sasvataisvarya Devi

> Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

> Sasvataisvarya (952nd): Eternal Kingdom of dominion. She is always

the Giver of Eternal Bliss, the greatest dominion



> " So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti

had to come to establish the Dharma . . .


> When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I

don't think I met many seekers . . . First I thought I've come a

little early . . . but then I saw these horrible false gurus also

throwing their charms on people and trying to control them. That made

Me really, really think that now I'd better stop worrying as to what

sort of people there are — let's start! And that's how the first

Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . .

in the morning time. "


> Shri Niskriya Devi

> Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993

> Niskriya (182nd): Beyond all action. Nothing is prohibited or

enjoined to Her; or no need for any action.



> " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


> Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

> Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss

enjoyed by the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop

in the ocean of Bliss enjoyed by Herself. )



> " By saying there's no God, God doesn't disappear. He is very much

there. Sahaja Yoga is the only way you can prove the existence of God

and all that is said so far about all these Incarnations because the

Seventh Chakra is now open. You get your Realization, and you become

the spirit. It is so imminent that the Seventh Chakra had to be opened

so that you pass from one life level to another level. "


> Shri Abala-gopa-vidita Devi

> Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985

> Abala-gopa-vidita [994th]: Known even to ignorant ones like children

and untutored like Gopa or cowherds.



> " What is the meaning of going into meditation? It means you have got

connected to the Paramchaitanya, the All-Pervading Power. The minute

you are in meditation you have established Oneness with the

Paramchaitanya. "


> Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi Chakra-raja-

ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta (68th): Mounted on the chariot or Sri

Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e. powers. She has three

bodies: the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are represented by the

three Chakra — Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is

mounted by Mantrini i.e., mind. Kiri Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e

.., Buddhi. Her weapons are there in the microcosm. They are good

qualities like Soma and Dama, truth, and righteousness, distinguishing

between real and unreal and developing a cosmic view of the Reality.

They are for fighting the ego (Bhanda); with the help of these

qualities the enlightened mind realises the Ultimate Reality as an

all-pervading consciousness.



> " This Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha; in

Sanskrit language means the Aquarius. We call it as Aquarius, as one

of the Signs, and is the same as Khumba in Sanskrit language.


> So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. . . which

will nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will

give you the completeness of it. And which will connect you with your

Spirit which ultimately gives you the enlightenment by which you

become Collectively Conscious.


> Shri Srikanthardha-saririni Devi

> USA — September 16, 1983

> Srikanthardha-saririni (392nd): Half the body of Sri-kantha, I.e.

Siva is Hers. The equal status of Siva and Shakti are indicated by

this name.



> " Without breaking the Sahasrara we could not have achieved the

ascent en masse. . . . To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if

the western brains could understand and be aware of your Mother. When

your Mother is the Deity of Sahasrara the only way to be able to keep

the Sahasrara open has to be complete surrendering. For that many ask

Me, " How do we do it'? " It's a very funny question. It is irrelevant.

If your Sahasrara has been opened by someone, and luckily that is the

Deity before you, it should be the easiest thing to surrender.


> But it is not . . . What is surrendering? . . . What do you have to

surrender? A drop has to dissolve in the Ocean to become the Ocean,

and a drop cannot be greater than the Ocean — can it be? So what is

the surrendering? Surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego, and

the artificial barriers we have built around us . . .


> But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for

you, not for the Divine. If you are not available the Divine can find

its own way of fulfilling its Last Culmination of Expression. Even to

understand how immense the task is you need a surrendering heart..


> The area of the Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the

Brahmarandhra opens fully then the heavens open within yourself. The

Kundalini, which has risen up and given you Realization, creates the

opening by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties inside

your brain .

> . .


> All of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. . . After Nirvikalpa

you cannot come down . . . . "


> Shri Kantardha-vigraha Devi

> Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985

> Kantardha-vigraha [861st]: Having a form half of which is a `female'

i.e., Ardha-narisvara: showing the dual concept of Reality as the

united aspect of Siva and Shakti.



> " When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then

Christ within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these

balloons of ego and the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens.

There is simultaneous opening of the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of

the Virata open. It was like tongues of flames. Just like when you

dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like petals of flame.

