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NEVER indulge in any more rituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist

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Dear All,


Just a few days ago i replied to the post " Sahaja Yogi wants to go

to Belapur Hospital..... "




i have always advised SYs/newcomers never to indulge in the SYSSR.

This post must have made many ritual-obessessed SYs and the priests

preaching such avidya (ignorance) really unhappy.:


" So going to Belapur will be a waste if you are going to revert back

to the worship of the sacred cows of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion. You need not go at all if you can leave everything to the

Mother Kundalini, have faith in Shri Mataji, imbibe Her Divine

Message, learn how to thoughtless, and NEVER indulge in any more

rituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you must. i

know for a fact that many SYs who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

System Religion are always treating their catches, whether in public

or private. Only those who have full faith/knowledge of/surrender to

the Mother Kundalini/Shri Mataji are truly free of catches and can

feel the Cool Breeze which, in my case, is 24/7. i know if i go back

to the treatments tomorrow i will start getting sick more often, and

need more cleansing rituals in turn. So will Balwinder. "


Just want to let all SYs know of this quote of Shri Mataji that

confirms once and for all that whatever i was insisting in the past

is also exactly what Shri Mataji preached:


" With this Collective Consciousness you can cure people, you can

give them Realization as I have told you and also you can feel the

Kundalini of any person in the whole world; and cure the Chakras of

that person. You can tell the condition of another person far away

by sitting down here. Wherever your attention goes, it works.

Thereby your attention becomes Universal. A drop of your attention

becomes one with the Ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sat-Chit-Anand, 15th February, 1977 at New Delhi, India



If it is possible to heal chakras of others thousands of miles away

then treating your own would be much easier. All you need to do is

to make your attention become one with the Ocean of the Sat-Chit-

Anand. i have said time and again before the same i.e., all you need

is put your attention on the affected chakras during meditation. In

this thoughtless state this attention works constantly and instantly

because it becomes one with the ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand.


But that is not what the priests of the SYSSR want you to know since

that would make you really powerful, and your own master too.

Instead they want you to worship their sacred cows the first Monday

of every month starting 1st May, 2006:


Clearing days at Balmoral

First Monday of every month starting Monday, 1st May


On the first Monday of every month, the Wollongong and Southern

Highlands Collective meet at Balmoral from 10.30am until 2pm for

chakra clearing, meditation, to care for Shri Mataji's cottage and

then for lunch together. Anyone who would like to join us is most

welcome. Bring your own footsoak bowl, candles, etc. and a sandwich

for lunch.




As i have said before " i know for a fact that many SYs who follow

the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion are always treating their

catches, whether in public or private. " Balmoral is but a sad example

of catch-infected SY collectives worldwide. This religion is a far

cry from the Pure Knowledge given by Shri Mataji whereby She reveals

to us how to make " A drop of your attention becomes one with the

ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand " .


But those in charge have organized and edited that Truth too out of

the SYSSR. They insist that you follow the officially-endorsed

rituals. That is why i accuse the SY priesthood of spreading a false

religion that is based on their own egos. So plase NEVER indulge in

any more rituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you do.







> I feel the urge to go to Belapur (the hospital) sometime this

> year and work some things out and just to go and see what its all

> about. Other people have been there (like Dr Balwinder) and a yogi

> from the collective out here, and said they were completely

> changed when there, but when they came back to Canada, they soon

> lost that " state " and returned to a state close to what they were

> when they left. I wanted to know what the difference between Dr

> Balwinder and the yogi I am referring to? I mean it seems like he

> has his vibrations very strongly now (Jagbir stated anyways) and

> he has maintained that stated experienced at the SY hospital, but

> why do others, particularly in my collective or similar person,

> just return to the old state? To me it seems like if you go to the

> SY Hospital to work out some really serious issues (like going to

> a doctor for antibiotics or something to treat a chronic

> condition) once you have fixed it at the hospital, then when you

> return to your own country, that that sickness should not reappear

> like you never took any medicine at all, of course providing you

> don't take up your old habits again. I mean what is the point of

> going to a SY hospital and working it out and having some real

> amazing experiences of the kundalini nature, if you are only to

> return home to the same state you went there to treat in the first

> place. Is there any way to avoid this happening? I want to go, but

> I want to come back that changed person and remain that way /grow

> further, not revert back?



Dear brothetr/sister,


In the first place there must be a very good reason to go to

Belapur. Secondly going to Belapur should be the last resort after

all means have failed.


i have always stated that everything should be left to the Mother

Kundalini. The Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a confusing

mixture of treatments that rely on external attention. By

" confusing " i mean that SYs have added their own spices and other

ingredients to add to the list of the few original recipes. Since

they have such impressive contributions from venerated and obviously

senior priests their sick flock are now taught to place more faith

in vegetables than the Kundalini. (Remember how the Yuvahsakti was

excitedly looking for any shred of evidence to link Shri Mataji to

the collective research on extremely left-sided cats involving many

SYs. Treatments and ritual innovations fall under the same

research department. Remember the immensely popular candle havan

that was the rave for years, an utter insult to a sacred ceremony

that even common sense failed to prevail - obviously many felt cool

vibrations for years till the practise was thoroughly condemned.)

