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The 'checks and balances' that Shri Mataji has put in place....

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, " Violet " <violet.tubb@..



" Shri Mataji has given us the 'checks and balances' for just such assertions by

WCASY by telling us that we must be our own guru, teacher, and master. WCASY is

not meant to be your guru, teacher and master, you see. WCASY is only meant to

be an administrative body. i hope this becomes more clear in the future, if it

is not clear now. Also, btw, Shri Mataji does not want a 'Pope' in Her

Organization, and although this may 'sound sacriligious' it is the truth. "


Dear All,


When i say that Shri Mataji does not want a " Pope " in Her Organization, i am

being very serious. If you are already looking up to someone 'as a Pope', and

leaning on that person instead of becoming your own guru, master, and teacher,

you are already diverging off the path that Shri Mataji shed light on, which is

the path of spiritual guruship. In this path of spiritual guruship which is also

the path of spiritual liberation that Shri Mataji has given, She said we are not

to listen to any person, but to the Divine Within. Once WCASY want to become

your Masters, then there is a struggle. That is the problem! Who gave them the

right to be your spiritual Masters?! That is why Shri Mataji made them into

'coordinators' because by calling them 'leaders' it 'went to their head'. Please

wake up SY's because whether they are called 'leaders' or 'coordinators' they

are still trying to be your masters, when they have said the unforgettable

statement that they now interpret the Will of Shri Mataji to you. This is an

outright sacriledge that they say that they interpret the Will of Shri Mataji to

you now. Only the Mother Within you, yourself, can show you the Will of Shri

Mataji from within you; no man or administrative body can show it to you from

without yourself. Ask any spiritual mystic and they will tell you that. Ask any

person that has the gnostic (knowledge from within) and they will also tell you



Doing the work of Shri Mataji, in other words, is what flows from within the

person, where the inspiration, intuition, and intelligence come from the Divine

Within. These can never come from the WCASY, because it is an administrative

body only. It does not act as an individual person acts. WCASY is not the Divine

Itself. Just because a group of Sahaja Yogis get together to administrate, does

not mean that they can be your Divine Guru. Your Divine Guru is within yourself.

It is a serious choice now, because you have a competition in Sahaja Yoga now.

Will you listen to the Will of WCASY now, or will you listen to the Will of your

Mother Within you. WCASY should never have set themselves up 'as competition'

for the Will of Shri Mataji. We are living in momentous Times. These are not

ordinary Times. These are Last Judgment and Resurrection Times!


Any administrative body is only there to help things run smoothly. They are not

the 'fount of knowledge, wisdom, and blessing'. That fount of 'knowledge, wisdom

and blessing' can only come from within.


WCASY have 'way stepped over' what is their 'assigned role' by Shri Mataji. Shri

Mataji allows people to do what they want. She never takes away their liberty.

She allowed the Sahaja Yogis who are administrative servants to tell you that

they are now the interpreters of Shri Mataji's Will, because that is Her Way to

do so. That has been Her Way all along. She has 'stood down' many leaders until

now for misbehaving, and now it is a test for us. She is there no longer to do

this job. We just have to really understand what She has been saying all along,

and strive to be our own guru, master, and teacher, regardless of the fact that

Sahaja Yogis who are the administrative servants are now 'in competition' for

that role that only the Divine Mother/Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti can be, WITHIN



Did Shri Mataji EVER in any of Her Speeches say that any Sahaja Yogi is the

interpreter of Her Will? No, She did not! However, because a bunch of Sahaja

Yogis have got together under Her Administrative Umbrella, they think that it is

okay to tell you that they are now interpreting Her Will to you.


Like Shri Mataji has said about all leaders....She has always given them enough

rope (liberty) until they hang themselves with their own rope. So, i warn all

SY's to not allow an administrative external organization made up of human

beings to become your master, guru, and teacher. Don't let them 'pull the wool

over your eyes'. Shri Mataji never ever told us that an Administrative Body

would be our guru, teacher, and master, did She now?! (Question their assertion

like a scientist. Can any human being interpret the Will of the Divine to you.

The Pope does that for Roman Catholics, too!)


AND THAT IS WHY in Her Wisdom, Shri Mataji has put the 'checks and balances'

into place. Can't you see that? That is why She has said that: " YOU ARE YOUR OWN





, " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> , " Jai Shri Mataji "

> <mprgrandmaster@> wrote:


> I see your point but I just say that when mother is formaly the Head

of WCASY, we cannot say anything against WCASY .


> Dear mprgrandmaster,


> As an administrative body, administering the affairs of Shri Mataji,

any Sahaja Yogi can complain to them if they are not doing the job

that they are supposed to do. They are not infallible as the Catholic

Pope claims to be, just because they are an administrative body under

Shri Mataji.


> We must not get WCASY, the administrative body confused with the

Truth that Shri Mataji has brought to Earth. We must not even confuse

WCASY with the Spiritual Truth that Shri Jesus, Shri Buddha, Prophet

Mohammed, and other Incarnations taught. These Truths, according to

Shri Mataji cannot be organized, and as WCASY is an organizational

body, this is also true for them.


> As an administrative body, WCASY have been given the task of being

the repository for Shri Mataji's tapes, videos, properties, and

monies. Shri Mataji is the head of this administration, because it is

Her Property really, that they are looking after. Someone has to look

after it. It cannot float in the air.


