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Three Questions...

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Thank you Jagbir and Emma for your prompt reply and your well-thought-out comments...Before I begin, I'd like to point out that many of those links were not, as far as I could discover, cross-referenced to each other or to sub-pages on those sites...I have already discovered adishakti.org as a very exhaustive collection of many different quotes, some from Her Holiness, many others from Her devotees and innumerable more from gobs of sites that deal with similar topics...First, I'd like to comment on the nature of unity of function as we find it in Nature...All life has multiple organs, each with a specific function... For example, cells ORGANIZE into celular organs like livers, hearts, skins, bones, nerve cells, etc... In turn, each of these cells are themselves groups of molecular organs have DNA, RNA, a nucleus, organnells, etc... Animals naturally organize themselves into variously homoginized groups called plains,

forests, families, flocks, herds, species, etc... Earth is organized into continents, oceans, a core and various atmospheres... Solar Systems are composed up of organized stellar bodies like asteroids, moons, planets and suns... Galaxies are organized groupings of solar systems and nebulae... Universes are again organized groupings of billions of organized galaxies...Therefore, my first question is how can the unity of mankind and its synergy with Gaia be re-established apart from the concept of our human orgainzations, each kind of like separate organs with in the humanity organism, cooperating with each other in some form of functional unity to form a homogenous Whole???In other words, without organizations how can functional global unity be realized?Second, there are many very stably organized groups like the Roman Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Islamic Nation, the believers in Baha'u'llah

organized under the International Spiritual Assembly in Haifa, etc, etc, etc... They each have a unique identity and an ever-growing momentum of stable international orgainzation, a resolved loyalty to their beliefs and a staunch stance that they don't need other groups, even though such other groups are often granted the liberty to worship how they please...Even though I believe in the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, I don't see how any large number of individual wholists are going to become un-organized or alternatively how the unification such organizations into a true functional synergism with each other and a symbiosis with Gaia is going to in reality be achieved...So maybe my second question could be stated as follows... Does the non-necessity of participation in organizations mean the eventual dismantling of such organizations or just ignoring them as if one was pretending as if they did not exist, even though they do??? In

otherwords are organizations like cancers or organs in Gaia??My third category of questioning is topically more centrally around Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi... (I assume that is her True Name as the primary practice She seems to teach is Kundalini Yoga, unless of course I have grossly over-simplified the basic fundamental discipline She teaches...)Who were her parents??? Where and when was she born??? What was her birth name??? What form of social education and/or spiritual training did she receive and where??? Is She the first in Her spiritual lineage??? When and how did she realize Her Divine Station??? Which areas of the world has She visited??? Has She written any books??? If so which ones and how may I acquire some??? Is she still alive??? Where is she residing right now??? Does or will She have a successor??? If so, who???All these questions in this third

category have written scriptural answers regarding all former Messiahs and so these are natural logical questions for a seeker such as myself to ask... AdiShakti.org seems to have a great deal of compiled information encompasing writings about the Goddess from many religious traditions, with seemingly only a few quotations by Shri Adi Shakti Devi Herself interspersed here and there among them...As a convenient example, it is very easy to get popular opinions ABOUT Jesus in any church, but how few believers in Jesus really STUDY the four canonical gospels AND all the Gnostic Gospels about Hiim to really KNOW WHO He really was and exactly WHAT He Himself Taught and did!!!It is very fascinating to read the prophecies of the appearence of a Messiah and to observe the ever-more-sprawling results of a Messiah's Teaching, but it can be quite a different quest to find and study the original teachings of that Messiah to know and realize for oneself the

reality of their Divinity and the objective Wisdom of their teaching...To return to Jesus again as an example, one can contrast being a Gnostic, studying and practicing Canonical and Gnostic Gospel principles, vs. reading a book like The Davinci Code, vs. Yeshua Messiah or Isa Buddha Himself appearing before you and carrying on ongoing daily or weekly conversations with Him and really being His disciple!!! Ideally, those three types of processes would be inextricably interrelated in function and practice, but in reality each of those activities can often occur completely independently of each other, sometimes even in exclusion of one or more of the others...As a student of Baha'u'llah's teachings, I've learned to seek the original teachings of the Founder of a religion to find its purest, most powerful and most wholistically compatible expression... I guess that is what I am trying to do right now...Thank you again for your time and

consideration...May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you...Jnana Dakini; Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!Sincerely, Eli. J. R...jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: Hi Eli J.R., Welcome to the forum. i have realized that we are all children of the One God Almighty. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Sacred Feminine (Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, etc.) sent to deliver His Divine Message to humanity. It does not matter what term or tradition you use to describe the Goddess because, just like God Almighty, His Power/Shakti is One and the same too. Most of your questions will be answered as you read: http://www.adishakti.org/ We are also working on the

Sacred Feminine sites so that various traditions will know that it is the One and Same: http://www.adi-shakti.org/ � Divine Feminine (Hinduism) http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ � Divine Feminine (Christianity) http://www.ruach-elohim.org/ � Divine Feminine (Judaism) http://www.ruh-allah.org/ - Divine Feminine (Islam) http://www.tao-mother.org/ � Divine Feminine (Taoism) http://www.prajnaaparamita.org/ � Divine Feminine (Buddhism) http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ � Divine Feminine (Sikhism) And if you ever decide to take part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection the instructions on how to meditate on the

