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There is no artificial separation such as 'country' in Sahaja Yoga.....

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Dear All,


" i was told that Sahaj in other countries was not my place to comment on, but

upon further introspection....i disagree. We are a worldwide collective in

consciousness. How IS IT NOT my business?! When trauma is revealed in SY's

worldwide, it is my business. Are we not brothers and sisters, not only

physically, but spiritually?! We HAVE NO BARRIERS. WE ARE the Truth of the

Divine Within. Sahaja Yoga is a place of no secrecy and no barriers. All is

revealed within the experience of Sahaja Yoga. NO one can hide the truth in

Sahaja Yoga. " .....


We are not to identify as coming from a 'particular' country, a particular

'culture', a particular 'belief'. All these exist externally, but the spiritual

reality is that WE ARE ALL ONE IN SPIRIT!


There is no distinction such as 'country' to separate us....is what Shri Mataji

has taught. We are not to identify ourselves as separate from each other, based

on what country we live in. That is just the conditioning that we were

inculcated with when we were born on to a particular piece of land that happened

to have the name of a particular country.


In reality, our Spirit is Eternal, and needs NO SUCH IDENTIFICATIONS. As Spirit,

we are also part and parcel of the All That Is; for we are individual drops in

the whole Ocean. If you take a bit of ocean water in your hand, you can see the

individual drops as they fall from your hand, but they no longer identify

themselves as separate drops but as united drops of the Ocean Itself.


What a wonderful example to us that this gives us. If we still separate

ourselves in our consciousness into 'countries', then we are actually viewing

the different drops of the Ocean as separate from each other. However this is an

illusion, because WE ARE NOT separate from each other!


As Shri Mataji has also said, we are collectively conscious, and this IS the

ultimate meaning of " BEING COLLECTIVE " . This " BEING COLLECTIVE " happens within

our " Very Being " . The physical separation of the physical ocean between those

who live in North America and those who live on the European Continent, for

example, is an illusion on the spiritual level. On the spiritual level, these

ARE CONNECTED with each other!


We are thusly spiritually connected through OUR SPIRIT WITHIN, where there are

ABSOLUTELY no physical barriers. This is the Real Collective Consciousness; this

is the New Consciousness that arises Within Us, where without being 'physically



Jai Shri Mataji!





-- In , " Violet " <violet.tubb

> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir et al,


> i realize now that poor Mahesh, too, was taken over by the false

Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Priests. They have used him as a pon to subvert Shri Mataji's Message,

and he did not even realize it. This is a most sad situation that this

can be happening in the Organization of Sahaja Yoga, and i hope many

SY's will wake up, PLEASE! to this atrocity committed in the Name of

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


> Please do not be fooled by the new " NO Frills Management Style " that

is now the 'supposed-collective-consensus.' i have seen with my own

eyes in my own local collective that all new Local Council Members are

selected on the basis that they will agree and condone the SY Subtle

System Religion of the Sahaj Priestly Mafia. So, please don't be

fooled that this is a true collective consensus at all; it is not. It

is just 'painted' that way, to fool/seduce SY's into believing that

they actually have a 'real say'.


> People like Jagbir, myself, and others KNOW AND HAVE EXPERIENCED

that SY's do not have a REAL SAY, because we have tried, and come up

against the 'controllers' of those who try to inform that we all have

a 'real say'. When we had our REAL 'Sahaj Say', they could not

tolerate that at all. Only if you Will agree with their SY Subtle

System Religion, Will you be allowed to have a say. If you preach,

teach, declare that we are our own gurus, teachers, and masters.....

that goes against their teachings now. That is because their teachings

are no longer what Shri Mataji taught. It is as simple as that!


> I can tell yogis who are expecting WCASY to produce 'some' kind of

result 'Sahaja-Wise' that this " Will " not be forthcoming from those

who wrongly profess to NOW be " THE CHANNELS " of the Will of Shri

Mataji for others to follow. In actual fact, " THESE CHANNELS " of the

Will of Shri Mataji are actually against the promotion of Shri

Mataji's Mission and Message, contrary to all their hyped-up



> All they really want is to promote their own version of Shri

Mataji's teachings which they have now 'cemented in' as " The Sahaja

Yoga Subtle System Religion " , and that is why they have needed to gain

so much control, so that they could enact this.