> However, the part that is much more important than all of that is

the Divine Message of Truth Itself, which Shri Mataji said COULD NEVER

BE ORGANIZED! The responsibility of this Divine Message of Shri Mataji

of the Last Judgment and Resurrection rests on every " born of the

Spirit person " , a.k.a. Sahaja Yogi who feels the vibrations. Whether

they also hold a seat on the World Council is 'besides the point'.


> Administrative bodies organize. That is their job. They don't do the

work themselves, because their job is to organize only. It is the

individual themselves that has to do the work that Shri Mataji has

asked us to do.


> As an administrative body, WCASY is not an individual, it is a

functional administrative service. However, they have made themselves

out to be more than a functional administrative service to Sahaja

Yogis. They have made SY's believe that rather than just being the

administrative functioning body that is the respository of Her

Property, that this functional administrative body will also now

interpret the Will of Shri Mataji to everyone. i hope you can 'see'

how wrong this assertion is.


> Shri Mataji has given us the 'checks and balances' for just such

assertions by WCASY by telling us that we must be our own guru,

teacher, and master. WCASY is not meant to be your guru, teacher and

master, you see. WCASY is only meant to be an administrative body.


> i hope this becomes more clear in the future, if it is not clear


> Also, btw, Shri Mataji does not want a 'Pope' in Her Organization,

and although this may 'sound sacriligious' it is the truth.


> best wishes,


> violet



> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> > Dear Violet ,

> > Thanks for the reply.

> > I see your point but I just say that when mther is formaly the


> of WCASY, we cannot say anything against WCASY . We may only say


> the human members of it and mistakes they are doing in preserving


> Divine Messege of Mother.

> > My only Will is to be the Instrument of Mothers Will.My deepest

> disire is to act,think,live and feel so that She casts a sweet smile

> upon me and sheds a tear out of Her Love and Pleasure for me.May Her

> Teachings Prevail!Amen!

> >

> > -

> > Violet

> >

> > Friday, May 26, 2006 1:29 AM

> > Re: A satanic negativity has

> possessed our leaders and WCASY council members

> >

> >

> > , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> > wrote:

> >

> > > " And yet the supposed custodians of Shri Mataji's Message and,

> > > purportedly, of Shri Mataji's Will, have, with an attitude of

> > > almost criminal negligence, continually underplayed and

> > > understated the import of the Great Incarnation. While the


> > > gurus are masquerading as great saints and even incarnations. "

> >

> > Dear mprgrandmaster,

> >

> > The above quote reveals the REAL sacrilige. Shri Mataji came on

> Earth to introduce us to our Mother Within, who is the Holy Spirit


> the Christians, the Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Ruh of Allah of


> Muslims, the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Shekinah in Judaism, the

> Eykaa Mayee in Sikhism and the Great Mother in Taoism, however this

> Message is not getting out to the public-at-large by the custodians


> Her Writings. Being the custodians of Her Writings is not the same


> being the custodians of Her Message. This is maybe where you are

> getting a bit mixed-up, and therefore getting a headache.

> >

> > You see, 'leadership' is actually a 'myth', according to Shri

> Mataji. We are promoting Shri Mataji on this forum and not WCASY, as

> WCASY are not 'doing the right thing' by Shri Mataji. That is why we

> denounce their actions/inaction. Not only have they done nothing


> Her Real Message, they have edited it and organized it into a new

> subtle system religion which they have organized all SY's to follow


> that format. They have created a different Truth, which is aptly

> labelled as the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.

> >

> > Maybe, now you will understand and it will clear up your

> confusion. i sure hope so, because it would be a shame, if you


> the WCASY SYSSR rather than the Will of Shri Mataji Herself. As

> already said, WCASY are only the custodians of Her Literature, they

> are not the custodians of Shri Mataji's Divine Message Itself.

> >

> > What i am saying is that WCASY's words are not to be taken in


> bated breath as if they are now the Will of Shri Mataji Herself.

> However, if you really believe that they are NOW the Will of Shri

> Mataji Herself, then you have misunderstood Shri Mataji's Truth

> completely, my dear grand master! You cannot follow God and mammon.

> Shri Jesus explains this fact:-

> >

> > " No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one


> love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You

> cannot serve God and mammon. " (Matthew 6:24)

> >

> > You see, to 'put it personally', the Holy Spirit Within cannot


> my master, if i allow WCASY to be my master. If i allowed WCASY to


> my master, and if Jagbir allowed WCASY to be his master, you would


> have one forum even telling Her Divine Message to the world. It


> only be a subtle system message. Maybe, you can now see more


> and i hope that headache can now clear.

> >

> > Because i can tell you....that if you follow WCASY's word, then

> you are in trouble, for you will never be your own teacher, guru, or

> even grand master then!

> >

> > i hope this helps,

> >

> > violet

> >

> > , " Jai Shri Mataji "

> > <mprgrandmaster@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Mataji!

> > > dear brothers,sisters andmembers of this group,

> > > I have been reading the posts here for the last months but


> last

> > one gave me such a left Sahasrara/left agnya catch when read


> the

> > title!

> > > Do you think these posts will help a newcomer?Or will they


> > them and send them away from Sahaja Yoga?Also,please,know that


> are

> > talking about a council whose Head is Shri Mataji Herself!How


> you

> > say words like

> > > >> negativity possessed the leader and the highest members of


> > ?????Mother is the LEADER!For God's Sake, put a stop to this,it

> is

> > sacrilige!

