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Mystics have always drawn the ire of institutionalized religion

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Dear All,


The other day i saw the National Geographic documentary " The Gospel

of Judas " .


" It's a revelation conjuring heated debate: According to a recently

translated ancient text called the Gospel of Judas, the disciple

infamous for betraying Jesus may well have been Christ's most

faithful servant and—because the Savior asked him to—accepted

perpetual disgrace to bring about Jesus' death. Explore the

mysticism of early Gnostic thought expressed in words written on a

1,700-year-old leather-bound papyrus. Hear the interpretations of

four biblical scholars. Follow this fragile document from its

discovery in Egypt to its translation and ultimate presentation to

the world. And share your thoughts on the Gospel of Judas. …


Everyone remembers the story of Jesus Christ's close friend, one of

the 12 Apostles, who sold him out for 30 pieces of silver,

identifying him with a kiss. Later, crazed with guilt, Judas hanged

himself. He is the ultimate symbol of treachery. Stockyards call the

goat that leads other animals to slaughter the Judas goat. In

Germany, officials can forbid new parents from choosing the

name Judas. Guides at the historic Coptic Hanging Church in Old

Cairo point out one black column in the church's white colonnades—

Judas, of course. Christianity would not be the same without its



There is a sinister backdrop to traditional depictions of Judas. As

Christianity distanced itself from its origins as a Jewish sect,

Christian thinkers found it increasingly convenient to blame the

Jews as a people for the arrest and execution of Christ, and to cast

Judas as the archetypal Jew. The four Gospels, for example, treat

Roman governor Pontius Pilate gently while condemning Judas and the

Jewish high priests.


The " secret account " gives us a very different Judas. In this

version, he is a hero. Unlike the other disciples, he truly

understands Christ's message. In handing Jesus over to the

authorities, he is doing his leader's bidding, knowing full well the

fate he will bring on himself. Jesus warns him: " You will be

cursed. "


This message is startling enough to raise suspicions of fraud,

common with alleged biblical artifacts. For example, an empty

limestone box said to have held the bones of James, brother of

Jesus, attracted massive crowds when it was displayed in 2002—but

soon turned out to be an ingenious fake.


A Gospel of Judas is clearly more enticing than an empty box, but so

far every test confirms its antiquity. The National Geographic

Society, which is helping support the restoration and translation of

the manuscript, commissioned a top carbon-dating laboratory at the

University of Arizona to analyze the papyrus book, or codex,

containing the gospel. Tests on five separate samples from the

papyrus and the leather binding date the codex to sometime between

A.D. 220 and 340. The ink appears to be an ancient recipe—a mix of

iron gall and soot inks. And Coptic scholars say telltale turns of

phrase in the gospel indicate that it was translated from Greek, the

language in which most Christian texts were originally written in

the first and second centuries. " We all feel comfortable

putting this copy in the fourth century, " one expert says, " and

Kasser is sure enough to devote the end of his life to it. "

A further confirmation comes from the distant past. Around

A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in what was then Roman Gaul,

wrote a massive treatise called Against Heresies. The book was a

fierce denunciation of all those whose views about Jesus and his

message differed from those of the mainstream church. Among those he

attacked was a group who revered Judas, " the traitor, " and had

produced a " fictitious history, " which " they style the Gospel

of Judas. "


Decades before the fragile manuscript in Kasser's hands was written,

the angry bishop apparently knew of the original Greek text.


Irenaeus had plenty of heresies to contend with. In the early

centuries of Christianity, what we call the church, operating

through a top-down hierarchy of priests and bishops, was only one of

many groups inspired by Jesus. Biblical scholar Marvin Meyer of

Chapman University, who worked with Kasser to translate the gospel,

sums up the situation as " Christianity trying to find its style. "


For example, a group called the Ebionites maintained that Christians

should obey all Jewish religious laws, while another, the

Marcionites, rejected any connection between the God of the New

Testament and the Jewish God. Some said that Jesus had been wholly

divine, contradicting those who insisted he was completely human.

Yet another sect, the Carpocratians, allegedly indulged in

ritualized spouse swapping. Many of these groups were Gnostics,

followers of the same strain of early Christianity reflected in the

Judas gospel.