> There is no excuse for not announcing Shri Mataji's Mission and

Message, as many other organizations have done while their " Mataji " is

still on the Earth in the physical body. Shri Mataji, however, gets no

such special priveleges: -


> i repeat.... " The Adi Shakti of this Universe has GOT NO SUCH SPECIAL

PRIVILEGES from Her Children in the Organization of Sahaja Yoga.....

even though She has pleaded, cajoled, begged, and asked for Her Truth

to be announced! "


> The shocking truth is that, contrary to WCASY's assertion that they

are promoting the will of Shri Mataji, in actual fact, and i am basing

this on their action/inaction, the real modus operandi of the WCASY is

as the Sahaja Yoga World Police Force, who use all their legally

acquired powers to enforce their own version of Shri Mataji's Message.


> We had a letter on these websites from a Mr. Perezhogin in Russia,

who was stood down by the WCASY, after being a much-loved and

successful leader of Russia for i think 6 years or so. Now, according

to WCASY, he committed 'some misdemeanour', and that is possible,

however, in his resignation speech, he also from his heart (and his

speech revealed vibrations too) said that the time had come where

these characters are taking over Sahaja Yoga, and that he does not

agree to their tactics which are not 'Sahaj'.


> Now, this letter of resignation from the respected Mr. Perezhogin

was 'hushed up'. They would not publish it on any official Sahaj

Forums, because WHY? WCASY need to be seen to be upstanding Sahaj

Citizens of the World. i was actually criticized by my local leader

for daring to 'stick up' for Mr. Perezhogin's plight, because i felt

vibrationally that he had been 'done wrong to' by the WCASY, and that

he did not deserve the cruel treatment that was meted out to him.


> i was told that Sahaj in other countries was not my place to comment

on. i disagree. We are a worldwide collective in consciousness. How IS

IT NOT my business?! When trauma is revealed in SY's worldwide, it is

my business. Are we not brothers and sisters, not only physically, but

spiritually?! We HAVE NO BARRIERS. WE ARE the Truth of the Divine

Within. Sahaja Yoga is a place of no secrecy and no barriers. All is

revealed within the experience of Sahaja Yoga. NO one can hide the

truth in Sahaja Yoga. One of the things, and i want all SY's to HEAR

THIS. Mr. Perezhogin revealed the fact that behind the scenes at

WCASY, they were removing any members who did not 'toe' their official

line, and become 'their' puppets. WILL THIS MAKE SY'S STAND UP AND

TAKE NOTICE! i hope so.


> Yes........WCASY works by silencing its critics and by controlling

the Sahaj Media. However, the truth is, if you are telling the Truth

of Shri Mataji that Truth stands above and beyond any criticism

whatsoever, you will not have problems. The Truth stands, regardless

of all relative truth surrounding it. These forums and websites are a

proof of that. The Sahaj Mafia have not been able to shut them down as

they have tried for many years now. The truth is that....if you are

promoting the Truth as Shri Mataji taught it, there is nothing to

hide! There is nothing to legislate against! There is no need to

control websites! There is no need to tell other SY's to be your

particular 'type' of a realized person!


> How-simple-and-easy-to-understand-is that! The Truth is so simple

and protects Itself, and no person or institution can stand against

the Truth. On the contrary, according to Shri Mataji, the Truth at

This Time will in fact wipe out and destroy all that is 'Not-Truth'!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> violet



> , " Violet " <violet.tubb@

> ..> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mahesh,

> >

> > i trust that Jagbir's answer to you makes sense to you.

> >

> > The problem that you have encountered is that you have got


> too involved in other people's opinions, instead of seeking the


> within yourself. This is a malaise in the collectives where they


> unto other people's understanding' instead of turning to the Holy

> Spirit/Adi Shakti within. It is this 'leaning on other people's

> understanding' that leads to problems within and without. All this

> confusion is a direct result of doing that. And the more yourself


> the others in the collectives do this, the more they will become

> 'conditioned' and 'rigid' not being able to be flexible and not


> able to evolve spiritually. The problems don't stop there, because

> this trend can very easily turn into fanatical zeal, otherwise known

> as fanaticism.

> >

> > So, dear Mahesh, i hope that you will realize this truth one day


> yourself, too, just as Jagbir and many others have already done. For

> my part, i really am sorry that you have not turned out to be a SY

> brother to Jagbir, as you appeared to be. i really feel sorry about

> that.

> >

> > So, dear Mahesh, i have something i wish to give you to take with

> you and that is some words of wisdom from King Solomon, which i hope

> you will really take into your heart and put into practice, because

> you will then have great refreshment in body, mind, and soul:

> >

> > " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your


> understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make


> paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear (have awe for)

> the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body,


> refreshment to your bones. " (Proverbs 3:5-8)

> >

> > i also would like to say that you will be welcome back, especially

> if you can take King Solomon's advice to heart, and therefore can


> the Sweet Spirit of Sahaja Yoga infuse your being, rather than all


> murmuring voices from without, disturbing your peace.

