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How about giving ourselves another name?....

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" So i am becoming less and less a SY, a rather restrictive term that now applies

to those who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion, as i am more a

believer/devotee of the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment

and Resurrection. "


Dear Jagbir,


Sahaja Yogis now have to follow the officially instituted WCASY Version of the

SYSSR, which has edited out Shri Mataji's " Last Judgment and Resurrection "

Message. However, there are a number of us who feel it is our duty to declare

that Message to the World-At-Large; in fact to the very minute detail of it, so

that seekers from all spiritual traditions will grasp and understand these

spiritual truths that have been given by the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti/Holy

Spirit upon Earth.


i have always considered myself to be a " Sahaja Yogi " and i am very sentimental

about the name. However, the reality of the situation is, that the name of

" Sahaja Yogi " is also now defined by the SYSSR's limited version of what it

really means to be a Sahaja Yogi. In particular, the WCASY's version of a

" Sahaja Yogi " excludes any need for a Sahaja Yogi to tell Her Message of the

Last Judgment and Resurrection in terms of other spiritual traditions. In fact,

at this stage of the Organization, this omission is now glaringly obvious to

those who are committed to Her Divine Message.


Therefore, i would like to suggest that we look at another name to call

ourselves, such as perhaps " Last Judgment and Resurrection Messengers " or

" Nirmal Light Messengers " or " Messengers for the Adi Shakti; something that

defines us more accurately according to our function. After all, a " Sahaja Yogi "

means a " born of the Spirit " person; it does not necessarily mean a messenger of

the " Last Judgment and Resurrection " Message of Shri Mataji.


I remember that 'early on', Shri Mataji had tossed up the idea of calling us

" Nirmalites " , but opted for the name " Sahaja Yogis " because implicit in the name

was the " experience of Sahaja Yoga " . We could follow the same 'modus operandi'

and call ourselves by what we are and do. Of course, this is just a suggestion,

but personally, given all that has happened, and is happening in the official

organization to control everyone and everything, it just seems to me that we

need to have a different name that is not defined by WCASY's limited spiritual



warmest regards,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:



> Dear All,


> i remember with sadness the day years ago when some foolish SYs

> accused Deepak Chopra of copying Shri Mataji's lectures for his own

> benefit. This unjust accusation was sheepishly accepted and a

> potent round of punitive mantras thrown against him. Thought only a

> year into Sahaja Yoga i was ashamed to be around such dumb people

> and refused to participate in their ignorance.


> Over the years i have learnt much from Deepak Chopra, a man i deeply

> respect along with others who enlighten humanity (though most SYs

> would disagree.) It is his intuitive, creative and penetrating

> understanding of consciousness that brings kudos from me.


> i too have understood consciousness better. Now i know the Adi

> Shakti within me is also consciousness, as is everything else on

> Earth and Universe. Even the mountains and oceans are made of

> consciousness. Everything is ultimately consciousness. Everything is

> ultimately Sat Chit Anand!


> So after reading Deepak Chopra's Montreal talk on consciousness i

> now understand it better. So i asked Arwinder, who by the way is now

> 16-years-old, a few questions at around 7.15 a.m. Since the age of

> five he has never wavered in his claim and flawless narration of

> meeting the Adi Shakti in his Sahasrara. Having done so hundreds of

> times, along with siblings Kash and Lalita, leaves absolutely no

> room for doubt or rebuttal that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the

> incarnation of the Adi Shakti within:


> Q: Arwinder, do you still talk with Shri Mataji?


> Arwinder: A bit.


> Q: What you mean " a bit " ?


> Arwinder: Like sometimes only.


> Q: That means you just meditate most of the time?


> Arwinder: Yah.



> By reading Deepak Chopra's books/talks i now know that Arwinder's

> meeting the Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God) is all part

> and parcel of consciousness.


> So " does God exist? " - Absolutely! God is within all humans.


> " If she does, does she care about us? " - Definitely! Why else should

> we humans be given the faith and evidence necessary to take part in

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection, and attain life eternal?


> That brings us to Her incarnation on Earth, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi. i realized that my consciousness has changed considerably over

> the years, to the point where my vision and attention encompasses

> the whole humanity. Just like Her, i envision a day when Her life-

> long work to trigger inner transformation, crucial as it is for the

> transformation of the world, will reach a critical mass.