That is why our collectives clinics are always overcrowded with the

sick and infected. There are 1001 symptoms and spiritual diseases

recognized by the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.


i used to get sick [catches] just watching them holding ice-packs

all the time. The diseased atmosphere was all the more infectious

since senior SYs insisted that no one will ever be catch-free. In

other words we had to believe we are sick, imaginary or otherwise.

Since i was surrounded by the sick obviously i was sucking their

sickness and getting sick myself. So we were all making each other

sick. And we had UPIs and all sorts of negativity to dodge everyday,

from the homeless drunk, neighbour's cat, Baywatch poster or Michael

Jackson's Thriller.


What i am actually saying is that SY collectives make you sick

psychologically. You become conditioned and believe that catches are

the norm ......... and cleansing rituals too. Balwinder became

'catch-free' when he surrendered everything to the Mother Kundalini

and, just as importantly, stopped all cleansing rituals. He also had

imbibed knowledge that strenghtened his faith in the Adi Shakti, a

faith that has little to do with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion. Thus when he returned to the collective after Belapur he

continued progressing, instead of the usual regress of post-Belapur

SYs. To put it more bluntly, he stopped following the rituals of the

Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. He had become his own master and

no more a disciple of their priests.


So going to Belapur will be a waste if you are going to revert back

to the worship of the sacred cows of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion. You need not go at all if you can leave everything to the

Mother Kundalini, have faith in Shri Mataji, imbibe Her Divine

Message, learn how to thoughtless, and NEVER indulge in any more

rituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you must. i

know for a fact that many SYs who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

System Religion are always treating their catches, whether in public

or private. Only those who have full faith/knowledge of/surrender to

the Mother Kundalini/Shri Mataji are truly free of catches and can

feel the Cool Breeze which, in my case, is 24/7. i know if i go back

to the treatments tomorrow i will start getting sick more often, and

need more cleansing rituals in turn. So will Balwinder.


So you actually do not need to go to Belapur right now. Try the

above before making a firm decision. i believe the Sahaja Yoga

Subtle System Religion is the main cause of your present predicament.



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Jai Shri Mataji I must say, what Jagbir ji is always insisting to surrender every thing to our primordial mother who is with us each and every moment since ages. Although I too not feel the cool breez but I would rather meditate on her to overcome my ego and bless me with her love. Preeti jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: Dear All,Just a few days ago i replied to the post "Sahaja Yogi wants to go to Belapur Hospital....."/message/6158i have always advised SYs/newcomers never to indulge in the SYSSR. This post must have made many ritual-obessessed SYs and the priests preaching such avidya

(ignorance) really unhappy.: "So going to Belapur will be a waste if you are going to revert backto the worship of the sacred cows of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle SystemReligion. You need not go at all if you can leave everything to theMother Kundalini, have faith in Shri Mataji, imbibe Her DivineMessage, learn how to thoughtless, and NEVER indulge in any morerituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you must. iknow for a fact that many SYs who follow the Sahaja Yoga SubtleSystem Religion are always treating their catches, whether in publicor private. Only those who have full faith/knowledge of/surrender tothe Mother Kundalini/Shri Mataji are truly free of catches and canfeel the Cool Breeze which, in my case, is 24/7. i know if i go backto the treatments tomorrow i will start getting sick more often, andneed more cleansing rituals in turn. So will Balwinder."Just want to let all SYs know of this quote of

Shri Mataji that confirms once and for all that whatever i was insisting in the past is also exactly what Shri Mataji preached:"With this Collective Consciousness you can cure people, you can give them Realization as I have told you and also you can feel the Kundalini of any person in the whole world; and cure the Chakras of that person. You can tell the condition of another person far away by sitting down here. Wherever your attention goes, it works. Thereby your attention becomes Universal. A drop of your attention becomes one with the Ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand."Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviSat-Chit-Anand, 15th February, 1977 at New Delhi, IndiaIf it is possible to heal chakras of others thousands of miles awaythen treating your own would be much easier. All you need to do is to make your attention become one with the Ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand. i have said time and again before the same i.e., all

you need is put your attention on the affected chakras during meditation. In this thoughtless state this attention works constantly and instantly because it becomes one with the ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand. But that is not what the priests of the SYSSR want you to know since that would make you really powerful, and your own master too. Instead they want you to worship their sacred cows the first Monday of every month starting 1st May, 2006:Clearing days at BalmoralFirst Monday of every month starting Monday, 1st MayOn the first Monday of every month, the Wollongong and Southern Highlands Collective meet at Balmoral from 10.30am until 2pm for chakra clearing, meditation, to care for Shri Mataji's cottage and then for lunch together. Anyone who would like to join us is most welcome. Bring your own footsoak bowl, candles, etc. and a sandwich for lunch.---------------------------As i have