> > >

> > > -

> > > isaac iba

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:22 PM

> > > RE: A satanic negativity


> > possessed our leaders and WCASY council members

> > >

> > >

> > > hello brother jagbir

> > > what can we do for that?i think it is very dangerous for

> sahaja

> > yoga if the negativity possessed the leader and the highest

> members of

> > WCASY,according to me, every one have to work himself to grow


> to

> > establish a personnel relationship with our HOLLY MOTHER, i also

> think

> > that WCASY is an other illusion of MAHAMAYa.if we wan to help

> humanity

> > and sahaja yoga, we have to grow and see SHRI MATAJI in our

> meditation

> > whose can give us all instructions.you know in my

> country(cameroon)the

> > problem of leadership have separated our collectif nowaday, we

> have

> > three collectif and each collectif leader`s claim that he are

> national

> > leader and we can be unite as children of SHRI MATAJI what can i

> do?

> > today in WCASY we havent african member what is meaning?is no

> sahaja

> > yoga in AFRICA?if it that can somebody come and help us to be

> sahaja

> > yogi?why mother does no come in AFRICA? because of poverty?


> > >

> > > jagbir singh <adishakti_org@> a écrit :

> > > To all SYs and seekers of Truth,

> > >

> > > Perhaps the most famous venue where Shri Mataji talked


> the

> > > Resurrection and Last Judgment to thousands of complete

> > strangers/

> > > public is the Royal Albert Hall, London, UK. i quote Her:

> > >

> > > " All this is coming because this is the Last Judgment. I

> have

> > told

> > > you, this is the Last Judgment. And this Last Judgment


> > really

> > > decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed

> completely.

> > It

> > > is a very, very serious thing. All of them who are aware

> should

> > > think about it. "

> > >

> > > She has done so all over the world over the years and

> decades,

> > time

> > > and again exhorting and pleading with humans to transform

> > themselves

> > > as the Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking place.

> > >

> > > However, even as the eleventh hour today ticks on, the

> > criminally

> > > negligent custodians of Shri Mataji's Message and Will

> continue

> > to

> > > suppress Her Divine Message. The infamous Inquisytion of


> > is

> > > instead used against those who try to follow Shri Mataji's

> > direction

> > > and vision. Yet again i have to repeat that a satanic

> negativity

> > has

> > > possessed our leaders and WCASY council members and they


> now

> > > actively preventing the rest of humanity from knowing


> God

> > > Almighty's Last Judgment and Resurrection. A powerful evil

> force

> > is

> > > preventing the culmination of God's Plan by overpowering


> > > possessing our leaders with the fear and apprehension of

> > speaking

> > > about the Last Judgment and Resurrection that Shri Mataji

> > repeated

> > > hundreds of times. And tens of thousands of SYs influenced

> by

> > such

> > > leaders are following them to spread the false SYSSR!

> > >

> > > Below is the speech (from which the quote above was taken)

> given

> > by

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on July 14, 2001 at the Royal

> Albert

> > Hall,

> > > London, UK. The present-day WCASY council members and

> leaders

> > should

> > > have admonished Shri Mataji for publicly speaking about


> > > Resurrection and Last Judgment in such a prominent venue.

> > However,

> > > the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a subtle way of

> > achieving

> > > just that behind Shri Mataji's back. Her present

> incapacitation

> > will

> > > only embolden the criminally negligent custodians of Shri

> > Mataji's

> > > Message and Will. This forum and the websites are the only

> > obstacles

> > > left in their path of complete domination of Shri Mataji's

> > Advent,

> > > Vision and Divine Message. We must never waiver or fail in

> our

> > > resolve to defeat this negativity.

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ganapathi,

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --------

> > >

> > >

> > > " I bow to all the seekers of Truth.

> > >

> > > Some of you have found the Truth, some of you have not


> it

> > > fully, and some of you have not found it at all. But if


> look

> > > around in today's situation, you will have to admit there


> a

> > big

> > > turmoil going on. Countries after countries are taking to

> all

> > kinds

> > > of wrong things. A lot of cold war is on, people are


> > each

> > > other, destroying beautiful places, cutting each other's

> throat

> > for

> > > nothing at all. We are all human beings created by God,


> > Almighty

> > > has created them and has brought them to this level of


> > > awareness.

> > >

> > > At this juncture one can see where are we going in a

> collective

> > way.

> > > This is, where have we to reach or is it our destiny? Is

> this

> > the

> > > destiny of human beings, to be destroyed by each other for

> land

> > or

> > > for anything else? Think of the whole world as one and


> > what is

> > > happening all over. Every day you read newspaper, every


> > there is

> > > some sort of a horrible news about horrible things people

> are

> > doing

> > > to each other for no rhyme or reason. We have to think:


> is

> > the

> > > destiny, where are we going? Are we going to Hell or to

> Heaven?

> > What

> > > is our situation around? Can you help it?

> > >

> > > What is wrong with human beings is: they are still in the

> > complete

> > > control of ignorance. I would call it ignorance, and in


> > > ignorance, in that darkness, they are doing this horrible

> thing.

> > > Nobody wants to understand that what we are doing is


> but

> > > complete destruction. Is that our destiny? That we are


> to

> > get

> > > destroyed completely? What good are we doing under the


> of

> > some

> > > sort of nationality or maybe some religion, all kinds of

> things

> > > which are good. But we are doing all wrong things:


> > > Fighting is not nobility, we hate anybody who can excite


> > hatred.

> > > It is very much, I don't know. very much liked, and under

> this

> > > guidance, we form groups.