> But what really changed my consciousness? Was it the deep knowledge

> of the human subtle system? No, not at all.


> So what really transformed my consciousness and enlightened my mind?

> It was the Adi Shakti's revelation of Herself in the Sahasarara

> (Kingdom of God), and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection. She also revealed how God operates in this world and

> the three traits or characteristics universally associated with God

> are omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence.


> Omniscience: This term refers to the all knowing nature of God.

> Webster defines it as " the quality of knowing all things at once;

> universal knowledge; knowledge unbounded or infinite. " God knows our

> very thoughts, our feelings, our desires and our needs. SHe knows

> our words before we say them and he knows our thoughts before we

> think them. SHe knows all of our ways. In fact, God even knew us

> before we were born. There are no secrets before Almighty God. In

> short, God possesses superior knowledge and wisdom about everything

> and that knowledge is all encompassing. When we say that SHe knows

> our thoughts, what we really mean is that SHe knows the thoughts of

> every person on the planet right now, at this instant – all six

> billion plus people. SHe knows everything about everybody all the

> time, down to the most intimate detail.


> Omnipotence: This term refers to the all powerful nature of God.

> Looking at Webster again, this is defined as " almighty power;

> unlimited or infinite power; a word in strictness applicable only to

> God. "


> Omnipresence: Omnipresence is a theological term that refers to the

> unlimited nature of God's ability to be everywhere at all times.

> Relying upon Webster's once again, we see omnipresence defined

> as " presence in every place at the same time; unbounded or universal

> presence; ubiquity. "


> So i am becoming less and less a SY, a rather restrictive term that

> now applies to those who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion, and more a believer/devotee of the Adi Shakti and Her

> Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Through Her

> revelations and guidance i have discarded all external images and

> abandoned all rituals, meditating with Her in the Sacred Sanctuary

> within that She has revealed ........... and slowly learning how to

> be One with Her. That is why it is so easy to boldly proclaim Her

> incarnation and Divine Message with fearless faith and determined

> tenacity. It is just as easy to talk about the holy scriptures,

> religions, their messengers ........... and Deepak Chopra too. i

> have come to know that all are part and parcel of Her consciousness.

> That means you and me too. That is how Her Divine Message will

> survive and ultimately triumph. So attain this consciousness of Her

> Divine Message that will enable genuine inner transformation so

> crucial for the transformation of the world. As Shri Jesus said " You

> will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. " This Truth has

> little or almost nothing to do with the SYSSR - Period!


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir




> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Understanding the nature of consciousness is the only solution to

> > life's big questions, mind-body guru Deepak Chopra says - and the

> > only guarantee of a future for mankind.

> >

> >

> > DONNA NEBENZAHL, The Gazette

> > Published: Monday, June 05, 2006

> >

> > There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. - Mahatma Gandhi

> >

> > Deepak Chopra has a sharp tongue. One might imagine the mind-body

> > guru, a wildly successful speaker, author and advocate of

> > consciousness-raising, would couch his conversation in New Age

> > epithets and spiritual banter.

> >

> > Think again.

> >

> > It didn't take long to discover that Chopra, a medical doctor who

> > turned to natural healing traditions, isn't afraid to stir things

> > up.

> >

> > Here this week to give a talk titled Unlocking the Hidden

> > Dimensions of Your Life, Chopra will address consciousness, he

> > said, " and by understanding consciousness how we can begin to

> > solve some of the big riddles: Who are we? Does God exist? If she

> > does, does she care about us? "

> >

> > He has added this invitation from the Learning Annex Canada,

> > provider of self-improvement workshops, and its Quebec equivalent,

> > ChangeonsleQuebec.com, to an already packed schedule - he will

> > also speak in New York and Atlanta this week.

> >

> > Speaking by telephone from the Kellogg School of Management in

> > Chicago, where he was giving a lecture, Chopra said he will

> > present his theory of the crucial connection between body, mind,

> > spirit and healing.

> >

> > Founder of the Chopra Centre for Well Being in California and

> > founding director of the recently created Alliance for New

> > Humanity, Chopra wants to let his audience know that there is a

> > way to take the creative leap of consciousness that will change

> > humanity. Our future is hinging on it, he said.

> >

> > If we fail, well, too bad.

