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The Shakti, Last Judgment & Al-Qiyamah are the heart and soul of the major religions...

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Allah-u-Abha, Jagbir and all; Namaste!!!It means so very much to me, Jagbir, that you would take the time to seriously consider and meditate on my questions and concerns... That approach has yielded supreme results, as far as it was applied... I am much more grateful for the many questions and concernes that you answered than disappointed at the few that remain as yet unadressed... In time I'm sure all my questions will be answered... I can perfectly well appreciate your wanting, even needing, to secure the safety of Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti Devi...As a baptized mormon, I learned to pour my heart out to Heavenly Father before sleep and as a student of Eck I have learned to watch my dreams and the resulting thought processes right after awaking for inspiration... I have by combining and adapting these interrelated techniques achieved at times some wonderous results, some of which I may share later in this message...Regarding truth vs. religious factions, I have realized that by "recognizing the truth in whatever lantern it shines" (as Baha'u'llah Taught) that I can relate well to individual people currently associated with quite a number of religious groups...The very personification of Baha'u'llah's Revelation was expressed in His own words as "I beheld a Maiden"!!! The very oldest writing we have of Baha'u'llah is called the "Mist of the Unknown" and includes some of the following quotes..."The River of Life shimmers in the closet of the heart, "This sweet wine the ruby lips of Baha doth part..."Lo! the immortal Perfect Mystic, the Pristine Dawn, "The Pure Breast from the Highest Throne out drawn."Lo! The Tree of Paradise, heark the Nightingale's song, "This Glorious warbling from the Light of Purity hath sprung"Hearken the Persian melody, the Arabian tambourine, "Hearken the 'No' rhythm from the Hand of Divine."See the dawning of the Godhead, the Maid of Paradise, "How Mystery of Unknown from earthly appearance doth arise."Lo! Remnant's Countance, Cupbearer's Face! "Lo! The translucent glass pouring out from Our Chalice!""Behold the Burning Bush, see the Hand so white, "Behold Mount Sinai radiating from the Palm so bright." -bahai-library.com/?file=bahaullah_rashh_ama_neshatiRegarding this "Our Chalice," it seemingly refers to as the MUTUAL Chalice BOTH of the Baha'u'llah (the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace and Abba Father) AND the Maid of Paradise (Adi Shakti, the Ruach and Sophia)... There are many other references to the Sacred Feminine in the Baha'i Holy Writings, but the best resource I've seen for studying and integrating the Baha'i Sacred Feminine into the collective

is the book "I Beheld a Maiden" by Terry Culhane available on Amazon.com...Regarding "There must be a common message or Divine Plan for all humanity that is all-inclusive unity forms a homogenous Whole," Baha'u'llah has taught that every Manifestation of God has played an integrally and Divinely Planned Role in the Progressive Revelation of One Global Religion... This idea is analogous to the consecutive but inter-related and inter-dependent roles of Pre-School, Kindergarden, and Elementary, Middle and High School teachers...Regarding, "My questions: Who can organize this truth that only flows from within your being and can never be monopolized and moulded by any organization? Then, if more and more humans begin taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, are we all not united in a common purpose?"If all (or at least most) of the head leaders of these organizations were to be enlightened then it wouldn't be an issue

of a single organization monopolizing the expression of a doctrine, it would be ALL organizations being REFORMED and integrated with each other to teach the different faces of the same Divine Gem of Truth!!!I'd like to continue this answer by expounding on an ultimate possible result of your second question... The writings of many organizations online are presently being integrated into one interwoven teaching... What if instead of simply QUOTES being woven together, it was actual MEMBERS of those same organizations being woven together!!! And as those ever-more-enlightened MEMBERS grow in number, we might very well see the integration of those ENTIRE ORGANIZATIONS into a COLLECTIVE ADISHAKTI MULTI-ORGANIZATION!!!You wrote... "It is thus becoming clear that it is a slow and steady resurrection, a daily evolution of the human into a higher being. You feel your own resurrection as the Cool Breeze (Ruach, Divine Wind) continues to flow

through your being daily. You know in heart, mind and soul that the holy scriptures are fulfilling the promise of eternal life through the slow, steady and subtle daily resurrection."First I'd like to quote Yeshua Messiah when He said, "even so must the seed of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth believeth in him shall not die but inherit everlasting life..."This passage doesn't seem to be referring to immortallity in a SPIRITUAL body, but IMMUNITY FROM DEATH in the physical body!!!On this theme, I'd like to pass on a Taoist link to information written by Stephen Chang, a medical doctor liscenced in both AND Western Medicine!!!http://www.thegreattao.comHis section on the "Tao of Sexology: Sexual Wisdom and Methods," which I sometimes refer to as Taoist Sexual Alchemy," is conceptually very similar to kundalini, only with biological techniques to produce BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY!!! In particular I'd like