> > >

> > > All this is coming because this is the Last Judgment. I


> > told

> > > you, this is the Last Judgment. And this Last Judgment


> > really

> > > decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed

> completely.

> > It

> > > is a very, very serious thing. All of them who are aware

> should

> > > think about it. Little patchwork here, and a little

> patchwork is

> > not

> > > going to do. Whatever you may try, unless and until you

> > transform

> > > human being, it cannot be saved. This transformation is


> an

> > > impossible thing, it is not difficult. This is the time


> > > transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And

> within

> > us

> > > it is placed, the power, as power it is described, is the

> > mystical

> > > feminine power within us. All of them have written, I am


> the

> > > first person to say that, but nobody has been able,


> so

> > far,

> > > to understand it or to accept it that it should happen to

> you.

> > > You are born, not only to be human beings, but you have to

> be

> > > superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself, your life should


> > > enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a


> > morning

> > > till evening worried about this, worried about that. That


> why

> > you

> > > are created, because God had no intention of creating


> who

> > > will be all the time worried how to quarrel, how to fight,

> how

> > to

> > > save, but people who will live in complete harmony, peace

> and

> > joy.

> > > That is why we are created, that is our destiny. That is


> > just I

> > > am telling you, but it is a fact.

> > >

> > > So we will have to be, we have to be transformed. This

> > > transformation is not difficult, but what I find you could

> get

> > > satisfied with anything. Hindus will go to the temple

> getting

> > " oh we

> > > have done great " , Christians go to the church and think


> > have

> > > done very good, Muslims will go and pray and think that


> are

> > > great. What have they achieved?

> > >

> > > Face yourselves, please, face your limitations, face your,

> face

> > your

> > > problems and see for yourself: Have you been able to solve

> your

> > > problems? Have you been able to save yourself from

> calamities? .

> > . .

> > > I am not only talking, but I want you all to get your


> > > realization. What is self-realization? It is to know your

> self.

> > You

> > > do not know your self, you do not know. You are living in

> this

> > world

> > > without knowing your self, can you imagine? You do not


> what

> > you

> > > are, you do not know that you are the Spirit, and that you

> are

> > the

> > > source of knowledge, of pure knowledge. I find people

> sitting in

> > a

> > > meeting listening to some babaji who is telling them some

> story,

> > > very happy. This is not going to give you the reality, and

> the

> > > truth. If you want to have reality and truth, then please

> try to

> > > understand that something has to happen, to you some

> > transformation

> > > has to take place. . . .

> > >

> > > These are emergencies, you are living in very emergent

> > conditions,

> > > try to understand. And I want to warn you that if you do


> go

> > deep

> > > into yourself and find out what you are and take to your

> > > transformation, anything is possible: all kinds of


> > > happening to you, all kinds of new problems of children

> coming

> > up,

> > > all kinds of national problems are there, all kinds of

> > international

> > > problems are there, that people cannot help it. So we have

> to

> > get

> > > out of this and become a solid personality of truth.

> > >

> > > We don not know what the truth is. We are worse than


> > whose

> > > eyes are open, while our eyes are closed. It is not to

> condemn

> > you

> > > or anything, but to make you alert and aware that human

> beings

> > have

> > > to change. Otherwise you just, you come to my lecture,

> tomorrow

> > you

> > > will come to another lecture. That is all, it is an

> everyday,

> > sort

> > > of a nice entertainment. But when I see the destiny, I


> > know

> > > how many will be going, how many will be finished, what


> > happen

> > > to them, what diseases they will get, what problems they

> will

> > get,

> > > what will happen to their children, what will happen to

> their

> > > country, and what will happen with the whole world. Just

> widen

> > your

> > > vision. My vision is that all the people of the world


> get

> > > transformation. We have enemies within ourselves, and when

> we

> > talk

> > > of jihad we talk that you have to fight your enemies


> > > yourself. What are our enemies?

> > >

> > > These days the worst is greed, there is greed. With that

> greed

> > > people can do anything they want, all kinds of things are

> > happening

> > > out of greed. They will have money, they will have all


> of

> > > facilities, but still this greed is such a satanic thing

> that

> > you do

> > > not even see what you have. And you want to have more and

> more,

> > > deceive people, deceive your ... , deceive everyone and .


> .

> > > You have heard so much about Spirit and Spiritual life.


> > have

> > > you reached that point? Even when you read zen-system,


> > system,

> > > Bible, Koran, anything. Do you know how to reach that


> of

> > the

> > > Spirit? Not yet, not yet. You have to know that, because


> are

> > > very great, you are very precious and you are so beautiful

> > within.

> > > But you are not aware of it! You have to become that. That

> > becoming

> > > is very important. And for that already God Almighty has

> > organised

> > > within you, which is called as Kundalini, which can be

> awakened

> > and

> > > its awakening can give you self realisation, can give you

> self

> > > knowledge, as you call atma sakshat. That is what is very,

> very

> > > important in your life to have it, and when it is free,


> > cannot

> > > pay for it. How much can you pay? When it is absolutely

> free,

> > why

> > > don't you take your self realisation? And why don't you

> grow?. .

> > .

> > > Mohammed Saab has said clearly: " At the time of


> > your

> > > hands will speak. " Are they speaking?

> > >

> > > Hindus know about it, that we have to get our self

> realisation.

> > No

> > > use just listening to these babajis and giving them money.

> All

> > this

> > > kind of rituals that we are doing, that our forefathers


> > been

> > > doing. What have we achieved? Nothing!