Divine Feminine are given at: http://www.adishakti.org/self-realization.htm http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-realization.htm After Self-realization meditate twice daily on the Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Shekinah/Divine Mother/Eykaa Mayee) within yourself and begin purifying your mind, body and soul. That is all it takes to participate in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, the promised evolution of physical humans into the eternal spirit and everlasting life as promised by each and every religion, holy scripture and messenger of God Almighty. Over a sustained period of daily meditation the cool breeze (Ruach) will begin to flow daily from the palm of your hands and top of the head, especially during meditation. Eventually it may even flow on a 24/7 basis after a year or two

of daily meditation. This cool breeze (Ruach) is the sure sign that you are indeed taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection preordained for all humanity � you will self-certify this truth. All the necessary information/knowledge to take part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection is available on these sites but you need time and patience to read and imbibe that knowledge over time. There is absolutely no need to join any organization, program, group or attend any workshop; pay any fee or donation; purchase any book, video or audio material; follow any religion, ritual, rule, diet, or dress-code; or be later subject to any hidden agenda or obligation. Since these sites declares His Divine Message to humanity openly and challenges the organized religions without fear or favor, every effort is made to strictly adhere to the Truth at all times, no matter how controversial it may be. So we stand

on our assurance at all times. May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you too, jagbir , "psiberstorm" <psiberstorm wrote: > > In the Name of GOD, the Almighty, the All-Wise, the INFINITe I AM!!! > > Allah-u-Abha!!! Namaste!!! > > "Say: God hath made My Hidden Love the Key to the Treasure, would that ye might perceive it! But for the key, the Treasure would to all > eternity have remained concealed; would that ye might believe it! > Say: This is the Source of Revelation, the Dawning-place of Splendour, Whose brightness hath illumined the Horizons of the world. Would that ye might understand! This is, verily, that fixed Decree through which every iffevocable decree hath been established." > -Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas, Paragraph

15 > > Baha'u'llah died about a year before Yogananda was born, so I consider both their incarnations to be one and the same Manifestation of God... Baha'u'llah said to say Father and God, then Yogananda said that when you say God, imagine Goddess!!! > > Baha'u'llah wrote very explicitly that another Manifestation of God > wasn't to appear for at least 1000 years, but still a few Baha'is are awaiting a Manifestation of God any time soon... Still, I have > theorized in my own mind that the forbidding of a Manifestation of GOD from appearing doesn't in the least bit negate the popularlly > unexpected possiblility of a Manifestation of the GODDESS!!! > > I have for a long time now felt that the Holy Spirit was a Goddess, > that She was around somewhere, but I had no idea where to look for Her... > > I have sensed that there must be one

Goddess that can unite not only Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism, but also the Torah's Shekinah, the Gospel's Sophia and the Koran's Mahdi (unaware that Mahdi was a > Goddess)... > > I just learned last week by study and intuitive insight that the > Goddess Amaterasu, the Shinto Mother Sun, is basically the same Divine Being that is called in Hinduism Amba Shakti (in English, Mother Goddess)... > > I have read about Adi Buddha and read that this Divine Buddha was > male, but patriarchal leaders are apt to do that to make illegal and heretical the Divine Feminine in any and all forms, but I have > nonetheless recently come to intuitively KNOW that Abba Buddha MUST be paired with what I termed an AMBA BUDDHA... > > I have so many interfaith inspirations that I don't know what to do > with as well as many questions about what the sahaja yoga organization is all

about and how it will fit into the NEW ABHA FAITH World Unity, the comming Commonwealth of all the nations of our earth into what might be called One Gaia Country... > > But I do find REALLY interresting the Mai Treya logo at... > > http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/gs-anim.gif > (Is this logo availailable somewhere at adishakti.org???) > > Especially the Star of David with the Rising Sun in it, since the New Jerusalem International Baha'i Council has a Davidic King as > President, and the Rising Sun could very easily refer to the Rising > Sun of the Baha'i Guardian of the Universal Faith and Revelation of > Baha'u'llah... > > But this logo is very interesting for the additional reason that the central tai-chi/eight-fold-star could basically represent a > unification of Hinduism,

Taoism and Buddhism both in pre-Vedic times as well as in modern times!!! > > May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you... > > Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!! > > ~Sincerely, Eli. J.R.

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, Eli Riedlinger

<psiberstorm wrote:


" How can the unity of mankind and its synergy with Gaia be re-

established apart from the concept of our human organizations?


Dear Eli,


i don't talk in terms of synergy and Gaia, so i will speak in the terminology i

would normally use. I understand you to be saying that we still need physical

buildings such as churches, gurdwaras, temples, mosques and synogogues in order

to worship God and organize God's Work on Earth. This is not true. We can

worship God within the 'temple built without human hands' which is what Jesus

called the Temple Within each one of us.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has told us that no one can organize the Truth, but we

can only talk about the Truth; NOT ORGANIZE IT! There is a difference. What we

are talking about on this forum is the Message of the Last Judgement and

Resurrection that Shri Mataji has given us. We are talking about the Absolute

Truth of the inner connection to the Divine that can actually be felt as a cool

wind or breeze on your hands and at the top of the head as a Sure Sign of this



The real spiritual journey is within and not without. Once this connection is

realized, and a person becomes their Spirit, by following their Higher Self

rather than their Lower Self, then the spiritual flow of the Divine starts to

manifest in their life, and spiritual evolution happens. A person evolves to

become more and more... their Spirit, which is WHO they really are.


As more and more individuals become their Spirit through the Holy Spirit (a.k.a.

the Kundalini Energy) that arises and connects them to the Divine within, the

beautiful qualities of the Spirit will flow forth naturally from the person, who

also becomes integrated in body, mind and soul through the unifying force of the

Spirit Within.