" Gnosis means `knowledge' in Greek, " Meyer explains. The

Gnostics " believed that there is an ultimate source of goodness,

which they thought of as the divine mind, outside the physical

universe. Humans carry a spark of that divine power, but they are

cut off by the material world all around them " —a flawed world, as

the Gnostics saw it, the work of an inferior creator rather than the

ultimate God.


While Christians like Irenaeus stressed that only Jesus, the son of

God, was simultaneously human and divine, the Gnostics proposed that

ordinary people could be connected to God. Salvation lay in

awakening that divine spark within the human spirit and reconnecting

with the divine mind. Doing so required the guidance of a teacher,

and that, according to the Gnostics, was Christ's role. Those who

grasped his message could become as divine as Christ himself.


Hence Irenaeus's hostility. " These people were mystics, " says

Meyer. " Mystics have always drawn the ire of institutionalized

religion. Mystics, after all, hear the voice of God from within and

don't need a priest to intercede for them. " "





This National Geographic documentary must be viewed by all who wish

to understand how it was possible for the apostles themselves to

demonize and rule as heretical those with knowledge far superior to

their own. Judas and Mary Magdalene bore the brunt of their petty

jealousies since Jesus revealed and confided in both secrets not

available to the rest. Judas was chosen to receive knowledge about

His Kingdom since he knew the true nature of God Almighty and the

Savior better.


Eventually the powerful priesthood took over the 'truth' was

organized and only four of the original 30 gospels were accepted. It

is just like WCASY accepting the subtle system, and editing out all

other esoteric knowledge of our Divine Mother who clearly claimed

that She is the Devi of the Shri lalita Sahasranama:


" The saints were respected, I am telling you in India, real saints

were respected and they made different observations. Now when I

read, say Adi Shankaracharya, I am amazed how he knows so many

things about Me. He knows how My knee looks like, he knows how many

lines I have on My back, how many. I mean it is very amazing how

this man knows everything about Me. That means through his

meditative power he could envisage Me. He never saw Me. The

description and everything is so clear cut.


Now if you say the Thousand Names of the Goddess, thousand names of

the Goddess are so precise, I mean you can verify them in Me. I am

just like that. Whatever it is good or bad, whatever is said about

Me is there, is a fact; and it is the Knowledge of these people is

most remarkable. How did they know that a Goddess is like that?

Certain of My things which I also don't know but they are there, and

they have described. Very surprising. So their meditative power in

India was great. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy — Sep. 27, 1992



WCASY and management SYs have done nothing to uphold this Truth,

even though they know full well that www.adishakti.org is about the

esoteric nature of the Devi, and gives irrefutable evidence.*** But

that would erode their own power and prestige. That is why they

insist that knowledge of external rituals and worship are absolutely

necessary, in direct contrast to the views of the mystics.


Mystics have always drawn the ire of institutionalized religion and

WACSY now wants to silence/demonize those who claim it is not only

possible to hear the voice but also witness God within themselves.

And the fact that you don't need a priest or leader or anyone else

for the matter to intercede for or guide threatens their hold over

ordinary SYs. Any loss of the ritualistic sacred cows cannot be

tolerated as it will end the control this powerful priesthood has on

the organization. That is why they are busy planting trees without

fruit, in Shri Mataji's name, in a shameful manner. Their very

survival depends on the 'death' of the mystics. In blunter language,

their own survival is at stake and not the salvation of humanity.


This is my message to WCASY, management and subtle system SYs who

have edited out the Savior's Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

the Kingdom of God within:


" In the very first scene Jesus laughs at the disciples for praying

to " your god, " meaning the disastrous god who created the world. He

compares the disciples to a priest in the temple (almost certainly a

reference to the mainstream church), whom he calls " a minister of

error " planting " trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful

manner. " "


We should not overlook the fact that Jesus was not only laughing at

ordinary devotees and their ignorance but also mocked their leaders

who preached such shallow knowledge, i.e., the apostles themselves.

After 2000 years it is déjà vu all over again.





*** Amma's devotees have since hijacked the 1000 Names for their

guru while our leaders twiddled their thumbs over numerous

brainstorming sessions. i don't think our 'apostles' have the power,

confidence or valour to reclaim Her names back. It is far easier to

edit/organize the Truth .................. and demonize mystics by

branding their father as " a possessed false guru " . It is indeed déjà

vu all over again.