> >

> > love and best wishes,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > , mahesh khatri

> > > <maheshkhatri@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello Dear Jagbir

> > > >

> > >

> > > Hello too Mahesh. Actually i am constipated right now, sitting


> > > the one-legged throne that is a marvel of stability and relief.

> And

> > > i have just realized why laptops come at a premium. Like


> > > potties they can go anywhere. But despite the initial joy of

> toilet

> > > lap topping for the first time i cannot assure you my mood

> cautions

> > > me to a after-relief response. The fact that this constipation


> > > entirely my fault will not work in your favor. Unlike your post


> > > can hardly blame you for what ails me.

> > >

> > > But if i finish this mail with a relieved bowel response i may


> > > inclined to spare some relief to you too ........ but don't


> on

> > > it because when i get constipated i really get CONSTIPATED, an

> > > affliction that has the added misery of loneliness. And i am not

> > > shouting because that would only aggravate my unfortunate

> condition.

> > > I just want you to know for sure that i am CONSTIPATED and that

> you

> > > may have to share my misery too. After all, what are SYs


> > > like you for if, and at risk of contradicting myself, the

> loneliness

> > > of constricted pain in narrow channels cannot be shared. Think


> > > micro 1320 sandpaper, the coarsest grade to remove paint and


> > > Think coarseness, contruction-site sand, abrasion and then me.


> is

> > > not going to be a good day for both of us Mahesh.

> > >

> > > > In your new website http://www.adi-shakti.org/ there is no

> mention

> > > > of her holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. As you are one of


> > > > champions in declaring Shri Mataji's dictat that She is

> Adishakti,

> > > > could not it be good to mention it there.

> > > >

> > >

> > > FYI, the new www.adi-shakti.org website is entirely about the

> Shakti

> > > in the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is an incarnation of

> Her,

> > > not the other way round. This new site will be for Her bhaktas


> > > world over who understand the Shakti far better than most SYs. i

> am

> > > sure you do not want to bring them down to the mundane level of

> our

> > > collectives.

> > >

> > > And if Her bhaktas are going to believe in Shri Mataji and

> Kundalini

> > > awakening they have to be presented irrefutable evidence of the

> > > Shakti within. Shri Mataji is a temporary physical incarnation


> > > the eternal Adi Shakti. Only the Shakti within will remain when

> Shri

> > > Mataji attains Mahasamadhi. Will they believe in a Divine

> > > Personality that has departed? Will they meditate on someone who

> was

> > > virtually unknown outside SYs circles, compliments of weaseling

> > > manegment SYs? If you cannot understand this Mahesh then please

> > > overcome your ignorance first. How about shoebeating yourself


> > > times for starters? ............. and i mean your head, not

> > ground.

> > >

> > > > How would the layman know what you are talking about. As I


> > > > mentioned in my earlier post to Mr. Rajeev when he wanted to

> make

> > > > a presentation of Sahaj without mentioning Sahaja yoga or Shri

> > > > Mataji, Your site does the same exactly if it does not have a

> > > > mention of who is adishakti. We dont need to hide the truth .

> > > >

> > >

> > > The laymen you are talking about have more knowledge and faith.

> You

> > > are just insulting their intelligence and devotion to the


> > >

> > > And your post to Mr. Rajeev was uncalled for and just reflects

> your

> > > disgust for gifted musicians, women wishing control over


> or

> > > voicing their opinion. i kept quiet because Sohniya and Semira

> gave

> > > you a piece of their mind and badly bruised your ego. But now it

> > > looks like you are not going to stop and have left me no choice.

> > >

> > > FYI Mahesh, you neither have the right nor intelligence to tell


> > > what to do. If you think the two websites have not done enough


> > > proclaim Shri Mataji as the Adi Shakti then please make your


> > > ...... and learn to play music like Mr. Rajeev too. And then let

> us

> > > have the pleasure of barking at you like junkyard dogs because


> is

> > > our nature to react to anything we cannot recognize as friendly,

> > > gifted or intelligent. And please blast your local collective of

> the

> > > same accusations and charges i am guilty of.

> > >

> > >

> > > > Whatever justification you may give, I would not call this


> a

> > > > Sahaja site if it does not recognize the Sakaar Form of

> Adishakti,

> > > > which is Shri Mataji.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Mahesh, who needs your certification that sites are kosher? Do


> > > really think it is important that we defer to your judgment? Is


> > > possible to deflate that huge balloon of an ego that makes you

> > > occasionally chew more than you can swallow?