The unifying force of the Spirit Within is beyond the scope of any religious

organizational structure. External religious organizational structures are

becoming outmoded in this New Dispensational Age of Aquarius, because it is the

Age of the Outpouring of the Spirit of God on all Mankind, as Jesus prophesied.

It is a 'happening' that cannot be organized, and it happens through the

Organism rather than Organization. It is called the Organism of Sahaja Yoga. The

experience of Sahaja Yoga came before the Organization of Sahaja Yoga; there

could be no 'organization' unless there was something to organize around first.


The Organism of Sahaja Yoga is a raising of the consciousness of human beings,

so that they become " collectively conscious " . It is happening all over the

world, and it is not limited in any way by any organizational structure, in

fact, if anything, the organizational structures are more of a hindrance than a

help, because of the doctrines and dogmas that they have indoctrinated people

with, and none of these doctrines and dogmas are the Absolute Truth. Absolute

Truth can only be experienced from within, and definitely NOT from without.


The REAL ORGANIZER of Sahaja Yoga is the " Paramchaitanya " which literally

translates to the `spiritual vibrations surrounding us'. This " paramchaitanya "

is the Love of God manifesting as divine spiritual vibrations which are

cleansing and raising not only the spiritual vibrations of individuals 'en

masse', but also cleansing and raising the spiritual vibrations of all Creation

at this Time. The organizational function of the Paramchaitanya is seeing to it

that all mankind will know that this is the Time to have your spiritual rebirth,

kundalini awakening, or baptism of the Holy Spirit (whichever you prefer to call

it) just as Jesus promised would happen at this Time.


As stated earlier, Shri Mataji has said that you 'cannot organize the Truth'.

So, you see, the Truth does not require an organizational structure in and of

itself. It just stands alone at this Time, requiring people to decide they will

accept this Absolute Truth, or reject it. There is no mystery about it, or

theological misinterpretations. Shri Mataji has clarified what it is, so that

doctrines, dogmas, and theological debates which have achieved 'zilch' can

thankfully be dispensed with.


I have just purchased The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi W.

Dowling. In the Introduction, his wife, Eva S. Dowling, A.Ph.D. who was his

scribe explains what the Aquarian Age is, and this too, will show that we are in

a New Spiritual Dispensation, because we are now in the Age of Aquarius: -


" The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water. Aquarius

is, however, the water bearer, and the symbol of the sign, which is the eleventh

sign of the Zodiac, is a man carrying in his right hand a pitcher of water.

Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words: " And then

the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign

and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will

then lift up their heads and know the redemption of the earth is near. "

(Aquarian Gospel 157: 29, 30) The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age,

and the spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may now

be comprehended by multitudes of people, for the many are now coming into an

advanced stage of spiritual consciousness; so with much propriety this book is

called " The Aquarian (or Spiritual) Gospel of Jesus, the Christ. "


Eli, as far as religious organization is concerned, we have `been there; done

that', and what has it REALLY achieved? This is a New Age of Aquarius with its

New Dispensation. The Christian Comforter, the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims, the

Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Great Mother of the

Taoists, the Shekinah of Judaism, and the Eykaa Mayee of the Sikhs has come. So,

it is up to each of us, what we do about it.


Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis that She did not want another religion organized

but that we were to tell Her Divine Message and that we were to show how the

teachings of all the Incarnations actually agree with each other. Through the

communication tool we are now using, this is very achievable.


kind regards,




Thank you Jagbir and Emma for your prompt reply and your well-thought-

out comments...


Before I begin, I'd like to point out that many of those links were

not, as far as I could discover, cross-referenced to each other or to

sub-pages on those sites...


I have already discovered adishakti.org as a very exhaustive

collection of many different quotes, some from Her Holiness, many

others from Her devotees and innumerable more from gobs of sites that

deal with similar topics...


First, I'd like to comment on the nature of unity of function as we

find it in Nature...


All life has multiple organs, each with a specific function... For

example, cells ORGANIZE into celular organs like livers, hearts,

skins, bones, nerve cells, etc... In turn, each of these cells are

themselves groups of molecular organs have DNA, RNA, a nucleus,

organnells, etc... Animals naturally organize themselves into

variously homoginized groups called plains, forests, families, flocks,

herds, species, etc... Earth is organized into continents, oceans, a

core and various atmospheres... Solar Systems are composed up of

organized stellar bodies like asteroids, moons, planets and suns...

Galaxies are organized groupings of solar systems and nebulae...

Universes are again organized groupings of billions of organized



Therefore, my first question is how can the unity of mankind and its

synergy with Gaia be re-established apart from the concept of our

human orgainzations, each kind of like separate organs with in the

humanity organism, cooperating with each other in some form of

functional unity to form a homogenous Whole???


In other words, without organizations how can functional global unity

be realized?


Second, there are many very stably organized groups like the Roman

Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Islamic

Nation, the believers in Baha'u'llah organized under the International

Spiritual Assembly in Haifa, etc, etc, etc... They each have a unique

identity and an ever-growing momentum of stable international

orgainzation, a resolved loyalty to their beliefs and a staunch stance

that they don't need other groups, even though such other groups are

often granted the liberty to worship how they please...


Even though I believe in the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, I

don't see how any large number of individual wholists are going to

become un-organized or alternatively how the unification such

organizations into a true functional synergism with each other and a

symbiosis with Gaia is going to in reality be achieved...


So maybe my second question could be stated as follows... Does the

non-necessity of participation in organizations mean the eventual

dismantling of such organizations or just ignoring them as if one was

pretending as if they did not exist, even though they do??? In

otherwords are organizations like cancers or organs in Gaia??