> > >

> > > So now it is important for us to know that we have to have

> our

> > > evolution reaching to the point of self realisation. If we

> were

> > > perfect, there would have been no problem. If we were self

> > realised

> > > people, there would have been no problem. All kinds of

> > selfishness,

> > > all kinds of limits we have put around us, all kinds of

> > conditioning

> > > and ego, which have been working our life and have been

> ruling

> > us,

> > > we have to get over it. And once you get over it you get

> united.

> > > Nobody has to tell you that you get united. You lose all

> > > misidentifications. Your misidentifications are that, that

> you

> > > belong to this country, you belong to this religion, you

> belong

> > to

> > > that. You belong to nothing. You belong to the Kingdom of

> God.

> > That

> > > is what we have to achieve, and you should be one there.


> if

> > you

> > > like storytelling there is no end to it.

> > >

> > > But you are wasting your time! The time is running short.


> have

> > > been now here for the last, I don't know, 20 years or so.


> > worked

> > > very hard, but what I find, that people do not realise


> they

> > are

> > > supposed to do. They like people who will just say


> > very

> > > simple, or who are to serve visual entertainment. So the

> whole

> > > humanity has to understand that destiny of destruction is


> be

> & amp;gt; > about today, complete destruction is to be about. And very

> > simple is

> > > that you enter into the Kingdom of God, which is very


> no

> > time

> > > to pay anything, you do not have to work out anything. You

> take

> > your

> > > self realisation, and then at home you spend about 10

> minutes

> > > meditating. Only your mind is all the time justifying your

> > > misbehaviour. I call it misbehaviour because it is against

> the

> > > truth, it is against God's wish, it is against humanity,


> it

> > will

> > > destroy all the good things.

> > >

> > > All this misidentifications have to be dropped and you


> to

> > know

> > > that we are all one, we are all one, we are all global, we

> are

> > not

> > > separated by colour, race or religion. We should know we


> all

> > > one, and that oneness should not be established by slogans

> or by

> > > shouting. What should be that oneness is to be felt


> It

> > is

> > > not artificial, it has to be real, very real oneness. And

> that

> > comes

> > > to you once you realise that you are part and parcel of


> > whole.

> > > Religions have brought you up to this point of awareness,

> not

> > your

> > > fighting, not your killing. Why, why human beings have

> diverted

> > > themselves? Because of complete ignorance of righteousness


> > because

> > > of complete greed of oneself, oneself, just yourself, all

> your

> > > family, at the most all your relations. Why do you want to

> keep

> > it

> > > yourself? You are the Spirit. Spirit is the ocean, ocean


> > > knowledge, is the ocean of love, is the ocean of all

> blessings.

> > > So we have to decide. Today I have to request that there


> not

> > so

> > > much time left. We have to decide that we have to become


> > Spirit.

> > > That is what all the religions have brought, but how to do

> it

> > was

> > > not so very much explained, and it did not work out. Some


> > them

> > > did get it, but they were not trusted, nobody listened to

> them.

> > Even

> > > people killed them and tortured them and crucified them.


> now

> > > please, all of you, try to understand the value of that .


> Why

> > are

> > > you humans? Why are you created? What is the purpose


> > this?

> > > Are you going to be driven by nonsensical ideas? Are you

> going

> > to be

> > > finished by all sorts of dividing factors? No, no. You are

> all

> > going

> > > to get your self realisation, and you are going to

> understand

> > the

> > > value of your life.

> > >

> > > The problem is, you will get your realisation in the


> the

> > > power within you will rise. It is very well organised.

> Actually,

> > God

> > > is a great creator, how he has balanced and how it works


> is

> > > remarkable, every detail He has done it. With that

> happening, is

> > not

> > > sufficient. You enter into, say, a palace and then you go

> round

> > and

> > > see for yourself how beautiful you are, what beautiful

> things

> > God

> > > has made, then grow into it. Once you are grown into it


> you

> > > will realise what a great thing you are, the greatest gem,

> the

> > > greatest person so loving, that having some writing under

> > statues.

> > > Nobody tries to understand what were they doing, how they

> > worked.

> > > So, tonight we can have the experience, the experience of

> the

> > > Spirit. It is a very unusual rare thing, never used to


> one

> > like

> > > that. But it is now, so why not take advantage of it.

> Please, be

> > > ready for that, accept it, take it and become. Becoming is

> the

> > > point. What you become is the point, and what you make out

> of

> > this

> > > whole human civilisation is your problem, not mine. I can

> help,

> > I

> > > can work it out.

> > >

> > > So I would request you all to now get ready for self

> > > realisation. . . .

> > >

> > > This power Kundalini is placed in the triangular bone,


> as

> > > sacrum, is sacred and it rises through 6 centres of the

> > > parasympathic and ultimately pierces through the fontanel

> bone

> > area

> > > which was a soft bone in your head, on top of your head,

> when

> > you

> > > were a child it was a soft bone. It pierces through that


> > enters

> > > into the subtle energy of all pervading power of divine

> love.

> > They

> > > call it by different names, they call it Paramchaitanya,

> they

> > call

> > > it Chaitanya, some call it as Ruh. You may call it by any

> name,

> > it

> > > is the Love of God. Once you get connected with you, when

> you

> > start

> > > feeling on your fingers some sort of a breeze, first some

> people

> > > will get hot, does not matter, but then it cools down and

> you

> > get

> > > the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost everyone. And it starts

> > flowing. "

> > >



> >

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > > July 14, 2001 - Royal Albert Hall, London, UK

> > >

> > >

> > > " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org@>

> > > Mon May 15, 2006 8:19 am

> > > Who are the criminally negligent custodians of


> > > Mataji's Message and Will?