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Guest guest

Dear All,


Below are some verses from the Bible where it explains that the prophetic word

is not a matter of one's own interpretation, but is like a 'lamp shining in a

dark place' that does not come through an act of human will, but through men

moved by the Holy Spirit.


These same Scriptures also reveal that along with the 'prophetic word', come the

false prophets and false teachers who in their greed, secretly exploit others

with false words, thereby introducing destructive heresies and actually denying

their Master: -


This seems to be happening in Sahaja Yoga too. Jagbir's children have given the

Revelations of the Adi Shakti to confirm Her Incarnation for future generations.

The Adi Shakti has given evidence through them, which further reveals Her

Gnostic Truth. This evidence does not need interpretation by any man, as it IS



The false prophets and false teachers of Sahaja Yoga have been 'SECRETLY'

exploiting other SY's with false words (such as calling Jagbir and his children

" possessed " by negativity) and they have also gradually introduced so it has not

been very noticeable, such destructive heresies as what is now the Religion of

the Subtle System within the Organization of Sahaja Yoga.....thus, TOTALLY

NEGLECTING Shri Mataji's important Last Judgment and Resurrection Teachings as

the Promised and Prophesied Cristian Comforter, the Muslim Mahdi, the Sikh

" Eykaa Mayee " , the Buddhist " Maitreya " , the Jewish " Shekinah " and the Taoist

" Great Mother " .


No wonder there are problems of money, morale and lack of seekers coming to the

Collective (see Post 6133)




" For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you, the

power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His

majesty. For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an

utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, " This is My beloved Son

with whom I am well-pleased " – and we ourselves heard this utterance made from

heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. And so we have the prophetic

word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining

in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.

……. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of

one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will,

but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. ……. But false prophets also

arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who

will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought

them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. And many will follow their

sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in

their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago

is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. " (2 Peter 1:16-21; 2:1-3)





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> The other day i saw the National Geographic documentary " The Gospel

> of Judas " .


> " It's a revelation conjuring heated debate: According to a recently

> translated ancient text called the Gospel of Judas, the disciple

> infamous for betraying Jesus may well have been Christ's most

> faithful servant and—because the Savior asked him to—accepted

> perpetual disgrace to bring about Jesus' death. Explore the

> mysticism of early Gnostic thought expressed in words written on a

> 1,700-year-old leather-bound papyrus. Hear the interpretations of

> four biblical scholars. Follow this fragile document from its

> discovery in Egypt to its translation and ultimate presentation to

> the world. And share your thoughts on the Gospel of Judas. …


> Everyone remembers the story of Jesus Christ's close friend, one of

> the 12 Apostles, who sold him out for 30 pieces of silver,

> identifying him with a kiss. Later, crazed with guilt, Judas hanged

> himself. He is the ultimate symbol of treachery. Stockyards call the

> goat that leads other animals to slaughter the Judas goat. In

> Germany, officials can forbid new parents from choosing the

> name Judas. Guides at the historic Coptic Hanging Church in Old

> Cairo point out one black column in the church's white colonnades—

> Judas, of course. Christianity would not be the same without its

> traitor.


> There is a sinister backdrop to traditional depictions of Judas. As

> Christianity distanced itself from its origins as a Jewish sect,

> Christian thinkers found it increasingly convenient to blame the

> Jews as a people for the arrest and execution of Christ, and to cast

> Judas as the archetypal Jew. The four Gospels, for example, treat

> Roman governor Pontius Pilate gently while condemning Judas and the

> Jewish high priests.


> The " secret account " gives us a very different Judas. In this

> version, he is a hero. Unlike the other disciples, he truly

> understands Christ's message. In handing Jesus over to the

> authorities, he is doing his leader's bidding, knowing full well the

> fate he will bring on himself. Jesus warns him: " You will be

> cursed. "


> This message is startling enough to raise suspicions of fraud,

> common with alleged biblical artifacts. For example, an empty

> limestone box said to have held the bones of James, brother of

> Jesus, attracted massive crowds when it was displayed in 2002—but

> soon turned out to be an ingenious fake.