My third category of questioning is topically more centrally around

Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi... (I assume that is her True Name

as the primary practice She seems to teach is Kundalini Yoga, unless

of course I have grossly over-simplified the basic fundamental

discipline She teaches...)


Who were her parents??? Where and when was she born??? What was her

birth name??? What form of social education and/or spiritual training

did she receive and where??? Is She the first in Her spiritual

lineage??? When and how did she realize Her Divine Station??? Which

areas of the world has She visited??? Has She written any books???

If so which ones and how may I acquire some??? Is she still alive???

Where is she residing right now??? Does or will She have a successor

??? If so, who???


All these questions in this third category have written scriptural

answers regarding all former Messiahs and so these are natural logical

questions for a seeker such as myself to ask... AdiShakti.org seems

to have a great deal of compiled information encompasing writings

about the Goddess from many religious traditions, with seemingly only

a few quotations by Shri Adi Shakti Devi Herself interspersed here and

there among them...


As a convenient example, it is very easy to get popular opinions ABOUT

Jesus in any church, but how few believers in Jesus really STUDY the

four canonical gospels AND all the Gnostic Gospels about Hiim to

really KNOW WHO He really was and exactly WHAT He Himself Taught and



It is very fascinating to read the prophecies of the appearence of a

Messiah and to observe the ever-more-sprawling results of a Messiah's

Teaching, but it can be quite a different quest to find and study the

original teachings of that Messiah to know and realize for oneself the

reality of their Divinity and the objective Wisdom of their teaching.



To return to Jesus again as an example, one can contrast being a

Gnostic, studying and practicing Canonical and Gnostic Gospel

principles, vs. reading a book like The Davinci Code, vs. Yeshua

Messiah or Isa Buddha Himself appearing before you and carrying on

ongoing daily or weekly conversations with Him and really being His

disciple!!! Ideally, those three types of processes would be

inextricably interrelated in function and practice, but in reality

each of those activities can often occur completely independently of

each other, sometimes even in exclusion of one or more of the others.



As a student of Baha'u'llah's teachings, I've learned to seek the

original teachings of the Founder of a religion to find its purest,

most powerful and most wholistically compatible expression... I guess

that is what I am trying to do right now...


Thank you again for your time and consideration...


May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you...


Jnana Dakini; Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!


Sincerely, Eli. J. R...










, Eli Riedlinger

<psiberstorm wrote:


> Thank you Jagbir and Emma for your prompt reply and your well-

thought-out comments...


> Before I begin, I'd like to point out that many of those links were

not, as far as I could discover, cross-referenced to each other or to

sub-pages on those sites...


> I have already discovered adishakti.org as a very exhaustive

collection of many different quotes, some from Her Holiness, many

others from Her devotees and innumerable more from gobs of sites that

deal with similar topics...


> First, I'd like to comment on the nature of unity of function as we

find it in Nature...


> All life has multiple organs, each with a specific function... For

example, cells ORGANIZE into celular organs like livers, hearts,

skins, bones, nerve cells, etc... In turn, each of these cells are

themselves groups of molecular organs have DNA, RNA, a nucleus,

organnells, etc... Animals naturally organize themselves into

variously homoginized groups called plains, forests, families, flocks,

herds, species, etc... Earth is organized into continents, oceans, a

core and various atmospheres... Solar Systems are composed up of

organized stellar bodies like asteroids, moons, planets and suns...

Galaxies are organized groupings of solar systems and nebulae...

Universes are again organized groupings of billions of organized



> Therefore, my first question is how can the unity of mankind and its

synergy with Gaia be re-established apart from the concept of our

human orgainzations, each kind of like separate organs with in the

humanity organism, cooperating with each other in some form of

functional unity to form a homogenous Whole???


> In other words, without organizations how can functional global

unity be realized?


> Second, there are many very stably organized groups like the Roman

Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Islamic

Nation, the believers in Baha'u'llah organized under the International

Spiritual Assembly in Haifa, etc, etc, etc... They each have a unique

identity and an ever-growing momentum of stable international

orgainzation, a resolved loyalty to their beliefs and a staunch stance

that they don't need other groups, even though such other groups are

often granted the liberty to worship how they please...


> Even though I believe in the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, I

don't see how any large number of individual wholists are going to

become un-organized or alternatively how the unification such

organizations into a true functional synergism with each other and a

symbiosis with Gaia is going to in reality be achieved...


> So maybe my second question could be stated as follows... Does the

non-necessity of participation in organizations mean the eventual

dismantling of such organizations or just ignoring them as if one was

pretending as if they did not exist, even though they do??? In

otherwords are organizations like cancers or organs in Gaia??


> My third category of questioning is topically more centrally around

Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi... (I assume that is her True Name

as the primary practice She seems to teach is Kundalini Yoga, unless

of course I have grossly over-simplified the basic fundamental

discipline She teaches...)


> Who were her parents??? Where and when was she born??? What was

her birth name??? What form of social education and/or spiritual

training did she receive and where??? Is She the first in Her

spiritual lineage??? When and how did she realize Her Divine Station

??? Which areas of the world has She visited??? Has She written any

books??? If so which ones and how may I acquire some??? Is she still

alive??? Where is she residing right now??? Does or will She have a

successor??? If so, who???


> All these questions in this third category have written scriptural

answers regarding all former Messiahs and so these are natural logical

questions for a seeker such as myself to ask... AdiShakti.org seems

to have a great deal of compiled information encompasing writings

about the Goddess from many religious traditions, with seemingly only

a few quotations by Shri Adi Shakti Devi Herself interspersed here and

there among them...


