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The Highest Divine Mother is playing here, residing in every being

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> So after reading Deepak Chopra's Montreal talk on consciousness i

> now understand it better. So i asked Arwinder, who by the way is

> now 16-years-old, a few questions at around 7.15 a.m. Since the

> age of five he has never wavered in his claim and flawless

> narration of meeting the Adi Shakti in his Sahasrara. Having done

> so hundreds of times, along with siblings Kash and Lalita, leaves

> absolutely no room for doubt or rebuttal that Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi is the incarnation of the Adi Shakti within:


> Q: Arwinder, do you still talk with Shri Mataji?


> Arwinder: A bit.


> Q: What you mean " a bit " ?


> Arwinder: Like sometimes only.


> Q: That means you just meditate most of the time?


> Arwinder: Yah.



> By reading Deepak Chopra's books/talks i now know that Arwinder's

> meeting the Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God) is all

> part and parcel of consciousness.


> So " does God exist? " - Absolutely! God is within all humans.


> " If she does, does she care about us? " - Definitely! Why else

> should we humans be given the faith and evidence necessary to take

> part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, and attain life

> eternal?


> That brings us to Her incarnation on Earth, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi. i realized that my consciousness has changed considerably

> over the years, to the point where my vision and attention

> encompasses the whole humanity. Just like Her, i envision a day

> when Her life-long work to trigger inner transformation, crucial

> as it is for the transformation of the world, will reach a

> critical mass.


> But what really changed my consciousness? Was it the deep

> knowledge of the human subtle system? No, not at all.


> So what really transformed my consciousness and enlightened my

> mind? It was the Adi Shakti's revelation of Herself in the

> Sahasarara (Kingdom of God), and Her Divine Message of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection. She also revealed how God operates in

> this world and the three traits or characteristics universally

> associated with God are omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence.


> Omniscience: This term refers to the all knowing nature of God.

> Webster defines it as " the quality of knowing all things at once;

> universal knowledge; knowledge unbounded or infinite. " God knows

> our very thoughts, our feelings, our desires and our needs. SHe

> knows our words before we say them and he knows our thoughts

> before we think them. SHe knows all of our ways. In fact, God even

> knew us before we were born. There are no secrets before Almighty

> God. In short, God possesses superior knowledge and wisdom about

> everything and that knowledge is all encompassing. When we say

> that SHe knows our thoughts, what we really mean is that SHe knows

> the thoughts of every person on the planet right now, at this

> instant – all six billion plus people. SHe knows everything about

> everybody all the time, down to the most intimate detail.


> /message/6243




" The power or active aspect of God Almighty is the Adi Shakti.

Brahman is unchanging consciousness. Adi Shakti is His changing

Power which appears as mind and matter. Adi Shakti is the embodiment

of His Power. Shakti runs this world-show. Shakti maintains the

sportive play or Lila of the Lord. Shakti is the supporter of the

vast universe. She is the supreme Power by which the world is

upheld. She is the Universal Mother. She is Durga, Lakshmi,

Sarasvati, Kali, Chandi, Chamundi, Tripurasundari and Rajarajesvari.

Shakti is Lalita, Kundalini and Parvati. There is no difference

between God Almighty and His Shakti, just as there is no difference

between the sun and its light.


" The wise persons say, and it is also stated in the Purânas, that

the Prime Force is present in Brahmâ as the Creative Force; is

present in Hari as the Preservative Force; is present in Hara as the

Destructive Force; is present in Kurma (tortoise) and in Ananta (the

thousand headed Snake) as the earth

supporting Force; is present in fire as the Burning Force, is

present in air as the moving Force, and so is present everywhere in

various manifestations of forces. 31-51.


In this whole Universe, whoever he may be, all are incapable of any

action if he be deprived of his force; what more than this, if S'iva

be deprived of Kula Kundalinî S'aktî, He becomes a lifeless corpse;

O great ascetic Risis! She is present everywhere thus in every thing

in this universe from the highest Brahmâ to the lowermost blade of

grass, all moving and non-moving things. Verily everything becomes

quite inert, if deprived of force; whether in conquering one's

enemies, or in going from one place to another or in eating -- one

finds oneself quite incapable, if deprived of force.