> > >

> > > > False Gurus who claim themselves as Adishakti would say that

> this

> > > > site is all about them. You understand what I mean.

> > > >

> > >

> > > No, i don't understand what you mean. For SYs almost every guru


> > > false, ever ready to steal the limelight from Shri Mataji. Never

> in

> > > my life I have come across more ignorance and paranoia.

> > >

> > > And i only posted a homepage to mark February 21, 2006 i.e.,


> > > years to Satya Yuga. It will take me months before i can start

> > > working on it and already you are barking at me. Mahesh, do you

> > > really follow what is going on or is it just your nature to find

> > > faults? Did you not read that " i will be populating over the


> > > few months " ? Do you understand what i am saying or are you

> > > translating that into Hinglish? Then " i will be populating over

> the

> > > next few months " would mean " i will be producing children over


> > > months " . If that is the case then you have my apologies and

> sympathy

> > > too. i can be generous at times like this because i blame the

> > > British for your present predicament. Needles to say, i am happy

> to

> > > have learnt a dominant international laguage. Unlike you, i do

> > > understand it quite well.

> > >

> > > > It would well mean the beginning of chaos and disaster.

> > > >

> > >

> > > i would be compelled to totally agreed with you here ..........


> ..

> > > But i am neither half as dumb nor paranoid as you are, .......

> since

> > > Secondary 3. Is this reaction the result of years of


> > >

> > > > I for myself would never direct people to site which does not

> > > > recognize Shri Mataji.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Please come down from that lofty ivory tower you are living in


> > > feel the Earth. Perhaps the ground i walk on during my daily

> night-

> > > soil rounds and the stench of carrying the waste of humanity may

> > > humble you. That experience is so powerfully intoxicating that

> > > humans forget that it is possible to breathe through their


> > > and thus escape the smell. Instead they instinctively cover but

> > > still breathe through their noses, a useless ritual that makes


> > > sense to a night-soil carrier like me. (But that is not the


> i

> > > am against external cleansing rituals, just in case you want to

> > > crucify me on this presumption in your next post.)

> > >

> > > > Also I have a question. Is it true that Shri Mataji asked you


> > > > pull down the adishakti.org before the book goes for print. If

> so,

> > > > why is the site still continuing to be online? Shri Mataji's

> word

> > > > is her command. So if she says anything why is it not taken


> > > > of. Are not you disobeying her? She is Adishakti and when she

> > > > personally expressed her desire are we not supposed to follow

> > > > irrespective of what our mind says?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Actually i am quite tired of regurgitating this, constipated as


> > > am, but will since you seem to have selective amnesia. i suspect

> > > this to be true as i know i have explained this a number of


> on

> > > the forum. Yet you keep forgetting it Mahesh?

> > >

> > > So here we go again.

> > >

> > > As far as i am concerned the Shakti within overrides everything

> > > EVERYTHING! She was approached first to write a book before i

> asked

> > > the same from Shri Mataji (and vibrations are flowing freely


> my

> > > Sahasarara as i write).

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji approved the book a number of times but management


> > > were against it, starting with ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan.


> > > since the initial permission was approved no leader or SY ever

> > > approached me to help, even till today. Hardly had Shri Mataji

> given

> > > Her permission again in Toronto September 18, 1997 that i


> a

> > > phone call that SYs will not endorse it. They just did not agree

> > > with Shri Mataji and made their displeasure known. (Maybe you

> should

> > > confirm with Steve Gulati from Toronto if he phoned me to that

> > > effect. Let me know if he denies.)

> > >

> > > At the end of 1999 i uploaded the entire book and made it

> available

> > > online. The management SYs went into a frenzy of fear and

> > > apprehension. i think i better use your imaginary " beginning of

> > > chaos and disaster " because they were as frightened then as you

> are

> > > now. Yes, they believed the Truth will be the beginning of chaos

> and

> > > disaster for Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. Leaders tried to bring

> > > down the site by hinting i will be expelled by Shri Mataji. i


> > > them i would be more than willing to leave but will not close


> > > web site. And none of them were able to obtain Shri Mataji's

> > > permission to shut it down.