> A Gospel of Judas is clearly more enticing than an empty box, but so

> far every test confirms its antiquity. The National Geographic

> Society, which is helping support the restoration and translation of

> the manuscript, commissioned a top carbon-dating laboratory at the

> University of Arizona to analyze the papyrus book, or codex,

> containing the gospel. Tests on five separate samples from the

> papyrus and the leather binding date the codex to sometime between

> A.D. 220 and 340. The ink appears to be an ancient recipe—a mix of

> iron gall and soot inks. And Coptic scholars say telltale turns of

> phrase in the gospel indicate that it was translated from Greek, the

> language in which most Christian texts were originally written in

> the first and second centuries. " We all feel comfortable

> putting this copy in the fourth century, " one expert says, " and

> Kasser is sure enough to devote the end of his life to it. "

> A further confirmation comes from the distant past. Around

> A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in what was then Roman Gaul,

> wrote a massive treatise called Against Heresies. The book was a

> fierce denunciation of all those whose views about Jesus and his

> message differed from those of the mainstream church. Among those he

> attacked was a group who revered Judas, " the traitor, " and had

> produced a " fictitious history, " which " they style the Gospel

> of Judas. "


> Decades before the fragile manuscript in Kasser's hands was written,

> the angry bishop apparently knew of the original Greek text.


> Irenaeus had plenty of heresies to contend with. In the early

> centuries of Christianity, what we call the church, operating

> through a top-down hierarchy of priests and bishops, was only one of

> many groups inspired by Jesus. Biblical scholar Marvin Meyer of

> Chapman University, who worked with Kasser to translate the gospel,

> sums up the situation as " Christianity trying to find its style. "


> For example, a group called the Ebionites maintained that Christians

> should obey all Jewish religious laws, while another, the

> Marcionites, rejected any connection between the God of the New

> Testament and the Jewish God. Some said that Jesus had been wholly

> divine, contradicting those who insisted he was completely human.

> Yet another sect, the Carpocratians, allegedly indulged in

> ritualized spouse swapping. Many of these groups were Gnostics,

> followers of the same strain of early Christianity reflected in the

> Judas gospel.


> " Gnosis means `knowledge' in Greek, " Meyer explains. The

> Gnostics " believed that there is an ultimate source of goodness,

> which they thought of as the divine mind, outside the physical

> universe. Humans carry a spark of that divine power, but they are

> cut off by the material world all around them " —a flawed world, as

> the Gnostics saw it, the work of an inferior creator rather than the

> ultimate God.


> While Christians like Irenaeus stressed that only Jesus, the son of

> God, was simultaneously human and divine, the Gnostics proposed that

> ordinary people could be connected to God. Salvation lay in

> awakening that divine spark within the human spirit and reconnecting

> with the divine mind. Doing so required the guidance of a teacher,

> and that, according to the Gnostics, was Christ's role. Those who

> grasped his message could become as divine as Christ himself.


> Hence Irenaeus's hostility. " These people were mystics, " says

> Meyer. " Mystics have always drawn the ire of institutionalized

> religion. Mystics, after all, hear the voice of God from within and

> don't need a priest to intercede for them. " "


> http://www9.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/gospel/feature.html



> This National Geographic documentary must be viewed by all who wish

> to understand how it was possible for the apostles themselves to

> demonize and rule as heretical those with knowledge far superior to

> their own. Judas and Mary Magdalene bore the brunt of their petty

> jealousies since Jesus revealed and confided in both secrets not

> available to the rest. Judas was chosen to receive knowledge about

> His Kingdom since he knew the true nature of God Almighty and the

> Savior better.


> Eventually the powerful priesthood took over the 'truth' was

> organized and only four of the original 30 gospels were accepted. It

> is just like WCASY accepting the subtle system, and editing out all

> other esoteric knowledge of our Divine Mother who clearly claimed

> that She is the Devi of the Shri lalita Sahasranama:


> " The saints were respected, I am telling you in India, real saints

> were respected and they made different observations. Now when I

> read, say Adi Shankaracharya, I am amazed how he knows so many

> things about Me. He knows how My knee looks like, he knows how many

> lines I have on My back, how many. I mean it is very amazing how

> this man knows everything about Me. That means through his

> meditative power he could envisage Me. He never saw Me. The

> description and everything is so clear cut.


> Now if you say the Thousand Names of the Goddess, thousand names of

> the Goddess are so precise, I mean you can verify them in Me. I am

> just like that. Whatever it is good or bad, whatever is said about

> Me is there, is a fact; and it is the Knowledge of these people is

> most remarkable. How did they know that a Goddess is like that?