> As a convenient example, it is very easy to get popular opinions

ABOUT Jesus in any church, but how few believers in Jesus really STUDY

the four canonical gospels AND all the Gnostic Gospels about Hiim to

really KNOW WHO He really was and exactly WHAT He Himself Taught and



> It is very fascinating to read the prophecies of the appearence of a

Messiah and to observe the ever-more-sprawling results of a Messiah's

Teaching, but it can be quite a different quest to find and study the

original teachings of that Messiah to know and realize for oneself the

reality of their Divinity and the objective Wisdom of their teaching.



> To return to Jesus again as an example, one can contrast being a

Gnostic, studying and practicing Canonical and Gnostic Gospel

principles, vs. reading a book like The Davinci Code, vs. Yeshua

Messiah or Isa Buddha Himself appearing before you and carrying on

ongoing daily or weekly conversations with Him and really being His

disciple!!! Ideally, those three types of processes would be

inextricably interrelated in function and practice, but in reality

each of those activities can often occur completely independently of

each other, sometimes even in exclusion of one or more of the others.



> As a student of Baha'u'llah's teachings, I've learned to seek the

original teachings of the Founder of a religion to find its purest,

most powerful and most wholistically compatible expression... I guess

that is what I am trying to do right now...


> Thank you again for your time and consideration...


> May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you...


> Jnana Dakini; Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!


> Sincerely, Eli. J. R...




> jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: Hi Eli J.R.,


> Welcome to the forum.


> i have realized that we are all children of the One God Almighty.

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Sacred Feminine

> (Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, etc.) sent to deliver His Divine

> Message to humanity. It does not matter what term or tradition you

> use to describe the Goddess because, just like God Almighty, His

> Power/Shakti is One and the same too.


> Most of your questions will be answered as you read:


> http://www.adishakti.org/



> We are also working on the Sacred Feminine sites so that various

> traditions will know that it is the One and Same:


> http://www.adi-shakti.org/ � Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

> http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ � Divine Feminine


> http://www.ruach-elohim.org/ � Divine Feminine (Judaism)

> http://www.ruh-allah.org/ - Divine Feminine (Islam)

> http://www.tao-mother.org/ � Divine Feminine (Taoism)

> http://www.prajnaaparamita.org/ � Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

> http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ � Divine Feminine (Sikhism)



> And if you ever decide to take part in the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection the instructions on how to meditate on the Divine

> Feminine are given at:


> http://www.adishakti.org/self-realization.htm

> http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-realization.htm



> After Self-realization meditate twice daily on the Shakti (Holy

> Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Shekinah/Divine Mother/Eykaa Mayee) within yourself

> and begin purifying your mind, body and soul. That is all it takes

> to participate in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, the promised

> evolution of physical humans into the eternal spirit and


> life as promised by each and every religion, holy scripture and

> messenger of God Almighty. Over a sustained period of daily

> meditation the cool breeze (Ruach) will begin to flow daily from


> palm of your hands and top of the head, especially during

> meditation. Eventually it may even flow on a 24/7 basis after a


> or two of daily meditation. This cool breeze (Ruach) is the sure

> sign that you are indeed taking part in the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection preordained for all humanity � you will self-certify

> this truth.


> All the necessary information/knowledge to take part in the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection is available on these sites but you need

> time and patience to read and imbibe that knowledge over time.


> is absolutely no need to join any organization, program, group or

> attend any workshop; pay any fee or donation; purchase any book,

> video or audio material; follow any religion, ritual, rule, diet,


> dress-code; or be later subject to any hidden agenda or obligation.

> Since these sites declares His Divine Message to humanity openly


> challenges the organized religions without fear or favor, every

> effort is made to strictly adhere to the Truth at all times, no

> matter how controversial it may be. So we stand on our assurance at

> all times.


> May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you

> too,


> jagbir



> , " psiberstorm "

> <psiberstorm@> wrote:

> >

> > In the Name of GOD, the Almighty, the All-Wise, the INFINITe I

> AM!!!

> >

> > Allah-u-Abha!!! Namaste!!!

> >

> > " Say: God hath made My Hidden Love the Key to the Treasure, would

> that ye might perceive it! But for the key, the Treasure would to


> > eternity have remained concealed; would that ye might believe it!

> > Say: This is the Source of Revelation, the Dawning-place of

> Splendour, Whose brightness hath illumined the Horizons of the

> world. Would that ye might understand! This is, verily, that


> Decree through which every iffevocable decree hath been

established. "

> > -Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas, Paragraph 15

> >

> > Baha'u'llah died about a year before Yogananda was born, so I

> consider both their incarnations to be one and the same

> Manifestation of God... Baha'u'llah said to say Father and God,

> then Yogananda said that when you say God, imagine Goddess!!!

> >

> > Baha'u'llah wrote very explicitly that another Manifestation of


> > wasn't to appear for at least 1000 years, but still a few Baha'is

> are awaiting a Manifestation of God any time soon... Still, I have

> > theorized in my own mind that the forbidding of a Manifestation


> GOD from appearing doesn't in the least bit negate the popularlly

> > unexpected possiblility of a Manifestation of the GODDESS!!!

> >

> > I have for a long time now felt that the Holy Spirit was a


> > that She was around somewhere, but I had no idea where to look


> Her...

> >

> > I have sensed that there must be one Goddess that can unite not

> only Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism, but also the Torah's Shekinah,

> the Gospel's Sophia and the Koran's Mahdi (unaware that Mahdi was a

> > Goddess)...