said before "i know for a fact that many SYs who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion are always treating their catches, whether in public or private." Balmoral is but a sad exampleof catch-infected SY collectives worldwide. This religion is a far cry from the Pure Knowledge given by Shri Mataji whereby She reveals to us how to make "A drop of your attention becomes one with the ocean of the Sat-Chit-Anand". But those in charge have organized and edited that Truth too out of the SYSSR. They insist that you follow the officially-endorsed rituals. That is why i accuse the SY priesthood of spreading a false religion that is based on their own egos. So plase NEVER indulge in any more rituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you do.jagbir------>> I feel the urge to go to Belapur (the hospital) sometime this> year and work some things out

and just to go and see what its all> about. Other people have been there (like Dr Balwinder) and a yogi> from the collective out here, and said they were completely> changed when there, but when they came back to Canada, they soon> lost that "state" and returned to a state close to what they were> when they left. I wanted to know what the difference between Dr> Balwinder and the yogi I am referring to? I mean it seems like he> has his vibrations very strongly now (Jagbir stated anyways) and> he has maintained that stated experienced at the SY hospital, but> why do others, particularly in my collective or similar person,> just return to the old state? To me it seems like if you go to the> SY Hospital to work out some really serious issues (like going to> a doctor for antibiotics or something to treat a chronic> condition) once you have fixed it at the hospital, then when you>

return to your own country, that that sickness should not reappear> like you never took any medicine at all, of course providing you> don't take up your old habits again. I mean what is the point of> going to a SY hospital and working it out and having some real> amazing experiences of the kundalini nature, if you are only to> return home to the same state you went there to treat in the first> place. Is there any way to avoid this happening? I want to go, but> I want to come back that changed person and remain that way /grow> further, not revert back?>Dear brothetr/sister,In the first place there must be a very good reason to go toBelapur. Secondly going to Belapur should be the last resort afterall means have failed.i have always stated that everything should be left to the MotherKundalini. The Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a confusingmixture of treatments that

rely on external attention. By"confusing" i mean that SYs have added their own spices and otheringredients to add to the list of the few original recipes. Since they have such impressive contributions from venerated and obviously senior priests their sick flock are now taught to place more faith in vegetables than the Kundalini. (Remember how the Yuvahsakti was excitedly looking for any shred of evidence to link Shri Mataji to the collective research on extremely left-sided cats involving many SYs. Treatments and ritual innovations fall under the sameresearch department. Remember the immensely popular candle havan that was the rave for years, an utter insult to a sacred ceremony that even common sense failed to prevail - obviously many felt cool vibrations for years till the practise was thoroughly condemned.) That is why our collectives clinics are always overcrowded with the sick and infected. There are 1001

symptoms and spiritual diseases recognized by the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.i used to get sick [catches] just watching them holding ice-packsall the time. The diseased atmosphere was all the more infectioussince senior SYs insisted that no one will ever be catch-free. Inother words we had to believe we are sick, imaginary or otherwise.Since i was surrounded by the sick obviously i was sucking theirsickness and getting sick myself. So we were all making each othersick. And we had UPIs and all sorts of negativity to dodge everyday,from the homeless drunk, neighbour's cat, Baywatch poster or MichaelJackson's Thriller.What i am actually saying is that SY collectives make you sickpsychologically. You become conditioned and believe that catches arethe norm ......... and cleansing rituals too. Balwinder became'catch-free' when he surrendered everything to the Mother Kundaliniand, just as

importantly, stopped all cleansing rituals. He also hadimbibed knowledge that strenghtened his faith in the Adi Shakti, afaith that has little to do with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle SystemReligion. Thus when he returned to the collective after Belapur hecontinued progressing, instead of the usual regress of post-BelapurSYs. To put it more bluntly, he stopped following the rituals of theSahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. He had become his own master andno more a disciple of their priests.So going to Belapur will be a waste if you are going to revert backto the worship of the sacred cows of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle SystemReligion. You need not go at all if you can leave everything to theMother Kundalini, have faith in Shri Mataji, imbibe Her DivineMessage, learn how to thoughtless, and NEVER indulge in any morerituals no matter how much the SYs priesthood insist you must. iknow for a fact that many SYs who follow the

Sahaja Yoga SubtleSystem Religion are always treating their catches, whether in publicor private. Only those who have full faith/knowledge of/surrender tothe Mother Kundalini/Shri Mataji are truly free of catches and canfeel the Cool Breeze which, in my case, is 24/7. i know if i go backto the treatments tomorrow i will start getting sick more often, andneed more cleansing rituals in turn. So will Balwinder.So you actually do not need to go to Belapur right now. Try theabove before making a firm decision. i believe the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is the main cause of your present predicament.jagbir

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