> Certain of My things which I also don't know but they are there, and

> they have described. Very surprising. So their meditative power in

> India was great. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy — Sep. 27, 1992



> WCASY and management SYs have done nothing to uphold this Truth,

> even though they know full well that www.adishakti.org is about the

> esoteric nature of the Devi, and gives irrefutable evidence.*** But

> that would erode their own power and prestige. That is why they

> insist that knowledge of external rituals and worship are absolutely

> necessary, in direct contrast to the views of the mystics.


> Mystics have always drawn the ire of institutionalized religion and

> WACSY now wants to silence/demonize those who claim it is not only

> possible to hear the voice but also witness God within themselves.

> And the fact that you don't need a priest or leader or anyone else

> for the matter to intercede for or guide threatens their hold over

> ordinary SYs. Any loss of the ritualistic sacred cows cannot be

> tolerated as it will end the control this powerful priesthood has on

> the organization. That is why they are busy planting trees without

> fruit, in Shri Mataji's name, in a shameful manner. Their very

> survival depends on the 'death' of the mystics. In blunter language,

> their own survival is at stake and not the salvation of humanity.


> This is my message to WCASY, management and subtle system SYs who

> have edited out the Savior's Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> the Kingdom of God within:


> " In the very first scene Jesus laughs at the disciples for praying

> to " your god, " meaning the disastrous god who created the world. He

> compares the disciples to a priest in the temple (almost certainly a

> reference to the mainstream church), whom he calls " a minister of

> error " planting " trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful

> manner. " "


> We should not overlook the fact that Jesus was not only laughing at

> ordinary devotees and their ignorance but also mocked their leaders

> who preached such shallow knowledge, i.e., the apostles themselves.

> After 2000 years it is déjà vu all over again.



> jagbir


> *** Amma's devotees have since hijacked the 1000 Names for their

> guru while our leaders twiddled their thumbs over numerous

> brainstorming sessions. i don't think our 'apostles' have the power,

> confidence or valour to reclaim Her names back. It is far easier to

> edit/organize the Truth .................. and demonize mystics by

> branding their father as " a possessed false guru " . It is indeed déjà

> vu all over again.


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Below are some verses from the Bible where it explains that the

prophetic word is not a matter of one's own interpretation, but is

like a 'lamp shining in a dark place' that does not come through an

act of human will, but through men moved by the Holy Spirit.


> These same Scriptures also reveal that along with the 'prophetic

word', come the false prophets and false teachers who in their

greed, secretly exploit others with false words, thereby introducing

destructive heresies and actually denying their Master: -


> This seems to be happening in Sahaja Yoga too. Jagbir's children

have given the Revelations of the Adi Shakti to confirm Her

Incarnation for future generations. The Adi Shakti has given

evidence through them, which further reveals Her Gnostic Truth. This

evidence does not need interpretation by any man, as it IS self-



> The false prophets and false teachers of Sahaja Yoga have

been 'SECRETLY' exploiting other SY's with false words (such as

calling Jagbir and his children " possessed " by negativity) and they

have also gradually introduced so it has not been very noticeable,

such destructive heresies as what is now the Religion of the Subtle

System within the Organization of Sahaja Yoga.....thus, TOTALLY

NEGLECTING Shri Mataji's important Last Judgment and Resurrection

Teachings as the Promised and Prophesied Cristian Comforter, the

Muslim Mahdi, the Sikh " Eykaa Mayee " , the Buddhist " Maitreya " , the

Jewish " Shekinah " and the Taoist " Great Mother " .


> No wonder there are problems of money, morale and lack of seekers

coming to the Collective (see Post 6133)




The post probably refers to Vancouver which is the HQ of the

Inquisytion against my sites, children and myself. That is where the whole sad

episode began after ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan murmured to Richard Payment

(who lives there too with Ed Saugstad and company).


BTW, Ed is capable of summonning deities at will, and is an expert at burning

pieces of paper to stop municipal workers from doing their work. Why not the

Vancouver collective seek his awesome powers?



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Guest guest

Dear Jagbir and All,


You said: -


" The post probably refers to Vancouver which is the HQ of the Inquisytion

against my sites, children and myself. That is where the whole sad episode began

after ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan murmured to Richard Payment (who lives there

too with Ed Saugstad and company). "


i can confirm that it does refer to Vancouver which is the HQ of the

Inquisytion. The Vancouver SY's are obviously suffering greatly under these

unenlightened managers who cannot uphold the Truth of Shri Mataji, but have

instead instituted what has now become the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.


i call it the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion, because under these

unenlightened managers such as Ed Saugstad, Richard Payment, and others, that is

what it has become. i have no problem with cleansing and clearing techniques,

but under these managers, these techniques,which are JUST TECHNIQUES, have

actually been made into a religion!