> > >

> > > , " my2pai "

> <my2pai@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > And yet the supposed custodians of Shri Mataji's Message

> and,

> > > > purportedly, of Shri Mataji's Will, have, with an


> of

> > > > almost criminal negligence, continually underplayed and

> > > > understated the import of the Great Incarnation. While


> > false

> > > > gurus are masquerading as great saints and even

> incarnations,

> > >

> > > http://www.divine-mother.org/

> > > http://www.divinemother.net/

> > > http://www.motherdivine.org/

> > > http://www.gurumaa.com/

> > > http://www.kashi.org/

> > > http://www.tara.org/jetsunma.htm

> > > http://www.yogachicago.com/may04/karuna.shtml

> > > http://www.geocities.com/ascendedmaster/MotherMeera.html

> > > http://www.pathofthemother.com/play3.html

> > > http://www.adidam.org/

> > > http://www.narayaniamma.org/

> > > http://home.arcor.de/maatrix/amma.html

> > > http://www.karunamayi.org/HB-Home.html

> > > http://www.ammachi.org/

> > > http://www.globeworks.com/appaji/

> > > http://www.babajiashram.org/

> > > http://www.sathyasai.org/

> > > http://www.3ho.org/YogiBhajan.html

> > > http://www.siddhayoga.org/shree-muktananda-ashram.html

> > > http://www.ashram.org/

> > > http://www.thefamily.org/ourfounder/ourfounder.htm

> > > http://www.swadhyay.org/

> > > http://www.louixdordempriey.com/news.html

> > > http://www.dattapeetham.com/

> > > http://www.abo.fi/comprel/joel.htm

> > > http://www.inricristo.org.br/pg.ingles.html

> > > http://www.kaleshwar.org/en/index

> > > http://www.onenessuniversity.org/

> > > http://www.miracle.org/

> > > http://www.ex-premie.org/

> > > http://www.avatarmeherbaba.org/

> > & gt; http://unification.org/

> > > http://www.narayanipeedam.org/

> > > http://www.shantimandir.com/

> > > http://www.sripremananda.org/

> > > http://www.srcm.org/index.jsp

> > > http://www.ramakrishnananda.com/view.php?page=Ò & Disp==,

> > >

> > >

> > > > the marketers of Shri Adi Shakti's Incarnation have

> packaged

> > > > Sahaja Yoga as a technique for stress relief and pretend

> that

> > Shri

> > > > Mataji is just an ordinary guru discoursing on the


> > system:

> > > > such a grotesque and unconcionable understatement of the

> > greatness

> > > > of the Divine Incarnation of Shri Adi Shakti.

> > & gt; >

> > >

> > > Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an

> > experience

> > > called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can


> > within

> > > each human being.

> > >

> > > Through this process an inner transformation takes place


> > which

> > > one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.

> > >

> > > http://www.sahajayoga.org/

> > > http://www.sahajayoga.org/worldwidecontacts/default.asp

> > >

> > > All Sahaja Yoga meetings are offered free of charge,


> on

> > a

> > > weekly basis. Calling the center located in your country


> > will be

> > > able to get information about the programs which are


> to

> & gt; you.

> > > Not all countries are listed - if your country is not on


> > list,

> > > call the number corresponding to the nearest country to


> out

> > > about possible local Sahaja Yoga contacts which are not

> enlisted

> > > here.