> > >

> > > So what is to be done next? Take the book to Shri Mataji again


> > > see if they can remotely capitalize on any of Her words. And


> is

> > > their evidence:

> > >

> > >

> > > " RE: Editing of book

> > > Mon, 10 Apr 2000 15:29:29 -0400

> > > " Kumar, Manoj (MMRX) " <manoj_kumar@>

> > > " 'Jagbir Singh' " <jagbir@>,

> > > " 'Arun Goel' " <mother@>

> > > CC: " Kumar, Manoj (MMRX) " <manoj_kumar@>

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > I presented your book to Shri Mataji when I was in India. She

> spent

> > > almost half an hour to go through the book. Overall, She was


> > > pleased with the book and especially with your effort in


> > > the information. She Mataji felt that it needs some editing. She

> > > asked me to convey to you " Tell Jagbir now to leave it to Her " .

> > > She suggested that She will get it published in India in 4


> > > because the print is very small in its existing format which


> be

> > > made bigger and will than be more readable. She suggested that

> since

> > > it is going to be a priced item that you should remove it's free

> > > availability from the web.

> > >

> > > You can contact the leader of India Arun Goyal who was present


> > > the time of my discussion with Shri Mataji to get further


> > > Shri Mataji will be India till the 18th and then will come to

> > > Europe. Arun Goyal's email address in India is

> > > mother@ <mother@>

> > >

> > > !jai Shri Mataji!

> > >

> > >

> > > Your brother,

> > >

> > >

> > > Manoj "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ever since this email i have removed its free availability and

> left

> > > the publishing entirely to Her. The www.adishakti.org website is

> > > only based, and i must emphasize " based " , on what is originally

> > > written. On the contrary, i have added substantial information

> from

> > > further revelations of the Shakti within. Today there is an

> > > additional 900 pages of information containing vital facts that


> > > not in the original book. Publishing the original works without

> the

> > > further revelations will render it incomplete. Had i not


> > > working and writing vital information would have been missing.


> > > not forget that i will be working 24/7 at least till early 2013


> > > just give you a vague idea of how many more web pages will be

> added

> > .)

> > >

> > > So who are you Mahesh to tell me that i disobeyed Her? What has

> > > www.adishakti.org got to do with publishing the book? What has

> > > telling Muslims at www.al-qiyamah.org got to do with hoping they

> > > purchase commercial copies in order to know the Truth that the

> > > Resurrection is taking place? Did Shri Krishna or Jesus or Guru

> > > Nanak or Prophet Muhammad sell the Truth for a profit? Did they

> > > allow the management of the Truth by mere mortals as done by


> > >

> > > So are you by any chance telling me that the Truth must be sold

> for

> > > a profit, not declared freely? Is this the opinion of your


> > > collective, management SYs or WCASY? Do all of you want Shri

> Mataji

> > > to only sell the Truth and forbid its free distribution? Are you

> > > implying that Shri Mataji is disappointed that She will not

> profit,

> > > now since my web sites are based on portions of the book?

> > >

> > > But management SYs did think so and approached Shri Mataji yet

> > > again, complaining that the websites are not closed. They


> > > Shri Mataji wanted the entire website to be closed. They were

> > > desperately trying to find a way to induce Her, and no stone was

> > > left unturned to elicit the faintest of disapproval. Mahesh, i


> > > now regurgitating it yet again what leaders/management SYs


> > >




> > >

> > > Is that loud and clear enough for you to see and read?

> > >

> > > And i have witnesses to the fact that Shri Mataji is pleased


> > > the websites. The person is close to Shri Mataji but does not


> > > to be quoted because that will not go down well with WCASY. That

> is

> > > why the Inquisytion need fools like you to do their dirty work.

> > >

> > > And the Shakti within is happy with the websites too, even

> > > discussing them with my son Arwinder. Unlike Her incarnation


> > > Mataji Nirmala Devi the Shakti within knows everything that is

> going

> > > on. So we have both Shaktis approving of the web sites. Are They

> to

> > > defer to your better judgment Mahesh? or of management SYs? of

> > WCASY?

> > >

> > > > I am sorry for raising the question, but it needs to be

> > answered.

> > > >

> > > > Mahesh

> > > >

> > >

> > > i am sorry too that i had to dice and reduce you to bite-size

> > > souvlaki sizes. Just last year you attacked me with that

> > > unpredictable whim of yours. Then you swallowed back your

> > > allegations after i provided evidence you had agreed to the


> > > all along. This time you don't have to retract because i know


> > > will bark up the wrong tree again in future. So don't insult

> > > yourself by apologizing. All you need next time is to get your

> amour

> > > checked before riding that high horse. i am not that forgiving


> > > murmuring souls who attack my children, family or myself ......


> > > even after having a happy ending to that immobilizing

> constipation.

> > > i now have more respect of my bowels. i definitely cannot say


> > > same of you.

> > >

> > > just let sleeping junkyard dogs like me lie in peace,

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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