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“Those who have not felt the vibrations should not talk of Sahaja yoga.....

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Dear All,


SY's (including myself) have tended to believe that it is up to WCASY to take

the responsibility for Shri Mataji's Official Divine Message Announcement to the

world-at-large. However, WCASY have not done this, and the thought occurred to

me, that perhaps Shri Mataji has never actually given any leader (in particular)

or any group (in particular) this responsibility in the same way as She HAS

GIVEN this responsibility TO EVERY SAHAJA YOGI who feels the vibrations. It is

therefore encumbent upon all SY's to take up the responsibility for its

announcement. Here are Shri Mataji's Words on this subject: -


" Those who have not felt the vibrations should not talk of Sahaja yoga. They

have no authority. They have to receive vibrations. They have to fully imbibe

within them and then they can say, " Yes, we felt " . This is very important task

Sahaja Yogis have to do in these modern times-i.e. to tell aloud that they have

found the Truth. That part is very weak. " (Guru Purnima Day - 29th July 1980 at

London. UK).


Contrary to WCASY declaration, they do not represent the Will of Shri Mataji. If

enough SY's want the Official Divine Message to be announced, then by rights,

WCASY as the Administrative Body would have to coordinate that effort of the

Sahaja Yogis. In any case, it has been the Will of Shri Mataji for a long time,

for it to be announced officially, but it takes the desire of the individual

SY's to put this desired request of Shri Mataji's forward to the WCASY.


According to Shri Mataji, the facilitators/leaders/administrators (the name may

change, but the function remains the same) are only responsible for the

coordination and communication of the individual and combined efforts of all

SY's to give Her Divine Message to the world. That means that they are to

provide their Administrative Services to help Sahaja Yogis in any way they can,

to get Shri Mataji's Message out.


The fact that someone acts as a facilitator, or a leader, or has a seat on the

World Council of Sahaja Yoga is not a guarantee that that person also feels the

vibrations. There are many past `ex-leaders' whom Shri Mataji has stood down

because they either did not feel the vibrations, or they did not follow their

vibratory awareness. This is what Shri Mataji says about those who have not

fully imbibed the vibrations within themselves: -


" Those who have not felt the vibrations should not talk of Sahaja yoga. They

have no authority. They have to receive vibrations. They have to fully imbibe

within them and then they can say, " Yes, we felt " . This is very important task

Sahaja Yogis have to do in these modern times-i.e. to tell aloud that they have

found the Truth. That part is very weak. " (Guru Purnima Day - 29th July 1980 at

London. UK).


This puts all the more responsibility on to all Sahaja Yogis, especially in any

worldwide announcement. WCASY can only be as strong as SY's are. They are not to

be dictators, however, if they do not listen to the majority of SY's then you

will know that the administrators have already become `dominating

personalities'/'dictators'. Here are Shri Mataji's Words on the subject and She

speaks also specifically about leaders in Sahaja Yoga: -


She (Shri Mataji) talked a lot about " dominating personalities " , people who

think they are controlling everything and feel responsible all the time...how

they hurt and torture others...and specifically about leaders in Sahaja Yoga who

think they can tell others what to do and make people afraid of them by saying

that Mother has said this or Mother has said that and threatening to tell Mother

if the people do anything wrong. Shri Mataji said She is never angry with us

only sometimes for the " play " She appears angry but that a Mother can never be

angry...She only loves. She said these people who dominate others

get some kind of cruel joy from treating others like this. And that some people

are always in the front and She knows who they are...that they think they are

important and must always be there...but really they are not so really happy

people...that is why they do it. She said that animals are aggressive to each

other but that they have a hierarchy, a structure...it is not random

cruelty...but that human beings can be cruel for no reason. She said some people

think that to be a " leader " is to be something...they call Her and ask to be

" leader " , so what can She do.