> > >

> > > Algeria (213) / msaitchaalal@

> > > Argentina (54 11) 4863 3291 / sahajayogaargentina@

> > > Aruba (297) 839 662

> > > Australia (61 2) 9416 2373

> > > Austria (43 1) 609 11 31

> > > Bahrain 00-973-39067465, 00-973-39575301 / kmadhu60@,

> > > prakashsahaj@

> > > Belarus (7 0172) 62 68 27

> > > Belgium (32 83) 21 47 31

> > > Benin (229) 21 25 25

> > > Bhutan (00975) 2-326460 / rajeshkafley@

> > > Bolivia (591 42) 47740

> > > Bulgaria +359 888 77 58 12

> > > Cameroon (237) 22 73 97

> > > Canada (1 416) 614-7338 : (1 604) 597-8440

> > > Chile (56 2) 2207237 / sahajayogachile@

> > > Colombia (571) 214-3971

> > > Cyprus +357 24 639108 / +357 99 832868 / +357 99605826 /

> > > inna@

> > > Czech Republic (420 2) 9972310

> > > Denmark 45 38118915 / info@

> > > Estonia 37255-640333 / sahaja.yoga@

> > > Finland (358 9) 855 0934

> > > France (33 1) 43 30 57 25

> > > Georgia, Republic of (7 8832) 38 95 24

> > > Germany (49 3322) 20 88 70

> > > Greece (30 1) 822 9262 / inna@

> > > Hong Kong (852) 25045260

> > > Hungary (36 1) 218-0493

> > > Iceland 00354\8454812 / ritadefruyt@

> > > Indonesia (including East Timor) 62 21 544 6672 /

> > > SahajaYogaIndonesia@

> > > Ireland (Eire) (3531) 282 5542

> > > Israel (972 3) 506 1214 / sy_israel@

> > > Italy (39 744) 919-851

> > > Japan (81-3)3469-1027, (81-426)78-2923 / hitoshii@

> > > Kazakhstan (7 3252) 12 13 68

> > > Kenya 254.2.604999 / moweke@

> > > Kuwait 6134619 / aciyer@

> > > Latvia (00 371) 9195326, (00 371) 7532656 / sahajayoga@

> > > Lithuania (37 02) 47 81 43

> > > Macedonia, Republic of (389 91) 22 62 75

> > > Malaysia 603- 6140 3388 or 6012- 273 86 22 /

> > > sahajayogamsia@

> > > Mexico (52 5) 575 1949

> > > Moldova +3732 2 73 87 80, 29 46 02 / irinanori@,

> > > corina1970@

> > > Nepal (01) 482 735 / sykp@

> > > Netherlands (31 20) 697-2038

> > > New Zealand (64 9) 418 3824

> > > Norway (4766) 66915608

> > > Peru (Home) 511 264-6800, (Cell) 511 9817-3805 /

> > > crramosh@, crramos@

> > > Poland (48 22) 751 3520

> > > Portugal (351 1) 396 3149

> > > Reunion 0262 412028 / nirmal-run@

> > > Romania (40 1) 777 7216

> > > Russia (7 095) 541 3745 / info@

> > > Seychelles (248) 322 743

> > > Sierra Leone (232) 25316

> > > Singapore (65) 6348 9769 / vigvikas@

> > > Slovak Republic (Slovakia) (42 17) 54415493

> > > Slovenia 386-41-428333

> > > South Africa (011) 864 - 3410 / ramoodley@

> > > Spain (0034) 91 715 8788

> > > Sweden +46/8-7610033 / froelen@

> > > Switzerland (41 22) 779 20 37

> > > Taiwan (886 2) 715 5208

> > > Thailand (662) 712 14 18

> > > Tunisia (43 1) 381 559

> > > Turkey (0090) 212 248 31 22

> > > Ukraine (380-44) 442 68 71

> > > United Arab Emirates (971) 426 36327

> > > United Kingdom (44 181) 930 5621

> > > Uruguay (59 82) 60 77 09

> > > Zambia (260) 1 291 378

> > >

> > >

> > > So who are the supposed custodians of Shri Mataji's


> and,

> > > purportedly, of Shri Mataji's Will, who have, with an

> attitude

> > of

> > > almost criminal negligence, continually underplayed and

> > understated

> > > the import of the Great Incarnation?

> > >

> > >

> > > Rajesh Shah

> > > Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> > > David Spiro

> > > Vijay Nalgirkar

> > > Manoj Kumar

> > > Eduardo Marino

> > > Wolfgang Hackl

> > > Majid Golpour

> > > Phillip Zeiss

> > > Derek Lee

> > > Arneau de Kalbermatten

> > > Nese Algan

> > > Ivan Tan

> > > Karan Khurana

> > > Alex Henshaw

> > > Aldo Gandolfi

> > > Rajiv Kumar

> > > Brian Wells

> > > David Dunphy

> > > Zafar Rashid

> > > Bohdan Shehovich

> > > Gagan Ahluwalia

> > > Paul Ellis

> > > Alan Wherry

> > > Alan Pereira

> > > Sandeep Gadkary

> > > Mihaela Balasescu

> > > Viktor Bondar

> > > Dmitry Korotaev

> > > Alexander Solodyankin

> > > Chris Kyriacou

> > > Advisors to the Council:

> > >

> > > Gagan Ahluwalia: Financial, Accounting and Property


> > > Paul Ellis: Legal Affairs

> > > Alan Wherry : Publication Issues

> > >

> > > /


> 6157

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -----------------------------


> ----

> > ----------

> > > Mail réinvente le mail ! Découvrez le nouveau

> Mail

> > et son interface révolutionnaire.

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

'I do not want to belong to any organisation of a spiritual kind;

please understand this.... If an organisation be created for this

purpose, it becomes a crutch, a weakness, a bondage, and must

cripple the individual, and prevent him from growing, from

establishing his uniqueness, which lies in the discovery for himself

of that absolute, unconditioned Truth. "





> , " Violet "

<violet.tubb@ wrote:


> " Shri Mataji has given us the 'checks and balances' for just such

assertions by WCASY by telling us that we must be our own guru,

teacher, and master. WCASY is not meant to be your guru, teacher and

master, you see. WCASY is only meant to be an administrative body. i

hope this becomes more clear in the future, if it is not clear now.

Also, btw, Shri Mataji does not want a 'Pope' in Her Organization,

and although this may 'sound sacriligious' it is the truth. "


> Dear All,


> When i say that Shri Mataji does not want a " Pope " in Her

Organization, i am being very serious. If you are already looking up

to someone 'as a Pope', and leaning on that person instead of

becoming your own guru, master, and teacher, you are already

diverging off the path that Shri Mataji shed light on, which is the

path of spiritual guruship. In this path of spiritual guruship which

is also the path of spiritual liberation that Shri Mataji has given,

She said we are not to listen to any person, but to the Divine

Within. Once WCASY want to become your Masters, then there is a

struggle. That is the problem! Who gave them the right to be your

spiritual Masters?! That is why Shri Mataji made them

into 'coordinators' because by calling them 'leaders' it 'went to

their head'. Please wake up SY's because whether they are

called 'leaders' or 'coordinators' they are still trying to be your

masters, when they have said the unforgettable statement that they

now interpret the Will of Shri Mataji to you. This is an outright

sacriledge that they say that they interpret the Will of Shri Mataji

to you now. Only the Mother Within you, yourself, can show you the

Will of Shri Mataji from within you; no man or administrative body

can show it to you from without yourself. Ask any spiritual mystic

and they will tell you that. Ask any person that has the gnostic

(knowledge from within) and they will also tell you that!