> >

> > I just learned last week by study and intuitive insight that the

> > Goddess Amaterasu, the Shinto Mother Sun, is basically the same

> Divine Being that is called in Hinduism Amba Shakti (in English,

> Mother Goddess)...

> >

> > I have read about Adi Buddha and read that this Divine Buddha was

> > male, but patriarchal leaders are apt to do that to make illegal

> and heretical the Divine Feminine in any and all forms, but I have

> > nonetheless recently come to intuitively KNOW that Abba Buddha

> MUST be paired with what I termed an AMBA BUDDHA...

> >

> > I have so many interfaith inspirations that I don't know what to


> > with as well as many questions about what the sahaja yoga

> organization is all about and how it will fit into the NEW ABHA

> FAITH World Unity, the comming Commonwealth of all the nations of

> our earth into what might be called One Gaia Country...

> >

> > But I do find REALLY interresting the Mai Treya logo at...

> >

> > http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/gs-anim.gif

> > (Is this logo availailable somewhere at adishakti.org???)

> >

> > Especially the Star of David with the Rising Sun in it, since the

> New Jerusalem International Baha'i Council has a Davidic King as

> > President, and the Rising Sun could very easily refer to the


> > Sun of the Baha'i Guardian of the Universal Faith and Revelation


> > Baha'u'llah...

> >

> > But this logo is very interesting for the additional reason that

> the central tai-chi/eight-fold-star could basically represent a

> > unification of Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism both in pre-Vedic

> times as well as in modern times!!!

> >

> > May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with

> you...

> >

> > Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!

> >

> > ~Sincerely, Eli. J.R.






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, " emma4you4 "

<emma4you4 wrote:


> >

> Again,please be specific or I'll not respond to non-sense.

> One question at the time,please.

> Regards,Emma





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, Eli Riedlinger

<psiberstorm wrote:


> Thank you Jagbir and Emma for your prompt reply and your well-

> thought-out comments...



Thank you Eli.


> Before I begin, I'd like to point out that many of those links

> were not, as far as I could discover, cross-referenced to each

> other or to sub-pages on those sites...



Yes, we just set them up a few weeks ago and will be populating and

cross-referencing them.


> I have already discovered adishakti.org as a very exhaustive

> collection of many different quotes, some from Her Holiness, many

> others from Her devotees and innumerable more from gobs of sites

> that deal with similar topics...



That is true. Truth unites us and it is next to impossible for

religious factions to achieve that.


> First, I'd like to comment on the nature of unity of function as

> we find it in Nature...


> All life has multiple organs, each with a specific function...

For example, cells ORGANIZE into celular organs like livers, hearts,

skins, bones, nerve cells, etc... In turn, each of these cells are

themselves groups of molecular organs have DNA, RNA, a nucleus,

organnells, etc... Animals naturally organize themselves into

variously homoginized groups called plains, forests, families,

flocks, herds, species, etc... Earth is organized into continents,

oceans, a core and various atmospheres... Solar Systems are

composed up of organized stellar bodies like asteroids, moons,

planets and suns... Galaxies are organized groupings of solar

systems and nebulae... Universes are again organized groupings of

billions of organized galaxies...


> Therefore, my first question is how can the unity of mankind and

its synergy with Gaia be re-established apart from the concept of

our human orgainzations, each kind of like separate organs with in

the humanity organism, cooperating with each other in some form of

functional unity to form a homogenous Whole???



There must be a common message or Divine Plan for all humanity that

is all-inclusive unity forms a homogenous Whole.


> In other words, without organizations how can functional global

> unity be realized?



i was meditating today morning and was thinking about your post. To

answer that i needed to explain why i am feeling the Ruach (Divine

Wind) flowing from my hands and head, as they have been daily for

years. However, even SY physicians/specialists are unable to explain

this phenomena that tens of thousands feel. But then the holy

scriptures promised this manifestation to all taking part in the

Last Judgment and Resurrection. It is thus becoming clear that it is

a slow and steady resurrection, a daily evolution of the human into

a higher being. You feel your own resurrection as the Cool Breeze

(Ruach, Divine Wind) continues to flow through your being daily. You

know in heart, mind and soul that the holy scriptures are fulfilling

the promise of eternal life through the slow, steady and subtle

daily resurrection.


" The coming eschatological salvation is envisaged in transcendent

and universal terms.... in the form of both bodily resurrection

(kundalaini awaken ing) and of spiritual immortality (moksa). " 1


My questions: Who can organize this truth that only flows from

within your being and can never be monopolized and moulded by any

organization? Then, if more and more humans begin taking part in the

Last Judgment and Resurrection, are we all not united in a common




> Second, there are many very stably organized groups like the Roman

Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Jehovah Witnesses, the

Islamic Nation, the believers in Baha'u'llah organized under the

International Spiritual Assembly in Haifa, etc, etc, etc... They

each have a unique identity and an ever-growing momentum of stable

international orgainzation, a resolved loyalty to their beliefs and

a staunch stance that they don't need other groups, even though such

other groups are often granted the liberty to worship how they



> Even though I believe in the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, I

don't see how any large number of individual wholists are going to

become un-organized or alternatively how the unification such

organizations into a true functional synergism with each other and a

symbiosis with Gaia is going to in reality be achieved...