to quote from his Tao of Philosophy as a foundation..."Not all human beings can evolve into the Kingdom of God. According to Taoism there are four subcategories of human beings in the Kingdom of Humankind, and they are (in ascending order) Evil Men, Little Men, Gentlemen, and Sages. Only those who are Sages are qualified to evolve into the Kingdom of the Divine. There are three kinds of Hsien―or Immortal―in God�s Kingdom and they are (in ascending order) Ren Hsien (Transformed Immortal), Ti Hsien (Terrestrial Immortal), and Tien Hsien (Celestial Immortal). So there must first be �promotion through the ranks� before there is evolution to a higher kingdom. "Evil Men are only human in form, for they are still animalistic in nature. Their evolution from the animal kingdom is not complete, for they

do not truly understand or appreciate culture, morality, or propriety. Entertainment, contention, consumption, and reproduction (the four basic instincts) in myriad forms preoccupy their daily lives. In most societies this group is controlled by force, because they are capable of murder, rape, massive schemes and crimes against humanity―every conceivable act of evil. "Little Men are ignorant, unwise, and limited in abilities. Everything done by them is for short-sighted gains. Members of this group are capable of scheming and cheating for useless, unimportant things―they are too cowardly to commit crimes openly or help society in grand ways. Their concerns and their lives are petty. This group is effectively controlled by laws in most societies. "Gentlemen truly understand and pursue morality, culture,

and propriety. They desire enlightenment for themselves and other human beings. When the members of this group increase in number, society flourishes. When their numbers diminish, society suffers. Gentlemen are guided by propriety. "Sages are those who truly understand and pursue righteousness. These individuals work to improve and enlighten all human beings and create a peaceful world through spreading peace. This group is guided by righteousness. "Transformed Immortal is a cultivator of Taoism. Being extremely wise, holy, and kind this person is involved in improving world affairs. After death this person will be resurrected, leaving no corpse behind. Frequently and unexpectedly, this Immortal will materialize to help even more human beings. (Jesus is considered to be a Transformed Immortal). Love is the

guiding force of Immortals. "The Terrestrial Immortal is a Taoist who, being extremely wise, holy and egoless, has left behind all human characteristics. This Immortal dwells deep within the mountains for centuries and occasionally leaves his home to help a needy mortal, usually one with earth-shattering effects upon humanity. Perfect virtue is his guiding force. "A Celestial Immortal is a Taoist who has survived for thousands of years and has accomplished a great number of good deeds. The body of the Celestial Immortal is completely spiritualized (not limited by space or time). The Celestial Immortal and God are one. Tao is the guiding force. "The members of all these groups have physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. The

differences between the groups are due solely to the degree of dominance of one body over the others. In Evil Men the physical body dominates the mental and spiritual bodies to the point that the latter are either subservient or nonexistent. In Sages the mental body dominates the other bodies. ln Celestial Immortals the spiritual body dominates the other bodies to the point that they are virtually nonexistent."I'm presently seeking information (and am soon to by some books) to help me to integrate Taoist Alchemy with Kundalini Yoga and Buddhist Tantra to form some kind of Taoist Tantra...You also wrote... " The Universal Call to witness the Last Judgment and Resurrection penetrates the thickest walls and most formidable barriers of any religious organization. The Divine Feminine appeals to all seekers of truth and not followers of selective

dogma. The incarnation of the Shakti (Hinduism/Buddhism/Sikhims) was sent by God Almighty to deliver the Divine Message of the Last Judgment (Christianity/Judaism) and Al-Qiyamah (Islam) This collective truth demolishes each and every religious regime and leaves them impotent. Those surrendered to Her Divine Message to humanity have left behind all other [religious leaders]. The Last Judgment and Resurrection is an individual journey and not a mass religious migration led by the priesthood." (emphasis added)I understand the penetrating, the appeal, the incarnation and individual journey, but I do not yet comprehend this leaving behind and demolishing you refer to and how it is to occur...