Thus the omnipresent S'aktî, the wise call by the name of Brahmâ.

Those who are verily intelligent should always worship Her in

various ways and determine thoroughly the reality of Her by every

means. In Visnu there is the Sattviki S'aktî; then He can preserve;

otherwise He is quite useless; so in Brahmâ there is Rajasi S'aktî

and He creates; otherwise He is quite useless; in S'iva, there is

Tamasi S'aktî and He destroys; else He is quite useless. Thus,

arguing again and again in one's mind, everyone should come to know

that the Highest Âdya S'aktî by Her mere will creates and preserves

this Universe and She it is who destroys again in time the whole

Brahmânda, moving and non moving; no one is capable to do his

respective work be he Brahmâ, Visnu, Mahes'var, Indra, Fire, Sun,

Varuna or any other person whatsoever; verily all the Devas perform

the respective actions by the use of this Adya S'aktî.


That She alone is present in cause and effect and is doing every

action, and be witnessed vividly. The intelligent ones call that

S'aktî twofold; one is Sagunâ and the other is Nirgunâ. The people,

attached to the senses and the objects, worship the Sagunâ aspect,

and those who are not so attached worship the Nirguna aspect. That

conscious S'aktî is the Lady of the fourfold aims of life, religion,

wealth, desires, and liberation. When She is worshipped according to

due rules, She awards all sorts of desires. The worldly persons,

charmed by the Mâyâ of this world, do not know Her at all; some

persons know a little and charm others; whereas some stupid and dull-

headed pundits, impelled by Kali, start sects of heretics, Pâsandas

for the sustenance of their own bellies.


O highly fortunate Munis! In no other Yugas were found acts as

prevalent (as) in this Kali Yuga, based on various different

opinions and altogether beyond the pale of the Vedic injunctions.

Behold again, if Brahmâ, Visnu and Mahes'a be the supreme Deities,

then why do these three Devas meditate on another One beyond speech,

beyond mind and practise, for years, hard austerities; and why do

they perform Yajñas (sacrifices) for their success in creation,

preservation, and destruction?


They know, verily, the Highest Supreme Being, Brahmâni Devî S'aktî

eternal, constant and therefore they meditate Her always in their

minds. Therefore the wise man, knowing this firmly, should serve in

every way the Highest S'aktî.


O Munis! This is the settled conclusion of all the Sâstras. I have

heard of this great hidden secret from Bhagavân Krisna Dvaipâyan. He

heard it from Nârada, and Nârada heard it from his own father

Brahmâ. Brahmâ heard this from Visnu.


O Munis it is well that the wise even should not hear or think

anything to the contrary from other sources; they should with their

concentrated heart serve the Brahmâ Sanâtanî S'aktî. It is clearly

witnessed in this world that if there be any substance wherein this

conscious S'aktî does not exist, that becomes inert, quite useless

for any purpose. So know this fully that it is the Highest Divine

Mother of the Universe that is playing here, residing in every

being. Thus ends the eighth chapter of the first Skandha on deciding

who is to be worshipped in the Mahapurâna Sri Mad Devî Bhâgavatam of

18,000 verses by Maharsi Vedavyâsa. "





NOTE: Indeed, the Highest Divine Mother is playing here, residing in

every being. That is why Arwinder, Kash and Lalita have been able to

meet Her thousands of times since 1993. The Highest Divine Mother

and Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth, are One and

the same. It was necessary for Her to incarnate as all the gods in

Heaven requested She come down to Earth to enlighten and emancipate

human beings in this darkest Age of Kali Yuga. It was also necessary

that independent third-party witnesses confirm on Earth that She is

indeed One and same Highest Divine Mother.


They know, verily, the Highest Supreme Being, Brahmâni Devî S'aktî

eternal, constant and therefore they meditate with Her always in

their minds. Therefore the wise man, knowing this firmly, should also

serve in every way the Highest S'aktî on Earth and within themselves.

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