> >

> > " Nature might be saying human beings are a good experiment that

> > didn't work, " he said. " We're just a little speck of dust in the

> > junkyard of infinity. "

> >

> > But even as humanity continues to fight wars, destroy the

> > ecosystem, face disease, starvation and abject poverty, people are

> > looking for answers, Chopra said.

> >

> > " I think what has happened is that traditional religion has become

> > divisive and quarrelsome, and sometimes idiotic. "

> >

> > True spirituality, he points out, is " just awareness, not some

> > belief in a white man in the sky. "

> >

> > We can start to get somewhere by understanding the nature of

> > consciousness. " It's not reductionist, which says that spirit is a

> > by-product of our biology. Our biology, perception, cognition,

> > moods, interaction with nature, personal relationships - all are a

> > by-product of our consciousness. "

> >

> > When we understand this, he suggests, we will begin to see that

> > evolution in its true form is survival of the wisest, not the

> > fittest. The latter he describes as a male, predatory concept.

> >

> > " No pursuit is more worthy at this time than understanding the

> > nature of consciousness, " he said.

> >

> > One's inner transformation will be crucial for the transformation

> > of the world, he said. " We really have to understand that Gandhi

> > was right when he said, 'Be the change.'

> >

> > " If individuals communicate and connect, it's like a support group

> > that brings out another type of collective intelligence. "

> >

> > The goal of the Alliance for New Humanity, Chopra said, is to

> > see " if we can create a critical mass of sanity in the world. "

> >

> > The way to do this, he writes in his latest book, Peace Is the Way

> > (Harmony Books), is by becoming a force for peace. It may sound

> > impossible, given the belief that man is violent and human nature

> > self-destructive.

> >

> > But those beliefs, Chopra writes, are phantoms. They were " just as

> > present before the rise of Christianity, yet a Christian world was

> > born from 13 people. "

> >

> > What it takes to move forward on the path to peace is a leap of -

> > that critical element - consciousness, the same kind of leap that

> > was taken after Newton's apple-based discovery of gravity.

> >

> > During that flowering of science, the world was transformed, he

> > writes, and " the idea of being human could no longer be consistent

> > with reading by candlelight, travelling by horse, suffering

> > through high rates of death in childbirth, short life spans, and

> > the ravages of disease. A leap in collective consciousness took

> > place. "

> >

> > So it is with the way of peace, which he believes people are ready

> > to follow. It must be achieved, he says, in order for us to change

> > our attitudes toward the planet, which we have so destroyed; we

> > have become a cancer upon it.

> >

> > " I think the new consciousness will go beyond nationalism in all

> > its forms, " said Chopra, who sees a danger in the growing

> > isolationism in the United States.

> >

> > Those emblems of the old order are nothing more than frozen

> > consciousness, he writes. " They may have power to affect everyday

> > life, but the reins of change lie in our hands. "

> >

> > Deepak Chopra will speak to English and French audiences at the

> > Palais des Congres on Thursday. For more information and for

> > tickets, call toll free 1-(877)-277-1240 or visit

> > www.learningannex.ca. Ticket prices start at $59.95.

> >

> > http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/arts/story.html?

> > id=e12b48ee-2bac-4549-870f-d89359357e70

> >


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Dear Violet,


The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe in

the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that welcomes

all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in the

Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may be

a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement

of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease with

the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening.


In the process of learning about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine

Message one is bound to accept the other religious traditions, or at

least be rid of considerable ignorance. There is nothing on Earth as

harmonious and uniting as the Divine Message to humanity. (i still

keep telling my wife that after more than a decade.) The Divine

Message compels respect and acceptance of all the major religions

that is unprecedented in history.


But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by the

faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has little

to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers, prophecies and

eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs dear to

billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message rank

and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as hypocrites,

liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor conviction nor

common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when this deception

becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to be known as SYs.

They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate on the Adi Shakti

and openly uphold Her Divine Message.


Moreover, labeling oneself SY will be rejected by many, especially

Muslims. In the first place why must they be associated with tens of

thousands who never upheld their Qur'an and the Great News of the

Resurrection? (The same reasoning goes for other religions.) Shri

Mataji has never said that you must be a SY to take part in the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. But i know that today one must be a SY in

order to worship the SYSSR.