> So maybe my second question could be stated as follows... Does

the non-necessity of participation in organizations mean the

eventual dismantling of such organizations or just ignoring them as

if one was pretending as if they did not exist, even though they

do??? In otherwords are organizations like cancers or organs in




The Universal Call to witness the Last Judgment and Resurrection

penetrates the thickest walls and most formidable barriers of any

religious organization. The Divine Feminine appeals to all seekers

of truth and not followers of selective dogma. The incarnation of

the Shakti (Hinduism/Buddhism/Sikhims) was sent by God Almighty to

deliver the Divine Message of the Last Judgment (Christianity/

Judaism) and Al-Qiyamah (Islam). This collective truth demolishes

each and every religious regime and leaves them impotent. Those

surrendered to Her Divine Message to humanity have left behind all

priests, pastors, reverends, bishops, popes, rabbis, clerics, imams,

mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs, gurus, swamis, pandits,

brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis, gianis, lamas, monks, dalai

lamas etc. The Last Judgment and Resurrection is an individual

journey and not a mass religious migration led by the priesthood.



> My third category of questioning is topically more centrally

around Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi... (I assume that is her

True Name as the primary practice She seems to teach is Kundalini

Yoga, unless of course I have grossly over-simplified the basic

fundamental discipline She teaches...)


> Who were her parents??? Where and when was she born??? What was

her birth name??? What form of social education and/or spiritual

training did she receive and where??? Is She the first in Her

spiritual lineage??? When and how did she realize Her Divine

Station??? Which areas of the world has She visited??? Has She

written any books??? If so which ones and how may I acquire

some??? Is she still alive??? Where is she residing right now???

Does or will She have a successor??? If so, who???



What is known about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth pales in

comparision to what is known about the Sacred Feminine in Heaven.

Shri Mataji is still alive at 83-years-old and will leave no

successor. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Sacred

Feminine - the Shakti/Spirt/Ruh of God Almighty. It will be a folly,

a confirmation of avidya (ignorance) to humanize Her.


i have yet to upload the remaining revelations,the jewels in the

crown, of the Sacred Feminine in Heaven. If there are any lingering

doubts as to Her powers and divinity they will be all dispelled then.



> All these questions in this third category have written scriptural

answers regarding all former Messiahs and so these are natural

logical questions for a seeker such as myself to ask...

AdiShakti.org seems to have a great deal of compiled information

encompasing writings about the Goddess from many religious

traditions, with seemingly only a few quotations by Shri Adi Shakti

Devi Herself interspersed here and there among them...


> As a convenient example, it is very easy to get popular opinions

ABOUT Jesus in any church, but how few believers in Jesus really

STUDY the four canonical gospels AND all the Gnostic Gospels about

Hiim to really KNOW WHO He really was and exactly WHAT He Himself

Taught and did!!!


> It is very fascinating to read the prophecies of the appearence of

a Messiah and to observe the ever-more-sprawling results of a

Messiah's Teaching, but it can be quite a different quest to find

and study the original teachings of that Messiah to know and realize

for oneself the reality of their Divinity and the objective Wisdom

of their teaching...


> To return to Jesus again as an example, one can contrast being a

Gnostic, studying and practicing Canonical and Gnostic Gospel

principles, vs. reading a book like The Davinci Code, vs. Yeshua

Messiah or Isa Buddha Himself appearing before you and carrying on

ongoing daily or weekly conversations with Him and really being His

disciple!!! Ideally, those three types of processes would be

inextricably interrelated in function and practice, but in reality

each of those activities can often occur completely independently of

each other, sometimes even in exclusion of one or more of the



> As a student of Baha'u'llah's teachings, I've learned to seek the

original teachings of the Founder of a religion to find its purest,

most powerful and most wholistically compatible expression... I

guess that is what I am trying to do right now...


> Thank you again for your time and consideration...


> May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with



> Jnana Dakini; Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!


> Sincerely, Eli. J. R...





The Shakti, Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah are the heart and soul of

the major religions, their unshakeable bastion of strenght and

faith, their purest, most powerful and most wholistically compatible

expression. All else are necessary petty details.


warmest regards,






1. Aaron-Golan in The Illustrated Bible Dictionary



> jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: Hi Eli J.R.,


> Welcome to the forum.


> i have realized that we are all children of the One God Almighty.

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Sacred Feminine

> (Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, etc.) sent to deliver His Divine

> Message to humanity. It does not matter what term or tradition

you use to describe the Goddess because, just like God Almighty, His

> Power/Shakti is One and the same too.


> Most of your questions will be answered as you read:


> http://www.adishakti.org/



> We are also working on the Sacred Feminine sites so that various

> traditions will know that it is the One and Same:


> http://www.adi-shakti.org/ � Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

> http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ � Divine Feminine


> http://www.ruach-elohim.org/ � Divine Feminine (Judaism)

> http://www.ruh-allah.org/ - Divine Feminine (Islam)

> http://www.tao-mother.org/ � Divine Feminine (Taoism)

> http://www.prajnaaparamita.org/ � Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

> http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ � Divine Feminine (Sikhism)



> And if you ever decide to take part in the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection the instructions on how to meditate on the Divine

> Feminine are given at:


> http://www.adishakti.org/self-realization.htm

> http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-realization.htm



> After Self-realization meditate twice daily on the Shakti (Holy

> Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Shekinah/Divine Mother/Eykaa Mayee) within

yourself and begin purifying your mind, body and soul. That is all

it takes to participate in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, the

promised evolution of physical humans into the eternal spirit and

everlasting life as promised by each and every religion, holy

scripture and messenger of God Almighty. Over a sustained period of

daily meditation the cool breeze (Ruach) will begin to flow daily

from the palm of your hands and top of the head, especially during

> meditation. Eventually it may even flow on a 24/7 basis after a

year or two of daily meditation. This cool breeze (Ruach) is the

sure sign that you are indeed taking part in the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection preordained for all humanity � you will self-

certify this truth.