In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening of the

Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens. "


> Sri Durlabha Devi

> Durlabha (188th): Hard to attain



> " I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far.

It will be slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared

yet to become capable of absorbing it. "


> Shri Sukhprada Devi

> Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

> Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is

Nirvana-Sukha, the Bliss of Liberation.



> " You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with

your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get realized.

" The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is

going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He

starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is

going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort

out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of

God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

Seventh Chakra. "


> Shri Madhumati Devi

> The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

> Madhumati (717th): Madhu stands for bliss. She is Brahmananda

Herself or She is of the form of Mantras in Veda beginning with Madhu.

There are seven states of consciousness called Jnana-Bhumikas, the

highest of them being called Madhumati. Only highest evolved souls

called Paramahamsas reach this stage which is beyond `Dhyana.' She is

that stage Herself. " As soon as the Sahasrara was opened the whole

atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya. And there was

tremendous Light in the sky. And the whole thing came on the Earth —

as if a torrential rain or a waterfall — with such tremendous force,

as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so tremendous

and so unexpected that I was stunned and totally silent at the



> I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the

furnace was very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you

heat up metal, and it had many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini

showed up as a furnace, like a tunnel, as you see these plants you

have here for coal burning that create electricity. And it stretched

like a telescope and came out one after another, Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Just like that.


> And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then

they lifted the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and

then this torrential rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all

that and got lost in the Joy. It was like an artist seeing his own

creation, and I felt the Joy of great fulfillment.


> After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and

saw human beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired

that I should get the cups to fill the Nectar . . . "


> Shri Niskala Devi

> Opening Of The Primordial Sahasrara

> Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

> Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete



> " Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day

I must say it was a Great Happening that took place on all the

humanity. It was such an achievement, which I never realized before.

> Now I can see that without Self-Realization it would have been

> impossible to talk to people.


> Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about

it because no one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on

My part to say something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara

nowhere in the scriptures something was described. It was absolutely

an ambiguous description I would say where people could not even have

thought there is a realm beyond Sahasrara, and one has to enter that

realm where is the Reality.


> That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until

there are many Lights, people will never realize that how important it

is to have Light. "


> Shri Puratana Devi

> Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996

> Puratana (801st): Primordial or Ancient.



> " Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this

day . . . the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should

say because I didn't think that I am at a point where it could be

done. So I wanted to wait but some things happened that made Me think

that it had to be opened. It was in such a situation that I felt if I

delayed it anymore now it may help these false gurus to spread their

nonsense all over. "


> Shri Brahmani Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995



> " For all of us the seekers the last work of the Divine of opening

the last centre in the Great Primordial Being was done on the 5th of

> May, 1970. It is the greatest event of all the spiritual happenings

> of the Universe. It was done with great care and great attachment.


> is not in the limits of human understanding how things are worked in

> the heavens. It is your fortune and God's Love that has worked

> this one.


> Without this happening there could not have been a possibility to

give mass Realization to people. One could have done it on one or two

persons here and there, but to give such a mass awakening could not

have been possible. "


> Shri Sasvataisvarya Devi

> Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

> Sasvataisvarya (952nd): Eternal Kingdom of dominion. She is always

the Giver of Eternal Bliss, the greatest dominion



> " So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti

had to come to establish the Dharma . . .


> When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I

don't think I met many seekers . . . First I thought I've come a

little early . . . but then I saw these horrible false gurus also

throwing their charms on people and trying to control them. That made

Me really, really think that now I'd better stop worrying as to what

sort of people there are — let's start! And that's how the first

Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . .

in the morning time. "


> Shri Niskriya Devi

> Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993

> Niskriya (182nd): Beyond all action. Nothing is prohibited or

enjoined to Her; or no need for any action.



> " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


> Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

> Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss

enjoyed by the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop

in the ocean of Bliss enjoyed by Herself. )



> " By saying there's no God, God doesn't disappear. He is very much

there. Sahaja Yoga is the only way you can prove the existence of God

and all that is said so far about all these Incarnations because the

Seventh Chakra is now open. You get your Realization, and you become

the spirit. It is so imminent that the Seventh Chakra had to be opened

so that you pass from one life level to another level. "


> Shri Abala-gopa-vidita Devi

> Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985

> Abala-gopa-vidita [994th]: Known even to ignorant ones like children

and untutored like Gopa or cowherds.