Meanwhile Shri Mataji's teachings and the ability to explain Her Teachings by

putting into practice Her Teachings like a scientist and therefore understanding

them (which results in " gnosis " or " self-knowledge " ) is frowned upon by these

characters. For example, John Noyce used to berate me on this very forum, when i

even tried to elucidate on some of the teachings of Shri Mataji. He, for

example, appears to be just for the reading of Her Words (like the Stiff

Orthodoxy do) and never really discussing their meaning or implications on Her

Devotees. Please read my lips:


" Orthodoxy has always given only partial truth to their parishioners, so as to

keep them under control " .


This is their agenda: -


By watering down Shri Mataji's Powerful Message of Mastership, Guruship, and

Teachership for the individual SY, the above characters (and others too) have

VERY SUBTLY manipulated away Her Full Message and made it into a Subtle System

Message. Can any SY within the Organization truthfully say that under current

management they really CAN BE their own guru, their own teacher, and their own

master? Most of us who have done so, have come up against them.


So...it did not look like they have done these manipulations of Shri Mataji's

Truth. But " THEY " have done it, line by line, word by word, action by action,

and all of a sudden, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! There they are in their positions of



How did they get there, you may ask?


They got there through the unseen subtle maneuverings and manipulations that

have taken place over the YEARS, and behind the scenes, unobserved by Sahaja

Yogis. BUT WE CAN SEE WHO THEY ARE NOW! And that is why there is NOW a window of

opportunity to expose their 'doings' and their 'usurped control' over Sahaja

Yogis, or alternatively, to 'stand up to them' by standing on the Promises and

the Truth of Shri Mataji and all other Incarnations, too.


i occasionally received private emails from JN, before he realized that i will

uphold the Truth of Shri Mataji, and not his truth. If i would discuss upon what

to him was a 'touchy' subject on this forum, he would email me and tell me that

" you cannot say that! "


But who is he that he says to me: " you cannot say that " . Is he Shri Mataji? NO!

So, where does he get his authority from, because what i say.....i say on the

basis of Shri Mataji's Words and my own gnostic experience gained through

putting into practice Shri Mataji's instructions, and whenever i hear people

like Ed Saugstad or JN and others talking, it never seems to BE BASED on Shri

Mataji's Words.


It all seems to be based upon: " THEY SAY THAT " (blah, blah, blah blah blah!) " or

" THEY " will say: " No, you have to have permission with so-and-so " or " THEY " will

say: " No….. you have to wait until such-and-such a thing happens " . This is what

" THEY " say overtly (out in the open).


Covertly (in secrecy under the management-controlled media) they say things

like: " Jagbir is " possessed " and he is a " false guru " and " Violet is a bad

person; do not listen to her. " However, do they ever give any real evidence of

that? No. But, they DO misconstrue what is said to appear like it is said in

contradiction to Shri Mataji's Teachings, and they do this very cleverly. First

they Set In Concrete the Subtle System Religion; then when Jagbir tried to free

people from this " concrete " , they easily showed that he is going against the

Subtle System Religion. The minds of a lot of SY's is alreaady that to go

against the false Subtle System Religion as preached by the Priestly Caste, IS

TO GO AGAINST SHRI MATAJI! The fact is; the Truth of Shri Mataji is much deeper

than such shallow knowledge as the Priestly Mafia have made it out to be.


One thing that is noticeable is that they never seem to base their actions on

the Words of Shri Mataji. And they do not seem to reveal vibrations either. One

of their greatest manipulations over SY's also is the Words: -


" You have to listen to your leaders " .


which has definitely been used to " greatest advantage " by them. If the

individual SY actually does listen to their leader, the way the leaders now are

in general, they will be led anywhere these leaders want to lead them. They will

be like the proverbial 'lambs led to the slaughter', and this is what is

happening to the collectives. Ed Saugstad's collective is a very sorry example

of this now.