> All the necessary information/knowledge to take part in the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection is available on these sites but you

need time and patience to read and imbibe that knowledge over time.

There is absolutely no need to join any organization, program, group

or attend any workshop; pay any fee or donation; purchase any book,

> video or audio material; follow any religion, ritual, rule, diet,

or dress-code; or be later subject to any hidden agenda or

obligation. Since these sites declares His Divine Message to

humanity openly and challenges the organized religions without fear

or favor, every effort is made to strictly adhere to the Truth at

all times, no matter how controversial it may be. So we stand on our

assurance at all times.


> May the Blessings, Favor and Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you

> too,


> jagbir


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Allah-u-Abha, dear Emma and friends in Adi Shakti...Namaste!!!I completely understand that organizational separation causes wars...I learned that as a basic part of His Holiness Baha'u'llah's teachings...I also understand how participation in organizations can't lead to enlightenment...But my Baha'i DEVOTION to World Unity isn't OBSESSION!!!"World Unity the Goal" of "The Unfoldment of World Civilization" by Shoghi Effend is an INTEGRAL Teaching and the CENTRAL Theme of the Baha'i Faith!!!The Divine Goal of World Unity was first expressed by His Holinss Baha'u'llah!!!Shoghi Effendi was kinda like the second Imam of the Baha'i Faith...Please check out http://www.bahai-library.com/writings/shoghieffendi/wob/56.htmlAfter reading this document, New Jerusalem may in fact even be a perfectly appropriate name for the descent of Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi that the Central Figures of the Bah'ai

Faith were even more or less explicitly EXPECTING!!!To call the concept of World Unity an obsession is almost like calling the Baha'i Faith itself an obsession and seems to me to be simply ignorance of its Founder, Baha'u'llah and His Teachings that over 5 MILLION people on Earth devote their entire lives to!!!The goal of World Unity is just as central to the Baha'i Faith as the concept of Buddahood is to a Buddhist or the concept of Eternal Life to a Christian or the Law to a Jew or Yoga to a Hindu...But what I'm learning today is basically that World Unity cannot be ultimately attained through organizations, but rather primarily through enlightenment... An organization dedicated primarily to Baha'u'llah won't produce World Unity any better than an organization dedicated primarily to Jehovah or to Luther or to Buddha or to any other single incarnation... Enlightenment alone can produce unity of consciousness and unity of aspiration and

thereby the organic unity of all mankind with the whole of all matter, life and intelligence on Earth, sometimes collectively refered to as Gaia...Gaia Tara is also my favorite name for the Divine Feminine, at least as She Relates to the planet Earth, also known as Urantia througout our Milky Way Galaxy...To rephrase my second question as you asked, I would do so as follows...1) Her Holiness taught that "organizations are unnecessary."2) Does this mean that "participation in organizations is forbidden"???3) Alternatively, does this mean that "we are to ignore organizations"??? (In other words, are we "to pretend like organizations don't exist"???)4) Or does this mean that "participation in organizations is completely optional or voluntary and will not help the devotee to attain Resurrection"???I can rephrase the part you asked about from my last section of questioning as

follows...Sahaja Yoga, as I understand it, is a type of Kundalini Yoga...And this Sahaja Yoga appears to be the primary PRACTICE taught by Her Holiness...("His Holiness" is how a Baha'i refers to a Manifestation of God, like Jesus or Buddha or Baha'u'llah, so that is why I call Shri Adi Shakti Devi "Her Holiness...") For this cause, I reason that Shri Adi Shakti Devi is Her Holiness' primary or central Name...I therefore reason that all other Names and Titles of Her Holiness, like Holy Spirit, Ruach, Maitreya, etc, are how the various scriptures either reported Her previous comings or else prophecied of Adi Shakti's modern Aquarian coming...I presently logically understand Her Holiness' teachings as follows...1) The Last Judgement is Her Divine Teaching, as I understand it, for us to show how all the Teachings of all the Divine Incarnations, Manifestations of God and Ascended Nasters are not only hormoniously

compatible but even frequently the same...2) The Resurrection is Her Teaching for the devotees to practice Sahaja Yoga to attain inidvidual Enlightenment which manifests a Collective Consciousness...Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!Sincerely, Eli. J.R., a child of Abba Abha and Adi Shakti, the Tao of Gaian Civilization!!!emma4you4 <emma4you4 wrote: , Eli Riedlinger <psiberstorm wrote: > Therefore, my first question is how can the unity of mankind and its synergy with Gaia be re-established apart from the concept of our human orgainzations, each kind of like separate organs with in the humanity organism, cooperating with each other in some form of functional unity to form a homogenous

Whole???> Hi Eli As long as we are separated sure thing we'll make wars. > In other words, without organizations how can functional global unity be realized?> I do not understand your obsession with global unity ..as long as YOU are not united,dear? > > So maybe my second question could be stated as follows... Does the non-necessity of participation in organizations mean the eventual dismantling of such organizations or just ignoring them as if one was pretending as if they did not exist, even though they do??? In otherwords are organizations like cancers or organs in Gaia?? Plese reframe your second question.I have no idea what you're saying. Please be specific. > My third category of questioning is topically more centrally around Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi... (I assume that is her True Name as the primary practice She seems to teach

is Kundalini Yoga, unless of course I have grossly over-simplified the basic fundamental discipline She teaches...) > Again,please be specific or I'll not respond to non-sense. One question at the time,please. Regards,Emma

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