If we leave some behind, then how will they attain the Resurrection which is prophesied to apply to EVERYONE??? Is the demolishing you are referring to simply a demolishing of the psychological, emotional and spiritual bondage those spiritual hiearchies can have to limit or qualify our True Atman Self???You wrote... "What is known about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth pales in comparision to what is known about the Sacred Feminine in Heaven. Shri Mataji is still alive at 83-years-old and will leave no successor. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Sacred Feminine - the Shakti/Spirt/Ruh of God Almighty. It will be a folly, a confirmation of avidya (ignorance) to humanize Her."I am not attempting to humanize Her, but to recognize Her Manifestation... I have never had the opportunity to meet Jesus or Kuan Yin while they were still in the flesh, but this is a unique opportunity to meet Adi Shakti, and if

She leaves, it will be gone... Yeshua was baptized and fasted and prayed for 40 days in the desert, but that doesn't humanize him!!! Gautama saw sickness, old age and death and then meditated under the Bodhi Tree, but that in no way reduces His Buddhahood!!! To learn and understand such things provides us with exemplary models to imitate or creatively apply in our own life... You wrote... "i have yet to upload the remaining revelations,the jewels in the crown, of the Sacred Feminine in Heaven. If there are any lingering doubts as to Her powers and divinity they will be all dispelled then."What percent of those revelations is left to be uploaded??? Are they being uploaded to the files section of this group or to AdiShakti.org??? You wrote... " The Shakti, Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah are the heart and soul of the major religions, their unshakeable bastion of strenght and faith, their purest, most powerful and most

wholistically compatible expression. All else are necessary petty details."The Shakti, Last Judgement and Resurrection are like the modern Buddha, Dharma and Sanga... They are like Jesus, Gospel and Church; or Moses, Torah and Israel; or Jehovah, Bible and Kingdom; or Krishna, Vedas and Yoga; or Zoroaster, Avesta and Maji; or Baha'u'llah, World Unity and New World Order...Now Shakti and/or Mai Treya (Tripple Goddess) stood alone only under matriarchy... Just like Trinity or Trimurti stands alone only under patriarchy!!! In the Vedas, though, we have the model of each Member of Trimurti having a Member of Shakti Mai Treya as His Divine Consort!!! Or to say it the other way, each Member or Aspect of Shakti Mai Treya ideally has Herself some Buddha or Hindu God as Her Divine Consort...But we could alternatively creatively define Ishwara as Trimurti + Mai Treya...My friend once told me that in a marriage the

father/husband may be the head, but the mother/wife is (at least ideally) the heart of the family... Therefore, the Trimurti would be like the Head of the Cosmos and Mai Treya would be like the Heart of the Cosmos...Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!Sincerely, a child of Abba Buddha and Amba Tara...

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, Eli Riedlinger

<psiberstorm wrote:


> Allah-u-Abha, Jagbir and all; Namaste!!!


> It means so very much to me, Jagbir, that you would take the time

> to seriously consider and meditate on my questions and

> concerns... That approach has yielded supreme results, as far as

> it was applied... I am much more grateful for the many questions

> and concernes that you answered than disappointed at the few that

> remain as yet unadressed... In time I'm sure all my questions

> will be answered... I can perfectly well appreciate your wanting,

> even needing, to secure the safety of Her Holiness Shri Adi Shakti

> Devi...




Dear Eli,




i wish to tell you i meant no harm when i wrote:


" The Shakti, Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah are the heart and soul of

the major religions, their unshakeable bastion of strenght and

faith, their purest, most powerful and most wholistically compatible

expression. All else are necessary petty details. "


It is indeed useless, at least for me, to discuss the necessary

petty details of various teachings or dogmas when you know that the

Shakti has issued the Call to commence the Last Judgment and Al-

Qiyamah. There are 1001 petty facts to differ. Why not just forget them and get

enlightenment first.


To take part you have to get your self-realization, meditate on His

Shakti/Ruh/Spirit within yourself and attain enlightenment. Then you

will, like me, be completely agreeable to this:


Undiscerning men, theologians preoccupied with scriptural lore,

Who claim there is nothing else, utter words with ephemeral results.

Their words promise better births through cultic acts,

Dwell at length on various rites,

And aim at pleasure and power.

These men are full of desire, zealous for heaven.

They cling to pleasures and power and are fooled by their own


They have no knowledge consisting in commitment, fixed in


The Scriptures speak to the world's weave of integrity, passion, and


Transcend it, Arjuna, free from opposites, forever in integrity,

Detached from things, in command of yourself.

All the Scriptures mean as much — no more, no less — to the

discerning spiritual man, as a water tank in a universal flood.


Bhagavad Gita 2:42-46



And once you begin to attain enlightenment you do not want to know

anything else. What is there to discuss when you are One with the

Sacred Feminine who issued the Divine Message, detached from things,

in command of yourself? Then all the Scriptures and their dogmas

will mean as much — no more, no less — to you, as a water tank in a

universal flood.


warmest regards,




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