Please listen! This has got to stop! These characters do not reveal v

vibrations. If they revealed vibrations, they would back up everything they say

with Shri Mataji's Full Truth, and the other Scriptures too! That they do NOT do


agenda has progressed. These characters who do not reveal vibrations and imbibe

them, according to Shri Mataji, have no authority to even talk about Sahaja

Yoga. How to get over this, is simple: -


Those Sahaja Yogis who are courageous enough just need to take their power of

yogi-ship back. They do not need to be silenced, told to wait for so and so to

be approved, told that they cannot promote Her Truth in their unique individual

way, told what they are to believe, and how they are to believe, which makes

everyone like a 'same robot'! The Power of Sahaj Yogis is in their individual

unique expression of the Divine Within. It must be allowed its free expression,

because this is the Spirit of God expressing Himself in the world!


If each Sahaja Yogi just tells anyone acting in the function of a leader that

they are NOW just listening to Shri Mataji Within themselves, and following Her

Bidding, there is still a Window of Opportunity to turn this situation around.

Shri Mataji HAS asked us to discuss Her Words to the optimum, which we are doing

on this forum.


Characters such as the above do not like this, because when we discuss Shri

Mataji's Truth to the optimum, it reflects badly on them, because Her Truth

reveals the 'holes' in their promotion of Sahaj as a Subtle System Religion.

These characters are the same people who (behind the scenes in a clever and

calculating manner) have formed a " solidarity " (as Ed would call it) to

manipulate themselves into positions of power in order to gradually take away

the spiritual liberty of SY's interacting in a Spontaneous Sahaj

Manner.....spontaneously led in spiritual liberty by the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit

Within, as one would expect of enlightened beings.


Instead at every turn, permission is needed to do any work for Shri Mataji. You

might have something important to say, but if these characters do not like what


ASK IS WHO REALLY GAVE THEM 'THIS MUCH' POWER??? The answer is quite simple:


who got this much power, instead of " YOU " that got it, because it is " THEY " who

have had the ambition for this much power, and not yourself who hankered for it.

One thing that must be known is that `this much power' to control others is

always deliberately orchestrated. It does not happen by chance. Shri Mataji

warned us about these deliberate manipulators of the Truth, yet we think that it

cannot happen to us?! i tell you; IT HAS HAPPENED ALREADY!


We have already been informed about the problem in the Vancouver collective,

where this Religion of the Subtle System is practised. It is failing because it

is only a " form of the Truth, and not the Truth Itself " . Other collectives must

take note of this trend, and start to question what the Management is doing to

our collectives. What is Ed Saugstad doing about his collective. That he can

call Jagbir a " possessed Sahaja Yogi " speaks volumes! That he can call Jagbir's

children " as possessed " also speaks volumes, and reveals NO VIBRATIONS



Sahaja Yogis who see any such problems need to speak up as this SY did, who had

great concerns about his collective, and not be led in a 'sheep-like' way by

these 'wolves in sheep's clothing' who DARE TO SUPPRESS Her Truth, and replace

it with theirs.


On this media, the Truth can be brought out. We are not afraid to discuss Her

Truth openly to the optimum. We are also not afraid to openly expose those who

are subverting Her Truth for their own selfish ends. The sad truth is that

Sahaja Yogis are succumbing to these characters. Sahaja Yogis need to use the

Power of the Adi Shakti Within them to expose the 'wrongs' these people are

perpetrating over the collectives. In reality these characters do not have

spiritual strength. Their strength is in the 'numbers' of their " solidarity " .

There are many more SY's than there are these Mafia Types. They need not to be

feared just because of the power they have usurped.


It is actually easy to stand up to them. What can they do when a person asserts

their own Mastership, their own Guruship and their own Teachership, as Shri

Mataji has asked us to do? The worst thing that they can do is ex-communicate a

person covertly, by talking against them, by telling them that they do not

approve of them, by telling them that they are not doing the right thing,

HOWEVER, they will never 'back it up' with Shri Mataji's Truth. That is the key!


They can be and should be `stood up to' by quoting Shri Mataji's Words to them.

Words like " I am my own guru, master, and teacher " . " When have you become my

guru, master, or teacher? " " Who gave you the right to dictate what I say in the

Name of the Truth of Shri Mataji " .