(Easter Puja, Istanbul 1998 - 25 April, 1998)


Let me just say something very pertinent to SY's at this point. We know that

Shri Mataji asked us to support the leaders, etc. and to listen to them, but

that is in the best sense of the leaders also acting with vibrations. If they do

not have the vibrations, they are not even authorized to talk of Sahaja Yoga,

and if they talk about Sahaja Yoga (whilst having no vibrations), then any

self-respecting SY SHOULD NOT EVEN LISTEN TO THEM! Listening to leaders is okay

if they have vibrations, and imbibe them fully, therefore acting from the Holy

Spirit/Adi Shakti within. Otherwise, Shri Mataji has said that they HAVE NO



" Those who have not felt the vibrations should not talk of Sahaja yoga. They

have no authority. They have to receive vibrations. They have to fully imbibe

within them and then they can say, " Yes, we felt " . This is very important task

Sahaja Yogis have to do in these modern times-i.e. to tell aloud that they have

found the Truth. That part is very weak. " (Guru Purnima Day - 29th July 1980 at

London. UK).


It is my belief, that instead of WCASY providing the Administrative Services to

all the SY's who are doing the job of spreading Her Divine Message, they have

instead employed `domination techniques' on these Sahaja Yogis. This leads me to

the conclusion that WCASY must now be what Shri Mataji calls a " group " in Sahaja

Yoga, and yet, Shri Mataji abhorred any `hint' of `group-ism' in the SY

Organization. Once a SY Yogini in my collective wanted to form an Art Group of

SY Artists. However, to my surprise, Shri Mataji put a stop to that. She said it

had to do with the dangers of `elitism', which can creep into any organization,

and She wanted Her Organization to remain spiritually pure and without `elitism'

of any kind. So…. if the formation of an Art Group within SY Organization was in

danger of leading to `elitism' within SY, what then can we say of WCASY's

unashamed and outspoken 'elitism' that is them who now declare the Will of Shri

Mataji! They have declared this from the `mountain top'. What they should have

said is that SY's with vibrations NOW ALL DECLARE the Will of Shri Mataji, which

is closer to the Truth!


To put the proverbial `nail' in WCASY's coffin, I have to point out that there

is no precedent that any historical `religious organization' was actually

successful in passing on the Gnostic Message of the Incarnation, and WCASY seems

to be going down the track of all previous historical religious organizations,

and failing to give this Gnostic Message also. Not only are they failing to give

Her Gnostic Message, they are subverting Her Gnostic Message!


So, I request of all SY's to please read Shri Mataji's Own Words, and

try and understand Her Gnostic Truth.





" Now you are no more belonging to any group now. You have become your Self. All

these misidentifications are useless. They give you angularities. They do not

give you individuality. They give you angularities and these angularities are

troublesome to the society and to your Self. They have given you bends. Your

normal life has become extremely abnormal or subnormal. So normalize yourself

with (the experience of) Sahaja Yoga and you will be amazed you are no longer

belonging to any country, no more belonging to any group, any democracy,

bureaucracy, or communism, or anything. But you become a human being who is on

absolute values as a human being. This is a tremendous thing. This is what today

we need in this world; human beings who have jumped on to the Absolute side.

Absolute does not compromise. It does not aggress. It does not take any

aggression because it is Absolute. It is not afraid of anyone because Absolute

is Compassion, Absolute is Love, and Absolute is Truth. When your attention

becomes enlightened by this Absolute, it's a very limited terminology again to

explain that it gets enlightened, but to understand it one has to become. As one

would say to a blind man that your eyes will be open to know what is God. That's

all one can say. " (Being Born Again, Caxton Hall, London, U.K. — May 12, 1980)


" There are people in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen who are very ambitious. And they

start saying that Mother we want to be God realised, I want to do this and do

that. There is no office going on here that you give somebody promotion, you

have to grow yourself. They start proclaiming I am this and that. We call them

'Mahayogis'. Some of them had started saying that, they have reached very high

position and they ended up in the lunatic asylum. All such suggestions if people

give you then you should shun such people.


But there are also other people who join such a bombastic fellow. So, you must

remember that this Last Judgment is working and all the time there is a big

sieving out, a very big arrangement of choices. Those who are subtle, start

getting subtler and subtler and subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross,

idiotic, stupid, they start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very

fast, working out where we realise, where are we? " (Easter Puja Talk - Calcutta

April 1995)

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