So a SY is one who daily cleanses his chakras with external rituals

as required by the priesthood. The vast majority of religious folk

want nothing of that. Shri Mataji has instead invited all to take

part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The SYSSR in turn want

nothing of that. This catch-22 situation leaves me with no

alternative but cease being SYs. It is better i just meditate on the

Adi Shakti and spread Her Divine Message. i cannot possibly be a SY

any longer because i am what they are obviously not. This sad

conclusion would never had risen if Truth, the most dearest of all

spiritual requirements, had been upheld and sustain over the years.

That tens of thousands of SYs have been willingly taking part in

this collective deception for decades has slowly compelled me to

disassociate myself from them. i just cannot call myself a SY any

longer since i vehemently disagree with their collective deception.


i have reached a level of consciousness where it does not matter if

0.0001% of humanity (the SYs) strongly disagree and want nothing to

do with me, websites or forum. Over the years i will do all that is

necessary to reach out to the remaining 99.9999%. i am sure the vast

majority of them will overwhelmingly appreciate my honesty and

transparency about Shri Mataji's Divine Message, a public stand She

has always taken and sustained to emancipate humanity.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " So i am becoming less and less a SY, a rather restrictive term

> that now applies to those who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion, as i am more a believer/devotee of the Adi Shakti and

> Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. "


> , " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:



> Dear Jagbir,


> Sahaja Yogis now have to follow the officially instituted WCASY

Version of the SYSSR, which has edited out Shri Mataji's " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " Message. However, there are a number of

us who feel it is our duty to declare that Message to the World-At-

Large; in fact to the very minute detail of it, so that seekers from

all spiritual traditions will grasp and understand these spiritual

truths that have been given by the Incarnation of the Adi

Shakti/Holy Spirit upon Earth.


> i have always considered myself to be a " Sahaja Yogi " and i am

very sentimental about the name. However, the reality of the

situation is, that the name of " Sahaja Yogi " is also now defined by

the SYSSR's limited version of what it really means to be a Sahaja

Yogi. In particular, the WCASY's version of a " Sahaja Yogi " excludes

any need for a Sahaja Yogi to tell Her Message of the Last Judgment

and Resurrection in terms of other spiritual traditions. In fact, at

this stage of the Organization, this omission is now glaringly

obvious to those who are committed to Her Divine Message.


> Therefore, i would like to suggest that we look at another name to

call ourselves, such as perhaps " Last Judgment and Resurrection

Messengers " or " Nirmal Light Messengers " or " Messengers for the Adi

Shakti; something that defines us more accurately according to our

function. After all, a " Sahaja Yogi " means a " born of the Spirit "

person; it does not necessarily mean a messenger of the " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " Message of Shri Mataji.


> I remember that 'early on', Shri Mataji had tossed up the idea of

calling us " Nirmalites " , but opted for the name " Sahaja Yogis "

because implicit in the name was the " experience of Sahaja Yoga " . We

could follow the same 'modus operandi' and call ourselves by what we

are and do. Of course, this is just a suggestion, but personally,

given all that has happened, and is happening in the official

organization to control everyone and everything, it just seems to me

that we need to have a different name that is not defined by WCASY's

limited spiritual vision.


> warmest regards,


> violet


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe in

the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that welcomes

all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in the

Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may be

a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement

of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease with

the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening. "


Dear Jagbir,


You ARE a Sahaja Yogi, according to Shri Mataji's description and

definition, but you ARE NOT a Sahaja Yogi, according to WCASY's

definition and description. Therefore, this discrepancy does result in

a dilemma.


i agree, therefore, that for this reason, and for the other more positive

reasons that you mention, that it is a good idea not to have a label or name of

any kind at all and just be a person who believes in the Adi Shakti and Her

Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


i understand that this would be an all-inclusive approach that would welcome all

religious traditions. As you say.....a person could be a Christian and believe

in the Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment, or a person could

be a Muslim who is comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement of

Al-Qiyamah. Or a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist would be at ease with the Adi Shakti

granting moksha through kundalini awakening.


warmest regards,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe in

> the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that welcomes

> all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in the

> Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may be

> a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement

> of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease with

> the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening.