Yes…they need to be `stood up to' in a very Sahaj Manner, and that is just to

stand up for the Truth of Shri Mataji in your own life. Do what you want to

spread Her Truth. Who gave them the authority to suppress you? Shri Mataji did

not! She said that all those who feel and imbibe the vibrations are to speak up

and tell of Sahaja Yoga.


i realize that " fear of the unknown " can happen when you are a salmon swimming

upstream against the tide. But you know…. one `salmon' had to do it first,

before the others realized they could also do it! However, to get to the goal,



i also realize that all our fears can also be used against us, by these same

characters. They will use your fear of " being cut off from the Divine " or your

fear of " being cut off from the local collective " against you, and then if you

do stand up to them, and expose their tactics of control, THEY ARE THE ONES who

have the power NOW to enact that control in the Organization of Sahaja Yoga.

THEY will be the ones to call you " bad " or " possessed " or some other name

through their CONTROLLED MEDIA, but they will NEVER back that up with Shri

Mataji's Words, and clearly explain how it is possible, and what a person has

REALLY done to deserve that " bad name " that they give. The reason they cannot

back up their assertions with Shri Mataji's Own Words, is because Shri Mataji

has never approved of what they are doing. What they are doing is Unsahaj and

Unconscionable and Unjustifiable.


However, when you stand up for the Truth, you are in good company. All the

Incarnations have faced all these fears, and overcome them. What has Shri Mataji

not spoken out against when it was wrong? Did fear keep Her from declaring the

Full Truth? We must also speak out bravely, as She has done, and not be afraid.

Fear is not a Sahaj Characteristic, but Courage, Determination, and Love for All

Mankind are, and it is only these characteristics that Shri Mataji also had that

will save the humanity! It will take very courageous and strong Sahaja Yogis to

save the humanity, also. But THAT is our task!


This forum, unlike the Mafia-Controlled ones, is for everyone to tell the truth

and to celebrate and enjoy the Full Truth and Teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi. It is to spread Her Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Please

join us and feel the freedom to express your Truth Within of Sahaja Yoga. You

can tell the Whole World of the Great Gift that Shri Mataji has brought, and you

can tell it in your unique way, and not in a way that has been prescribed for

you. We will never try to silence or restrict Sahaja Yogis on what they can or

cannot say (as long as they back it up with Shri Mataji's Words and Scriptures)

because we realize that each Sahaja Yogi is a drop in the Ocean of the Divine



Jai Shri Mataji!


love and best wishes,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Below are some verses from the Bible where it explains that the

> prophetic word is not a matter of one's own interpretation, but is

> like a 'lamp shining in a dark place' that does not come through an

> act of human will, but through men moved by the Holy Spirit.

> >

> > These same Scriptures also reveal that along with the 'prophetic

> word', come the false prophets and false teachers who in their

> greed, secretly exploit others with false words, thereby introducing

> destructive heresies and actually denying their Master: -

> >

> > This seems to be happening in Sahaja Yoga too. Jagbir's children

> have given the Revelations of the Adi Shakti to confirm Her

> Incarnation for future generations. The Adi Shakti has given

> evidence through them, which further reveals Her Gnostic Truth. This

> evidence does not need interpretation by any man, as it IS self-

> evident.

> >

> > The false prophets and false teachers of Sahaja Yoga have

> been 'SECRETLY' exploiting other SY's with false words (such as

> calling Jagbir and his children " possessed " by negativity) and they

> have also gradually introduced so it has not been very noticeable,

> such destructive heresies as what is now the Religion of the Subtle

> System within the Organization of Sahaja Yoga.....thus, TOTALLY

> NEGLECTING Shri Mataji's important Last Judgment and Resurrection

> Teachings as the Promised and Prophesied Cristian Comforter, the

> Muslim Mahdi, the Sikh " Eykaa Mayee " , the Buddhist " Maitreya " , the

> Jewish " Shekinah " and the Taoist " Great Mother " .

> >

> > No wonder there are problems of money, morale and lack of seekers

> coming to the Collective (see Post 6133)

> >

> >


> The post probably refers to Vancouver which is the HQ of the

> Inquisytion against my sites, children and myself. That is where the

whole sad episode began after ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan murmured to

Richard Payment (who lives there too with Ed Saugstad and company).


> BTW, Ed is capable of summonning deities at will, and is an expert

at burning pieces of paper to stop municipal workers from doing their

work. Why not the Vancouver collective seek his awesome powers?


> jagbir


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