> " What is the meaning of going into meditation? It means you have got

connected to the Paramchaitanya, the All-Pervading Power. The minute

you are in meditation you have established Oneness with the

Paramchaitanya. "


> Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi Chakra-raja-

ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta (68th): Mounted on the chariot or Sri

Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e. powers. She has three

bodies: the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are represented by the

three Chakra — Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is

mounted by Mantrini i.e., mind. Kiri Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e

.., Buddhi. Her weapons are there in the microcosm. They are good

qualities like Soma and Dama, truth, and righteousness, distinguishing

between real and unreal and developing a cosmic view of the Reality.

They are for fighting the ego (Bhanda); with the help of these

qualities the enlightened mind realises the Ultimate Reality as an

all-pervading consciousness.



> " This Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha; in

Sanskrit language means the Aquarius. We call it as Aquarius, as one

of the Signs, and is the same as Khumba in Sanskrit language.


> So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. . . which

will nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will

give you the completeness of it. And which will connect you with your

Spirit which ultimately gives you the enlightenment by which you

become Collectively Conscious.


> Shri Srikanthardha-saririni Devi

> USA — September 16, 1983

> Srikanthardha-saririni (392nd): Half the body of Sri-kantha, I.e.

Siva is Hers. The equal status of Siva and Shakti are indicated by

this name.



> " Without breaking the Sahasrara we could not have achieved the

ascent en masse. . . . To keep Sahasrara open should be very easy if

the western brains could understand and be aware of your Mother. When

your Mother is the Deity of Sahasrara the only way to be able to keep

the Sahasrara open has to be complete surrendering. For that many ask

Me, " How do we do it'? " It's a very funny question. It is irrelevant.

If your Sahasrara has been opened by someone, and luckily that is the

Deity before you, it should be the easiest thing to surrender.


> But it is not . . . What is surrendering? . . . What do you have to

surrender? A drop has to dissolve in the Ocean to become the Ocean,

and a drop cannot be greater than the Ocean — can it be? So what is

the surrendering? Surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego, and

the artificial barriers we have built around us . . .


> But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for

you, not for the Divine. If you are not available the Divine can find

its own way of fulfilling its Last Culmination of Expression. Even to

understand how immense the task is you need a surrendering heart..


> The area of the Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the

Brahmarandhra opens fully then the heavens open within yourself. The

Kundalini, which has risen up and given you Realization, creates the

opening by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties inside

your brain....


> All of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa. . . After Nirvikalpa

you cannot come down . . . . "


> Shri Kantardha-vigraha Devi

> Vienna, Austria — May 4, 1985

> Kantardha-vigraha [861st]: Having a form half of which is a `female'

i.e., Ardha-narisvara: showing the dual concept of Reality as the

united aspect of Siva and Shakti.



> " When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then

Christ within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these

balloons of ego and the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens.

There is simultaneous opening of the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of

the Virata open. It was like tongues of flames. Just like when you

dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like petals of flame.

In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening of the

Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens. "


> Sri Durlabha Devi

> Durlabha (188th): Hard to attain



> " I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far.

It will be slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared

yet to become capable of absorbing it. "


> Shri Sukhprada Devi

> Shiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

> Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is

Nirvana-Sukha, the Bliss of Liberation.



> " You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with

your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

> realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization.

No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will

just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the

Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I

say, in the Seventh Chakra. "


> Shri Madhumati Devi

> The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

> Madhumati (717th): Madhu stands for bliss. She is Brahmananda

Herself or She is of the form of Mantras in Veda beginning with Madhu.

There are seven states of consciousness called Jnana-Bhumikas, the

highest of them being called Madhumati. Only highest evolved souls

called Paramahamsas reach this stage which is beyond `Dhyana.' She is

that stage Herself.



> /message/1975

> _________________

> " Your power itself will show that this power is really of love,

affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja,

> 10 May 1995, Cabella Italy


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