> In the process of learning about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine

> Message one is bound to accept the other religious traditions, or at

> least be rid of considerable ignorance. There is nothing on Earth as

> harmonious and uniting as the Divine Message to humanity. (i still

> keep telling my wife that after more than a decade.) The Divine

> Message compels respect and acceptance of all the major religions

> that is unprecedented in history.


> But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by the

> faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has little

> to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers, prophecies and

> eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs dear to

> billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message rank

> and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as hypocrites,

> liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor conviction nor

> common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when this deception

> becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to be known as SYs.

> They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate on the Adi Shakti

> and openly uphold Her Divine Message.


> Moreover, labeling oneself SY will be rejected by many, especially

> Muslims. In the first place why must they be associated with tens of

> thousands who never upheld their Qur'an and the Great News of the

> Resurrection? (The same reasoning goes for other religions.) Shri

> Mataji has never said that you must be a SY to take part in the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection. But i know that today one must be a SY in

> order to worship the SYSSR.


> So a SY is one who daily cleanses his chakras with external rituals

> as required by the priesthood. The vast majority of religious folk

> want nothing of that. Shri Mataji has instead invited all to take

> part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The SYSSR in turn want

> nothing of that. This catch-22 situation leaves me with no

> alternative but cease being SYs. It is better i just meditate on the

> Adi Shakti and spread Her Divine Message. i cannot possibly be a SY

> any longer because i am what they are obviously not. This sad

> conclusion would never had risen if Truth, the most dearest of all

> spiritual requirements, had been upheld and sustain over the years.

> That tens of thousands of SYs have been willingly taking part in

> this collective deception for decades has slowly compelled me to

> disassociate myself from them. i just cannot call myself a SY any

> longer since i vehemently disagree with their collective deception.


> i have reached a level of consciousness where it does not matter if

> 0.0001% of humanity (the SYs) strongly disagree and want nothing to

> do with me, websites or forum. Over the years i will do all that is

> necessary to reach out to the remaining 99.9999%. i am sure the vast

> majority of them will overwhelmingly appreciate my honesty and

> transparency about Shri Mataji's Divine Message, a public stand She

> has always taken and sustained to emancipate humanity.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > " So i am becoming less and less a SY, a rather restrictive term

> > that now applies to those who follow the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> > Religion, as i am more a believer/devotee of the Adi Shakti and

> > Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. "

> >

> > , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Sahaja Yogis now have to follow the officially instituted WCASY

> Version of the SYSSR, which has edited out Shri Mataji's " Last

> Judgment and Resurrection " Message. However, there are a number of

> us who feel it is our duty to declare that Message to the World-At-

> Large; in fact to the very minute detail of it, so that seekers from

> all spiritual traditions will grasp and understand these spiritual

> truths that have been given by the Incarnation of the Adi

> Shakti/Holy Spirit upon Earth.

> >

> > i have always considered myself to be a " Sahaja Yogi " and i am

> very sentimental about the name. However, the reality of the

> situation is, that the name of " Sahaja Yogi " is also now defined by

> the SYSSR's limited version of what it really means to be a Sahaja

> Yogi. In particular, the WCASY's version of a " Sahaja Yogi " excludes

> any need for a Sahaja Yogi to tell Her Message of the Last Judgment

> and Resurrection in terms of other spiritual traditions. In fact, at

> this stage of the Organization, this omission is now glaringly

> obvious to those who are committed to Her Divine Message.

> >

> > Therefore, i would like to suggest that we look at another name to

> call ourselves, such as perhaps " Last Judgment and Resurrection

> Messengers " or " Nirmal Light Messengers " or " Messengers for the Adi

> Shakti; something that defines us more accurately according to our

> function. After all, a " Sahaja Yogi " means a " born of the Spirit "

> person; it does not necessarily mean a messenger of the " Last

> Judgment and Resurrection " Message of Shri Mataji.

> >

> > I remember that 'early on', Shri Mataji had tossed up the idea of

> calling us " Nirmalites " , but opted for the name " Sahaja Yogis "

> because implicit in the name was the " experience of Sahaja Yoga " . We

> could follow the same 'modus operandi' and call ourselves by what we

> are and do. Of course, this is just a suggestion, but personally,

> given all that has happened, and is happening in the official

> organization to control everyone and everything, it just seems to me

> that we need to have a different name that is not defined by WCASY's

> limited spiritual vision.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >


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