> Doing the work of Shri Mataji, in other words, is what flows from

within the person, where the inspiration, intuition, and

intelligence come from the Divine Within. These can never come from

the WCASY, because it is an administrative body only. It does not

act as an individual person acts. WCASY is not the Divine Itself.

Just because a group of Sahaja Yogis get together to administrate,

does not mean that they can be your Divine Guru. Your Divine Guru is

within yourself. It is a serious choice now, because you have a

competition in Sahaja Yoga now. Will you listen to the Will of WCASY

now, or will you listen to the Will of your Mother Within you. WCASY

should never have set themselves up 'as competition' for the Will of

Shri Mataji. We are living in momentous Times. These are not

ordinary Times. These are Last Judgment and Resurrection Times!


> Any administrative body is only there to help things run smoothly.

They are not the 'fount of knowledge, wisdom, and blessing'. That

fount of 'knowledge, wisdom and blessing' can only come from within.


> WCASY have 'way stepped over' what is their 'assigned role' by

Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji allows people to do what they want. She

never takes away their liberty. She allowed the Sahaja Yogis who are

administrative servants to tell you that they are now the

interpreters of Shri Mataji's Will, because that is Her Way to do

so. That has been Her Way all along. She has 'stood down' many

leaders until now for misbehaving, and now it is a test for us. She

is there no longer to do this job. We just have to really understand

what She has been saying all along, and strive to be our own guru,

master, and teacher, regardless of the fact that Sahaja Yogis who

are the administrative servants are now 'in competition' for that

role that only the Divine Mother/Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti can be,



> Did Shri Mataji EVER in any of Her Speeches say that any Sahaja

Yogi is the interpreter of Her Will? No, She did not! However,

because a bunch of Sahaja Yogis have got together under Her

Administrative Umbrella, they think that it is okay to tell you that

they are now interpreting Her Will to you.


> Like Shri Mataji has said about all leaders....She has always

given them enough rope (liberty) until they hang themselves with

their own rope. So, i warn all SY's to not allow an administrative

external organization made up of human beings to become your master,

guru, and teacher. Don't let them 'pull the wool over your eyes'.

Shri Mataji never ever told us that an Administrative Body would be

our guru, teacher, and master, did She now?! (Question their

assertion like a scientist. Can any human being interpret the Will

of the Divine to you. The Pope does that for Roman Catholics, too!)


> AND THAT IS WHY in Her Wisdom, Shri Mataji has put the 'checks and

balances' into place. Can't you see that? That is why She has said



> violet


> , " Violet "


> ..> wrote:

> >

> > , " Jai Shri Mataji "

> > <mprgrandmaster@> wrote:

> >

> > I see your point but I just say that when mother is formaly the

Head of WCASY, we cannot say anything against WCASY .

> >

> > Dear mprgrandmaster,

> >

> > As an administrative body, administering the affairs of Shri

Mataji, any Sahaja Yogi can complain to them if they are not doing

the job that they are supposed to do. They are not infallible as the

Catholic Pope claims to be, just because they are an administrative

body under Shri Mataji.

> >

> > We must not get WCASY, the administrative body confused with the

> Truth that Shri Mataji has brought to Earth. We must not even

confuse WCASY with the Spiritual Truth that Shri Jesus, Shri Buddha,

Prophet Mohammed, and other Incarnations taught. These Truths,

according to Shri Mataji cannot be organized, and as WCASY is an

organizational body, this is also true for them.

> >

> > As an administrative body, WCASY have been given the task of

being the repository for Shri Mataji's tapes, videos, properties,

and monies. Shri Mataji is the head of this administration, because

it is Her Property really, that they are looking after. Someone has

to look after it. It cannot float in the air.

> >

> > However, the part that is much more important than all of that

is the Divine Message of Truth Itself, which Shri Mataji said COULD

NEVER BE ORGANIZED! The responsibility of this Divine Message of

Shri Mataji of the Last Judgment and Resurrection rests on

every " born of the Spirit person " , a.k.a. Sahaja Yogi who feels the

vibrations. Whether they also hold a seat on the World Council

is 'besides the point'.

> >

> > Administrative bodies organize. That is their job. They don't do

the work themselves, because their job is to organize only. It is

the individual themselves that has to do the work that Shri Mataji

has asked us to do.

> >

> > As an administrative body, WCASY is not an individual, it is a

> functional administrative service. However, they have made

themselves out to be more than a functional administrative service

to Sahaja Yogis. They have made SY's believe that rather than just

being the administrative functioning body that is the respository of

Her Property, that this functional administrative body will also now

> interpret the Will of Shri Mataji to everyone. i hope you

can 'see' how wrong this assertion is.

> >

> > Shri Mataji has given us the 'checks and balances' for just such

> assertions by WCASY by telling us that we must be our own guru,

> teacher, and master. WCASY is not meant to be your guru, teacher

and master, you see. WCASY is only meant to be an administrative


> >

> > i hope this becomes more clear in the future, if it is not clear

> now. Also, btw, Shri Mataji does not want a 'Pope' in Her

Organization, and although this may 'sound sacriligious' it is the


> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

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